Hacker Tools

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The document discusses various Unix command line tools and techniques for data wrangling and automation including sed, awk, grep and shell scripting.

Tools covered include sed for text processing, awk for data analysis, grep for searching text, and shells like bash and sh for scripting.

The Unix philosophy emphasizes building simple and modular programs that work together through standard interfaces like text streams for composability and flexibility.

Hacker Tools: Part 1

Julius Putra Tanu Setiaji

23 March 2019
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling


Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

NUS Hackers


Friday Hacks
Hack & Roll
NUS Hackerspace

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

About Me

Hi! I’m Julius. My GitHub is

A Year 2 Computer Science Undergraduate who loves
hacking and building systems.
I also enjoy Space Exploration, Music Theory and History.
(my favourite games are KSP and EU4 hit me up if you play those too)

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

About This Workshop

No prior knowledge assumed

Learning how to make the most of tools that
productive programmers use.
How to hack on Unix-like environment.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Table of Contents


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling


Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Required Software

Unix-like environment, either one of these:

Other Unix-like OS’es (Minix, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.)

For beginners, Ubuntu is recommended. Either dual-boot or install
as virtual machine using VirtualBox
Open Terminal, and run xcode-select --install first
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Unix? Can I eat that?

A family of multitasking, multiuser OS’es.

First developed in the 1970’s.
Popularised the use of interactive command line.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

The Unix Philosophy

1. Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

2. Write programs to work together.
3. Write programs to handle text streams, because that
is a universal interface.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Shell Syntax
Job and Process Control

Data Wrangling
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Introduction to Shell

An efficient, textual interface to your computer.

Provides an interactive programming language
Many shells to choose from:
Standard ones: sh or bash
Shells that match languages: csh
”Better” shells: fish, zsh, ksh
For this workshop, the focus is on the ubiquitous sh
and bash.3
Feel free to explore other shells. On macOS, many people prefer
fish or zsh
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

The Shell Prompt

What greets you when you open a terminal.

Lets your run programmes and commands.

Determined by the variable PS1. For example,
export PS1='> '

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Common Commands

man to get the manual pages of a command

cd to change directory
ls to list files and directories
mkdir to make directory
rm to remove files and directories
cp to copy file
mv to move file

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Command Editing Shortcuts

bash has shortcuts based on emacs keybindings:

Ctrl + a : beginning of line

Ctrl + e : end of line
Alt + b : move back one word
Alt + f : move forward one word
Ctrl + k : delete from cursor to the end of line

And some special ones:

Ctrl + u : delete from cursor to the start of line

Ctrl + w : delete from cursor to start of word

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Command Control Shortcuts

Ctrl + c : terminates the command

Ctrl + z : suspends the command (fg to continue)
Ctrl + l : clears the screen
Ctrl + s : stops the output to the screen
Ctrl + q : allows output to the screen

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Script (1/2)

You can write programs directly at the prompt, or write

into a file (writing scripts)

1 #!/bin/sh
2 echo something

Open an editor (for beginner, nano is recommended),

save the script as example-script
On your shell, run chmod +x example-script
You can run your script as ./example-script

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Script (2/2)

1 #!/bin/sh
2 echo something


#!/bin/sh is also known as the shebang, specifies

the interpreter4
echo is a command that prints its arguments to the
standard output.

You can use other interpreters too, e.g.
#!/usr/bin/env python for a python script.
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Flags (1/3)

Most command line utilities take parameters using

They come in short form (-h) and long form
Usually, running COMMAND -h or man COMMAND will
give you a list of the flags the program takes.
Short flags can be combined: rm -r -f is
equivalent to rm -rf or rm -fr

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Flags (2/3)

A double dash -- is used in to signify the end of

command options, after which only positional
parameters are accepted.
For example, to create a file called -v, Use touch
-- -v instead of touch -v
For example, to grep a file called -v, grep pattern
-- -v will work while grep pattern -v will not.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Flags (3/3)

Some common flags are a de facto standard:

