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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Volume 2012, Article ID 682495, 16 pages

Research Article
A DFT and Semiempirical Model-Based Study of Opioid Receptor
Affinity and Selectivity in a Group of Molecules with a Morphine
Structural Core

Tamara Bruna-Larenas and Juan S. Gómez-Jeria

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile, P.O. Box 653, Santiago, Chile

Correspondence should be addressed to Juan S. Gómez-Jeria, [email protected]

Received 31 May 2012; Accepted 20 September 2012

Academic Editor: O. Bruno

Copyright © 2012 T. Bruna-Larenas and J. S. Gómez-Jeria. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

We report the results of a search for model-based relationships between mu, delta, and kappa opioid receptor binding affinity
and molecular structure for a group of molecules having in common a morphine structural core. The wave functions and local
reactivity indices were obtained at the ZINDO/1 and B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ levels of theory for comparison. New developments in the
expression for the drug-receptor interaction energy expression allowed several local atomic reactivity indices to be included, such
as local electronic chemical potential, local hardness, and local electrophilicity. These indices, together with a new proposal for
the ordering of the independent variables, were incorporated in the statistical study. We found and discussed several statistically
significant relationships for mu, delta, and kappa opioid receptor binding affinity at both levels of theory. Some of the new local
reactivity indices incorporated in the theory appear in several equations for the first time in the history of model-based equations.
Interaction pharmacophores were generated for mu, delta, and kappa receptors. We discuss possible differences regulating binding
and selectivity in opioid receptor subtypes. This study, contrarily to the statistically backed ones, is able to provide a microscopic
insight of the mechanisms involved in the binding process.

1. Introduction nervous system (CNS), designated as μ, δ, κ, and nociceptin,

as well as subtypes within the first three classes (we employed
Molecular recognition processes control a huge number of capital letters to avoid confusions because similar small
aspects of life on Earth. The ability of molecules to recognize Greek letters are used to design reactivity indices used
a certain pattern of atom distribution and not another is below). Each receptor type has a distinct selectivity profile
central to catalysis, drug effects, chemical reactivity, and and a unique distribution within the CNS. They are activated
so forth. Concerning the recognition by a drug of one or both by endogenously produced opioid peptides and by
more receptors, this is a phenomenon that still needs to exogenously administered opiate compounds, some of which
be fully understood to design new agonists or antagonists are not only among the most effective analgesics known but
for a given receptor type. The central problem of the drug- also highly addictive and abused (they are not the only ones
receptor interaction is the following: how can a certain to be activated by exogenous compounds; serotoninergic
molecule be recognized by two or more receptors and 5-HT2 receptors are activated by hallucinogens like LSD;
display different affinities for them? Among the molecules e.g.).
having this interesting property we may cite dopaminergic, The great medical importance of these and similar
serotoninergic, and opioid compounds. In the following we molecular systems requires research on their quantitative
shall focus on the latter. structure-activity relationships (QSAR) in order to improve
Regarding opioids there is abundant evidence for the our knowledge about how receptor binding, selectivity, and
existence of four major classes of receptors in the central pharmacological effects are achieved. The set of molecular
2 International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

features which are necessary for binding are summarized affinity. Thus, Dmt-Tic (Dmt = 2 ,6 -dimethyl-L-tyrosine,
in the “interaction pharmacophore” and those necessary Tic = 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid) with
for pharmacological effects (agonism, antagonism, etc.) in hydrophobic C-terminal substituents enhanced μ affinity
the “agonist pharmacophore,” “antagonist pharmacophore”, to provide δ antagonists with dual receptor affinities and
and so forth. In the case of opiates there are several lines bifunctional activity. Bonner et al. prepared topographi-
of research dealing with the synthesis and pharmacological cally constrained analogues of the highly μ-opioid-receptor-
evaluation of derivatives of endogenous opioid peptides selective antagonist CTAP (H-D-Phe-c [Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Arg-
(enkephalins, which are δ receptor ligands, β-endorphin, Thr-Pen]-Thr-NH2 ) [6]. Molecular modeling based on 2D
which binds to all opioid receptors, and dynorphins, which NMR revealed that low energy conformers of peptides with
exert their effects primarily through the κ-opioid receptor). similar biological activities had similar aromatic pharma-
Another line of research does the same but with rigid opiates cophore orientations and interaromatic distances. Peptides
derived from morphine, pethidine, naltrexone, and other that exhibit μ antagonism have interaromatic distances of
exogenous molecules. Finally, there have been some efforts to 7.0–7.9 Å and have their amino terminal aromatic moiety
combine experimental results with crystallographic data and pointing in a direction opposite to the orientation of the
quantum chemical calculations into several pharmacophore amino terminus. Peptides with δ opioid activity displayed an
models. interaromatic distance of <7 Å and had their amino terminal
Regarding the last line of research, Gorin and Marshall aromatic moiety pointing in the same direction as the amino
defined a model for the opiate receptor by using a computer- terminus. Bernard et al. extended the conformationally
based molecular display, and X-ray crystallographic input sampled pharmacophore (CSP) method to peptide ligands
data. The model can explain the stereochemistry of the way using replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation for
in which the morphine, morphinan, and oripavine classes conformational sampling [7]. The developed 2D CSP indi-
of compounds interact with the receptor. The minimal cates that the spatial relationship of the basic nitrogen and
structural unit of the enkephalins demonstrated to be the hydrophobic moiety in the δ opioid ligands differentiates
pharmacologically active, Tyr-lyGly-Phe, was also fitted to activity. Such an overlap is expected because all the ligands
this model by using a systematic search of conformational bind to the same receptor and support a model where both
space. This model for the analgesic pharmacophore utilizes classes of ligands interact with the δ receptor via the same
the previously recognized requirement of the phenolic ring binding mode. However, there exist high-probability regions
and tertiary amine of morphine. To be consistent with the that are primarily sampled by agonists versus antagonists
stereospecific activity of the morphine, morphinan, and and vice versa for both the peptide and nonpeptide ligands.
oripavine classes of compounds, it was also proposed that Kuz’mina et al. presented in a series of papers a general model
atoms C5 and C6 of the C ring of morphine are an additional of the opiate pharmacophore [8–10]. Bernard et al. extended
requirement [1]. Burt et al. have identified molecular features the CSP method to obtain quantitative models of δ opioid
and types of receptor interactions that modulate ago- ligand efficacy and affinity [11]. The models obtained for a
nist/antagonist potencies in diverse classes of opiates. Using structurally diverse set of peptide and nonpeptide δ opioid
the fused-ring opiates as a template for the interaction of ligands offer good predictions with R2 values > 0.9, and the
opiates at the receptor site, they have developed hypotheses predicted efficacy for a set of test compounds was consistent
that can explain pure agonist, pure antagonist, and mixed with the experimental values. Later Shim et al. applied the
agonist/antagonist activity not only for fused-ring opiates, CSP method to develop a predictive model of the efficacy of
but also for peptide opiates and flexible opiates such as the μ-opioid receptor ligands [12]. Their model predicts (1) that
4-phenylpiperidines and 3-phenylpiperidines [2]. Fournie- interactions of ligands with the B site, as with the 19-alkyl
Zaluski et al. suggested that μ receptors bind preferentially substituents of oripavines, modulate the extent of agonism;
to highly hydrophobic compounds with compact structures (2) that agonists with long N-substituents, as with fentanyl
while δ receptors exhibit a stronger affinity for larger peptides and N-phenethylnormorphine, can bind in an orientation
with hydrophilic components. For this they used a mixture such that the N substituent interacts with the B site that
of experimentally measured IC50 values and opioid activities also allows the basic N-receptor Asp interaction essential for
[3]. Loew et al. examined the conformational behavior of agonism; (3) that the μ agonist herkinorin, that lacks a basic
four tetrapeptide enkephalin analogues (Tyr-Gly-Gly- Phe- nitrogen, binds to the receptor in a manner similar to the
OH, Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-NH2 , Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-Phe-NH2 , and traditional opioids via interactions mediated by water or an
Tyr-D-Ala-Gly- (NMe)Phe-NH2 ) to identify conformations ion.
that are active and inactive at the opiate analgesic receptor. On the experimental side, biological studies of endoge-
Thus, on the basis of conformational data, the Tyr-Gly- nous opioid peptides, as well as synthetic analogues, have
Gly-Phe-NH2 analogue is predicted to have very weak led to the hypothesis that the tetrapeptide sequence from
opiate activity [4]. Lavecchia et al. modeled the κ-opioid Tyr1 to Phe4 is an important requirement for activity. It
receptor-agonists interactions using pharmacophore-based was proposed that the N-terminal tetrapeptide sequence
and docking simulations [5]. Their data provide additional of endogenous peptides carries the “message”, which is
evidence that δ-opioid agonists and antagonists interact responsible for mediating the opioid effect. The C-terminal
within the same ligand-binding domain in opioid receptors segments of these peptides, which differ in length and
and that hydrophobic substituents at the C-terminus of physical-chemical character, play an “address” role in confer-
the Dmt-Tic pharmacophore augment μ-opioid receptor ring selectivity for different opioid receptor types. Lipkowski
International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 3

