Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid

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Gert Brunekreeft · Till Luhmann

Tobias Menz · Sven-Uwe Müller

Paul Recknagel Editors

Regulatory Pathways
For Smart Grid
Development in China
Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China
Gert Brunekreeft
Till Luhmann
Tobias Menz
Sven-Uwe Müller
Paul Recknagel

Regulatory Pathways
For Smart Grid
Development in China
Gert Brunekreeft
Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Bremen, Germany

Till Luhmann, Tobias Menz

BTC Business Technology Consulting AG
Oldenburg, Germany

Sven-Uwe Müller, Paul Recknagel

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Eschborn, Germany

ISBN  978-3-658-08462-2      ISBN  978-3-658-08463-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015941028

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Project information

Prof. Dr. Gert BRUNEKREEFT, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH

-- Dr. Till LUHMANN, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Dr. Tobias MENZ, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG
Dr. Sven-Uwe MÜLLER, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale

- Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Paul RECKNAGEL, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Key authors
Prof. Dr. Gert BRUNEKREEFT, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH

-- Marius BUCHMANN, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH

Christian DÄNEKAS, OFFIS Institut für Informatik e. V.

-- Dr. Xin GUO, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Dr. Till LUHMANN, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

-- Dr. Christoph MAYER, OFFIS Institut für Informatik e. V.

Dr. Tobias MENZ, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG


Prof. Dr. Christian REHTANZ, ef.Ruhr Forschungs-GmbH

Contributing authors
André GÖRING, OFFIS Institut für Informatik e. V.

-- Andre HERRMANN, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Ray KODALI, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG
Paul RECKNAGEL, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale

-- Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Dr. Michael STADLER, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

- Dr. Mathias USLAR, OFFIS Institut für Informatik e. V.

Nils VOGEL, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Project steering group in China
CHEN Tao, National Energy Administration of the P.R. China

-- Dr. TONG Guangyi, National Energy Administration of the P.R. China

GUO Tao, National Energy Administration of the P.R. China
BU Hongfang, National Energy Administration of the P.R. China

Project group of Chinese experts
Dr. DONG Rick, China Southern Power Grid Electric Power Research Institute

-- Dr. HUANG Han, State Grid Energy Research Institute

Dr. JIA Bin, ENN Energy Holdings Limited

Dr. SHI Yaodong, Development Research Center of the State Council
Prof. Dr. WANG Shouxiang, Tianjin University
Academician, YU Yixin, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Prof., Tianjin University
vi Project information

Project management
Dr. Tobias MENZ, BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Project coordination in China
Paul RECKNAGEL, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Consortium Members
BTC Business Technology Consulting AG, Oldenburg

-- Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Bremen

OFFIS Institut für Informatik e. V., Oldenburg

- ef.Ruhr Forschungs-GmbH, Dortmund

EWE NETZ GmbH, Oldenburg

Project Initiation & Funding  This study was conducted as part of the “Sino-German Climate
Change Programme” implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen-
arbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ).

Project Term  January 2013 to June 2014

The content of this study does not reflect the official opinion of the National Energy
Administration of the P. R. China. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in
the study lies entirely with the author(s). Neither the National Energy Administration of the
P. R. China nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for the use which
may be made of the information contained therein.


by Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer,  Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability
Studies, Potsdam

Source: Schulzendorff

Until 2025, about 250 million people will move to cities in China, where by then there will be
221 cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. They will be clustered in about 11 regions with
more than 60 million people each. In order to ensure energy supply with reduced impact on
health and the environment a central element of the Chinese governments’ five year plan is
developing smart eco-cities. With this, the conservation of energy, water, land and materials,
reducing pollution, optimizing the transportation, protecting the environment, and improv-
ing building comfort, health and safety should be maximized. This will be a critical moment
in the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization and rural development providing great
opportunities in many respects, business opportunities for the economic sector and saving
potential for millions of households.

As China increasingly embraces clean energy, with newly set renewable energy targets and
energy efficiency, smart grid capabilities are crucial for achieving and driving the low-carbon
transition. With increasing shares of power from renewable energy facilities with their specifics
of intermittency, the transformation of the demand and supply sides towards more flexibility
is vital. This is recognized in the 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Devel-
opment, where the People’s National Congress has set up a goal for the acceleration of smart
grid developments. Additionally to balancing the demand and supply sides smart grids can
potentially contribute to a reduction in overall need of energy of up to 25 % and reduce the
costs of integrating renewable energy into the power system. Doing this will both be useful
for the economy, opening up new business models and be a challenge for the regulators, who
need to create a supportive framework. Such a regulatory basis should provide incentives and
ensure an acceleration of the smart grid development also encouraging competition in order
viii Preface

to fuel innovation. Supporting the development of industrial clusters, by creating special in-
dustry funds can be one option to fully realize the potential of the economic opportunity of
the smart grid development. Considering that China in 2013 for the first time surpassed the
spending of the United States on smart grid technologies, accounting for more than a quarter
of the worldwide smart grid spending, it is clear that a massive transformation of the coun-
try’s energy landscape is underway. The potential of being a global leader in the technology
development and serving as a role model in smart energy system development however still
implies regulatory challenges in order to balance the energy policy goals of reliability, afford-
ability and sustainability – keeping in mind that the social dimension of energy is central to
sustainable energy systems.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer



by Dr. Werner Brinker,  Chairman of the Board of the EWE AG, Oldenburg

Europe is committed to the decarbonization of its economy, driven by the European Union
(EU) climate and energy policies on renewable energy, low carbon emissions, energy savings
and energy efficiency. The further development of the energy sector is pivotal to meeting these
objectives, ensuring the transition towards a more sustainable energy system and driving in-
novation in the energy sector.

While the German energy sector is already well prepared for a successful integration of decen-
tralized power generation from renewable energy sources, Germany is currently heading the
necessary legal and regulatory steps to build future-oriented electricity networks, complete
the market integration of renewables and ensure at the same time the functioning of electric-
ity markets.

Automation as well as information and communication technology (ICT) are playing an im-
portant role in this context. So called smart grids are deemed to improve the efficiency, reliabil-
ity, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. They are able to collect,
transmit and use information about the behaviors of electricity producers and consumers in
an automated fashion by means of automation and ICT.

In Germany, the transition towards smart grids is driven by a large variety of different institu-
tions and companies interacting on well-functioning markets for electricity and associated prod-
ucts. However, despite all the valuable experiences with regard to the build-up of smart grids,
Germany’s regulatory framework has not yet been adapted completely to the vision of smart
grids. In China, the transition towards smart grids is mainly pushed forward by the govern-
ment and the politically powerful and vertically integrated grid operators due to the absence of
competition in many parts of the energy sector and the non-existence of markets for electricity.

The present study aims to give regulatory recommendations for the deployment of smart
grids in China based on German and international experiences and ongoing discussions. I
x Preface

am convinced that the results can help Chinese policy makers to optimize smart grid regula-
tion in China. I am even more convinced that, based on this study, China and Germany have
the unique opportunity to link their strengths, overcome weaknesses and withstand threats
to maximize overall benefits for the society during the build-up of smart grids. As Germany
is already a very important partner for China in Europe and China is of upmost importance
for Germany in Asia, it could be important to align and ensure the right legal and regulatory
framework as a precondition for a more sustainable energy sector in China.

We as the management of the EWE Group are honored that Deutsche Gesellschaft für Inter-
nationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH chose experts from our companies to support the
further development of smart grids in China. It was also a pleasure for us to welcome a group
of Chinese experts in Oldenburg in April 2013.

Finally, I would like to wish you many new insights during the reading of this study.


Dr. Werner Brinker



by Dr. TONG Guangyi,  Deputy Director General of the Electricity Department

National Energy Administration of the P.R. China, Beijing

In light of today’s environmental challenges, in order to meet the requirements of sustainable

development, economic restructuring as well as flexible transmission, distribution and utiliza-
tion of electricity, optimizing the way we operate our power systems by building a smart grid
has become an inevitable trend. Therefore, how to rationally and scientifically lay out a road-
map and at the same time design a sound legal and regulatory framework to promote smart
grid development is a major question. This study gives important insights on modern smart
grid concepts, policy frameworks and avenues for development in Germany and elsewhere
providing us with a wealth of ideas and pathways to choose from.

According to an old Chinese saying “advice from others may help one overcome one’s short-
comings”. To study the advanced experiences of other countries and learn from their example
is of great significance to the development of China’s smart grid. This study on “Regulatory
Pathways for Smart Grid Development in China” includes an analysis of the current state
of smart grid development in China and Germany, summarizes the latest discussion on the
regulatory environment for smart grids in Germany and compares it with the current situation
in China. Based on this analysis and in accordance with China’s overall energy development
targets, the study provides seven policy recommendations and three regulatory roadmaps to
promote smart grid development in China.

I believe this study provides a useful reference for the healthy development, effective guid-
ance and supervision of China’s smart grid. We want to take this opportunity and express our
appreciation to Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and
the team of experts led by the German side. We thank all the contributors for their rigorous
xii Preface

and prudent research approach as well as their professionalism, hard work and dedication in
the whole process of writing this report.

At last, I sincerely wish all the best for the future development of smart grids in Germany
and China.


Dr. TONG Guangyi



by Bernhard Zymla,  Head of the Energy Department

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn

The primary driver for smart grid development in Germany is the integration of a rising share
of electricity generated from variable renewable energies into the power system. The German
Federal Government’s Energy concept for an environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable
energy supply of September 2010 and the Package of Energy Laws enacted in July 2011 contain
guidelines and objectives related to Germany’s future energy system. The government plans
express a commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection by setting a
target to reduce CO2 emissions by 40 % compared to 1990 by 2020 and by 80 to 95 % by 2050.

With the German energy transition, the Energiewende, the German government has taken
ambitious steps and action to tackle the problems related to fossil fuel combustion. To achieve
the ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also gradually phasing out
nuclear power until 2022, a rapid expansion of renewable energy is essential. In 2025, 40 to
45 % of gross electricity consumption is to be covered by renewables, with the share planned
to rise to 80 % by 2050. An increasing share of intermittent renewables requires a fundamental
restructuring of our electricity system, allowing for an effective synchronization of demand
with increasingly variable supply, while at the same time maintaining system reliability and
stability. To achieve this objective, electricity markets have to be reformed to set the right
incentives for an efficient utilization of the system’s flexibility resources on the supply and
demand side. For this purpose the development of a future-oriented electric power network
infrastructure – or smart grid – is indispensable.

Smart grids enable real-time communication between electricity suppliers, grid operators and
consumers with the help of modern information and communication technologies facilitating
an intelligent grid operation as well as the efficient utilization of all power system components
through supply- and demand-side management. Thus, it is possible to integrate a high share
of variable renewable energies without compromising the reliability of supply, while cutting
peak loads and reducing the need for so-called baseload power plants. At the same time,
xiv Preface

the upgrade of the electric power grid with the help of innovative grid technologies helps to
reduce the need for traditional grid expansion avoiding substantial costs. Smart grids lead to
the emergence of new business models and new market players together with an increasing
spectrum of energy services in the years to come.

The development of smart grids requires a sound legal and regulatory basis that sets the
right incentives and clearly defines the roles of different power system actors, the interaction
between them and enables a smooth communication between its components. This study
presents an overview of China’s and Germany’s power system as well as each country’s view
on smart grid development. Built on this foundation recommendations for the adaptation of
the policy and regulatory framework were developed aimed at facilitating the development
of smart grids in China in order to allow the integration of a rising share of renewable energy
in its power system.

We trust you will have an interesting and informative read.


Bernhard Zymla

Executive Summary

Smart grids – an essential part of China’s future electric power system  In the past 15 years, a
series of reforms have greatly improved the efficiency, reliability, and environmental perfor-
mance of the Chinese power sector. However, significant challenges remain: rapidly rising
electricity demand, concerns about power system reliability and energy security, environmen-
tal degradation and climate change [1].
China’s government aims at addressing these challenges and set up ambitious development
targets for the future electric power system: amongst others, generation and grid capacities are
to be expanded substantially, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the generation
mix is to increase considerably, the number of power outages and supply interruptions is to
decrease significantly, and the efficiency of energy and electricity usage is to increase markedly
[2], [3]. Moreover, China’s government continues to modernize the energy sector regulation:
it plans to establish a more effective electricity market system, considers downsizing and fur-
ther unbundling the integrated electric grid operators, and aims at optimizing the electricity
pricing system [2], [4], [5].
The concept of smart grids might help to overcome the technological challenges men-
tioned above. In brief and following the International Energy Agency (IEA), smart grids can
be defined as:

» An electricity network that uses digital and other advanced technologies to monitor and manage
the transport of electricity from all generation sources to meet the varying electricity demands
of end users. Smart grids co-ordinate the needs and capabilities of all generators, grid opera-
tors, end users and electricity market stakeholders to operate all parts of the system as efficiently
as possible, minimizing costs and environmental impacts while maximizing system reliability,
resilience and stability. [6]

The Chinese government already acknowledged the importance of smart grids: in its 12th
Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, the People’s National Congress
explicitly set up the goal of accelerating smart grid developments in China [7]. This goal was
also explicitly included in the 12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development [2]. In addition, the
most influential power sector companies, in particular the large grid operators, and academic
institutions are active in promoting their own views on smart grids and developing, testing,
and deploying smart grid technologies.
A core motivation for smart grids in China is their intended positive impact on security of
supply and operational efficiency, especially at the distribution grid level. Moreover, demand
side management enabled by means of smart grid technologies plays an important role for
balancing electricity generation and demand. Smart grid technologies are also seen as a means
to reduce the costs of integrating RES into the power system which is of critical importance
given the ambitious RES expansion targets of China’s government.
Though the Chinese government acknowledges the importance of smart grids, consider-
able challenges exist in adjusting the regulatory environment of China’s electric power system
to enable an effective and efficient development of smart grids in China.

The importance of new market actors in the smart grid development  In Europe and the United
States, the trend towards smart grids is driven by the growing importance of new participants
xvi Executive Summary

in the value chain of the electric power sector, so-called new market actors or third parties.
New market actors in this context are non-incumbents; they can be new competitors on the
electricity markets (e. g. operators of RES plants, new power retail companies, energy service
companies) or companies from other sectors like the Information and Communication Tech-
nology (ICT) sector.
The authors of this study are convinced that integrating new market actors in China’s
electric power sector will significantly contribute to a more rapid and innovative smart grid
development in China. The main advantage of liberalizing markets and allowing third parties
to participate in the electricity supply chain is the innovation potential that comes with these
new actors [8]. In a smart grid context, new market actors create new business models by
making use of available power system information and infrastructure in an innovative way.
Additionally, new market actors increase competition which generally leads to greater cost
efficiency in production, lower price levels and a higher variety of products and services. New
market actors can only participate in the electricity sector if equal access to essential facilities
(especially the grid and information from smart metering) is guaranteed [9], [10].
One of the main lessons learned from developments in Germany is that liberalization,
structural reforms, the development towards smart grids, and the transition to more RES
have triggered a massive increase of market entries of new players in the electricity sector. The
institutional challenge of smart grids is to facilitate the system-wide interaction of all these
players to the benefit of economic efficiency, sustainability, and reliability.

Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China at a glance  In the light of the
experiences made in Germany and the ambitious government targets for China’s electric power
system, seven recommendations to promote smart grid development in China have been de-
veloped in the present study. Figure Summary 1 depicts the seven recommended approaches
and associates them with different regulatory areas that have been defined in the context of
this study. It can be seen that the study’s recommendations relate to a broad range of regula-
tory topics.
The seven recommendations are briefly summarized below and reasonable implementa-
tion sequences that take into account the interdependencies between the different recom-
mendations are shortly presented.

