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Department of Education

Bureau of Secondary Education

Meralco Ave., Pasig City

(Effective Alternative Secondary Education)


Module 3
Learning More from Life

Revised 2011
by the Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS),
DepEd – Regional Office No. VIII
under the Strengthening the Implementation of Basic Education
in Selected Provinces in the Visayas (STRIVE).

Section 9 of Presidential Decree No. 49 provides:

“No copyright shall subsist in any work of the

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This material was originally produced by the Bureau of Secondary

Education of the Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines.

This edition has been revised with permission for online distribution
through the Learning Resource Management Development system (LRMDS)
Portal (http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/) under Project STRIVE for BESRA, a project
supported by AusAID
Module 3
Learning More from Life


Life is full of challenges. Sometimes we

succeed, sometimes we fail. At times we are happy, at
times we are sad. We are never excused from feeling pain,
whether physical or emotional, however, what counts most
is how we are able to rise each time we fall.

As one writer said, “Life is not a bed of roses.”

Meaning, life is not at all pure happiness and contentment,
otherwise, there is never going to be any challenge. It is the
heartaches we experience that help us grow emotionally. It
is the failures in life that make us wiser. It is the sadness we
go through that make us appreciate the happy moments that
come our way. Take the case of Thomas Edison, the father
of over 1,300 inventions, who was judged by his teacher as
too stupid to learn anything. His early failures did not stop
him from pursuing his goals.

Life is about making choices. All of us have the right to make a choice. And the result
of the choice we make will depend on us. However complicated it may seem, our happiness
depends on how we face our day to day struggles. It is true therefore that, “Life is what we
make it.”

This module will aim to help you:
1. gain a positive outlook in life
2. acquire more effective ways to learn
3. make an outline of an article read
4. infer character traits
5. state an opinion
6. express feelings and attitudes
7. use the appropriate pronoun to replace a noun
8. create meaningful sentences using the appropriate idiomatic expression
9. write reflections on learning more from life


1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your
work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and
title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal.
2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them
3. Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of
Objectives you are expected to learn.
4. Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did
by checking your answer against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.
5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What
skill or strategy does the activity develop?
6. After each activity go over the Self-check that follows to find out how well you fared
in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes.
7. After working on all the activities take the Posttest.

Now take the pretest. Please do your best.

Just like the previous module, you will begin with a test that is meant to assess prior
knowledge of some grammar and reading skills you might have learned in the past.

I. Write the personal pronoun that correctly replaces each word or phrase in parentheses.

“The play is Nellie Bly,” Ms. Ryan said. 1. _______________ (Nellie Bly) is the star.
Do you want to play 2. ______________ (Nellie)?”

Sarah frowned. “3. ______________ (Sarah) know so little about 4. _____________
(Nellie),” she said.

Ms. Ryan said, “Sarah, 5. _____________ (Sarah) and 6. ______________ (Ms. Ryan)
can get a book about Nellie. Then 7. ______________ (Ms. Ryan and Sarah) can read 8.
_______________ (the book) and learn more about 9. _______________ (Nellie).”

John said, “Get the book by Jules Verne, too. 10. _______________ (Jules Verne)
wrote Around the World in Eighty Days. 11. _________________ (The book) interested
Nellie. 12. _____________ (Nellie) wanted to beat the time of the Verne hero, but Pulitzer
said 13. ______________ (Pulitzer) wanted to send some male reporters instead of 14.
_____________ (Nellie).”

“Did 15. _______________ (the male reporters) get the job?” asked Sarah.

“Did Pulitzer give 16. ____________ (the job) to 17. ______________ (Nellie Bly)?”
asked Ms. Ryan.

John smiled at 18. ______________ (Ms. Ryan and Sarah).

“All 19. ________________ (John) will say,” he hinted, “is that Nellie eventually had
a parade down Broadway.”

“O.k.,” said Sarah. “20. _______________ (Sarah) will play the role of Nellie Bly!”

II. Read the selection carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

How The Months Got Their Names

Have you ever wondered how the April is named for Aprilis, a
names of the months originated? Latin word which means to open. In the
old calendar, April was the second
All twelve names of the months month, but Julius Caesar made it the
of the year come from Latin. Some fourth month in the Julian calendar.
names belonged to the ancient Roman
calendar which set March 1 as the first There are many stories how the
day of the year. In 46 B.C., Julius month of May got its name. The most
Caesar, a famous general, who later widely accepted one is that it was named
became the emperor of Rome, readjusted for Maia, the Roman goddess of spring
the calendar by making January 1 as the and growth. But some authorities say
first day instead. that May is short for majores, the Latin
word for older men. They believe that
January was named for Janus, May was the month sacred to the
god of gates and doors and hence, of all majores, just as June was considered
beginnings. Janus was represented with sacred to the junioeres (young men).
two opposite faces symbolizing the faces
of a door. January is the first month of June was the fourth month in the
the year, so when it comes, we look early Roman calendar, and once had 29
forward to another year. days. When Julius Caesar reformed the
calendar, he gave the month 30 days and
February comes from a Roman made it the sixth month. Some
celebration called Februs. It was a feast authorities believe the Romans named
of purification or cleaning. In cold the month for Juno, the wife of Jupiter
countries, people do their spring and the goddess of marriage. Others
cleaning after the long winter months claim that the month of June, was taken
toward the end of February. It is the only from junior, the Latin word for young
month that has only 28 days, but it has men because June was dedicated to
one extra day in every leap year. young men in Rome.
February had 30 days until the time of
Julius Caesar. Julius took one day off to July, the seventh month of the
add to the month which was later named year, was the fifth month in the ancient
after him. According to tradition, the calendar. They named it Quintilis, which
emperor Augustus Caesar took another means fifth. Julius Caesar was born
day off to add to August, the month during this month. After his death, the
named after him. Roman Senate renamed the month Julius
in his honor.
March was the first month in the
ancient Roman Calendar, and was called August, the eighth month of the
Martius. When Julius Caesar revised the year, was in honor of the emperor
calendar, he established January 1 as the Augustus. In the early calendar, it was
beginning of the year. March then the sixth month and then had only 30
became the third month. Its name honors days. Augustus lengthened the month to
Mars, the Roman god of war. 31 days by taking a day in February.