et al. synthesized analogues of leucine-enkephalin and the basis of the general formula H-Dmt-Tic-NH-∗CH(R)-
dynorphin(1–8) in which the N-terminal dipeptide message R (∗ denotes chirality; R charged, neutral, or aromatic
sequence has been replaced by oxymorphone or naltrexone functional group; R = –OH or –NH2 ) [20]. Thus, these
(these molecules are called Alkaloid-Peptide Hybrids) [13]. C-terminally extended analogues indicated that an amino
Their results suggest that the selectivity for different opioid acid residue containing a single charge, amino or guanidino
receptor types depends on a balance between the affinities functionality, or aromatic group, substantially altered the δ-
of the message and address components. In cases where opioid receptor activity profile (selectivity and antagonism)
these components have comparable receptor affinities, the of the Dmt-Tic pharmacophore, which suggests that the
address can significantly shift selectivity by increasing affinity C-terminal constituent plays a major role in determining
for one receptor type while reducing affinity for other opioid receptor activity as an address domain. Daniels et al.
types. When the message component has high affinity for synthesized and evaluated bivalent ligands (KDAN series)
a particular receptor type, the modulatory role of the containing δ-antagonist (naltrindole) and κ1 -agonist (ICI-
address is expressed mainly by reducing the affinity of the 199,441) pharmacophores [21]. The data suggested that
ligand for other opioid receptor types. Portoghese et al. also KDAN-18 bridges phenotypic δ2 - and κ1 - receptors. They
synthesized bivalent ligands consisting of oxymorphamine presented a conceptual model to explain the organizational
and [D-G1u2 ]enkephalin pharmacophores linked through differences between the opioid receptors that give rise to the
phenotypes (δ1 , δ2 , κ1 , κ2 ). Peng et al. synthesized a series
a spacer attached to the 6-amino group of the former and
of homo- and heterodimeric ligands containing κ agonist
D-Glu of the latter to investigate the possible coexistence
and μ agonist/antagonist pharmacophores joined by a linker
of μ and δ recognition sites in the same opioid receptor
chain of varying lengths. They were evaluated in vitro for
complex [14]. They suggest that the results are consistent their binding affinity at μ, δ, and κ opioid receptors. The
with the simultaneous occupation of μ and δ by a single functional activities of these compounds were measured
bivalent ligand, but they are also in harmony with the in the [35S]-GTPγS binding assay [22]. The data suggest
interaction of the bivalent ligands with an opioid receptor that the stereochemistry of the pharmacophores, the N-
and an accessory binding site. In another paper Portoghese substituents of the pharmacophore, ester linkages, and the
et al. investigated whether one or two pharmacophores spacer length were crucial factors for optimal interactions
are required for the κ opioid receptor selectivity of the of such ligands at opioid receptor binding sites. Agnes et
bivalent opioid antagonist norbinaltorphimine [15]. They al. designed a single peptide which can interact with δ and
suggested that the κ selectivity of this kind of molecules μ opioid receptors as agonists and with CCK receptors as
is derived from the portions of the second halves of these antagonists [23]. These results provide evidence supporting
molecules in that they mimic key address components of the concept that opioid and CCK receptors have overlapping
dynorphin at κ opioid receptors. Larson et al. also examined pharmacophores required for binding affinity and biological
the effect of structural modifications on the affinity of activity and that design of overlapping pharmacophores of
norBNI analogues for wild-type and mutant κ and μ opioid two peptides into a single peptide is a valid approach. Balboni
receptors expressed in COS-7 cells [16]. It is suggested et al. analyzed the substitution of Gly with side-chain-
that the antagonist pharmacophore is bound within this protected or unprotected Lys in lead compounds containing
highly conserved region of the κ or mutant μ receptor the opioid pharmacophore Dmt-Tic [H-Dmt-Tic-Gly-NH-
and that an anionic residue at the top of transmembrane CH2 -Ph, μ agonist/δ antagonist; H-Dmt-Tic-Gly-NH-Ph, μ
helix 6 provides additional binding affinity. Lazarus et al. agonist/δ agonist; and H-Dmt-Tic-NH-CH2 -Bid, δ agonist
prepared analogues of the Dmt-Tic pharmacophore to test (where Bid = 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)] obtaining a new
the hypothesis that a spacer and a third aromatic center in series of compounds endowed with distinct pharmacological
opioid peptides are required to convert a δ-antagonist into activities [24]. The presence of a Lys linker provides new
ligands with δ-agonist or with mixed δ-antagonist/μ-agonist lead compounds in the formation of opioid peptidomimetics
properties [17, 18]. These data confirm that the distance containing the Dmt-Tic pharmacophore with distinct ago-
between the Dmt-Tic pharmacophore and a third aromatic nist and/or antagonist properties. The change of biological
nucleus is an important criterion in converting Dmt-Tic activity, receptor binding, and selectivity upon changes in
from a highly potent δ-antagonist into a potent δ-agonist the molecular structure have been analyzed in several recent
or into ligands with mixed δ- and μ-opioid properties. publications [25–28].
Grundt et al. start from the fact that the trans-(3,4)- The abovementioned experimental work suggests very
dimethyl-4-(3-hydroxyphenyl)piperidines are a unique class interesting and challenging hypotheses about opiate receptor
of opioid antagonists that have recently provided selective binding and selectivity that need to be explained at the
antagonists for μ-opioid receptors and κ-opioid receptors. microscopic level. In our Laboratory, and using a model-
Molecular modeling indicated a strong structural similarity based method, we have addressed this question through the
between the parent of this series and 2-amino-1,1-dimethyl- analysis of the different modes of binding of molecules to
7-hydroxytetralin. Introduction of a methoxy group in the μ, δ, and κ opiate receptors in order to generate a binding
3-position increased potency at μ and κ receptors, suggesting pharmacophore [29–31].
that this aminotetralin skeleton can be utilized as a new As, on the one hand, the model-based method has been
scaffold for the design of selective opioid receptor antagonists perfected by the formal addition of new terms having definite
[19]. Balboni et al. developed a series of 17 analogues on chemical meaning and, on the other hand, we have written
4 International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

