Marketing Plan

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The strategic marketing plan is for Asiawide Refreshments Corporation (RC Cola) to help increase their market share in the Philippines. It analyzes the company's current situation and macroenvironmental forces before proposing various marketing strategies.

The strategic marketing plan is for RC Cola and focuses on analyzing their current situation, the macroenvironmental forces affecting the company, and proposing marketing strategies to help increase their market share in the Philippines.

The plan analyzes the economical, political-legal, socio-cultural, technological, and ecological factors affecting RC Cola in the Philippines. It notes trends in the economy, demographics, regulations, and technology that influence the soft drink industry.

Strategic Marketing Plan 2013 for

Asiawide Refreshments Corporation

(RC Cola)

Presented to the faculty of

College of Management and Entrepreneurship

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Strategic Marketing Management

Submitted by:
ADRES, Rickjay L.

CARIÑO, Crizza May O.



LOPEZ, Sharmina Joy D.

RAMO, Rebeka R.

REAL, Honeylette Jade

TOMAS, Jerome P.

BSBA Marketing Management III-1

MARCH 2013

(University of the City of Manila)

College of Management and Entrepreneurship

Intramuros, Manila


This Strategic Marketing Plan of Asiawide Refreshments Corporation (RC Cola) has
been prepared and submitted in partial of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management by the undersigned, who
hereby recommend for approval of ORAL EXAMINATION.

ADRES, Rickjay L. LOPEZ, Sharmina Joy D.

CARIÑO, CrizzaMay O. RAMO,Rebeka R.

DEGRACIA,Jenny A. REAL, Honeylette Jade

TOMAS, Jerome P.

______________________________ _______________________________

DATE Prof. Niño Reiñer F. Badiola

Approved by the Committee at the Oral Examination with a grade of __________.

___________________________ _______________________ _______________________

Prof. Jonathan Antonio C. VilloteProf. Anna Maria M. Miranda Prof. Gaudencio G. Raganit

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management.


Prof. Delia Olivar


This Strategic Marketing Plan would not have been possible without the guidance

and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended

their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.

We wish to thank, first and foremost, Prof Niño Reiñer F. Badiola, for his great

efforts of providing us valuable advices, supervising and leading us to accomplish this

Strategic Marketing Plan.

To our panelists: Professor Anna Miranda, Professor Jonathan Antonio Villote

and Professor Gaudencio Raganit III for giving us their time and effort in completing


To our friends, families, and relatives who are great source of support and

encouragement, we thank them for providing us with the resources that we need.

To every person who gave us something to light our pathway, we thank them for

believing in us.

Last but not the least, to the light, our God, who guided us through the way and

provided us with strength, persistence, and knowledge

This Strategic Marketing Plan will not be possible without them.



I. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………..6

II. Current Situation- Macroenvironmental Forces

A. Economical ……………………………………………………………..……………..7
B. Political-Legal………………………………………………….……………………..10
C. Socio- Cultural………………………………………………………………………..12
D. Technological…………………………………………………………………………13
E. Ecological……………………………………………………………………………..14
F. Supply Chain………………………………………………………………………….15

III. Market Analysis

A. Market Definition……………………………………………………………………..16
B. Market Size…………………………………………………………………………….16
C. Market Segmentation………………………………………………………………..18
D. Industry Structure……………………………………………………………………19
E. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis…………………………………………..20
F. Competition and Market Share…………………………………………………….24
G. Competitor’s Strengths and Weaknesses………………………………………28
H. Market Trends…………………………………………………………………………29

IV. Situational Analysis- Consumer Analysis

A. Nature of the Buying Decision……………………………………………………..31
B. Demographics……………………………………………………………..………….32
C. Psychographics……………………………………………………………….……...33
D. Buyer’s Motivation……………………………………………………………...……33
E. Buyer ‘s Expectations……………………………………………….…………...….34

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V. Company Analysis
A. Company Resources
1. Financial Condition…………………………………………………35
2. People…………………………………………………………………38
3. Production and Distribution………………………………………39
B. Objectives
1. Mission and Vision Statement……………………………………42
2. Financial Objectives……………………………………………….42
3. Marketing Objectives………………………………...……………42
4. Product Offerings…………………………………………………..43
VI. Situational Analysis
A. External Threats………………………………………………………………………44
B. External Opportunities………………………………………………………………44
C. Internal Strengths…………………………………….………………………………44
D. Internal Weaknesses…………..…………………………………..….……………44
E. Critical Success Factors……………………………………………………………45
F. Sustainable Competitive Advantage……………………………………………..46
VII. Marketing Research……………………………………………….….…………………48
VIII. Marketing Strategy
A. Product…………………………………………………………………………………51
B. Promotion ……………..………………………………………………………………52
C. Placement……………………………………………………………………………..60
IX. Implementation
A. Product Strategy………………………………………………………………………64
B. Promotional Strategy…………………………………………………………………66
C. Placement Strategy…………………………………………………………………...73
X. Financial Projections…………………………………………………………………….79
XI. Contingencies…………………..…………………………………………………………83


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Philippines have emerged as one of the rapidly growing food and drinks

industries in the Asian region over the past years. The country is characterized

by various factors, such as its growing young population, rising disposable

income and rising consumer awareness regarding health and safety concerns.

In early 2002, a sparkling group of marketing and manufacturing experts

pooled their strengths to establish a new soft drink company. Antonio Panajon,

Gerry Garcia and Butch Aves teamed up with businessman Ricky Sandoval and

food and beverage entrepreneur Fred Yao. Sharing the same passion and ideals

as Royal Crown Cola International, they were awarded with the exclusive license

to manufacture and distribute RC cola in the Philippines. Their vision was to offer

a truly satisfying cola drink at an affordable price.

The major players in the Philippines beverage industryare Asiawide

Refreshment Corporation, Cosmos, Coca cola Corporation and Pepsi-Cola

Products Philippines Inc.

The purpose of this marketing plan is to introduce different strategies in

terms of product, price, promotion and distribution of RC Cola that will help

increase the sales as well as the product awareness of the consumers. This

marketing plan will highlight also the new innovative product by RC Cola base on

the changing taste preference of the Filipino. This will tackle also the industry

analysis, finding out that ARC has a market share of 34% and second leading

non alcoholic beverage company in the Philippines.

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Economic environment refers to the aggregate of the nature of

economic system of the country and its structural framework. Economic

status of a country affects the production and the consumers’ buying



RECESSION Recession is a period where the economic status

declines; it is more on the turn down of the GDP for

consecutive quarters. Recession results to

unemployment where people have the tendency to

lessen their consumption on products like food and drinks

including soft drinks.

RATE OF INFLATION Rate of inflation is the change of price of the products.

