Jobs Vocabulary

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The passage discusses different jobs, skills needed for jobs, and how to choose a career. It also has exercises to practice vocabulary and reading related to jobs.

Jobs being advertised include a plumbing job, acting jobs, astronaut jobs, and waiter/waitress jobs at a new restaurant.

Language skills, video game skills, and the ability to fix sinks are mentioned as possible job skills. However, the father suggests that language skills are more useful than video game skills.

NAME: ___________________________ DATE: __________________

(Jobs and Work)

Elementary to Pre-Intermediate

Part 1 – Getting Ready

• Ask two classmates the questions below. Write their answers in the spaces.

What job would you What skills do you Do you have any job
like to have? need for this job? experience? (What?)

Classmate 1

Classmate 2

Part 2 – Vocabulary Preview

• Complete the sentences below with the words in the box.

weekend salary skills experience

of course race car driver resume translator

1. My aunt can speak Chinese and English very well. She’s a ______________.
2. Every ______________, on Saturday and Sunday, I go swimming at the beach.
3. What job ______________ do you have? What jobs did you have before?
4. A: Can you speak English? B: ________ ______________, I’m speaking English now!
5. Ms. Smith is a doctor and makes lots of money. She has a big ______________.
6. What special ______________ do you have? What can you do?
7. He loves to drive fast. He wants to be a ____________ ____________ _____________.
8. I have lots of work experience, so my ______________ is two pages long.

Part 3 – Listening Comprehension

• Listen to Tom and his father talking about jobs and choose the best answers.
1. Dad says the weekend is …. A. boring B. special C. almost over
2. The things you like to do are your …. A. interests B. skills C. salary
3. Tom says he wants to be a doctor. A. TRUE B. FALSE
4. Tom knows how to play video games. A. TRUE B. FALSE
5. Dad says playing video games is a A. TRUE B. FALSE
good job skill.
6. Dad says he can speak two languages. A. TRUE B. FALSE

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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ___________________
Part 4 – Listening, Spelling and Speaking Practice
• Listen again and write the missing words.

Dad Hey, Tom, the (1)__________ is almost Dad Most people have to study or
over. And then you have to go back to (10)__________ to get skills.
school. Did you finish all your
Tom I’m really good at video games. Is that a
Tom Yup. And you (2)__________ _____ go
Dad Uh, well, not really. Lots of people are
back to work!
good at video games. And, also,
Dad Yeah, that’s right. not many people will (11)__________
you to play video games.
Tom Dad?
Tom That’s not true. Some guys on
Dad Yeah? (12)__________ get lots of money by
Tom Why do you have to go to work? Do playing video games.
you really have to? Dad Maybe, but not many people I think.
Dad Well, yeah, of course I do. If I don’t go to Playing video games isn’t a great thing
work, I won’t have a (3)__________. to put on a resume.

Tom You mean the money your Tom A resume?

(4)__________ gives you? Dad That’s a piece of paper that says what
Dad Yeah, that’s right. And if I don’t work, I’ll (13)__________ and skills you have.
be really (5)__________ with nothing to Tom I can speak two languages. Is that a
do. skill?
Tom So, when I (6)__________ _____, how Dad Yeah, that’s a good (14)__________.
do I know what job to do? Should I be a Not everyone can speak two languages.
teacher, or a (7)__________, or a race So, when you grow up, you could be a
car driver …? (15)__________.
Dad Well, you just have to think about what Tom Or maybe work in another country ….
you like to do best. What are your
(8)__________? And then you have to Dad Exactly!
think about the skills you have.
Tom Playing video games ….
Tom Skills? What are skills?

Dad Skills are the (9)__________ things you

know how to do that many other people
don’t know how to do.

Tom How do I get skills?

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________


 Complete the words below with vowels (a / e / i / o / u).
 Then memorize the words in all the boxes!

1 2 3 4

r__p__rt__r t__ __ch__r f__r__m__n s__ld__ __r

5 6 7 8

d__ct__r truck dr__v__r sc__ __nt__st f__rm__r

9 10 11 12

ch__f p__l__t c__sh__ __r __rt__st

13 14 15 16

__thl__t__ officer b__s driver m__sici__n

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
READING (Scanning)
 Read the ads and decide if each statement is true or false.

A big Hollywood movie

Would you like to work at company is now in
home, and still make a lot of town filming a new
Do you like to money in your free time? We movie. We are looking
fix sinks? If your answer is can show you how! Don’t do for anyone with acting
“YES”, then we have a job anything. Just send us a check experience. Are you
for $5,504 and we will help you interested?
for you! Call 457-9082 and become rich! Hurry! Call us at:
ask for Bob. this
P.O. Box 1234 Sometown,

‘Mars Attacks’ Space Agency

Agency (MASA) is looking for
two monkeys and one person
to become ASTRONAUTS! Ali is looking for waiters and waitresses to work
Phone us for an interview. in his new downtown restaurant on Main St.
Call Mr. Ali and start work tomorrow. 050-3449995

1. If you like to work at your home, you can call Speedy Plumbers. TRUE / FALSE
2. If you like to fix sinks, you can call Bob. TRUE / FALSE
3. You don’t need an interview if you want to become an astronaut. TRUE / FALSE
4. Ali has a new restaurant. TRUE / FALSE
5. You might have to work with animals at the Space Agency. TRUE / FALSE
6. The Hollywood movie company is looking for people with acting experience.
7. You can start work next week at the restaurant. TRUE / FALSE
8. You must go to Sometown, U.S.A. if you want to become rich. TRUE / FALSE
9. Ali’s Restaurant is located on Main Street. TRUE / FALSE
10. You should call tomorrow if you want to work at Speedy Plumbers. TRUE / FALSE

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