Paint Application Specification No. 1

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April 1, 2000
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel
1. Scope 7.4 Spray Application (General)
7.5 Air Atomizing Spray Application
1.1 This specification covers procedures for the painting of 7.6 Airless Spray Application
steel surfaces. The scope of this specification is rather broad, 7.7 Air-Assisted Airless Application
covering both specific as well as general requirements for 7.8 Hot Air Spray Application
the application of paint. This specification does not provide 7.9 Hot Airless Spray Application
detailed descriptions of surface preparation, pretreatments, or 7.10 Plural Component Spray Application
selection of primers and finish coats. This specification does 7.11 High Volume Low-Pressure Spray
provide detailed coverage of the procedures and methods 8. Shop Coating
for application after the selection of the coating materials has 8.1 Applicability
been made. 8.2 Number of Coats and Type of Coating
8.3 Damage to Shop Coating
8.4 Contact Surfaces
2. Description
8.5 Requirements for Welding
8.6 Rust Preventive Compounds
2.1 This specification for shop, field, and maintenance
8.7 Erection Marks
painting is intended to be used for steel which, because of its
9. Field Coating
exposure condition, will be subjected to corrosive attack, either
9.1 Applicability
from the weather or from the service environment, and where
9.2 Surface Preparation
a high quality of cleaning and painting is essential. It is not
9.3 Touch-up of Shop Coated Surfaces
contemplated that the requirements of this specification are
9.4 Field Coating Procedures
necessary for the cleaning and painting of steel which will not
10. Repair of Damaged Intact Coatings
be subjected to corrosive attack. The following is a summary
10.1 Applicability
of the major sections of this specification.
10.2 Surface Preparation for Recoating
1. Scope 10.3 Incompatibility
2. Description 10.4 Work to be Performed
3. Reference Standards 11. Application Procedures for Generic Groups of
4. Definitions Coatings
5. Pre-Application Procedures 11.1 General
5.1 Materials Handling and Use 11.2 Drying Oil Curing Coatings
5.2 Surface Preparation 11.3 Vinyls and Chlorinated Rubber Coatings
5.3 Pretreatments 11.4 Bituminous Coatings
5.4 Coating Materials Preparation 11.5 Epoxy and Coal Tar Epoxy Coatings
6. Factors Affecting the Application of Coatings 11.6 Zinc-Rich Coatings
6.1 Temperature 11.7 Urethane Coatings
6.2 Moisture 11.8 Waterborne Thermoplastic Coatings
6.3 Humidity 12. Curing and Handling of Coatings
6.4 Cover 12.1 Drying of Coatings
6.5 Defects 12.2 Handling of Coated Steel
6.6 Striping 13. Inspection
6.7 Continuity 14. Safety and Environmental Concerns
6.8 Thickness 15. Disclaimer
6.9 Recoating 16. Notes
6.10 Tinting Appendix A - Additional Reference Materials
6.11 Intercoat Adhesion
6.12 Contact Surfaces
6.13 Induction Time and Pot Life
3. Referenced Standards
7. Application Methods
7.1 General 3.1 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the refer-
7.2 Brush Application enced standards in effect on the date of invitation to bid shall
7.3 Roller Application govern unless otherwise specified.

April 1, 2000
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

3.2 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any 5. Pre-Application Procedures

of the cited reference standards and this specification, the
requirements of this specification shall prevail.
See Section 11 for procedures unique to specific generic
PA 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thick-
ness With Magnetic Gages
5.1.1 All coating shall be delivered to the shop or jobsite
PA Guide 3 A Guide to Safety in Paint Applica-
in original, unopened containers with labels intact. Minor dam-
age to containers is acceptable provided the container has
SP 1 Solvent Cleaning (not referenced
not been punctured or the lid seal broken.
in body of spec)
3.4 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATE- 5.1.2 Each container of coating shall be clearly marked
RIALS (ASTM) STANDARDS: or labelled to show coating identification, date of manufacture,
D 16 Standard Terminology for Paint, Related batch number, and other information as needed to meet regula-
Coatings, Materials, and Applications tory requirements. Each type of coating shall be accompanied
D 4285 Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Com- by the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
pressed Air and product data sheet containing information such as basic
chemical composition, weather conditions acceptable for ap-
plication, and proper storing and mixing.
* RP0178 Fabrication Details, Surface
Finishing Re-quirements, and
5.1.3 All containers of coating shall remain unopened
Proper Design Considerations for
Tanks and Vessels to be Lined until required for use. No more containers of coating shall be
for Immersion Service opened than will be applied that day. The label information
4. Definitions shall be legible and shall be checked at the time of use.

4.1 SHOP, FIELD AND MAINTENANCE COATING: The 5.1.4 Coating which has livered, gelled, or otherwise dete-
application of coatings to steel surfaces whether in the shop riorated during storage shall not be used; however, thixotropic
or in the field. materials which can be stirred to attain normal consistency
may be used.
4.2 PAINT: In the general sense, paint includes primers,
enamels, varnishes, emulsions, catalyzed coatings, bituminous 5.1.5 The oldest coating of each kind that is in acceptable
coatings, and other organic coatings. Inorganic coatings which condition shall be used first. In every case, coating is to be
are also applied as liquid films are included in this definition. used before its shelf life has expired. Before using a coating
This definition is compatible with most commonly used industry which has exceeded its shelf life, the manufacturer shall verify
glossaries. its quality and then certify its use for a given period of time.

4.3 SHOP COATING: The surface preparation and coat- 5.1.6 Coatings shall be stored in original unopened
ing of steel surfaces inside a shop or plant before shipment to containers in weathertight spaces where the temperature is
the site of erection. maintained between 40 °F and 100 °F (4 °C and 38 °C) unless
otherwise recommended in writing by the manufacturer. The
4.4 FIELD COATING: The on-site coating of new or previ- coating temperature shall be brought to the manufacturer’s
ously coated steel structures before or after erection. written recommended application temperature before use.
(See Note 16.1 for more information on coating storage.)
4.5 MAINTENANCE COATING: The coating of steel
structures in service that have been previously coated and 5.2 SURFACE PREPARATION
require touch-up or recoating.
5.2.1 The surface shall be cleaned as specified in the
4.6 MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS AND REC- procurement documents. In no event shall the surface prepara-
OMMENDATIONS: These (or similar terms) are used to refer tion be less than the paint manufacturer’s recommendations
to an equipment supplier’s or coating manufacturer’s latest for the intended service environment.
published or written instructions and recommendations. Verbal
recommendations or instructions from an equipment or coating 5.2.2 The surface to be coated shall have the specified
manufacturer are not acceptable unless backed up in writing surface preparation at the time of application of the coating.
by the manufacturer’s technical staff. If the surface is degraded or contaminated subsequent to

April 1, 2000
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

surface preparation and prior to coating, the surface shall be Manual (Hand) Mixing: Most of the vehicle
restored to the specified condition before coating application shall be poured off into a clean container. The pigment in the
(see Note 16.2). coating shall be lifted from the bottom of the container with a
broad, flat paddle, lumps shall be broken up, and the pigment
5.2.3 In order to control the degradation or contamination thoroughly mixed with the remaining vehicle. The poured off
of cleaned surfaces, the pretreatments, or, in the absence of a vehicle shall be returned to the coating with simultaneous
pretreatment, the prime coat shall be applied as soon as possible stirring, or boxed until the composition is uniform. “Boxing” is
after the surface has been cleaned and before degradation or the process of mixing coating by pouring from one container
contamination has occurred. Succeeding coats shall be applied to another. The maximum container size for “boxing” shall be
before contamination of any existing coating occurs. five gallons.

