Treadmill Cycling Report

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Submitted by

In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree



APRIL – 2016.


Submitted by
SURESH D(714013114149)
SIVAKUMAR M(714013114334)
TAMILSELVAN G(714013114338)

In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree



APRIL – 2016.

Certified that this Design and Fabrication project report titled “TREADMILL

CYCLING MACHINE” is the bonafide work of “D.SURESH,


(714013114149)(714013114334)(714013114338)” who have carried out the

project work under my supervision




HOD Assistant Professor

Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering Sri shakthi institute of engineering

and technology and technology

Coimbatore-641062 Coimbatore-641062

Submitted for the University viva voce Examination held on…………………



We express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.S.THANGAVELU, Chairman

for providing me with all the necessary facilities to carry out the project work

We express my sincere thanks to beloved Secretary Er.T.DHEEPAN, for

his continuing support in all my activities.

We are tremendously thankful to Principal Dr. R.NATARAJAN, for his

good deal of support.

We are deeply indebted to our Director, Department of Mechanical

Sciences Dr.R.MANIAN, who molded us both technically and ethically for
achieving greater success in life.

We are also grateful to the HOD, Mechanical Engineering

Mr.B.SHREERAM for his constructive suggestion & encouragement during our

We would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to our Project Guide

MR.BALAJI, Department of Mechanical Engineering, for continuing guidance,
valuable suggestions and feedback with his industrial experience for completing
the project work successfully.

We extend my warmest thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching faculty

of the department of Mechanical engineering for their assistance and all my friends
who helped me in bringing out my project in good shape and form.

Finally, I take this opportunity to extend my deep appreciation to my Family

and Friends, for that they meant to me during the crucial times of the completion of
my project into a success.

An overview of bicycle and rider kinematic motions from a series of

experimental treadmill tests is presented. The full kinematics of bicycles and riders
were measured with an active motion capture system. Motion across speeds are
compared graphically with box and whiskers plots. Trends and ranges in amplitude
are shown to characterize the system motion. This data will be used to develop a
realistic biomechanical model and control model for the rider and for future
experimental design. A treadmill is a device generally for walking or running while
staying in the same place. Treadmills were introduced before the development of
powered machines, to harness the power of animals or humans to do work, often a
type of mill that was operated by a person or animal treading steps of
a treadwheel to grind grain. In later times, treadmills were used as punishment
devices for people sentenced to hard labour in prisons. The
terms treadmill and treadwheel were used interchangeably for the power and
punishment mechanisms.

Our aim is to make a cycle run through a manual treadmill such that in a very
less effort more work can be done. As we all know a manual treadmill does not
consume any electricity, thus using treadmill and some arrangements of gears and
chain drive, we will make a treadmill cycle. With a very less effort this bicycle can
be driven as well as a new format of the bicycle design can be launched in the
market. The treadmill cycle is driven manually, more or less the same effort is
required to drive the bike as the effort required in treadmill, consisting of various
gear arrangements and two shafts provided to change the motion. The treadmill
cycle will be the best in its segment. The main disadvantage of this treadmill is, it
is stationary at particular place so sometimes people get bored by jogging at same
place without any exposure to natural atmosphere. For travelling over short
distances people often use a commercial vehicle which causes pollution and
unnecessary wastage of fuel.


The treadmill bicycle is a totally new way of moving. With the electric assist it
takes less effort to walk then “a walk in the park”. It is the combination of the DC
motor, Hall Effect Sensor and amplifier boosting your walking pace up to the
higher speed. Increased use of fuel has resulted in increase of pollution and
degradation of natural resources. With increasing population and their need, it has
become necessary to control the use of fuel and decrease the pollution; so as to
make it avail it’s important to our coming generation. Due to heavy busy schedule
people are not able to give attention to their health and physical fitness. No need to
use it as conventional treadmill in closed room; you can roam on roads also.


