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Volume 8 Issue 2 July - December 2016

Real Estate Investment: An Alternative or A

Diversifier For Indian Financial Market
Richa Pandey
V. Mary Jessica
School of Management studies, University of Hyderabad

Abstract Lekander, & Witkiewicz, 2004), it is required to know

The diversity and complexity of Property Market, its the role of real estate in a multi-asset portfolio in
linkages with economy and investment sphere has Indian Context.
necessitated a closer study on its dynamics and The aim of this study is to analyse the long run as well
movement. This paper attempts to find out the role of as short run relationship between the real estate market
real estate in a multi-asset portfolio and need of its and the stock market. The presence of an association
securitization in order to be investible in Indian context. between the stock market and the real estate market
Johansen cointegration test and Granger's Causality lies in the field of market integration or segmentation.
Test in the VAR block exogeneity on Quaterly data (Q In this study, cointegration test proposed by Johansen
1 2009-10 to Q3 2016-2017) for HPI (Real estate index) (1988) and Johansen and Juselius (1990) is used to
and NSE 50(Stock market index) shows that there is no examine the relationship between stock markets and
long run as well as no short run relationship between real estate market. If the null hypothesis of no
these markets. Segmentation exists between the stock cointegration is rejected, it indicates that these two
market and the real estate market, and so these two markets can reach equilibrium in the long run, and
assets can be held in a portfolio for diversification implies that the stock market is integrated with the
purpose. Descriptive statistics prove it as desirable real estate market. Therefore, it can be concluded that
asset class for investment. It further proves that Direct these two assets are good substitutes in investment
real estate investment is sufficient to be defined as an allocation. Conversely, if the null hypothesis of no
asset class and does not require standardization through cointegration is accepted, segmentation between the
securitization in order to be investible. Findings are stock market and the real estate market exists, and
relevant for policymakers as well as for market traders. these two assets can be held in a portfolio for
This study contributes to the alternative investment diversification purpose. Toda and Yamamoto (1995)
literature for emerging markets. Granger causality in VAR block erogeneity is used for
Keywords: Direct Real Estate Investment, short-run diagnostic check for long-run equilibrium
Cointegration, Granger causality, Securitization. relationship.

1. Introduction Introduction of the Commercial Real estate asset in the

form of REIT (Indirect real estate investment) in India
The diversity and complexity of Property Market, its is an important step towards securitization of Indian
linkages with economy and investment sphere has real estate market So, it becomes important to find out
necessitated a closer study on its dynamics and whether direct real estate investment is sufficient to be
movement (RBI, 2008, 2010). There has been explosion defined as an asset class and does not require
of articles regarding its dynamics as far as US and UK standardization through securitization in order to be
is concerned (McDonald, 2002; Barras, 2009 and Brooks investible. Descriptive statistical properties of sample
& Tsolacos, 2010). The characteristic of real estate log return series (Brooks & Tsolacos, 2010) are used to
market in Emerging economies have not been find out whether direct real estate in terms of their
systematically researched (Ciarlone, 2015).There are risk-return characteristics qualify as an alternative asset
very few studies with limited scope in Indian Context class.
eg., Halbert and Rouanet (2014) and Newell and
Kamineni (2007). As the benefits from including real Identifying such relationship is important both for
estate in a portfolio varies across countries (Hoesli, investors as well as policy makers. It demonstrates

