Bbs Preventive Tools
Bbs Preventive Tools
Bbs Preventive Tools
Abstract Commitment
This paper is intended to provide the latest state-of- Today, many companies are still unable to meet
the-art Behavioral Safety Process and Tools for the their safety performance objectives. To reduce this
involvement of operators, workers and contractors gap many companies are focusing on behavior of
in building a positive safety culture in the company. workers at work. The thinking behind this approach
The following themes will be covered: is that an accident is either worker-related, meaning
the incident was caused by individual choice or
1. What is BBS? Why? error, or facilities-related, meaning the cause was
2. The total approach - SAFETY TRINITY at the maintenance, equipment design, and so on.
3. Safety Roles for Every Level - Everyone must Behavior-based safety (BBS) is about the use
adopt safe and healthy practices at all times at scientific psychology to understand why people
the workplace. behave they way they do when it comes to safety.
4. How Does BBS Work? Help others adopt Typically it creates an attitude and awareness that
safe/healthy habits using techniques of will reduce the chance of injury. BBS introduces a
motivation & change. systematic, ongoing approach or process (the
5. The “C.O.A.C.H” Process - Behavioral C.O.A.C.H process) that clearly defines how you
Navigation Process & Tools for Observation, can help to reduce risk of injury to people in your
Analysis & Intervention Tools. work team. BBS helps to bring about the result of a
6. Key Safety Performance Indicators proactive and positive safety culture where risk
Safety Observation & Intervention by Workers & Contractors
awareness and accident prevention are core values These observations are the basis for recognition,
to you and your team workers. Besides ensuring problem-solving, and continuous improvement.
safe behaviors, we can also try to reinforce people’s
values with regard to finding low risk alternatives
to unsafe attitudes, beliefs, and actions. Used along 2. The Total Approach - SAFETY TRINITY
with good engineering and administrative controls,
BBS can be a powerful tool for achieving Past incident and accident analysis across industries
continuous improvement in safety performance. It have shown that the main cause of the injury lies in
is crucial to integrate BBS with other traditional the interaction between the worker and the facility
protective activities related to Health, Safety, and/or procedures. The interaction of these
Environment, Quality and Innovation. factors—conditions, management systems, and
what people do—is called the Safety Trinity or the
Working Interface.
Chart 1: WHY BBS? - The Philosophy BBS is concerned with assessing the working
interface by looking at how the work is done, not
BBS is based on these 10 basic principles: because the worker is to be blamed, but because
real safety improvement happens by understanding
1. Every incident can be avoided. and improving how things actually occur in the
2. No job is worth getting hurt for. workplace. This means identifying and defining, in
3. Every job will be done safely. operational terms, the critical interfaces associated
4. Incidents (accidents & near hits) can be with how the equipment is used or how procedures
managed. affect risk.
5. Most importantly, safety is everyone’s
6. Best Safe Practices should be at the line, The Human Factors Model
workplace or office. Operating
7. Safety standards (safe procedures & Environment E1 - Engineering
management practices)must be clear and and Culture
well understood (Pumps, Control Systems,
Panels, Valves,
8. Everyone understands and meets Cranes, etc.)
requirements through training.
E2 - Enforcement
9. Regular conformance appraisals needed to Management E3 – Human Errors
training for their role.This training typically employees must cherish “Safety as # 1 priority” and
consists of interaction skills and behavior-based as a core value and integral part of business.
principles and specific time management and
organization skills for working with people. Employees will be able to:
1. Recognizes safe behaviors
Supervisors and team leaders – Supervisors have 2. Acknowledge unsafe behaviors.
the most influence over day-to-day activities that 3. Point out unsafe behaviors.
affect performance outcomes. Supervisors can 4. Understands the risks.
conduct observations during their supervisory walk 5. Understands benefits of working safely.
and assist in barrier removal strategies. 6. Agrees that unsafe behaviors are not worth the
Senior leaders and managers – Managers and 7. Suggest proper safe behaviors.
safety officers can also get involved with safety 8. Agree to a formal contract for improvement
walks relating to on-the-floor observations or
barrier removal, and setting the stage for a healthy Management Role In Positive Safety Culture
organizational culture. Site managers can get more
directly involved by becoming process champions Management practices what it preaches regarding
or engage in directed coaching that helps them safety. It allocates adequate resources to maintain
bring about an excellent safety culture at the an operation that is efficient and safe. Management
workplace. therefore acknowledges safety concerns and
suggestions by giving feedback on decisions,
4. How BBS Work? explaining the decision if there is no feedback and
ensure that feedback is timely, relevant and clear.
BBS work by having the workers change their work
habits: “From the old way which is about Management accomplishes several objectives:
improving safety performance by focusing on
operator error, to the new way which is focusing on 1. Stops unsafe acts before they lead to an
the cultural and management system that influence incident.
safety behavior and using the position of leadership 2. Replaces unsafe behavior with safe habits.
to empower employees at all levels to take 3. Helps employees make better choices about
responsibility for safety.” working safely.