The global elderly population is on the rise. In industrialized countries,

15% of the population is 65 years old or older. This number is expected to
rise to 25% by 2025 [Barratt]. As this age group grows, new industries form
to address their specific needs. One of these is the need to stay active and
healthy. The increase in average life expectancy has led to an increased
interest in staying healthy despite age-related inconveniences. Although fewer
people are experiencing major age-related inconveniences as they grow older,
due to medical advances, some of the more minor effects of age are still very
common. Currently, most exercise equipment is designed for users who are in
good general health. There are no exercise machines that market specifically
to elderly users. There is some equipment designed for disabled users and
physical therapy that will meet some of an elderly user’s needs, but there are
currently no commercially available devices that meet all of the needs of
elderly users.

In an attempt to create an exercise machine that satisfies all of the

needs of elderly users, we modified a stock treadmill based on data
collected from a previous MQP. We replaced the walking surface
underneath the belt with a softer material, to lessen the stress on users’
legs. We also mounted a walker to the treadmill for users who require
additional support while they are walking. Another modification that we
made was the addition of a speed reducer to allow the treadmill to run at
speeds below its original range. Finally, we replaced the user interface
with one that was tailored to the specific visual and tactile impairments
that typically occur with age.While our final design is not ready to be
mass-produced, it does meet elderly users’ needs better than the stock
treadmill we started with did. Some elements of it are relatively close to
being commercially viable. The new walking surface we installed is
significantly better at absorbing impact than the original surface. With
some additional refinement the walker we mounted on the treadmill could
be sold as an after-market add-on for any treadmill. The user interface
still needs a significant amount of work to become what we originally
designed it to be. The mechanical speed reducer, while it was the best
solution we could develop, is not an optimal solution. would allow the
treadmill motor to run at lower speeds than those permitted by the
original circuitry.

2.1. Previous Project

The previous Major Qualifying Project on this subject (Design,

Analysis and Testing of a Treadmill for Older Adults) built a prototype
treadmill to fit the perceived needs of elderly users. Once the prototype was
completed, the group conducted clinical tests to determine how well it met
these needs.

2.1.1. Machine Selection

The group chose a treadmill as the exercise machine they would modify
based on a survey of 121 local senior citizens. The majority of individuals
surveyed said that they exercised to improve their cardiovascular health. Also,
when asked which area of their bodies limited their exercise the most common
answers included knees, ankles and feet. Based on these responses, and also
considering other factors such as feasibility of modification, the group examined
three different exercise machines. Ultimately, they determined that out of a
treadmill, an elliptical machine and a stationary bike a treadmill would be the most
suitable for their project.
2.1.2. Support System
The first modification the previous group made to their treadmill was the
addition of a support system. This system included handrails along the sides of
the treadmill and a parachute harness suspended above the treadmill. The
handrails they made were mounted on a wooded support structure made of 2x4
and 4x4 beams (Figure 1). In total, the structure held four rails, two at a fixed
height and two whose heights could be adjusted. The railings were mounted
outside the envelope of the treadmill and the adjustable set extended inwards
for easier gripping. Where the height of the railings was adjustable in 1 inch
increments, the widths of the railings were fixed. These railings spanned the
full length of the treadmill. Given the wooden structure of the railings as well
as the base they were positioned on, this system added a considerable amount
of weight and increased the size of the treadmill’s footprint significantly.

Fig.2.1 Previous Handrail System

The prior group had also created a separate safety system to provide support
for users of the treadmill. This system consisted of a parachute harness suspended
from pipes attached to a more 4x4 beams stemmed from the lack of adjustability in
the handrail system, the size of the treadmill, and the harness. The treadmill was
too large according to some of the respondents and they do not want such a large
device, especially when it cannot be stored or moved easily. The inclusion of the
harness apparatus was appreciated by the respondents; however few of them
actually used it. The task of getting into and out of it was too daunting. Also, the
harness was considered by those who did use it extremely cumbersome and

2.1.3. Walking Surface

In an attempt to dampen the impact force on users’ legs and joints, the
previous group attached a soft material to the treadmill belt. They ultimately
decided to use 0.125in thick natural gum rubber. They tried to attach it to the
belt in several different ways, including using multiple types of adhesive and
stitching the two together. None of these techniques could withstand the
constant flexure to which the belt was subject during normal operation.
Eventually, the process of the belt wrapping around the rollers driving it
caused the rubber to detach from it.

2.1.4. Speed Control

To allow for finer speed control, the previous project used a
programmable controller from a VEX robotics kit to alter the signal to the
treadmill’s motor. This allowed users to select speeds with more specific
control and it also allowed them to select lower operating speeds.
Unfortunately, it did not allow the treadmill to run at speeds above 4mph.
They also had difficulty using the controller to output to an LCD display.
2.1.5. User Interface
The previous project created an entirely new user interface for their
treadmill (Figure 3). It consisted of three large buttons (stop, increase speed
and decrease speed) mounted on a transplant plastic backing. We found that
the visibility of the buttons in their own right was acceptable; however they
were mounted onto a sheet of clear plastic. The ability to see through the
background added an undesirable amount of confusing visual cues.
Additionally, it included a passive LCD display, which was not compatible
with the electronics used in our treadmill and was not sufficiently large to
sufficiently large to remain readable by those with vision impairment.
Additionally, it was found that if pressure was applied only near the periphery
of the buttons, the bending moment would cause the button to bind within its
housing and prevent motion.

Fig.2.2 Previous User Interface

2.2. Prototype Base
A Perform Crosswalk 325 treadmill (Figure 4) served as a base device, to
which we made modifications. The use of an existing model saved considerable
time and resources which would have been needed to construct components which
require no modification to suit the needs of the elderly. Before modification, the
treadmill was capable of varying its speed from .5 to 10 miles per hour in .1 mph
increments according to user input. It was capable of adjusting the incline of the
walking surface by means of motorized support legs near the could be manually
lifted to a vertical position and locked into place for storage and movement. By
visual inspection, the support for the belt was been determined to be a .75 inch
thick sheet of particle board or some equivalent wood composite. This surface was
quite rigid, and determined to be too hard for some users with mobility issues. The
control system featured an automatic shutdown function. Shutdown was triggered
by a plastic tab, which must be inserted into a slot on the console for the treadmill
to operate. There is a string attached to this tab which the user may clip or pin to
his or her clothing. In the event that the user moves too far from the console, the
string pulls the tab from the console and the motor loses power.

Fig.2.3 Crosswalk 325 (from users' manual)

2.3. Handrails
One unavoidable consequence of aging is a decrease in kinesthetic
sensitivity, the ability to determine where parts of one’s body are without
looking at them. This can lead to trouble maintaining balance, increasing the
likelihood of falling. Currently, most treadmills do not feature a device that a
person could use to support himself when losing his balance.One option to help
prevent users from falling is installing handrails along the sides of the
treadmill, which the user could grab and support himself with in the event of a
fall. In some cases however, the simple presence of the handrails might not be

Unless a user is constantly holding onto the handrails, he must be able to

react quickly enough to grab them if he senses that he is falling. Since reaction
time often decreases with age, the handrails must draw attention to themselves.
A recent study at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre explored ways to
increase the likelihood of a person using a handrail in the event of a fall
[Scovil]. They explored several different audile and visual cuing methods to
draw attention to the handrail, in hopes of increasing reaction time during a
fall. They found that adding flashing lights to the handrail and a recorded voice
referencing it both increased the likelihood of a test subject using the handrail.

2.4. User Interface

A user interface designed for elderly users must take into account several
common inconveniences that people often experience as they age. The first of
these is a decrease in visual acuity. Vision problems are virtually unavoidable
with age. Most people begin to notice some decrease in vision around the age
of 40 [Barratt]. To account for this, any text on the interface should be large
and should stand out from the background of the interface. Also, the controls
should be large and easy to distinguish from each other. Large controls would
also be helpful for users with decreased fine motor skills.

Treadmills are not used to harness power, but as exercise machines for
running or walking in one place. Rather than the user powering the mill, the
machine provides a moving platform with a wide conveyor belt driven by an
electric motor or a flywheel. The belt moves to the rear, requiring the user to walk
or run at a speed matching that of the belt. The rate at which the belt moves is the
rate of walking or running. Thus, the speed of running may be controlled and


The treadmill cycle is driven manually, more or less the same effort is
required to drive the bike as the effort required in treadmill, consisting of various
gear arrangements and two shafts provided to change the motion. The treadmill
cycle will be the best in its segment.

2.5.2. Elite Cyclist Training

Professional cycling is one of the most demanding sports as it pushes
extremes of exercise intensity, duration and frequency (Jeukendrup et al. 2000).
Athletes perform on a variety of surfaces (track, road and mountain), terrains
(level, uphill and downhill) and race conditions (sprints, time trials, road races) in
events that last from 10 second to 3 weeks covering 200m to 4,000km. In addition,
elite road cyclists have around 100 race days per year (Jeukendrup et al. 2000).

In general, there are two methods by which an athlete may cycle faster and
more efficiently, with the aim of being more successful in competitions: a)
Decrease the various sources of resistance (rolling resistance, air resistance,
gradient); can be achieved by reducing the mass and profile of the bike and rider.
b) Increase the power output; can be achieved by modifying the cyclist’s position,
cadence and other essential physical variables. However, the most substantial
changes are attained by improving the athlete’s physiological attributes through
training (Hawley 1997).The general consensus is that for cycling both the aerobic
and anaerobic capacities need to be maximally developed through training
(Jeukendrup et al. 2000, Burke 2003). In addition, the athlete must focus on
increasing his overall strength and power, not only in the muscles directly involved
in cycling, but also the muscles of the core and upper body.

The design of a training system can be focused to provide these desirable

physical responses for improving cycling performance. Furthermore, the advantage
of a cycling trainer becomes evident as it allows the cyclist to train under a
controlled environment whilst the coach can monitor these adaptations and adjust
training accordingly.

2.5.3. Strength Training

All cyclists have an interest in maintaining a lean body composition, as the

greater the excess weight they carry, the greater the effort needed to cycle. In
addition, a larger build will create more aerodynamic resistance for the rider, as
well as a higher rolling resistance between the bicycle tyres and ground. Therefore,
until recently cyclists did not engage greatly in weight training. However, several
authors have discussed the benefits of weight training for more efficient cycling (as
demonstrated by Yamamoto et al 2010 - a recent literature review on the effects of
resistance training on cycling performance among elite cyclists).

2.5.4. Strength Training Principles

When training to improve strength it is important to consider the underlying
principles of strength training to ensure that the desirable responses (development
of the muscular system) are achieved (Fleck & Kraemer, 2004). The basic strength
training principles are:
1. Overload – To develop the maximum force a muscle can produce it must be
overloaded; that is stressed beyond its normal limit. By applying additional
loads to the muscle, than that experienced during normal activity, the
athlete’s body undergoes certain functional, biochemical and structural
changes – adaptations – as it attempts to adjust to the new conditions
(Konopka 1989).

2. Progressive resistance – Once the muscle is overloaded it will continually

adapt until the changes are acceptable for the applied stress. At this point, the
load must be increased to create additional stress and further adaptations.

3. Muscle Balance - Developing all leg muscles is important, as imbalances

between muscles may lead to inflexibility and increase the risk of injury,
particularly during explosive bouts of cycling. It is important though to not
only focus training on the obvious muscles (quadriceps) involved in cycling
but also in those areas that are not normally stressed i.e. arms, shoulders and
upper back (Gregor & Conconi 2000). During cycling the muscles in the
trunk and arms counter-balance the movement of the lower limbs and the
hand, arm, shoulder, abdomen and back support the trunk and pelvis
(Schmidt 1994).
4. Specificity – Strength training should focus on developing the muscle groups
used directly in cycling and should replicate (to the maximum extent
possible) the movement, loads and speeds associated with pedaling.

5. Recovery Time – In order to allow the body to recover from the physical
exertion of training sessions a rest period of 48 hours is recommended;
however this period may vary depending on the level of the athlete and the
intensity and volume of strength training (Fleck & Kraemer, 2004).

3.1. Design Specifications

3.1.1. Walking Surface

 Must be able to support a person weighing a maximum of 250 pounds.
 Must have a coefficient of friction of at least 0.5 between the tread
surface and an average shoe.
 Must not have accelerations that exceed +0.1g (3.2 ft/sec), the common
value for gentle acceleration of an automobile.
3.1.2. Rail System
 Each handrail must be able to withstand a vertical force of 200 pounds.
 Each handrail must be able to withstand a force of 150 pounds in any
 The height of each rail must be easily adjustable between 33 and 39 inches.
 The distance between the handrails must be easily adjustable between
24 and 30 inches.
3.1.3. User Interface
 Must have at least one manual and one automatic emergency stop system.
 Each emergency stop system must stop the belt within 2 seconds at
maximum speed.
 Must be clear and concise to older adults.
 Buttons at least one inch in diameter.
 Buttons easily recognizable by touch.
 Easily distinguishable colors.
 Easy to read text.
 Speed must adjust from 0 to 5 mph (in increments of 0.1 mph or less).
3.1.4. Additional specification
 Modifications must increase the weight of the treadmill by no more than 20
 Device must cost less than $1000 to
 Device must plug into standard 120V outlet.
 Device must have no sharp surfaces.
 Device must assemble with household tools.
 Device must collapse to fit through standard 28 in wide door without using

3.2 Walking Surface

3.2.1 Original Surface
The walking surface of a treadmill consists of the thin moving belt and a
rigid plate held between the two surfaces of that belt in order to provide support
when the transverse load of footfalls are applied. The original and unmodified
treadmill used sheet of 0.75 inch pressed particle board as a support plate. This
was attached to the frame of the treadmill at four points with wood screws
placed near the four corners of the sheet. While resting on the rails in a lowered
position, the plate received vertical support from small metal risers at the
mounting points and from two rubber pads placed under the longest edge of the
surface midway between the hard mounting points. According the manual
provided with the treadmill, the design intent behind this flexible multi-point
mounting system was to decrease the overall stiffness of the plate by providing
less support than that provided by direct attachment to two solid rails. In actual
practice, the thickness and stiffness of the particle board surface were more than
adequate to eliminate all discernable deflection from the system.
Users were unable to distinguish the difference in stiffness when
additional aluminum supports were inserted between the sheet and the rails, in
order to eliminate the compliant effect of the rubber supports. We concluded
that modifications would be necessary to achieve a noticeably compliant
walking surface capable of decreasing the impact forces associated with
walking and running. Additionally, the bottom face of the particle board sheet
held two outwardly angled metal brackets. These were oriented such that the
belt would slide over them continuously when the system was active. This had
the effect of automatically maintaining alignment of belt by creating a restoring
force in the event that the belt traveled away from a centered position on its

3.3. Designed component

The components that we designed are chassis, fork, axle of bicycle and
treadmill, handle, treadmill roller and side frame of treadmill. First of all we
studied various types of each components stated above. Then we select particular
type of each component. Then we identified specific function of that component.
After this we did material selection based on functional requirement. Then we
identified material properties from manufacturing catalogue. Then we identified
permissible stress using suitable factor of safety. After that we did stress analysis
for various components, on Ansys software, then dimensions whose stress in
within permissible limit is selected.
Sl. Components Material FOS stress Dimensions
no (MPa) (mm)

1 Chassis Stainless steel 3 61.59 35


2 Fork Stainless steel 4 42.09 40


SAE 1010
3 Bicycle axle Steel 3.5 65.12 10

4 Handle Aluminium 2.5 83.77 25

5 axle Stainless steel 3 13.14 12

6 Roller Mild steel 5 38.24 20

7 Side frame Aluminium 3 10.83 70 x 30


Table 3.1. Designed components

3.4. Selected Components

The components we selected were brake, belt, bearings, suspension, motor,

wheels. First of all we studied functional requirement of each components stated
above. Then we select particular type of material of each component based on their
functional requirement. We performed various calculations to find out dimensions
and capabilities of each components.

No Component Type / Material

1 Motor Brushless DC Motor

2 Bearing Deep Groove Ball Bearing

Polyvinyl Chloride +
3 Belt Nylon

4 Brake – Front– Rear Disk - Drum

Telescopic Fork
5 Suspension Suspension

6 Tyre Rubber

Table 3.2. Standard Components

3.5. 2-D of Front and Rear Roller

Width of the frame is 410 mm. So we choose length of rollers as 400mm. To

reduce the friction of belt with frame 5 mm clearance is provided on both sides.
Front roller is of diameter 58mm and that of rear one have diameter 49mm. For
easy and fast movement of belt some taper should be provided to belt that’s why
front roller is large in diameter and rear is in small diameter. Rollers are connected
to frame by using MS rod of diameter 10 mm. PVC bush are placed in front roller
and deep groove ball bearing 6000, which is use for light weight operation is used.
Rear roller is directly welded to 10mm MS rod.

3.6. 3-D of Supportive Rollers

This roller serves the purpose of support to the tread belt. 19 supportive
rollers are fitted in frame structure. They are made up of a PVC material. The PVC
pipes have diameter of ¾ inch that is 19.05 mm and length is 390mm. All the
design calculation of frame and rollers is done on the basis of load carrying
capacity of walking bike and space availability. Load carrying capacity of walking
bike is 100kg.

3.7. System Decomposition

The requirements detailed in the Product Design Specifications (PDS)
document defined the quantitative and qualitative features of the bicycle trainer to
be designed. In order to present an effective solution that was capable of satisfying
all of the requirements, the bicycle trainer system was decomposed into a number
of sub-systems. The concepts that were designed and the techniques used to select
the final designs are discussed in this chapter. Once suitable sub-systems were
established, the detail design stage followed to produce a complete assembly. The
complete system was decomposed into a set of sub-systems as shown in figure
which were designed independently, in a sequential manner.
It should be mentioned that although each sub-system was developed in
isolation, consideration was given to the interaction with the other elements at the
analysis and development stages. This process added focus to the development of
each element to ensure that the best solution was adopted, whilst at the same time
not hinder the concept generation (brainstorming) early on in the design process.
Development of a primary resistance device, for providing the required resistance
which the athlete pedals against, was identified as a key sub-system for
development. Having established a suitable resistance system, a method for
transmitting this resistance to the rear bicycle wheel was identified, evaluated and
selected. The next sub-system to be developed was the frame which provided the
necessary stability to enable athletes to securely mount their bicycle and pedal to
high cadences. Adjustment mechanisms to allow the frame to accommodate
various types of bicycles were also investigated. Consequently, a suitable clamping
mechanism for the real wheel was designed and developed, with quick-release
being a fundamental requirement. Having identified the previous sub-systems and
as with any modern system which features human interaction the entire system
needed to comply with legal requirements. Safety features and other mechanisms
to enhance user protection were considered. Finally, all sub-systems, each
providing optimum performance for their operational function, were integrated
together to form the best overall solution, in accordance with the requirements set
out in the PDS document.

3.8. Support Structure Design

As mentioned earlier in the Literature Review section, the stiffness and

stability of the support structure have a great impact on the trainer performance.
Developing a frame that would offer the user the confidence of a rigid and stable
design was therefore one of the main concerns of this design project.
A number of concepts for the support structure/frame were designed (several can
be found in the Appendix). Whilst it was essential to ensure that the frame offered
the necessary stability for the rider it was also important to provide a base at the
rear of the device for attaching the resistance mechanism. To enhance stability it
was decided that the device would require the user to remove the front wheel and
position it on the frame. The design of the support structure was transferred on to
CAD (detailed design) were the final structural and aesthetical decisions were

3.9. Adjustment Mechanisms Design

The bicycle trainer was intended to be used by a variety of athletes involved
in a variety of cycling sports mainly road, track and mountain cycling. There are a
number of differences in the bicycle designs which would affect bicycle
installation on a trainer, most importantly in the wheelbase length and tyres.
Mountain bikes tend to have a longer wheelbase, which offers greater stability,
shock absorption and comfort, compared to track bicycles which require a lower
centre of gravity and more responsive handling and hence have a more compact
frame. Differences in the size of the wheels were also apparent, with road and
mountain bicycles typically having larger wheels than track bicycles. Road and
track tyres are also generally very thin and smooth, whereas mountain bike tyres
are wider and covered with lots of knobby rubber to increase contact area and

The bicycle trainer, therefore, had to accommodate the various bicycle

designs. This called for a number of mechanisms (some concepts in Appendix) for
adjusting the span between the front and rear wheel clamping mechanisms of the
device, for various wheelbases; the elevation of the front of the bike; the height of
the resistance roller device for various wheel sizes.
The various factors which determine the choice of material are discussed

1. Properties:

The material selected must possess the necessary properties for the proposed
application. The various requirements to be satisfied can be Weight, surface finish,
rigidity, ability to withstand environmental attack from chemicals, service life,
reliability etc.

The following four types of principle properties of materials decisively

affect their selection

i. Physical
ii. Mechanical
iii. From manufacturing point of view
iv. Chemical
The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal
Conductivity, specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific gravity,
electrical conductivity, magnetic purposes etc. The various Mechanical properties
Concerned are strength in tensile, Compressive shear, bending, torsional load and
buckling load, fatigue resistance, impact resistance, elastic limit, endurance limit,
and modulus of elasticity, hardness, wear resistance and sliding properties. The
various properties concerned from the manufacturing point of view are,

a) Cast ability
b) Weld ability
c) Forge ability
d) Surface properties
e) Shrinkage
f) Deep drawing etc.
2. Manufacturing case:

Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost or surface

qualities obtainable by the application of suitable coating substances may demand
the use of special materials.

3. Quality Required:

This generally affects the manufacturing process and ultimately the material.
For example, it would never be desirable to go casting of a less number of
components which can be fabricated much more economically by welding or hand
forging the steel.

4. Availability of Material:

Some materials may be scarce or in short supply, it then becomes obligatory

for the designer to use some other material which though may not be a perfect
substitute for the material designed. The delivery of materials and the delivery date
of product should also be kept in mind.
5. Space consideration:

Sometimes high strength materials have to be selected because the forces

involved are high and space limitations are there.

6. Cost:

As in any other problem, in selection of material the cost of material plays an

important part and should not be ignored. Sometimes factors like scrap utilization,
appearance, and no maintenance of the designed part are involved in the selection
of proper materials.

3.11. Weight Calculation

Component Weight(Kg)

Chasis 8.00

Fork 12.00

Bicycle axle 5.00

Handle 9.00

Treadmill axle 8.00

Side frame 3.00

Tyre 5.00

Total weight 50.00

Table 3.3.Weight calculation
3.12. Cost estimation

Component Cost

Belt 3000

Bearing 2000

Tyre 1000

Roller 1500

Axle 3500

Total Cost 11000

Table 3.4. Cost estimation of components

Body response to exercise depends on the type of exercise. Cardiovascular
changes again depend on the type of exercise and severity of exercises.
Cardiovascular responses differ in treadmill bicycle exercise and treadmill
exercise as the method of exercise, exercising muscles and others (as listed below)
differ. Other studies have shown that increase in heart rate was more in treadmill
exercise compared to treadmill bicycle exercise (2:4-6). Systolic blood pressure
will increase more in treadmill exercise compared to treadmill bicycle exercise
(3:5). Diastolic blood pressure decreases in both type of exercises but the decrease
was same in both groups (3:5:7). Change in blood pressure and heart rate response
in treadmill exercise was more compared to treadmill bicycle exercise for a given
equivalent oxygen uptake values due to more sympathetic activation.

Difference between treadmill exercise and treadmill bicycle exercise:

 Treadmill bicycle is more economic compared to treadmill,

 Treadmill bicycle occupies less space compared to treadmill,
 Treadmill bicycle does not require electricity to run where treadmill does
require electricity,
 Upper body motion is less in treadmill bicycle, hence easy to record the vital
signs and to collect blood samples
 Treadmill bicycle is less familiar compared to treadmill walking
 Subjects body weight does not influences the exercise capacity in treadmill
bicycle whereas work rate is dependent on body weight in treadmill exercise.
 Smaller muscle mass is involved in treadmill bicycle exercise.
 Work load in treadmill bicycle exercise is controlled by subjects themselves, by
controlling the speed of pedaling; but in treadmill it is controlled by observer,
hence yield more reproducible data.
 Exercise output can be better quantified with treadmill bicycle exercise.
 Breathing is easier in treadmill bicycle exercise.
The purposes of the present study were firstly, to look at the triathlete long-term
HR adaptation on treadmill bicycle and treadmill tests; secondly, to verify the use
of a single test to obtain yearly training guidelines applicable to multiple modes of
training in triathletes. The main finding of the study demonstrates that HR at
different relative intensities did not show major differences between running and
cycle tests during most parts of the training year. Our investigation brings new
information with regard to the monitoring of multiple modes of exercise in
triathlon. Thus, the results indicate that triathletes could use a single mode of
testing to obtain their training HR in running and cycling throughout the year. At
maximal work rate, significant differences were observed in HRmax between tests
with higher values on the treadmill.

