(John Norrish) Advanced Welding Processes (BookFi) - Pages-85-91

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The document discusses various shielding gases used in welding processes and their applications. It also covers developments in GTAW such as arc initiation techniques and electrode composition.

Some common shielding gases discussed are argon, helium, argon-helium mixtures, nitrogen, and mixtures of argon with hydrogen or carbon dioxide.

The selection of shielding gases is affected by factors like the material being welded, the welding process used, and the desired weld properties and performance.

72 Advanced welding processes

For shielding, the gases used are similar to those employed for GTAW
and plasma welding, but, in the case of laser welding, ionization of the gas
or metal vapour to form a plasma is undesirable (see Chapter 8) and gases
with a high ionization potential, such as helium, are favoured. The common
gas mixtures used for shielding are:
∑ argon, helium and argon/helium mixtures, used for most materials including
steel and the reactive metals titanium and zirconium;
∑ nitrogen can be used for less demanding applications on austenitic stainless
If a plasma does form, a jet of gas may be used to displace or disrupt the
plasma; [78] the normal gas used for this purpose is helium.

5.4 Summary
The range of gases used for shielding in arc and laser welding processes is
limited but gas mixtures containing from two to four active components may
be used to obtain the optimum welding performance. The range of gases
commonly used for gas-shielded arc welding and their applications are
summarized in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Common shielding gases for arc welding processes

Gas Applications Features

Argon GTAW all metals, GMAW Inert. GTAW; good arc

spray/pulse Al, Ni, Cu initiation, stable arc, efficient
shielding, low cost. Poor
bead profile in GMA welding
of steel
Helium GTAW all metals; Inert. High heat input, higher
especially Cu, Al. GMAW; voltage than argon,
high current spray with Al improved fusion, low arc
pressure. Require higher gas
flow for effective shielding

Argon + 25 to 80% GTAW and GMAW Al and Inert. Improved fusion and
helium Cu bead profile, good shielding
efficiency, stable arc

Argon + 0.5 to 15% GTAW austenitic stainless Active. Improved fusion,

hydrogen steel and Cu/Ni alloys edge wetting and reduced

Carbon dioxide GMAW plain carbon and Active. Low cost, good
low alloy steels. Dip fusion, effective shield. May
transfer and FCAW have poor process stability
and high spatter
Gases for advanced welding processes 73

Table 5.3 Continued

Gas Applications Features
Argon + 1 to 7% CO2 + GMAW plain carbon steel Active. Low heat input,
up to 3% O2 and low alloy steels, spray stable transfer, finger
and pulse penetration
Argon + 8 to 15% CO2 + GMAW plain carbon steel Active. Good arc stability,
up to 4% O2 and low alloy steels, dip improved fusion and bead
spray and pulse profile
Argon + 16 to 25% CO2 GMAW plain carbon steel Active. Increased fusion but
and low alloy steels, dip, reduced stability and
FCAW increased spatter
Argon + 1 to 8% O2 GMAW plain carbon steel Active. Lower O2 for spray
and low alloy steels, dip and pulse. Reduced carbon
spray and pulse pick-up in stainless steels
Helium + 10 to 20% GMAW dip transfer of Active. Improved fusion and
argon + CO2 + O2 austenitic stainless steel. bead profile

Helium + 30 to 40% GMAW, dip, spray and Active. Good fusion. Can be
argon + CO2 + O2 pulse, stainless and low used with high deposition
alloy steels GMAW for improved fusion

The gas mixture selected will have a significant effect on the quality and
economics of the resultant weld and the high basic cost of some of these
mixtures must be evaluated against the overall cost of process as discussed
in Chapter 2.
Advanced gas tungsten arc welding

6.1 Introduction
The gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process is well established as a high-
quality fusion welding technique. Developments in the process have extended
the potential application range and offer improved process control.

6.2 Process developments

Some of the more significant process advances are described below and
further developments in the field of automation, computer control and adaptive
control are discussed in Chapter 11.
The basic process developments and the principles involved in the control
of the process will be discussed under the following headings:
∑ arc initiation and electrode development;
∑ pulsed GTAW and high-frequency pulsed GTAW;
∑ square-wave AC GTAW and plasma;
∑ cold- and hot-wire feed additions in GTAW;
∑ dual-gas GTAW and plasma welding;
∑ multicathode GTAW;
∑ A-TIG welding;
∑ buried arc GTAW;
∑ high current GTAW;
∑ control of GTAW and related processes.

