Staff and Line - Wikipedia
Staff and Line - Wikipedia
Staff and Line - Wikipedia
Organizational lifecycle
Organizations begin as line-only, with line
manager having direct control over all
activities, including administrative ones.
Only later, as organizations grow in size,
do they add staff positions.[3]
Relative authority
Line managers have total authority over
those who report directly to them, but staff
workers have primarily advisory authority.
Their function is to create, develop, collect
and analyze shop information, which flows
to line workers in the form of advice.[4]
1. McDaniel, Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl
(2009). The future of business: the
essentials (4th, student ed.). Mason,
OH: South-Western Cenage Learning.
p. 182. ISBN 032459075X.
2. McConnell, Charles R. (2007). The
effective health care supervisor (6th
ed.). Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and
Bartlett Publishers. p. 51.
ISBN 0763739510.
3. McDaniel, Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl
(2009). The future of business: the
essentials (4th, student ed.). Mason,
OH: South-Western Cenage Learning.
p. 182. ISBN 032459075X.
4. Ornstein, Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C.
(2008). Educational administration:
concepts and practices (5th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. p. 40.
ISBN 0495115851.
5. Agarwal, R.D. (1986). Organization and
management (1. repr. ed.). New Delhi:
McGraw-Hill. p. 150.
ISBN 0074515063.
6. Handel, ed. Michael J. (2003). The
sociology of organizations classic,
contemporary, and critical readings (3.
printing. ed.). London [u.a.]: Sage.
pp. 149–152. ISBN 0761987665.
7. Agarwal, R.D. (1986). Organization and
management (1. repr. ed.). New Delhi:
McGraw-Hill. p. 150.
ISBN 0074515063.
8. Handel, ed. Michael J. (2003). The
sociology of organizations classic,
contemporary, and critical readings (3.
printing. ed.). London [u.a.]: Sage.
pp. 149–152. ISBN 0761987665.
9. McConnell, Charles R. (2007). The
effective health care supervisor (6th
ed.). Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and
Bartlett Publishers. p. 51.
ISBN 0763739510.
10. Dalton, Melville (1950). "Conflicts
between staff and line managerial
officers" . American Sociological
Review. 15: 342–351.
doi:10.2307/2087175 .
11. Handel, ed. Michael J. (2003). The
sociology of organizations classic,
contemporary, and critical readings (3.
printing. ed.). London [u.a.]: Sage.
pp. 149–152. ISBN 0761987665.
12. Griffin, Ricky W. (2010). Management
(10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western
Cengage Learning. pp. 358–9.
ISBN 1439080992.
13. Weihrich, Harold Koontz, Heinz (2007).
Essentials of management: an
international perspective (7th ed.).
New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. p. 182.
ISBN 007062030X.
14. Griffin, Ricky W. (2010). Management
(10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western
Cengage Learning. p. 358.
ISBN 1439080992.
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