The rate of inflation affects the consumers’ purchasing

power where they will lessen the consumption of the

products they acquire for the purpose of purchasing the

more reputable products they need. The rate of inflation

in the Philippines in the year of 2011 is 2.80.

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EXCHANGE RATE Exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be

exchanged for another. Exchange rate depreciation may

lead to increase demand of employment and export

which means that people will have the tendency to

purchase more on products thus, it will increase their

purchasing power.

GDP The boost on Philippine growth was due to the higher

public and private consumption and rebound on exports.

As a result, the Philippine peso has appreciated more

than 7 percent so far this year and making it emerging

Asia's best performing currency and complicating policy

decisions for its central bank.

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The chart shows the Philippines’ Growth Domestic Product these past six

years which started from year 2007 quarterly. The GDP of the Philippines on the

first quarter of 2007 was 2.3 and increased by .1 by the following quarter. The

Philippines’ GDP achieve a 0% growth on the second quarter of 2008 and got a

negative growth of 2.1 on the second quarter of 2009 but gradually increase on

second quarter of 2010 to which it achieved a 4.1 % growth, the highest GDP

growth rate on the graph. As of the fourth quarter of 2012, the GDP growth rate

of the Philippines is 1.3 %.

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Various manufacturing and industrial plants on targeted provinces

have difficulty in acquiring licenses due to high standard of certain

municipalities and cities especially the plants where food and drinks are being

manufactured because of the sanitation being implemented and also the

overwhelming requirements and permits insisted from the government.

Soft drink is under the supervision of Bureau of Food and Drugs. BFAD

monitors, evaluates and ensures compliance of manufacturers, distributors,

advertisers and retailers of processed foods, drugs and other related products

to health rules and regulations and standards of quality.


It is an act that ensures the In this act, the manufacturers

RA 3720: safety and purity of foods, and distributors of foods, drugs

"Food, Drug, and drugs and cosmetics being and cosmetics are protected by

Cosmetic Act." made available to the the misbranding and

public. adulteration of their products. It

is implemented to ensure that

the companies are following the

safety standards for the sake of

the public health.

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RA 7394: It is the policy of the State a. protection against hazards to

“Consumer Act of to protect the interest of the health and safety;

the Philippines” consumer, promote his b. protection against deceptive,

general welfare and to unfair and unconscionable sales

establish standards of acts and practices;

conduct for business and c. provision of information and

industry education to facilitate sound

choice and the proper exercise

of rights by the consumer;

d. provision of adequate rights

and means of redress.

e. involvement of consumer

representatives in the

formulation of social and

economic policies.

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Socio-cultural changes in the environment presents industry

players with predicaments that should be considered. Consumer tastes

and preferences vary differently in every nation, one may prefer sweet and

others may not


Associating soft drinks in their Every after meal and in-between meals, families

meals set a liter of soft drinks on their table to

complement the food they eat. Even in fast food

restaurants, almost all the drinks they are

offering are soft drinks so you do not have an

excuse of not drinking it.

Drinking soft drinks during In different occasions, aside from alcoholic

special occasions. beverages, you will always see soft drinks

because of non-alcohol drinkers and for the

children also who do not let by their elders to

drink alcoholic drinks

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Technology provides convenience for the lives of every individual

and also for the companies. Technological advancement helps in

providing the companies on its enhancements in operations and



TECHNOLOGICAL Machineries help the industries such soft

ADVANCEMENTS THAT PROVIDE drinks in utilizing its products and operations

ENHANCEMENTS IN THE that brings progress on the maximization of

OPERATIONS OF THE COMPANY. the resources. Through this, manufacturers

can produce more of their outputs in a

shorter period of time supplying the demand

of the consumers unlike before which they

used machineries which were hard to

operate and took a lot of labor force to

manufacture a product.

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Ecological environment include the environmental and natural

issues that cover the entire industry of soft drinks. The use of plastic

bottles and caffeine content of soft drinks are one of the main issues on

soft drinks industry.


USE OF PLASTIC BOTTLES The use of plastic affects the environment due

to the long period it takes for it to degrade.

Plastic bottles usually clog the drainages that

causes flood during rainy days.

CAFFEINE CONTENT OF SOFT Caffeine is usually found on coffee and soft

DRINKS drinks. It is a stimulant on the central nervous

system, cardiac muscle and respiratory

system. It permits proper breathing and

causes the muscle to tense up and sinuses


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a. SUPPLIER: This where the raw materials came from. They supply

materials to be manufactured in the industrial plants.

b. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS: This is the channel where the soft drinks are

manufactured meaning converting raw materials into finished goods.

c. WHOLESALERS: From the designated distributor the finished goods

are transferred to wholesalers where you can buy the soft drinks in


d. RETAILER: The retailers get the soft drinks either from wholesaler or

directly from designated distributors.

e. FINAL CONSUMER: the one who consumes or drink the soft drinks.

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The soft drinks industry is the production and distribution of non-alcoholic

and generally carbonated, flavored, and sweetened, water-based beverages. A

carbonated soft drink is a beverage that typically contains water, usually

a sweetener, and a flavoring agent. The sweetener may be sugar, high-fructose

corn syrup, fruit juice, sugar substitutes (in the case of diet drinks) or a

combination of these.

The major players in the soft drink industry in the Philippines are Coca-

Cola, Pepsi, RC Cola and Cosmos. Soft drink industry is about giving people an

alternative when it comes to beverages and satisfying their needs and wants in

terms of thirst reliever.




AGES 0-14
AGES 15-64


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According to the 2010 census, Philippines total population has reached

92,337,852 with a growth rate of 2.04 % from the previous year.

On the entire population, 35,284,319 came from ages 0-14 years,

52,705,084 of the population are people ages 15-64 and 4,348,449 are ages 65

and above. The 57 percent of the Philippine population are from the age range of

our target market which is 15-64 years old.

Out of the 52,705,084 of the population who are potential buyers, only

99.8 % of them or 52,599,674 came from socioeconomic class C and below who

are middle income earners to low income earner since they are the ones who

prefer to buy products that are cheap in price but can satisfy their needs. Out of

the 52, 599,674 target market; only 14,679,296 is the penetrated market who

purchases soft drinks.

Total Population
92, 227, 000
52, 705, 084
Target Market
52, 599, 674

14, 679, 296

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Consumer Market

Soft drink industry’s target market are teenagers ages 15 to 19 and adults

ranges from 20 to 64 years old who are budget wise and looking for a high

quality product yet cheap in price that are from urban and sub-urban areas.


Region Nationwide

Density Urban, Suburban


Age 15 years old to 64 years old

Gender Male and Female

Social Class Class C and lower

Family, Peer groups and Students


Lifestyle Tight family bonding, loves to socialize

Personality Budget conscious and economical


Benefits Sought Looking for low-priced beverage, easily

available and could quench thirst.