Treadmill bicycle helps in maintaining proper physique. Physical fitness is

of utmost importance in day to day life. People often get bored while exercising in
a closed room such as gym. By using treadmill bicycle one can exercise outdoors
in fresh air.

Fuel saving

People often use vehicle for travelling over short distance. This causes
unnecessary wastage of fuel. Due to use of treadmill bicycle over short distance a
large amount of fuel can be saved.


Treadmill bicycle can be used for travelling over short distances. One can
also exercise while travelling over short distance.

Eco- friendly

Treadmill bicycle does not require any fuel. Therefore it does not emit any
pollutants. So it is an eco-friendly vehicle.

 Enable the user to set up an exercise regime that can be adhered to irrespective
of the weather.
 Cushioned tread can provide slightly lower impact training than running on
outdoor surfaces. Although cushioned belts have mostly been deprecated out of
use and cushioned replacement belts may be hard to find, many treadmills have
rubber or urethane deck elastomers (cushions) which are superior in cushioning
and last longer than cushioned belts. There were for a time banana shaped
flexible decks that were among the very best as far as cushioning that were
priced at a midrange level, but currently these are not being sold, perhaps
because of the increased manufacturing cost of making the flexible deck.
Cushioned belts also don't last as long as regular belts due to their construction
out of weaker materials. For calorie burning, incline can be used to significantly
reduce impact for a given rate of energy use.
 Incline setting can allow for consistent "uphill" training that is not possible
when relying on natural features.
 Rate settings force a consistent pace.
 Some treadmills have programmes such that the user can simulate terrains, e.g.
rolling hills, to provide accurate, programmed, exercise periods.
 The user can watch TV whilst using the machine thus preventing TV from
being a sedentary activity.
 User progress such as distance, calories burned, and heart rate can be tracked

 Some treadmill runners develop bad running habits that become apparent when
they return to outdoor running. In particular a short, upright, bouncy gait may
result from having no wind resistance and trying to avoid kicking the motor
covering with the front of the foot.
 Imposes a strict pace on runners, giving an unnatural feel to running which can
cause a runner to lose balance.
 Treadmill running is not specific to any sport, i.e., there is no competitive sport
that actually utilizes treadmill running. For example, a competitive runner
would be far better off running outdoors through space since it is more specific
and realistic to his event.

 Many users find treadmills monotonous and lose interest after a period.[13]
 Treadmills do not offer the psychological satisfaction some runners get from
running in new locations away from the distractions of home.

 Costs of purchase, electrical costs, and possible repair are significantly greater
than those of running outside.


It is applicable in all types of two wheeler vehicles.

1. Ambrosina J.E., Pawelka G.E, Bosz H.Q. & Marthaler T.C (2002), "Exercise
Resistance Device", US Patent 6,488,611(B1).

2. Amoroso A.T. (1994), "The influence of bicycle seat height on the

mechanical function of the human gastrocnemius, soleus and tibialis
anterior muscles during steady-rate cycling", Thesis (M.S.) , University of
British Columbia.

3. Baatz W. (1997), “Eddy Current Trainer for Bicycles or Other Exercise

Equipment”, US Patent US5,656,001.

4. British Cycling, 2009, "British Cycling Outlines New Plan to Translate

International Success into a Lasting Legacy for Cycling in the UK”, [Online],
available at <
Cycling-s-Four-Year-Plan>, [Accessed April 18 2010].

5. Burke E. (2003), "High Tech Cycling", Human Kinetics Europe Ltd; 2nd
revised edition.

6. Cooper C.B. & Storer T.W. (2001), "Exercise Testing and Interpretation: A
Practical Approach", Cambridge University Press.
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