Rakesh Kumar
as under: -
what is averred herein, are denied and that nothing in the Petition
ad-verbatim as, the petitioner has moulded the facts and has tried
2. That in the instant case, the Petitioner had made the application
after the demise of his father and he has claimed this as a matter of
such appointments.
There can be no quarrel to the settled legal proposition that the claim
the family of such employee who has served the State and dies while
as a matter of right.
would not be able to make both ends meet, a provision is made for
to the general provisions, does not unduly interfere with the right of
against the post which would have been available to them, but for
अतः यह उत्तराधिकार प्रमाण-पत्र प्रार्थी राकेश कुमार के धपता स्व. श्री माणकचंद कुशवाह
के राज्य बीमा, सामान्य धिधि, ग्रैचुइटी, बकाया पी.ऐल. आधद तर्था अन्य जमा कुल राधश
19,59/926/- रुपये के सम्बन्ध मे प्रार्थी राकेश कुमार के पक्ष में उधचत न्याय शुल्क
1996, only the legal heirs of the deceased can file an application for
deceased. The first wife of Manakchand got separated from him and
without taking divorce from him he got married to Devi Bai and from
their wedlock they had 3 daughters and a son. But the legitimacy of
marriage shall be valid only if the person has no spouse living at the
time of marriage.
(i) neither party has a spouse living at the time of the marriage;
the divorce has been sought from the first wife, the second marriage
Therefore, the rule cited above, makes it mandatory that only the
but these are not the conclusive proof that the petitioner is the
to be dismissed.
the application should have been made by the surviving spouse but
the first wife of the deceased as, the second wife was not legally
certificate attached by the first wife, is not required and does not
fulfil any purpose for the said appointment. Henceforth, due to the
submitted that the petitioner has been filled with ulterior motive and
will be evident from the contentions of the case below. That the
1. The contents of Para 1 of the writ petition are not disputed. However,
of the court under Article 226 can be invoked only if the fundamental
or the legal rights are violated. But, in the instant case no rights are
2. That the facts of para 2 are denied. It is humbly submitted that there
that the family was in the dire need of the money and was under any
financial crisis as the details mandatory to be provided under Rule
whether the mother of petitioner Dev Bai, was a legally wedded wife
4. That the contents of Para 4 are denied. But the arguments raised on
are denied strongly, as, his application was under the process and
also denied vehemently because the order was passed assigning the
ineligibility for the post. The relevant portion of the order dated
assertion of fact. That the petitioner is well qualified does not invest
AIR 1989 SC 1976, wherein the Hon’ble Apex Court held that:
the person, after offer is made for appointment on any post the right
Moreover, all the relevant documents have not been attached by the
7. That the contents of Para 7 of the writ petition are replied in terms
that the petitioner, although has sent an application for seeking the
the Rules of 1996 provisions has not been complied with. According
to the Rule 10, the petitioner has not complied with the following:
hon’ble court.
8. That the contents of Para 8 are not disputed as, it is correctly stated
9. That the contents of Para 9 are denied in toto. The instant Petitioner
humbly submitted before this hon’ble court that the order dated
10. That the contents of Para 10 are factual and need no reply.
11. That the contents of Para 11 are denied in the manner stated as
attached justifying the same. In the petition also, only the separation
without following any due process is inferred. The affidavits and the
identity card do not fulfil the purpose of justifying that the divorce
fact the second marriage with Devi Bai, if at all was even performed
petition that she only stayed with him. Therefore, the legitimacy of
12. That the contents of para 12 are vehemently denied. The respondent
would like to draw the attention of this hon’ble court that in this
stating on one hand that the family has no source of income while
pertinent to note that having the job means that the source of
petitioner has moulded the facts and is trying to mislead this hon’ble
provided which does not justify his statement that his salary is petty.
financial crisis in the family and does not require the grant of
compassionate appointment. In light of this, the petition deserves to
III employee are lying vacant. A mere assertion on the behalf of the
14. That the contents of para 14 are vehemently denied. The petitioner
spoil their whole life. Apart from this, the application of the
on the ground of his ineligibility for the post. Also, the fundamental
rights of the petitioner are not violated in any sense since, the
15. That the contents on para 15 are denied in toto. The petitioner is
that the petitioner is ineligible for the post. And, this reason is
B. That the contents of para B are denied vehemently. The order is not
vague and cryptic but passed after following the due process of law
state that the reason is not given. But, in the instant case,
D. That the contents of para D are disavowed. The order has been
passed after following the due process of law and after the proper
the compassionate ground. And, even if, the appointments are made
the same. The appointments are made on the basis of merits and
since, petitioner being ineligible for the same has been rejected for
this para, it has been stated that the family is getting certain amount
as against the pension. Also, no proof has been given for the same
G. That the contents of para G are denied, for they are negated by the
stated that he has a private job and also certain amount is received
H. That the contents of para H are factual but the argument raised by
not illegal and arbitrary but based on the reasonable ground of being
I. That the contents of para I are stated in a wrong manner just to pose
a wrong picture in front of this hon’ble court. The time was taken
law was followed in giving the order rejecting the candidature of the
K. That the contents of para K are not true. Only after the due
basis of merits, the appointments are made for the same. Therefore,
L. That the contents of para L are denied in toto. The petitioner does
not deserve the appointment due to his ineligibility for the same and
nexus can be drawn from the contents of the paragraph. The family
qualification is not the only factor which can decide the appointment
on compassionate ground but there are many other factors and the
O. That the contents of Para O of the petition are denied, as the Petition
16. That the contents of Para 16 of the petition are denied. The
that effect has been produced by the Petition either. In view of the
That the contents of the Prayer Paras are denied for being
infructuous, wrongful and illegal. It has been proven that the instant
ii. That the contents of the sub-para ii are denied. Your lordship
the same.
iii. That the contents of the sub-para iii are denied. Your lordship
iv. That the contents of the sub-para iv are denied as, the Petition
may deem fit in the ends of justice, equity and good conscience.
Jaipur/ Dated
Rakesh Kumar
3. Documents
Rakesh Kumar
I, _________________________________________________ do hereby
[2]. That I have gone through and fully understood the averments
made in the annexed reply which has been drafted by my counsel
under my instructions.
[3]. That the factual contents of the annexed reply are true and
correct to my personal knowledge derived from the record and the
legal averments made therein are believed by me to be true and
correct on the basis of legal advice tendered to me by my Counsel.
Rakesh Kumar
I, _________________________________________________ do hereby
solemnly affirm on oath and state as under: