Amp Report

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Plasma Arc Machining


Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

Priyam dwivedi (161E029)

Vivek chhabra (161E051)
Vivek singh (161E052)
Suryansh singh (161E053)
Sanchay shrivastava(161E054)
• Introduction

• Principle

• Mechanism of material removal

• Process - types

• Process parameters

• Advantages

• Limitations

• Applications
• A plasma is defined as a superheated, electrically ionized gas
• PAC uses a plasma stream operating at temperatures in the range from
10,000 to 14,000 ºC to cut metal by melting.
• The cutting action takes place by directing the high- velocity plasma
stream at the work, thus melting it and blowing the molten metal through
the kerf
• Plasma is encountered in electrical discharges, such as fluorescent tubes
and electric arcs, lightning, high temperature combustion flames and
the sun.
• Most application of PAC involve cutting of flat metal sheets and plates.
Operations include hole piercing and cutting along a defined path.
• PAC was initially employed to cut metals that are difficult to machine by
conventional methods. However, in recent years, PAC has also been used
to cut plain carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium
• When heated to elevated temperatures, gases turn into a distinctly different
type of matter, which is plasma
• When gases are heated by an applied electric field, an igniter supplies the
initial electrons, which accelerate in the field before colliding and ionizing
the atoms. The free electrons, in turn, get accelerated and cause further
ionization and heating of the gases. The avalanche continues till a steady
state is obtained in which the rate of production of the free charges is
balanced by recombination and loss of the free charges to the walls and
• The actual heating of the gas takes place due to the energy liberated when
free ions and electrons recombine into atoms or when atoms recombine
into molecules
Mechanism of Material removal
• The metal removal in PAM is basically due to the high temperature
• The heating of the work piece is, as a result of anode heating, due to
direct electron bombardment plus convection heating from the high
temperature plasma that accompanies the arc.
• The heat produced is sufficient to raise the work piece temperature above
its melting point and the high velocity gas stream effectively blows the
molten metal away.
Typical plasma torch construction
Process types

• Plasma generating torches are of two general designs – transferred

plasma torch and non-transferred plasma torch.
Transferred plasma torch
• In this torch, the cathode is connected directly to the negative of the D.C.
source, while the anode nozzle is connected to the positive of the supply
through a suitable resistor to limit the current through the nozzle to about
• The metal workpiece to be processed is then connected directly to the
positive of the supply. When ignited, a pilot plasma flame is established
between the cathode and nozzle, which provides a conducting path for a
high current constricted arc between the cathode and workpiece. Once
this arc is struck, the pilot flame circuit is disconnected.
• This method is limited to cutting, welding and hard surfacing of
• The electro thermal efficiency is about 85-90%
Non-transferred plasma torch
• In this torch, the D.C power source is connected directly across the
cathode and the nozzle, thus ionizing a high velocity gas that is streaming
towards the workpiece.
• The anode dissipation is lost in useless heating of the nozzle.
• The electro thermal efficiency is about 65-75%
Process parameters
• Parameters that govern the performance of PAM can be divided into
three categories:
1. Those associated with the design and operation of the torch – eletrical
power delievered , the gases used to form the plasma, the flow rate of
the gases through the torch, the orifice diameter through the nozzle duct
2. Those associated with the physical configuration of the
set up – torch standoff, angle to the work, depth of
cut, feed into the work and speed of the work toward
the torch
3. Environment in which the work is performed – cooling
that is done on the bar, any protective type of atmosphere used to reduce
oxidation fo the exposed high temperature machined surface and any
means that might be utilized to spread out or deflect the arc and plasma
impingment area
1. The main advantage of PAM is speed. For example, mild steel of 6mm
thick can be cut at 3m/min
2. The plasma arc can be used to cut any metal or even to non-
conducting materials like concrete etc., since it is primarily a
melting process
3. Due to high speed of cutting the deformation of sheet metals is
reduced while the width of the cut is minimum
4. Owing to the high productivity of the plasma arc cutting coupled with the
tendency to use cheap and easily available plasma-forming media (air,
water, ammonia etc.,), PAC is finding ever increasing application.
5. Smooth cuts free from contaminants are obtained in the process 6.Profile
cutting of metals especially of stainless steel and aluminium
can be very easily done by PAM
7.Operating costs are less when compared to oxy-fuel torch 8.Can
be automated
• The main disadvantage of PAC is the high initial cost of the equipment.
However, it can be made economical, if the quantity involved is large
and the thickness is up to 50mm.
• Well-attached drops on the underside of the cut can be a problem
and there will be heat- affected zone (HAZ). The depth of HAZ
depends on the material and its thickness
• Smoke and noise
• Sharp corners are difficult to produce because of the wide diameter of
the plasma stream
• Burr is often produced
• Taper on the workpiece may occur
1. Chiefly used to cut stainless steel and aluminium alloys. It is
preferred to oxy-fuel cutting because it produces comparatively
smoother cuts and is free from contamination
2. Other metals which are resistant to oxy-fuel cutting and hence cut by
PAC are magnesium, titanium, copper, nickel and alloys of copper and
3. PAC can be used for stack cutting, plate beveling, shape cutting and
4. It can also be used for underwater cutting.
5. The plasma jets are used for welding materials like titanium,
stainless steel etc.,
6. Plasma arc is used for depositing filler metal on surface to obtain
desired properties like corrosion resistance, wear resistance,
toughness or anti-friction properties – Plasma arc surfacing
7. The plasma arc can also be used for spraying a prepared surface of the
base material with droplets of molten metal to obtain a surface of required
Research paper on Plasma arc cutting


