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Eco Ship Concept: Term Paper Introduction To Marine Technology

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Created by:

Sutan Azhary 04111740000060

Devanda Ghean 04211740000068
Pradynda Rahnia 04211740000076

Ir. Hari Prastowo, M.Sc



First of all, the writers want to say Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to
the writers for finishing this term paper entitled “Eco Ship Concept”. Also, we would like
to thank Mr. Ir. Hari Prastowo, M.Sc as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much
knowledge about marine technology.
We do the best for this scientific term paper with support and inspiration from many
firms and individuals, so the writers wish to express our deep and sincere gratitude for
those who have provided us with assistance and materials during the writing.
The writers realized this assignment is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful for us.
Of course, critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better.
Last words, the writers hope that this term paper can increase the knowledge and
experience for those who read our writing.

Surabaya, 6ᵀᴴ December 2017



PREFACE…………………………………….……………………….….................... i
TABLE LIST OF CONTENTS………..…...……………………….…………….… ii
I. INTRODUCTION…………................................................……….…...…………. 1
1.1. Issue Background …….…………………………...……......……………….... 1
II. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………..........................………....…………. 2
2.1. Definition of Eco Ship Concept.....………………..………………………….. 2
III. CONTENTS…………………………….…….………………………………….. 3
3.1. Important Research About Eco Ship.....………………………………………. 3
3.2. Eco Ship Design Concept.....………………………………………….............. 5
3.3. Eco Ship Engine Concept…........…………..…………………………………. 6
3.4. The Products of Eco Ship Project........................................................................


1.1. Issue Background

Every people in our live always moving from their place to other places. To move,
we need some tools that can accommodate us to get to far places. So people invented an
innovation called transportation that can transfer us to far places with more less time
and places that hard to reached. Besides a transportation in land, we also need a
transportation that can across the ocean called ship.
As an introduction to marine engineering, we might reasonably begin by taking an
overall look at the ship. The various duties of a marine engineer all related to the
operation of the ship in a safe, reliable, efficient, and economic machinery. The main
propulsion machinery installed will influence the machinery layout and determine the
equipment and auxiliaries installed.This will further determine the operational and
maintenance requirements for the ship and thus knowledge required and the duties to be
performed by the marine engineer.
If we discuss more specific about the engineer duties concerning on ship
requirements, which one of them about economic machinery, nowadays many engineer
have created an innovation to make a ship with eco friendly concept called eco ship.


2.1. Definition of Eco Ship

Eco Ship is a concept that deals with research and education with focus on a
sustainable resource use and minimization of environmental impact from shipping and
maritime activities. Examples of Eco Ship research projects are Safe and Efficient
Shipping and Offshore Operation in Arctic Regions and Effship.
The research includes optimization of ship design and propulsion as well as energy
efficiency and energy management at ship level and in the logistics chain. It also
encompasses studies of the relation between the ship in terms of operation, technology
and design taking into account the resulting emissions to air and water.
An important research area is development and use of environmental systems
analysis to evaluate technology and operation at a systems level. Here, tools like life
cycle assessment (LCA), ecological risk assessment (ERA), and (environmental) cost
benefit analysis (CBA) are used.
The interactions between the technical and environmental system is thus a major
issue. An overall aim is to develop methodology and competence that can provide
decision support regarding technology and organisation with respect to environmental
impact and resource use.
Another significant innovation is the ship's power generation. The sails are
striking, even though they deliver only a small part of the power requirement. The
retractable solar cells that cover the container area likewise produce only part of the
required energy. However, as they are emission-free energy sources, they are highly
significant in reducing the ships' total emissions. Fuel cells that have been modularized
into container-sized units are the ship's main energy source.
The concept serves as a platform for the technologies presented and their use in a
future ship.