5.2.4 Previously applied coating shall be roughened prior Power Mixing: This will usually give better mixing
to coating whenever necessary for the development of proper in a much shorter time than mixing by hand.
intercoat adhesion (see Section 6.11).
5.4.3 All pigmented coating shall be strained after mixing
5.2.5 Cleaning and coating shall be scheduled to minimize except where application equipment is provided with strainers.
the amount of dust and other contaminants that may fall on Strainers shall be of a size to remove only skins and undesir-
newly applied wet coating films. Surfaces not intended to be able matter but not to remove the pigment.
coated shall be suitably protected from the effects of cleaning
and coating operations. 5.4.4 Where a skin has formed in the container, the skin
shall be cut loose from the sides of the container, removed and
5.3 PRETREATMENTS discarded. If the volume of such skins is visually estimated to
be more than 2% of the remaining coating, the coating shall
5.3.1 When specified, the surface shall be pretreated prior not be used.
to application of the prime coat of coating
. 5.4.5 Mixing of solvent-containing coatings in open
5.3.2. The provisions of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 shall also containers shall be done in a well ventilated area away from
apply to pretreated surfaces and the materials used for this sparks or flames.
5.4.6 Coating shall not be mixed or kept in suspension by
5.3.3 When chemical pretreatments are used, sufficient means of an air stream bubbling under the coating surface.
time shall elapse between pretreatment and application of the
prime coat to permit any chemical action to be completed and 5.4.7 Dry pigments which are separately packaged shall
the surface to dry. Two-component pretreatments shall be ap- be mixed into coatings in such a manner that they are uniformly
plied within the specified interval after mixing. When proprietary blended and all particles of the dry powder are wetted by the
pretreatments are used, the instructions of the manufacturer vehicle.
shall be followed.
5.4.8 Pastes shall be made into coatings in such a manner
5.3.4 Inhibitive water washes used to prevent rusting of that the paste shall be uniformly blended and all lumps and
cleaned surfaces prior to coating shall not be considered pre- particles broken up to form a homogenous coating.
treatments. These may be used only if they do not adversely
affect the long term performance of the coating and are specifi- 5.4.9 Coating which does not have a limited pot life or
cally authorized. Test patches may be used to check adhesion does not deteriorate on standing may be mixed at any time
of the coating prior to coating the entire surface. before using, but if settling or phase separation has occurred
it must be remixed immediately before using.
5.4.10 Coating shall not remain in spray pots, painters’
5.4.1 Single component coatings shall be thoroughly buckets, etc., overnight, but shall be stored in a covered con-
mixed to obtain a uniform composition. For multiple component tainer and remixed before use.
coatings, each component shall be thoroughly mixed before
combining and further mixing. In all cases, the manufacturer’s 5.4.11 Catalysts, curing agents, or hardeners which are
written instructions for mixing shall be followed, and the products separately packaged shall be added to the base coating
shall be checked for complete uniformity. only after the latter has been thoroughly mixed. The proper
volume of the catalyst shall then be slowly poured into the
5.4.2 The following are acceptable methods for mixing required volume of base with constant agitation. Mixing of
most coatings: complete kits is preferred to avoid mixing incorrect ratios of

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Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

components. Do not pour off the liquid which has separated 6.3 HUMIDITY: Because curing of coatings may be
from the pigment and then add the catalyst to the settled pig- adversely affected by humidities that are too low or too high,
ment to aid mixing. The mixture shall be used within the pot no coating shall be applied unless the manufacturer’s written
life specified by the manufacturer. For example, more than 20 requirements for humidity are met.
minutes and less than eight hours after mixing are the pot life
limits for some chemically cured coatings (see Section 6.13). 6.3.1 Some coatings (e.g., some inorganic zinc and poly-
Therefore only enough coating should be catalyzed for prompt urethane coatings) cure by chemically reacting with water, and
use. Most mixed, catalyzed coatings cannot be stored, and so require a minimum humidity for complete curing.
unused portions of these shall be placed in proper storage
containers for later appropriate disposal. When specified, 6.3.2 High humidities may cause moisture to condense
special continuous mixing equipment shall be used according on or react with uncured coating films to cause blushing or
to the manufacturer’s directions. other adverse effects.

5.4.12 Thinning of the coating shall be done only when 6.4 COVER: When coating must be applied in damp or
necessary for proper application and when it will not result in cold weather, the steel must be coated when the surrounding
violation of air pollution control regulations. Coatings to be ap- air and the steel are heated to a satisfactory temperature. In
plied by brush will usually require no thinning. Coatings to be all such cases, the temperature and moisture conditions of
sprayed, if not specifically formulated for spraying, may require Sections 6.1 and 6.2 must be met. Where cover is required to
thinning when proper adjustment of the spray equipment and achieve these conditions, the steel shall remain under cover
air pressure does not result in satisfactory coating application. or be protected until dry or weather conditions permit its ex-
In no case shall more thinner be added than that recommended posure.
by the manufacturer’s written instructions.
6.5 DEFECTS: Defects in films that are not permitted
5.4.13 The type of thinner shall comply with the manu- by the contract specification shall be corrected in a manner
facturer’s instructions. satisfactory to the owner.

5.4.14 When the use of thinner is permissible, thinner 6.6 STRIPING: If stripe coating is specified in the procure-
shall be added slowly to coating during the mixing process. ment documents, all corners, crevices, rivets, bolts, welds, and
All thinning shall be done under supervision of a knowledge- sharp edges shall be stripe coated with the priming coating
able person acquainted with the correct amount and type of before the steel receives its first full prime coat of coating.
thinner to be added to the coating and familiar with pertinent Such striping shall extend a minimum of one inch (2 cm) from
regulations relating to solvent emissions. Thinner should be the edge. The stripe coat shall set to touch before the full
at the same temperature as the coating material. At very low prime coat is applied. However, the stripe coat shall not be
temperatures, thinners can shock sensitive coating materials, permitted to dry for a period long enough to allow rusting of the
resulting in gelling. unprimed steel. Alternatively, the stripe coat may be applied
after a complete prime coat.
Stripe coating of edges, corners, rivets, welds, etc., is
6. Factors Affecting Application of Coatings
advantageous in preventing breakdown of coating on such
edges in very corrosive surroundings. Striping is an expensive
See Section 11 for factors unique to specific generic operation and may only be justified when it is believed the
coatings. cost will be compensated for by extra life. To prevent removal
of the stripe coat of coating by later application of the prime
6.1 TEMPERATURE: The application of a coating system coat, the striped coating should be allowed to at least set to
shall occur only when the air and substrate temperature is within touch before application of the full prime coat; a longer drying
the range indicated by the manufacturer’s written instructions period is advantageous, however. Where it is felt that a long
for both application and curing and can be expected to remain drying period of stripe is necessary, but the precoated steel will
in that range. Special coating materials are available that deteriorate in the interval, the full prime coat of coating may
would allow for application below 60°F with or without further be applied, allowed to dry, and the stripe coating then applied.
adjustment. (See Note 16.3.) Tinting of the striping coating is advisable to promote contrast
(see Section 6.10). Stripe coating is most effective on edges
6.2 MOISTURE: Coating shall not be applied in rain, wind, that are rounded by grinding.
snow, fog, or mist, or when the steel surface temperature is
less than 5 °F (3 °C) above the dew point. Coating shall not be 6.7 CONTINUITY: To the maximum extent practical, each
applied to wet or damp surfaces unless the coating is formulated coat shall be applied as a visually continuous film of uniform
and certified by the manufacturer for this type of application. thickness free of pores. All thin spots or areas missed in the
Coating shall not be applied on frosted or ice-coated surfaces application shall be recoated and permitted to dry before the
(see Note 16.4). next coat of coating is applied.
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Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

6.8 THICKNESS: Unless otherwise specified in the pro- 6.12 CONTACT SURFACES: Unless otherwise required
curement documents, all dry film thickness determinations by the contract specification, the following practice shall be
shall be performed as specified in PA 2, Measurement of Dry followed regarding coating of contact surfaces.
Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages. Coating thickness is
usually specified (or implied) as a minimum. Greater thickness 6.12.1 Steel to be embedded, encased or completely
that does not detrimentally affect the appearance or service life enclosed in brick or masonry shall be given at least one coat
of the coating is permitted unless otherwise specified. of coating that is compatible with masonry materials.

6.8.1 If not otherwise specified, each prime coat shall be 6.12.2 The areas to be in contact with wood shall receive
within a thickness range of 1.5 mils (38 micrometers) to 2.5 mils the full specified coating system before assembly.
(64 micrometers) when dry. Each intermediate and finish coat
shall be within a thickness range of 1.0 mils (25 micrometers) 6.12.3 Surfaces to be in contact only after field erection shall
to 2.0 mils (51 micrometers). As indicated in Section 11, vinyls, receive the full-specified coating system before assembly.
lacquers, emulsions, high-build coatings, and bituminous coat-
ings usually deviate from these thicknesses. 6.12.4 Steel surfaces not in direct bonded contact, but
inaccessible after assembly, shall receive the full-specified
6.8.2 In the event the required minimum thickness is not coating system before assembly.
achieved as specified, additional coats shall be applied in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions until the required 6.12.5 Contact surfaces of members to be joined by high
thickness is obtained. The inorganic zinc-rich coatings shall strength bonds in a friction connection are a special case.
not be corrected in this manner unless the manufacturer's Unless specifically authorized to the contrary, they shall be
instructions specifically permit this practice. left uncoated and free of oil, grease, and coatings. However,
faying surfaces of friction connection may be coated with ap-
6.9 RECOATING: Each coating layer shall be in a proper proved coatings which do not release the coefficient of friction
state of cure or dryness before the application of the succeeding between contact surfaces, in accordance with the American
coat so that it is not adversely affected by topcoating. Consult Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and the Research Council
the coating manufacturer for the appropriate time interval on Structural Connections (RCSC).
before recoating.
6.10 TINTING: When successive coats of coating of the time (sometimes called “sweat-in time”) and pot life require-
same color have been specified, alternate coats of coating ments of the manufacturer shall be met.
shall be tinted, when practical, to produce enough contrast
to indicate complete coverage of the surface. Tinting shall be 7. Application Methods
performed in such a manner that it will not be necessary to tint
the final coat. Field tinting shall be done only with coatings of See Section 11 for application methods unique to specific
the same type from the same manufacturer. When the coating generic coatings.
is the color of the steel, the first coat to be applied shall be
tinted. The tinting material shall be compatible with the coat- 7.1 GENERAL
ing and not detrimental to its service life. It is suggested that
the coating be tinted by the manufacturer and appropriately 7.1.1 The following methods of application are covered
labeled. Single component coatings to be blended for tinting by this specification: brush, roller, air spray, airless spray, plu-
shall be thoroughly mixed separately before combining and ral component spray, hot spray, or any combination of these
further mixing. For multiple-components, it is necessary to methods. Daubers or natural or synthetic wool mitts or other
blend similar components of the two different colors together applicators may be used for places of difficult access when no
before combining and mixing these blends. other method is practical. Whichever application method is used,
the dry film thickness of each coat shall meet the requirement
6.11 INTERCOAT ADHESION: When applying multiple of the specification or the manufacturer’s recommendation,
coats of two component thermosetting systems, topcoats whichever has precedence, as agreed upon by owner and
shall be applied within the recoat window specified by the contractor. Also see Note 16.5.
manufacturer of the undercoat in order to obtain good intercoat
adhesion. If, for any reason, this time period is exceeded, the 7.1.2 The following methods of application are not covered
undercoat surface shall be specially treated as recommended by this specification: dipping, flow coating, electrostatic spray,
by its manufacturer before topcoating. Such treatments include and fluidized bed. If application by one of these methods is
mild abrasion, solvent treatment, and use of a fog coat. specified, it shall be done in accordance with the procurement

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Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

documents or, if none are present, with the manufacturer's to be applied, and shall be equipped with suitable pressure
recommendations. regulators and gages. The equipment shall be maintained in
proper working condition. Spray equipment shall meet the
7.2 BRUSH APPLICATION: Brush application of coating material transfer requirements of the local air pollution or air
shall be in accordance with the following: quality management district.

7.2.1 Brushes shall be of a style and quality that will en- 7.4.2 Coating ingredients shall be kept uniformly mixed in
able proper application of coating. Round or oval brushes are the spray pots or containers during coating application either
generally considered most suitable for rivets, bolts, irregular by continuous mechanical agitation or by intermittent agitation
surfaces, and rough or pitted steel. Wide, flat brushes are as frequently as necessary.
suitable for large flat areas, but they should not have a width
over five inches. 7.4.3 Spray equipment shall be kept sufficiently clean
so that dirt, dried coating, and other foreign materials are not
7.2.2 The brushing shall be done so that a smooth coat deposited in the coating film. Any solvents left in the equipment
as uniform in thickness as possible is obtained. shall be completely removed before using.

7.2.3 Coating shall be worked into all crevices and cor- 7.4.4 Coating shall be applied in a uniform layer with
ners. overlapping at the edges of the spray pattern. During applica-
tion, the gun shall be held perpendicular to the surface and
7.2.4 All runs or sags shall be brushed out (see 7.3.4). at a distance which will ensure that a wet layer of coating is
deposited on the surface. The trigger of the gun should be
7.2.5 An attempt shall be made to minimize brush marks released at the end of each stroke.
and other surface irregularities.
7.4.5 All runs and sags shall be brushed out immediately,
7.3 ROLLER APPLICATION: Roller application shall be and if not, the coating shall be removed and the surface re-
in accordance with the following: painted. The wet film may be removed or allowed to dry and
removed by sanding after curing.
7.3.1 Rolling shall be done so that a smooth coat as
uniform in thickness as possible is achieved. 7.4.6 Cracks, crevices, blind areas of all rivets and bolts,
and all other inaccessible areas shall be coated by brush or
7.3.2 Roller covers shall be selected which do not shed daubers.
fibers into the paint. Their nap should be appropriate for the
particular surface roughness. 7.4.7 Particular care shall be observed with respect to
type of thinner, amount of thinner, coating temperature, and
7.3.3 Roller application may be used on flat or slightly operating techniques in order to avoid deposition of coating
curved surfaces and shall be in accordance with the recom- which is too viscous, too dry, or too thin. It may be necessary
mendations of the coating manufacturer and roller manufacturer. to use an approved different coating material or other equip-
Coating rollers shall be of a style and quality that will enable ment to resolve these problems.
proper application of coating having the continuity and thick-
ness required in Sections 6.7 and 6.8. 7.4.8 Coatings formulated for application to hot surfaces
may not be suitable for application to surfaces below the
7.3.4 Roller application shall not be used on irregular designed temperature. Conversely, coatings formulated for
surfaces such as rivets, bolts, crevices, welds, corners, or application at ambient or low temperatures may not be suitable
edges, unless otherwise specified. When permitted, however, for application to hot surfaces. Thus, coatings shall not be ap-
the coating applied by roller on these irregular surfaces shall be plied outside the manufacturer’s recommended temperature
subsequently brushed out to form a continuous and unbroken range without the written approval of the manufacturer and
film (see Note 16.6). the owner.

plication of coating, whether air spray, airless spray, plural- pressed air atomizing spray application of coating shall be in
component spray, hot air spray or hot airless spray, shall be accordance with all the provisions of Section 7.4 and in addition
in accordance with the following: shall comply with the following:

7.4.1 The equipment used shall be suitable for the intended 7.5.1 The air caps, nozzles, and needles shall be those rec-
purpose, shall be capable of properly atomizing the coating ommended by the manufacturers of the material being sprayed
and the manufacturers of the equipment being used.

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Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

7.5.2 Traps or separators shall be provided to remove any manufacturer’s instructions are to be followed regarding the
oil or condensed water from the air. The traps or separators proper use of the equipment. PA 3 provides information on
must be of adequate size and must be bled continuously or how to use airless spray equipment safely.
drained periodically during operations. The air from the spray
gun impinging against a clean surface shall show no condensed 7.7 AIR ASSISTED AIRLESS SPRAY: Air-assisted air-
water or oil. ASTM D 4285 provides a test procedure for indi- less spray atomizes paint by a combination of hydraulic and
cating the presence of oil or water in compressed air. air pressures. Air-assisted airless spray shall be performed in
accordance with all provisions of Sections 7.3 and 7.4.
7.5.3 The pressure on the material in the pot and of the air
at the gun shall be adjusted for optimum spraying effectiveness. 7.8 HOT AIR SPRAY APPLICATION: Hot air spray ap-
The pressure on the material in the pot shall be adjusted when plication shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sections
necessary for changes in elevation of the gun with respect to 7.4 and 7.5.
the elevation of the pot. The atomizing air pressure at the gun
shall be high enough to properly atomize the coating, but not 7.9 HOT AIRLESS SPRAY APPLICATION: Hot airless
so high as to cause excessive fogging of coating, excessive spray application shall be in accordance with Sections 7.4
evaporation of solvent or loss by overspray. and 7.6.

pressure spray application of coating shall be in accordance Plural component spray shall be in accordance with all the
with all of the provisions of Section 7.4 and in addition shall provisions of Section 7.4 and use either fixed or variable ratio
comply with the following: systems depending upon the ratio of components.
Plural component spray is used primarily for thick-film
7.6.1 Fluid tips shall be of proper orifice size and fan applications of fast-setting coatings.
angle, and the fluid control gun of proper construction, as
recommended by the manufacturer of the material being 7.11 HIGH-VOLUME LOW-PRESSURE SPRAY: High-
sprayed and the manufacturer of the equipment being used. volume low-pressure spray shall be in accordance with all the
Fluid tips shall be of the safety type with shields to prevent provisions of Section 7.4.
accidental penetration of the skin by the high pressure stream High-volume low-pressure spray has a high transfer ef-
of coating. ficiency and can be used where other equipment with lower
transfer efficiency is not permitted, as well as under less
7.6.2 The air pressure to the coating pump shall be adjusted restrictive conditions.
so that the coating pressure to the gun is proper for optimum
spraying effectiveness. This pressure shall be sufficiently 8. Shop Coating
high to properly atomize the coating. Pressures considerably
higher than those necessary to properly atomize the coating 8.1 APPLICABILITY: All provisions of this specification
should not be used. shall be applicable to shop coating except those under Sec-
tions 9 and 10.
7.6.3 Spraying equipment shall be kept clean and shall
utilize proper filters in the high pressure line so that dirt, dry 8.2 NUMBER OF COATS AND TYPE OF COATING: The
coating, and other foreign materials are not deposited in the number of coats, type of coating, and surfaces to be coated
coating film. Any solvents left in the equipment shall be com- shall be specified in the procurement documents. If coating
pletely removed before applying coating. thickness is not specified, the guidance in Section 6.8.1 shall
be followed. The coating application shall be scheduled to
7.6.4 The trigger of the gun should be pulled fully open and provide protection to the substrate at all construction stages
held fully open during all spraying to ensure proper application of (see Note 16.7).
coating. During application, the gun shall be held perpendicular
to the surface and at a distance which will ensure that a wet 8.3 DAMAGE TO SHOP COATING: Damage resulting
layer of coating is deposited on the surface. The trigger of the from fabrication, handling and storage in the shop shall be re-
gun should be released at the end of each stroke. paired before leaving the shop. If the shop coating is damaged
in shipping, unloading or field handling or fabrication, it shall
7.6.5 Airless coating spray equipment shall always be be repaired before the field coating operations are begun.
provided with an electric ground wire in the high pressure
line between the gun and the pumping equipment. Further, 8.4 CONTACT SURFACES: Contact surfaces shall
the pumping equipment shall be suitably grounded to avoid be coated or left uncoated as specified in the procurement
the build-up of any electrostatic charge on the gun. The documents. When coated, the specification may require that

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Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

at least the first coat shall be applied in the shop or the field, 9.4 FIELD COATING PROCEDURES
with subsequent coats being applied in the field while the
surfaces are still accessible, unless otherwise specified (see 9.4.1 Shop coated steel members shall preferably be field
Section 6.12). coated after erection of such members is completed. Steel
members may be shop or field coated on the ground before
8.5 REQUIREMENTS FOR WELDING: erection, provided any damaged coating is touched-up with
the same number of coats and kinds of coatings after erection.
8.5.1 If the coating specified is harmful to the welders Whenever possible, the last full (finish) coat of coating shall be
(usually the case) or is detrimental to the welding operation applied after erection of the structure and repair of damaged
or the finished welds, the steel shall not be coated within four areas of existing coating.
inches (100 millimeters) of the areas to be welded, except
when using inorganic zinc-rich primer, which may be applied 9.4.2 The first field coat shall be applied to shop-coated
to within one inch (25 millimeters) of the weld area. steel in a timely manner, as required by the specification, to
protect the steel from corrosion.
8.5.2 Shop welds and areas within four inches of such
welds shall be cleaned in the shop using surface preparation 9.4.3 In the unlikely case that the types of field coatings
methods at least as effective as those specified for the struc- are not specified, they shall be determined to be compatible
ture itself. All welds shall either be blast cleaned, thoroughly with the shop coating and the service environment.
power tool cleaned, chemically scrubbed, or water scrubbed
of all detrimental welding deposits. 9.4.4 Contact surfaces shall be cleaned and coated as
specified, unless otherwise stated in the procurement docu-
8.6 RUST PREVENTIVE COMPOUNDS: Machine ments (see Section 6.12).
finished or similar surfaces that should not be coated, but do
require protection, shall be protected as specified. 9.4.5 When specified, surfaces (other than contact
surfaces) of fabricated assemblies that are accessible before
8.7 ERECTION MARKS: Erection and weight marks shall erection but which will not be accessible after erection shall
be placed on areas that have been previously shop primed receive the entire specified coating system before erection.
unless otherwise specified. Compatible and non-bleeding
markers or coating sticks shall be used 9.4.6 Coating shall be applied to all cracks and crevices
. as required by the specification.
9. Field Coating
9.4.7 The final coat of coating shall not be applied until all
9.1 APPLICABILITY: All provisions of this specification concrete work is finished. In addition to the cleaning specified
shall pertain to the field coating of steel structures except for in Section 5.2, all cement or concrete spatter and drippings
inapplicable provisions of Sections 8 and 10. shall be removed before any application of coating. If any
coating is damaged, the damaged surface shall be cleaned
9.2 SURFACE PREPARATION: Previously applied and recoated before the final coat is applied.
shop coatings must be dry or cured sufficiently for overcoating
and be free of dirt, oil, chlorides, or other contaminants. The 9.4.8 Wet coating shall be protected against damage
manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed if special surface from dust or other detrimental foreign matter as much as is
preparation procedures are required before application of the practical.
field coats. Damaged areas of shop applied coatings are to
be touched-up in compliance with the requirements of Section 9.4.9 Steel stored pending erection shall be kept free
9.3. See SSPC-TU 4 for additional information on detection of from contact with the ground and so positioned as to minimize
soluble salts on steel surfaces. water-holding pockets, soiling, contamination, and deterioration
of the coating film. Such steel shall be cleaned and recoated
9.3 TOUCH-UP OF SHOP COATED SURFACES: Steel or touched-up with the specified coating whenever it becomes
that has been shop coated shall be touched up with the same necessary to maintain the integrity of the film.
coating as the shop coat unless otherwise specified. This
touch-up shall include preparing, cleaning and coating of field 9.4.10 All field welds and all areas within four inches of
connections, welds or rivets, and all damaged or defective welds shall be cleaned before painting, using surface prepa-
coating and rusted areas as specified. ration methods at least as effective as those specified for the
structure itself. All welds shall either be blast cleaned, thoroughly

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Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

power tool cleaned, chemically scrubbed, or water scrubbed chlorinated rubber finish coatings shall be applied by spray,
of all detrimental welding deposits. with application by brush limited to small areas and touch-up.
Primers may be brushed or sprayed. These coatings shall be
10. Repair of Damaged Intact Coatings thinned as recommended by the manufacturer. They shall be
applied at a coverage that will result in the dry film thickness
10.1 APPLICABILITY: All provisions of this specification specified or, if not specified, the dry film thickness recommended
shall pertain to maintenance coating except the inapplicable by the manufacturer. When vinyl or chlorinated rubber coatings
portions of Sections 8 and 9. are applied by brush, coatings shall be applied to the surface
with a minimum of brushing so that there is little or no lifting
10.2 SURFACE PREPARATION FOR RECOATING or softening of the undercoats.

10.2.1 Only loose, cracked, brittle, or non-adherent coating 11.4 BITUMINOUS COATINGS
shall be removed in cleaning unless it is otherwise specified.
Cleaning shall be performed two inches (50 micrometers) 11.4.1 Bituminous coating (thin film): The term bitumi-
beyond the damaged areas in all directions or until tightly nous coating (thin film) refers to low consistency solutions of
adhered coating is obtained. Where the remaining coating is coal tar or asphalt without filler or with only a slight amount of
thick, all exposed edges shall be feathered. Rust spots shall filler. They shall be applied in the same manner as conventional
be thoroughly cleaned and the edges of all old coating shall coatings and shall be applied at a coverage that will result in
be scraped back to sound material (see Note 16.9). the dry film thickness specified. The expected range of dry film
thickness for these thin film bituminous coatings is from 1.7 to
10.2.2 The contractor shall have the option to remove all 3.0 mils (40 to 75 micrometers). Unless otherwise specified, the
coating from large areas containing smaller areas of coating necessary number of coats shall be applied to provide a total
which are required to be removed by the contract specification. minimum dry film thickness of 5 mils (125 micrometers).

10.3 INCOMPATIBILITY: Only coatings compatible with 11.4.2 Cold-applied bituminous coating (medium
the existing coatings and the service environment shall be film): The term cold-applied bituminous coating (medium
used. All defects arising from unexpected incompatibility shall film) refers to high consistency filled solutions of coal tar or
be corrected as specified. asphalt. They shall be applied by brushing or spraying. If spray
applied, special heavy-duty pump type spray equipment shall
10.4 WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The amount of clean- be used. This material should be stirred without thinning until
ing and coating should be described in the procurement docu- it attains proper consistency for application. It shall be applied
ments covering the work. It is important that the procurement at a coverage that will result in the dry film thickness specified
documents cover precisely the work to be performed to avoid or, if not specified, the dry film thickness as recommended by
misunderstandings. In the absence of such specific provisions, the manufacturer. The expected range of dry film thickness
the guidelines given in Note 16.9 may be used. for the cold-applied bituminous coating (medium film) is from
5 to 10 mils (125 to 250 micrometers) per coat and unless
11. Application Procedures for Generic otherwise specified, the necessary number of coats shall be
Groups of Coatings applied to provide a minimum dry film thickness of 12 mils
(300 micrometers).

11.1 GENERAL: The materials covered herein are to be

11.4.3 Cold-applied bituminous coating (thick film):
applied as specified. In case of conflict with any other portion
The term cold-applied bituminous coating (thick film) refers
of this specification, these special provisions shall govern.
to very high consistency filled solutions of coal tar or asphalt.
Minimum and maximum dry film thicknesses are indicated,
They shall be applied by brushing or spraying. If spray ap-
but thicker coatings should be applied when recommended
plied, special heavy-duty pump type spray equipment shall
by the manufacturer’s instructions. Materials which are not
be used. These materials must be stirred without thinning
specifically covered in this specification shall be applied in
until they attain the proper consistency for application. They
accordance with the directions of the manufacturer.
shall be applied at a coverage that will result in the dry film
thickness specified or, if not specified, the dry film thickness
11.2 DRYING OIL CURING COATINGS: Coatings that as recommended by the manufacturer. The expected range
cure by air oxidation of drying oils (e.g., alkyds, unmodified of dry film thickness for the cold-applied bituminous coating
drying oils, epoxy esters, etc.) shall be applied in accordance (thick film) is from 15 to 18 mils (380 to 460 micrometers) per
with the preceding provisions of this specification. coat and unless otherwise specified the necessary number of
coats shall be applied to provide a minimum dry film thickness
11.3 VINYLS AND CHLORINATED RUBBER COAT- of 25 mils (635 micrometers).
INGS: Where permitted by local regulations, vinyl and

