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Guo Wenxuan: performance commentary

Guo Wenxuan
Vocabulary and Grammar Pronunciation Interaction Total

5 5 5 15

Guo Wenxuan uses all the vocabulary required to

deal with all test tasks. Guo Wenxuan is mostly intelligible. There are very
few instances of unclear pronunciation, one of
She uses some simple structures correctly but these is in answer to, 'What do you like doing with
makes some mistakes, in Part 1 'The ducks is two your family?' she responds, 'I like throing fro in
but no ducks.' although meaning is generally the family.' Here it is impossible to understand
clear. what she is referring to. She has limited control of
word stress.
Guo Wenxuan responds at word, phrase or longer
utterance level. In the story, 'The Holly and the Guo Wenxuan responds appropriately to all
John is eh, playing but the baby, the baby is look instructions, questions and visual prompts and
the tree.' very little support is required. Her story is very
detailed. In Part 4, when she doesn't understand
Throughout the test she joins her ideas with some
something she responds, 'Sorry I don't know.'
simple linkers (e.g. and, but, then, when). In Part However, she responds fully to all other questions
3 she describes the differences, 'The girl is
in this Part. She always responds promptly
reading but the man the woman and a man is throughout the test without hesitation.

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