6.2.1 Arc initiation and electrode development

Arc initiation in the GTAW process is a two-stage process consisting
of initial breakdown of the arc gap (stage I) and stabilization of the arc
(stage II).
Stage I is influenced by the electrode, the open-circuit voltage of the

Advanced gas tungsten arc welding 75

power supply and the striking technique used. Stage II is controlled mainly
by the rate of response of the power supply.
Initial breakdown of the arc gap may be achieved by one of the following:
∑ touch striking;
∑ high-voltage DC;
∑ high-frequency–high-voltage.
Each of these techniques has limitations, as discussed below, and this has led
to the development of new systems which are also described.

Touch striking
Touch striking is probably the simplest technique available. The electrode is
brought into contact with the workpiece then rapidly withdrawn. The tungsten
electrode is heated resistively by the short-circuit current of the power source
and the initial arc is established from the heated electrode immediately the
electrode is withdrawn. The striking process is assisted by the very small arc
length which exists the instant the electrode contact with the workpiece is
broken and metal vapour is present in this gap. The effectiveness of the
technique depends to a large extent on the skill of the operator, but there is
always a likelihood of tungsten contamination occurring and this will adversely
affect the electrode running performance and weld quality.

High-voltage DC
It has been shown that to obtain reliable arc breakdown at normal arc lengths
DC voltages of 10 kV would be required. [79] These voltages would pose
serious safety hazards and are not feasible for normal applications. The use
of short-duration high-voltage surges has been shown to reduce the danger of
lethal electric shock [80] but there is still a risk of injury from reaction to
accidental contact with such high pulse voltages. The application of this
technique is therefore restricted to automatic systems in which the operator
is protected from contact with the high-voltage supply.

High-frequency currents tend to be carried in the outer layers of a conductor
and this ‘skin’ effect can be used to advantage in GTAW arc striking systems.
High-frequency–high-voltage supplies (e.g. 3 kV at 5 MHz) are effective in
breaking down the arc gap and are non-injurious to the operator. This type of
system has been used extensively for arc starting and AC arc stabilization in
GTAW and continues to be the main method of striking used in manual
GTAW systems. In some cases, arc starting using high-frequency ignition
76 Advanced welding processes

systems becomes inconsistent; this may be due to electrode characteristics or

an adverse phase relationship (i.e. lack of synchronization) between the
power supply and the arc-starting device. It has also been suggested that a
negative space charge may be generated around the end of the electrode and
the gas cup. In this case, improved consistency may be obtained by discharging
the charge by connecting the gas cup to the positive terminal of the power
supply. Where a ceramic gas cup is used, a conductive foil may be wrapped
around the nozzle to provide an electrical connection, whereas, with metallic
cups, a resistor is inserted between the cup and the positive connection.
The main problem with the high-frequency starting technique, however,
lies in the use of high-frequency voltage oscillations, which, depending on
the design of the oscillator circuit, can cover a wide range of radio frequencies
and produce both airborne and mains-borne interference. In the past, this
problem has resulted in interference with communication systems and domestic
television and radio reception, but it is also likely to create significant problems
with electronic control and computing equipment in the welding environment.

New arc striking techniques

Programmed touch striking. The main problem with conventional touch
striking is the high short-circuit current which tends to overheat the electrode
and increase the risk of contamination. This limitation can be overcome by
controlling the current during the short circuit. Various systems exist [81] but
the operation is essentially as follows (see also Fig. 6.1). After closing the
torch switch (A), a low voltage is applied between the electrode and the
workpiece via a current-limiting resistor. When the electrode touches the
workpiece (B), the short circuit is detected electronically and a low current
(2 to 10 A) is allowed to flow; this current is sufficient to preheat the electrode
without overheating (C). When the electrode is lifted the voltage rises (D)
and signals the power supply to initiate the main current supply. The initial
arc current may be programmed to rise rapidly to ensure arc stabilization
before reverting to the working value. Trials have shown [82] that no evidence
of tungsten contamination or electrode weight loss could be detected after
repeated re-striking with a system of this type. The system is also ideally
suited to automatic application, where the contact of the electrode with the
workpiece and its retraction can be mechanized (see Chapter 11).
Pilot arc starting. The use of an auxiliary electrode in the torch enables a
low-current pilot arc to be struck before initiation of the main arc. This
system allows consistent striking, although it does require a slightly more
complex torch.
Piezoelectric arc starting. Piezoelectric arc-starting devices have been
investigated [83] and it has been shown that a torch-mounted piezoelectric
device can be used successfully for GTAW arc starting. Problems were,
Advanced gas tungsten arc welding 77