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surface is free of moisture (unless formulation permits it) and

11.4.4 Cold-applied bituminous mastic (extra-thick ice at the time of application.
film): The term cold-applied bituminous mastic (extra-thick
film) refers to very thickly applied filled solutions of coal tar or 11.6 ZINC-RICH COATINGS: For additional information
asphalt applied by brushing, troweling, or spraying. If spray refer also to SSPC Paint 20, “Zinc-Rich Primers” and PS Guide
applied, special heavy-duty pump type spray equipment shall 12.00, “Guide to Zinc-Rich Coating Systems.”
be used. Thinning should not be necessary and shall not take
the place of adequate stirring. They shall be applied at a cov- 11.6.1 Inorganic zinc-rich: Inorganic zinc-rich coatings
erage that will result in the dry film thickness specified or, if shall be applied by spray. Application by brush shall be limited
not specified, the dry film thickness as recommended by the to small areas and touch-up work. If the zinc powder is pack-
manufacturer. The expected range of dry film thickness for the aged separately, mix with the vehicle just before use. Inorganic
cold-applied bituminous mastic (extra-thick film) is about 35 to zincs shall be thinned as recommended by the manufacturer.
65 mils (890-1650 micrometers) per coat and it is preferable The coatings shall be applied to a dry film thickness between
that it be applied in two coats. For additional information, refer 2 to 4 mils (50 and 100 micrometers), unless otherwise stated
to Paints 12, 32, and 33. A minimum total dry film thickness of in the specification or manu-facturer’s written instructions.
70 mils (1780 micrometers) is suggested. When applying by spray, the zinc dust shall be kept in sus-
pension by use of a mechanical agitator for both airless and
11.4.5 Bituminous emulsion: The term “bituminous air atomized (conventional) spray. The vessel containing the
emulsion” refers to high consistency filled emulsions of coal tar coating and the spray gun shall be kept at approximately the
or asphalt and water. Since they are compounded with water same elevation (e.g., within 3 feet [1 meter]) while spraying.
they must not be permitted to freeze at any time before drying. Prior to topcoating, a barrier or tie coat may be required for
These emulsions shall be applied by brushing, spraying, or overcoating with certain generic coatings. The manufacturer’s
troweling. If spray applied, special heavy-duty pump type spray recommendations shall be followed. Sufficient curing of the
equipment shall be used. Thinning should not be necessary zinc-rich primer is necessary before topcoating. The coating
and shall not take the place of adequate stirring. They shall be manufacturer may require a minimum relative humidity to
applied at a coverage that will result in the dry film thickness ensure curing. Dry spray of the zinc-rich primer will result in
specified or, if not specified, the dry film thickness as recom- improper adhesion of the topcoat. Dry spray shall be removed
mended by the manufacturer. The expected range of dry film with a stiff bristle brush or wire screen without polishing the
thickness for the bituminous emulsion is from 8 to 15 mils (200 surface of the coating.
to 380 micrometers) per coat and unless otherwise specified
the necessary number of coats shall be applied to provide a 11.6.2 Organic zinc-rich: Most of the provisions of Sec-
minimum dry film thickness of 20 mils (500 micrometers). tion 11.6.1 are also applicable for the application of organic
zinc-rich coatings except that they may also be applied by
11.4.6 Coal tar primer and enamel: Coal tar primer and brush or roller when permitted by the manufacturer’s written
enamel for the interior and exterior of steel pipe, tanks and recommendations.
hydraulic structures shall be applied in accordance with the
requirements of American Water Works Association (AWWA) 11.7 URETHANE COATINGS: For additional information,
specification C-203 unless otherwise specified. This specifi- refer also to PS Guide 17.00, “Guide for Selecting Urethane
cation is not intended to cover application of coal tar primers Coating Systems.”
and enamel to steel structures of oil and gas pipelines when
a low penetration enamel is considered desirable. Such ap- 11.7.1 Single component moisture cured urethane coat-
plication shall be done in accordance with specifications of ings which meet ASTM D 16, Type II may be applied by brush,
the purchaser. roller, conventional spray, and airless spray. Special care shall
be taken to ensure that all spray equipment is moisture free.
11.5 EPOXY AND COAL TAR EPOXY COATINGS: Since these coatings cure by reaction with moisture in the air, it
Two-package chemically cured epoxy and coal tar epoxy should be noted that application on days when the humidity is
coatings shall be stored, mixed, thinned, applied, and cured low will result in slow cure. The manufacturer’s directions shall
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and with be followed concerning thinning and application parameters.
the provisions of Sections 5.4.11 and 6. Also, any special Type II urethane coatings shall be mixed by a mechanical
precautions and instructions by the manufacturer shall be mixer prior to application. This shall be done slowly so as not
followed. Chemically cured coatings shall not be applied to create a vortex and introduce moisture into the coating which
when the surface, coating, or air temperature is below the could reduce the pot life.
manufacturer’s published minimum recommendation. When
coatings formulated for low temperature application are applied 11.7.2 Two component polyisocyanate polyol-cured
at temperatures below 40 °F (4° C), it shall be verified that the urethane coatings may be applied by brush, roller, conventional

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free. The manufacturer’s directions shall be followed concerning coating. Always check with the coating manufacturer before
thinning and application parameters. The two components force drying a coating.
(isocyanate and polyol) shall be mixed as specified by the
manufacturer. Mixing shall be done slowly so as not to create 12.1.3 Coating shall be protected from rain, condensation,
a vortex and introduce moisture into the coating which could contamination, snow, and freezing until sufficiently cured for
reduce the pot life. These urethane coatings are extremely exterior exposure.
susceptible to moisture contamination and shall not be applied
unless temperatures, both during application and up to three 12.1.4 No coating shall be subjected to immersion be-
hours after application, will be at least 5 F° (3 C°) above the fore it is thoroughly dried or cured in accordance with the
dew point. manufacturer’s written instructions.


11.8.1 Waterborne thermoplastic coatings (commonly 12.2.1 Coated steel shall not be handled, loaded for ship-
called “latex coatings”) may be applied by spray, brush, or ment, or shipped until the coating has dried except as necessary
roller. Cross brushing or cross spraying application is highly in turning for coating or stacking for drying.
desirable. Application by spray tends to provide the best
leveling. Conventional or airless spray can be used with most 12.2.2 Coating which is damaged in handling shall be
latex coatings. Since one-coat systems have very limited removed and touched up with the same number of coats and
protective properties, multiple-coat systems shall always be kinds of coatings as were previously applied to the steel or as
applied. On structural steel, the preferred system is two coats specified by the procurement documents
of primer and one or more topcoats to achieve the specified
dry film thickness. Where the dry film thickness is not speci- 13. Inspection
fied, apply each coat at a minimum dry film thickness of 2.5
mils (64 micrometers) to achieve a total dry film thickness of
13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the procurement docu-
7.5 mils (190 micrometers). For additional information, refer
ments, the contractor or material supplier is responsible for
to SSPC Paints 23 and 24.
quality control to assure that the requirements of this document
are met. Work and materials supplied under this standard are
11.8.2 The atmospheric conditions at the time the latex
also subject to inspection by the purchaser or an authorized
coating, especially the primer, is applied are extremely im-
representative. Materials and work areas shall be accessible
portant. A latex primer shall not be applied at a temperature
to the inspector
below 50 °F (10 °C) or above 120 °F (50 °C) or when curing
(coalescence) is expected outside this range. It should be noted
13.2 Conditions not complying with this standard shall be
that some waterborne thermoplastic coatings are formulated
corrected. In the case of a dispute, an arbitration or settlement
for application at temperatures below 50 °F (10 °C). High
procedure established in the procurement documents (project
humidities (e.g., 80%) will slow the drying of these coatings
specification) shall be followed. If no arbitration or settlement
(see Sections 6.2 and 6.3).
procedure is established, then a procedure mutually agree-
able to purchaser and material supplier (or contractor) shall
11.8.3 The best conditions for storage of latex coatings are
be used.
at temperatures between 40 °F (4 °C), and 80 °F (27 °C).

