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The biggest challenge any teacher faces is capturing the students’ attention and putting

across ideas in such a way that it stays with them long after they have left the classroom. For this
to happen, classroom experience should be redefined and innovative ideas that make teaching
methods more effective should be implemented.

Student engagement and understanding of materials is given more emphasis in today’s

education over spoon feeding the facts. Therefore, using black-boards or the typical lecture
methods are not adequate to teach science and other related subjects. Many scholars and
researchers have proposed advanced ideas and they claim that virtual teaching scenarios or
simulations can help to build better understanding of subjects amongst students.
More than just conveying the facts or findings in science, students will love to explore the
world of science. These innovative teaching methods in science can substitute the typical
teaching techniques to achieve the goal.

Hands on Learning
This is the best teaching method invented so far that involves the active participation of
students to experience scientific concepts than to just have an audience view. Schools are
promoting the use of low cost apparatus in classrooms to helps students to have hands on
learning experience.

Most people learn more by doing things rather than by just reading, watching or hearing
about it. As such, providing hands-on learning can have a profound effect on learning in schools,
particularly on science teaching.

Why Hands-On Science

Contrary to what most people believe, hands-on learning is not a fad. In fact, it has been
going on for quite some time now. In the simplest sense, hands-on learning is learning by doing.
It involves teaching the students how to observe everything around them, plan a process to test
their hypothesis, put the process into motion and drive it to successful completion. In the end,
they should be able to explain the results they have obtained from the process.

The Benefits of Hands-On Learning in Science

Experts believe that by involving students in a total learning experience (i.e. learning by
doing), their ability to think critically is significantly enhanced. It teaches them to rely more on
evidence (observed data), encourages them to think independently, and reduces their dependence
on authority.

In addition, numerous studies indicate that it increases the students' motivation to learn
and enhances their perception, creativity, and logic. As a result, they are not only able to apply
what they have learned inside the classroom in their everyday lives – they can also apply the
whole learning experience to various life situations.

However, this does not imply that we should do away with textbooks. They have already
proven their worth in providing basic information and can serve as excellent reference materials
for students. Hands-on learning and text-based instruction can be successfully combined but it
would be better if publishers would consider providing quality hands-on activities and additional
resources to further enrich their textbook programs.
Role Play

Creative Teaching
Teaching children is an art. An enthusiastic teacher finds joy in teaching the children. The
teaching experience becomes more enjoyable when the children become more receptive and
responsive. So, every teacher craves for creative methods and new teaching techniques.

Teaching with appropriate teaching aids is a proven effective method of teaching. There are
many teaching aids available to assist the teachers, which make the black board and computers as
secondary media for teaching.

'Creative Teaching' facilitates the teachers by providing hands on experience with rarest teaching
aids designed with negligible cost, guided by renowned personalities in the field of education.
Effective utility of properly designed teaching manipulative and aids enhances the ability of
teachers and makes the children to love learning.

Take the help of creative tools to stimulate creativity. Include playful games or forms of visual
exercises that will excite the young minds and capture their interest. This is a time tested method
to identify young student’s creative abilities and encourage creative contributions. Bring aspects
of creativity into all your subjects, be it mathematics, science, or history. Think of ways to
develop their creative ideas. Encourage different ideas, give them freedom to explore
In precise Creative Teaching:

Provides a detailed, richly effective curriculum that responds to and enhances the child's
developmental phases, from early childhood through high schoolCultivates social and emotional
intelligenceConnects children & teacher mutually fond ofIgnites passion for lifelong learning.

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