The Primary Mathematics Research Project: Towards Evidence-Based Educational Development in South Africa

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Eric Schollar and Associates

Motivation for the PMRP

The persistence of poor outcomes in

mathematics education in South African schools
despite the post-1994 dispensation:
the introduction of the new Outcomes Based
Education curriculum in 1998
the ever-increasing allocation of significant
national resources to the education system
Learner Performance
National and international data has demonstrated
that the vast majority of South African learners are
performing well below the minimum expected
competence levels for their respective grades.

This reality ultimately manifests itself at higher

grade matriculation level - only 1.5% of the 1995
Grade One cohort survived to achieve HG pass in
the 2006 matriculation examinations.
Learner Performance

Learners at different achievement levels of the

NCS: National Systemic Grade 6 Cycle (%)
Test score range Mathematics
Not achieved 1% to 39% 81
Partly achieved 40% to 49% 7
Achieved 50% to 69% 8
Outstanding 70% to 100% 4
Learner Performance
When similar figures are obtained in both national
and international studies, powerful support is
provided to all of them.
% of learners below minimum competence level
Grade 6: 2005 Grade 6: 2000 Grade 8: 2003
81 84 82
The SACMEQ study found that 52% of Grade 6 learners
were achieving scores in mathematics at the Grade 3 level
or lower.
Learner Performance: Conclusions
Assessment policies and practices have failed to
produce a reasonable degree of ‘fit’ between the
expected and actual performance levels of learners.

Learners are routinely promoted from one grade to

the next without having mastered the content and
foundational competences of preceding grades.

Every class has become, in effect, a ‘multi-grade’

class in which there is a very large range of learner
abilities making it very difficult, or even impossible,
to consistently teach to the required assessment
standards for any particular grade.
International Context
Poor learner performance in mathematics is not unique to
South Africa as TIMSS has made clear. Alarm has been
raised in many countries, the United States and Australia
being the most recent examples.
The recent research and policy literature flowing from these
countries has an increasing focus on the nature of the
curriculum, the learning theory upon which it is based and
the teaching practices that it encourages.
Constructivism is under increasing pressure to provide
reliable empirical evidence that it is an effective theoretical
basis for a national curriculum, especially for the teaching
of the fundamentals of mathematics to young learners in
primary schools.
South African Context
Recent reviews of evaluation studies of various
interventions have shown that the majority of these
studies agree that:
significant changes in teacher and learner
behaviour were achieved, these changes were both
intended and promoted by the interventions and
they were consonant with constructivist practices
very few of the interventions achieve equally
consistent impact upon learner performance
South African Context
Recent research, including production function
analysis, indicates that there are a number of
causative factors including:
incomplete coverage of the curriculum
the ‘localization’ of assessment
the ‘localization’ of the syllabus of content
poor teacher content knowledge combined with
the virtual abolition of textbooks
South African Context
insufficient opportunities for regular and
extensive practice of content by learners,
especially in terms of reading, writing and
solving mathematical problems

insufficient level of monitoring by local-level

DoE of management of curriculum and
assessment by schools - emphasis is on
compliance with formal policy & production
of documents rather than quality
PMRP: Phase I: Objective and Data Source
To carry out an empirical investigation into the nature of
the outcomes of mathematics education in primary schools.
Data sources consisted of:
the individual item scores obtained from 7 028 learners
from 154 schools in 24 districts in all 9 provinces between
1998 and 2004
the original rough workings used by 4 256 of the
learners between 2002 & 2004
Scripts were drawn from evaluations of 6 different studies
of intervention projects, using the same test instrument.
The learner datasets were supported by the data sets of
interviews and, especially, lesson observations, conducted
during the same studies.
PMRP Phase I: Findings
Phase I confirmed the poor levels of learner performance
measured in other studies, especially in Learning Outcome
One (see National Systemic).
The analysis of rough workings distinguished between three
methods used in the solving of problems:
Unit counting: all kinds of problems are solved by
reducing the numbers involved to single unit marks and
counting them one-by-one
Repeated Operations: multiplication & division problems
are solved using whole numbers, but are reduced to addition
and subtraction by repeatedly adding or subtracting the
numbers involved
Calculations: all kinds of problems are solved using
whole numbers to calculate - as against count - the
PMRP Phase I: Findings

79.5% of Grade Five and 60.3% of Grade

Seven children still relied on simple unit counting
to solve problems to one degree or another

38.1% of Grade Five and 11.5% of Grade

Seven children relied exclusively upon this method.
Phase I: Examples of Problem Solving

