Apron Light

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Light & Engineering Svetotekhnika

Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 47 - 52, 2002 No. 3, pp. 15 - 18, 2002


A. A. Bartsev

Head of lighting design department, All-Russian Lighting Research Institute,

129626, Russia, Moscow, Prospect Mira 106.
e-mail: [email protected]

Apron lighting is the necessary part of modern the apron, except where service functions are taking
airports lighting. The good apron lighting place, should not be less than 50 % of the average
considerably facilitates the apron maneuverings for horizontal illuminance of the aircraft stands, within
aircraft pilots. It also increased safety and speed of a uniformity ratio of 4:1 (average to minimum). The
maneuverings, the quality of maintenance by area between the aircraft stands and the apron limit
comfortable vision conditions for attending (service equipment, parking area, service roads)
personnel. All of these are the important factors for should be illuminated to an average horizontal
fail-safety and reliable flight service. illumination of 10 lx.
The basic requirement for apron lighting stated The basic means for apron lighting is high masts
in International Civil Aviation Organization floodlighting. In these case very often appear
(ICAO) rules [1]. In accordance with ICAO Riles unavoidable sharp shadows from other obstacles,
the apron defined as "area on a land aerodrome and especially from aircraft's. In order to minimize
intended to accommodate aircraft for the purpose shadows there is ICAO recommendation: the
of loading and unloading passengers, mail and arrangement and aiming of floodlights should be so
cargo; refueling; parking or maintenance". The that aircraft stands receive from different directions.
primary functions of apron lighting are: Better results are obtained by uniform illuminance
• to assist the pilot to taxi his aircraft into and of the total area than by directing individual
out of the final parking position; floodlights at the aircraft [1]. Unfortunately it is
• to provide lighting suitable for embarkation impossible to predict exactly the final result of
and debarkation of passengers, loading and shadowing following these rules. In order to solve
unloading cargo, refueling and performing other this task more correctly it is necessary to take into
apron service function; account the shadows from aircraft's by design of
• maintain airport security. apron floodlighting. Such method which used in
The pilot mainly relies on apron lighting when lighting design department of VNISI is proposed in
taxing on the apron. Uniform illuminance of the this article.
pavement within the aircraft stand area (parking The lighting design of apron floodlighting
place) and glare restriction are the major including aircraft shadows can be divided on
requirements. It is necessary to obtain the several steps.
following ICAO recommendations: The first step is the calculation of illuminance
• an average horizontal illumination should be distribution within apron and glare estimation in
not less than 20 lx for aircraft stands. The accordance with ICAO rules. In this calculations we
uniformity ratio (average illuminance to minimum) do not take into account the shadows from aircrafts,
should be not more then 4:1. Average vertical we can only follow ICAO recommendation to
illuminance at a height of 2 meters should be not illuminate aircraft stands from two and more
less than 20 lx in relevant directions; directions in order to minimize shadows. Figure 1
• in order to maintain acceptable visibility presents an example of such lighting calculations for
conditions the average horizontal illumination on one part of big cargo apron in airport near Moscow.
Light & Engineering Vol. 10, No. 2

There were used two lighting masts with high limit masts for floodlights (Figure 2-a). Then the 3D-apron
restriction 30 meters and 14 floodlights (7 per mast) with model and floodlights defined on step 1 should be
1000 W high-pressure sodium lamp. The basic ICAO exported into some computer graphics software witch
recommendations were achieved in this solution. allow to realize physically accurate lighting simulation
[2, 3]. On this step materials and lighting distribution
The second step is preparing three-dimensional (3D) curves (LDC) should be added to 3D model (Figure 2-
computer graphics model using special software for 3D b). It is necessary to have possibility to define correctly
modeling (AutoCAD, 3D Studio MAX/VIZ and so on). LDC and properties of the materials (color, reflectance
As a minimum this model should include aircrafts, and transmittance index) for correct lighting simulation.
stands area and lighting

a) Apron drawing and calculation scheme.

b) The results of the calculation of horizontal illuminance distribution on the apron pavement
Emin = 7,1 lx; Eaver = 22,6 lx; Em ax = 63,4 lx; Emin/Eaver =31,4 % (Ea v e r/Em in = 3,2:1)

Fig. 1. Apron lighting calculation for fragment of cargo apron in accordance with ICAO recommendations.
Light & Engineering Vol. JO, No. 2

Table 1
The calculating values of shadowing coefficient kS for several variants of apron floodlighting
Number Number of Comparative Average illuminance (Ix)
of masts floodlights total cost KS=E2/E1
per mast (in%) E2 (with aircrafts) E1 (without aircrafts)