Daily, occasionally, casually

Usage Rate

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The beverage industry has 2 divisions: The alcoholic industry and the non-

alcoholic industry. Under the alcoholic beverages are; wines, beers and spirits.

The subgroups of the non-alcoholic beverages are fruit drinks, energy drinks, tea

and soft drinks. The main focus will be the Soft drinks Industry.


Alcoholic Beer

Industry Fruit Drinks

Alcoholic Energy


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(Threat of Mobility)


Suppliers Industry Buyers

(Suppliers Power) (Buyer Power)
(Segment Rivalry)
Low High


(Threat of Substitute)


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a. Threat of New Entrants/Potential Competitors: Low Pressure

 It is very difficult to enter into a market place where already well-established

players are present. These players will not allow new entrants to enter easily

in the market. They will give tough time to new entrants which could result

into price wars, new product line, etc. in order to influence the new comers.

 There are more and more new brands appearing in the market with usually

lower price than Coke products

 Amount of capital investment required. Economies of scale help producers to

lower their cost by producing the next unit of output at lower costs. When new

competitors enter the market, they will have a higher cost of production,

because they have smaller economies of scale. High capital requirements

mean a company must spend a lot of money in order to compete in the


 High sunk costs make it difficult for a competitor to enter a new market,

because they have to commit money up front with no guarantee of returns in

the end.

 Strong distribution network required. Weak distribution networks mean goods

are more expensive to move around and some goods don’t get to the end

customer. The expense of building a strong distribution network positively

affects soft drink industry.

 Advanced technologies make it difficult for new competitors to enter the

market because they have to develop those technologies before effectively


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 When the learning curve is high, new competitors must spend time and

money studying the market before they can effectively compete.

b. Threat of Substitute Products: Moderate Pressure

 This industry is enriched with enormous statistics of substitutes such as

water, tea, beer, juices, coffee, etc. presented to the end consumers. But all

of these substitutes need massive advertising, brand equity, brand loyalty and

making sure that their brands are effortlessly accessible to the consumers.

 Switching cost of the substitute product is very low so consumers can easily

shift towards the substitute products.

 Perceived price/value in this industry is very low because all products are

comparatively the same and are only differentiated by promotional activities.

c. The Bargaining Power of Buyers: High pressure

 Consumer can choose to buy those new and less popular beverages with

lower price but the flavor is different and the quality is not guaranteed.

 Large retailers have bargaining power because of the large order quantity,

but the bargaining power is lessened because of the end consumer brand


 People are getting concerns of negative effects of carbonated beverages.

Increasing number of consumers begin to drink fruit juice, lemonade and tea

instead of soda products.

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d. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Low pressure

 Most of the raw materials to manufacture soft drinks are basic merchandise

such as flavor, color, caffeine, sugar, and packaging etc. The suppliers of

these commodities have no bargaining power over the pricing due to which

the suppliers in soft drink industry are relatively weak.

 All the raw material ingredients are basic merchandise and easily accessible

to manufacturers. Switching cost to the suppliers is very low and

manufacturers can easily shift towards other suppliers.

 The main ingredients for soft drink include carbonated water, phosphoric acid,

sweetener, and caffeine. The suppliers are not concentrated or differentiated.

 When suppliers are reliant on high volumes, they have less bargaining power,

because a producer can threaten to cut volumes and hurt the supplier’s


e. Rivalry Among Existing Firms: High Pressure

 There are predominant carbonated beverages and commit heavily in

advertising and promoting the brand, differentiation, and price as there are an

increasing number of price sensitive customers.

 There are other soda brands in the market that become popular because of

their unique flavors.

 There are few players dominating the market with a very high brand loyalty.

 The industry is characterized by slow growth rate. Hence there is intense

competition amongst the players to gain a higher market share.

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 Growing buying preferences for differentiated products amongst the

consumers and hence companies resorting to growth through innovation and






 sakto Php 6 Available in 1. Advertising

 8 oz Php 8 leading

 12 oz Php 10 supermarkets,  billboards

 330 ML Php 23 groceries and  commercial

 500 ML Php 25 sari-sari  posters

 1L Php 33 stores  radio

 1.5 L Php44 nationwide.

Php 52 2. “under-the-
 1.75 L
Php 61 cap promo”
 2L

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PEPSI COLA Available in 1. Advertising

 8oz Php 7 leading

 12oz Php 10 supermarkets,  billboards

 330 mL Php 23 groceries and  commercial

 500 mL Php 25 sari-sari  posters

 1Liter Php 30 stores  radio

 1.5 L Php 44 nationwide.

Available only

POP COLA in selected

 240 mL Php 6 supermarkets,

 800 mL Php 17 groceries and

 1.5 L Php 25 sari-sari


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Soft drink industry in the Philippines is being played by four big

companies which are Coca cola, Asiawide Refreshments Corporation,

Pepsi Cola and Cosmos. In getting the market share of a particular

industry, the revenues of the major players are needed. The market share

of a company or player of the industry is equal to their revenue over the

total revenue of all the players of the industry.

The graph below shows the partition of the shares of the major

players in the soft drink industry.

Market Share in terms of 2011 Revenue

19,960,600, 2,834,823, 0%
0% 7,693,381, 0%





SOURCE: 2011 Financial Statements from Securities and Exchange Commission

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Coca cola Corporation being the number in the soft drink industry got the market

share of 66% while the second leading which is Asiawide Refreshment Corporation got

the 33% of the market share and followed by Pepsi with .2% of the soft drink industry’s

market share. Cosmos got .08% of the total market share while other company like

Interbev Corp got .05% and Zest-o got .03% of the market share.

The data below came from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC )that

shows the revenue of the companies which belong to soft drink industry.


Coca Cola 6,965,718,521

Asiawide Refreshments Co. 3,523,031,185

Pepsi Co. 19,960,600

Cosmos 7,693,381

Zest-O 2,834,823

SOURCE: 2011 Financial Statements from Securities and Exchange Commission

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• World’s largest beverage • No performance in snack

company division/product offering is

• Effective advertising restricted to beverages

campaign • Not all products are

• World’s most valuable brand available in all divisions

and has strong brand loyalty. • Cost instability

• Worldwide brand recognition • Business concentration

• Huge distribution network • Smaller market share than

• Strong market position Coca Cola

• Inability to substantially

product differentiate

• Established Brand In The • They are not available on

Local Market fast food chains where large

• Affordability Of Their crowd eat.