new computer codes to extract new and useful information of this model. We are doing so to distinguish it very clearly
from standard quantum chemical packages, we now have from the statistics-backed methodologies.
newer tools that are able to detect the microscopic factors Let us consider the state of thermodynamic equilibrium,
regulating affinity and selectivity. This paper uses quantum and a 1 : 1 stoichiometry in the formation of the drug-
chemical methods in an attempt to advance the knowledge receptor complex:
of the relationship between electronic structure and the
binding to μ, δ, and κ receptors in a series of high affinity Di + R  Di R, (1)
opioid receptor ligands, whereby the phenolic OH group where Di is the drug, R is the receptor, and Di R is the drug-
of nalbuphine, naltrexone methiodide, 6-desoxonaltrexone, receptor complex. According to statistical thermodynamics
hydromorphone, and naltrindole was replaced by a car- the equilibrium constant, Ki , is expressed as [50]
boxamido group and the furan ring was opened to the
corresponding 4-OH derivatives to the receptor. QD i R Δεi
Ki = exp − 0 , (2)
QD i QR kT

where Δε0i is the difference between the ground-state energy

2. Methods, Models, and Calculations of Di R and the energies of the ground states of Di and R:
It was during the second half of the 1950 decade when Δε0i = εDi R − εDi + εR (3)
the first applications of Molecular Orbital (MO) theory to
the study of questions of pharmacological interest began and the Q’s are the total partition functions (PF) measured
to appear in the scientific literature [32–35]. Quantum from the ground state (in solution). T and k are the
chemistry provided the Linear Combination of Atomic temperature and the Boltzmann constant, respectively. First
Orbital approximation (LCAO) [36] and the work of Fukui of all, if we consider that for almost all polyatomic molecules
et al. about reactivity and weak molecular interactions [37– the Boltzmann factors of the excited electronic states are
39]. At that time progress was slow due to the lack of negligible compared to those of the ground state, we
a reasonable theoretical framework within which to work may consider only the electronic ground state in the PF.
and to the complexity and long calculation time of the Second, we shall consider that the rotational and vibrational
electronic structures. This last barrier was overcome with motions are independent and uncoupled and that at body
the availability of faster and faster computers (calculations temperature, the vibrational PFs have a value close to 1
lasting about 24 hours or more in the 1960s are done today [51]. Third, we shall employ the classical expression for
in a matter of seconds or minutes). This, together with the the rotational PF together with the assumption that the
new all-valence electron semiempirical [40], and the ab initio rotational PFs of the receptor and the drug receptor are
Hartree-Fock (HF) [41] and Density Functional (DFT) [42] similar (this requires that the receptor molecule be much
methods finally placed biologically important substances in greater than the drug molecule). In logarithmic form, (2)
the realm of feasible MO studies. transforms into [52]
If compounds in a congeneric or a homologous series σD i
of compounds differ only by one substituent, it is not log Ki = a + bMDi + c log + dΔεi , (4)
unreasonable to assume that the difference in their binding
to a receptor site is due solely to differing properties of where a, b, c, and d are constants, M is the drug’s mass, σ
the substituents. Since there is no a priori or a posteriori its symmetry number, and ABC the product of the drug’s
knowledge of the particular atoms primarily responsible for moment of inertia about the three principal axes of rotation.
the activity of a drug, we will require in principle that The interaction energy, Δεi , cannot be determined
each atom of the drug interact with each atom of the drug directly, either due to the size of the receptor or to the lack
receptor site. In such a case, if the model works, that is, of knowledge of its molecular structure. Nevertheless, as we
can represent the data, it may give new insights into the are dealing with a weak drug-receptor interaction, we can
mechanism of binding. We must note that the assumption employ Perturbation Theory in the Klopman-Hudson form
implicit in this treatment is that receptor structure and to evaluate Δεi . According to this method, the change in
mechanism of action remain constant while only the binding electron energy, ΔE, associated with the interaction of atoms
(affinity) varies throughout the series. In 1967 Klopman i and j is
and Hudson published a general perturbation treatment of   
chemical reactivity, not restricted to π-conjugated molecules,
Qi Q j 1
ΔE = +
in which allowance is made for ionic interactions [43–45]. p Ri j 2
As this theory represents the interaction energy in terms of ⎤

Dmi Dn j  1 

Dm i Dn j
atom-atom interactions it was only a question of time before ⎦,
× βi2j − βi2j
the first papers applying it to the study of the activity of m n (Em − En ) 2 m ń (Em − En )
biological molecules appeared [46–48]. Given that, as far as (5)
we know, the last paper not belonging to our group, and
using the model we are using here, was published in 1979 where Qi is the net charge of atom i, Dmi is the orbital charge
[49], we shall present in the following a detailed description of atom i in the MO m, βi j is the resonance integral, and Em
International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 5