September was the seventh month in the is the Latin word for nine. Because July
old Roman calendar. Its name comes was named for Julius Caesar, the Roman
from the Latin Septem meaning seven. It Senate offered to name the eleventh
became the ninth month in the Julian month for Tiberius Caesar. He refused
calendar. modestly, saying, “What will you do if
you have thirteen emperors?”
The name October comes from
the Latin word eight. October used to be December was the tenth month in
the eighth month. The Roman Senate the old calendar. The first part of its
tried to name the month “Antoninus” name, decem, means ten in Latin.
after a Roman emperor, “Faustus” after December once had 29 days, but Julius
his wife, and “Tacitus” after a Roman Caesar added two more, making it one of
historian, but the people continued to the longer months.
call the tenth month of the year, October.
- Josefina P. Gabriel
In the ancient calendar,
November was the ninth month. Novem

See how well you understood the selection by answering the following questions.

1. Where do the names of the months come from?

2. Who was responsible for making the calendar that we now use?
3. March should have been the first month of the year. Explain what happened,
making it January instead.
4. Was February 28 days in the original calendar? Where did the remaining days go?
5. It in the last sentence of the 3rd paragraph refers to
a. Janus b. January c. month d. year
6. Why did Tiberius Ceasar refuse to name one of the months in his honor?

I. Before we start the lesson proper, find out if you have satisfactorily answered the questions.
Check your own work.

1. She 11. It
2. it 12. She
3. I 13. he
4. her 14. her
5. you 15. they
6. I 16. it
7. we 17. her
8. it 18. them
9. her 19. I
10. She 20. I


1. All the names of the 12 months come from Latin. Some of them belonged to the ancient
Roman calendar.
2. Julius Ceasar
3. Julius Ceasar readjusted the calendar.
4. No, Julius Ceasar took a day and added it to July, then Augustus Ceasar did the same, adding
it to August.
5. January
6. He implied that, if there will be 13 emperors it will create a problem because there are only
twelve months.

If you got a perfect score of :

26, rate yourself Excellent 14 – 19 Good
20 – 25 Very Good 8 – 13 Fair
7 and below, you need to study this Module very carefully.

Study Skills
Now, you are ready to start.

How do you study your lessons? Do you follow a certain technique? Of course, there is no
hard or fast rule on the most effective method of studying. You must have developed your own way
of preparing for recitations, discussions, reports or examinations when you were attending school.
Do you still find your technique effective?

Read on to learn about an effective way to study.


Experts endorse one technique which you might find useful. It is known as SQ4R. It stands
for the following:

S – Survey. Here, you get a bird’s eyeview of the material. You go over the title,
introduction, main heads, subheads and pictures very carefully.

Q – Question. Ask questions which you want to be answered. It is advisable to read the set of
questions at the end of the story or chapter before you read the material.

R – Read. Scan the material for the answers to the questions. Develop the habit of reading
fast by focusing your attention on significant ideas.

R – Recite. Tell yourself orally or mentally the answers to the questions. This is also one way
of rehearsing for the class recitation or examination.

R – Rite (Write). Write the questions and answers in brief forms. Use abbreviations to save
time. Copying the questions and writing the answers are not a waste of time. Your written
notes will come in handy in the next step of this study technique.

R – Review. Go over your written notes to refresh your memory as often as you can,
preferably an hour before entering your class.

Activity 1

See if you can apply the SQ4R’s in the article you have read.

Go back to the selection, How the Months Got Their Names, then, do the exercises that follow.
Write your answers in your notebook.

Step 1 – Survey
1. What is the whole article about? Copy only the letter of your answer.
a. The monthly festivals in Rome
b. The legend of the calendar
c. The origin of the names of the months
d. The names of the Roman emperors

2. Copy the key words in the title:

How the Months Got Their Names

3. The article starts with this introduction: Have you ever wondered how the names of the
months originated? Pick out the key words.

Step 2 – Question
Form at least five questions about the selection focusing on the significant ideas.
Step 3 – Read
Go through the entire article and answer the questions that you have formed.
Step 4 – Recite
Read aloud the answers to the questions.
Step 5 – Rite (Write)
Make an outline of the article by following the format below. The first month is done for

Name of the month Origin Meaning / Significance
January Janus God of gates and doors
Step 6 - Review
Try to recall the names of the months, and the meaning or significance of the Latin words,
without looking at the table.