Products • Some products are limited

•Wide Variety Of Products only to lower class markets; it

cannot cater high end


• Lack of promotional


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Soft drinks industry has been around for a long time that people started

looking for a change. Based on the Beverage Industry Association of the

Philippines, the trends and issues in soft drinks industry are:

●Green Packaging

Many companies talk about shifting toward green packaging, the

carbonated soft drinks expect the industry to be the fastest to move toward green

packaging. Multiple respondents stated that they expect carbonated soft drinks to

move away from glass and aluminum to bio degradable/green plastic packaging

as soon as it becomes widely available.

●Consumers turns to healthy drinks

In much developed world, a significant portion of the population is

overweight and obese. This includes two-thirds of Filipinos. Consequently, many

people have started toactively manage their weight and change their lifestyles, a

shift that is reflected in their choices in the beverage aisle.Demand has increased

for beverages that are perceived to be healthy. Few of the brands today have

their very own “healthier” variants of soft drinks. Just like Coca-Cola’s Coke Zero,

which have 0.75 % calorie per liter and Coke Diet, which is a sugar-free soft


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● Product Innovation

For years the soft drinks are just dark-colored, sugared, carbonated

beverages but now soft drinks comes in different flavors and a variety of colors.

Just like ARC’s Fruit Soda, this comes in two flavors the orange and the lemon

flavor. And another one is ARC’s root beer-flavored cola.

●Product Availability

Availability is also important on the soft drink industry. Based on our

survey, more people buy soft drinks that is available on the first store or food-

chain they visit than go and visit other stores for their preferred brands.

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The buying decision of consumers differs from person to person. It

depends on the need of the person and the decision also changes

eventually, no matter how big or small the product is. The following are the

different factors which affects the nature of buying decisions of the

consumers of soft drinks:


PRICE Consumers usually purchase soft drinks

which are cheaper in price. They respond

to products that are favourable on their


BRAND Consumers purchase the products that are

known and tested already. They purchase

it because of the satisfaction it gives them.

They believe that the particular brand will

go beyond their expectations.

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TASTE/PREFERENCE The buying behaviour of consumers

usually depends on their taste and

preference. They purchase products that

suit the characteristics and features they

prefer. Soft drinks consumers differs on the

taste they prefer, some wanted not so

sweet others are not.

PROMOTION The promotion of products has a big impact

on consumers’ buying behavior.

Consumers are attracted to products that

are being advertised, they wanted to try

something new and after that, they will

decide if the products satisfied them.


The consumers are ages 15 to 64 years old who are male and female

who came from socioeconomic class C and below. People under

socioeconomic class C and below are considered middle income earners

who have a total income of P10,000-50,000 and they are the exact group

of people that can avail RC Cola in terms of price.

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Satisfying the thirst is one of the major concern of the Filipinos due

to the climate we have which is tropical; where we are experiencing a

totally hot weather condition. Filipinos are into finding beverages that can

satisfy their taste moreover they are also concern of finding it in the lowest

price as possible. Filipinos are budget conscious that’s why they prefer

products that are low in price but in a high quality.


People would prefer to buy things that they need. And according to

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we should satisfy first Physiological needs

which consist of food, water and shelter. RC Cola satisfies one of our

Physiological need by quenching the thirst of a consumer.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs



Sense of Belonging

Safety Needs

RC COLA Physiological Needs

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Sense of Belonging: One of the Filipino core values is eating with the

whole family where the quality bonding time takes place. In that way it can

suffice the love and belongingness needs.

Another motivator is the experience. This is where the commercials

of the brands will enter. In the commercials, the celebrities that advertise

the product show that they’re experiencing a refreshing moment. This will

make the viewers of the commercial curious about the brand.


Buyers have expectations about the product they are using. They

are looking forward on what benefits they will have after they avail a


When it comes to RC Cola consumers were expecting to be satisfied

with the taste of the cola. They expect for their thirst to be relieved in

exchange for the money they spent on the product. RC Cola also

energizes the customer.

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Results of Operations

2011 compared to 2010

Asiawide Refreshments Corporation’s consolidated gross profit for the

year ended December 31, 2011 dipped by 0.004% at Php 821,986.2 million from

last year’s Php 827,780.7 million.

Consolidated costs and operating expenses decreased to 729,267.5

million from 738,728.4 million in 2010 due to low selling, marketing and

distribution and general and administrative expenses.

After considering income from operations, charges and income before

income tax, amounted to Php 100,386.4 million in 2011, a 7% improvement from

2010’s Php 93,234.4 million.

Net income for the year 2011 significantly improved to Php 70,270.6

million from 2010’s Php 66,518.8 million.

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2010 compared to 2009

Asiawide Refreshments Corporation registered a 23.3 % increase in

consolidated gross profit for the year ended December 31, 2010 at Php827,780.7

million from 2009’s Php 632,123.4 million due to high net sales and high cost of

goods sold.

Consolidated costs and operating expenses rose by 23% or Php

738,728.4 million from Php 564,088.8 million in 2009 due to relatively high -

selling, marketing and distribution.

After considering income from operations, charges and income before

income tax, a 23% increased amounted to Php 93,234.4 million in 2010 versus

Php 70, 328.2 million in 2009.

Net income for the year 2010 is at Php 66,518.8 million compared to year

2009’s Php 49,926.6 million primarily due to relatively high income before income

tax. Asiawide Refreshment Corporation continues to offer a truly satisfying cola

drink at an affordable price.



3,000,000,000 3,638,152,035 3,523,031,185

2,742,961,566 2011
1,000,000,000 2009
2009 2010 2011


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The data below is the summed income statement of Asiawide Refreshments

Corporation from year 2009 to 2011.

Financial Resources

2009 2010 2011

Revenue 2,742,961,566 3,638,152,035 3,523,031,185

Cost of Goods Sold 2,110,838,161 2,810,371,327 2,701,044,946

Contribution Margin 632,123,405 827,780,708 821,986,239

Operating Expenses:
Selling, marketing 446,038,121 574,640,921 550,190,568
and distribution

General and administrative 118,048,774 164,087,509 179,076,996

Total 564,086,895 738,728,430 729,267,564

Income from Operations 92,718,675 89,052,277 92,718,675

Other Income (Charges) 2,291,782 4,182,206 7,667,802

Income before Income Tax 70,328,293 93,234,483 100,386,476

Provision for Income Tax 20,401,651 26,715,683 30,115,943
Net Income 49,926,642 66,518,800 70,270,533

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Asiawide people are some of the most passionate, resourceful and

hardworking people in the business. Lead by high-caliber professionals in

the bottling industry and armed with young and dynamic individuals,

together they produce superior value.