IMJ 27 Richa Pandey and V. Mary Jessica

Volume 8 Issue 2 July - December 2016

that there are potential gains of long-run diversification with limited scope in Indian Context eg., Halbert and
when investors hold Direct real estate and stocks at the Rouanet (2014) and Newell and Kamineni (2007).
same time. It can further affect their overall wealth,
Introduction of the Commercial Real estate asset in the
consumption behaviours, aggregate demand and
form of REIT(Indirect real estate investment) in India
employment. In response to such a potential chain
is an important step towards securitization of Indian
reaction, local governments seek to propose effective
real estate market (Das & Thomas Jr, 2016). Pai and
tax and growth strategies(Lin & Fuerst, 2014; Kiohos,
Geltner (2007) showed that Indirect real estate with
Babalos, & Koulakiotis, 2017).
less systematic risk tend to offer higher returns.
2. Literature Review Endowment Model (Swenson, 2000) describes the
Numerous studies have explored the relationship immaturity and non-transparency as the beneficial
between the stock market and the real estate market characteristics of an asset class. According to Hoesli
but results have been varying perhaps due to and Oikarinen (2012), Indirect real estate offers liquidity
differences in sampling, data quality, or economic and information transparency but is also highly
environments (Ambrose, Ancel, & Griffiths, 1992; correlated to the wider equity market. In that case it
Chaudhry, Myer, & Webb, 1999; Liow & Yang, 2005 cannot act as a diversifier in the portfolio mix. So, it
and Lin & Fuerst, 2014). becomes important to find out whether Direct real
estate investment is sufficient to be defined as an asset
The presence of an association between the stock market class and does not require standardization through
and the real estate market lies in the field of market securitization in order to be investible.
integration or segmentation. Studies by Geltner (1990);
3. Data and Methodology
Wilson and Okunev (1996); Ling and Naranjo (1999);
Quan and Titman (1999) and Lu, Chang, and Wei 3.1. Research Objectives
(2007) provide evidence in favour of segmentation of I. To find out whether direct real estate investment
the two markets. On the other hand, Knight, Lizieri, in terms of their risk-return characteristics qualify
and Satchell (2005);Hoesli and Lizieri (2007) and as an alternative asset class.
Adcock, Hua, and Huang (2016) provide evidence in
II. To examine the relationship (long run as well as
favour of the presence of integration relation between
short run) between equities and real estate in India.
the two asset markets under study.
a) To test whether there is cointegration relationship
According to Baum (2009, p. 5) "The direct implication between stock and real estate markets.
of property being different is its diversification
b) To examine whether a causality relationship exists
potential, and hence the justification for holding it,
between the stock and real estate markets.
within a multi-asset portfolio." Direct real estate
investments have been shown to provide significant 3.2. Research Approach
diversification benefits in a portfolio containing stocks According to Brooks and Tsolacos (2010) there are four
(Hoesli et al., 2004 and MacKinnon & Al Zaman, 2009). stylised facts about the returns to an asset that an
Very few studies, however, have examined the role of investor would like to know about when considering
direct real estate markets in influencing alternative investing in an asset, they are expected return (sample
mainstream capital markets. mean), risk (Standard deviation), whether or not the
International diversification has been shown to be extreme returns are above the expected value (positive
more effective in the Asian real estate markets than in skewness), the relative likelihood of occurrence of
the European real estate markets (Bond, Karolyi, & extreme returns(kurtosis). These descriptive statistical
Sanders, 2003), as well as there being long-term properties of sample log return series are used to find
diversification opportunities by investing in real estate out whether direct real estate in terms of its risk-return
in several Asian countries (Garvey, Santry, & Stevenson, characteristics qualify as an alternative asset class.
2001).The characteristic of real estate market in The stationarity of data is checked by ADF (Augmented
Emerging economies have not been systematically Dickey Fuller) Test. Johansen Cointegration Techniques
researched (Ciarlone, 2015).There are very few studies were used to examine long-run relationship between

IMJ 28 Richa Pandey and V. Mary Jessica

Volume 8 Issue 2 July - December 2016

stock markets and real estate market. Whereas Toda Table 1: Descriptive statistics of log return series of
and Yamamoto (1995) Granger causality in VAR block real estate market and stock market
erogeneity was used for short-run diagnostic check for
long-run equilibrium relationship.
Mean 0.037280 0.017662
3.3. Sources of information:
Traditionally in India, rent data of CPI(UNME) & Median 0.040711 0.022772
CPI(IW) was only the source of housing price data1. At Maximum 0.077338 0.350972
present, there are three different approaches for
Minimum -0.011797 -0.281496
tracking housing prices, viz., RESIDEX by NHB,
Housing Price Index (HPI) by Reserve Bank of India Std. Dev. 0.021689 0.116715
and Residential Property Price Index (RPPI). This study
Skewness -0.224946 -0.220334
uses HPI data, as the coverage of property registration
data is more robust as compared to property loan data Kurtosis 2.489109 5.358695
collected from banks/HFCs (in case of RESIDEX and
RPPI), as all house transactions are not financed by of occurrence of extreme returns) is low for real estate
banks/HFCs. return which is desirable as investors prefer returns
closer to expected returns. Skewness is negative for
The secondary data is collected from indices of the
both the asset classes which is not desirable. So apart
stock (NSE 50 Index) and real estate market (HPI).
from skewness other measures are favourable for real
Quarterly data is taken for both the indices from Q 1
estate, which prove it as desirable asset class for
2009-10 to Q3 2016-2017, So as a whole there are 31
investment. It further proves that Direct real estate
data points. Although, HPI series is available from Q
investment is sufficient to be defined as an asset class
4. 2008-09 to Q 3. 2016 - 17, but data is available with
and does not require standardization through
two base years viz., 2008-09 and 2010-11. The time
securitization in order to be investible. This goes in
series constructed with Laspeyres formula with 2008-
accordance with the Endowment Model (Swenson,
09 as the base year will be inconsistent with the time
2000),which describes the immaturity and non-
series constructed with base year 2010-11. So, the
transparency as the beneficial characteristics of an
present study uses Splicing (Hill & Fox, 1997) to
asset class. Here, the desirability of direct real estate
combine these two overlapping time series. Eviews has
investment stems from its illiquidity premium and
been used for analysis.
inherent inefficiency. The illiquidity premium and the
4. Results and Discussion real component of real estate as a contributor to the
For the analysis, continuously compounded returns efficiency of the portfolio (Ang, Nabar, & Wald,
(log returns) are used. Log returns of the NSE series 2013).Indirect real estate investment offers liquidity
and HPI series are denoted by LNRNSE/lnrnse and and information transparency but is also highly
LNRHPI/lnrhpi respectively. For the model correlated to the wider equity market (Hoesli &
formulation, Initial lag four has been used as data is Oikarinen, 2012).
quarterly and according to Brooks and Tsolacos (2010, Before conducting statistical tests unit root of variables
P. 380) frequency of data can be used to decide the lag. are studied using ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller)
Table 1 shows that the mean which is the measure of Test reported in the Table 2. The results indicated both
expected return is higher for real estate return, the the variables at their corresponding level are
standard deviation which is the measure for risk is nonstationary and they are stationary at their first
lower for real estate return, Kurtosis (relative likelihood difference.