The plasma cutting process is investigated experimentally in the present paper for
assessing the quality of the cut. The quality of the cut has been monitored by
measuring the kerf taper angle (conicity), the edge roughness and the size of the
heat-affected zone (HAZ). This work aims at evaluating processing parameters,
such as the cutting power, scanning speed, cutting height and plasma gas pressure.
A statistical analysis of the results has been performed in order for the effect of each
parameter on the cutting quality to be determined. The regression analysis has been
used for the development of empirical models able to describe the effect of the
process parameters on the quality of the cutting.
The objective of this paper is the investigation and determination of the most
important parameters that influence the cutting quality on oxygen plasma cutting.
Oxygen as a cutting gas is of low cost against other cutting gases. For this reason,
there is a trend in industrial practice to be extensively used for cutting mild steel. On
the other hand, oxygen is an active gas reducing the cutting quality of the cuts. The
effect of the most important parameters on quality characteristics, such as cutting
edge surface roughness, conicity and heat affected zone (HAZ), for cutting of mild
steel was assessed. Statistical analysis of the results has been utilized for
determining the contribution of each individual parameter to the cutting quality.
Experimental Results and Discussion
The cut quality was assessed in terms of cutting edge surface roughness, conicity
(edge inclination) and HAZ. The cutting edge surface roughness was measured
every 20mm along a 150mm length of the centerline in every specimen.
Allowance was made for non steady state conditions at the beginning and the end
of the cut. The variation of surface roughness (Ra) was measured with a diamond
tipped stylus, surface measurement instrument (Mitutoyo SJ-400). An optical
microscope Leitz was used for the observation and measurement of each
specimen. The conicity (edge inclination) was calculated based on the kerf
measurement. For the measurement of the HAZ, a Nital etchant (solution of 4%
nitric acid in alcohol) was applied on the processed area. The etched surface was
examined visually with an optical microscope to detect detrimental microstructural
modifications that result from overheating during plasma cutting machining.
Fig. 6. Effect of cutting height on the conicity,
fr om left to right: cut height too high, too low and optimum

 Experimental Investigation of the Plasma Arc Cutting Process
K. Salonitisa,*, S. Vatousianosb

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