(Em ) is the energy of the m-th (m -th) occupied (virtual) The most important feature of (6) is that it includes terms
MO of the drug, with n and n standing for the receptor. The belonging only to the drug molecule. During the year 2011
value of βi j is kept independent of the kind of AO because we analyzed several terms composing Φ and, after long and
the drug-receptor complex does not involve covalent bonds. tedious algebra, we found that we may associate some of
The summation on p is over all pairs of interacting atoms of them with a set of local atomic reactivity indices recently
the drug and the receptor. proposed by one of us [55]. These indices are defined within
The first term of the right side of (5) represents the the Hartree-Fock LCAO-MO framework as follow.
electrostatic interaction between two atoms having net The local atomic electronic chemical potential of atom i,
charges Qi and Q j . The second and third terms introduce μi:
the interactions between the occupied and empty MOs of the
∗ ∗
drug and those of the receptor. Eoc − Eem
μi = , (9)
As the MO energies of the receptor are not known, in the 2
first applications of this method these values were replaced by ∗
where Eoc is the upper occupied MO with a nonzero Fukui
constants [48, 49]. We followed a different approach. Noting ∗
index and Eem is the lowest empty MO with a non-zero Fukui
that 1/(Em − En ) and similar terms can be written in the form
1/(1 − x), we may expand them as a convergent infinite series.
The local atomic hardness of atom i, ηi :
After a little algebra we obtain [53]

ηi = Eem ∗
− Eoc . (10)
ΔE = a + ei Qi + fi SEi + si SNi
The local atomic softness of atom i, σi , defined as the

+ hi (m)Fi (m) + ji (m)SEi (m) inverse of the local atomic hardness.
(6) The local electrophilic index of atom i, ωi :
i m

+ ri (m )Fi (m ) + ti (m )SNi (m ) + Φ, μ2i
ωi = . (11)
i m 2ηi
where a, e, f , g, h, j, r, and t are constants and the The maximal amount of electronic charge that an
summation on i is now only over the drug’s atoms. SEi electrophile may accept, Qimax :
and SNi are, respectively, the total atomic electrophilic and
nucleophilic superdelocalizabilities of Fukui et al. [54]. Fi,m is −μi
Qimax = . (12)
the Fukui index of atom i in occupied (empty) MO m (m ). η
The total atomic electrophilic superdelocalizability (ESD) of
atom i is defined as What is the relationship between these local atomic

indices and the global indices obtained within Density Func-
SEi = = SEi (m), (7) tional Theory? [56–70]. Let us analyze a couple of examples.
m Em m DFT defines the global (molecular) electronic chemical
potential, μ, and the global hardness, η, as (Koopman’s
where the summation on m runs only over the occupied theorem was used)
MOs. SEi (m) is called the orbital electrophilic superdelocal-
izability of atom i at MO m. EHOMO + ELUMO
The total atomic nucleophilic superdelocalizability μ= , (13)
(NSD) of atom i is defined as
η = ELUMO − EHOMO . (14)


SNi = = SNi (m ), (8)

Em m
Here, EHOMO and ELUMO are, respectively, the eigenvalues
of the higher occupied and lowest unoccupied MOs of the
where the summation on m runs only over the empty MOs. molecule. DFT chemical potential measures the escaping
SNi (m ) is called the orbital nucleophilic superdelocalizability tendency of electrons from a system, so electrons flow from
of atom i at MO m . Φ stands for the remaining series regions with higher chemical potential to areas with lower
expansion terms. The summation on p (i.e., the atoms chemical potential until μ becomes uniform throughout
involved in the interaction) is hidden for the sake of clarity. [70]. Global hardness is just the HOMO-LUMO gap and can
SEi is associated with the total electron-donating capacity be interpreted as the resistance of the chemical potential to
of atom i and SNi with its total electron-accepting capacity. change in the number of electrons.
These indices are very useful to compare the reactivity of a In the case of the local atomic electronic chemical

similar atomic position through a series of molecules because potential μi (9), Eocc is the eigenvalue of the highest occupied
they incorporate the eigenvalue spectrum which is usually MO that has a non-zero electron population on atom i. As
different in each molecular system. The orbital components, Molecular Orbitals of large molecules are not localized over
SEi (m) and SNi (m ), become important when fine aspects of all the system, the value of μi will not be the same for all
the drug-receptor interaction are needed for a more complete the atoms. The same definition holds for the local atomic
explanation. hardness, the local atomic softness, the local electrophilic
6 International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

index, and the maximal amount of electronic charge that an H

electrophile may accept (10)–(12). N
For this reason these local atomic indices are the
local atomic analogues of similar global reactivity indices R6
currently used in today’s quantum chemistry [56–70] and
can be interpreted in a similar way. The general meaning of
these local atomic indices is one μi which is a measure of
the tendency of an atom to gain or lose electrons; a large
negative value indicates a good electron acceptor atom while
a small negative value implies a good electron donor atom. R1 R2 R3 R4
The local atomic hardness can be interpreted as the resistance Figure 1: General formula of the molecules employed in this study.
of an atom to exchange electrons with the environment. The
local electrophilic index is associated with the electrophilic
power and includes the tendency of the electrophile atom to
receive extra electronic charge together with its resistance to allows us to transform a molecular property into a sum of
exchange charge with the medium. This index can be viewed substituent properties. As the physical interpretation of these
as a measure of the electrophilicity power because it is an terms it was proposed that they represent the fraction of
analogous of the classical electrostatics power, V 2/R, and μ molecules attaining the proper orientation to interact with
and η serve the purpose of potential (V ) and resistance (R), the receptor. We have called them Orientation Parameters.
respectively [70]. The success of this method was appreciated when it was
The insertion of (6) and (9) to (12) into (4) leads to the applied to a great variety of systems: molecules interacting
following final equation: with serotoninergic receptors [74–78], opiates interacting
 with opioid receptors [29–31], carbamate insecticides [72],
σD i molecules interacting with dopaminergic receptors [79],
log Ki = a + bMDi + c log
ABC kynurenic acid derivatives interacting with Gly/NMDA sites

  [80], cannabinoid derivatives interacting with the CB1 and
+ e j Q j + f j SEj + s j SNj CB2 receptors [81, 82], the inhibition of wild-type and
j drug-resistant HTV-1 reverse transcriptase by some thia-

  zolidenebenzenesulfonamide derivatives [83], and the inter-
+ h j (m)F j (m) + x j (m)SEj (m) (15) action of some N,N-dialkyl-2-phenylindol-3-ylglyoxylamide
j m derivatives with the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor [84].