See how well you fared in this activity.
Step 1 – Survey
1. c
2. How, Months, Got, Names
3. you, wondered, how, names, originated

Step 2 – Question
You are free to answer anything that has something to do with the article.
Step 3 – Read
Answer your own questions by scanning the article for details.
Step 4 – Recite
(Did you read aloud the answers to your own questions?)

Step 5 – Rite (Write)

Origin Meaning
Februs Feast of purification or cleaning
Martius Honors Mars, god of war
Aprilis To open
Maia Roman goddess of spring and
Juno Goddess of marriage
Quintilis Fifth
Augustus In honor of emperor Augustus
Septem Seven
October Eight
Novem Nine
decem Ten

If you got 14 correct answers in this activity, that’s a perfect score-100%

Congratulations! 10 – 13 is Very Good, 8 – 9 is Good, 6 – 7 is Fair and 5 – below
means read more carefully.

Activity 2

Here is another practice exercise in using the SQ4R’s

Get your science textbook, and do as you are told.

1. Read the title of the book.

2. Read the preface or introduction and find out:

a. why the author wrote the book
b. for whom the book is intended

3. Turn to the table of contents, and fill in the blanks below.

a. The book is divided into _________________ units.
b. Unit I has ____________ chapters.
c. The title of Chapter I is ________________________________________
d. Chapter I has ______________ sub-topics. They are _________________

Let’s move on. . .

Reading Adventure

A. Words Unlocked
While reading, have you ever come across words which were difficult to understand? What
did you do to understand them? Did you get a dictionary right away?

The dictionary is the best reference material which can help you understand words, however,
there are times when you don’t have to refer to it simply because there are clues to the meaning
within the sentence or the surrounding sentences. Try the following samples. Read each sentence and
write the words which get you closer to the meaning. Look for a synonym or antonym. The first one
is done for you.

Unfamiliar Word Context Clues Cross Checked Meaning

1. Then, the younger son

got all his possessions and
headed for a distant country wild living spend wastefully
and there squandered his
wealth in wild living.

2. When he had nothing

left, a severe famine in the
country came and he began
to be in need.

3. He got so hungry that he

wanted to fill his stomach
with the pods that the pigs
were eating, but no one
gave him anything.

4. When he came to his

senses, he remembered his
father’s servants who had
food to spare while he was
starving to death.

5. While he was still far, his

father saw him and was
filled with compassion for

Did you find the clues? Now, check if you guessed the meaning of each word correctly.

Context Clues

1. wild living to spend wastefully

2. to be in need shortage of food

3. to fill stomach dry fruits or seeds

4. food to spare suffer extreme hunger

5. still far desire to help, pity, mercy

Rate yourself with the following:

5 is Outstanding
4 is Very Good
3 is Good
2 is Fair
1 means you have to read more carefully

B. What I know

The Bible says that there is more rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents than over nine
hundred nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. (Luke 15:7) God loves people who
recognize that they have done wrong and know how to ask for forgiveness. Why do you think this is

Will you be happy to see hardened criminals crying to God and asking for forgiveness? Will
it matter if a long lost friend who became an enemy comes back and asks you to forgive him/her?
How will you deal with that person?

Recall at least two quotations or sayings that tell about forgiveness.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________

Everyone has the right to another chance at life. If someone commits a mistake he/she should
not be condemned for doing so. He must be given an opportunity to change for the better and redeem
himself/herself. If the same thing happens to you, of course, you would want to be forgiven, too.

The story you are about to read is an example of a parable. A parable is a simple story told to
illustrate moral truth. It was Christ’s means of teaching men how to live righteously. He told several
parables to people when He was living here on earth.

While Reading
Read the selection carefully and find out the lesson it wants to share.

The Parable of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-31

There was a rich man who had two sons. your son, make me one of your hired
The younger one said to his father, men.” So, he got up and went to his
“Father, give me my share of the estate.” father.
So, the father divided his property
between them. While he was still far, his father
saw him and was filled with compassion
Then, the younger son got all his for him. He ran to his son, threw his
possessions and headed for a distant arms around him and kissed him.
country and there squandered his wealth
in wild living. When he had nothing left, The son told his father all that he
a severe famine in the country came and planned to say. But the father ordered his
he began to be in need. So, he went to servants to bring the best clothes and put
look for a job and was hired to feed the it on him. Put a ring on his finger and
pigs. He got so hungry that he wanted to sandals on his feet. He further ordered,
fill his stomach with the pods that the “Bring the best calf and kill it. We will
pigs were eating, but no one gave him have a feast and celebrate, for my son
anything. was dead and is alive again. He was lost
and is found.” So, they began to
When he came to his senses, he celebrate.
remembered his father’s servants who
had food to spare while he was starving Meanwhile, the elder son was in
to death. He decided to go back to ask the field. When he came near the house,
his father for forgiveness and say, he heard music and dancing. He called
“Father, I have sinned against God and one of the servants and asked what was
against you. I am no longer worthy to be going on. “Your brother has come,”

the servant replied, “and your father has celebrate with my friends. But when this
killed the best calf because he has him son of yours who has squandered your
back safe and sound.” property with prostitutes comes home,
you kill the best calf for him!”
The elder son became angry and
refused to enter the house. So, his father “My son,” the father said, “you
went out and pleaded with him. But he are always with me, and everything I
answered his father, “Look! All these have is yours. But we had to celebrate
years I’ve been working hard for you and be glad, because this brother of
and never disobeyed you. Yet, you never yours was dead and is alive again, he
gave me even a young goat so I could was lost and is found.”

