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Laboratory Experiment

Drug Synthesis and Analysis on a Dime: A Capstone Medicinal

Chemistry Experience for the Undergraduate Biochemistry
Craig N. Streu,† Randall D. Reif,‡ Kelly Y. Neiles,§ Amanda J. Schech,§ and Pamela S. Mertz*,§

Department of Chemistry, Albion College, 611 East Porter Street, Albion, Michigan 49224, United States

Department of Chemistry, University of Mary Washington, 1301 College Avenue, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401, United States
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, 18952 East Fisher Road, St. Mary’s City, Maryland
20686, United States
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Integrative, research-based experiences have

shown tremendous potential as effective pedagogical ap-
proaches. Pharmaceutical development is an exciting field
that draws heavily on organic chemistry and biochemistry
techniques. A capstone drug synthesis/analysis laboratory is
described where biochemistry students synthesize azo-
stilbenoid compounds and test the biological activity of those
compounds as well as a known inhibitor on mushroom
tyrosinase using UV/vis-based kinetic assays. In this paper,
three such successful azo-stilbenoid inhibitors of tyrosinase,
representative student generated data, technical aspects of the
experiments, and an interpretation of student feedback on the project as a whole are presented.
KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary,
Laboratory Instruction, Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning, Medicinal Chemistry, Enzymes

E ssential skills that biochemistry students should master in

an undergraduate curriculum have been identified by the
biochemistry and molecular biology community in a series of
shown to be high impact educational exercises that carry many
of the same benefits as undergraduate research, such as
improved oral and written expression and critical thinking.2−5
national workshops and regional meetings sponsored by More importantly, these gains have been found to be
ASBMB and funded by a Research Coordination Network- independent of academic divisions, GPA levels, and gender.2−5
Undergraduate Biology Education Track (RCN-UBE) grant Originally synthesized a century ago as dyes, azo-stilbene
from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for The compounds have demonstrated potential as pharmaceuticals,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Concept Inventory tools for chemical biology, and food additives.6 Polyphenolic
Project. These foundational skills include experimental design, versions of these compounds, known as azo-stilbenoids, have
analysis and interpretation of data, communication and been previously identified as inhibitors of tyrosinase.7 There are
comprehension of science, and working safely in teams.1 In a variety of known synthetic methods for obtaining these
addition to these broader skills, there are a number of specific compounds. In the synthesis chosen for this laboratory,
technical skills critical for success in the biochemistry laboratory electron rich anilines are reacted with sodium nitrite under
such as accurate pipetting, solution preparation, and proper use acidic conditions to generate a diazo intermediate, which
of instrumentation. It is also desirable for students to be able to subsequently undergoes electrophilic aromatic substitution with
integrate prior material and apply it in a new application with phenol under mildly basic conditions (Scheme 1). The desired
unknown outcomes. highly colored azo-stilbenoids precipitate in remarkable purity
In order to address all of these desired goals, a capstone from acidic aqueous solution. The described synthesis can
multiweek research-based kinetics experiment was designed for easily be performed in one lab period of 3 h and 10 min and has
an undergraduate biochemistry laboratory course that includes been used successfully by undergraduate research students at
the organic synthesis of an azo-stilbene compound and St. Mary’s College of Maryland to make a potent and
subsequent testing of its ability to inhibit tyrosinase. This photoisomerizable tubulin polymerization inhibitor.8 Each
medicinal chemistry experience gives students exposure to drug
synthesis and testing in the biochemistry laboratory and serves Received: January 20, 2016
to integrate skills with concepts from our biochemistry Revised: August 25, 2016
curriculum. Such integrative capstone experiences have been
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00048
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

Scheme 1. Synthesis of Azo-Stilbenoids Table 1. Schedule of Laboratory Activities

Week Laboratory Activity
1 Azo-stilbenoid synthesis
Assays to determine tyrosinase volume needed
Assays to determine concentrations of known inhibitor to use
2 Calculate yield of azo-stilbenoid inhibitor
Evaluate inhibitor purity/identity by 1H NMR
Generate inhibitor stock solution in DMSO
Known inhibitor kinetic assays
3 Azo-stilbenoid inhibitor kinetic assays
4 Finish any remaining experiments, if needed
Work on kinetics lab report
student group synthesizes one proposed compound. After
synthesizing their azo-stilbenoid, each group of students
analyzes the identity and purity of their chosen compound by design their experimental methods, which include determining
H NMR spectroscopy, calculates the percent yield, makes a the ideal volume of tyrosinase stock solution and the
stock solution of their compound, and tests its activity as a concentrations of a known inhibitor (cyanide, azide, cinnamic
tyrosinase inhibitor. acid, sodium benzoate) to use in subsequent experiments. In
Tyrosinase is a well-studied enzyme, which is responsible for week 2, students evaluate the identity and purity of their
melanin production from tyrosine (Scheme 2). Overproduction compound and use Lineweaver−Burk analysis to determine the
type of inhibition and calculate the KI and/or KI′ of their
known inhibitor. They also calculate the yields of their azo-
Scheme 2. Sequential Oxidation of L-Tyrosine by Tyrosinase
stilbenoid compounds and prepare 50 mM solutions in
To Produce Colored Product Dopachrome
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). In the final week of the
experiment, students determine the IC50 of their synthesized
azo-stilbenoids. At the conclusion of the project, each student
group submits a detailed written report in the form of a
research paper outlining their results.