Asiawide Refreshments Corp. (ARC) continues to strengthen its

organization with a running in-house seminar on attitude change and

spiritual values for its employees. In the past year, Human Resource

Department initiated the different seminars for their employees. The

company’s HRD began a holistic approach to developing the organization

and workforce, including leaders. It continues to conduct basic supervisory

course for supervisors, basic managerial course for managers and

advanced managerial course for higher managers.And in 2004 and 2005,

ARC started its sales management training program. Under the program,

ARC hires college graduates with a couple of years of selling experience

of any consumer product and improves his or her skills over the years.

The ongoing program has produced district sales managers who are

college graduates.

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Making sure that the beverage that customers love is easy to find

and that it continues to taste as good as it has always tasted is what

makes the customers of RC Cola loyal to the product. And if the company

puts in added value that is relevant to the consumer, buyers will feel

greater allegiance to that product.

Enormous are the processes involved in delivering the experience

of an international brand like RC Cola to a neighborhood corner store in a

country like the Philippines, especially when the market is dominated by

other giant brands.

From the perspective of manufacture and supply, the task of

making the product available to as many people as possible in an

archipelago like the Philippines is complex given that distribution systems

have to be set up so a bottle of RC Cola can get to the other side —


Stepping up its drive to improve productivity, Asiawide

Refreshments Corporation (ARC), acquired route trucks. The new route

trucks will not only keep inventory levels up but also improve service

efficiency with RC Cola partners and dealers in different areas. It creates

efficient product supply links between the company, their dealers and

customers. Disruption of truck deliveries not only paralyzes the services

and selling activities of the soft drinks firm and their dealers but also the

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communities in the areas they serve. Without access to product deliveries,

dealers will not be able to replenish their goods and soft drink consumers

will not be able to get their cola fix.

Countries such as the Philippines with land interrupted by seas,

allowing the easy and quick movement of goods and working in several

smaller islands poses a test of interruption and continuity. ARC has kept

up with the pace of demand by establishing smaller production facilities

that are close to the market to reduce the amount of travel, and is very

agile to be able to respond to needs in a short period of time.

A commitment to quality is maintained in all ARC. Their technical

team visits, audits the plant, makes sure that all these plants are compliant

with quality, sanitation, and manufacturing standards. The production of

soft drink, after all, impacts the environment, affecting water, carbon

emission and energy consumption. As such, ARC takes its role as a

steward of the environment seriously and prides itself on its company-wide

green initiatives, woven into the fabric of its business roadmap since it

started. The rigorous waste water treatment system that they use in their

plant is meant not just to help reduce water footprint, it is also one way for

ARC to help raise the people’s awareness on environmental sustainability.

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The cola concentrates are produced and shipped from a single

facility in Columbus, Georgia, in the United States where the company

was founded, so the flavor is the same around the world. There could be

minor variations but they are due to the quality or type of water or sugar

that is used. Here in the Philippines, cane sugar is used, which is

considered a “premium sugar” in the industry worldwide. Framing the cola

experience in terms of returnable bottles also provides a rich source of

insight into contextual realities and brand relevance. The Philippines is

one among many countries that still use returnable packaging for

economic reasons.

The fact that RC Cola has been warmly embraced by locals who

like its taste, value, and spirit so much that they have made it “Ang Cola

ng Bayan,” is due to the professionalism and persistence of the Philippine

team. ARC has kept the company’s finger on the pulse of its buying public

while fostering intimate and expanding ties with partners in the field, and

close communication with headquarters.

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To be the leading manufacturer and distributor of ready to drink, non-

alcoholic beverages that best satisfy the growing needs of the customers.


To be the lowest cost producer of ready to drink, non-alcoholic,

beverages and to be able to market products with the best quality and



 To increase sales revenue by 13% for the next 3 years.

 To maintain the increase of operating expense by 13% for the

subsequent years.

 To increase the overall income by 19% for the succeeding



 To increase the market share by 3%.for the succeeding


 To increase product awareness

 To increase product consumption

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Size Bottled Drink

240 mL

800 mL

Canned Drink

330 mL

Plastic Bottled Drink

1.5 Liter

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• Strong market leaders in the industry.

• Possible entrants in the industry.

• Effect of economic crisis.


• Location of advertisements on places where not only mass people can

see it.

• Product availability on fast food chains.

• Foreign market and plant expansion.


• Concentrated brand identity. They focused on mass market only and

most advertising are placed in mass areas.

• Affordable prices

• Availability, because of increasing number of plants.


• Do not cater high-end customers due to their limitation on lower class


• Limited number of product sizes available.

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The key factors for success within the soft drink industry branch

from the trends of the macro environment. Primarily, constant product

innovation is imperative. A company must be able to recognize

consumer wants and needs, while maintaining the ability to adjust with

the changing market. They must keep up with the changing trends.


Large distributors have the ability to negotiate with stadiums,

universities and school systems, making them the exclusive supplier

for a specified period of time. Additionally, they have the ability to

commit to mass purchases that significantly lower their costs. They

must implement effective distribution channels to remain competitive.

Taste of the product is also a key factor for success.


Established brand loyalty is a large aspect of the soft drink

industry. Many consumers of the carbonated beverages are extremely

dedicated to a particular product, and rarely purchase other varieties.

This stresses the importance of developing and maintaining a superior

brand image.

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Consumers without a strong brand preference will select the

product with the most competitive price. Finally, global expansion is a

vital factor in the success of the company within the soft drink industry


 Build on leading position in the soft drinks business. They aim to be the

no.1 selling great tasting cola that’s available everywhere. As of now,

their products are commonly distributed on small stores, canteens and

wholesalers. In-cans and 1.5 PET bottles are distributed in selected


 Quality product in competitive price. They understand that quality and

value are at the core of a decision to purchase for both consumers and

retailers. That's why they frequently consult with their bottlers to

develop promotions and premiums that will work to motivate purchases

while maximizing sales volume and profit. To deliver the premium

product that the customers expect, they choose only the highest quality

raw ingredients.

 Brand identification. Dramatic, properly placed advertising can

increase visibility substantially when it comes to catching the attention

of the impulse beverage buyer. Eye-catching, dynamic Royal Crown

Cola is designed to influence impulse buyers while establishing lasting

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brand identification. They provide a set of complete marketing

materials to their bottlers to help create a strong, graphically consistent

presence in the marketplace.

 Packaging design. In a highly competitive marketplace filled with "cola

wars," strong brand identification is critical to building bigger brand

share. Making sure consumers quickly and clearly recognize a brand

product ultimately comes down to one thing – packaging. The Royal

Crown Cola logo is one of the most distinctive in the industry – with a

design that fits well into contemporary package design. It almost jumps

off the shelf with its bold, colorful look.

 Sales support. Well-trained, motivated personnel are necessary

ingredients for success. That's why RC Cola has developed intensive

sales training programs providing in-depth training materials for both

novice and experienced sales people.