Post Reading
A. Answer the following questions based on the selection you have just read.

1. What unusual situation is told in the opening of the story?

2. What did the younger son do with his money? Give examples.
3. Describe his life after he has used up all the money. Give at least 5 adjectives.
4. Why did the father forgive his son so easily?
5. What can you say about the reaction of the elder son when he learned about the homecoming
of his younger brother?
6. Would you be willing to forgive anybody who had done you wrong or had caused you
physical or emotional pain?

B. Inferring Character Traits

Read the following lines taken from the selection. Then, choose the trait that best describes
the character.

1. “Father, give me my share of the estate.”

The younger son is
a. helpful b. industrious c. disrespectful d. envious

2. “I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”

The speaker is
a. proud b. humble c. courteous d. patient

3. “My son was dead, and is alive again.

The father is
a. forgiving b. stubborn c. selfish d. open-minded

4. “Look! All these years I’ve been working hard for you and never disobeyed you. Yet, you
never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.”
The elder son is
a. courteous b. helpful c. obedient d. envious

Logical Sequencing

The following pictures show the different events in the story you just read. Go back to the
reading selection and match the scenes with the parts of the story below. Write the number that will
show the order of events.

The younger brother fed the pigs.

He got his share of the wealth.
The elder son came home angry.
He squandered his money.
His father welcomed him back.

Events in Pictures Events Described in Text

Now, it’s time for you to find out if you were able to understand fully well the reading
selection given to you.
Let’s hope for a good rating.

The following are but a few examples of quotations that tell about forgiveness. If you found
some more, that’s very good.

1. To err is human; to forgive, divine.

- Alexander Pope

2. Forgive and forget.

3. We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our
- Cosimo de’ Medici

4. The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not
- Thomas Szasz

Post Reading
Your understanding of the story is perfect if your answers to the above questions are as close,
if not, exactly the same as the answers below.

A. 1. The younger son asked for inheritance even while the father was still very much alive.
2. He spent it on wild living. Examples: womanizing, drinking alcohol, gambling and other
worthless things.
3. Miserable, wretched, undesirable, pitiful, inadequate, unfortunate, unhappy, uncomfortable
or other words that are of the same meaning as the above. Refer to a dictionary for more
4. Because he loved his son too much.
5. Any response is acceptable, however, you have to use your better judgment.
6. Like number 5, any response will do. But if you were to follow God’s teachings, as the
parable teaches, you should learn to forgive just as God has forgiven you.

B. 1. c. disrespectful - It was not the right time to talk about inheritance. Only the father can
decide to do so.
2. b. humble - Accepting that one has done wrong is an act of humility.
3. a. forgiving - Accepting a person in spite of the wrong he has done is being forgiving.
4. d. envious - Desire to have what another person has is a manifestation of envy.

The correct sequence is 2, 4, 5, 3, 1

You don’t need to copy the exact description. You just have to make sure that it revolves
around the original text.

Your rating: 20 is the Perfect Score. Congratulations for an Outstanding Work!

17 – 19 Very Good
13 – 16 Good
10 - 12 Fair
9 and below means you should study harder by devoting more time to
your modules.

Language Focus
In speaking or writing, it is not good to repeat words over and over again. You will sound
boring and uninteresting. You can improve your speech or writing by replacing nouns with pronouns.

Do these activities:

Read the following dialog carefully. You will find underlined words that actually replace
nouns found in the sentence that come before it or within the sentence itself.

In the first line, can you tell what word was replaced by it? If your answer is wallet, you got it
right. Now, try the remaining 10 items.

Shane: Es-jay, did you see my wallet? I think it was stolen from me.
Es-jay: Are 1. you sure? Think carefully. When did you last have it?
Shane: I remember getting it from my bag when I paid for the photo copy of the book.
There was a group of guys who were teasing each other. I even got angry
because one of the boys stepped on 2. my toe. May be 3. they purposely tried to
catch my attention so that they can get my wallet.
Andrew: Excuse me, Miss (looking irritated).
Shane: What brings you here again? You see, 4. he is the guy I was telling you about.
He stepped on my toe!
Andrew: Yes, and I think I said, “I’m sorry.” I just came to give you 5. your wallet. You
left it beside the Xerox copier.
Shane: So, you found it?
Andrew: Yes, I did. And this time I think you owe 6. us an apology because I heard you
say that my friends and I got your wallet on purpose.
Es-jay: I believe him. He won’t be here if they really planned on getting that wallet of
7. yours. (The other boys are seen approaching.)
Guys: What’s taking you long, bro?
Andrew: Nothing. It’s just that I am waiting for an apology because the lady here
happens to have thought of us as thieves.
James: Is that so? Fine, let us go. 8. We might just be wasting our time here. In the
first place, you should have not bothered returning it to her personally when
you can just give it to the center for lost and found.
Shane: Alright, I’m sorry, really sorry for having thought of you as bad guys. Could
we be friends?
Andrew: 9. Your apology is accepted provided that you and your friend will agree to
join us in the canteen for snacks.
Shane: Why not? 10. We are starving to death.