-a commonly refers to all files (i.e. also including

those that start with a period5 )
-f usually refers to forcing something, e.g. rm -f
-h displays the help for most commands
-v usually enables a verbose output
-V usually prints the version of the command

In Unix, by convention files whose names begin with a period is
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Shell Syntax
Job and Process Control

Data Wrangling
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Running a command

echo Hello


Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Variables (1/3)

PS1='> '
echo location
echo $name

Used to store text

name=value to set variable
$name to access variable

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Variables (2/3)

There are also a number of special variables:

$?: get exit code of the previous command

$1 to $9: arguments to a script
$0: name of the script itself
$#: number of arguments
$$: process ID of current shell

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Variables (3/3)

Create a script variable-example containing the code

below, then try running it with various arguments.

1 #!/bin/sh
2 echo $0
3 echo $1
4 echo $2
5 echo $#

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Loop (1/4)

Loop is used to run a command a bunch of times.

For example:

for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo hello; done

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Loop (2/4)

for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo hello; done

Let’s unpack this!

for x in list; do BODY; done

; terminates a command – equivalent to newline

Split list, assign each to x, and run BODY
Split by “whitespace” – we will get into it later
Compared to C, no curly braces, instead do and done

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Loop (3/4)

for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo hello; done

Let’s unpack this!

$(seq 1 5)

Run the program seq with arguments 1 and 5

Substitute the $(...) block with the output of the
Equivalent to
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do echo hello; done

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Loop (4/4)

for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo hello; done

Let’s unpack this!

echo hello

Everything in a shell script is a command

Here, it means run the echo command, with
argument hello.
All commands are searched in $PATH
Find out where a command is located by running
which COMMAND, e.g. which ls
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Conditionals (1/2)

if test -d /bin; then echo true; else echo

,→ false; fi;

Let’s unpack this!

if CONDITION; then BODY; fi

CONDITION is a command.
If its exit code is 0 (success), then BODY is run.
Optionally, you can also hook in an else or elif

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Conditionals (2/2)

if test -d /bin; then echo true; else echo

,→ false; fi;

Let’s unpack this!

test -d /bin

test is a program that provides various checks and

comparison which exits with exit code 0 if the
condition is true6 .
Alternate syntax: [ condition ], e.g. [ -d /bin ]
Remember, you can check exit code using $?
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Everything Together

Let’s create a command like ls that only prints


1 #!/bin/sh
2 for f in $(ls)
3 do
4 if test -d $f
5 then
6 echo dir $f
7 fi
8 done

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


Hold on! What if the directory is called ”My


for f in $(ls) expands to

for f in My Documents
Will first perform the test on My, then on Documents
Not what we wanted!

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Argument Splitting

Bash splits arguments by whitespace (tab, newline,

Same problem somewhere else: test -d $f
If $f contains whitespace, test will error!
Need to use quote to handle spaces in arguments
for f in "My Documents"
How do we fix our script?
What do you think for f in "$(ls)" does?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Globbing (1/2)

bash knows how to look for files using patterns:

*: any string of characters
?: any single character
{a,b,c}: any of these characters
Thus, for f in * means all files in this directory
When globbing, each matching file becomes its own
However, still need to make sure to quote, e.g.
test -d "$f"

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Globbing (2/2)

You can make advanced patterns

for f in a*:

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Globbing (2/2)

You can make advanced patterns

for f in a*: all files starting with a in the current

for f in foo/*.txt:

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Globbing (2/2)

You can make advanced patterns

for f in a*: all files starting with a in the current

for f in foo/*.txt: all .txt files in foo
for f in foo/*/p??.txt:

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Globbing (2/2)

You can make advanced patterns

for f in a*: all files starting with a in the current

for f in foo/*.txt: all .txt files in foo
for f in foo/*/p??.txt: all three-letter text files,
starting with p, in subdirectories of foo

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Other whitespace issues

if [ $foo = "bar" ]; then: What’s the issue?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Other whitespace issues

if [ $foo = "bar" ]; then: What’s the issue?