  Two results stress the goodness of this model. The first one
+ r j (m )F j (m ) + t j (m )SNj (m ) was the successful prediction of the hallucinogenic activity of
j m
(±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-nitrophenyl)-2-aminopropane and

  the approximate dose humans could take [78]. The second
+ g j μ j + k j η j + o j ω j + z j σ j + w j Qmax
j .
one was when we could not obtain a statistically significant
equation for the dopaminergic D2 binding affinity of some
Then, for N (i = 1, N) molecules we have a set of apomorphines. We were able to show that the experimental
simultaneous equations 15. In principle, this system of results reported were wrong [79]. Recent results (accepted
simultaneous equations holds for the atoms j of the molecule for publication) were obtained for relationships between
directly perturbed by their interaction with the receptor. accumulation data and molecular structure in a group of pol-
Combined with the usual multiple-regression techniques, lutant molecules (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, poly-
these equations can be usefully applied to estimate the chlorinated dibenzofurans, and polychlorinated biphenyls)
relative variation of log Ki in the family of molecules in Gold Rush, Black Beauty, and Patty Green zucchini
analyzed. Also, they can be used to determine which atoms subspecies. Because this accumulation process seems not
are directly concerned in the formation of the drug-receptor to be a molecule-site equilibrium but a partition between
complex. Here statistical analysis is used, not to see whether two phases, and because there are early data showing that
there is a structure-activity relationship, but to find the best one. the logarithm of the octanol-water partition coefficient (a
On the other hand, the moment of inertia term was representation of lipophilicity) can be represented by the
analyzed and it was possible to show that it can be expressed atomic indices used here [85–88], we conjecture that the
in a first approximation as [71–73] method presented above can give better results than the
Hansch or Hammett approaches.

log (ABC)−1/2 = mi,t R2i,t = Ot , The molecules selected for this study are shown in
(16) Figure 1 and Table 1, together with their corresponding
t t t
experimental opioid receptor binding affinities [89].
where the summation over t is over the different substituents Our experience has shown that many times one or more
of the molecule, and mi,t is the mass of the ith atom belonging of the components of (15) may be constant or negligible,
to the t-th substituent, Ri,t being its distance to the atom but there is no a priori way to say with certainty which of
to which the substituent is attached. This approximation these components can be eliminated in a specific study. On
International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 7

Table 1: Molecules and their experimental opioid receptor binding affinitiesa,b .

Molecule R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Exp. log μ Exp. Log δ Exp. log κ

1 –CONH2 –OH –H =O –H –OH –CH2 –c–Pr −1.28 0.41 −0.63
2 –CONH2 –O– =O –H –OH –CH2 –c–Pr −0.14 2.74 1.04
3 –OH –O– =O –H –OH –CH2 –c–Pr −0.95 1.77 −0.72
4 –CONH2 –OH –H α-OH –H –OH –CH2 –c–Bu −0.28 1.89 0.95
5 –CONH2 OH –H –OH –H –OH –CH2 –c–Bu 0.57 2.17 −0.33
6 –OH –O– –OH –H –OH –CH2 –c–Bu 0.2 2.76 0.47
7 –CONH2 –OH –H β-OH –H –OH –CH2 –c–Bu −1.14 0.59 −0.46
8 –CONH2 –OH –H –H –H –OH –CH2 –c–Pr −0.79 0.62 −0.53
9 –CONH2 –O– –H –H –OH –CH2 –c–Pr 0.39 2.79 1.2
10 –OH –O– –H –H –OH –CH2 –c–Pr −0.61 1.89 −0.61
11 –CONH2 –OH –H =O –H –H –CH3 −0.52 0.91 0.36
12 –CONH2 –O– =O –H –H –CH3 0.07 2.41 1.27
13 –OH –O– =O –H –H –CH3 −0.55 1.57 0.44

14 –CONH2 –OH –H –H –CH2 –c–Pr −0.29 −1.6 −0.09


15 –CONH2 –O– –OH –CH2 –c–Pr 1.66 −0.52 1.67


16 –OH –O– –OH –CH2 –c–Pr 0.72 −0.85 0.46

From [89]. b In molecules 15–17 the carbon atoms marked with black dots belong to the common skeleton.

17 the semiempirical CNDO/2 and ZINDO/1 methods, ab

N initio HF and DFT methodologies. CNDO/2, HF, and DFT
7 8 methods presented problems for the calculation of SN
(see (8)); CNDO/2, because the empty MO eigenvalues it
5 6 11
9 provides are highly dependent on the conformation [90]. HF,
15 DFT, and CNDO/2 methodologies provide empty MOs with
4 12
2 10 negative and positive energy eigenvalues producing algebraic
zeros around the Fermi Level and leading to bad results for
3 1 13 14 the total NSD. The ZINDO/1 method is designed in such
Figure 2: Common skeleton with atom numbering. a way that the empty MOs eigenvalues are always positive
for neutral molecules, thus avoiding this algebraic problem.
For the sake of comparison we carried out the calculations
at the semiempirical ZINDO/1 and DFT B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)
the other hand, regarding the drug atoms interacting with levels. The molecules were analyzed in their protonated form.
the receptor, the common skeleton hypothesis has given good Full geometry optimization was carried out (with OPLS for
results. This hypothesis states that there is a certain group ZINDO/1 and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) for DFT). ZINDO/1 cal-
of atoms, common to all molecules analyzed (called the culations were performed with the Hyperchem software [91]
common skeleton), that accounts for almost all the binding and DFT ones with the Gaussian package [92]. With software
to the receptor. The action of the substituents consists in written in our laboratory all the necessary information was
modifying the electronic structure of this skeleton (and extracted from the above commercial software and the local
influencing the correct alignment of the drug through the atomic reactivity indices were calculated. For the calculation
orientational parameters). For the case studied here the of the local atomic reactivity indices all electron populations
common skeleton is shown in Figure 2. lesser or equal to 0.01 e were considered as zero. In the case of
The obtention of the numerical values for the reactivity the DFT calculations, negative electron populations arising
indices can be achieved at the semiempirical, HF or DFT from Mulliken Population Analysis were corrected according
levels of the theory. In our previous studies we have employed to a recently proposed method [93]. We need to stress that,
8 International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

L+2 Table 4 shows the experimental and calculated values for

log(μ). Figure 5 displays calculated versus observed values.
3.1.2. B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) Results. For log(μ) receptor binding
L affinity the best equation obtained is
H log μ = − 15.91(±0.99) + 5.50(±0.41)Q15