Here are the correct answers. Check your work.

1. Shane 6. boys

2. Shane 7. Shane

3. boys 8. boys

4. one of the boys 9. Shane


5. Shane 10. Shane, together with Es-jay

10 correct answers is Outstanding

8 – 9 is Very Good
6 – 7 is Good
4 – 5 is Fair which means you need more practice.
3 and below means you have to concentrate on the succeeding exercises.

Personal pronouns
Study the following table showing the subject and object forms of personal pronouns

Subject Object
Singular Plural Singular Plural
1 person I we me us
2nd person you you you you
3rd person he / she / it they him / her / it them

Now do the following exercises.

Activity 1.

Choose the correct pronouns and write your answers in your notebook.

1. Are (they, them) coming to see you today?

2. Have Mary and (she, her) written the story?
3. Peter and (he, him) cut the tall grass in front of the Old building.

4. Susan and (she, her) are cousins.
5. Could Anna and (I, me) arrange the flowers for the offering?
6. Marie and (she, her) attend the student conference every year.
7. When did Ferdinand and (she, her) return from Saudi Arabia?
8. Either my cousin or (she, her) will go with you to the party.
9. Mother and (I, me) went window shopping at Plaza Fair yesterday.
10. Cathy and (they, them) are neighbors at Greenwoods Subdivision.

Activity 2.

Change the italicized nouns to pronouns in the objective case.

1. Is this medal for Anita?


2. Have you given the new students copies of the school rules and regulations?

3. Who taught the boys that song?


4. Our actions must be strange to Carina and Hannah.


5. The catechist taught Jose the morning prayer.


6. The principal sent for Mr. Cruz and Miss Pecson.


7. He offered Mario and me some cookies.


8. We saw the accident yesterday.


9. The noise came from behind Rex and Marie.


10. The staff artist drew the editorial cartoon.


Activity 3. Give a pronoun in place of the italicized words.

Example: Archie ate all the bananas.

Answers: Archie ate them.

1. One of the male dancers did the break dance.


2. The group leader divided the assignment among the members.


3. Would you like to sit between Cathy and Carmen?


4. May I accompany Carlos, our new classmate?


5. Three girls and one boy did not pass the periodical test.

6. Mila will be in the laboratory room.


7. The patient is talking to Dr. Jesus Cunanan, the lung specialist.


8. Gilbert sent me flowers as a birthday present.


9. We develop new ways to identify and classify living things.


10. Our science teacher taught us what makes up a system.


After doing Activities 1 – 3, you can say that:

When a pronoun is used as a subject, it is in the nominative case.

She is my cousin.
They need help.

In the objective case the pronoun is used as an object of a verb or an object

of a preposition.

Examples: The man saw me.

Give the envelope to him.

Check your answers against this key. Notice that an explanation is given after the answer.

Activity 1

1. they - 3rd person, subjective, plural

2. she - 3rd person, subjective, singular, female
3. he - 3rd person, subjective, singular, male
4. she - 3rd person, subjective, singular, female
5. I - 1st person, subjective, singular
6. she - 3rd person, subjective, singular, female
7. she - 3rd person, subjective, singular, female
8. she - 3rd person, subjective, singular, female
9. I - 1st person, subjective, singular
10. they - 3rd person, subjective, plural

Activity 2

1. her - 3rd person, objective, singular, female

2. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
3. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
4. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
5. him - 3rd person, objective, singular, male
6. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
7. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
8. it - 3rd person, objective, singular, no gender
9. her - 3rd person, objective, singular, female
10. it - 3rd person, objective, singular, no gender

Activity 3

1. He - 3rd person, subjective, singular, male

2. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
3. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
4. him - 3rd person, objective, singular, male
5. They - 3rd person, subjective, plural
6. she - 3rd person, subjective, singular, female
7. him - 3rd person, objective, singular, female
8. He - 3rd person, subjective, singular, male
9. them - 3rd person, objective, plural
10. He/She - 3rd person, subjective, singular, general

Activity 4. Using Possessive Pronouns

A pronoun that shows ownership is in the possessive case. The table below
shows the personal pronouns in the possessive case.

Possessive Determiners Possessive Pronouns

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1 person my our mine ours
2nd person your your yours yours
3rd person his/her/its their his/hers theirs

This is my book. This book is mine.

Rey is our friend. Rey is a friend of ours.
Remember that the possessive pronouns its, his, yours, hers, theirs, and ours
are NEVER written with the apostrophe.

The following activity will require you to use pronouns that express ownership. Read the
sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.