1 Compilation of CPI (UNME) has since been discontinued since April 2008.

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Volume 8 Issue 2 July - December 2016

Table 2: Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic


t-Statistic Prob.* t-Statistic Prob.*

Unit root estimation at level 2.70533 0.0867 1.41763 0.5581

Unit root estimation at first difference I 4.45191 0.0018 5.24906 0.0002

Table 3: Result of Johansen Cointegration Test

Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 4
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)

Hypothesized Trace 0.05

No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.**

None 0.274799 12.07211 15.49471 0.1535

At most 1 0.133251 3.718161 3.841466 0.0538

Trace test indicates no cointegration at the 0.05 level

* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values

Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue)

Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05

No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.**

None 0.274799 8.353950 14.26460 0.3439

At most 1 0.133251 3.718161 3.841466 0.0538
Max-eigenvalue test indicates no cointegration at the 0.05 level
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values

Error! Not a valid link.Again, Johansen Cointegration the VAR block exogeneity. The result is reported in
Technique was used to check the long-run relationship. table 4.
The results pertaining to the Johansen Cointegration
Table 4: VAR Granger Causality/
Test are presented in Table 3. In order to determine the Block Exogeneity Wald Tests
maximum number of cointegrating vectors, was
conducted the trace and max test. Both the probability Dependent variable: LNRHPI
value of trace test as well as Maximum Eigenvalue test
Excluded Chi-sq Df Prob.
are higher than the critical value at 5 percent level of
statistical significance, which shows that there is no LNRNSE 4.033758 4 0.4015
cointegration between HPI and CNX NIFTY. So, there All 4.033758 4 0.4015
is no long run relationship between real estate market
and stock market which further validates that both can Dependent variable: LNRNSE
be used as diversifiers. Excluded Chi-sq Df Prob.
There is no long run relationship but there are chances LNRHPI 4.420597 4 0.3521
for short run dynamic relationship which is tested by
All 4.420597 4 0.3521
using the Toda Yamamoto Granger's Causality Test in

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Volume 8 Issue 2 July - December 2016