+ 49.75(±4.71)η5 − 29.43(±2.92)F11 (LUMO)
+ 10.11(±2.18)ω13 ,
with n = 16, R = 0.99, R2 = 0.98, R2adj = 0.97, F(4, 11) =
Figure 3: Atom i of molecules I, II, and III. Circles depict those
MOs in which atom i has nonzero electron populations. 113.62 (P < 0.00001), outliers > 2S = 0, and SD =
0.14. Here Q15 is the maximal amount of electronic charge
that atom 15 may accept, η5 is the hardness of atom 5,
F11 (LUMO) is the Fukui index of atom 11 at the first
as we have shown during the last few years, the correct choice
empty MO with nonzero electronic population and ω13 is
of more “primitive” methods (Extended Hückel Theory) can
the electrophilic index of atom 13. Tables 5 and 6 show,
be very helpful in interpreting experimental results [[94–96]
respectively, the beta coefficients, the results of the t-test
and references therein]. Linear multiple regression analysis
for significance of coefficients and the matrix of squared
was carried out with Statistica software [97]. The dependent
correlation coefficients for the variables appearing in (18).
variable is log IC50 and the independent variables are the
Table 4 shows the experimental and calculated values for
set of local atomic reactivity indices plus the orientational
log(μ). Figure 6 displays calculated versus observed values.
parameters of the substituents R1 –R8 (see Figure 1).
A last word about variable ordering: Figure 3 shows an
equivalent atom for molecules I, II, and III, each one with 3.2. δ Receptor Binding Affinity
three “occupied” (H, H − 1, H − 2) and three “empty” (L,
L + 1, L + 2) MOs. The circle in one MO means that the 3.2.1. ZINDO/1 Results. When the best statistical equation
corresponding Fukui index of atom i has a non-zero value was obtained, it was observed that in the case of molecule 6
for this particular MO (e.g., in molecule I MOs H − 1, H, the corresponding standard residual fell outside the ±2 sigma
L, and L + 1). As the drug-receptor interaction is achieved limit (2.18). When a new linear multiple regression analysis
through the existing (i.e., with nonzero electron populations) was carried out without molecule 6, the standard residual for
MOs of atom i, the data to be entered in the regression matrix molecule 10 fell outside the ±2 sigma limit (2.30). As our
must be modified as shown in Figure 4. The same holds for interest is to compare results for the whole set, no attempt
the orbital superdelocalizabilities. This must be done for all was made to get equations for smaller sets. We consider that
atoms entering in the multiple regression analysis. the variation of the actual ZINDO/1 variables is not able to
account for the variation of log(δ).
3. Results 3.2.2. B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) Results. For the δ receptor binding
3.1. μ Receptor Binding Affinity affinity the best equation obtained is

3.1.1. ZINDO/1 Results. The best equation obtained was log δ = 56.07(±3.18) + 7.21(±0.41)SE12
− 6.82(±1.48)F13 (HOMO) − 0.19(±0.004)
log μ = 7.18(±0.52) + 0.20(±0.05)SN3 (LUMO + 1)
− 16.22(±1.13)η6 + 1.85(±0.37)Q13 × SN N
8 (LUMO + 1) − 0.78(±0.21)S10 (LUMO + 1),
+ 0.81(±0.16)SN13 (LUMO + 2),
with n = 16, R = 0.99, R2 = 0.98, R2adj = 0.97, F(4, 11) =
with n = 16, R = 0.98, R2 = 0.97, R2adj
= 0.96, F(4, 11) = 107.48 (P < 0.000001), outliers > 2S = 0 and SD = 0.25.
89.10 (P < 0.000001), outliers > 2S = 0, and SD = 0.16. Here SE12 is the total atomic electrophilic superdelocalizability
Here SN3 (LUMO + 1) is the contribution of atom 3 to the of atom 12, F13 (HOMO) is the Fukui index of atom
second empty MO with non-zero electronic population, η6 13 at the highest occupied MO with non-zero electronic
is the hardness of atom 6, Q13 is the net charge of atom 13, population, SN8 (LUMO + 1) is the orbital nucleophilic
and SN13 (LUMO + 2), its contribution to the third empty superdelocalizability of atom 8 at the second empty MO
MO with non-zero electronic population. Tables 2 and 3 with non-zero electronic population, and SN10 (LUMO + 1)
show, respectively, the beta coefficients, the results of the t- is the orbital nucleophilic superdelocalizability of atom 10 at
test for significance of coefficients, and the matrix of squared the second empty MO with non-zero electronic population.
correlation coefficients for the variables appearing in (17). Tables 7 and 8 show, respectively, the beta coefficients, the
International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 9

Fi (L + 1) . . . F. i (L + 1) . . . Fi (L + 1) Fi (L + 1) . . . Fi (L + 2) . . . Fi (L + 2)
Fi (L) . . . Fi (L) ... Fi (L) Fi (L) . . . Fi (L) . . . Fi (L + 1)

Fi (H) . . . Fi (H) . . . Fi (H) Fi (H) . . . Fi (H) . . . Fi (H − 1)

Fi (H − 1) . . .Fi (H − 1) . . . Fi (H − 1) Fi (H − 1). . . Fi (H − 2) . . . Fi (H − 2)

Figure 4: Left side: part of the original matrix data for atom i built from Figure 3. Right side: part of the final matrix data for atom i
containing only nonzero values.

2 3
1 1.5

Observed values
Observed values

0 0

−0.5 −0.5


−1.5 −2
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Predicted values Predicted values

95% confidence 95% confidence

Figure 5: Observed and ZINDO/1 calculated values (17) of log(μ). Figure 7: Observed and DFT calculated values (19) of log(δ).
Dashed lines denote the 95% confidence interval. Dashed lines denote the 95% confidence interval.

2 3.3. κ Receptor Binding Affinity Results

1.5 3.3.1. ZINDO/1 Results. The best statistical equation
obtained is
log κ = − 8.33(±1.36) + 0.71(±0.18)SN7 (LUMO + 1)
Observed values

+ 0.60(±0.14)SN7 + 41.66(±9.10)
× F16 (HOMO − 1) + 1.36(±0.45) (20)
× SN
11 (LUMO + 1) + 11.56(±4.02)
× SE11 (HOMO),
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
with n = 16, R = 0.96, R2 = 0.92, R2adj = 0.89,
Predicted values
F(5, 10) = 24.20 (P < 0.00003), outliers > 2S = 0, and
95% confidence SD = 0.27. Here SN7 (LUMO + 1) is the orbital nucleophilic
superdelocalizability of atom 7 at the second empty MO
Figure 6: Observed and DFT calculated values (18) of log(μ). with non-zero electronic population, SN7 is the total atomic
Dashed lines denote the 95% confidence interval. nucleophilic superdelocalizability of atom 7, F16 (HOMO −
1) is the Fukui index of atom 16 at the second occupied MO
with non-zero electronic population, SN11 (LUMO + 1) is the
results of the t-test for significance of coefficients, and the orbital nucleophilic superdelocalizability of atom 11 at the
matrix of squared correlation coefficients for the variables second empty MO with non-zero electronic population, and
appearing in (19). Table 9 shows the experimental and SE11 (HOMO) is the orbital electrophilic superdelocalizability
calculated values for log(δ). Figure 7 displays calculated of atom 11 at the highest occupied MO with non-zero
versus observed values. electronic population. Tables 10 and 11 show, respectively,
10 International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

