Bureau of Printing

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The Bureau of Printing (Serafin Salvador and Mariano Ledesma, petitioners) v.

The Bureau of
Printing Employees Association (NLU) (Pacifico Advincula, Roberto Mendoza, Ponciano and
Teodulo Toleran, respondents)


 Respondents filed a complaint against petitioners, Salvador, the Acting Secretary of the
Department General Services and Ledesma, the Director of Bureau of Printing, due to unfair
labor practices by interfering with employees of Bureau of Printing, particularly, the members
of the complaining association petition, in their exercise of their right to self-organization by
“discriminating in regard to hire and tenure of their employment in order to discourage them
from pursuing the union activities.”1

 Petitioners denied the charges with the affirmative defenses as follows:

 The respondents were suspended for breach of Civil Service rules and regulation.
 BOP has no juridical personality to sue and be sued.
 BOP is an agency performing government functions.

 Petitioners prayed for the dismissal of the case for lack of jurisdiction and filed and Omnibus
Motion. The latter was granted, however, the former, was denied for the cause that trial court
proclaimed that the functions of BOP are “exclusively proprietary in nature.” Reconsideration
was denied, as effect, case was brought to Supreme Court for certiorari and prohibition.


WON Bureau of Printing may be sued.


The Bureau of Printing receives outside private printing jobs from time to time, imposes work
with pay on their employees when needed, however, as created by A.O. no. 2657, it operates
under direct supervision of Executive Secretary, Office of the President, its function is to meet
the printing needs of the Government, it is a service bureau, not a business with an aim to gain
monetary profit. It is not full proprietary in nature. Consequently, Industrial Court has no
jurisdiction to the said case for it is neither an industrial nor a business organization. Suing such
agency would fall to mean suing the Government, and as a general rule, the same cannot be
sued without consent.

J. Francois L. Ocaso

1 According to Labor Code – Art. 259 (5), doing as such violates rights by means of stopping a parties from requiring
membership in a recognized collective bargaining agent as a condition of employment, except… (See Azucena, “The
Labor Code with Comments and Cases”, Vol. II-A: Labor Relations, p. 303.)

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