What if $foo is empty? arguments to [ are = and bar
Possible workaround: [ x$foo = "xbar" ], but
very hacky

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Other whitespace issues

if [ $foo = "bar" ]; then: What’s the issue?

What if $foo is empty? arguments to [ are = and bar
Possible workaround: [ x$foo = "xbar" ], but
very hacky
Instead, use [[ CONDITION ]]: bash built-in
comparator that has special parsing
Good news: it also allows && instead of -a, ||
instead of -o, etc.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


The mentioned problems are the most common

bugs in shell scripts.
A good tool to check for these kinds of possible bugs
in your shell script:

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Shell Syntax
Job and Process Control

Data Wrangling
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


Shell is powerful, in part because of Composability

You can chain multiple programs together, rather
than one program that does everything
Remember The Unix Philosophy:
1. Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
2. Write programs to work together.
3. Write programs to handle text streams, because that
is a universal interface.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Pipe (1/2)

dmesg | tail

Let’s unpack this!

a | b

Means run both a and b, but send all the output of a

as input to b, and then print the output of b

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Pipe (2/2)

You can chain this even longer!

cat /var/log/sys*log | grep Mar 23 | tail

cat /var/log/sys*log prints the system log

This output is fed into grep Mar 23, which looks for
all entries from today.
This output is then further fed into tail, which
prints only the last 10 lines.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


All programs launched have 3 streams:

STDIN: the program reads input from here
STDOUT: the program prints to here
STDERR: a second output that the program can
choose to use.
By default, STDIN is your keyboard, STDOUT and
STDERR are both your terminal

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Stream Redirection (1/2)

However, this can be changed!

a | b: makes STDOUT of a the STDIN of b.
a > foo: STDOUT of a goes to the file foo
a 2> foo: STDERR of a goes to the file foo
a < foo: STDIN of a is read from the file foo
a <<< some text: STDIN of a is read from what
comes after <<<

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Stream Redirection (2/2)

So why is this useful?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Stream Redirection (2/2)

So why is this useful?

It lets you manipulate output of a program!

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Stream Redirection (2/2)

So why is this useful?

It lets you manipulate output of a program!

ls | grep foo: all files that contain the word foo

ps | grep foo: all processes that contain the word
On Linux: journalctl | grep -i intel | tail
-n 5: last 5 system log messages with the word
intel (case-insensitive)
Note that this forms the basis for data-wrangling,
which will be covered later.
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Grouping Commands

(a; b) | tac

Run a, then b, and send all their output to tac7

For example: (echo qwe; echo asd; echo zxc) |

tac print in reverse
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Process Substitution

b <(a)

Run a, generate a temporary file name for its output

stream, and pass that filename to b
To demonstrate: echo <(echo a) < (echo b)
On Linux: diff <(journalctl -b -1 | head
-n20) <(journalctl -b -2 | head -n20)
This shows the difference between the first 20 lines
of the last boot log and the one before that.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Shell Syntax
Job and Process Control

Data Wrangling
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Job (1/2)

Used to run longer-term things in the background.

Use the & suffix

It will give back your prompt immediately.
For example: (for i in $(seq 1 100); do
echo hi; sleep 1; done) &
Note that the running program still has your terminal
as STDOUT. Instead, can redirect STDOUT to file.
Handy especially to run 2 programs at the same time
like a server and client: server & client
For example: nc -l 1234 & nc localhost
1234 <<< test

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Job (2/2)

jobs: see all jobs

fg %JOBS: bring the job corresponding to the id to
the foreground (with no argument, bring the latest
job to foreground)
You can also background the current program: ^Z8 ,
then run bg
^Z stops the current process and makes it a job.
bg runs the last job in the background.
$! is the PID of the last background process.

8 Ctrl
is usually denoted as ^, thus Ctrl + z is denoted as ^Z
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Process Control (1/2)

ps: lists running processes

ps -A: lists processes from all users
Check out the man page for other arguments.
pgrep: find processes by searching (like ps -A |
pgrep -f: find processes with arguments
kill: send a signal to a process by ID (pkill to
search and run kill)
Signal tells a process to do something
SIGKILL (-9 or -KILL): tell it to exit right now
(equivalent to ^\)
SIGTERM (-15 or -TERM): tell it to exit gracefully
(equivalent to ^C)
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Process Control (2/2)

kill: send a signal to a process by ID (pkill to

search and run kill)
Signal tells a process to do something
Most common9 :
SIGKILL (-9 or -KILL): tell it to exit right now
(equivalent to ^\)
SIGTERM (-15 or -TERM): tell it to exit gracefully
(equivalent to ^C)

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

More Resources

If you are completely new to the shell, you might

want to read a comprehensive guide, such as
BashGuide10 .
For a more in-depth introduction, The Linux
Command Line11 is a good resource.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Shell Syntax
Job and Process Control

Data Wrangling
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


Sometimes piping doesn’t quite work because the

command being piped into does not expect the
newline separated format.
For example, file command tells you properties of
the file.
Try running ls | file and ls | xargs file
What is xargs doing?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Other Exercises

Try running touch {a,b}{a,b}, then ls. What

Sometimes you want to keep STDIN and still output
to a file. Try running echo HELLO | tee hello.txt
Run echo HELLO > hello.txt, then echo WORLD
>> hello.txt. What are the contents of
hello.txt? How is > different from >>?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling
sed and Regular Expression (regex)
More Advanced Data Wrangling

Conclusion 57/96
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

What is Data Wrangling?

Have you ever had a bunch of text and wanted to do

something with it?
Great! That’s Data Wrangling
Adapting data from one format to another, until you
end up with exactly what you wanted.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Basic Data Wrangling (1/2)


journalctl | grep -i intel

This is an example of basic data wrangling: finding

all system log entries that mentions Intel
Most of data wrangling is just about knowing what
tools you have, and how to combine them.
Remember The Unix Philosophy!

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Basic Data Wrangling (2/2)

Let’s start from the beginning:

1. We need a data source
2. Something to do with it.
A good use case is for logs, because you often want
to investigate them, but reading the whole thing is
not feasible.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Data Wrangling Example (1/)

Let’s try to figure out who is trying to log into my server.

First, I try to look into my server’s log:

cat log
That’s far too much stuffs!
Let’s limit it to ssh stuffs:
cat log | grep sshd
That is still way more stuffs than what we wanted,
and it’s pretty hard to read.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Data Wrangling Example (2/)

We can do better!

cat log
| grep sshd
| grep "Accepted publickey for"

There’s still a lot of noise here.

There are a lot of ways to get rid of that, but let’s look at
one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit: sed.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling
sed and Regular Expression (regex)
More Advanced Data Wrangling

Conclusion 63/96
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

sed? Isn’t that the adjective to describe my life?

sed is a stream editor that builds on top of the old

ed12 editor
In it, you basically give short commands for how to
modify the file.
If you use vim, you should be familiar with some of
the commands (ed -> vi -> vim)
There are tonnes of commands, but the most
common one is s for substitution.

If you’re into lame computing jokes, here’s a joke about ed:
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Back to Our Example

cat log
| grep sshd
| grep "Accepted publickey for"
| sed 's/.*Accepted publickey for //'

Wow! It’s a lot cleaner.

What we just wrote was a simple Regular Expression

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

The s Command in sed


REGEX is the regular expression you want to search

SUBSTITUTION is the text you want to substitute
matching text with.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

What is Regular Expression

It’s a powerful construct that lets you match text

against patterns.
They are common and useful enough that it’s
worthwhile to take some time to understand how
they work.
Usually (though not always) surrounded by /
Most ASCII characters just carry their normal
meaning, but some characters have special matching
Exactly which characters do what vary somewhat
between different implementations of regular
expressions, which is a source of great frustration.
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

List of Regex Special Characters

Character Meaning
. Any single character except newline
* Zero or more of the preceding match
? One or more of the preceding match
[abc] Any one character of a, b, and c
(RX1|RX2) Either something that matches RX1 or RX2
^ The start of the line
$ The end of the line
If you are unfamiliar with regex, there is a nice tutorial at