1. There’s a wallet on top of the piano. It is not ___________________. I have my wallet in my

bag. Whose is it?
2. That ruler is not ___________________. Your ruler is with Carmelita, your friend. She kept it
for you yesterday.
3. Here’s ___________________ dictionary. Thank you for letting me use it.
4. Mila, is that ___________________ ball pen? Kindly return it to me.
5. So, you’re a friend of Lola Norma. I am a granddaughter of ___________________.
6. Why did you laugh at Mario? ___________________ answer was correct, wasn’t it?
7. That puppy is kind of cute. ___________________ eyes are pathetic-looking.
8. They have submitted ___________________ report on time.
9. “Give us this day ___________________ daily bread and forgive us ___________________
10. The girl slightly raised ___________________ skirt when she crossed the flooded street.
11. Arsenio gave all ___________________ savings to the fire victims.
12. Look at ___________________ eyes and tell me the truth.
13. I have submitted ___________________ paper. Have you submitted ___________________?
14. The old tree is dying; ___________________ branches are brittle; and
___________________ leaves are turning brown.
15. My neighbors are moving to ___________________ new house.
16. The participants are now taking ___________________ seats.
17. The lady guest of honor is about to begin ___________________ speech.
18. Here’s my contribution. Where’s ___________________, Cecille?
19. Can I borrow ___________________ typewriter, Dingdong?

20. Call Maybelle. These keys are ___________________. They are the keys to
___________________ locker.

Activity 5. Pronoun Variations

Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.

Example: It isn’t my bag.

The bag isn’t mine.
The bag doesn’t belong to me.

1. The house is theirs.

It’s ___________________ house.
The house belongs to ___________________.

2. I’m sure the book belongs to him.

The book is ___________________.
It’s ___________________.

3. Those costumes are not ours.

They are not ___________________ costumes.
The costumes don’t belong to ___________________.

4. Hey, that’s my umbrella.

That umbrella belongs to ___________________.
That’s ___________________.

5. I think this calculator is yours.

Isn’t this ___________________ calculator?
The calculator belongs to ___________________.

Check your answers now. The explanation is given right after the answer.

Activity 4

1. mine - 1st person, singular, possessive pronoun

2. yours - 2nd person, singular, possessive pronoun
3. your - 2nd person, singular, possessive determiner
4. my - 1st person, singular, possessive determiner
5. hers - 3rd person, singular, possessive pronoun
6. his - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner

7. its - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
8. their - 3rd person, plural, possessive determiner
9. our, our - 1st person, plural, possessive determiner
10. her - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
11. his - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
12. my - 1st person, singular, possessive determiner
13. my, yours - 1st person, singular, possessive determiner/2nd person, singular, possessive
14. its, its - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
15. their - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
16. their - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
17. her - 3rd person, singular, possessive determiner
18. yours - 2nd person, singular, possessive pronoun
19. your - 2nd person, singular, possessive determiner
20. hers, her - 3rd person, singular, possessive pronoun/ 3rd person, singular, possessive

Activity 5

1. theirs, them - 3rd person, plural, possessive pronoun, 3rd person, plural, objective
2. his, his - 3rd person, singular, possessive pronoun/same
3. our, us - 1st person, plural, possessive determiner/1st person, plural objective
4. me, mine - 1st person, singular, objective/1st person singular, possessive pronoun
5. your, you - 2nd person, singular, possessive determiner/ 2nd person, singular, objective

Reflexive Pronouns
A pronoun that reflects the action of a verb on the subject is called a reflexive pronoun. The
reflexive pronouns are shown in this table.

Singular Plural

1st person myself ourselves

2nd person yourself yourselves
3rd person herself, himself, itself themselves

I myself made this. (The subject of the verb and the reflexive pronoun refer to the same

I made this myself. (The reflexive pronoun reflects the action of a verb on the subject.)

Activity 6

Complete these sentences by adding suitable reflexive pronouns. The first one is done for you.

1. The excursionists were enjoying themselves at Boracay Beach.

2. I ________________________ decided to do the job.
3. What can they do to help ___________________________________ ?
4. Did you finish the assignment _______________________________ ?
5. We ____________________________, cannot promise you anything.
6. The farmers did the harrowing of the field ______________________.
7. The cat hurt _________________________ while catching the mouse.
8. Stevenson convinced ______________________ that he could do the assigned task.
9. He did the repair of the typewriter ____________________________.
10. The two brothers gathered the firewood ________________________.

There are more to check. The clue to the correct response is given.
The noun or pronoun to be replaced are:

1. themselves excursionists
2. myself I
3. themselves they
4. yourself you
5. ourselves We
6. themselves farmers
7. itself cat
8. himself Stevenson
9. himself He
10. themselves two brothers

Activity 7. Using Indefinite Pronouns

Some pronouns do not refer to any definite noun, but still they take the place of
nouns. These are called indefinite pronouns. The following are indefinite pronouns:.

anything somebody nobody everybody

anyone someone no one everyone
anybody something nothing everything

Everyone is invited.
There’s nobody home.
Tell the news to everybody

Fill in the blank with the correct indefinite pronoun.