There are two ways of thinking about safety. BBS is about creating a Positive Culture
Traditionally, safety has been about avoiding costs.
Many organizations have been bankrupted by the It is about creating an informed culture where
cost of a high profile accident. Safety pays off in people understand the hazards and risks involved in
reduced losses and enhanced productivity as safety their own operation and staff work continuously to
and efficiency are positively linked. A safety identify and overcome threats to safety. It is also a
management will provide an organization with the just culture where errors must be understood but
capacity to anticipate and address safety issues willful violations cannot be tolerated and the
before they lead to an incident or accident. A safety workforce knows and agrees on what is acceptable
management system also provides management and unacceptable. It is a reporting culture where
with the ability to deal effectively with accidents people are encouraged to voice safety concerns and
and near misses so that valuable lessons are applied when safety concerns are reported they are analyzed
to improve safety and efficiency. and appropriate action is taken. It is also a learning
culture where people are encouraged to develop
Employee’s Role in Positive Safety Culture and apply their own skills and knowledge to
Safety Awareness is about a mindset, an attitude enhance organizational safety and where staff is
and about safety controls being designed into every updated on safety issues by management and safety
aspect of work in the organization. Therefore, all reports are fed back to staff so that everyone learns
safety goals must be communicated, realistic and the lessons.
reflect the “safety culture” of the organization. All
Safety Observation & Intervention by Workers & Contractors
5. The C.O.A.C.H Process these injuries.” The BBS approach allows you to
Behavioral Navigation Process & Tools examine the Safety Trinity to find out what is really
going on. The tool that can help you understand this
Observation, Analysis and Intervention are the interaction is Applied Behavioral Analysis.
basis of the BBS system. Observations provide the
objective data that make behavioral safety uniquely
effective. Intervention is essential because Behavior Based Safety Toolkits
maintaining any behavior change requires frequent,
objective, and positive feedback. BBS is an Work
approach that teaches the frontline workers, Activities
supervisors and others to be keen observers of 3
behavior and to provide high-quality feedback that
Fewer at-
improves safety performance and identify systems- 1
related issues for resolution. 4
Serious Injury
Minor Injury
Behavioural Based Safety Training has the ultimate aim of making
Near Miss
safety everyone’s, and not just the safety leader’s, responsibility:
At-Risk Behavior
We Care
We Observe each other working
We Analyse our actions
We Communicate/Commit feedback
We Help to prevent injuries
on the working interface – and to map out how best finger and speaks louder. It is sometimes sarcastic.
to improve it.
COACH TOOLKIT 2 Communication Style
CP Critical Parent
Identifying Safety Problems & Potential Solutions
NP Nurturing Parent
Activators A Adult
NC Natural Child
Motivate RC Rebellious Child
Behavior CC Compliant Child
ABC Analysis helps us
understand activators and
consequences, and how they Consequences The Nuturing Parent. It is empathetic and
influence safety behavior. understanding. It is sensitive to the needs, wants
and feelings of others. It is firm in a caring and non-
demanding way.
Communicating Feedback – After gathering data,
The Adult. It is like a computer that takes in, stores,
observers have informal discussions with their co-
processes and sends out information. It is logical,
workers about the safe and at-risk behaviors they
reasonable and rational. It deals with facts and
observed. The observer points out the places were
thinking instead of feelings, attitudes and opinions.
the employee was performing safely and tries to
It is the part of you that is used to determine
discover the reasons behind any observed at-risk
whether, when and how to express yourself.
behaviors. The observer records co-worker
suggestions and ideas about barriers to safe work. The Natural Child. It has needs for strokes,
Data recorded in the observation is then analyzed structure, recognition and stimulation. It has wants
by computer software. Posted reports and charts of that vary from moment to moment. It needs and
workgroup performance provide additional ongoing wants are met. It expresses warmth. If needs and
feedback. wants are not met, it expresses anger, sadness and
fear. The Natural Child looks like, sounds like, and
COACH TOOLKIT 3 is in fact a spontaneous little kid experiencing these
4C’s (Strategy) The Rebellious Child. It says that it’s not going to
C1- Compliment (praise) listen to you, agree with you, or do what you want.
C2- Counsel (problem solve) It tends to get angrier than the situation calls for,
and it stays angry longer. It is very negative. This
C3- Coach (teach) may be obvious or subtle. It rebels indirectly by
C4- Corrective Action (fore-
(fore-warn) forgetting, procrastinating and doing things
differently, half-way or poorly.
What 1 - At-Risk Behaviors
Why 2 - Causes
Why 3 - Questioning
How 4 - Strategy (Intervention)
How 5 - Style (Feedback)
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