3.1. Important Reasearch About Eco Ship

The high standard of living that we enjoy depends entirely on the availability of
natural resources. But unfortunately resource use across the entire supply chain
generates environmental pollution; plus worldwide resource use is growing steadily.
Scientists do the research about Eco Ship has a different part with general ship, that can
solve this problem. At present the research is focused on a number of challenges to
shipping, grouped into four main research areas; resource use, environmental impact
assessment, sources in of impact in technical system and emission abatement
technology, organisational aspects.
1. Resource use
 Energy efficiency potential
 Energy management and energy management systems
 Energy efficient design
2. Environmental impact assessment
 of energy sources /energy carriers
 of technology
3. Sources in of impact in technical system and emission abatement technology
 Related to emissions to air, CO2, NOx, SO2, particles, VOC
 Related to emissions to water, ballast water, sanitary water, scrubbing,
antifouling paint, marine litter
4. Organisational aspects
 Policy, legislation, organisation and management tools
 Logistics

3.2. Eco Ship Design Concept

Based on what ECO Marine calls the Aquarius MRE System, the concept design
incorporates a variety of eco-friendly technologies including solar panels, energy
storage modules and an advanced rigid sail design that could lead to greater fuel
savings while drastically reducing harmful emissions.

Eco Marine says that the system could potentially include enough solar panels and
energy storage to power the vessel while in port without the use of auxiliary diesel
generators. While at sea, the rigid sail design will be used to supplement propulsion,
further reducing fuel savings and harmful emissions.
A focus of the system was to make it so it can fit a variety of ship types and sizes
including bulk carriers, oil tankers, survey ships, passenger ferries & even unmanned
surface vessels.
For those looking for the complete package, ECO Marine has also designed the
system for ground-up construction. Called the Aquarius ECO Ship, the vessel will be
equipped with the same technologies as in the Aquarius MRE System but with further
fuel saving measures such as an advanced electrical propulsion system, and optimized
hull design, waste recovery technologies and possibly even fuel cell technologies.
Eco Marine estimates that combination of technologies could lead to fuel savings
of 40% or more and also dramatically reduce the emission of noxious gases such as
Sulphur Oxides (SOx) & Nitrogen Oxides (NOx).
While the Aquarius MRE System and Aquarius ECO Ship exists only as concept
designs at present, ECO Marine says it is ready to work with a shipyard or shipping
company to further develop the technology adding that the work could lead to several
new design concepts and even additional patent applications.

3.3. Eco Ship Engine Concept

For example being applied is to use main engine with two or several provisions to
facilitate maximum continues charts for all routes and speed by optimizing
turbochareger cut-out, variable area turbine, fuel system equipment, engine settings.
The use of Turbocharging and Variable Nozzle Ring to get high efficiency due to the
perfect combustion. Utilizing Waste Heat Recovery for some equipment that gives
such exhaust gas turbines, engines, boilers, steam, etc., so that it can reduce CO2. In
addition, it can also reproduce the catalyst to reduce the combustion gas is dangerous.
Ballast tanks serve as aides to the stability of the ship. So the need to menfiltrasi the
water in and out of the ship for filtration to reduce harmful substances when joined
wasted by ballast system.
In terms of propulsion is related to the power of the driven machine, for example
the use of twin duct propeller, propeller blade, etc. so that efficiency can be achieved so
that the work of the machine doesn't need to be too high.
In terms of logistics is to charge, in this case related to the DWT, in charge of a
little then the engine performance is not too large so that the exhaust gas a bit. And
when LWT light then the total displacement be reduced are identical to the draft that
elevated so that the performance of the machine.
The Twice-Exhausted Gas Recirculation (EGR) the return exhaust to the cylinder
to push NOx, although efficiency will decrease as the pressure, about the increase in
pressure because of the exhaust so that the water fuel ratio to decline.
Re-design the pump and's auxiliary systems, with placement and plumbing a more
efficient then power that used to be smaller so that the needs for the generator is
reduced which means the fuel can be saved. The use of the scrubbers of the system that
can process exhaust gas sehinggal, the Sox, and of the particles such as HC. Then the
use of incinerator to the burning of waste in the gas in the couple dengna the scrubbers.