Recommendation 1: Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector and establish an inde-
pendent and powerful regulator   A clearly defined strategy with specific long-term targets for
the development of the electricity sector is necessary in order to reduce uncertainty for smart
grid investors and manufacturers. Such a strategy should include government targets with
regard to the development of electricity generation capacities of different technologies (the
so-called generation mix) and energy efficiency targets.
Based on German experiences and on recommendations from the Organisation for Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD), clearly defined roles and responsibilities con-
cerning the regulation of the electricity sector facilitate the development of smart grids. Spe-
cific attention should be paid to the development of an independent and powerful regulator.
The regulator should supervise the development of the power grid infrastructure in general
as well as smart grids in particular.

Recommendation 2: Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and infor-
mation  Chinese grid operators are still integrated as they own and operate the electric power
grids and are responsible for retail. The management of power system data (e. g. grid status
Executive Summary

Policy Setting and

Fundamental Institutions

Define a long-term
strategy for the electricity
sector and establish an
independent and
powerful regulator

Create level playing

Facilitate the
fields for access to
development of a
power system
unified view of smart
infrastructure and

Optimize the balancing

Improve grid
of electricity
integration of
generation and
consumption Coordinate
network expansion
planning for electricity
grid expansion and
Introduce network regulation
for efficient investment
incentives for electricity grid
expansion and upgrade

Development of
Infrastructure and
Network Regulation

.. Fig. Summary 1  Overview of this study’s recommendations

information or metering data on electricity generation and consumption) is currently their

task. As soon as new market actors are to be integrated in the electric power system, power sys-
tem data management will become more relevant on a broader scale. The non-discriminatory
and technology-neutral management of power system-related information and its distribu-
tion in smart grids is currently one of the most discussed regulatory topics in Europe and the
United States. It is an important finding of these discussions that it is beneficial if a regulator
or another government institution develops a governance system, that will ensure provider
and technology neutrality and a level playing field for all stakeholders. Non-discriminatory
access to power system information in smart grids is of particular importance for new market
actors to be able to develop their business models.

Recommendation 3: Introduce network regulation for efficient investment incentives for elec-
tricity grid expansion and upgrade  At present, there is no explicit price for transmission and
distribution (the so-called network charge) based on actual costs in China. The source of
income of grid operators is the difference between the on-grid (generation) and the retail
price for electricity which are both fixed by the government. In contrast, in Europe and many
other countries with liberalized electricity markets regulation focuses on the monopolistic
xviii Executive Summary

parts of the supply chain, i. e. transmission and distribution grids. The other elements of the
supply chain, i. e. generation and retail, are liberalized and governed by general competition
law only. This approach is referred to as disaggregated regulation. Its main advantage is that it
avoids misdirected incentives at the non-monopolistic parts of the supply chain. It also widens
the profit margin of the commercial businesses (generation and retail) and thus improves the
business opportunities for new market actors.
With regard to a network regulation scheme (i. e. a specific method used for calculating
network charges) suitable for China, the growing share of RES requires a significant upgrade
and expansion of both transmission and distribution grids. On the one hand, regulation should
facilitate necessary investments, but on the other, it should also set incentives to avoid unnec-
essary investments and implement least-cost solutions (e. g. smart grid technologies). In all,
regulation should aim for efficient investment incentives. Based on Italian experiences, rate-
of-return adders are a specifically interesting approach for projects with a special relevance to
the smart grid development in China (e. g. those projects with a high priority for security of
supply). It is highly beneficial to analyze their applicability to the Chinese context. Further-
more, profit-sharing mechanisms or innovation bonuses currently applied in the UK could
be interesting to increase the diffusion of innovative technologies in China’s electricity sector.

Recommendation 4: Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and
upgrade  China faces an urgent need to expand the existing electricity network within the
next few years driven by growing consumer demand for electricity and the integration of
RES. Smart grids provide solutions to meet these challenges. With smart grids, the number of
potential stakeholders that are relevant for the network development increases. So far, only the
incumbent players have been part of the network planning process in China. Evaluating how
network development planning could be coordinated in China so that all relevant stakehold-
ers have the possibility of participating in the process is therefore an important step. In this
context, China could take advantage of German experience with the network development
planning process for transmission grids and evaluate how this approach could be applied to the
Chinese context and especially to distribution grids. Clear scenarios about the development
of RES, the general electricity mix, and electricity demand in China are needed as a basis for
the definition of a network development plan in China. Such scenarios could then serve as a
common basis for the network development process.
The development of smart grids calls for effective coordination. Therefore, a long-term
network development plan that includes the interests of various stakeholders at an early stage
would facilitate the smart grid development in China. Based on German experiences, a stake-
holder platform that should be chaired by one of the ministries and serve as a discussion board
for the relevant stakeholders can further contribute to the smart grid development process.
The stakeholders can exchange their ideas on grid development in general and smart grids in
particular at an early stage within the stakeholder platform and jointly provide policy recom-
mendations to the government.

Recommendation 5: Improve grid integration of RES  Transparency and a clear division of re-
sponsibilities between grid operators and RES investors would encourage the deployment of
RES and incentivize new market actors to invest in RES. Experience in Germany illustrates
that a fast and efficient grid integration of RES requires a proper definition of grid connec-
tion points and clearly defined, transparent, technically sound, and legally binding grid codes
(technical standards) for the integration of generation units at all voltage levels. RES need to
be assigned a grid connection point (i. e. the point in the electricity grid which is at the nearest
Executive Summary

linear distance from the location of the RES-installation) on request, so that the interconnec-
tion can be installed without delay and according to well-defined technical standards. Whereas
plant operators have to comply with the technical standards, grid operators have to bear liabil-
ity for the grid connection of RES. This is very important, because liability puts a high priority
on the establishment of the grid connection and avoids delays on the grid operator’s side.
To ensure grid stability, it is necessary to curtail RES in times of critical grid conditions.
To provide transparent procedures to the RES operators, detailed processes for curtailment of
RES (including documentation, transparency rules, timeframes, involved parties, etc.) have
to be defined and the requirements for information exchange within these measures have to
be specified.
The integration of RES with regard to ICT is another important aspect in the smart grid
context. Only by means of ICT, RES generation can be automatically coordinated with grid
capacities and loads at any time. This is the basis for an economic optimum of the power sys-
tem infrastructure usage and ensures options for action even in times of high wind and solar
irradiation. An optimum ICT integration of RES is also a prerequisite for monitoring and con-
trolling RES installations, thereby enabling an economically efficient level of grid curtailment.

Recommendation 6: Optimize the balancing of electricity generation and consumption Balanc-

ing generation and consumption of electrical energy is a technical key factor for the stable
operation of power systems. In power systems with a high growth rate, such as China, peak
loads may cause shortages on the generation side. Peak shaving, i. e. reducing the electrical
power consumption during periods of maximum electricity demand, enabled by means of
smart grid technologies is crucial for stable and efficient system operation in this case. In
power systems with a high share of intermittent renewables, such as Germany, the residual load
– the difference between load and renewable generation – is highly volatile. In such systems,
residual load shaving during peak consumption times is important in order to reduce the use
of conventional sources to cover the residual load.
Balancing mechanisms and technologies like demand side management (DSM), supply
side management (SSM), microgrids, virtual power plants (VPP), and energy storage can be
employed to facilitate the balancing of electricity generation and consumption. The techni-
cal potential for load management in the industrial sector is comparatively high and easy to
realize with dedicated ICT solutions. The commercial sector can be included at a later point
and the residential sector last, because the potential in the residential sector is smaller and
more distributed.
China’s government plans to refine the existing time-of-use pricing system and estab-
lish time-of-use pricing for all categories of customers. Within such a framework, sufficient
differences between peak and off-peak prices for all categories of consumers are of critical
importance to incentivize the wider introduction of supply-side management, demand-side
management, and energy storage. With more and more RES being introduced, further applica-
tions like virtual power plants and microgrids, are recommended. Such applications need to
have a clear focus on the security of supply and on economically efficient system development.

Recommendation 7: Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids   Due to the dif-
ferent strategies of China’s grid operators and the absence of a Chinese government vision on
smart grids, there is no unanimously accepted vision on the technological and organizational
design of smart grids in China. There is accordingly much uncertainty among potential smart
grid investors. In Europe, standardization eased the development of a unified view of smart
grids. China’s government traditionally acknowledges the importance of standardization for
xx Executive Summary

industrial development and innovation. In this light, it is suggested to promote the establish-
ment of an organizational arrangement (e. g. similar to the Smart Grid Coordination Group
in Europe) to coordinate smart grid standardization in China. Within this organizational
arrangement, clear organizational structures and processes to foster the understanding of
the Chinese smart grid concept should be defined and implemented. In the European smart
grid standardization process, which is currently still ongoing, a three-dimensional model of
the European smart grid environment, the so-called Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)
has been created. It can be thought of as a technological, organizational, and functional map
showing the boundaries as well as different areas of smart grids. This model has been used
to identify smart grid use cases which describe requirements and functions of smart grid
technologies. The use cases contribute to the development of a common understanding of
smart grids in Europe. Based on this common general understanding of smart grids, a list
of smart grid standards is currently being developed in Europe. The standardization process
from Europe might serve as a role model for smart grid standardization in China. In this con-
text, the authors of this study specifically emphasize the importance of integrating additional
stakeholders (i. e. third parties) into the standardization process.

Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China  There are inherent conflicts between
the fundamental energy policy goals of reliability, affordability, and sustainability. As a result,
governments have to be aware of the society’s energy policy priorities to choose an appropriate
energy sector regulation.
The implementation sequence of the given recommendations is not arbitrary with respect
to the energy policy goals. In order to give policy makers an impression of how policy goal
prioritization influences the timeline in which the recommendations should be implemented,
the present study outlines three possible regulatory pathways. Each of these pathways priori-
tizes one specific goal of the energy policy triangle and develops an implementation roadmap
accordingly. These roadmaps are intended to serve as blueprints for policy makers, who have
to decide about proper regulation based on the individual Chinese prioritization of energy
policy goals.
Figure Summary 2 summarizes the implementation sequences for all three policy goals
with recommendations to be implemented in the short term on the left hand side of the figure.
Comparing the implementation sequences in all three scenarios reveals that there are two
recommended approaches with the highest overall priority. The measures subsumed within

these recommendations shall be implemented independently of the underlying scenario:
Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector and establish an independent and

- powerful regulator, and

Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade.

Three of the remaining five recommendations are relevant in each scenario, though with a

lower priority:
The Improvement of the grid integration of RES has a very high priority under the Eco-
logical Sustainability scenario and is also important for the Reliability/Security of Supply

- scenario. It is somewhat less important in the Affordability/Competition scenario.

The Facilitation of the development of a unified view of smart grids is especially important
with respect to the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario. It is somewhat less important
with regard to the Affordability/Competition and Ecological Sustainability scenarios.
Executive Summary

Reliability / Security of Supply

Define a long-term
Coordinate network Introduce network
strategy for the Facilitate the Optimize the
expansion planning regulation for efficient
electricity sector and development of a Improve grid balancing of
for electricity grid investment incentives for
establish an unified view of smart integration of RES electricity generation
expansion and electricity grid expansion
independent and grids and consumption
upgrade and upgrade
powerful regulator

Ecological Sustainability
Define a long-term
Coordinate network Create level playing
strategy for the Optimize the Facilitate the
expansion planning fields for access to
electricity sector and Improve grid balancing of development of a
for electricity grid power system
establish an integration of RES electricity generation unified view of smart
expansion and infrastructure and
independent and and consumption grids
upgrade information
powerful regulator

Affordability / Competition
Coordinate Define a long-term Introduce network
Create level playing Optimize the
network expansion strategy for the regulation for efficient Facilitate the
fields for access to Improve grid balancing of
planning for electricity sector and investment incentives development of a
power system integration of electricity
electricity grid establish an for electricity grid unified view of
infrastructure and RES generation and
expansion and independent and expansion and smart grids
information consumption
upgrade powerful regulator upgrade


.. Fig. Summary 2  Overview of proposed implementation sequences for all three scenarios

- The Optimization of the balancing of electricity generation and consumption is particu-

larly relevant for the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario. The recommendation has a
lower relevance in the Ecological Sustainability scenario and is ranked last in the Afford-
ability/Competition scenario.

The two remaining recommendations are not relevant in every scenario. Rather, they contrib-
ute to single energy policy goals. In particular, both of these recommendations are essential

for migrating towards smart grids focusing on affordability and competition:
The Creation of level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and informa-
tion is the first recommendation that should be implemented if the government strives
to develop smart grids focusing on affordability and competition. It is also important if
the government chooses to focus on ecological sustainability.

The Introduction of network regulation for electricity grid expansion and upgrade is at position
four in the implementation sequence of the Affordability/Competition scenario. It is also rel-
evant, though at a later stage, in the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario.


[1] The Regulatory Assistance Project, “Recommendations for Power Sector Policy in China,” The Regulatory As-
sistance Project, Beijing, 2013.
xxii Executive Summary

[2] State Council of the People’s Republic of China, “12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development,” Guofa, Beijing,
[3] National Energy Administration (NEA), “Key Information at a Glance – China 12th Five-Year Plan for Renewable
Energy Development,” China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC), Beijing, 2012.
[4] State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China (SCIO), “China’s Energy Policy 2012,” SCIO,
Beijing, 2012.
[5] International Energy Agency (IEA), “Understanding China’s 12th Five-Year Energy Plan,” IEA, Paris, 2013.
[6] International Energy Agency (IEA), “Technology Roadmap: Smart Grids,” IEA, Paris, 2011.
[7] Y. Yu, J. Yang and B. Chen, “The Smart Grids in China – A Review,” Energies, vol. 5, pp. 1321–1338, 2012.
[8] K. Arrow, “Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention,” in The Rate and Direction of Inventive
Activity, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1962.
[9] S. T. M. Kaplan, “Thinking About Technology: Applying a Cognitive Lens to Technical Change,” Research Policy,
vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 790–805, 2008.
[10] B. Nowak, “Equal Access to the Energy Infrastructure as a Precondition to Promote Competition in the Energy
Market. The Case of European Union,” Energy Policy, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 3691–3700, 2010.