As the p value is more than 5%, it is concluded that Ambrose, B. W., Ancel, E., & Griffiths, M. D. (1992). The
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Market and Stock Market.
nonlinear dependency. Real Estate Economics, 20(1), 25-
5. Conclusion 54.
Ang, A., Nabar, N., & Wald, S. J. (2013). Searching for a
This paper attempts to find out the role of real estate common factor in public and private real estate returns.
in a multi-asset portfolio and need of its securitization The Journal of Portfolio Management, 39(5), 120-133.
in order to be investible in Indian context. Direct real Barras, R. (2009). Building cycles: growth and instability (Vol.
estate investment is sufficient to be defined as an asset 27): John Wiley & Sons.
class and does not require standardization through Baum, A. (2009). Commercial real estate investment: Taylor
securitization in order to be investible. This goes in & Francis.
accordance with the Endowment Model (Swenson, Bond, S. A., Karolyi, G. A., & Sanders, A. B. (2003).
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investment stems from its illiquidity premium and
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Brooks, C., & Tsolacos, S. (2010). Real estate modelling and
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Chaudhry, M. K., Myer, F. N., & Webb, J. R. (1999). Stationarity
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further comparative research between Direct and financial assets. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and
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The empirical findings suggest that there is no short economies. Studies in Economics and Finance, 32(1),
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market and the real estate market. Segmentation exists Das, P., & Thomas Jr, C. R. (2016). Strategic Development
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and these two assets can be held in a portfolio for 103-131.
diversification purpose. The reason for this Garvey, R., Santry, G., & Stevenson, S. (2001). The linkages
segmentation is the systematic risk associated with between real estate securities in the Asia-Pacific. Pacific
Rim Property Research Journal, 7(4), 240-258.
real estate market is governed by laws which are
Geltner, D. (1990). Return Risk and Cash Flow Risk with
different from those of stock market. It provides real
Long?term Riskless Leases in Commercial Real Estate.
diversification benefit by acting as inflation hedge. Real Estate Economics, 18(4), 377-402.
Findings are relevant for policymakers as well as for Halbert, L., & Rouanet, H. (2014). Filtering risk away: Global
market traders. Identifying such relationship is finance capital, transcalar territorial networks and the
(un) making of city-regions: An analysis of business
important both for investors as well as policy makers.
property development in Bangalore, India. Regional
It demonstrates that there are potential gains of long- Studies, 48(3), 471-484.
run diversification when investors hold Direct real Hill, R. J., & Fox, K. J. (1997). Splicing index numbers. Journal
estate and stocks at the same time. It can further affect of Business & Economic Statistics, 15(3), 387-389.
their overall wealth, consumption behaviours, Hoesli, M., Lekander, J., & Witkiewicz, W. (2004).
aggregate demand and employment. In response to International evidence on real estate as a portfolio
such a potential chain reaction, local governments seek diversifier. Journal of Real Estate Research, 26(2), 161-
to propose effective tax and growth strategies. Although
exploring relationship is important, finding the factors Hoesli, M., & Lizieri, C. (2007). Real estate in the investment
that drive that is enduringly significant. So, further
Hoesli, M., & Oikarinen, E. (2012). Are REITs real estate?
research can be done in that area.
Evidence from international sector level data. Journal
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and property markets integrated or segmented? The
12(2-3), 231-254.
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Johansen, S., & Juselius, K. (1990). Maximum likelihood Pai, A., & Geltner, D. (2007). Stocks are from mars, real
estimation and inference on cointegration-with estate is from venus. The Journal of Portfolio
applications to the demand for money. Oxford Bulletin Management, 33(5), 134-144.
of Economics and statistics, 52(2), 169-210. Quan, D. C., & Titman, S. (1999). Do real estate prices and
Kiohos, A., Babalos, V., & Koulakiotis, A. (2017). Wealth effect stock prices move together? An international analysis.
revisited: Novel evidence on long term co-memories Real Estate Economics, 27(2), 183-207.
between real estate and stock markets. Finance Research Swenson, J. (2000). On Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Stanford
Letters, 20, 217-222. University Press.
Knight, J., Lizieri, C., & Satchell, S. (2005). Diversification Toda, H. Y., & Yamamoto, T. (1995). Statistical inference in
when it hurts? The joint distributions of real estate and vector autoregressions with possibly integrated
equity markets. Journal of Property Research, 22(04), processes. Journal of econometrics, 66(1), 225-250.
Wilson, P. J., & Okunev, J. (1996). Evidence of segmentation
Lin, P.-t., & Fuerst, F. (2014). The integration of direct real in domestic and international property markets. Journal
estate and stock markets in Asia. Applied Economics, of Property Finance, 7(4), 78-97.
46(12), 1323-1334.
Ling, D. C., & Naranjo, A. (1999). The integration of Richa Pandey did her MBA from CIMP, Patna and is
commercial real estate markets and stock markets. Real currently associated with School of Management Studies,
Estate Economics, 27(3), 483-515. University of Hyderabad as a Ph. D. Scholar. She can
Liow, K. H., & Yang, H. (2005). Long-term co-memories and be contacted at E-mail: [email protected],
short-run adjustment: securitized real estate and stock [email protected]
markets. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and
V. Mary Jessica did her M. Com (University Topper) and
Economics, 31(3), 283-300.
Ph. D. from Osmania University, and is associated with
Lu, Y.-C., Chang, T., & Wei, Y.-C. (2007). An Empirical Note School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad
on Testing the Co-integration Relationship between the as Professor (Finance) and Co- ordinator (PGDPM, CDVL).
Real Estate and Stock Markets in Taiwan. Economics She has presented papers in National and International
Bulletin, 3(45), 1-11.
Conferences at home and abroad including Research
McDonald, J. (2002). A survey of econometric models of office Presentation at World Investment Forum, 2014, UNCTAD,
markets. Journal of Real Estate Literature, 10(2), 223- in Geneva, Switzerland. She has organised National
242. Seminars, Workshops and Symposia. She has over forty
Newell, G., & Kamineni, R. (2007). The significance and publications in reputed journals, conference proceedings
performance of real estate markets in India. Journal of and books. She can be contacted at E-mail:
Real Estate Portfolio Management, 13(2), 161-172. [email protected]

IMJ 32 Richa Pandey and V. Mary Jessica

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