Moviemaking Competition Rubric: Criteria Points Awarded
Moviemaking Competition Rubric: Criteria Points Awarded
Moviemaking Competition Rubric: Criteria Points Awarded
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 Points
INTEGRATIO The content of the video The content of the video The content of the The content of the
relates to the lesson plan relates to the lesson plan video has some video has little or no
N OF THE very well. It enhances the quite well and helps meet connection to the connection with the
VIDEO lesson objectives and has all of the lesson objectives. lesson plan and helps lesson plan and does
the intention to encourage meet some of lesson not help meet the
learners to further pursue objectives. lesson objectives.
the subject matter after the
lesson finishes.
IMAGES AND Images are appropriate for Images are appropriate An attempt was made Little or no attempt
the topic and create a for the topic and match to use images but it to use images to
MOTION distinct atmosphere or tone most parts of the topic of needed more work. enhance the topic of
that matches the topic of the the lesson. Some image choices the lesson.
lesson. Motion focuses the are not appropriate. Very little Motion
All Motion focuses the audience’s attention in An attempt was made focuses the
audience’s attention. All most of the movie. to use Motion to audience’s attention.
Motion adds emphasis and focus the audience’s Motion is set at the
feeling to the topic of the attention in the default with no effort
lesson. movie. in controlling the
WORDS Words are chosen carefully Most words are chosen There was an attempt It is difficult to figure
to accurately focus on the carefully to accurately to use words out the purpose of
purpose of the lesson. focus on the purpose of carefully to focus on the presentation.
There is a clear beginning, the lesson. the purpose of the The audience is left
middle and end of the lesson. wondering about the
movie. All words do not purpose of the movie.
The content is presented in provide clear
a creative way. communication with
the audience.
SOUND – The pace (rhythm and voice Occasionally speaks too Tries to use pacing No attempt to match
punctuation) fits well and fast or too slowly. The (rhythm and voice the pace of the
Narration and helps the audience really pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), storytelling to the
Music “get into the topic of the punctuation) is relatively The narration does content.
lesson. engaging for the audience. not engage the Difficult to
The music fits the content The music fits the content audience. understand what is
and helps the audience and is relatively engaging The choice of music being said.
really “get into” into the for the audience. distracts from the No music is selected
topic of the lesson. The content. The music for the presentation.
music does not distract the may be too loud.
PACING The story is told with The story composition is The story seems to The story needs
exactly the right amount of typically good, though it need more editing. extensive editing. It is
detail throughout. It does seems to drag somewhat Additional too short or too long
not seem too short or too or need slightly more information may to be interesting.
long. detail in one or two need to be added or It is less or more than
It stays within the time sections. information may the time frame of 3-5
frame of 3-5 minutes. It stays within the time need to be cut. minutes.
frame of 3-5 minutes. It is less or more than
the time frame of 3-
SUBJECT Subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is Some subject Subject knowledge is
evident throughout. evident in much of the knowledge is evident. not evident.
All information is clear, product. Some information is Information is
appropriate, relevant, and Information is clear, confusing, irrelevant, confusing, irrelevant,
correct. appropriate, relevant, and incorrect, or flawed. incorrect, or flawed.
ORIGINALITY The product shows The product shows The work is an The work is a
significant evidence of evidence of originality and extensive collection minimal collection of
originality and inventiveness. and rehash of other rehash of other
inventiveness. Most sources are given people’s ideas. people’s ideas.
All sources are given credit credit properly. Products, images and Completely fail to
properly. inventions. give credit to the
Some sources are sources used in the
given credit properly. movie.