3GThird Third Generation of Mobile Telecommunications Technology

AbLaV Verordnung über Vereinbarungen zu abschaltbaren Lasten (Deutschland)/Ordinance on

Disconnectable Loads (Germany)
AC Alternating Current
ACATECH Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (Deutschland)/German Academy of Science and
Engineering (Germany)
ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
AMS Asset Management Systems
ARegV Anreizregulierungsverodnung (Deutschland)/Incentive Regulation Ordinance (Germany)

BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (Deutschland)/Federation of German Industries

BImSchG Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz (Deutschland)/Federal Pollution Control Act (Germany)
BITKOM Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e. V.
(Deutschland)/Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New
Media (Germany)
BMAS Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (Deutschland)/Federal Ministry of Labor, Social
Affairs and Consumer Protection (Germany)
BMUB Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (Deutschland)/Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (Germany)
BMVI Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (Deutschland)/Federal Ministry of
Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Germany)
BMWi Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (Deutschland)/Federal Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy (Germany)
BNetzA Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
(Deutschland)/Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and
Railway (Germany)

CDH Central Data Hub

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Organization
CHP Combined Heat and Power Plants
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CSG China Southern Power Grid Company Limited

DAM Data Access Point Manager

DC Direct Current
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (Deutschland)/German Institute for Standardization (Germany)
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DSM Demand Side Management
DSO Distribution System Operator(s)

EC European Commission
EEG Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (Deutschland)/Renewable Energy Act (Germany)
EEX European Energy Exchange
EnLAG Energieleitungsausbaugesetz (Deutschland)/Energy Network Development Act (Germany)
ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
EnWG Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (Deutschland)/Energy Industry Act (Germany)
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
xxiv Abbreviations

FACTS Flexible Control and AC Transmission Systems

FEG Future Energy Grid
FINSENY Future Internet for Smart Energy
FNN Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb im Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik
e. V. (Deutschland)/Forum Network Technology/Network Operation in the Association of the
Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology (Germany)

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GW Gigawatt
GWh Gigawatt Hour
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GPKE Geschäftsprozesse zur Belieferung von Kunden mit Elektrizität (Deutschland)/Business Processes
for Delivery of Electricity to Customers (Germany)
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GWAC GridWise Architecture Council
GWB Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (Deutschland)/Act Against Restraints of
Competition (Germany)

HV High Voltage
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITO Independent Transmission Operator
ITU International Telecommunication Union

kV Kilovolt
kVA Kilovolt Ampere
kWh Kilowatt Hour

LV Low Voltage
LTE Long Term Evolution

MessZV Messzugangsverordnung (Deutschland)/Metering Access Ordinance (Germany)

MOF Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China
MV Medium Voltage
MWh Megawatt Hour

NABEG Netzausbaubeschleunigungsgesetz Übertragungsnetz (Deutschland)/Grid Expansion

Acceleration Act for Transmission Networks (Germany)
NDP Network Development Plan
NDRC National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China
NEA National Energy Administration of the People’s Republic of China
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
nTPA Negotiated Third Party Access

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OTC Over-The-Counter

PAS Publicly Available Specification

PLC Power-Line Communications
PV Photovoltaic

R&D Research and Development

RES Renewable Energy Sources

RES-E Electricity generated by means of RES

ROE Return on Equity
RPI Retail Price Index
rTPA Regulated Third Party Access

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SDO Standards Developing Organizations
SERC State Electricity Regulatory Commission of the People’s Republic of China
SGAM Smart Grid Architecture Model
SGCC State Grid Corporation of China
SG-CG Smart Grid Coordination Group
SGIS Smart Grid Information Security
SGTF Smart Grids Task Force
SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
SOE State-Owned Enterprise(s)
SSM Supply Side Management
StromStG Stromsteuergesetz (Deutschland)/Electricity Tax Act (Germany)

TSO Transmission System Operator(s)

TWh Terawatt Hour

UHV Ultra High Voltage

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UN United Nations
UN/EDIFACT United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
USB Universal Serial Bus
USDOD United States Department of Defense
USDOE United States Department of Energy

VPP Virtual Power Plant(s)

WAMS Wide Area Monitoring Systems

WG FSS Working Group First Set of Standards
WG RA Working Group Reference Architecture
WG SGIS Working Group Smart Grid Information Security
WG SP Working Group Sustainable Processes
WHO World Health Organization
Table of Contents

List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxix

List of Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxi

1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Conceptual framework and background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1 The power sector supply chain and regulatory environment of smart grids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 The role of regulation and technological progressfor the development of electric
power systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Smart grids – promising technological innovations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1 Historical perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Today’s power system and its most pressing challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.1 Power generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.2 Power consumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.3 Power logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Smart grid development in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.1 Motivation for smart grids in China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.2 China’s technological view of the smart grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3.3 This study’s view on smart grids in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 The regulation of China’s electric power system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.1 Policy setting and fundamental institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.2 Market structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.3 Market design and RES integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4.4 Development of infrastructure and network regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.4.5 Coordination of generation and consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4.6 The role of information and communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4 Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids. . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1 Historical perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.2 Today’s power system and its most pressing challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2.1 Power generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2.2 Power consumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2.3 Power logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.3 Smart grid development in Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3.1 Motivation for smart grids in Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3.2 Germany’s technological view of the smart grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.4 The regulation of Germany’s electric power system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.4.1 Policy setting and fundamental institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.4.2 Market structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.4.3 Market design and RES integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Table of Contents

4.4.4 Development of infrastructure and network regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.4.5 Coordination of generation and consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.4.6 The role of information and communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

5 Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.1 Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector and establish an
independent and powerful regulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.1.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.1.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.1.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.2 Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and information . . 85
5.2.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.2.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3 Introduce network regulation for efficient investment incentivesfor electricity
grid expansion and upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.3.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.3.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.4 Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade . . . 94
5.4.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.4.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.4.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.5 Improve grid integration of RES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.5.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.5.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.5.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.6 Optimize the balancing of electricity generation and consumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.6.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.6.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.6.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.7 Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.7.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.7.2 International practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.7.3 Recommended approach for China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6 Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.1 Government targets for China’s future electric power system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.2 Underlying scenarios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.3 Drawing the roadmaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.3.1 Reliability/Security of Supply scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3.2 Ecological Sustainability scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
6.3.3 Affordability/Competition scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.4 Discussion of the three roadmaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
xxviii Table of Contents

Backmatter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Appendix A – Tables and Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Appendix B – Bottom-up view on China’s technological smart grid vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Appendix C – Integration levels of China’s power system components in 2012 and 2020. . . . 150
Appendix D – Germany’s smart grid vision according to the study Future Energy Grid. . . . . . . 154
Appendix E – Extracts from specific laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Appendix F – Further results from the European Mandate M/490. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

List of Figures

Fig. Summary 1 Overview of this study’s recommendations ��������������������������������������������������������������xvii

Fig. Summary 2 Overview of proposed implementation sequences for all three scenarios������� xxi

Fig. 1.1 Structure of the study������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4

Fig. 2.1 Electric power sector supply chain model���������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

Fig. 2.2 Energy policy triangle����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Fig. 2.3 Development of smarter power systems����������������������������������������������������������������������14

Fig. 3.1 China’s power generation capacities from 1980 to 2012������������������������������������������22

Fig. 3.2 Standard coal consumption (2002–2012)����������������������������������������������������������������������23
Fig. 3.3 Installed capacities of renewable energies (2005–2012)������������������������������������������24
Fig. 3.4 Energy intensity per unit of GDP (1991–2011)������������������������������������������������������������25
Fig. 3.5 Annual overall smart grid revenue of main smart grid technologies in China��29
Fig. 3.6 Key Actors of China’s Power Sector Governance ��������������������������������������������������������33

Fig. 4.1 Electricity generation in Germany from 1993 to 2013 in TWh��������������������������������48

Fig. 4.2 Composition of the RES generation mix from 1993 to 2013������������������������������������49
Fig. 4.3 Abstract smart grid system model regarding the application of ICT
within three distinct layers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
Fig. 4.4 Technology areas regarding ICT aspects of smart grid implementation
in Germany������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Fig. 4.5 Long-term targets for Germany’s energy sector����������������������������������������������������������58
Fig. 4.6 Responsibilities of BNetzA and of the Federal Cartel Office������������������������������������59
Fig. 4.7 BNetzA organization chart ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60
Fig. 4.8 Number of companies active in the German energy sector������������������������������������62
Fig. 4.9 Examples of established and new market actors in smart grids in Germany ����63
Fig. 4.10 Electricity wholesale markets in Germany��������������������������������������������������������������������66
Fig. 4.11 Effects of RES supply on the wholesale electricity prices ����������������������������������������68
Fig. 4.12 Development of the electricity price for private households in Germany����������70

Fig. 5.1 Process for the network development plan in Germany������������������������������������������96

Fig. 5.2 Structure of the Future Oriented Energy Grids Platform������������������������������������������97
Fig. 5.3 Organizational structure of M/490 SG-CG ����������������������������������������������������������������� 111
Fig. 5.4 SGAM – The Smart Grid Architecture Model ����������������������������������������������������������� 112

Fig. 6.1 Scenarios and their associations with energy policy goals����������������������������������� 123
Fig. 6.2 Priority of recommendations in the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario��� 124
Fig. 6.3 Starting points, timeslots of main activities, and dependencies
between main aspects of recommendations in the scenario focusing on
reliability and security of supply����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127
Fig. 6.4 Priority of recommendations in the Ecological Sustainability scenario ����������� 128
Fig. 6.5 Starting points, timeslots of main activities, and dependencies
between main aspects of recommendations in the scenario focusing on
ecological sustainability��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 131
Fig. 6.6 Priority of recommendations in the Affordability/Competition scenario��������� 132
Fig. 6.7 Starting points, timeslots of main activities, and dependencies
between main aspects of recommendations in the scenario focusing on
competition and innovation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Fig. 6.8 Overview of proposed implementation sequences for all three scenarios����� 137
xxx List of Figures

Fig. A.1 Germany’s power grids in 2012������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144

Fig. C.1 Power system components and market elements

in the Chinese power system model ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
Fig. C.2 System integration levels in China in 2012 ��������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Fig. C.3 System integration levels in China 2020��������������������������������������������������������������������� 153

Fig. F.1 Process to apply use cases as the basis for a standardization gap
analysis under consideration of functional and security-related
requirements����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Fig. F.2 Overview on the smart grid security assessment proposed by WG SGIS��������� 162

List of Tables

Table 4.1 Electricity consumption in Germany in 2013����������������������������������������������������������������������50

Table 4.2 Demand side management potential according to German studies and sector����51
Table 4.3 Frequently used measures to maintain supply security in the presence of RES������52

Table A.1 Electricity consumption in China in 2011������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140

Table A.2 Circuit length of transmission lines with 35-kV and above and installed
capacity of transformers by the end of 2010������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Table A.3 Reliability rate of power supply for users in cities at the level of 1000-KV
during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006–2010)��������������������������������������������������������������������� 141
Table A.4 Administrative regime of the power sector in China���������������������������������������������������� 141
Table A.5 Regional and provincial grid operators in China ����������������������������������������������������������� 142
Table A.6 Share of current application of ICT and challenges structured by voltage levels 143

Table C.1 Definition of system integration levels of power system components������������������� 151

Table C.2 Definition of the prevalence of market elements����������������������������������������������������������� 152
1 1


G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_1, © The Author(s) 2015
2 Chapter 1 • Introduction

Smart grids – an innovative solution for up- tion gathered, modern automation and control tech-
1 grading the conventional power grid infrastruc- nologies can be employed to supervise and actively
ture  Around the world, power grid operators have control grids increasing their utilization rate and
2 to cope with several technological challenges rang- preventing overloads via grid capacity management
ing from aging grid infrastructures and fluctuating [1]. Thus, the need for costly grid expansion may be
load levels to the integration of intermittent1 renew- reduced while the stability of the grid and security
3 able energy sources (RES). These challenges tend to of supply can be improved [1].
result in supply security problems. The traditional
4 way to deal with such problems is to invest heavily Challenges to China’s current electric power sys-
in the conventional (primary) grid infrastructure tem  China faces tremendous challenges with re-
5 by installing components like new cables, overhead gard to the development of its electric power system.
lines, transformers with higher capacities, addi- According to China’s 12th Five-Year Plan for Energy
tional switch panels, or converter stations.2 Development, massive investments in power gen-
6 Several modern technologies have been or are eration and grid capacities have to be made to cope
currently being developed which are aimed at reduc- with the steadily rising power consumption [2].
7 ing investments in the traditional grid infrastruc- Different sources point to a low level of equip-
ture by increasing operational efficiency, making it ment sophistication in parts of the electric power
possible to fully utilize the capacity of the existing grid in China, especially at the distribution grid
8 power grid infrastructure and leveraging flexibilities level. In some instances, outdated and inefficient
in electricity generation and consumption. distribution transformers are still in operation [3],
9 Examples of such innovations designed to up- [4]. This contributes to a considerable number of
grade electric power grids3 are modern informa- supply interruptions, despite the fact that signifi-
10 tion and communication technologies as well as cant advancements have been made in recent years.
advanced power grid components for metering, At the same time, requirements of China’s quickly
measurement and control, and automation. Power modernizing industry with regard to power quality
11 grids incorporating these new technologies are are on the rise and cannot be met at all times [5].
commonly referred to as smart grids [1]. China has to cope with increasing air pollu-
12 Smart grid technologies open up many new pos- tion problems [6] and is the world’s largest emit-
sibilities in power grid management and control, ter of carbon dioxide (CO2) [7]. Its power genera-
e. g. the status of distribution grids can be monitored tion sector, which is mainly relying on coal as an
13 in real-time when sensoring and communication energy resource, is responsible for a large share of
networks are added. With the help of the informa- CO2 emissions.
1 Electricity from an intermittent energy source is not con- Government targets for China’s future electric
tinuously available due to factors outside direct control
power system In light of these challenges, the
and cannot be dispatched to meet the demand of a power
system. Intermittent RES are tidal power, wind power, or
Chinese government issued specific targets for
the physical and technological development of the
16 solar power, while biomass, geothermal, and hydro power
are dispatchable and non-intermittent RES. Note that the power system up to 2015: power generation ca-
term variable RES is used as a synonym for intermittent RES pacities are to increase from 970 gigawatts (GW) in
17 2
in the present study.
The term conventional grid infrastructure refers to pas-
2010 to 1,490 GW in 2015 [2] and they are projected
sive electronic components necessary for establishing an
to attain 1,935 GW in 2020 [8]. Also, the share of
power generation from RES and nuclear energy is
18 electric connection between electricity generators and
consumers [1]. Note that this perspective mainly serves planned to be increased significantly, with an offi-
an explanatory purpose, because currently no grid is built cial target of 11.4 % of total primary energy coming
19 3
or operated exclusively with passive components [1].
The specific term electric power as well as the general term
from non-fossil sources by 2015 and 15 % by 2020
power are both used as a synonym for electricity in this
[9]. In China, power generation from RES is con-
20 study. Only if the term energy is used, non-electric power sidered a key instrument to reduce the dependency
forms such as heat or kinetic energies are referred to. on coal power, stop the deterioration of air quality,
Chapter 1 • Introduction
3 1

and reduce the growth rate of CO2 emissions [9]. sented in (smart) grid development planning
The State Council also stipulated that long-distance,
inter-regional and inter-provincial transmission of
electricity shall be promoted in order to build a na-
tionally integrated backbone grid. In addition, ur-
- in China.
Due to rather low electricity prices, the current
tariff system may not offer sufficient incentives
for saving electricity or for shifting electricity
ban and rural distribution grids are planned to be demands according to available generation and
expanded and renovated [2]. Investments in the grid
infrastructure are projected to reduce power supply
interruptions and to increase power quality. Consid- - grid capacities [12].
A lack of sufficient incentives for grid integra-
tion of RES within the existing regulatory
ering the power consumption side, there are plans
to significantly increase the efficiency of power use
and to provide access to electric power even in very
remote regions of China by 2015 [2], [10].
- framework persists [13].
Similar to all other countries aiming at devel-
oping smart grids, some of the key smart grid
technologies in China are not yet fully devel-
China’s government also plans to make consid- oped and some equipment specifications and
erable advancements on the organizational level: a standards are still inconsistent [3], [4], [14].
modern energy market system is to be established,
market-related reforms in key energy sectors are Idea of the study  The aim of the present study is
projected to take place, energy pricing mechanisms to analyze and discuss regulatory policies support-
are to be improved, and the development towards ing the build-up of smart grids in China. The work
an internationally competitive environmental and is based on experiences gathered in Germany and
energy industry is to be accelerated [2]. other countries. In the context of the study, the
To support accomplishment of the government term regulation is not restricted to purely regula-
targets for China’s future electric power system, the tory issues. Rather, government policies such as the
government aims at starting to build up smart grids promotion of research and development (R&D) or
during the next several years. As has been formu- standardization issues are also included.
lated in the 12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Develop- Smart grids follow an evolutionary pathway and
ment, China’s government aims at promoting the their realization depends on the status quo of the ex-
development of smart grids [2]. Also, the Chinese isting grid infrastructure. Therefore, this study con-
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) released tains a detailed description of China’s and Germany’s
a special plan for technological smart grid improve- electric power systems, their most pressing techno-
ments in 2012 [11]. logical challenges, and their regulatory environments.
Based on these descriptions, both countries’ specific
Barriers to the implementation of smart grids in technological views on smart grids are presented.
China  Some aspects of China’s technological and Regulatory smart grid pathways designed to
regulatory framework may present obstacles to an meet the specific challenges in China are presented

effective and efficient smart grid development:
Overlapping responsibilities between different
government institutions affect the govern-
ment’s ability to guide and facilitate the devel-
subsequently. The pathways include dedicated rec-
ommendations that are based on regulatory best
practices from Germany and other countries. The
recommendations build upon the current situation

- opment of smart grids [5] [12].