2 7 38 17.8 22.6 0.79

3 5 53 20.5 25.0 0.82
4 3 68 21.6 26.9 0.80
6 2 100 19.9 21.5 0.93

The next step is lighting simulation, which allow an average horizontal illuminance on the stands
calculating illuminance distribution within 3D area with aircrafts -Ehor.aver. 2 ,to average horizontal
model taking into account shadows from aircrafts. illuminance on the same stands area without
We use for this lighting simulation the Lightscape aircrafts Ehor.aver. 1:
Visualization System software from Autodesk
Company. This software allows simulating light K =E /E
propagation within 3D model using radiosity method s hor.aver. 2 hor.aver 1

for estimation of plural interreflection and the The table 1 presents the calculating values of
backward ray-tracing technique for correct shadows this numerical criteria for four variants of shadows
and mirror reflections calculations [4]. The results optimization. Maximum value of this criteria
are presented in several forms: color visualization signifies the minimum shadowing. The analysis of
picture, numerical grid of illuminance distribution, lighting visualization pictures and Ks values
pseudo-color picture in scaled colors, pseudo-color confirms that well known fact that increasing of
picture in scaled gray colors. Figure 3a, b presents quantity of lighting masts decrease the shadow's
the results of lighting simulation for our example of size and intensity, and illuminance level on the
cargo apron as full-color visualization picture and stands area approaches to illuminance level without
illumination distribution picture in scaled color. aircraft's.
These results analysis shows that quality of lighting From other hand the modern lighting mast
is not acceptable because of big and sharp shadows. especially with mobile crown is quite expensive
Obviously it is necessary to try minimize the device. Also the quantity of lighting masts on the
shadow's size and intensity, otherwise to optimize apron very often is restricted because of some
shadows. technical conditions. Because of this the customer
Shadows minimizing is the final step of lighting usually try to choose the variant with minimum
design including shadows. The shadows minimizing quantity of lighting masts. In this situation using of
can be achieved by redirections of some floodlights, criteria of shadow minimizing allows to make more
changing types of floodlights, their LDC and the valid choose of lighting masts quantity.
placement of lighting masts. As common criteria for Thus in our example of cargo apron lighting the
shadows minimizing could be used the visual best result is achieved in case of lighting mast
estimation of the shadow's size and intensity. The arrangement beside every aircraft stand (Figure 4d).
full-color visualization pictures and especially But in practice it is very expensive solution,
illuminance distribution in scaled pseudo-colors are because lighting masts cost can exceed mounting
very convenient for this. Figure 4 demonstrates the floodlights cost in ten times and more, and the total
shadows variation on the apron obtained by cost of installation (the foundations building, masts
variation of quantity and placement of lighting mounting, spending of electrical cable and devices
masts, quantity and redirections of floodlights. As and so on) is high enough. The next variant in
an numerical estimation could be used the a ratio of minimum of shadowing and almost in two times
Light & Engineering Vol. 10, No. 2

a) 3D-wireframe model of the apron with aircraft's and lighting masts.

b) 3D model with floodlights and embedded materials.

Fig. 2. 3D computer modeling of the cargo apron.

Light & Engineering Vol. 10. No. 2

a) 3D lighting simulation full-color picture with ray-trased shadows.

b) 3D lighting simulation picture in scaled pseudo-colors.

Fig. 3. Apron lighting calculation with aircrafts on stand areas.

Light & Engineering Vol. 10, No. 2

a) 2 lighting masts, 14 floodlights. b) 3 lighting masts, 15 floodlights.

c) 4 lighting masts, 12 floodlights. d) 6 lighting masts, 12 floodlights.

Fig. 4. The shadows variation for several variants of apron floodlighting.

cheaper is the variant with three lighting masts for exactly the quality of apron floodlighting that
every five aircraft stands (Figure 4b). The variants increase safety of flight service.
with two and four lighting masts (Figure 4 a, c) are
very closely by Ks values, and in this situation the REFERENCES
variant with two masts is preferable because of
lower cost of installation. By this way the priorities 1. "AERODROME DESIGN MANUAL",
in the variants of lighting from the point of view of 1983, PART 4, VISUAL AIDS. ICAO, SECOND
shadows minimizing (by other equal conditions) EDITION.
are the following: six, three and two masts. In this 2. A.B.Khodulev, E.A.Kopylov "Physically
way the customer can make valid chouse accurate lighting simulation in computer graphics
proceeding of quality of lighting, technical means software" // URL:
and financial resources. http://rmp.kiaml.rssi.ru/articles/pals/index.htm
3. A.A.Bartsev 1999, "3D-computer
CONCLUSION graphics in the outdoor architectural lighting
design". 24th session of the CIE proceedings.
The method of apron lighting design proposed in Vol.1, part 2, pp.262-264.
this article allows to choose more validly the variant 4. Lightscape, release 3.2, User's guide.
of lighting masts arrangement and control more Autodesk Inc., April 1999, pp. 353.

Dr. Alexei Bartsev,

graduated from Moscow Energetic
Institute (MEI) 1986.
The Chief of project department

© 2008 “LightDesignProject” Ltd. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, public performance or other distribution
prohibited. www.ld-project.ru

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