Phenol and anilines are potential health hazards and should be
handled with care. In addition, sodium nitrite is a known poison
and carcinogen, so appropriate protective equipment should be
worn. Sodium azide and sodium cyanide are highly toxic in
solution and extremely toxic as gases, so much care should be
used in their handling and to prevent generation of gas by
acidification of their waste streams. The NMR solvent, CDCl3,
is a potential carcinogen and is a known health hazard. It should
be worked with in a fume hood, and appropriate protective
equipment should be worn. DMSO is known to rapidly
penetrate the skin and carry compounds dissolved in it through
of melanin is implicated in a variety of skin pigmentation
the skin. Disposable gloves only provide very brief protection
disorders, making tyrosinase a therapeutic target of significant
against DMSO. If a glove is exposed to DMSO, it should be
potential.9,10 Tyrosinase is also commonly used to study
removed immediately and replaced. Finally, all azo-stilbenoid
enzyme kinetics in an undergraduate biochemistry laboratory as
products should be handled using gloves to avoid exposure as
it displays classic Michaelis−Menten kinetics, and there are
they are designed to be biologically active.

several well-established and commercially available compounds
that inhibit it by diverse mechanisms.11−15 Mushroom RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tyrosinase is also a commercially available and stable enzyme
that holds activity in solution for at least a week if kept at 4 °C. Chemical Synthesis
In addition, an intermediate product of tyrosine oxidation by Students were generally able to produce their desired azo-
tyrosinase is dopachrome, which can be measured using a UV/ stilbenoids in high purities although yields varied widely. Yields
vis spectrometer, making kinetic assays easy to implement in an for successful product synthesis typically ranged from 50% to
undergraduate laboratory. 80%. Some product was lost during filtration, which decreased

The materials provided to the students for each week of this lab
the percent yield. Occasionally, a group was unable to produce
an azo-stilbene precipitate, often because they did not closely
follow the synthesis directions. For example, temperature plays
experiment, along with the pedagogy document outlining the an important role in a successful synthesis as the reaction must
learning outcomes, learning opportunities, and assessment, can be cold enough to prevent evolution of the N2 gas and
be found in the Supporting Information of this paper. In the decomposition of the electrophilic intermediate. If a student
first week of the experiment, students work in teams of 2 or 3 group was not initially successful with the synthesis, they either
to perform the azo-stilbenoid synthesis (Table 1). In addition, re-performed the synthesis or used product from another
they complete preliminary kinetic assays and use their data to group. As very little product is needed to perform the inhibition
B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00048
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

Figure 1. Representative experimental student data for compound 3: (A) 1H NMR spectrum; (B) IC50 data.