 Product development. RC Cola employs highly skilled scientists and

technicians that are constantly researching different ingredients in

order to create exciting, fresh formulations for both new and existing

products. Based on market research and local preferences, these

professionals create new flavors designed specifically to meet the

changing tastes of soft drink fans.

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Originally, soda or soft drinks were sold in pharmacies as a cure to

sickness. Soda fountains found in drug stores served as their dispensers.

As soft drinks gained popularity, however, these soda fountains

became the meeting place for people. Here in our country, BoticainEscolta,

Luisa and Son’s in Sta. Cruz, Alex Soda Fountain in Quiapo, and Hollywood

Soda Fountain in Recto were among the popular hang-out places. It’s a fact

that more and more Filipinos are hooked on carbonated drinks, or what we

call “soft drinks”. Research and reports on soft drinks shows that it is the

‘strongest-selling’ in groceries in the Philippines.

Whether Filipinos step inside a supermarket or knock on the

neighborhood sari-sari store, they are likely to go home with a bottle of soft

drinks, maybe even two. This, as results of a recent survey showed that

carbonated soft drinks is the top category in terms of market value locally,

with about Php 79.6 billion worth of products moving out of shelves during a

12-month period ending in June.

The Nielsen survey, which identifies the 50 “strongest-selling

categories in retail outlets”, further, showed that demand for the category

“remains stable” even as advertising spending posted an increase of 41


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The buying patterns of Filipinos are greatly affected by the country’s

growing population. The Philippines’ population has been growing by

approximately 2 percent annually, currently reaching nearly 100 million. This

has had a compounding effect on the demand for food and beverage


The graph shows the increase of Philippine population from

January 2004 to January 2011.


Other factors influencing and shaping the country’s demand for

food and beverage products include:

 The Filipino’s “food-oriented culture” that emphasizes frequent


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 The youth oriented food market (i.e. trendy products, attractive

packaging and sweetened foods and beverages). Approximately 35

percent of the population is under 15 years old.

 High workforce participation by women, increasing the demand for

convenience food and foodservice sales. The number of dual

income households has been increasing, which has driven greater

demand for food that is easier to prepare and offers shortcuts to

meal preparations.

 Large volume of young workers in the 24-hour business process

outsourcing (BPO) and call center industry, spurring 24 / 7 demand

for quick-service restaurants (fast-food), packaged convenience

food and alcoholic beverage products.

 The western influence on the food and beverage market. Filipinos

have a high regard for western food products such as hamburgers,

1sausages, pizza, cheese, dairy, ice cream and breakfast cereals.

 Improved distribution channels resulted in higher household


In relation to this research reports, soft drinks companies are

continuously developing strategies on making their products always

available on every consumers and meeting their customers’ preferences

without the risk on their health.

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 In order to serve the group market which includes families and peer

groups, RC Cola will produce 2 liter bottle soft drinks. From 2000 to

2010, the household population in the Philippine has recorded an

increase of 15.8 million persons, or 20.7 percent, according to the

results of the 2010 Census of Population and Housing conducted by

the National Statistics Office (NSO). However, household size has

somewhat contracted with an average 4.6 members from 5.0 persons

per household. The existing 1.5 liters of RC Cola usually is equal to 6

glasses of water, the consumption of soft drinks per glass is 2 every

person which means that 1.5 liters of RC Cola is not enough to a group

with 5 or more members. The 2 liters of RC Cola can serve more

glasses of refreshing, good tasting soft drinks to a group of people with

5 or more members. RC Cola will now have another size for their

product to compete the large sizes of other soft drink brands.

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RC Cola will use the “Under the Cap Promo” where there will be

codes placed under the cap of 1000, 2 Liters RC Cola to be distributed

nationwide. The “Under the Cap Promo” will run for 2 months, from

February to March. In coordination with the new public relation

organize also by RC Cola which is a summer beach volleyball event,

the codes will act as their tool in order to win and be part of the said

event. The people who got the cap of RC Cola 2 liters with the code

under it will have to text the code together with their name and contact

details. In choosing the participants of the event, automated raffle draw

will be held a week after the end of the promo. There will be 20 lucky

winners of the “Under the Cap Promo” and will have to bring 4 more

people to be part of his group on the day of the event; they can be a

group of family members or peer groups. They will be notified through

the contact details they texted during the promo.


On the 21st of April year 2013, RC Cola will have a fun-filled

summer beach volleyball one-day event for families and peer groups

happening at the shores of Subic hosted by the youthful and beautiful

MS. Maja Salvador to spice up the crowd. Aside from the volleyball

tournament, the people can enjoy a lot of activities and games from

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different booths that will be placed on the surrounding area where they

can have RC Cola freebies and the refreshing RC Cola drink to perk

them up from the hot weather. Aside from the all-out war in the beach

courts, RC Cola will also gave away exciting activities in the activity

center. We will provide booths for the Games, free massage, photo op,

and a pledge wall, plus lots of freebies. There’s also the pledge wall

where people can pledge anything to help keep Subic as it is plus free


RC Cola will provide excitement, the volley action and fill the

place with the sight of blue posters, blue tents, blue singlet, blue bags,

blue uniforms etc. to represent the color of RC Cola. RC on the Beach

will be a really fun, an absolutely great experience for everyone else

who was there. It’s really more than a volleyball tournament but it is a

celebration of summer, sportsmanship, friendship, and active lifestyle

through sports and community development.

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To promote RC Cola quickly through the use of mass media,

such as, TV commercial, billboards, and print ads so that our target

market will have an increased awareness of the product. The product will

be more visible because of the media exposure which can attract more

customers and shift the customers to buy the product.

1. Billboards

Since our target market are Class C and below our

billboard will be placed in some parts of Manila and Quezon

Citythat will enable passers-by, drivers, commuter and the like to

notice it.We will place our billboard also in main roads in Metro


It will be placed along Nagtahan Bridge San

Miguel,Manila where it has a traffic count of 97,113 vehicles based

on the Metro Manila Traffic Engineer Center. It has a size of 40ft

(Height) X 50ft. (Width). It faces a vehicular traffic coming from

Quirino Ave., Otis Pandacan and Makati going to Quezon City and

Divisoria. It has a monthly fee of 300,000php.

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Another billboard will be placed in Baclaran, Pasay

City where most of our target market coming from SEC C and

below are mostly situated or passing by. The size of the billboard

will be 40 ft. (Height) X 60 ft. (Width). The traffic volume in this area

is extremely heavy and it is visible to all traffic northbound to EDSA

and Manila coming from Cavite and the panel is also visible to

pedestrians and commuters waiting for rides. It has a monthly fee

of 135,000php.

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Additional billboard will be placed along EDSA COR.