Compared to the electricity sectors in other
countries, the information and communication
technology (ICT) industry, small-sized power
in China proposing achievable changes to the regu-
latory framework and relevant policies to promote
smart grid development in China.

generation companies, and other non-estab- The structure of the study  The structure of the
lished players like prosumers4 are underrepre- study is visualized in . Fig. 1.1 and briefly outlined

4 Prosumers are end consumers of electricity which also

generate electricity, for example by means of rooftop
photovoltaic installations.
▶ Chapter 2 presents the conceptual frame-
work of the study. The chapter also introduces
4 Chapter 1 • Introduction

1 Chapter 1
3 Chapter 2

5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

6 Situation Situation

in China in Germany

Chapter 5

9 Recommendations

11 Chapter 6
Regulatory Pathways

.. Fig. 1.1  Structure of the study

13 the so-called energy policy triangle covering tory challenges for China’s electric power

the three main energy policy goals reliability,
affordability, and sustainability. Fundamen-
tal premises highlighting the importance of
smart grids and explaining the role of the
- system.
▶ Chapter 4 contains a description of the Ger-
man situation focusing on lessons learned and
sharing the German experience (correspond-

government in the smart grid development
process are presented as well. The chapter also
discusses the importance of electric power
markets and third parties, i. e. new participants
- ing to challenges presented in ▶ Chap. 3).
▶ Chapter 5 presents recommendations
designed to meet the specific challenges in
China. Where appropriate, the recommenda-
18 -
in the value chain of the electric power sector,
for smart grids.
▶ Chapter 3 presents China’s electric power
system, its recent historical development,
- tions refer to best practices from Germany.
▶ Chapter 6 presents three different regulatory
pathways (roadmaps) each focusing on a dif-
ferent objective of the energy policy triangle.
its regulation, government targets for This offers policy makers an insight of the
19 China’s future electric power system, and effects different policy priorities may have on
the role of smart grids in this context. A clear the implementation sequence of the study’s
20 focus is placed on technological and regula- recommendations.
Open Access  This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License,
which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)
and source are credited.
5 1

1 Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommuni-

kation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA), “Smart Grid and
Smart Market – Summary of the BNetzA Position Paper,”
November 2012. [Online]. Available: http://www.bundes-
pier_EN.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=3. [Accessed No-
vember 7, 2013].
2 State Council of the People’s Republic of China, “12th Five-
Year Plan for Energy Development,” Guofa, Beijing, 2013.
3 The World Bank, “China – Power Sector Transformer Effi-
ciency Program Project,” 2012. [Online]. Available: http://
project. [Accessed February 4, 2014].
4 H. Sun and Y. Zhang, “Research on and Design of Intel-
ligence Distribution Grid System,” China Rural Water and
Hydropower, no. 2, 2012.
5 F. Kahrl, J. Williams, D. Jianhua and H. Junfeng, “Challenges
to China’s Transition to a Low Carbon Electricity System,”
Energy Policy, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 4032–4041, 2011.
6 The China Greentech Initiative, “The China Greentech Re-
port 2013 – China at a Crossroads,” 2013. [Online]. Avail-
able: [Accessed Febru-
ary 4, 2014].
7 The World Bank, “CO2 Emissions (kt),” The World Bank, 2013.
[Online]. Available:
EN.ATM.CO2E.KT/countries/1W?display=default. [Accessed
August 27, 2013].
8 G. Tong, “Status Quo of the Smart Grid Development in
China and Its Driving Forces,” National Energy Administra-
tion (NEA), Oldenburg, 2013.
9 National Energy Administration (NEA), “Key Information at
a Glance – China 12th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy
Development,” China National Renewable Energy Center
(CNREC), Beijing, 2012.
10 State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic
of China (SCIO), “China’s Energy Policy 2012,” SCIO, Beijing,
11 Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Repub-
lic of China (MOST), “Special Planning for Industrialization
Program of S&T Related to Smart Grid During the 12th Five-
Year Plan Period,” MOST, Beijing, 2012.
12 X. Qiu and H. Li, “Energy Regulation and Legislation in
China,” Environmental Law Reporter, no.  7, pp.  10678–
10693, 2012.
13 C. Garcia, “Policies and Institutions for Grid-Connected
Renewable Energy: Best Practice and the Case of China,”
Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Governance,
and Institutions, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 119–146, 2012.
14 Y. Yu, J. Yang and B. Chen, “The Smart Grids in China – A
Review,” Energies, vol. 5, pp. 1321–1338, 2012.
7 2

Conceptual framework
and background
2.1 The power sector supply chain and regulatory
environment of smart grids  –  8
2.2 The role of regulation and technological progress
for the development of electric power systems  –  10
2.3 Smart grids – promising technological innovations  –  13
References – 16

G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_2, © The Author(s) 2015
8 Chapter 2  •  Conceptual framework and background

wind, and solar energy) and corresponding

Chapter at a glance
1 – The study’s conceptual framework is presented. ancillary services.2
Power Logistics: the transmission, distribution,

– This chapter illustrates the role of regulation and
2 technological progress for the development of the storage, and metering of electricity.
electric power system and introduces the energy Power Trade & Retail: purchasing, trading, and
selling electricity, as well as retail and billing

policy triangle covering the three main energy
3 policy goals reliability, affordability, and sustain- services for end consumers.
ability. Power Consumption: the end use of electricity
4 – The concept of and the motivation for smart grids by different end-user segments, e. g. rural and
are introduced. urban households, industrial and commercial
5 – Fundamental premises highlighting the role of the consumers.
government and new market actors in the smart
grid development process are presented. To capture the importance of ICT for transform-
6 ing the traditional power sector into a smart grid, a

2.1 The power sector supply chain
and regulatory environment
of smart grids
corresponding fifth element is added to the model:
Information & Communication: operating,
monitoring, and controlling power system
components, as well as power system-related
information exchange between various market
The supply chain model of the electric power actors with the help of ICT along all four stages
9 sector  The delivery of electricity from generation of the power sector supply chain.
sources to end consumers involves a multitude of
10 technologies, actors, and processes, especially in the The government plays a pivotal role in the smart
context of the development of an intelligent future- grid development process (see ▶ Sect. 2.3) as a guid-
oriented power grid infrastructure. Therefore, it is ing and supervising key player affecting processes
11 useful to employ a supply chain model of the electric and businesses across all five supply chain elements.
power sector (or electricity system) to structure the
12 debate on smart grids. The regulatory environment of smart grids In
In this study, a smart grid supply chain model the remainder of this study, six regulatory areas will
(see . Fig. 2.1) is used to structure the discussion be used to describe the regulatory environments of
13 on China’s and Germany’s power systems along with China’s and Germany’s power systems.

their most pressing problems and challenges as well
as their particular approach of how to promote the
development of smart grids. The model subdivides
all activities/processes, technologies, and actors of
The six regulatory areas are:
Policy Setting and Fundamental Institutions:
Government leadership in form of policies,
laws, and regulation is essential to promote
the power sector supply (or value) chain into four smart grid development. To practice such a

basic elements:1
Power Generation: the technical generation of
leadership, a governance structure with clearly
assigned roles and responsibilities for the field of

electricity using various kinds of primary en-
ergy sources (such as coal, gas, nuclear, hydro,
- (smart) grid regulation is of crucial importance.
Market Structure: The (market) structure of
the electric power sector is characterized by all

2 Ancillary services are functions performed by the equip-

ment and people generating, controlling, transmitting,
19 and distributing electricity with the intention of support-
ing basic services of generating capacity, energy supply,
1 The smart grid supply chain model being referred to in this and power delivery [17]. Examples are load following,
20 study is based on the so-called Energy Process Management scheduling and dispatch, real-power loss replacement, and
(EPM) model [16]. voltage control (e. g. by means of reactive power supply).
2.1  •  The power sector supply chain and regulatory environment of smart grids
9 2


.. Fig. 2.1  Electric power sector supply chain model

the companies involved in the various stages electricity prices have the power to directly
of the power sector supply chain from Power affect the patterns of electricity consumption of
Generation and Power Logistics to Power Trade end users. The formation of electricity prices is
& Retail (vertical market structure), the mar- heavily affected by the market structure and the
ket composition and competitive conditions at underlying market design, the latter of which is
different stages of the supply chain (horizontal generally defined by the government. Feed-in
market structure), and the roles and responsi- tariffs for RES and associated regulations are

- bilities of the market actors.

Market Design and RES Integration: Electric-
also part of the market design because they
represent nothing less than prices for electricity
ity prices (for generation and retail) are of
crucial importance with regard to the utiliza-
tion of different sources of power generation,
investment decisions for new generation
- generation fixed by the government.
Development of Infrastructure and Network
Regulation: The regulatory domain explains
how investments in the (smart) grid infrastruc-
capacities, power consumption patterns, and ture can be incentivized through power grid or
investments in power saving technologies. By network regulation. These regulatory practices
setting monetary incentives for investments directly impact the stable and affordable opera-
into power generation capacities, generation tion of the current grid infrastructure and the
electricity prices contribute particularly to the
long-term coordination of power generation
and consumption. At the same time, retail - investments in the future grid infrastructure.
Coordination of Generation and Consumption:
In this regulatory area, government policies for
10 Chapter 2  •  Conceptual framework and background

balancing electricity generation and consump- It is common to distinguish two related goals of
1 tion in the short term are described. Many monopoly regulation [3] which are both typically
smart grid-related technologies facilitate the tasks for the regulator, like the Federal Network
- balancing of generation and consumption.
The Role of Information and Communication:
Integration of ICT with power system compo-
Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post

and Railway (BNetzA) in Germany:
Control of revenues and prices of the networks

3 nents across the supply chain is a key factor in (i. e. network charges)
smart grid development. This regulatory area Secure access to the monopolistic infrastruc-
4 covers the relevance of ICT companies, stan- ture (i. e. the network) to facilitate competition
dardization issues, cyber security, and funding among market actors in the commercial parts
5 of smart grid research. of the electricity value chain (e. g. generation,
trade and retail).

6 2.2 The role of regulation Moreover, the internalization of so-called externali-

and technological progress ties is a frequently cited argument in favor of gov-
7 for the development of electric ernment intervention even in the non-monopolistic

power systems parts of the electric power system:
Negative externalities: the generation of elec-
8 Regulation in the electric power sector  Competition, tricity is often connected to emissions of en-
where feasible free from government intervention, is vironmental pollutants. Without government
9 generally considered as a very effective way of reduc- intervention, neither producers nor consumers
ing production costs, improving quality of supply, and of electricity are sufficiently incentivized to
10 increasing product diversity [1], [2]. Yet, competition behave in an environmentally friendly manner.
is not always feasible. Especially where natural mo- Therefore, actions of the government such as
nopolies prevail, competition cannot exist and gov- pollution control laws, energy taxes, and subsi-
11 ernment regulation is necessary [3]. dies for environmentally friendly technologies
Transmission and distribution grids are such are used to reign in commercial activities and
12 natural monopolies. Having an infrastructure of advance the overall societal objectives like en-
overlapping power grids from different competitive vironment protection and sustainable develop-
suppliers would be economically inefficient. Due to
economies of scale, a single supplier (the monopo-
list) is able to offer the services of the electric power
grid at lower costs. However, the monopolistic grid
- ment [1].
Positive externalities: technological progress
critically depends on the creation of new
knowledge. After its creation, knowledge can
operator has a strong incentive to set high prices for be used over and over by various actors with
15 its services or to scrimp on quality. Thus, the price almost no extra costs. From the perspective
and quality of service of the monopolistic grid oper- of the whole society, companies often do not
ator must be regulated to protect grid users against invest enough in knowledge creation because
16 the monopolist’s market power [3].3 a significant portion of the benefits related to
knowledge creation accrues to outside stake-
17 3 Note that, at the beginning of the electrification process,
the power generation sector was also recognized as a
holders, e. g. other companies, institutions, or
citizens. In this light, government actions such
natural monopoly: in the absence of power transmission
as a patent law, a stringent protection of intel-
18 lines, competition between power generation units from
different cities or regions was not possible. With the rather lectual property rights, or the subsidization of
small electricity demand in separated cities or regions, one R&D can be employed to incentivize companies
19 larger power plant was able to provide the electric power at to invest in knowledge creation and innovation.
lower costs than many small competitive power plants due
to economies of scale. However, the gradual deployment
20 of transmission lines allowed competition between large This study adopts a broad understanding of regula-
power plants to evolve in such a manner that power genera- tion and does not only focus on network regulation
tion is no longer considered to be a natural monopoly [3].
2.2  •  The role of regulation and technological progress
11 2

but also upon aspects such as RES integration, in- sustainability of the electric power system and many
novation policies, and standardization. governments introduced environmental protection
A stylized history of power system develop-
ment  The historical development of electric power The energy policy triangle The schematic his-
systems dates back to the last decades of the 19th tory presented above reveals that different objec-
century in the world’s most advanced countries of tives and regulations were prioritized at different
that era. The electrification process in these coun- development stages of the power system. Whereas
tries was mostly accomplished by the mid-20th cen- the provision of widespread and reliable access to
tury, when almost the whole population had access electricity was often the initial motivation, afford-
to electric power. In less developed regions, the elec- ability of electric power emerged as a second driver
trification process started somewhat later and pro- of energy policy after the initial build-up phase.
gressed at a considerably slower pace. Differences in Finally, the ecological sustainability of the electric
onset and pace of the electrification process between power system has often been formulated as a third
countries can be explained mainly with technologi- important priority.
cal, economic, political, and regulatory reasons [4]. Today, governments strive to incorporate all
In developing their electric power systems, three objectives in their power sector regulation.
many countries followed a similar stylized pathway. They (1) want to provide a reliable and secure elec-
At the beginning of the electrification process, the tricity supply for their economies, (2) simultane-
emergence of new technologies and appliances con- ously promote economic development by ensuring
suming electric power led to a rapidly increasing de- affordable electricity prices while (3) also achieving
mand for electricity. Thus, the main objective was to ecological sustainability. The three goals reliability,
connect a growing number of consumers as quickly affordability, and sustainability are commonly re-
as possible to the electric power grid. The build-up ferred to as the energy policy triangle (see . Fig. 2.2).
process took place in a rather uncoordinated man-
ner with only little government intervention. Thus, Conflicting nature of the energy policy trian-
various small-sized companies set up overlapping gle  There are inherent conflicts between the goals
infrastructures such as small-sized power plants and of the energy policy triangle. A government forcing
distribution lines. This uncoordinated set-up phase owners of fossil-fuel power plants to install filter
was often associated with low power quality and technologies for the sake of improving air quality,
reliability as well as high costs. Therefore, govern- for instance, is accepting that costs of power genera-
ments started to regulate the electricity sector with tion increase. Another government using expensive
the intention of making power supply more reliable domestic resources for electricity generation instead
and affordable. Formally assigning monopoly rights of lower-priced resources available on world mar-
to power generation companies and grid operators kets accepts higher generation costs for the sake of
created economies of scale, which reduced the over- independent and predictable energy supply.
all production costs of electric power generation The complete and simultaneous achievement
and distribution. After this assignment of monopoly of all three policy goals is virtually impossible.
rights, electricity market regulation became a deci- Therefore, most countries place a priority on one
sive factor to protect consumers against the market or sometimes two policy goals, trying to achieve or
power of the newly installed monopolies. maintain acceptable levels with regard to the non-
When a certain level of wealth and economic prioritized policy goals. In recent years, the Chinese
development had been achieved, the awareness of government, for example, prioritized (1) provid-
environmental protection increased in many societ- ing a reliable and secure electricity supply and (2)
ies.4 Therefore, more emphasis was put on ecological keeping electricity prices for the population at an
affordable level. On the other hand, it has accepted
4 The positive correlation between economic development high levels of environmental pollution. The German
and environmental preferences has been well docu-
government, in contrast, has been placing a strong
mented during the last two decades [18].
12 Chapter 2  •  Conceptual framework and background