Unit counting Repeated operations

Phase I: Examples of Problem Solving

Inability to calculate
Phase I: Lesson Observation
‘If you are asked 15 times four its meaning is that you are
counting 15 four times. To do this you must first expand the
Writes on board: 15x4 = (10x4)+(5x4) = (10+10+10+10) +
(5+5+5+5) = (1111111111+1111111111 –four times) +
(11111+11111 –four times) Counts units = (40)+(20) ‘When
you add 40 and 20 what do you get?’ First group to answer
60 is asked to show workings on board: pupil comes to
board and writes (1111111111 – four times) + (111111111
– twice). Counts individual units and writes = 60
Each group is given a sum. Workings of first group to
report: 23x7 = (20x7)+(3x7) = (11111111111111111111 +
1111111111111111111 –seven times) + (111+ 111 –seven
times). Counts units = 160 [correct answer is 161]
Phase I: Conclusions
The fundamental causes of poor performance are:
a failure to extend the ability of learners from counting to
true calculating. All more complex mathematics depends on
an understanding of place value within the base-10 number
system, the ability to readily perform basic calculations and
see numeric relationships.
this problem is caused by the application of ineffective
learning practices in classrooms resulting in the virtual
disappearance of memorization, consistent drill and regular
extensive practice of learned content
learners are not being given the opportunity to develop
the neural pathways and structures required for the
development of higher order cognitive competencies in
Phase I: Conclusions
Closely associated with these causes has been the virtual
abolition of the concept of a national or provincial syllabus
of study combined with textbooks designed to give effect to
this syllabus.

Quality of outcome has varied wildly from school to school

as the completeness and complexity of content to which
learners are exposed came to depend on individual teachers.

The vast majority of our classes have become, in effect,

multi grade classes in which teachers are faced with learners
with every conceivable level of ability from the innumerate
to the genuinely competent.
Phase II of the PMRP: Materials
The development of a set of teacher and learner materials
based on the findings of Phase I.

These materials are based on a number of key design

features, they:
are concerned with Learning Outcome One only –
Numbers, Operations and Relationships
are based on experimentation with an approach
emphasizing direct instruction by teachers, combined with
the use of memorization, drill and extensive regular applied
practice for learners - before extensions into more complex
‘learner-centred’ activities (like games and puzzles, etc.) are
Phase II of the PMRP: Materials
provide a grade-differentiated capacity allowing for
teaching in classrooms where learners have widely
differing levels of subject competence

provide a diagnostic and formative assessment system to

control the exposure of learners to the correct complexity
level in practice of learned content

provide teachers and learners with a complete syllabus

of study, backed by a complete set of materials, based on
the Assessment Standards of the NCS
Phase II: Field Testing of Materials

Experimental design collecting both quantitative

and qualitative data
40 schools from 3 circuits in Limpopo. Random
selection of 20 project and 20 control schools
Two classes, one each from Grade 4 & 6 from each
Total n numbers: 3 032 learners with 1 560 in the
project group & 1 472 learners in the control group
Phase II: Test Instruments
The test instruments (Grade 4: 56 items) Grade 6: 86 items)
were constructed from a number of different sources:
the items dealing with LO One from the previous version
of the National Systemic Evaluation
the LO One items from the instruments regularly used by
ESA, and upon which Phase I was based
the development of 8 simple word sums matched to 8
for the post-tests, 20 items dealing with the four
operations were developed in the Grade 6 instrument to
measure the degree of difference between groups in terms of
items based on the assessment standards for Grades 5 and 4.
Phase II: Indicators of Impact on Learner
A statistically significant (i.e. over +2% in % points)
increase in score of the project group over the control
group between pre-and post-testing

A significant difference in the frequency of

calculation methods, as against counting methods, in
the project over the control group by the end of the

Significant impact measured in over 80% of schools

& for more than 80% of learners
Phase II: Exposure to Intervention

Since the materials are based on a sequential and

cumulative approach to the teaching and learning of
mathematical content, it was essential to know the
level of exposure of learners to the full ‘treatment’ –
i.e. coverage of the ‘curriculum’.
Grade 4 Grade 6
Whole sample (schools) 20 20
Minimum of 7 weeks coverage (% of 80 85
Minimum of 11 weeks coverage (% of 60 50
Phase II: Findings
The study provided strong and reliable empirical
evidence that the theoretical and methodological
approach embodied in the PMRP materials results
in rapid and significant improvements in learner
performance in Learning Outcome One. These
improvements were obtained over a period of 14
The report presents a mass of impact data that can
be summarized in the greater degree of increase of
score over baseline of the project group when
compared to the control group - whether measured
in terms of % point increase or % increase over
PHASE II: Findings: Mean Scores: Summary
Grade 4 Grade 6 Combined
Uncontrolled for coverage
Impact: % points +9.39 +10.59 +9.99
Impact: % over baseline +49.90 +63.77 +56.83
Controlled: 50% of coverage
Impact: % points +12.59 +11.68 +12.13
Impact: % over baseline +72.01 +66.83 +69.42
Controlled: 80% of coverage
Impact: % points +15.44 +15.60 +15.52
Impact: % over baseline +82.74 +101.76 +92.25
PHASE II: Findings: Mean Scores: Summary
Increases are significant for all levels of exposure but the
generic effect of increased curriculum coverage is very
clear. (The graphic uses % point increase)
13 Grade 4
11 Grade 6










