Week 8 Other Curricular Activities

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This module contains the policies on other curricular activities such as NSTP on the job training , thesis
and capstone project.

 National service training program (NSTP) – NSTP Course are mented by the commission on
higher education as part of the curriculum of all programs. For NST requirements for community
service, Oed student are encourage to partner with local governments or non-government
organizations whom they (students) can partner with to provide service to members of their
community . for Oed students with disabilities , AMAU Oed encourages the, to create learning
modules for other PWD’s realted to the program.

On the job training / Practicum Training

 Evaluation of student performance - Since a definite work schedule shall have been agreed
between the practicum adviser / mentor and training institution practicum supervisor the
student must able will be evaluated on the basis of performance of the tasks assigned to

The following skills / compentencies / attitude will be the basis for assessing student –trainee
performance and numerical grade.

 Technical skills. Effective application of identified skills and knowledge to meet the
requirements or problems in their assigned areas or scope of responsibility (e.g documentation ,
encoding, programming etc)
 Quality wok – consider accuracy of work done based on expected output reliability of the
output judgement to quality standards ande delivery of output against target dates.
 Iniative and Dedication – consider attitudes toward work (e.g enthusiasm, aggressiveness , and
persistence )
 Interpersonal and team relationships - harmonious working realtionships in carriying out of
work activities with employees and exibility and receptiveness in dealing with others.
 Attendance and punctuality – number of absences and tardiness per evaluation will be noted
against the student trainee’ score.
 Personality Assesment – appropriates of the attire to the working environment good grooming
cheerfulness and good communication skills form part of the evaluation.

Likewise the OJT/Practicum adviser must provide an evaluation and numerical grade base on the
Submission of the required documents including copy of the certificate completion. a grade of IC
will be issued to the students for failure to submit copy of the certificate of completion.

For Oed students who are already working their work hours can be credited as OJT hours
provided that they submitted the required documentations as prescribed in the OJT/ Practicum
LMS classroom and that they can provide work assignments which are realted to their program
in AMAU Online Education.
Students enrolled in AMAU Oed and whose program of study requires a thesis or capstone
project must follow the guidelines and procedures below:
1. Thesis or capstone project are terminal courses and therefore only graduating students on
their last year of attendance are allowed to enrol the said course.
2. After enrolment of the course students must report to the assigned adviser and attend
regular scheduled class meetings as scheduled by the adviser through the big blue button
facility in the LMS.
3. Submit requirements of the course according to the schedule.
4. Pay the defense fee and present/defend the comleted thesis /capstone project as scheduled

THESIS A / DESPRO 1 Course Requirements and grading system

Course requirements topic proposal chapter 1 chapter 2

Chapter 3


Chapter 1 (introduction) + exam

Chapter 2 (review of literature) + exam
Chapter 3 (materials & method) + exam
Final Grade – chapter 1 + chapter 2 + chapter 3 grade

A student will receive an “IC” Mark foir the following reasons:

1. Failure to pay financial obligations even if the required chapter 1 2 3 were submitted/
should any of the members of the group fail to pay outstanding financial obligations only
said member will be given a grade upon presentation of prood payment for the outstanding
2. Failure to submit the revised chapters 1 2 3 even if the student has no outstanding financial
obligations. The appropriate numerical grade will be given upon submission of the revied
chapters guidelines for removal of IC will be implemented.

A student will receive a grade of 5.00 if he fails ro submit chapter 1 2 3 during the designated
deadlines. Astudent whoi got failing grades must re-enroll the course and will be allowed to use
the same topic/ project for a period not exceeding one year after which the student must
present a new topic / project.


 Only upon successful completion of THESIS A / DESPRO 1 ) IC mark has been removed) will
the student be allowed to enrol THESI B/ DESPRO 2. The student works hand in hand thesis
adviser for the completion and finalization of the approved thesis.

 Course requirements. The requirements for THESIS B/ DESPRO 2 are ; hardbound copy of
the thesis / Design Project (3copies) software/ hardware/ prototype oral defensse.
A Student will be given IP marks for the following reasons:

1. Failure of the student to present his/her final paper before the end of the 98day period of
enrolment for the term he enrolled THESIS B /DESPRO 2 provided he was able to submit his her
documentation before 98 days period of enrolment expires.
2. Failure of the student to submit the revised copy hardbound of his her thesis project.
3. Failure of the student to settle his her reamianing balance AMA Oed.

Students will be given of 5.00 for the following reasons. 1. Failure of the student to submit his
her final paper for oral defense.

 Capstone project refers to the final project meant to encapsulate all things learned in the IT
and IS program of study. The capstone project shall provided the students with an
experience that brings together the technical knowledge that they have accuired on real life
projects or appilication. Students shall be able to apply problem / project planning design
selection and optizimation tea, building communication presentation skills interpersonal
skills meeting skils and conflict resolution. Students are encourage to collaborate with
corporations industry and government clients ion order them to developed projects with
real life application.

Course Requirments:
 Project proposal
 Hardbound copy of the capstone project
 Oral defense
A student will received an IC mark fo the following reasons:
1. Failure to pay financial obligations even if all courses requirements were submitted .
2. 2. Faillure to submitted the hardbound copy of the capstone project even if the student has no
outstanding financial obligations. The appropriate numerical grade will be given upon
submission of the revised chapters. Guidelines for removal IC will implemented.

A student will be given grade of 5.00 for the following reasons”

1. Failure to submitted the required chapters on schedule plus one 1 week grace period.
2. Failure to removed IC mark within the allowed period one 1 year.
3. Failure to defend capstone project on the scheduled data plus 1 week grace period.
4. Failing grades in the three categories. Final paper prototype software and oral defense.

A student who got a failing grade must re-enroll the course and will e allowed to the use the sama
topic / project not exceeding one year. After which student must present a new topic / project.

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