1.8 Table 4: Observed and calculated log(mu) values.

1.4 Calculated Calculated
Molecule Exp log (μ)a
1.2 log (μ)b ZINDO/1 log (μ)c DFT
1 1 −1.28 −1.32 −1.39
Observed values

0.8 2 −0.14 −0.37 0.03

0.4 3 −0.95 −0.83 −1.06
0.2 4 −0.28 −0.21 −0.35
0 5 0.57 0.43 0.70
−0.2 6 0.2 0.07 0.25
7 −1.14 −1.19 −0.92
−0.8 8 −0.79 −0.70 −0.89
−1 9 0.39 0.69 0.35
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
10 −0.61 −0.43 −0.49
Predicted values
11 −0.52 −0.45 −0.46
95% confidence
12 0.07 −0.02 −0.06
Figure 8: Observed versus ZINDO/1 calculated values (20) of 13 −0.55 −0.63 −0.52
log(κ). Dashed lines denote the 95% confidence interval. 14 −0.29 −0.31 −0.28
15 1.66 1.60 1.61
Table 2: Beta coefficients and t-test for significance of coefficients 16 0.72 0.72 0.54
in (17). a
Reference [89]. b With (17). c With (18).

Variable Beta coefficient t P

SN3 (LUMO + 1) 0.24 3.93 <0.0023 Table 5: Beta coefficients and t-test for significance of coefficients
in (18).
η6 −0.84 −14.39 <0.000001
Q13 0.32 4.94 <0.0004 Variable Beta coefficient t P
SN13 (LUMO + 2) 0.31 5.16 <0.0003 max
Q15 0.73 13.19 <0.000001
η5 0.51 10.56 <0.000001
Table 3: Squared correlation coefficients for the variables appearing F11 (LUMO) −0.54 −10.06 <0.000001
in (17). ω13 0.29 4.65 <0.0007
SN13 (LUMO + 1) η6 Q13 SN13 (LUMO + 2)
SN3 (LUMO + 1) 1.0 Table 6: Squared correlation coefficients for the variables appearing
η6 0.14 1.0 in (18).
Q13 0.005 0.026 1.0 η5 F11 (LUMO) ω13 max
SN13 (LUMO + 2) 0.036 0.002 0.19 1.0 η5 1.0
F11 (LUMO) 0.004 1.0
ω13 0.05 0.20 1.0
the beta coefficients, the results of the t-test for significance of max
Q15 0.0006 0.02 0.25 1.0
coefficients and the matrix of squared correlation coefficients
for the variables appearing in (20). Table 12 shows the
experimental and calculated values for log(κ). Figure 8 Table 7: Beta coefficients and t-test for significance of coefficients
displays calculated versus observed values. in (19).

Variable Beta coefficient t P

3.3.2. B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) Results. For the κ receptor binding SE12 0.90 17.53 <0.0000001
affinity the best equation obtained is: F13 (HOMO) −0.24 −4.63 <0.0007
SN8 (LUMO + 1) −0.29 −5.70 <0.0001
log κ = − 3.22(±0.71) + 27.44(±6.61)ω15
SN10 (LUMO + 1) −0.18 −3.66 <0.0038
+ 0.008(±0.001)SN11 − 1.46(±0.32)

× SE1 (HOMO − 1) − 16.55(±4.56)F11 (LUMO) total atomic nucleophilic superdelocalizability of atom 11, SE1
(21) (HOMO − 1) is the orbital electrophilic superdelocalizability
of atom 1 at the second highest occupied MO with non-
with n = 16, R = 0.96, R2 = 0.93, R2adj = 0.91, F(4, 11) = zero electronic population and F11 (LUMO) is the Fukui
36.78 (P < 0.00001), outliers > 2S = 0 and SD = 0.24. index of atom 11 at the first empty MO with non-zero
Here ω15 is the is the electrophilic index of atom 15, SN11 is the electronic population. Tables 13 and 14 show, respectively,
International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 11

Table 8: Squared correlation coefficients for the variables appearing 1.8

in (19). 1.6
F8 (HOMO − 2) F10 (HOMO − 2) SE11 μ12 1.2
F8 (HOMO − 2) 1.0 1
F10 (HOMO−2)

Observed values
0.04 1.0 0.8
SE11 0.06 0.03 1.0 0.6
μ12 0.02 0.04 0.06 1.0
Table 9: Observed and calculated log(delta) values. −0.2
Molecule Exp log(delta)a Calculated log(delta)b DFT −0.6
1 0.41 0.40 −0.8
2 2.74 2.68 −1
−1 −0.6 −0.2 0.2 0.6 1 1.4 1.8
3 1.77 2.16 Predicted values
4 1.89 1.50
5 2.17 2.09 95% confidence
6 2.76 2.39 Figure 9: Observed versus DFT calculated values (21) of log(κ).
7 0.59 0.89 Dashed lines denote the 95% confidence interval.
8 0.62 0.74
9 2.79 2.85
10 1.89 1.98 them with none of the results obtained here because the
11 0.91 0.88 variable ordering, in the sense of Figures 3 and 4, was not
12 2.41 2.24 carried out. We shall therefore only discuss the ZINDO/1
13 1.57 1.81 results for μ binding as an example of analysis.
14 −1.6 −1.75 The ZINDO/1 results show that the variation of log(μ) is
15 −0.52 −0.41 associated with the variation of several local atomic reactivity
16 −0.85 −0.89
indices located at atoms 3, 6, and 13 of the common skeleton
a (see Figure 2). Table 2 shows that the most important
Reference [89]. b With (19).
variable is the hardness (η) of atom 6. As η is positive,
optimal binding is therefore associated with a high value
Table 10: Beta coefficients and t-test for significance of coefficients of η6 , indicating that atom 6 resists exchanging electrons
in (20).
with the environment (the receptor) and that it is a bad
Variable Beta coefficient t P electrophile. At this moment it is not clear to us what the
SN7 (LUMO + 1) 0.45 3.96 <0.0027 exact nature is of the region of the receptor near this atom.
SN7 0.65 5.52 <0.0003
The appearance of SN3 (LUMO + 1) indicates that atom 3
faces an electron donor center of the μ receptor, probably a
F16 (HOMO − 1) 0.45 4.55 <0.0011
MO with π character. The appearance of the two variables
SN11 (LUMO + 1) 0.29 3.01 <0.0130
for atom 13 is challenging. Table 3 shows that they are
SN11 (HOMO) 0.29 2.87 <0.0166 not correlated and the beta values of Table 2 indicate that
their relative effects on log(μ) are similar. On one hand SN13
(LUMO + 2) suggests that atom 13 receives charge from an
the beta coefficients, the results of the t-test for significance occupied π MO of the receptor. On the other, the optimal
of coefficients, and the matrix of squared correlation coef- value of Q13 should be negative. A possibility is that atom
ficients for the variables appearing in (21). Table 12 shows 13 binds the μ receptor in such a way that one side faces the
the experimental and calculated values for log(κ). Figure 9 receptor MO while another side interacts with a positively
displays the calculated versus observed values. charged site. Figure 10 summarizes these ideas.
In the case of the DFT results (18) we find that the
4. Discussion variation of the affinity is associated with the hardness of
atom 5, with an interaction of an empty MO in atom
4.1. μ Receptor Results. The associated indices of (17) 11 with an electron donor site in the receptor, with the
(ZINDO/1 results) and (18) (DFT results) show that both electrophilicity of atom 13, and with the maximal amount of
equations are statistically significant. Nevertheless, the results electron charge that atom 15 may accept as an electrophile
of the t-test for significance of the coefficients indicate that (see Figure 2 for atom numbering). The most important
the DFT results are better. We note that DFT calculations index is the maximal amount of electron charge that atom
provide a better representation of the electronic structure of 15 may accept (see Table 5). The value for the hardness of
molecules. Our previous studies were done at the CNDO/2 atom 5 should be low, implying that this atom should be
and ZINDO/1 levels of theory [29–31]. We cannot compare a good electrophile. Atom 15 needs to have a low capacity
12 International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Table 11: Squared correlation coefficients for the variables appearing in (20).