1. We all want the best of ______________________.

a. something b. everything

2. Please don’t tell this to ______________________.

a. anyone b. nobody

3. ______________________ will like you if you are grouchy.

a. Everybody b. Nobody

4. I saw ______________________ creep by the window.

a. something b. anything

5. ______________________ is trying to fool you.

a. Everything b. Someone

6. Are you sure you didn’t forget ______________________?

a. anything b. everything

7. ______________________ can stop me from leaving the club.

a. Nothing b. Everything

8. ______________________ looks happy today.

a. Anybody b. Everyone

9. ______________________ will be given a chance to recite.

a. Everybody b. Everything

10. Do you know ______________________ who can help us?

a. no one b. somebody

The answers here require you to think hard and recall related experiences. Hope you got them all

1. everything – covering all aspects in life

2. anyone – meaning, not a single person
3. Nobody – meaning, no person will do
4. something – no definite object

5. Someone – no definite person
6. anything – not a single object
7. Nothing – definitely no object is present
8. Everyone – every single person
9. Everybody – each person
10. Someone – no definite person

Activity 8

In addition, we have this to say:

This, these, that, and those are also pronouns. They point out the
noun they refer to. They are called demonstrative pronouns. This and these
point out things near the speaker while that and those point out things far
from the speaker.

Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns.

1. You see the pile over there? ______________________ is the trash we got from the room.
2. ______________________ is my report. Kindly go over it.
3. Did you hear the witness’ statements? ______________________ are fabricated stories.
4. Let me tell you ______________________: I don’t intend to pay for a lousy service.
5. Look at the earrings I’m wearing. ______________________ are the only jewels I have.
6. Look at ______________________ handkerchief. It has a unique design.
7. Do you see the group of girls by the shed? ______________________ are students from our
8. I saw several rows of seedlings on my way here. Are ______________________ yours?
9. ______________________ are pretty doilies. Who made them?
10. He told you I loved him? ______________________ is ridiculous!


You’ll have to see this other activity before we have the last one. Did you see the clues? They
actually lead you to the answers.

(location with reference to the speaker)

1. that over there, far from the speaker

2. This go over it, near the speaker

3. Those witness’ , far from the speaker
4. this Let me tell, the speaker himself/herself
5. These I’m wearing, the speaker herself has them
6. this Look at, the speaker is showing it
7. Those by the shed, the speaker is far
8. those on my way, the speaker has passed the place
9. These are pretty…- near the speaker to be able
to appreciate the design
10. that He told you…, The speaker was somewhere
that was why she didn’t hear it said.

Activity 9.

Another kind of pronouns are those used as questions words such as -

who, what, which, whom or whose. These are called interrogative pronouns.

Complete the following dialogs with the appropriate interrogative pronouns.

1. A. ______________________ of these books are Maria’s?

B. The ones with plastic cover.

2. A. ______________________ is leaving for abroad?

B. Augusto.

3. A. ______________________ are you afraid of?

B. Snakes and lizards.

4. A. ______________________ got my umbrella?

B. Paula.

5. The messenger left these letters. ______________________ are these?

B. Mine.

6. A. Jose looks dejected. ______________________ did you tell him?

B. That I don’t love him anymore.

7. A. ______________________ do the Lopezes help?

B. The orphans.


See if you got the correct answers. The explanation is inside the parentheses.

1. Which – (indicating a choice)

2. Who – (requiring a person for an answer)
3. What – (answer has to be a thing)
4. Who – (answer has to be a person)
5. Whose – (asks for the owner)
6. What – (is asking for a reason)
7. Whom – (the answer is a beneficiary of the help from the Lopezes.)

Check your Final Rating for Language Focus

For 92 – 90 Outstanding
74 – 89 Very Good
58 – 73 Good
42 – 57 Fair which means you need more time for your studies.
41 and below means you have to study pronouns more.

Write Thing
A person is always in need of affirmation, a manifestation that one is loved, cared for and
wanted. The absence of this, dampens the spirit, and sometimes leads to frustration or

However, is action enough to satisfy the person of this need? The answer is “NO.” A person
wants to be told most of the time.

When was the last time you told your parents you love them? When was the last time you
told your friend how important he/she is to you? This time, you will have to write a letter telling that
you care for the person you are writing to. You may write to your mom or dad, a special friend or
anybody close to your heart. Pay close attention to the pronouns you will use.

Write your letter in your notebook.

After you have written your draft refer to the following guide questions to help you improve
your work.

1. Did you say what you feel about the sendee? (the receiver of the letter)
2. Did you cite instances when you tried to show your true feelings for the person?

3. Did you tell how he/she reacted to your demonstration of affection?
4. Did you mention how much you are willing to give or give up in his/her favor?


1. Was the main idea stated in the paragraph?

2. Did you support the main idea with details?
3. Did you use appropriate words to link one sentence to another?


1. Did you use appropriate pronouns to replace the nouns?

2. Did you see to it that the number of the subject agrees with the verb?
3. Did you use the appropriate tense of the verb?

You are almost done with this Module. Now, let us see the totality of what you have learned.

I. Fill in the blanks with pronouns chosen from the box below. You can use the pronouns more than
once. The first sentence is done for you.

Making Friends
Some people find ___________it_________ difficult to make friends with strangers because
1._____________________ do not know how to begin. 2.______________________ is easy to break
the ice, if 3.______________________ really want to. Here is one way of doing
4.______________________. Suppose 5.______________________ find
6.______________________ seated beside a stranger in the Metrorail. If
7.______________________ has a watch, ask 8.______________________ the time. If
9.______________________ have a watch, just tell 10.______________________ that
11.__________________________________ forgot to wind 12.______________________. Then 13.
______________________can talk about the Metrorail, its advantages and disadvantages. Show that
you are interested in what 14.______________________ is saying by nodding or shaking
15.______________________ head or by just smiling. In the course of
16.______________________ conversation 17. ______________________ can ask
18.______________________ name, where 19. ______________________ lives or where
20. ______________________ studies. In that way, 21.______________________ trip will not be
boring and 22. ______________________ knows? It might be the beginning of a beautiful

you him yourself he your they
its her what his who whom


II. Everyday Expressions

The following are idiomatic expressions with the verb look.

