Enzotech - STPS: Chennai Chennai

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Enzotech - STPs

Enzotech : a brief intro

 Full fledged manufacturing, marketing and after

sales service facilities for Packaged STPs

 Strong client roster – testimony to efficacy of

Patented technology

 MoD approved

 Packaged STPs from 5 KLD to 150 KLD in FRP

and >150 KLD to 500 KLD in civil construction
Key features of Enzotech plants
 Treatment capacity 1000 L – 1,50,000 L Per Day
 Superior & Effective Treatment of sewage

 Minimum sludge generation

 No stench

 Low power consumption

 Low cost of operation

 Minimum civil work

 Compact design – Less space requirement

 Very little operation noise

 Treated water quality – Recyclable / Reusable
 Quick & easy installation
 Low maintenance
Modified RBC Process
High Rate Parallel Plate Clarifier
Enzotech technology
Modified Parallel plate clarifier by Enzotech
• Special High Rate
• Modified parallel plate
clarification with
coagulation &
precipitation with
special polymer or
The Bio-ball
Design of Bio-ball media

Media available in market

Enzotech Bio-Ball Media – Patent Granted



Fujino 50 mm 350 92 % 110 gm/L
Spirals Sq.m/Cu.m

Enzotech 28 mm 550 95 % 27 gm/L

Bioball Sq.m/Cu.m
Modified RBC Technology
Modified Rotating Biological Contactor by
Enzotech (Patented)
Bio remediation
 Establish Microbiology Lab
 Identification & selection of efficient bacteria for sewage
 Other seven species of bacteria for production of
enzymes for faster metabolism of waste.


Bio Filtration

Bio-Media Filtration
 In secondary clarifier, bio-
filtration is done using
floating media.
Comparison of MBR and Enzotech FRP

Defining Parameters MBR Enzotech - FRP Type

Raw sewage parameters

TSS,mg/l 200 to 250 300 to 350

BOD,mg/l 300 to 400 400 to 500

COD/mg/l 500 to 600 800 to 1000

Treated water

TSS,mg/l Nil 5 to 10

BOD,mg/l <3 < 10 to<3

COD/mg/l <50 50 to 100

Comparison of MBR and Enzotech FRP

Defining Parameters MBR Enzotech - FRP Type

Sludge production is
more. It needs Belt press
Sludge handling system or centrifugal sludge Sludge removed by
requirement removal equipment. gravity on sludge bed
Classical treatment
improved for higher
Membrane process with efficiency to give better
extra pure outlet water treated water for reuse,
quality for special use, less space and less power
Advantages smaller area requirement. requirement.
Continuous maintenance
of high MLSS, high
membrane replacement
cost, huge power Chemical cost,
requirement, highly mechanical maintenance
Disadvantage trained operator required. are high
Comparison of MBR and Enzotech FRP
Defining Parameters MBR Enzotech - FRP Type

Easy installation 1 to 2
Installation Electromechanical 6 to 8 weeks weeks
Below 150 KLD MSEP / RCC FRP
Above 150 KLD RCC RCC
Equalization Min. 8 Hrs Retention Time
Min. 12Hrs Retention Time
Both have 6 hours total
Min. 6 Hrs Retention Time,
since high MLSS is Min. 1 to1.5 Hrs Retention retention time
Biological Tank maintained Time

Secondary Settlers NA Min 2 Hrs Retention time

Min 15 minutes Retention

Filter Feed Tank NA time

Treated water Tank As per required 12 hrs

Aerobic Digester NA NA

Sand Filter, m3/m2/hr NA 15 to 20

Activated Carbon
filter,m3/m2/hr NA 12 to 15

Softener Input Hardness/ OBR NA

MLSS 8000 mg/l to 12000 mg/l Not required

Comparison of MBR and Enzotech FRP

Defining Parameters MBR Enzotech - FRP Type

Easy system operates on its

Fully automated for critical own with periodical
Operation operations checks
Manpower Semi skilled, and not on
Skilled, not on continuous basis continuous basis

Selection of energy efficient

Energy Efficiency equipment required Energy efficient

Typical cost in Rs.100 per KLD Depends upon membrane

sewage treatment selection 22.5 lakhs

Operating cost per KLD

sewage treatment
(power, chemicals etc. Rs.22 to24 Rs.10 to15

land requirement per 100 KLD

sewage treatment 50 to 65 m2 50 to 65 m2
Comparison of MBR and Enzotech FRP

Defining Parameters MBR Enzotech - FRP Type

Township, Residential projects,

Municipal corp., SEZ, Hotels, IT parks SEZ, Hotels, Hospital ,IT
Recommended Application ,Residential projects, ETP etc parks, ETP etc

Design life of media/Membrane 3 to 7 years 15 to 20 years

Automation PLC based operation Not required

Minimum and Maximum

capacities up to 6 MLD STP 10000 liter per day to all size

Availability of spare components Not readily, involves membranes and

for maintenance automation Easy

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