1 Reliability
Promote a widespread, reliable,
2 stable, and secure access to

6 Triangle
Affordability Sustainability
8 Achieve a low level of electricity Reduce detrimental
prices, for example by means of a consequences for the

9 high degree of compeveness environment and the ecosystem

10 .. Fig. 2.2  Energy policy triangle

11 emphasis on ecological sustainability since the end decrease even more with further technological
of the 20th century. A prominent strategic decision advancement and economies of scale through
12 in this context was the build-up of RES genera- worldwide deployment [6]. Someday, the costs
tion capacities so that currently approximately one of renewably generated electricity will conse-
fourth of Germany’s electricity comes from RES [5]. quently fall below those of electricity gener-
13 The high share of RES in Germany currently leads ated in conventional power plants. From that
to increasing challenges with regard to the policy time on, investments in RES will increase both
14 goals of reliability and affordability. However, both sustainability and affordability of the power
conflicts may be mitigated by means of technologi- system provided that the power system and
15 cal progress as well as smart design of policies and market design allow for a minimizing of grid

16 -
regulatory framework:
In most cases, electricity generated by means
of RES, so-called RES-E, is still more expensive
than electricity generated in fossil fuel-fired
- integration costs.
With a rising of electric power generated by
variable RES, more and more efforts have to
be undertaken to guarantee the high stabil-
17 power plants. This difference in generation ity and reliability of the power system. Below,
costs has contributed significantly to climbing two examples of temporary RES penetration
end consumer prices for electricity in recent in Germany, a power system with electricity
18 years. Nonetheless, RES-E is often already loads commonly ranging from 40 to 80 GW,
cheaper than electricity retail prices (known as are presented: on December 5th 2013, a par-
19 grid parity) depending on the characteristics ticularly windy day, roughly 27 GW of feed-in
of location and end-user segment. The costs was generated by means of wind turbines in
20 of RES-E have decreased considerably dur- Germany [7]. On March 9th 2014, a very sunny
ing the last few decades and are projected to day, photovoltaic (PV) installations alone fed a
2.3  •  Smart grids – promising technological innovations
13 2

peak power of almost 22 GW into the grid [7]. It is an electricity network that can intelligently
Technological progress as well as adaptations integrate the actions of all users connected to it –
to the existing design of the electricity market generators, consumers and those that do both – in
in Germany are essential to limit the cost of order to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic
the ongoing transition towards a low carbon and secure electricity supplies.
Irrespective of the common general understanding
of smart grids, the specific vision of smart grids dif-
2.3 Smart grids – promising fers substantially from case to case and from coun-
technological innovations try to country. Technologies that are included in one
smart grid concept are not necessarily included in
The concept of smart grids  The capabilities of con- another.
ventional power grids to cope with many of today’s
technological challenges, e. g. the integration of a Motivation for smart grids  Smart grids are gener-
large share of electricity generated by means of in- ally expected to cope with the most pressing prob-
termittent RES, are limited or can only be maintained lems and challenges of many power systems more
with significant investments. In this light, smart grids effectively and efficiently than conventional grid
represent a promising new technological concept. To- technologies. Smart grids primarily aim at deliv-
day, the general understanding regarding the concept ering enhanced levels of reliability and security of
of smart grids seems to converge on a global level. A supply, facilitating the balancing of electricity gen-
definition of smart grids which has found widespread eration and consumption, increasing the utilization
acclaim in the professional community comes from rate of power system components, and reducing
the International Energy Agency (IEA) [8]: investments in the conventional (primary) grid in-
frastructure. Smart grid technologies can be used,
» An electricity network that uses digital and other
for example, to
monitor and control electric power grids more

advanced technologies to monitor and manage
the transport of electricity from all generation effectively,
facilitate the grid connection and operation of

sources to meet the varying electricity demands of
end users. Smart grids co-ordinate the needs and generators of all sizes and technologies,
help to integrate electricity generated from

capabilities of all generators, grid operators, end
users and electricity market stakeholders to oper- intermittent RES,
ate all parts of the system as efficiently as possible, allow industrial, commercial, and residential
minimizing costs and environmental impacts consumers to play a part in optimizing the
while maximizing system reliability, resilience and operation of the system by adjusting electric-
ity consumption behavior according to supply,

Another explanation of the smart grid concept provide consumers with greater information
comes from the International Electrotechnical Com- on their electricity consumption enabling
mission (IEC) [9]: electricity conservation [9].

» The general understanding is that the Smart Grid The evolutionary character of smart grids Smart
is the concept of modernizing the electric grid. The grids are not built from scratch. Rather, they evolve
Smart Grid comprises everything related to the from conventional power grids which are upgraded
electric system in between any point of generation with different kinds of innovative technologies and
and any point of consumption. Through the addi- components. These technologies and components
tion of Smart Grid technologies the grid becomes will be deployed at different periods in time depend-
more flexible, interactive and is able to provide ing on commercial attractiveness, compatibility
real time feedback. with existing technologies, regulatory policies, and
14 Chapter 2  •  Conceptual framework and background

investment frameworks. The evolutionary pathway

1 of smart grid technologies is similar to that of other
innovations: after major R&D efforts, smart grid
2 technologies are developed further in specific dem-
onstration projects, tested in model cities or regions,
and finally deployed on a larger scale.
3 Today’s smart grid technology landscape is highly
diverse with some technologies reaching already
4 high levels of maturity and others still in a devel-
opment process. Smart grid-related technologies
5 with high levels of maturity are, for example, power
plant communication and control modules, grid
control systems, and advanced metering infrastruc-
6 tures (AMI). On the other hand, technologies such
as wide area monitoring and control, distribution
7 management, or electric vehicle charging infra-
structure require more progress before they are
mature enough for large-scale deployment [8].
8 . Figure 2.3 visualizes a stylized evolutionary
pathway of smart grids: in the past (left part of the
9 illustration), electric power was mainly generated in
thermal power plants. The status of high, medium,
10 and low voltage grids was not remotely monitored.
System operators were able to supervise substations
at different voltage levels via rudimentary telecon-
11 trol or by means of manual patrol teams.
In the present (middle part of the illustration),
12 large wind farms complement thermal power plants
feeding in electricity at the high voltage (HV) level.
The status of transmission grids and the associated
13 substations is remotely monitored. The resulting
status information is received in the transmission
14 control center and can be used to monitor and con-
trol the grid. Medium voltage (MV) and low volt-
15 age (LV) grids, however, are not yet equipped with
sophisticated monitoring technologies. The distri-
bution control center only monitors the associated
16 substations via telecontrol or by means of manual
patrol teams. For the first time, small-sized wind
17 farms and PV installations are being connected to
distribution grids.
In the future (right part of the illustration),
18 power grids at all voltage levels are expected to be
equipped with sophisticated monitoring and control
19 technologies. Status information, e. g. on electricity
generation and consumption, will also be available
20 .. Fig. 2.3  Development of smarter power systems (© OECD/
for distribution grids. RES, energy storage installa-
tions, and electric vehicles will become an integral
IEA [8])
2.3  •  Smart grids – promising technological innovations
15 2

part of the future electric power system and will be regard to existing products or services (e. g. opera-
able to exchange status information with the grid. tors of renewable energy plants or new power retail
companies). New market actors can also expand the
The role of governments in the smart grid devel- vertical market structure by being pioneers offer-
opment process  Given the evolutionary character ing products and/or services in new market sectors
of smart grids and the low maturity levels of some or niches (e. g. energy service companies or virtual
smart grid technologies, both a systematic guidance power plant operators5) or in using existing knowl-
and specific government support policies are es- edge and/or infrastructure from other sectors in an
sential to promote the development of smart grids. innovative way upgrading products and services in

Exemplary government policies in this context are:
Setting up a government long-term strategy
for the development of the future electricity
system to reduce investment risks for potential
the electric power sector (e. g. ICT companies).
New market actors offer innovative products
and services that were not supplied by established
market actors before. In a smart grid context, non-
investors in R&D and deployment of smart incumbents create new business models and offer

- grid technologies.
Establishing network regulation for transmis-
sion and distribution grid operators which
incentivizes them to invest in smart grid tech-
new products and services by making use of avail-
able power system information and infrastructure in
an innovative way. To give some tangible examples
for the power sector innovations that may be driven

- nologies.
Promoting a non-discriminatory and tech-
nology-neutral management of and access
to power system data to enable companies to
by third parties, ▶ Sect. 4.4.2 highlights how non-
incumbents in Germany create new business mod-
els in the smart grid development process. Note that
the German evidence elaborated in ▶ Sect. 4.4.2 also
develop innovative business models making demonstrates that new market actors might emerge

- use of this data.

Partial government funding of R&D to
increase the maturity level of smart grid tech-
due to government policies aimed explicitly at the
promotion of competition.
In expanding the horizontal market structure,

- nologies.
Supporting smart grid-related standardization,
defining technical guidelines and regulations
to reduce the costs for deployment and inte-
third parties contribute to an increased level of
competition. Higher competition levels are usually
considered to drive innovation, enable greater ef-
ficiency in the allocation of resources, increase cost
gration of different smart grid components by efficiency of power sector enterprises with regard

- ensuring interoperability.
Promoting the exchange and collaboration
between different government organizations,
to their operations and investments, contribute to
lower retail price levels, and stimulate innovation
resulting in a higher variety of competitively priced
power sector companies, academia, associa-
tions, and other relevant actors to create a
common understanding of smart grids. -
products and services offered to the customer:
With regard to the electric power sector, IEA
analyzed the market liberalization process in
several of its member countries and came to
The role of new market actors in the smart grid the conclusion that higher competition levels
development process  In Germany and many other in the electric power sector contributed to a
countries, one important trend associated with the reduction of electricity prices for industrial
migration towards smart grids and the transition to
an electricity system relying to an increasing extent
on RES-E is a rise in the number of market actors
in the electricity sector. New market actors (third
- consumers [10].
With respect to the telecommunication sector,
various empirical studies (including data from
industrial and developing countries) found
parties or non-incumbents) can expand the hori-
zontal market structure by entering into competi- 5 Both new market actors are introduced in more detail in
tion with established companies (incumbents) with Sect. 4.4.2.
16 Chapter 2  •  Conceptual framework and background

that high competition levels significantly nents can be used to upgrade the existing grid
1 increased the overall sector performance and infrastructure and offer many new possibilities in
led to more landline and mobile telephone grid management and control. Smart grids will be
2 connections, lower tariffs, and more connec-

deployed at different periods in time depending
tion capacity [11], [12], [13] on requirements of the particular power system,
In the general economic literature, the rela- compatibility with existing technologies, regula-
tionship between competition and innovation tory policies, and investment frameworks.
has been examined in many theoretical and Recent evidence has shown that investments in
4 empirical studies. It is usually found that there smart grid technologies are economically prefer-
is a kind of optimal market structure for R&D- able to conventional grid expansion measures.
5 spending, innovation and diffusion. Neither Moreover, smart grids represent a promising con-
very low nor very high competition levels cept that could increase reliability and security of
are an innovation-friendly environment. A supply, facilitate the balancing of electricity gen-
6 competitive market with a limited number of eration and consumption, ease the grid integra-
companies seems to promote innovation best tion of electricity generated from variable RES, and
[14]. increase the utilization rate of power grid assets.
Given the evolutionary character of smart grids
Economic efficiency of smart grids  The economic
8 evaluation of smart grids is still ongoing. How-
and the still low maturity levels of some smart
grid technologies, both systematic guidance and
ever, early evidence suggests that smart grids are specific government support policies are essential

9 an attractive solution compared to conventional to promote the development of smart grids.
grid expansion measures. A recent study summa- New market actors in the electric power sector are
10 rizes the results of twelve smart grid cost-benefit of crucial importance to promote innovation in the
analyses published between 2004 and 2012 in the electric power sector and speed-up the develop-
United States, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, ment of smart grids.
11 and the Czech Republic [15]. This overview shows
that benefits of the investigated smart grid concepts
12 outweigh costs in ten of twelve cases (with costs out- References
weighing benefits in Denmark and the Czech Re-
public). Only four of these studies compared their 1 R. Perman, Y. Ma, J. McGilvray and M. Common, Natural
13 results to costs and benefits of conventional grid ex-
Resource and Environmental Economics, Harlow: Pearson
Education Limited, 2003.
pansion measures (increasing the grid capacity by 2 P. Krugman and R. Wells, Microeconomics, New York: Pal-
14 traditional network expansion). These studies come grave Macmillan, 2012.
to the conclusion that, from an economic point of 3 S. Stoft, Power System Economics, Piscataway: The Institute

15 view, investments in smart grid technologies are of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002.
4 S. C. Bhattacharyya, Energy Economics – Concepts, Issues,
preferable to conventional expansion measures.
Markets and Governance, Heidelberg: Springer, 2011.

5 Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft
Key findings (BDEW), “Energie-Info Erneuerbare Energien und das EEG:
Governments strive to provide a reliable, afford- Zahlen, Fakten, Grafiken (2013),” BDEW, Berlin, 2013.
17 able, and sustainable electricity supply for their 6 C. Kost, J. N. Mayer, J. Thomsen, N. Hartmann, C.
Senkpiel, S. Phillips, S. Nold, S. Lude and T. Schlegl,
economies. Yet, there are inherent conflicts be-

“Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien,”
18 tween these three energy policy goals.
Smart grids can be seen as an advanced way of
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme, Freiburg,
operating grids supported by a broad set of new 7 European Energy Exchange (EEX), “EEX Transparency in
19 technologies in the areas of communication, me- Energy Markets,” EEX, November 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed May 15,
tering, control, and automation. Smart grid-related
20 operation concepts, technologies, and compo-

Open Access  This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License,
which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)
and source are credited.
17 2
8 International Energy Agency (IEA), “Technology Roadmap:
Smart Grids,” IEA, Paris, 2011.
9 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), “What is
a Smart Grid?,” IEC, November 2013. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed November 15, 2013].
10 International Energy Agency (IEA), “Lessons from Liberal-
ized Electricity Markets,” IEA, Paris, 2005.
11 A. J. Ros, “Does Ownership or Competition Matter? The
Effects of Telecommunications Reform on Network Ex-
pansion and Efficiency,” Journal of Regulatory Economics,
vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 65–92, 1999.
12 S. J. Wallsten, “An Econometric Analysis of Telecom Com-
petition, Privatization, and Regulation in Africa and Latin
America,” Journal of Industrial Economics, vol.  49, no. 1,
pp. 1–19, 2001.
13 C. Fink, M. Aaditya and R. Randeep, “An Assessment of
Telecommunications Reform in Developing Countries,”
Information Economics & Policy, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 443–466,
14 P. Aghion, N. Bloom, R. Blundell, R. Griffith and P. Howitt,
“Competition and Innovation: an Inverted-U Relationship,”
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 701–
728, 2005.
15 C. Mahlstedt, “Bewertung international vorliegender
Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen zur Errichtung eines intelligenten
Stromnetzes (Smart Grid),” Carl von Ossietzky Universität
Oldenburg, Oldenburg, 2013.
16 T. Luhmann and N. Vogel, “EPM-Referenzmodell – Grun-
dlage für ein marktgerechtes Leistungsportfolio für die
Energiewirtschaft,” Unpublished Manuscript, Oldenburg,
17 E. Hirst and B. Kirby, “Electric Power Ancillary Services,” Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, 1996.
18 S. Dinda, “Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A Sur-
vey,” Ecological Economics, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 431–455, 2004.
19 3