Choose one which can replace the underlined word or group of words in the sentences.

look up look into

look forward
look after look out
look up to

1. I admire people with integrity.

2. The Congress continues to investigate on the unexplained wealth of the official.

3. “Please take care of your baby sister while I am away,” Mother reminded me.

4. If you come across a difficult word while reading, refer to the dictionary.

5. My mother wishes to see that I become an executive of a big company.

6. While the thieves were inside ransacking the house, one was at the front door,
on guard for anybody who might arrive.

III. Reading
Read the love letter carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

A Love Letter

Dear Vicky,
I wrote to let you know how much you mean to me. Yesterday I saw you
walking and laughing with your friends and I hoped that soon you’d want me to walk
along with you, too. I love you so I painted you a sunset to close your day; likewise, I
whispered a cool breeze to refresh you. I waited but you never called. However, I just
kept on loving you.
Last night, I saw tears trickling down your cheeks. I knew you were hurt and
unhappy; consequently, I wanted so much to comfort you. Unfortunately, you didn’t
think of Me or ask for My help. To ease your pain, I spilled moonlight onto your face
and made the stars burn their brightest, but you were so filled with self-pity, you
didn’t even notice me.
This morning, I exploded a brilliant sun into glorious morning to cheer you up.
But you woke up late and rushed off to school unaware of it. My sky became cloudy
and My tears were the rain.
I love you, I truly and really care. I try to essay the intensity of My love not
only in the silence of the green meadows but also in the splendor of the blue sky. The
wind whispers My concern throughout the treetops; in addition, I spill it into the
vibrant colors of all the flowers. I shout My love to you in the thunder of the great
waterfalls; furthermore, I compose love songs for the birds to sing to you. I warm you
with the clothing of My sunshine and I perfume the air with Nature’s sweet scent.
My love for you is deeper than any ocean and it is greater than any need in your heart.
If you’d only realize how much I love and care.
My Father sends His love. I want you to meet Him- He cares, too. So, please
call on Me soon. No matter how long it takes, I’ll wait because I love you.

Most sincerely,

1. Point out passages in the letter showing Vicky’s indifference to the letter sender.
2. Read the lines showing how the writer felt.
3. (For 3 pts.) Read lines to show that the sender is
a. caring b. patient c. loving

4. (For 2 pts.)At what point in the letter did you feel that the letter sender is not an ordinary
person? Explain your answer.
5. (Please answer but this will not have a point anymore.) At what point in the letter did you feel
that it is, in fact, addressed to you? How did you feel at this point?


Are you excited to find out how you fared? We will soon find out.

I. Language Focus

1. they 12. yours

2. It 13. you
3. you 14. he /she
4. it 15. your
5. you 16. your
6. yourself 17. you
7. he / she 18. his / her
8. him / her 19. he / she
9. they 20. he / she
10. them 21. your
11. you 22. who

II. Everyday Expressions

1. look up to – meaning to give special recognition

2. look into – to verify search the truth
3. look after – to see that everything is okay
4. look up – to search for
5. look forward – to wait with excitement
6. look out – to watch and give warning

III. Reading

The answers to the questions are all in the text. They may or may not be directly stated, but take a
closer look and you’ll see that some answers are implied.
1. Vicky’s indifference is very well reflected in the first three paragraphs.

2. The letter sender’s feelings were all expressed in the last two paragraphs.

3. Caring: Patient: Loving

Paragraph 1, Lines 1, 2 Paragraph 1, Line 3,4 Paragraph 1, Line 5
2, 1- 5 4, 1,2,4,5 4, 4
3, 1 -3 5 3
4, 3
4. Give yourself 2 points if your answer is “from the first paragraph and 1 point if
your answer is at other points in the letter.

Explanation: When the letter sender said,

I love you so I painted you a sunset to close your day.

I whispered a cool breeze to refresh you
To ease your pain, I spilled moonlight onto your face and made the stars burn their
I exploded a brilliant sun into glorious morning to cheer you up.

It can be implied that he is not an ordinary person.

5. Answers may vary at this point. The important thing is you are sensitive to the message that
this letter is meant for all of us human beings. It’s a letter sent by God to remind us of His
selfless love.

Are you excited to move to another Module? Have you computed your total score? Let’s us
find out if you are ready.

Your score

35 is Outstanding
27 – 34 is Very Good
19 – 26 is Good
11 – 18 is Fair. Congratulations! You have completed another module.
10 and below, I’m sorry but you have to review this Module before you proceed to
another one.

See you again.


This module helped you learn more from life. The next module will help you learn much
more from life by becoming a discriminating and analytical learner.
Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned from
it. Use this format in your reflective journal.

What I think of the activities in this module

How I liked them

Things I Did

(Very much) (Just fine) (Not so much


What I liked best


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