Ciass Xii Sub - Maths: X DX Dy

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1.Evaluate sin[2cot −1 ].
4 𝑥+2
2.If𝐴 = [ ] is symmetric matrix, then find x.
2𝑥 − 3 𝑥 + 1
3. Write tan−1 2 , IxI > 1 in simplest form
√𝑥 −1

4. If f:R→R is defined by f(x) = 3x + 2 find fof(x).

1 2 𝑥
5.If [2𝑥 3] [ ] [ ] = 𝑂, find the value(s) of x.
−3 0 3

𝑥 − 2 2𝑥 − 3 3𝑥 − 4
6.Using properties ,solve for x |𝑥 − 4 2𝑥 − 9 3𝑥 − 16| = 0.
𝑥 − 8 2𝑥 − 27 3𝑥 − 64
7.Let f : N → R be a function as f(x)= 4x2 + 12x +15. Show that f :N→ 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 is invertible .
Find f-1 .
2 3
8. Let A =[ ]then find f(A) ,if f(x) = x2 – 4x + 7.Using this also find A-1.
−1 2
𝑥−1 𝑥+1 𝜋
9. Solve the equation for x : tan−1 (𝑥−2) + tan−1 (𝑥+2) = 4
8 3 77
10. Prove that sin−1 17 + sin−1 5 = tan−1 36
11. Let * be a binary operation on QO(all non -zero rational numbers) defined by a* b = ab /4 ∀ a,b ∈ QO.
Show that * is commutative and associative. Also find the identity element and inverse in QO.

√1+ cos 𝑥 + √1− cos 𝑥 𝜋

12. Write in simplest form: cot −1 [ ] ; x ∈ (0, 4 )
√1+ cos 𝑥− √1− cos 𝑥
13. Two institutions decided to award their employees for three value resourcefulness,
competence and determination in the form of prizes in the form ofRs x, Rs y, Rs z respectively per
member.The first institution decided to award respectively 4,3,2 employees with total prize of
Rs 37000 and the second institution decided to award respectively 5,3,4 employees with total prize of
Rs 47000. If all three prizes per person together amount to Rs 12000.Solve the system ,using
Matrix method.
1 x2 
14. Find dy/dx, if (i) y = log (cos ex ) (ii) y  cos 1   .(iii) y = cos (logx + ex)
2 
 1  x 
15. If x = a(cost t + tsin t); y = a(sin t – t cos t).Find dy/dx
dy 1
16. If x 1  y  y 1  x  0 , prove that 
dx (1  x) 2
| x | 3 , x   3

17. .Discuss the continuity of the function f , f ( x)   2 x ,  3  x  3
6 x  2 , x  3


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