SN7 SN7 (LUMO + 1) SE11 (HOMO) SN11 (LUMO + 1) F16 (HOMO − 1)

SN7 1.0
SN7 (LUMO + 1) 0.25 1.0
SE11 (HOMO) 0.03 0.06 1.0
SN11 (LUMO + 1) 0.0004 0.02 0.05 1.0
F16 (HOMO − 1) 0.16 0.04 0.008 0.04 1.0

Table 12: Observed and calculated log(κ) values. ? N

b c
Exp Calculated log (κ) Calculated log (κ)
Molecule 6
log (κ)a ZINDO/1 DFT B
1 −0.63 −1.00 −0.78 A C
2 1.04 1.01 1.23
3 −0.72 −0.28 −0.36 3 13
4 0.95 0.96 1.06
5 −0.33 −0.13 −0.27 Electron
6 0.47 0.45 0.33 donor donor
site site
7 −0.46 −0.43 −0.11
8 −0.53 −0.52 −0.29
Figure 10: μ interaction pharmacophore from the ZINDO/1
9 1.2 0.73 1.16 results.
10 −0.61 −0.44 −0.78
11 0.36 0.19 0.37
12 1.27 1.23 1.08
13 0.44 0.48 0.07 Electron
14 −0.09 0.03 −0.23 center Electron
15 1.67 1.85 1.66 N center
16 0.46 0.38 0.34
Reference [89]. b With (20). c With (21). 5 11
15 No charge
A C acceptance
to accept charge, which is expected for a CH2 carbon atom.
Atom 11 interacts through one of its empty MOs with an
electron donor center of the receptor. Atom 13 should have
low electrophilicity. As this index includes the tendency of Not
atom 13 to receive extra electric charge together with its clear
resistance to exchange charge with the medium we may yet
say, in a first approach, that in this atom the resistance to
Figure 11: μ interaction pharmacophore from the DFT results.
exchange charge with the medium is higher than its tendency
to receive charge. All these facts are summarized in Figure 11.
It is interesting to note that μ binding seems to be charge and
orbital controlled [43–45].
4.2. δ Receptor Results. The associated indices of (19) (DFT center
results) indicate that this equation is statistically significant. N
The most important index is the total atomic electrophilic
superdelocalizability of atom 12 (see Table 7). We may see B
that atoms 8 and 10 act as electron acceptors through the A C 12 acceptor
second empty MO with non-zero (virtual) electron popula- center
tions. Atoms 12 and 13 act as electron donors. Contrary to 13
the DFT results for μ binding, δ binding involves Molecular Electron
Orbitals other than the HOMO and LUMO. Perhaps this donor Electron
center acceptor
is one of the mechanisms regulating not only affinity, but center
also selectivity. The proposed δ interaction pharmacophore
is shown in Figure 12. Figure 12: δ interaction pharmacophore from the DFT results.
International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 13

N Electron interact. Another line of research is to test this model for

center agonist and antagonist properties to see if it is possible
B 11 to build the corresponding pharmacophores. The study of
15 enkephalin analogues seems to be possible because there are
C No charge several articles reporting binding data and pharmacological
acceptance profiles for large sets of molecules.
The main conclusions of this work are as follows 1. some
of the new local atomic reactivity indices of the extended
model appear in the resulting statistical equations; 2. the
acceptor interaction pharmacophores are different for μ, δ, and κ
center receptors and this difference may account for selectivity; 3.
μ and κ interaction pharmacophores seem to share common
Figure 13: κ interaction pharmacophore from the DFT results.

Table 13: Beta coefficients and t-test for significance of coefficients Aknowledgments
in (21).
Prof. Dr. Bruce K. Cassels is gratefully acknowledged for very
Variable Beta coefficient t P
helpful comments. This work received financial help from
ω15 0.44 4.15 <0.0008 AOG.
SN11 0.51 6.34 <0.002
SE1 (HOMO − 1) −0.47 −4.51 <0.00006
F11 (LUMO) −0.30 3.63 <0.004 References
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SE1 (HOMO − 1) 1.0 chemical studies of molecular features and receptor interac-
tions that modulate opiate agonist and antagonist activity,”
SN11 0.008 1.0
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 367, pp. 219–
F11 (LUMO) 0.02 0.0004 1.0 239, 1981.
ω15 0.41 0.004 0.05 1.0 [3] M. C. Fournie-Zaluski, G. Gacel, and B. Maigret, “Structural
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tors,” Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 484–491,
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that atom 11 transfers charge to an electron-deficient center Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 2124–2134,
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improve our knowledge? We need to apply this method to
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more experimental data. In this sense, as the IC50 values Sitnikov, “A general model of the opiate pharmacophore
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sources cannot be merged into one set [98]. Results with [9] N. E. Kuz’mina, E. S. Osipova, V. S. Kuz’min, and V. B.
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