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Obsolete vs Modern Regex

Note that sed’s regex is somewhat weird and will

require you to put a \ before most of these to give
them special meaning.
This is because by default sed is using the obsolete
regex format.
You can avoid this problem by passing -E flag to
sed, which tells it to switch to the modern regex
You can explore the differences by running
man re_format

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Looking at our regex just now

/.*Accepted publickey for /

It means any text that starts with any number of

characters, followed by the literal string "Accepted
publickey for "
However, regexes are tricky.
What if the username is also "Accepted
publickey for "?
Why? By default, * and + are “greedy” – they will
match as much text as they can

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Solution: Match the whole line

| sed -E 's/.*Accepted publickey for (.*) from

,→ ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})
,→ port ([0-9]+) ssh2: RSA SHA256:.*//'

Let’s look at what’s going on with a regex debugger13

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


The start is still as before.

Then on any string of characters (username).
Then on from followed by an IP address14
Then on port followed by a sequence of digits.
Finally, we try to match on the suffix ssh2: RSA
SHA256: followed by any string of characters.
Notice that with this technique, a username of
Accepted publickey for will not confuse us
anymore. Can you see why?
This matches 999.999.999.999 which is not a valid IPv4 address.
A regex that only matches valid address is left as an exercise
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Capture Groups

Oh no, the entire log is now empty.

We want to keep the username
Use Capture Groups!
Any text matched by a regex surrounded by
parentheses is stored in a numbered capture group.
Capture group 0 is special. It is the whole text
matched by the regex.
These are available in the SUBSTITUTION15 as \1,
\2, \3, etc.
In some engines, even in the pattern itself!
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Using Capture Groups in sed

| sed -E 's/.*Accepted publickey for (.*) from

,→ ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})
,→ port ([0-9]+) ssh2: RSA SHA256:.*/\1/'

Note that in our current regex, capture group 1 is

username, capture group 2 is IP address, capture
group 3 is port number.
You can try out using \2 and \3 instead of \1.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

More on Regular Expressions

As you can probably imagine, you can come up with

really complicated regex.
For example, there is an article on how you might
match an email address16 . It’s not easy17 . People
have even written tests18 and test matrices19
Regular expressions are notoriously hard to get right,
but they are also very handy to have in your toolbox!
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

More Regex Trivia

You can check for prime numbers using regex20

You can match A B C where A + B = C21
You can match nested brackets, e.g. to parse Lisp’s
s-expressions using Regex22
Note: these are more for curiosity purposes. There
are usually better tools than regex, although for a
quick and dirty script, regex is usually enough.
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Back to Data Wrangling

So now we have

cat log
| grep sshd
| grep "Accepted publickey for"
| sed -E 's/.*Accepted publickey for (.*) from
,→ ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})
,→ port ([0-9]+) ssh2: RSA SHA256:.*/\1/'

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

sed All the Way!

But we can do everything just with sed!

cat log
| sed -E -e '/Accepted publickey for/!d' -e
,→ 's/.*Accepted publickey for (.*) from
,→ ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})
,→ port ([0-9]+) ssh2: RSA SHA256:.*/\1/'

d is to delete, ! is to apply the function to the lines

not selected by the pattern.
Check out man sed!

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling
sed and Regular Expression (regex)
More Advanced Data Wrangling

Conclusion 79/96
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Let’s look for common usernames

| sort | uniq -c

sort will, well, sort its input.

uniq -c will collapse consecutive lines that are the
same into a single line, prefixed with a count of the
number of occurrences.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

How about the most common logins?

We probably want to sort that too and only keep the

most common logins

| sort -nk1,1 | tail -n3

sort -n sorts in numeric (instead of lexicographic)

order, -k1,1 means sort only by the first
whitespace-separated column23 .
Exercise: what if we wanted the least common ones?

In this particular example, sorting by the whole line wouldn’t
matter, but we’re here to learn!
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

How about the most common logins?