testing, the synthesis was designed to produce some excess ries using tyrosinase,13,15 this discussion will focus on the IC50
product to share among unsuccessful groups. A representative analysis of azo-stilbenoids. In general, students were able to
H NMR spectrum of one of the student synthesized products, obtain high quality dose−response plots (enzyme activity vs
compound 3, taken with a JEOL 400 MHz NMR, is shown in inhibitor concentration) for their azo-stilbenoid compounds
Figure 1A. Representative spectra for the other two student (Figure 1B and Supporting Information). For the three
synthesized products, compounds 1 and 2, as well as a full compounds reported here, IC50 values ranged from 50 to 150
integration analysis for all three compounds, are presented in μM. Using IC50 values for azo-stilbenoid analysis was more
the Supporting Information. amenable since it required fewer measurements and was
There were several important considerations when carrying therefore less time intensive. Additionally, the determination of
out the synthesis of these azo-stilbenoids. First, the use of both KI and IC50 was a useful exercise as IC50 data are
electron rich anilines was critical as the rate of electrophilic ubiquitous in medicinal chemistry literature, yet are not
intermediate formation is related to the nucleophilicity of the prominently discussed in most biochemistry textbooks.
aniline. As such, the use of electron rich anilines was required to Specifically, it was useful to outline the appropriate use of
keep reaction times short enough for completion during a each value and introduce the advantages and limitations that
single laboratory period. Conveniently, electron rich substitu- IC50 measurements and Lineweaver−Burk analyses have with
ents are common to the reported stilbenoid and azo-stilbenoid respect to measuring enzyme inhibition.
tyrosinase inhibitors.7 Three anilines were identified that Research-Based Laboratories
produced exceptional results in the synthesis and kinetic assays, These experiments were designed as research-based laborato-
though there are large numbers of commercially available ries where students selected an azo-stilbenoid to synthesize and
anilines that could be utilized for this laboratory. Others have were not given full sets of instructions but instead were asked to
been tried by students in different semesters; at least one new develop optimal procedures on their own. Such experiences,
aniline was tried each semester as this added to the research- where the outcomes of the experiment are unknown, are
based experience of the experiment, but only the three most uncomfortable but valuable exercises for undergraduate
successful were reported here. At least one group, and ideally at students. Each iteration of the experiment has grappled with
least two groups, based on lab section size, tested each of the a new set of variables. For example, L-tyrosine (Km = 0.5 mM)16
available anilines. and L-DOPA (Km = 1.5 mM)16 are both substrates of tyrosinase
For the synthesis, it was critical to keep the reaction and, while early versions of the laboratory used L-DOPA as a
temperature below 0 °C until the phenol had reacted to prevent substrate, its fast reaction kinetics and spontaneous oxidation in
decomposition of the aryl diazo intermediate into nitrogen gas. air necessitated its replacement with L-tyrosine. Students then
As this reaction was not particularly sensitive to aerobic worked to determine the optimal biochemical assay conditions,
conditions, it was run in a beaker or Erlenmeyer flask. Likewise, such as tyrosinase and inhibitor concentrations. Another
the solid products of this reaction were stable at room variable the students had to address was absorbance
temperature and under aerobic conditions for months. interference between the highly colored azo-stilbenoid
Additionally, this reaction was particularly attractive for compounds and dopachrome. As a result, it was necessary to
production of small molecule inhibitors in an undergraduate determine an ideal wavelength for measuring dopachrome
laboratory setting because the reaction was run in ethanol and generation as well as the maximum inhibitor concentration that
had excellent atom economy, and the product simply could be used to minimize interference from the absorbance of
precipitated in relatively high purity from acidic aqueous the inhibitor (λ = 492 nm).
solution, removing the necessity for expensive, wasteful,
Capstone Nature of the Experiment
challenging, or time-consuming purification procedures.
This experiment is considered a capstone experience or
Inhibition Assays signature work as described by the Association of American
Using Lineweaver−Burk plots to determine inhibition type Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) where students demon-
helped students understand aspects of enzyme kinetics, strated their ability to integrate learning from multiple sources
including how different types of inhibitors impact kinetic through working on a question or problem that was important
parameters. As use of Lineweaver−Burk plots has been to the student and important to society.17 This experiment
previously reported for undergraduate biochemistry laborato- required students to synthesize and integrate skills from
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00048
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