Learner Performance on NSE Items: Controlled =
80% (11 weeks) of coverage from here on
Grade 4 (12 items) Grade 6 (16 items)
Uncontrolled Controlled Uncontrolled Controlled
Baseline 23.17 21.58 20.19 18.50
Post Test 30.00 36.83 25.38 32.12
Change +6.83 +15.25 +5.19 +13.62
% increase on baseline +29.50 +70.67 +25.70 +73.62
Baseline 23.42 23.42 17.75 17.75
Post Test 17.92 17.92 19.75 19.75
Change -5.50 -5.50 +2.0 +2.0
% increase on baseline -23.48 -23.48 +11.27 +11.27
Impact: % points +12.33 +20.75 +3.19 +11.62
Impact: % increase +52.98 +94.15 +14.43 +62.35
Learner performance in the Four Operations
Grade 4 Grade 6
Uncontrolled Controlled Uncontrolled Controlled
% points +7.2 +9.4 +18.2 +23.4
% of baseline +16.43 +20.0 +42.18 +54.86
% points +9.00 +11.2 +17.4 +25.0
% of baseline +32.90 +34.66 +87.91 +121.32
% points +9.0 +13.0 +11.8 +18.6
% of baseline +117.09 +184.12 +378.57 +814.29
% points +12.6 +16.4 +10.2 +13.8
% of baseline +92.24 +104.94 +128.15 +156.01
Grade 6: Performance against Assessment
Standards for Grades 4 and 5: Post Test Only

Uncontrolled Controlled
Project 38.5 45.1

Control 17.5 17.5

Difference +21.0 +27.6
Distribution of Impact: Schools
Nick Taylor has shown that significant impact on
learner performance is typically recorded in only a
fairly small proportion of schools – around 50%.
The graphic is based on a recent 4–year project.

45.7 No Impact

26.8 Impact
PMRP: Distribution of Impact: Schools
Both graphics are based on data uncontrolled for coverage

Grade 4 Grade 6

5 0 5

No impact


Once the data are controlled for coverage, all 100% of the
schools recorded significant impact
PMRP: Distribution of Impact: Individual
In these graphics, scores are drawn from the combined
group of Grade 4 and 6 learners.

Uncontrolled for coverage Controlled for coverage

9 3.3

14.1 Positive impact

No impact
Negative impact

Frequency of Problem-Solving Methods:
% of Learners
Grade 4 Grade 6
70 70

60 60

50 50

% o f le a r n e r s
% o f lea rn ers

40 40

30 30

20 20

Counting Counting >50% Numbers>50% Calculations
Counting Counting >50% Numbers>50% Calculations
Project Type of method
Type of method
Frequency of Problem-Solving Methods:
% of all Attempts
Grade 4 Grade 6
80 80
70 70
% o f a ll w o rk in g s

% o f a ll w o r k in g s
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Unit counting Rep. Operations Calculations
Unit counting Rep. Operations Calculations
Type of method
Control Type of method
Problem-Solving: Scans from Learner Scripts
These examples are both drawn from Grade 6 scripts.
Control Project
Problem-Solving: Scans from Learner Scripts
The scans on the left typify methods used in control
schools: 4x7 and 5x67. The scan on the right is from
a project school: 856x45 and 8 681x37.
Problem-Solving: Scans from Learner Scripts
Learners from project schools are able to correctly answer
questions from Part 2 (ESA) and Part 1 (NSE), respectively
Assessment: Scans from Learner Scripts
An illustration of the enormous differences in ability in
Grade 6 learners; both were passed as competent at the end
of Grade 5.
Scans from Teacher research Diaries
Teachers were asked to keep a research diary as they worked
through the PMRP programme
Scans from Teacher research Diaries
This practice helped convince teachers they were part of the
research team and provided useful formative information
Photographs from the Field
A learner practices the solving of many division problems
in one lesson using whole number calculations
Photographs from the Field
Direct instruction: the teacher explicates place value
Photographs from the Field
Group work: winner of mental arithmetic game

Working as individuals
Photographs from the Field
Working in pairs

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