B. Serrano Ave. Monumento, Caloocan City. The traffic flow is

facing vehicular traffic coming from Balintawak going to

CAMANAVA Area. The traffic count in this are is 90,528 according

to the Metro Manila Traffic Engineer Center. The size of the

billboard is 60ft (Height) X 40ft(Width). The monthly rental in this

area is 250,000php.

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2. Posters

Promotion of RC Cola 2 Liters will be posted at different sari-

sari stores and eateries situated at different urban and sub urban

cities and provinces in the Philippines. This will increase RC Cola’s

product awareness and will entice the people to buy RC Cola

whenever they buy snacks or meals.

3. TV Commercial

The commercial will be played in summer season which is

from April to May during noon time when most of the people crave for a

refreshing drink to quench their thirst caused by the summer heat. Our

endorser will be Ms. Maja Salvador who is an in demand and talented

young actress, dancer, and model that have a natural Filipina beauty with

many people looking up to her as an inspiration.Her fee would be

3,000,000 pesos and the 30 sec. tv commercial slot would be 300,000.

The commercial will be aired once a day during noon time on ABS CBN

where Ms. Maja Salvador has an exclusive contract.

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The old trucks of ARC will be replaced by the new trucks acquired

from Mitsubishi Motors Philippines which is one of the country’s leading

automotive assemblers and distributors with its commitment to provide

vehicles that are of the highest quality and to be able to meet the market’s

rapid growth and demand. The ratio of the replacement of the old trucks to

a new one is 10:2. This new trucks is faster, energy efficient and can carry

more load therefore will lessen the fixation cost and delivery time

encountered from the old trucks. The trucks will not only keep inventory

levels up but also improve service efficiency with RC Cola partners and

dealers in different areas.

The delivery truck will contain 24 bottles of 8oz of RC Cola per tray

and there are 384 trays per truck which in total will have 9,216 bottles per

truck. The 800ml RC Cola will contain 12 bottles per tray and there are

384 trays per truck which in total will have 4,608 bottles. If the 2 Liters RC

Cola will be delivered it will contain 6 bottles per tray and each truck will

have 300 trays which in total will have 1800 bottles per truck. It will

increase its fleet and improve on service efficiency and expand its

coverage. Route trucks create efficient product supply links between the

company, their dealers and customers. Disruption of truck deliveries not

only paralyzes the services and selling activities of the soft drinks firm and

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their dealers but also the communities in the areas they serve. Without

access to product deliveries, dealers will not be able to replenish their

goods and soft drink consumers will not be able to get their cola fix.

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RC Cola Display Stands where developed to

increased visibility in the supermarkets and to

easilyinfluence consumers’ mood and persuade buyers to

take a closer look at the featured product – RC Cola. Aside

from placing it in the same rack together with other soft drink

brands, we would like to have our own display stand in order

to increase product awareness.

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RC Cola will provide coolers to selected sari-sari

stores to the densely populated locations in the Philippines

where RC Cola 2 Liters to be kept. It has an insulated body

and lid for cold retention that could last up to 5 days and has

a size of 25.5"L x 15.5"W x 15.5"H and a capacity of 54 Qt.

(51L) that can hold 25 pieces of RC Cola 2 Liters if placed

upright. Each cooler has a price of 1500php. According to

the 2010 census of the National Statistics Office the number

of densely populated cities in the Philippines is 163 and from

there we will select 10 sari-sari stores that has great amount

of demand for products. The cooler will have the logo of RC

Cola at its sides and at its lid. This cooler will be used

exclusively for RC Cola products. This strategy has a total

cost of 2,445,000php and can generate 61,125,000php

amount of sales. If this strategy will be successful, this will

generate 58,680,000php amount of profit.

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Planning and creating the Marketing January to May P300,000

new product strategy Department (5 months)

Finalizing the new product Marketing Week 1 of June ----------

strategy Department (1 week)

Creation of the new Production Week 2-4 of P200,000

sample product Department June
(3 weeks)

Product Screening and Marketing Week 1 of July P100,000

evaluation Department (1 week)

Product Sampling Production Week 2 of July P400,000

Department (1 week)

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Test Marketing Marketing Week 3 of July P400,000

Department to Week 2 of
(4 weeks)

Pilot Testing Marketing Week 3 of P1,000,000

Department August to Week
2 of September
(4 weeks)

Analysis and result of the Research and Week 3 of P50,000

pilot testing Development September
Department (1 week)

Introduction and Marketing Week 4 of P2,000,000

distribution of the Department September
products nationwide

Total Expense P4,450,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Planning on the new sales Marketing Week 1 of P20,000

promotion strategy Department January

Meeting with the Executives and Week 2 of ----------

executives for the Marketing January
approval of the new sales Representatives (1 day)
promotion strategy

Finalizing the new sales Marketing Week 3 of June ----------

promotion strategy Department (1 week)

Implementation of the Marketing Month of P50,000

new sales promotion Department February to
strategy March

Evaluation of the new Marketing Month of April P5,000

sales promotion strategy Department

Total Expense P75,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Meeting with the Marketing and Week 1 of January ----------

executives Executive

Planning of the Marketing Week 2 of January P10,000

activities on the Department

Organizing the Marketing Week 4 of January P10,000

final plan of the Department

Meeting with the Marketing Week 1 of February ----------

executives and Representatives
co-partners of the and Executives

Organizing the Marketing Week 1 to 3 of April P50,000,000

event Department

Event proper Marketing 21st of April P1,000,000


Total Expense P51,020,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Conceptualizing Advertising 2nd to 4th week of P20,000

and selection of Department February
story board (3 weeks)

Planning on who Marketing March 1-3 , 2013 P3,000

will be the Department (3 days )

Meeting with the Marketing 2nd week of March P5,000

manager and the Department
endorser Representatives
regarding the
payment and
rules of the
Contract Signing ARC executives 3rd week of March P500,000
and partial and Marketing
payment to the Representatives

Finalizing the plan Marketing 4th week of March P10,000

for television ad Department (1 week)

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Full payment of Finance 1st week of April P38,500,000

the endorser and Department
the television

Television April-May 2013 ----------


Total Expense P39,038,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Planning and Marketing 1st week of P5,000

selection location Department February
of billboards (1 week)

Lay-out creation Advertising 2nd to 3rd week of P50,000

for billboard Department February
(2 weeks)

Finalizing the Advertising 4th week of P5,000

billboard Department February
advertisement (1 week)

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Meeting the Company 1st week of March P1,000,000

representatives Executives and (1 week)
of the billboard Marketing
companies and Representatives
partial payment

Start of Marketing April-August P1,500,000

advertisement Department (3 months)
and full payment
for the ad

Total Expense P2,560,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget

Planning and Marketing 1st week of P5,000
selection of Department February
distributor (1 week)