China’s way from

conventional power grids
towards smart grids
3.1 Historical perspective – 20
3.2 Today’s power system and its most pressing
challenges – 22
3.2.1 Power generation – 22
3.2.2 Power consumption – 25
3.2.3 Power logistics – 26

3.3 Smart grid development in China  –  27

3.3.1 Motivation for smart grids in China  –  27
3.3.2 China’s technological view of the smart grid  –  28
3.3.3 This study’s view on smart grids in China  –  30

3.4 The regulation of China’s electric power system  –  31

3.4.1 Policy setting and fundamental institutions  –  31
3.4.2 Market structure – 34
3.4.3 Market design and RES integration  –  35
3.4.4 Development of infrastructure and network regulation  –  37
3.4.5 Coordination of generation and consumption  –  38
3.4.6 The role of information and communication  –  40

References – 42

G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_3, © The Author(s) 2015
20 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

Chapter at a glance pendent power producers (IPP), thereby alleviating

1 – The chapter gives an overview of the existing power shortages. Today, IPP make up more than
electric power system, the envisaged develop- half of China’s power generation assets.
2 ment of smart grids, and the regulatory environ- In 1997, the former Ministry of Electric Power
ment in China. The main aspects emphasized in (MoEP) was dissolved and the generation, transmis-
this chapter serve as a guideline for the descrip- sion and distribution assets previously under direct
3 tion of the German background in ▶ Chap. 4 and government control were transferred to the newly
the recommendations and regulatory pathways in formed State Electric Power Corporation (SEPC).
4 ▶ Chaps. 5 and 6. This marked a significant step towards the separa-
– ▶ Section 3.1 gives an overview of the more recent tion of market functions fulfilled by state-owned
5 development of the power sector to lay a solid enterprises (SOE) and government regulatory au-
foundation for identifying the challenges currently thority.
facing the sector. In 2002, the State Council of the People’s Repub-
6 – ▶ Section 3.2 presents an overview of the physical lic of China promulgated a landmark reform for re-
structure of China’s current electric power system structuring the Chinese power sector by separating
7 and discusses in detail the main technological power generation from grid operation (transmission
challenges in this context. & distribution). In the course of the reorganization,
– ▶ Section 3.3 introduces the Chinese smart grid vi- the vertically integrated SEPC was dismantled and its
8 sion resulting from the specific technological chal- assets divided into eleven new SOE: two grid opera-
lenges. In this respect, the role of the government tors, five power generation companies, also known
9 and the ICT industry in developing the Chinese as Big Five (China Huaneng Group, China Datang
smart grid vision is especially emphasized. Corporation, China Huadian Group, China Guodian
10 – ▶ Section 3.4 describes the regulatory framework Corporation, China Power Investment Corpora-
of the electric power system in China on the basis tion), and four power service companies providing
of the regulatory areas defined in ▶ Sect. 2.3. A advisory and ancillary services. At the same time,
11 clear focus is thereby on regulatory circumstances the State Council established a ministerial regulatory
representing a barrier to smart grid development authority, the State Electricity Regulatory Commis-
12 in China. sion (SERC), to oversee the developing competitive
market structure and further push power sector lib-
eralization and market-based reform. The aim of this

13 3.1 Historical perspective major power sector reform was to:
break-up the power sector monopoly and
14 Towards a reform of the power sector  In the past introduce fair competition (mainly on the
15 years, a series of reforms have greatly improved generation side) within the framework set by
15 the efficiency, reliability, and environmental perfor-
mance of the Chinese power sector. However, sig-
nificant challenges remain: rapidly rising electricity -- the regulator,
improve economic efficiency and reduce costs,
rationalize the electricity tariff system and

16 demand, concerns about power system reliability optimize resource allocation,
and energy security, environmental degradation promote the development of the power indus-
17 and climate change [1]. try and push ahead nationwide interconnec-

Historically, all stages of China’s power sector
value chain – from generation, transmission and
distribution to retail – were owned and operated di-
rectly by the central government. By the mid-1980 s,
- tion,
set up an open, orderly and well- developed
power market based upon the principles of
separation of governmental oversight and
19 in the wake of China’s opening up policy, a first set power sector enterprises.
of reforms allowed new market actors, mostly pro-
20 vincial and local governments, to invest in power In retrospect, the reforms are considered a sig-
generation. This created a boom of so-called inde- nificant step towards the diversification of Chi-
3.1 • Historical perspective
21 3

na’s power sector market structure. However, the mercial entities and at establishing the legal basis
market-oriented reform of the power sector – as it for private ownership [3]. On the other hand, the
had originally been envisaged by the State Coun- law stressed the importance of the environmental
cil – stalled after these initial steps. No progress sustainability of the development of the power sys-
was made in unbundling the grid operators’ trans- tem by stipulating that
mission and distribution assets or in introducing
more market-based electricity prices. This lack of » the construction, production, supply and utiliza-
progress despite ambitious plans for further re- tion of electric power shall protect the environ-
forms may be attributed in part to a lack of power ment according to law, adopt new technologies,
and independent decision-making authority of minimize discharge of poisonous waste, and pre-
the newly established regulator SERC, which suf- vent pollution and other public hazards. The state
fered from very limited jurisdiction, capacity and encourages and supports electricity generation by
resources. The National Development and Reform using renewable and clean energy resources. [4]
Commission (NDRC) is a successor to the State
Planning Commission (SPC), which was renamed The shift towards environmental protection was re-
to State Development Planning Commission (SDPC) iterated in the 1998 Energy Conservation Law and
in 1998. In March 2003 the SDPC merged with the the 2006 Renewable Energy Law, which respectively
State Council Office for Restructuring the Economic aim at promoting energy efficiency and deploying
System and parts of the State Economic and Trade RES. The Renewable Energy Law has laid a solid
Commission to form NDRC, which remained the legal foundation that has since been followed by a
most powerful policymaker for the power sector, number of key implementation guidelines detail-
retaining competence over electricity pricing and ing national renewable energy targets, a mandatory
major energy project approval. The emergence of connection and purchase policy, a national feed-in
the newly formed State Grid Corporation of China tariff system for wind and solar energy as well as
(SGCC, in charge of 80 % of China’s electricity arrangements for cost-sharing and funding of re-
grid) as a powerful influence in national energy newable energy incentives.
policies further hampered the stride towards liber- China put forward aggressive measures to re-
alization of the sector. In the most recent govern- duce the energy intensity of its economy: in its 11th
ment restructuring in March 2013, the SERC was (2006–2010) Five-Year plan, China set a target of re-
integrated into the National Energy Administration ducing its energy intensity, measured as energy con-
(NEA), an institution responsible for energy plan- sumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP),
ning under the NDRC. by 20 %. At the world climate conference in Copen-
hagen in 2009, China complemented this target with
The trend towards low carbon development For an overarching goal to reduce carbon intensity, the
a long time, progress in the electrification process measure of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of
together with the provision of a reliable and afford- GDP, by 40 % to 45 % by 2020 compared to 2005
able power supply were the main priorities of Chi- levels. The targets are backed up by comprehensive
na’s government in its efforts to promote industrial plans featuring numerous measures to facilitate in-
and economic development. In the last two decades, creased energy efficiency and reduced emissions
questions relating to the sustainability of the electric across different sectors. One of these efforts is the
power system have steadily gained increasing im- Small Plant Closure Program established in the 11th
portance in China. Five-Year Plan. It focused on closing down small
Energy efficiency and environmental protec- and inefficient power plants and replacing them
tion were first put forward as a prominent policy with larger state-of-the-art facilities. In the period
objective for power sector development in China’s from 2006 to 2010, more than 70 GW of coal-fired
general energy law – the 1995 Electric Power Law power generation capacity was shut down in the
[2]. On the one hand, the law aimed at legalizing context of this program [5]. The program not only
the status of power generation companies as com- targeted power plants, but also facilitated the shut-
22 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 1.400 25%

Total Installed Capacity (GW)

2 20%

Growth Rate
800 15%

4 10%
5 200

0 0%
7 Total Growth Rate

8 .. Fig. 3.1  China’s power generation capacities from 1980 to 2012, data from [10]

down and replacement of a large number of out- of social unrest and has thus been given great at-
9 dated small factories of energy-intensive industries, tention by the Chinese government, especially after
e. g. in the iron and steel and cement sectors. More the serious pollution events in Beijing in January
10 recently, small coal mines and inefficient pulp and 2013 saw particulate matter air pollution levels rise
paper mills have been subject to this government to figures exceeding the 24-hour mean level recom-
policy promoting consolidation and modernization mended by the World Health Organization (WHO)
11 of its heavy industry. by more than 30 times.
The Top 1000 Enterprises Energy Saving Program
12 was another measure of the 11th Five-Year Plan to
improve industrial energy efficiency by targeting 3.2 Today’s power system and
China’s largest energy consuming companies, which its most pressing challenges
13 accounted for almost half of total industrial energy
consumption and one third of total primary energy 3.2.1 Power generation
14 consumption in China. The program reportedly re-
alized total energy savings of 150 million tons of Compared to international averages, China’s per
15 coal equivalent, 50 % more than originally planned capita reserves of coal, petroleum, and natural gas
[6]. The ambitious targets and extensive efforts to are rather low, a situation which in recent years has
promote energy efficiency and adjust China’s energy resulted in an increasing dependence on the import
16 mix through the deployment of renewable energies of fossil fuels [7]. In contrast, China is endowed
are evidence of China’s commitment to decouple its with large renewable energy resources – estimated
17 economic growth from the growth of energy de- at 250 GW and 750 GW for onshore and offshore
mand and emissions – to reduce the carbon inten- wind respectively, plus significant solar energy re-
sity of its economy and fight pollution. sources [8]. Since the 1980 s, China’s power gen-
18 An increasing factor influencing China’s energy eration capacity has been steadily expanding (see
and industrial policy is the increasing public aware- . Fig. 3.1). From 2006 to 2012, total installed ca-
19 ness of environmental pollution and its detrimental pacity almost doubled, increasing from 621 GW to
effects on the ecosystem and on people’s health. In 1,147 GW [9].
20 particular, the extreme levels of air pollution in ma- Coal is currently the primary source of elec-
jor Chinese cities may be seen as a potential source tricity generation in China; in 2012 it accounted
3.2  •  Today’s power system and its most pressing challenges
23 3










2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Standard coal consumpon for power supply (g/kWh)

Standard coal consumpon for power generaon (g/kWh)

.. Fig. 3.2  Standard coal consumption (2002–2012), data from [10]

for close to 80 % of total electricity generation [9]. With the introduction of the Renewable Energy
This massive reliance on coal for power generation Law in 2006, China triggered a boom in the expan-
and industry makes China the biggest CO2 emitter sion of renewable energy development (. Fig. 3.3).
worldwide [11]. The second pillar of China’s elec- China has since become the world’s largest pro-
tricity generation mix is hydro power, which has ducer of wind power, with approximately 13 GW
a share of roughly 17 % of total electricity genera- installed in 2012 reaching a total installed and grid-
tion. Nuclear and wind power contribute a share of connected capacity of 61.4 GW. With the introduc-
roughly 2 % each. Other sources, such as gas, solar, tion of financially attractive feed-in-tariffs in 2013,
and biomass power, with shares of less than 1 % China has also recently become the world’s biggest
each, currently play no more than a minor part in market for solar PV with record installations of
China’s power mix [9]. around 14 GW, more than 11 GW of which is grid-
Although China’s generation mix has been rela- connected [9].
tively stable over the past two decades, the compo- China’s electricity system, however, is not well-
sition of the country’s coal-fired power plants has prepared for such a rapid increase of intermittent
undergone a significant shift toward larger and more wind and solar generation units. Due to the lack of
efficient units, especially during the 11th Five-Year gas-fired power plants in China, coal-fired power
Plan. By implementing the policy of replacing small- plants are mainly employed for load-following and
size units by large and efficient plants, the share of peak generation. These activities require a signifi-
units with 300 MW and above rose from 42.67 % of cant cycling reducing the operational efficiency of
total thermal generating capacity in 2000 to 89.1 % coal-fired power plants [12]. Also, limited inter-
by the end of 2010. As a result, the standard coal regional transmission capacities often complicate
consumption per kWh generated has been reduced the usage of hydro power plants for load-following
significantly (see . Fig. 3.2). and peak generation. This contributes to high grid
24 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 350.000

2 300.000
Total installed capacity (MW)

3 250.000

4 200.000

5 150.000

6 100.000

8 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

9 Hydro Wind Biomass Solar Geothermal/Tidal

10 .. Fig. 3.3  Installed capacities of renewable energies (2005–2012), data from [10]

11 integration costs for wind and PV power in China

Challenges in China’s power generation

12 Another challenge of the rapid build-up of re-
China is not particularly well endowed with
newables is that grid connection is lagging behind.
fossil energy resources in per capita terms.
Wind turbines are erected much faster than power
13 lines are built. Realizing this problem, the govern- A system relying on fossil-fueled generators
may create an increasing dependence on

ment has made efforts to slow wind power expan-
14 sion in order to reduce the share of wind power foreign energy sources.
China’s heavy reliance on coal for power
capacity which is installed but not grid-connected
generation and industrial processes is
15 (by year-end) from 30 to 20 % in 2012. Due to the
contributing to high air pollution levels and

heavy concentration of wind power in remote re-
CO2 emissions.
gions with rich wind resources and in so-called
16 wind power bases with 10 GW and more capacity, Employing coal-fired power plants for load-
following and peak generation reduces the

curtailment due to grid congestion has become an
17 important issue: 20 TWh of wind power had to be efficiency of their operation.
Renewable energy deployment is poorly
curtailed in 2012 [13], representing about 20 % of
coordinated with grid development, so
total electricity generation from wind [14]. Since fi-
18 nancial losses due to curtailment are not reimbursed that grid connection is lagging behind the
construction of renewable power plants and
to RES owners, wind power developers exposed to
19 the negative impact of curtailment are increasingly significant quantities of wind power are be-
ing curtailed due to grid congestion.
building wind farms in lower wind speed regions
20 with less network congestions.
3.2  •  Today’s power system and its most pressing challenges
25 3








.. Fig. 3.4  Energy intensity per unit of GDP (1991–2011), data from [10]

- The high proportion of large coal-fired

power plants and lack of gas-fired genera-
tors makes the Chinese power system less
per unit of GDP) has been decreasing consistently
due to a number of government measures to pro-
mote energy efficiency (see . Fig. 3.4).
China’s economy is gradually shifting away from
flexible. At the same time, an increasing
heavy industry towards high value-added industries,
share of electricity generated from intermit-
such as information technologies and the service sec-
tent renewable energy is increasing the
tor [12]. The composition of the electricity consump-
demand for system flexibility.
tion is projected to change in the coming decades.
Shares of residential and commercial electricity con-
sumption are expected to increase. As a consequence,
a predicted increase in load variability and range of
3.2.2 Power consumption fluctuation will soon require a higher flexibility of
electric power generation [12]. In addition, industrial
Since the 1980 s, the increase in China’s power demand for reliable and high-quality electricity is ex-
consumption has been mainly driven by industrial pected to increase due to the growing importance
growth. In 2011, more than 70 % of China’s electric- of information technology in all economic sectors.
ity was consumed by the industrial sector [15]. The
residential sector accounted for approximately 12 %
Challenges in China’s power consumption

and the commercial sector for 3 % (see . Table A.1
in the appendix). One reason for the high propor-
The efficiency of energy and electricity use is

tion of industrial loads in China is the focus on
producing and exporting energy-intensive materi-
Future energy demand from high value-
als and goods [7]. While it is still relatively high in
added industries will require high power
comparison to countries with a focus on less energy-
quality and reliability. Also, future demand
intensive sectors [16], China’s overall energy inten-
sity of production (defined as energy consumption
26 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