biochemistry as well as their organic chemistry and general required to write a thorough introduction, which gave
chemistry laboratory courses. The reaction itself facilitated the background on different types of enzyme inhibition and
integration of a variety of critical chemical concepts. In specifically described tyrosinase inhibitors with appropriate
prelaboratory meetings, pKa values and the importance of pH citations. Students presented their results in figures with figure
at various stages of the reaction were discussed. In addition, legends, showed relevant calculations, and compared their
regiochemistry of electrophilic aromatic substitutions and results to published studies. For example, it has previously been
resonance structures were featured prominently when discus- shown that cyanide acts as a mixed noncompetitive inhibitor for
sing the expected products of the reaction, since the para- tyrosinase with catechol compounds,18 while inhibition of
directing nature of the phenolic −OH can be justified using tyrosinase using azo-stilbenoid compounds has also been
resonance and steric arguments. These discussions, in addition described.7 Instructors observed that the students did well at
to discussions of rational design and tyrosinase’s natural writing a detailed introduction, using appropriate citations from
substrates, assisted students in selecting their aniline. The the literature. Students were successful at creating figures with
students indicated special interest in this drug design element appropriate figure legends. They were less successful in
of the project. correctly performing all of the calculations to determine kinetic
Once the product was isolated, students demonstrated even parameters, particularly KI values. The discussion section
more general and organic chemistry skills such as percent yield showed the biggest range in scores among student groups.
calculations and solution preparation. 1H NMR spectra of the Student Evaluation
products in CDCl3 were obtained, which allowed each group to
analyze the identity and purity of their products. Given the To investigate students’ perceptions of their experiences in this
differences in symmetry, number of aromatic protons, and lab, a Likert scale survey was created and disseminated at two
methyl groups in the target compounds, the NMR spectrum for small liberal arts institutions, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
each compound was quite distinct, making identity analysis and University of Mary Washington. The questions were
achievable. At institutions where NMR analysis is not available, developed by first identifying the learning outcomes of the lab
the purity of the product can easily be qualitatively assessed by experience and then reformatting these in Likert format (the
silica gel thin layer chromatography because the product of Likert questions and learning outcomes used can be found in
these reactions is easily identified as a bright yellow or orange the Supporting Information for this paper). For example, one
spot (See Supporting Information). learning outcome was “Students will be able to have increased
While students were asked to utilize their organic chemistry confidence in working on research questions without a known
knowledge, the project also integrated numerous biochemical outcome.” This outcome was evaluated by the Likert question
concepts. For example, students prepared a phosphate buffer “This experiment increased my confidence in tackling research
solution that was used for all of the kinetics assays. For this questions without a known outcome”. Once created, the Likert
laboratory, they were given only the desired concentration, scale was evaluated by the instructors involved in the study and
volume, and target pH. Many biochemistry students struggle a chemical educator to determine whether they sufficiently
with buffer chemistry even though it is a topic covered evaluated the desired learning outcomes and were appropriate
extensively in both the biochemistry lab and the lecture course for use with the students. After IRB approval, the seven
after its first introduction in general chemistry. Thus, further question Likert scale was administered in a paper/pencil format
practice with buffer preparation and use helped reinforce pH to students on or soon after the final day of the lab experience.
concepts and allowed students to master this skill. Additionally, In the third semester of running the experiment at St. Mary’s
students routinely performed dilution calculations, used College of Maryland, data were collected from 36 students, and
spectrometers, and prepared graphs using Excel throughout in the second semester of the experiment at the University of
the multiweek lab. In particular, performing dilution calcu- Mary Washington, data from 11 students were collected.
lations was a skill that some students found challenging so Overall, the experiment was well received by the students
additional practice was beneficial, particularly in the application (See Table S1). A majority of students reported gains in several
of a real world enzyme assay where total volume of each assay areas including understanding of the concepts of Michaelis−
was kept constant. Accurate pipetting and mixing, which were Menten kinetics, understanding of the experiments and
themes throughout the course, were key to obtaining quality calculations required to determine the kinetic parameters of
data. Students needed to safely handle chemicals and properly an enzyme, and confidence in performing experiments with an
dispose of both aqueous and organic waste. The AAC&U has unknown outcome. Faculty in these courses have also observed
stated that students who engage in these kinds of “high impact” an improved ability of students to integrate diverse concepts
capstone experiences are more likely to complete college, are from their previous courses, as well as gains in specific technical
more engaged in their work, and show higher levels of deep and skills such as accurate pipetting and solution preparation. These
integrative learning.17 outcomes fit nicely with the priorities of the Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Concept Inventory Project as outlined
Written Assignment above.
The lab report consisted of an abstract, introduction, methods, The data reflect an overall positive experience by the
results, and discussion. This format brought together the students. Some of the comments made by the students on the
writing skills that were emphasized throughout the semester survey were particularly interesting. Several comments
including preparation of figures, figure legends, and proper indicated that the project was indeed increasing student
citation of the literature. While the students were provided with understanding of the concepts in the lab but not in the ways
a list of the various sections that were required in the lab report one would expect. For example, several students commented
with brief descriptions, this was not an exhaustive list of what that the work they invested in the final report outside of the
was to be included in those sections. The students determined laboratory contributed to their understanding of the concepts
what should and should not be included. Students were from the lab, while reporting that performing the experiments
D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00048
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

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S Supporting Information
(14) Dean, R. L. Commentary on Experiments with Tyrosinase. Am.
The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Biol. Teach. 1999, 61 (7), 523−527.
Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00048. (15) Nairn, R.; Cresswell, W.; Nairn, J. Mushroom Tyrosinase: A
Model System to Combine Experimental Investigation of Enzyme-
Laboratory handout, instructor notes, student survey Catalyzed Reactions, Data Handling Using R, and Enzyme-Inhibitor
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structions for written lab report, representative student (16) Espín, J. C.; Jolivet, S.; Wichers, H. J. Kinetic Study of the
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and IC50 data (PDF, DOCX) 47 (9), 3495−3502.

(17) Association of American Colleges and Universities. The LEAP
Challenge: Education for a World of Unscripted Problems; Association of
AUTHOR INFORMATION American Colleges and Universities: Washington, DC, 2015.
Corresponding Author (18) Duckworth, H. W.; Coleman, J. E. Physicochemical and Kinetic
Properties of Mushroom Tyrosinase. J. Biol. Chem. 1970, 245 (7),
*E-mail: [email protected]. 1613−1625.
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

We would like to thank the students in the Biochemistry I
laboratory course for their input on this project and their

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E DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00048
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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