We probably want to sort that too and only keep the

most common logins

| sort -nk1,1 | tail -n3

sort -n sorts in numeric (instead of lexicographic)

order, -k1,1 means sort only by the first
whitespace-separated column23 .
Exercise: what if we wanted the least common ones?
Either use head instead of tail or use sort -r
which sorts in reverse order.
In this particular example, sorting by the whole line wouldn’t
matter, but we’re here to learn!
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

We can do better

Okay, so that’s pretty cool, but we’d sort of like to only

give the usernames, and maybe not one per line?

| awk '{print $2}' | paste -sd, -

Let’s start with paste

It lets you combine lines (-s) by a given

single-character delimiter (-d), and ask it to to read
from STDIN (-)24
You can also emulate this using tr '\n' ',', but
this results in a trailing comma.
Using GNU paste, the - can be omitted, but this is not POSIX
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion


A programming language that happens to be really

good at processing text streams.
There is a lot to say about awk if you were to learn it
properly, but as with many other things here, we’ll
just go through the basics.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

awk Syntax

Basic awk syntax: pattern { block }

awk takes in an optional pattern plus a block saying
what to do if the pattern matches a given line.
The default pattern (if no pattern is provided)
matches all lines.
Inside the block, $0 is set to the entire line’s
content, and $1 to $n is set to the n-th field of that
line, when separated by awk field separator25 .

whitespace by default, can be changed with -F
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Our Use of awk

| awk '{print $2}'

So in this case, we’re saying that, for every line, print

the contents of the second field, which happens to
be the username.

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

More fancy awk

Let’s compute the number of single-use usernames that

start with r and end with t:
| awk '$1 == 1 && $2 ~ /^r[^ ]*t$/ { print $2
,→ }' | wc -l
Let’s unpack this!
The pattern means the first field of the line should
be equal to 1 (the count from uniq -c), and the
second field should match the regex.
The block says to print the second field (username)
Finally, we count the number of lines in the output
with wc -l.
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

awk as a Programming Language

Remember that awk is a programming language, so we

can actually not use wc -l at all:

BEGIN { rows = 0 }
$1 == 1 && $2 ~ /^r[^ ]*t$/ { rows += $1 }
END { print rows }

BEGIN is a pattern that matches the start of the

input, and END matches the end.
First we initialise the count to 0. The per-line block
just adds the count from the first field. Then we print
it out at the end.
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Advanced awk

In fact, we could get rid of grep and sed entirely,

because awk can do it all, but that is left as an
A good resource to read is

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

We can do Maths too!

| awk '{print $1}'

| paste -sd+ -
| bc

bc is actually a calculator language.

You can even run it straight from your shell and use
it as a normal calculator.
In this case, we are piping a mathematical
expression to bc

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Data Wrangling to Make Arguments (1/2)

Remember the xargs tool from the exercise just

Since we can pipe data to it, we can use data
wrangling to make arguments too.
Say we want to delete all files that matches the
regex asd.a [0-9]{2}

ls | grep -E 'asd.a [0-9]{2}' | xargs rm

What happened?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Data Wrangling to Make Arguments (2/2)

It’s the annoying whitespace splitting again.

A workaround is to use the null character (\0) as
delimiter instead

| grep -E 'asd.a [0-9]{2}'
| tr '\n' '\0'
| xargs -0 rm

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling
sed and Regular Expression (regex)
More Advanced Data Wrangling

Conclusion 92/96
Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Exercises (1/2)

How is sed s/REGEX/SUBSTITUTION/g different

from regular sed? What about /textbackslash I
or /textbackslash m?
To do in-place substitution it is quite tempting to do
something like sed s/REGEX/SUBSTITUTION/
input.txt > input.txt. However this is a bad
idea, why? Is this particular to sed?

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Exercises (2/2)

Find the number of words (in

/usr/share/dict/words) that contain at least
three as and don’t have 's ending.
What are the three most common last two letters of
those words?
How many of those two-letter combinations are
And for a challenge: which combinations do not

Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

Where are we?


Shell and Scripting

Data Wrangling


Introduction Shell and Scripting Data Wrangling Conclusion

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