Aside from the limited capacity of interconnec-

1 will be more variable in nature, thus requir-
tors between the regional networks, interregional
ing a higher degree of flexibility in the

electricity trade is also heavily impeded by ad-
Chinese power system.
2 There is a mismatch between the current
ministrative barriers. Regional grids are made up
of provincial grids, where dispatch decisions are
power generation system with its limited
made with the aim of balancing supply and demand
3 flexibility and an increasing demand for
within the boundaries. For cross-border power trad-
flexible generation due to a projected shift
ing, provinces have to conclude bilateral contracts
4 in electricity consumption patterns towards
specifying the annual amount of electricity trans-
more variability in demand.
mitted in each direction typically netting close to
5 zero [17]. This way of restricting interregional trade
makes it difficult to leverage the power system’s in-
herent flexibility potential across regional borders,
6 3.2.3 Power logistics e. g. the use of dispatchable hydro power capacities
for peak generation and ancillary services in other
7 Disparity between power generation and con- regions [12].
sumption  Coal supplies are mainly located in the Around the turn of the century, in an effort to
northwestern, northern, and northeastern parts of speed up nationwide grid integration and to con-
8 China (sometimes referred to as “Three Norths”). nect regions with significant hydro power, solar, and
Similarly, wind resources are concentrated in the wind capacities with the load centers on the east
9 three northern regions as well as along China’s coast. coast, China started to construct Ultra High Voltage
Solar energy resources are abundant in the west and (UHV) power transmission lines. Today, China is
10 north of China. Hydro power is concentrated in the considered a global leader in UHV transmission and
southwest and in the upstream areas of the Yellow transformation technology [18]. Specifically, UHV
River. While energy resources are most abundant alternating current (AC) lines are used for transmit-
11 in China’s north and west, regions that are typically ting electricity generated in coal-fired power plants
remote and less economically developed, the load is or by means of RES from China’s northern and west-
12 concentrated in the economic and industrial centers ern regions to the load centers. UHV direct current
along China’s eastern coast. This discrepancy pres- (DC) lines are used for transmitting hydro power
ents a major challenge for power logistics (transmis- from South and Central China to the east coast.
13 sion) as well as for the physical transportation of
fossil resources and puts a heavy strain on power Asset utilization and supply security Compared
14 grid and road/railway infrastructure. to other countries, for instance the United States,
average utilization rates of the grid infrastructure
15 Grid infrastructure  The regional disparity between in China are low in spite of the rather flat load
energy resource distribution and load profile on the curve [19]. Major transmission lines, for example,
one hand and between the geographical location of seldom reach a high utilization rate. In 2011, for in-
16 electricity generation facilities and major centers stance, two 800-kV lines for which data are available
of consumption on the other means that electricity reached utilization rates of less than 35 %. Only five
17 has to be transported from north to south and from of eleven trans-regional lines with 500- and 660-kV
west to east. However, China does not have a na- achieved utilization rates above 50 % [20]. At the
tionally integrated electricity network. Its network level of distribution grids, average utilization rates
18 is fragmented into six regional grids with limited of 10-kV lines and transformers are even lower and
interconnection operated by three grid companies: only seldom reach values above 30 % [19].
19 SGCC, China Southern Power Grid (CSG) and the In principle, low utilization rates point to a large
Inner Mongolia Grid Company (for a more compre- margin for grid operation often resulting in a high
20 hensive overview of China’s power lines please refer level of system stability and security. In the specific
to . Table A.2 in the appendix). case of China, average annual outage times of urban
3.3  •  Smart grid development in China
27 3

users during the last years exceeded seven hours (see

outages and line losses in China originate
. Table A.3 in the appendix) and those of rural users
from distribution grids. This indicates that
even ten hours [19]. In Germany, to give a reference
distribution grid equipment is less mature
value from an industrialized country, average an-
and sophisticated than transmission grid
nual outage times were only approximately 15 min-
utes in 2010. This evidence points to low levels of
equipment maturity in parts of the electric power
grid (see also [21], [22]). In recent years, invest-
ments in distribution grids have been considerably
smaller than those in transmission grids [12]. Most 3.3 Smart grid development
line losses and power outages in China occur in the in China
distribution grid [19] pointing to less sophisticated
equipment in the distribution grid compared to the 3.3.1 Motivation for smart grids
transmission grid (see also [21]). in China

Investment needs in the grid infrastructure  In the Smart grids for increasing supply security  A core
coming years, massive investments will have to be motivation for smart grids in China is their sus-
made in the electric power grid in order to cope pected positive impact on supply security. In China,
with the steadily rising power consumption, in- especially distribution grids with voltage levels
crease supply security, and facilitate the integration of 10-kV and less are limiting reliability for urban
of wind and PV power. It is projected that, in 2020, end-user’s, causing roughly 80 % of all power black-
the total length of power lines of 110 kV and above outs [19]. Due to missing sensoring and monitoring
will reach 1.76 million kilometers with an associ- technologies, it often takes a long time to analyze
ated transformer capacity of 7.9 billion kVA [23]. the respective line, locate and isolate the fault, and
This represents a considerable increase compared to re-establish electricity supply [19].
line length and transformer capacities in 2010 (see Enhancing distribution grids with smart grid
. Table A.2 in the appendix). technologies such as advanced sensoring and con-
trol technologies is often seen as a means to improve
the reliability of the whole electric power system in
Challenges in China’s power logistics

China (see e. g. [19]).
The regional disparity between power gen-
Smart grids for facilitating peak shaving  The
eration and consumption in combination
rapid growth of electricity consumption reflected
with barriers to interregional electricity ex-
in very high peak loads may cause shortages on
change imposes a constraint on the efficient

the generation side and network congestions.
use and delivery of energy resources.
Also, the rising importance of residential electric-
The barriers to interregional electricity
ity consumption compared to industrial electricity
exchange make it difficult to fully exploit the
consumption will lead to a more pronounced load
flexibility potential inherent in the power

curve. This trend could be further accentuated by
China’s continuing urbanization process [24]. With
Asset utilization rates of China’s electric
low gas generation capacities and limited transmis-
power grids are below those of highly indus-
sion capacities, coal-fired power plants are mainly
trialized countries such as the United States

employed for load-following and peak generation
in spite of China’s rather flat load curve.
in China. This reduces their operational efficiency.
Supply security in China is considerably
Peak shaving is of critical importance as it contrib-
lower than in highly industrialized countries.
utes to a reduction of peak loads and thus helps to
There is evidence that a large part of power
avoid peak generation. Peak shaving might also re-
duce potential network congestions when demand
28 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

peaks occurring in periods of network congestions
are reduced via demand side management. As such,
it should be seen as an important factor towards a
- The grid connection itself might be more effec-
tive with smart grid technologies. One aspira-
tion expressed in this area is that RES might
2 more reliable power system in China. In addition, be integrated into grid operation via standard-
by reducing the maximum grid load, peak shaving ized ICT connectors so that the integration of
helps to increase average utilization rates of the grid standard RES plants might become as easy as
3 infrastructure, thus reducing investment needs and connecting external devices with computers
increasing the affordability of electricity supply. via universal serial bus (USB) interfaces (plug-
4 To enable peak shaving and demand side man- and-play integration) [25].
agement it is necessary to deploy an ICT infrastruc-
5 ture for two-way communications between end-
3.3.2 China’s technological view
users – or so-called prosumers if they also generate
electricity – and grid operators. Together with other of the smart grid
6 smart grid technologies facilitating real-time data ex-
change, visualization of information as well as control The development of smart grids in China An
7 of devices, this infrastructure enables the grid opera- early form of smart grids was proposed in 1999 by
tor to have a clear picture of electricity consumption Lu and Mei [26] in their article Basic research on
and generation at any given time, while allowing end- vital scientific problem with collapse prevention and
8 users to receive price signals to adapt their electricity optimal operation of large scale power systems [27].
consumption to the variable supply. Five years later, distributed computing was applied
9 in a research project for a real-time simulation of
Smart grids for preparing extensive integration the entire power grid [27]. In 2007, the East China
10 of RES  China has aggressively expanded RES gen- Grid Company, a subsidiary of SGCC, carried out a
eration capacities within an extremely short time feasibility study on smart grids that examined the
frame. Grid connection of RES is currently lagging promotion of digital substations and build-up of a
11 behind and a considerable amount of RES-E is cur- unified enterprise platform for power system data
tailed. In this context, smart grid technologies are [27].
12 often seen as a means to reduce RES integration

13 -
Large-capacity battery storage systems facili-
tate the integration of centralized large-scale
intermittent RES generation capacities of the
The grid operator’s view on smart grids Since
then, China’s smart grid development has mainly
been pushed forward by China’s grid operators,
SGCC and CSG. In 2009, SGCC proposed the stra-

14 type that are currently focused upon in China.1 tegic goal of building strong and smart grids with
Due to frequent network congestions at the lo- Chinese characteristics. SGCC focuses on the na-
15 cal level, a considerable quantity of electricity tionwide integration of provincial and regional grids
generation from RES has to be curtailed. More by means of a strong UHV AC backbone. The first
effective grid capacity management using objective of this backbone grid is to ease the balanc-
16 smart grid technologies could reduce curtail- ing and power exchange between different regions,

- ment of RES.
Smart grid technologies such as microgrids
and virtual power plants ease the integration of
RES at the local level.
the second to integrate large-scale generation from
RES. CSG, on the other hand, envisages a smart
grid with a more decentralized focus using pri-
marily high voltage direct current (HVDC) links as
backbone systems. CSG intends to integrate remote
1 One example for the trend towards large-capacity battery energy sources, especially hydro power. HVDC
19 storage are the activities of BYD. The Chinese manufacturer
of automobiles and rechargeable batteries built one of the
development will lead to separated asynchronous
world’s largest lithium-ion battery energy storage systems,
provincial grids. The nationwide synchronization of
20 a 36-megawatt-hour system, located in Zhangbei, Hebei China’s power grids is not one of CSG’s main goals.
[52]. Comparing both strategies reveals that the two grid
3.3  •  Smart grid development in China
29 3

.. Fig. 3.5  Annual overall smart grid revenue of main smart grid technologies in China (© Navigant Research [28])

operators pursue different approaches with regard State Council on Accelerating the Fostering and De-
to the type of transmission technology and the na- velopment of Strategic Emerging Industries, the State
tionwide synchronization of China’s power grids. Council also underlined the importance of speeding
In spite of this disagreement, the smart grid vi- up the development of smart grids (see [27]).
sions of both grid operators concentrate mainly on In addition to the general commitment to smart
the upgrade of transmission grids: a look at the total grids, NEA also issued a general definition of smart
annual smart grid revenues from the most impor- grids:
tant smart grid technologies in China reveals that
currently more than 50 % of revenue is related to » Smart grid technologies have the purpose to
upgrades of transmission grids. Substation and dis- integrate new energy, materials and equipment
tribution automation technologies are responsible as well as advanced technologies in information,
for no more than a low share of overall smart grid automatic control and energy storage for realizing
revenues (see . Fig. 3.5). According to markets digital management, intelligent decision-making
forecasts for 2020, the absolute increase in smart and interactive transaction in power generation,
grid revenues related to transmission upgrades is transmission, distribution, consumption and
significantly higher than the increases of revenues storage. Furthermore, smart grid assets optimize
from substation automation, distribution automa- the resource allocation and satisfy diverse needs
tion, and AMI (see . Fig. 3.5). of customers as well as ensure the safety, reliability
and cost-efficiency of power supply. Finally, the
The government’s view on smart grids  China’s gov- new technology [in the sense of smart technology]
ernment has already acknowledged the importance bridges the constraint of environmental protec-
of smart grids for China’s future energy system. In tion and the development of the power market.
its  12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and
Social Development, the People’s National Congress Moreover, the Chinese government supports the
explicitly set the goal of accelerating smart grid de- technological development of main smart grid
velopments in China (see [27]). In the Decision of the technologies by means of innovation policies
30 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

such as standardization and R&D funding (see tions. Given the missing unanimously accepted
1 ▶ Sect. 3.4.6). However, in contrast to both grid op- smart grid vision in China, a pragmatic three-sided
erators, the Chinese government has not yet devel- approach was employed to develop such a common
oped a perspective of its own on the technological
and organizational design of China’s smart grids. As
a result, the discussion of such aspects is still domi-
nated by the grid operators and there is currently
Following a bottom-up approach, China’s
future smart grid is considered to comprise a
broad portfolio of ICT together with vari-
no unanimously accepted comprehensive view of ous modern technologies for power genera-
4 smart grids in China. tion, transmission, distribution, storage, and
This lack of common understanding among the consumption.2 This also includes modern
5 main stakeholders is the cause of many controver- grid technologies such as UHV transmission
sies and basic disagreements on the key aspects of grids or heat-resistant wires. A recent litera-
smart grid development [27]. The absence of such a ture review supports this view by underlining
6 common vision increases uncertainty for potential that smart grids in China focus on all sections
smart grid investors because the profitability of their of the power system, including smart power
7 investments critically depends on whether a strong generation, transmission, deployment, usage
and smart or a decentralized smart grid will be real- and storage. Specifically, the integration of RES
ized. Thus, the lack of a comprehensive smart grid should also be understood as part of the topic

8 vision has to be viewed as an obstacle towards the of smart grids in China [27].
development of smart grids in China [27]. The smartness of the current electric power
9 grid as well as the desirable smartness of the
power grid in 2020 was assessed. In particu-
Main challenges with regard to the
lar, the current levels of system integration of
technological view of smart grids
single power system components as well as the
Due to the contrary strategies of China’s
projected levels in 2020 were described. In this
11 grid operators on the subject of smart grid
context, system integration refers to the extent
development and the absence of a Chinese
to which power plants, wind farms, trans-
12 government view on smart grids, there is
still no unanimously accepted vision on the
mission grids, distribution grids, and power
consumers are expected to be remotely moni-
technological and organizational design
torable, controllable, or even autonomously

13 of smart grids in China. As a result, there is
controllable (self-healing).3
much uncertainty among potential smart
Given the government’s will to establish energy
14 grid investors regarding the future develop-
markets, the study compares market elements
used in China today with those projected for
15 2020.4

This three sided-approach has led to the following

16 3.3.3 This study’s view on smart conclusions:
grids in China China has in recent years made important
17 breakthroughs in the development of smart
The present study has a clear focus on proposing grid technologies. Examples for such technolo-
regulatory policies supporting the evolution of
18 smart grids in China. The creation of a widely ac- 2 Please refer to appendix B for a complete overview of all
cepted technological smart grid vision is beyond modern technologies that are subsumed under the smart
19 the study’s scope. Nonetheless, a common under-
grid label in this study.
Please refer to appendix C for a complete overview of the
standing of desirable smart grid developments results.
20 during the next years is necessary to determine the 4 Please refer to appendix C in for a complete overview of
general direction of the regulatory recommenda- the results of this discussion.
3.4  •  The regulation of China’s electric power system
31 3

gies are UHV transmission grids and large- 3.4 The regulation of China’s

- capacity battery energy storage technology.5 electric power system

On the other hand, a big leap forward with
regard to many smart grid technologies is 3.4.1 Policy setting and fundamental
indispensable at all stages of the smart grid institutions
supply chain.6 Like in many other countries
engaged in the development of smart grids, Policy Setting
some of China’s key smart grid technologies Government leadership is essential to promote
are still immature and have somewhat incon- smart grid development. The general strategy of
sistent component specifications and standards policy-makers towards the development of the fu-

- [21], [22], [27].

