05 1111 02 5RP AFP tcm143-479901
05 1111 02 5RP AFP tcm143-479901
05 1111 02 5RP AFP tcm143-479901
ENGLISH 1111/02
Paper 2 Fiction April 2018
1 hour plus 10 minutes’ reading time
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: Insert
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IB18 05_1111_02/5RP
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Section A: Reading
Read the Text in the Insert and then answer questions 1–14.
4 Give one quotation from the text which shows that being inside the streetcar was an
unpleasant experience.
5 What do the words glinting as metal (line 11) suggest about Cordelia’s character?
7 What action suggests that the girls rebel against their parents?
8 Give three quotations from the seventh paragraph (lines 17–22), which suggest that the girls
have a negative attitude towards some of the women on the streetcar.
9 ‘Then there are the ones who still try for an effect of glamour.’ (Line 23)
Why do these women stand out?
10 The narrator wonders what kind of modern art she is drawing on herself (lines 36–37). What
does this thought remind her of?
12 What keeps happening to the narrator while she is walking around the town where she grew
13 Explain in your own words how the atmosphere of the neighbourhood has changed.
Support your answer with examples from the text.
14 Explain in your own words how the theme of time is shown throughout the text. Support your
answers with examples from the text.
Section B: Writing
15 Write a story about a person meeting someone whom they have not seen for a long time.
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