Lay-out creation Advertising 2nd to 3rd week of P50,000

for posters and Department February
signboards (2 weeks)

Finalizing the Advertising 4th week of P5,000

advertisement Department February
(1 week)

Meeting the Company 1st week of March P1,000,000

representatives Executives and (1 week)
of the companies Marketing
and partial Representatives
Start of Marketing April - May P2,000,000
advertisement Department (2 months)
and full payment
for the ad

Total Expense P3,060,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Meeting with the Executive 1st week of January P5,000

executives for the Department

potential delivery


Compiling the list Marketing 2nd week to 3rd week --

of possible delivery Department of January

company (2 weeks)

Screening of the Marketing 4th week of P20,000

possible delivery Department February to 3rdweek

company of March

(4 weeks)

Meeting with the Executive and 4th week of March P5,000

chosen delivery marketing

company Department

Agreement on rules Executive and 1st week of April --

and regulation of marketing

the contract Department

Contract signing Executive and 2nd week of April P5,000,000

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Start of the delivery Distribution and 1st week of June --



Evaluation of the Distribution Last week of P5,000

performance Department November

Review on possible Finance, marketing 1 week of P20,000

renewal/termination and Executive December

of the contract Department

Total expense P5,055,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Planning on where Marketing Week 2 of January P10,000

the display stands Department
will be placed

Lay-out of display Marketing Week 3 of January P20,000

stands Department

Creation of display Marketing Week 4 of January P820,000

stands Department

Meeting with the Marketing Week 1 of February P100,000

supermarket Representatives
administrators and
partial payment for
the space

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Full payment for Marketing Week 2 of February P400,000

space location on Department

Placement of Marketing March to May ------------

display stands department

Total Expense P1,350,000

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Action Department Time Frame Budget


Planning on where Marketing Week 2 of January P10,000

the coolers/ Department
storage will be

Lay-out of coolers/ Marketing Week 3 of January P20,000

storage Department

Creation of Marketing Week 4 of January P2,445,000

coolers/ storage Department

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Meeting with the Marketing Week 1 of February P10,000

chosen retailers Representatives
on which the
coolers/ storage
will be placed

Placement of Marketing March to May ------------

display stands department

Total Expense P2,485,000

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Financial from previous years

2009 2010 2011 Growth Rate

Revenue 2,742,961,566 3,638,152,035 3,523,031,185 13.33%

Cost of Goods Sold 2,110,838,161 2,810,371,327 2,701,044,946 13.12%

Contribution Margin 632,123,405 827,780,708 821,986,239 14.03%

Operating Expenses:
Selling, marketing 446,038,121 574,640,921 550,190,568 11.06%
and distribution

General and administrative 118,048,774 164,087,509 179,076,996 23.17%

Total 564,086,895 738,728,430 729,267,564 13.70%

Income from Operations 92,718,675 89,052,277 92,718,675 16.74%

Other Income (Charges) 2,291,782 4,182,206 7,667,802 82.91%

Income before Income Tax 70,328,293 93,234,483 100,386,476 19.47%

Provision for Income Tax 20,401,651 26,715,683 30,115,943 21.50%
Net Income 49,926,642 66,518,800 70,270,533 18.64%

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Financial Projection

2012 2013 2014 2015

Revenue 3,992,651,242 4,524,871,653 5,128,037,044 5,811,604,382

Cost of Goods 3,055,422,043 3,456,293,415 3,909,759,111 4,422,719,506


Contribution 937,229,199 1,068,578,238 1,218,277,933 1,388,884,875



Selling, 611,041,644 692,493,496 769,083,277 854,143,887

and distribution
General and 220,569,136 271,675,004 334,622,103 412,154,045

Total 831,610,780 964,168,501 1,103,705,380 1,266,297,932

Income from 108,239,781 104,409,737 114,572,553 122,586,943

Other Income 10,811,600 19,775,497 36,171,362 66,161,039

Income before 119,051,381 124,185,234 150,743,915 188,747,983

income tax

Provision for 35,715,414 37,255,570 45,223,174 56,624,394

Income Tax

Net Income 83,335,966 86,929,664 105,520,741 132,123,588


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5,128,037,044 2014
3,000,000,000 2013
2,000,000,000 2012
2012 2013 2014 2015

The projected revenue for 2012 is Php 3,992,651,242 and continually

increases by 13% over the next consecutive years

Operating Expense

1,000,000,000 2014
1,103,705,380 2013
0 831,610,780
2012 2013 2014 2015

The operating expense projected for 2012 is Php 831,610,780 and for the preceding

year it maintains its increase by 13%, the overall operating expense of Asiawide

Refreshments Corp. reach 1,266,297,932 for 2014.

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Net Income

100,000,000 2014
105,520,741 2013
0 83,335,966
2012 2013 2014 2015

The projected net income of Asiawide Refreshments Corp. for 2012 is Php 83,835,956

and gradually increases by 19 % for the upcoming years. The 19% increase is base on

the growth of the net income of the company for the past years using the formula of

compound annual growth rate which is computed by dividing the present year by the

base year and raise it to one over number of transition years and the answer of this

would be minus one and result would be the growth rate.

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 Increasing price of raw materials and energy sources - The business

requires a significant supply of raw materials and energy. The cost and

supply of these materials could be adversely affected by changes in

the market prices of sugar, crude oil, aluminium, tin, PET resins,

among others. Although direct purchases of small are relatively small

as a proportion of total costs, the company is exposed to fluctuations in

the price of oil through the dependence on freight and delivery

services. Changes in material prices generally affect the competitors

as well.

 Changes in consumer demand - The margins the company earns on

the products can be substantially different, and the margins can

change in both absolute and relative terms from period to period. While

the company attempts to adjust its product price and mix to maximize

profitability, changes in consumer demand and the competitive

landscape can have a significant impact on mix and therefore


 In case the promotional plan is not effective, we will perform an

intensive promotional campaign and improve the strategies to perform.

 Weather patterns and Sales seasons- Sales volume are also affected

by the weather, generally being higher in the hot, dry months from

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March through June and lower during the weather monsoon months of

July through October. In addition, the Philippines is exposed to risk of

typhoons during the monsoon period. Typhoons usually result in

substantially reduced sales in the affected area, and have, in the past,

interrupted production at the plans in the affected areas. While these

factors lead to a natural seasonality in sales, unseasonable weather

could also significantly affect sales and profitability compared to

previous comparable periods. Sales during the Christmas/New Year

holiday period tend to be higher as well.

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Delivery Truck


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RC Cola 2 Liters

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Sun visor Volleyball (ball)

Swim wear Inflatable Archway

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Display Stands


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