14. Safety and Environmental Concerns

12. Curing and Handling of Coatings

12.1 DRYING OF COATINGS 14.1 All safety and environmental requirements stated in
this specification and its component parts apply in addition to
12.1.1 The minimum and maximum curing times before any applicable federal, state, and local rules and requirements.
overcoating an existing coat of coating shall conform to the They also shall be in accord with instructions of the coating
primer and overcoat manufacturer’s written recoat instructions. manufacturer and requirements of insurance underwriters.
If the maximum time is exceeded, the cured coating shall be
roughened or otherwise treated as recommended by the manu- 14.2 Coatings may be hazardous because of their flam-
facturer of the overcoat before applying another coat. mability or toxicity. Proper safety precautions shall be observed
to protect against these recognized hazards. Safe handling
12.1.2 No coating shall be force dried under conditions practices are required and should include, but not be limited
which will cause checking, wrinkling, blistering, formation of to, the provisions of PA Guide 3, “A Guide to Safety in Coating
pores, or detrimentally affect the protective properties of the Application.”

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14.3 Some coatings specified herein may not comply with Inspection of Coatings and Linings. Also refer to Volume 1 of
some air quality regulations because of their organic solvent the SSPC Painting Manual.
16.4 Cold weather, high humidity, water, fog and mist, and
14.4 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs): rain during coating application, drying, or curing are detrimental
Information pertaining to the safe handling, application, and to the performance of most coatings. It is impossible to set
disposal of coatings can be obtained from their MSDSs, which down specific rules which govern the limits in which the coating
are supplied by the manufacturers. The MSDSs for all materials application should be done since the variation from one coat-
shall accompany them wherever they are stored or used. ing to another may be large. Generally speaking, application
should be done only under conditions which are conducive
15. Disclaimer to quick evaporation of water. This generally means that the
relative humidity should be low. Steel should not be coated
15.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all when it is below the dew point since condensation of water
information furnished in SSPC standards and specifications is on the steel will result. The only exception is for coatings to
as accurate, complete, and useful as possible, SSPC cannot be applied that are formulated to tolerate moisture or liquid
assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from water on the surface.
the use of any materials, coatings, or methods specified herein, Coatings which dry solely by evaporation of organic solvent
or of the specification or standard itself. are not believed to be harmed by application to steel which is
below 32 °F (0 °C); however, under such conditions, the danger
15.2 This specification does not attempt to address prob- always exists that there will be a layer of ice on the surface of
lems concerning safety associated with its use. The user of this the steel. This same condition may prevail for application of
specification, as well as the user of all products or practices conventional, air-oxidizing coatings. When the humidity is low
described herein, is responsible for instituting appropriate and the steel is thoroughly dry beyond question, it is believed
health and safety practices and for ensuring compliance with that coatings may be applied, provided the coating is of a type
all governmental regulations. which will not be injured or whose drying will not be impaired
by low temperature or low humidity.
16. Notes Generally speaking, coatings should not be applied in
weather which will subject them to damage, nor should they
be applied when it is expected that the temperature will vary
Notes are not requirements of this specification.
either below or above the temperature range recommended
in writing by the manufacturer or drop to freezing before they
16.1 It is recommended that coating be stored in a warm
have cured.
building during very cold weather so that it is not necessary
The dew point (see Section 6.2) is the temperature be-
to thin the coating excessively for application since excessive
low which moisture from the air will begin to condense. If the
thinning will result in a low solids content, and the dry film
surface temperature of the substrate is at or below the dew
thickness will be below that intended for the particular mate-
point, moisture will condense on it. It may be determined with
rial. It is advantageous to the contractor that this material be
a sling psychrometer, or other instrument, usually requiring
kept warm or heated prior to use, inasmuch as less material
determination of wet and dry bulb temperatures (ASTM E
will be required, application will be easier, and the resulting
337, “Relative Humidity by Wet- and Dry-Bulb Psychrom-
film will meet the intent of the specification. When warming
eter”). Hand-held, digital moisture meters, hygrometers, etc.,
coatings, their temperature should not be permitted to exceed
can make measurement of relative humidity and dew point
100 °F (38 °C) unless special coating heating equipment is
simple and instantaneous. These electronic instruments can
used. When the coating (or thinner) has a flash point below
also provide simple measurement of relative humidity and
100 °F (38 °C) it should not be heated above its flash point if
dew point of a surface that is at a different temperature than
it is heated in an open container.
ambient conditions.
In practice, the dew point requirement can be presumed
16.2 As much care as deemed practical should be exercised
to be satisfied if a thin, clearly defined film of water applied
to prevent contamination of coated surfaces with particulate
to the cleaned surface with a damp cloth evaporates within
materials, soluble salts, and other foreign matter before over-
15 minutes.
coating. Thus, overcoating should be accomplished as soon as
Low temperatures greatly reduce the curing rates of chemi-
possible after curing requirements of undercoats are met. When
cally cured coatings (certain epoxies, urethanes, inorganic
intercoat contamination occurs before overcoating, the surface
zinc-rich coatings, coal tar epoxies, etc.). Unless otherwise
shall be washed with water and detergent or other approved
permitted, chemically cured coatings should not be applied
material to remove as many contaminants as possible.
when the surface, coating, or ambient temperature is outside
the range recommended by the coating manufacturer’s writ-
16.3 A number of instruments are available that measure
ten instructions.
temperature with great accuracy. Some are described in The