3.4. The Products of Eco Ship Project

A number of projects are under development around the world to undertand
the benefits of wind power for the shipping industry. Mentioned below are some of the
major green ship concepts and technologies which are expected to produce favorable
results to the shipping industry.
1. B9 Sail Cargo Ship
Using sails for cargo ships is a concept which has been under research for quite
some time now. The B9 concept revolve around a cargo ship which uses a unique sail
propulsion system utilizing wind energy to produce 60% of the power for ship
propulsion and the rest from ancillary engines powered by bio-gas. When real, the B9
ship concept with be a 100% fossile fuel-free cargo ship sailing the oceans.
2. Eco Marine Power Wind – Solar Ship
Eco Marine Power’s EnergySail technology utilizes an array of rigid sails which
can utilize both wind and solar energy. The sails can be used with other green ship
technologies to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions. The technologies are
expected to be to implemented on a future ship called the Aquarius Eco Ship.
The EnergySail is unlike any other sail – it can be used even when a ship is at anchor or
in port and has been designed to withstand high winds or even sudden micro-bursts. It
can be fitted on a wide variety of ships from large Capesize bulk ore carriers to naval
and coastguard patrol ships.

3. Sky Sails / Kite Ship
The skysail technology uses towing kites to move the ship forward, reducing the
load on the engine and lowering fuel consumption. This innovative use of wind energy
has been implemented on several types of cargo ships with favorable results. Click here
to find out how skysails work. The kite ship or the skysail technology has been proved
to reduce fuel consumption of ships when the kite is used in strong winds. Aghina
Marina- The largest bulk carrier ship to use skysail technology and Belunga Skysail
are some examples wherein the kite technology has been used successfully.
4. Flettner Rotor Ship
Flettner rotors are special vertical spinning cylinders which utilize the Magnus
Effect for ship propulsion. This ship concept utilizing such technology are known as
rotor or Flettner Ship. Using cylindrical vertical bodies for propulsion using Magnus
effect is not a new ship concept. German Engineer Anton Flettner was the first to build
a ship in 1922 using Magnus effect propulsion.
5. NYK Super Eco-Ship 2030
With a dream to achieve a Zero Emission Ship by 2030, NYK has designed
the futuristic Eco-Ship 2030. The green ship concept has a variety of unique features
such as weight reducing structure, optimized hull form for propulsion efficiency, solar
and wind power harnessing equipment, and fuel cell utilization to reduce the emission
of carbon-dioxide by staggering 69%.
The ship concept also utilizes new materials such as extra high tensile steel and alloys,
and composites, and carries lighter containers and less fuel for a total reduction of 20%
weight and 9% carbon-dioxide. Click here to know more about Ec0 ship 2030.
6. STX Eoseas
STX Eoseas is an innovative cruise ship concept developed by STX Europe. The
project aims at using marine clean technologies to reduce power consumption by 50%,
emissions of CO2 by 50%, SO2 by 100%, NOx by 90%, and ash by 100%.
The concept ship will be powered by four duel fuel LNG diesel electric generator sets.
The ship is equipped with an innovative sail concept patented by STX France which
helps in using wind energy for propulsion.
7. E/S Orcelle
Supposed to be known as the first zero-emission ship concept of the
world, Wallenius Wilhelmsen’s E/S Orcelle uses a variety of green technologies to
form a system which doesn’t release any emissions in the atmosphere.
In design, the Orcelle combines sustainable forms of energy captured through sails,
solar panels and wave energy converters to generate the energy required by the vessel.
This is then used to extract hydrogen from water with the aid of fuel cell technology.
The resultant fuel is a clean fuel that can then be made use of. In this manner, there are
zero emissions from the vessel as such. The subsequent electricity generated, can also
be used immediately or stored for times of no wind, sun or waves.


Taylor, D.A.1990. Introduction to Marine Engineering Second Edition, London:

Osbourne, Alan. 1941. Modern Marine Engineer Manual Vol. 1, Washington D.C:
Cornel Maritime Press Inc.
Ida-Maja Hassellöv. (2012). “Eco Ship”, [Online].
http://www.lighthouse.nu/program/eco-ship, [6th Desember 2017]


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