0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

6.1 Programmed touch striking system for GTAW. Top: simplified

circuit diagram. Bottom: current and voltage during programmed
touch striking.

however, encountered with high-voltage leakage and the system has not
been exploited commercially.

Arc stabilization
Stage II arc initiation or stabilization is largely dependent on the rate at
which the power source can supply current to the embryo arc after initial
breakdown. Conventional GTAW power sources have been shown to have a
current response of around 104 A s–1 at the optimum settings and with a
favourable phase relationship, [84] although much lower rates of rise could
be experienced, particularly on single-phase units, when the arc initiation
takes place out of phase with the mains supply. It would be expected that this
rate of rise of current could lead to striking difficulties especially at low set
currents and when long, inductive welding cables are used. In these
circumstances effective arc initiation often depends on the use of a capacitor
in parallel with the output which can discharge into the arc.
Electronically controlled power sources, such as the series regulator and
inverter designs described in Chapter 3, are capable of giving much higher
rates of initial current rise (typically 5 ¥ 104 A s–1) and are less sensitive to
phase relationship problems.
78 Advanced welding processes

Electrode composition
The tungsten electrodes used in GTAW are usually alloyed with a small
amount of thoria or zirconia in order to improve arc starting, by reducing the
work function of the tungsten and improving its emission characteristics.1
Thoriated electrodes give very good striking and DC running characteristics,
but it has been demonstrated that the consistency of performance is closely
related to the homogeneity of the electrode and, in particular, the regularity
of the thoria distribution. [85] In this study, it was shown that the stable arc
operating time (continuous arc operation) may be extended by up to 100%
when an electrode with a fine, homogeneous distribution of thoria particles
(70 h stable arc operation at 125 A) is substituted for an electrode with a less
regular composition (35 h stable operation), whilst re-ignition delays can be
reduced from 4% of the total number of arc starts to 1% with the better-
quality electrode.
Although thoria (ThO2) is effective in improving arc striking and tip
shape retention, it is naturally radioactive. Concern about potential safety
implications, in particular in electrode manufacture, has led to the investigation
of alternative alloying additions. Oxides of the rare earth elements lanthanum,
yttrium and cerium appear to offer similar characteristics to thoria. Laboratory
investigations [86] indicate that electrodes doped with these substances may
perform better than conventional thoriated types. In these tests the number of
successful arc initiations using high-frequency (HF) arc starting and an open-
circuit voltage (OCV) range of 18 to 36 V was assessed. The results are
summarized below and in Fig. 6.2.
Follow-on current was set to 20–30 A. The electrode vertex angle was
45∞, and the total number of attempts at each open circuit voltage was 30. At
30 V OCV, the performance of ThO2, La2O3, CeO2, and Y2O3, is very similar,
whereas at 24 V OCV, the lanthanum oxide gave the best results. Measurements
of electrode temperature indicated that La2O3, Y2O3 and CeO2 gave lower
operating temperatures than those for pure tungsten and zirconiated tungsten,
and in addition, the amount of electrode melting and tip shape deterioration
was much less.

Rim formation and weight loss

A rim of tungsten ‘whiskers’ forms on the upper vertex of the electrode,
particularly if there is more than 0.05% oxygen present in the shielding gas.
This effect is thought to be associated with the volatilization of tungsten
oxide and the condensation and growth of pure tungsten crystals on the

The work function of pure tungsten is around 4.54 eV, whereas that of a 2% thoriated
electrode is around 2.63 eV.

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