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16.5 Coatings on structural steel are generally applied When longer periods of exposure are anticipated, special
by brush or by spray. Either method is satisfactory if properly consideration should be given to surface preparation, coating
performed and the coating is formulated for the application selection, film thickness, and to early application of a second
method being used. The variations are slight, and often over- primer/overcoat. Between shop priming and field coating,
shadowed by variations in workmanship. structural steel is often exposed to the most severe environ-
Brushing of primers has the advantage of working coat- ments it will ever encounter and at a time when it is protected
ing into cracks and crevices and other surface irregularities. by only one coat of primer. The prime coat of coating is usually
It may create brush marks, however, with coatings having formulated to provide short-term protection and a good bond
limited leveling. Lacquer type coatings, such as vinyls, may between the steel substrate and subsequent coats. Many
be applied by brush with considerable difficulty only; the prim- shop-applied primers are not intended to provide long-term
ing coat brushes on with least difficulty and results in better protection of the steel, particularly during exposure to damp-
adhesion to the surface than spraying. Finish coats of lacquer ness, bad weather, and industrial fumes.
type coating tend to lift underlying coats by solvent action and
brushing combined; for this reason such finish coatings are 16.8 For high-performance coating service, special weld
best applied by spraying. surfacing may be required to provide suitable surface conditions
With many types of coatings, properly used high pressure for the coating system specified. NACE RP0178 provides one
spray methods can result in a thicker, more impermeable film. method of specifying weld surfacing requirements, as well as
Spray operators must be properly selected and trained. Careful other design and fabrication requirements for improving coat-
supervision and inspection are necessary with the various spray ing serviceability. Other methods of specifying and accepting
application methods to insure against such difficulties as dirty weld surfacing conditions are employed in various industries.
surfaces, dry spray, pinholes, holidays, missed areas, blind The weld surfacing requirements should generally be placed
spots, contamination of coating or air, wind loss, or excessive in the project specifications so that the painting contractor will
outdoor overspray. not have to perform welding or grinding to provide the specified
Several advantages are possible with the various high final surface conditions.
pressure airless methods of coating application, both hot and
cold spray. These include labor savings as a result of fast ap- 16.9 In maintenance coating it is not ordinarily intended
plication and a greater thickness per coat. Additional savings that sound, adherent, old coating be removed unless it is
also can be traced to less flowback, less overspray, power excessively thick or brittle or is incompatible with the new
(compressor) savings, use of higher solids in coating formula- coating. It is essential, however, that the removal of deterio-
tions, and less sensitivity to changes in ambient temperature rated coating be carried back around the edges of the spot or
during application. area until an area of completely intact and adherent coating
film, with no rust or blisters underneath, is attained. Edges
16.6 With roller application of coating on structural steel, of tightly adherent coating remaining around the area to be
high production rates approaching that of conventional spraying recoated must be feathered so that the recoated surface can
may be possible. The method works best on large smooth areas have a smooth appearance to provide a transition from the
such as tanks or walls. Difficulties may be encountered when area of repair to the intact coating. The remaining old coating
coating welds, rough spots, pits, rivet heads, edges, corners, should have sufficient adhesion so that it cannot be lifted as a
etc., to ensure that adequate coating is applied. Supplementary layer by inserting the blade of a dull putty knife under it using
brush coating is mandatory for those areas on structural steel, moderate pressure.
even though special rollers for these areas are available for Unless experience or spot tests have shown otherwise, it
general work. The requirements are generally the same as for is usually preferable to use the same generic type of coating
brush and spray coating. Excellent results have been achieved, in recoating as in the original coating. If the new coating curls
and it is possible to build up specified film thicknesses by this or lifts after application to an existing coating, the cleaning
method. Roller coating is particularly useful where spraying and application procedures should be reviewed to determine if
cannot be undertaken due to the hazards from overspray or good coating practices have been followed. If the new coating
the flammability of solvent. is found to be incompatible with the previous coating system,
either the primer should be replaced with one more compat-
16.7 Selection for the type of shop primer to be used ible, or the old coating should be completely removed before
should take into consideration the length of time anticipated application of a new system.
between the shop applied coat and the first coat applied in Coating records should be kept by the owner for the pur-
the field. The period before a shop coat is to be topcoated pose of determining information on the durability of coatings
in the field can vary from the construction schedule. Long and the economic protection afforded by them. Refer to Volume
periods of field exposure may degrade the shop coating so 1 of the SSPC Painting Manual for additional information and
that it may have to receive periodic maintenance to continue a suggested record form.
to protect the steel from corrosion and be in a suitable condi-
tion for overcoating.

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APPENDIX A - ADDITIONAL REFERENCE QP 1 Standard Procedure for Evaluating

MATERIALS Painting Contractors (Field Ap-
plication to Complex Industrial
The standards, reports, and publications listed below are
QP 3 Standard Procedure for Evaluating
not required as part of the specification but are recommended
Qualifications of Shop Painting
resources (note that the standards listed in Section 3 are
required parts of this specification).
SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning
SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning
SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning
AB 1 Mineral and Slag Abrasives SP 7/NACE No. 4 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
AB 2 Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous SP 10/NACE No. 2 Near-White Blast Cleaning
Metallic Abrasives SP 11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal
AB 3 Ferrous Metallic Abrasives SP 12/NACE No. 5 Surface Preparation and Cleaning
PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance of Metals by Water Jetting Prior to
Painting of Steel Recoating
PA Guide 4 Guide to Maintenance Recoating SP 13/NACE No. 6 Surface Preparation of Concrete
with Oil Base or Alkyd Coating SP 14/NACE No. 8 Industrial Blast Cleaning
Systems TR 2/NACE 6G198 Joint Technical Report, WetAbrasive
PA Guide 5 Guide to Maintenance Coating Blast Cleaning
Programs TU 1 Surface-Tolerant Coatings for
Guide 6 Guide for Containing Debris Steel
Generated During Paint Removal TU 2 Design, Installation, and Main-
Operations tenance of Coating Systems for
Guide 7 Guide for the Disposal of Lead- Concrete Used in Secondary
Contaminated Surface Preparation Containment Facilities
Debris TU 3 Technology Update on Ovecoating
Guide 8 Guide to Topcoating Zinc-Rich TU 4 Field Methods for Retrieval and
Primers Analysis of Soluble Salts on
Guide 11 Guide for Coating Concrete Substrates
Guide 12 Guide of the Illumination of Indus- VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs
trial Painting Products for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry
ME 1 Test Panel Preparation Method No. Abrasive Blast Cleaning
1, Uncontaminated Rusted Steel VIS 3 Guide and Reference Photographs
Paint 15 Steel Joist Shop Primer for Steel Surfaces Prepared by
Paint 20 Zinc Rich Primers (Type I - “Inor- Hand and Power Tool Cleaning
ganic” and Type II - “Organic”) VIS 4/NACE No. 7 Guide and Reference Photographs for
Paint 23 Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces Surfaces Cleaned by Waterjetting
Paint 24 Latex Semi-Gloss Exterior Topcoat SSPC 97-07 The Inspection of Coatings and
Paint 25 Zinc Oxide, Alkyd, Linseed Oil Linings
Primer for Use Over Hand Cleaned
Steel Astm Standard:
Paint 25 BCS Zinc Oxide, Alkyd, Linseed Oil E 337 Standard Test Method for Measur-
Primer for Use Over Blast Cleaned ing Humidity with a Psychrometer
Steel (the Measurement of Wet- and
Paint 32 Coal Tar Emulsion Coating Dry-Bulb Temperatures)
Paint 33 Coal Tar Mastic - Cold-Applied
Paint 34 Water-Borne Epoxy Topcoat for American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Steel Structures Standard:
Paint 35 Medium Oil Alkyd Primer (Air Dry/
C 203 Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for
Low Bake)
Steel Water Pipelines - Enamel and Tape
PS Guide 17.00 Guide for Selecting Urethane
- Hot Applied
Painting Systems
PS Guide 12.00 Guide to Zinc-Rich Coating Systems


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