In 2020, market elements such as regional
energy marketplaces and virtual power plants
are intended to be used much more intensively
ture power system, often containing quite specific
targets for short-term and long-term development,
is important for companies and other stakeholders
in the electric power sector: indeed, this govern-
than today. They will be introduced at least on ment strategy serves as an important basis for smart
provincial level. grid investment decisions of both companies and
With the study’s focus on regulatory issues in mind The Chinese government has set quite specific
and in light of the conclusions described above, the targets with regard to the development of the energy
regulatory pathways presented in this study aim system until 2015. However, there are no explicit

specifically at:
facilitating the widespread deployment in 2020
targets beyond this point in time. The most impor-
tant government targets for 2015 are briefly sum-
of those smart grid technologies which have
already achieved high maturity levels today.
In this context, smart grid technologies also
include modern grid technologies which are
marized below:
From 2010 to 2015, generation and grid
capacities are planned to increase by roughly
50 % in order to cope with the steadily growing

not necessarily included in smart grid concepts
of other countries;
promoting technological innovations of rather - demand.
RES generation capacities are expected to
increase out of proportion – their share in the

immature smart grid technologies and increase
their maturity;
promoting the development of so-called smart
markets (see ▶ Sect. 4.3.2 for more details on
- electricity mix will increase significantly.
Average utilization rates of the grid infra-
structure and supply security are targeted to
increase. Specifically, power outages on the
smart markets). In this context, an important level of distribution grids, are expected to be
prerequisite is the integration of third parties.
They are seen as key players in smart markets.
- reduced.
The efficiency of energy use and particularly of
electricity use is planned to improve consider-

A detailed overview of government targets for

China’s future electric power sector is given in
▶ Sect. 6.1 in the context of the regulatory pathways.
Fundamental institutions
To realize the government agenda, ministries and
5 Please refer to appendix B for a complete list and descrip-
tion of these technologies.
other government institutions issue laws and ordi-
6 Please refer to appendix C for an overview of the necessary nances, monitor compliance with these laws and or-
technological advancement during the next years. dinances, propose major technological standards,
32 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

and promote innovations. The question regarding
whether the different government practices can be
executed effectively largely depends on the gover-
- The State-owned Asset Supervision and Ad-
ministration Commission of the State Council
(SASAC) supervises the performance of SOE
2 nance structure of ministries and government in- such as the grid operators and the major power
stitutions. generation companies. SASAC exerts its power
through the right to appoint, dismiss and eval-
3 Governance structure  The governance structure of uate the performance of executives, the right to
China’s energy system, and in particular the power audit as well as to approve key decisions.
4 sector, has been subject to frequent reorganization
and currently comprises a broad variety of minis- The existing literature on China’s governance struc-
5 tries and institutions. The fragmentation of respon- ture in the electric power sector (see for example
sibilities among a multiplicity of different stakehold- [2], [3], and [30]) often stresses several regulatory
ers makes conflicts of competence inevitable and a challenges potentially preventing an effective devel-

6 coherent and continuous governance of the power opment towards smart grids in China:
sector difficult [2]. There is a significant fragmentation as well
7 . Figure 3.6 presents a graphical overview of as overlap of responsibilities of the various
the main authorities of China’s power sector gov- government bodies involved in power system
ernance (. Table A.4 in the appendix further speci- regulation, negatively affecting the efficiency of

8 fies influences, roles, and responsibilities of main the sector’s governance.
governmental institutions). There are four main In international comparison, China’s major
9 government authorities involved in China’s power institutions governing the energy sector have a

10 -
sector policy:
The State Council (SC) is the highest executive
organ of the People’s Republic of China. With
rather low number of employees, staff numbers
not always being adequate to fulfill the respon-
sibility of regulating an electricity system the

regard to the electricity sector it sets the politi-
cal agenda, takes the lead for major reforms
and is in charge of promulgating major plans
like the Five-Year Plan for energy develop-
- size of China.
The importance of the previous aspect even in-
creases when the size and the power of China’s
major grid operators are taken into account.

13 - ment.
The NDRC is an agency under SC exerting
broad administrative and planning control
over the Chinese economy. It is the most im-
The grid operators’ stakes are so high that it
always pays off for them to hire consultants,
lawyers, and lobbyists to argue their case. To
address these claims, the regulator needs to be
14 portant government authority for power sector equipped with a sufficient number of highly

regulation. Its powers include the regulation
and setting of energy and electricity prices,
the approval of major power sector projects, as - qualified employees.
Essential instruments to steer power sector
development, like electricity pricing, remain

- well as energy efficiency policy.
The NEA proposes the energy development
strategy, drafts energy development plans as
well as energy-related policies, provisions and
under the authority of NDRC. The concentra-
tion of power within NDRC limits the ability
of NEA to drive power sector reform.

laws to be adopted by NDRC or SC. NEA also

Regulatory challenges in the area of policy

advises on power system reform and market
18 regulation. In addition to these political func- setting and fundamental institutions
Efficient governance of the power sector
tions, NEA is the regulatory authority for the
19 power sector in charge of regulating power sys- is impeded by overlapping responsibilities
and conflicts of interests between different
tem construction, power safety, power supply
government authorities.
20 and service, as well as tariff and information
State Council
Multi-ministerial commission National Energy Commission ...with steering group functions Grid companies (transmission, distribution & retail)

Ministries (only energy-related) (NEC)

State Grid China
Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Southern
Industry and Science and Housing and Environmental Corporation of Power Inner
Information Technology Rural Protection China (SGCC) Grid Co. Mongolia
(MIIT) (MoST) Development (MEP) Power
National Group
and Reform
Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of China China
Commission China China China
Finance (MoF) Land and Commerce Huaneng Power
3.4  •  The regulation of China’s electric power system

Datang Guodian Huadian

Resources (MofCom) (NDRC) Group Investme
Corp. Corp. Corp.
Corp. nt Corp.
Administration Power Companies (generation)

.. Fig. 3.6  Key Actors of China’s Power Sector Governance, (© GIZ [29])

Adjustment Planning

Research Fiscal and
Institute (ERI) Pricing Financial
& advisory Res. Cons. &
China National mental Prot. Change
Energy Centre
NDRC Departments
National academies, Reports to
research institutes,

Belongs to
34 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 - In international comparison, NEA is under-

staffed, underfunded and without sufficient
power to make independent decisions. The
governance together with the government and the
grid operators. The remaining part of China’s power
is generated by thousands of smaller local and re-
2 lack of independence and law enforcement
gional generation companies. In addition, there are
specialized generation companies mainly focusing
authority has a negative effect on regulatory

on power generation from one energy source, e. g.
3 performance.
hydro or nuclear power. China’s power generation
The concentration of power within NDRC
sector can be described as liberalized, as it poten-
4 limits the ability of NEA to drive power sec-
tially allows competition between the different com-
tor reform.
panies. However, compared to local governments
5 or state-owned companies, private and foreign in-
vestors still face significant legal and administrative
barriers restricting the development of a diverse
6 3.4.2 Market structure ownership structure [2].
Power transmission, distribution and retail are
7 The market structure and especially the involve- currently vertically integrated and operated by two
ment of new market actors is a critical factor with major SOE with geographical monopolies includ-
regard to the innovation potential in the smart grid ing electricity retail: SGCC controls the eastern,
8 development process. The following paragraphs central, northwestern, northern and northeastern
will describe the governance structures between the grids; while CSG is in charge of the southern grid. In
9 companies at the various stages of the supply chain the sparsely populated province of Inner Mongolia,
(vertical market structure) and the competitive con- an independent grid operator, the Inner Mongolia
10 ditions for the companies in each part of the supply Electric Power Corporation, controls the western
chain (horizontal market structure). part of the grid while SGCC controls the eastern
part. Due to their importance for the development
11 Vertical market structure  The competences and of China’s power system, both SGCC and CSG are

responsibilities of China’s power system supply
chain have been tightly bundled over a long period
of time. The main electricity sector reform of 2002
mandated the separation (or unbundling) of the
briefly introduced below:
State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), an
SOE, is the 7th biggest company in the world
according to the 2012 Fortune Global 500 list,
state-owned vertically integrated utility into five big with almost 1.6 million employees [32]. SGCC
power generation companies, two major grid opera- is responsible for power transmission, distri-
14 tors handling transmission, distribution and retail bution, and retail in all five major regions of
as well as four power service corporations. China with the exception of South China. Its
15 All of them are SOE. Under this market struc- operations cover 26 provinces, autonomous re-
ture, the grid operators are assigned regional mo- gions and municipalities – 88 % of the national
nopolies acting as single buyers from generation territory – and 83 % of the national power
16 side as well as being the only seller with the elec- consumption [33] (see . Table A.5 in the ap-
tricity retail monopoly within their geographic area. pendix for a list of affiliated grid operators).
17 The company has ministry-like status and is
Horizontal market structure  In the field of power a powerful force in power sector governance
generation, the five major power generation com-
panies, the so-called Big Five are responsible for
roughly 50 % of China’s electricity generation. By
means of its project approval process, NDRC tries
- [34].
China Southern Power Grid (CSG), also an
SOE, ranks at position 152 on the Fortune
Global 500 list and has roughly 300,000 em-
to balance generation capacities between them [31]. ployees. CSG is responsible for power trans-
20 Due to their size, the Big Five have a significant lob- mission, distribution, and retail in the five
bying force contributing to China’s power system provinces of South China, covering 12 % of
3.4  •  The regulation of China’s electric power system
35 3

the national territory and 17 % of the national investment decisions for new generation and grid
power consumption [33]. capacities, day-to-day power consumption patterns,
and investments in power saving technologies.
Both grid operators are currently expanding their
business portfolios across the value chain: SGCC General market design  Prices for energy resources,
has taken over domestic engineering firms and lead- power system equipment and electricity were fixed
ing electric power equipment manufacturers, raising by the government for a long period of time. In the
concerns about conflicts of interests and a threat to 1980 s, the government started to gradually liber-
competition due to the concentration of multiple alize coal prices. Coal is currently at least partly
roles within one company (i. e. roles standard set- traded at variable market prices, either depending
ting, manufacturing equipment, transmitting and on spot market rates or on individually negotiated
selling electricity). contracts [31].
At the same time, SGCC is pursuing a “going Irrespective of market liberalization tendencies,
global” strategy targeting the acquisition of assets China still lacks a formal and transparent mecha-
abroad [35]. The advancing vertical integration of nism for linking real costs and prices of electricity
SGCC has caused discussion as to whether its merg- [12]. Electricity markets with prices based on supply
ers and acquisitions go against China’s power sector and demand do not exist in China. Two types of
reform policies of downsizing and unbundling grid
operators. Recently a potential separation of grid
operators into transmission and distribution com- -
electricity prices exist in China:
On-grid prices are the prices power generators
receive from their grid operator for each kWh
panies or into smaller, regional businesses has been
subject of debate [34].
- generated.
Retail prices are the prices grid operators
(which are also responsible for retail) charge to
end consumers for each kWh consumed.
Regulatory challenges in the area

of market structure
Transmission, distribution and retail of
China’s electricity are in the hands of two
grid operators. There is no competition in
Both prices are fixed by the price department of
NDRC and adjusted every 18–24 months.7

Setting on-grid prices  NDRC determines on-grid
the power retail sector.
prices for power generation using two different ap-

The acquisitions of grid operators in other
segments of the value chain (e. g. equipment
On-grid prices for thermal generators are set
manufacturing and services) threaten fair

using a price benchmark for generators within
competition in these sectors.
the same technology class. Each power plant
The size and power of grid operators makes
is contractually guaranteed a certain capacity
it difficult to regulate them.
factor (number of full load hours) equal to
comparable facilities. The equal capacity factor
is based on an estimate of annual power output

3.4.3 Market design and RES

integration - as well as on average fixed and variable costs.
On-grid prices assigned to owners of hydro
power and nuclear power plants differ from
facility to facility. They are the sum of the
The question regarding how electricity markets are
designed is highly important for the development of 7 Jointly with local and provincial price bureaus, the price
department of NDRC is responsible for the formulation,
smart grids because market design affects electric-
inspection, approval and establishment of the tariff, as well
ity pricing. Pricing mechanisms, including feed-in as for the supervision and inspection of the tariff imple-
tariffs for RES, are of crucial importance with regard mentation. In addition to NDRC, the NEA may put forward
to the utilization of different generation sources, suggestions to the price department of NDRC.
36 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

plant’s generation costs, governmental taxes give an incentive to exaggerate generation costs
1 and surcharges, and profits attributed to the by means of creative financial accounting to
plant owner [2] [12]. receive higher on-grid prices [38].
To give a short overview of the results of these Setting of retail prices  Retail prices are amended
price-setting mechanisms, the following list shows from province to province to account for policy
3 on-grid prices for electricity stemming from differ- goals and status of economic development. They are
ent conventional generation technologies in 2012 also differentiated according to end user groups. The
(prices from [31]):
Gas-fired power plants:
current national averages of electricity retail prices

for different consumer groups are:
- 0.395–0.710 RMB/kWh
Coal-fired power plants:

Commercial: 0.863 RMB/kWh,
Non-residential lighting: 0.791 RMB/kWh,

- 0.311–0.520 RMB/kWh
Nuclear power plants:
Industrial use: 0.698 RMB/kWh,

Residential: 0.498 RMB/kWh,

- 0.414–0.471 RMB/kWh
Hydro power plants:
0.145–0.411 RMB/kWh
Agriculture: 0.419 RMB/kWh,
Irrigation in poor areas: 0.201 RMB/kWh.

Retail tariffs are subject to cross-subsidization in

Consequences of on-grid price setting  Both price certain market segments to account for differences
setting approaches ensure that plant operators usu- in income and to ensure social stability. Tariffs for
9 ally earn revenues sufficient for the repayment of residential, agriculture, irrigation and drainage use,
their investment costs within one decade [2]. That together reflecting about 20 % of the Chinese power
10 is, in principle, both approaches are sufficient to in- consumption, are lower than average generation
centivize investments in power generation capaci- costs. It is notable that industrial users generally pay
ties. However, such price setting approaches based higher tariffs than households.
11 on costs are often viewed quite critically in the eco-
nomic literature (see e. g. [36], [37], and [38]): for Consequences of retail price setting  The main
12 example, they are quite time-consuming for the reg- disadvantage of low retail prices is that a low price
ulator. In China, the following aspects have to be em- level does not incentivize consumers to use power
phasized with regard to the setting of on-grid prices:
Due to the fact that coal prices are flexible
while on-grid electricity tariffs for coal-fired
power plants are strictly regulated and adjusted
more efficiently. There is evidence that residential
electricity consumers in China are quite sensitive to
changes in electricity price levels [39]. Thus, increas-
ing electricity prices would probably lead to signifi-
rather infrequently, power companies are not cant reductions of electricity consumption among
15 able to directly pass on changes in fuel costs. Chinese households. However, increasing electricity
During periods of high coal prices, power prices for residential consumers is not a political op-
companies have seen their revenues squeezed tion in China given the government’s intention to
16 to such an extent that they have restricted keep prices for residential consumers low. Therefore,
generation in order to limit their losses. This China currently employs a number of other retail
17 behavior further aggravates the problem of pricing policies that serve to align economic and

missing generation capacities and contributes
to the emergence of power outages.
The approach used to set on-grid prices of
hydro power and nuclear power plants gives
environmental targets of the electricity sector [1]:
A three-tiered pricing system has been applied
to residential consumers since mid-2012. Elec-
tricity prices are set in blocks with higher rates
19 few incentives to save costs, because potential for customers with a large electricity consump-

cost savings in one specific power plant would
lead to lower on-grid prices for the plant within
18–24 months. Even more, such approaches - tion (referred to as inclining block pricing).
In addition, China has implemented a policy
differentiating the electricity tariffs based on
3.4  •  The regulation of China’s electric power system
37 3

the energy efficiency of industrial processes.

Regulatory challenges in the area of

The policy, which is applied to eight energy-in-
market design and RES integration
tensive industries, aims at phasing out outdated
On-grid and retail electricity prices do not
industrial capacities or incentivizing upgrades.
reflect actual costs and are adjusted only
Promotion and integration of RES  Feed-in tariffs
have proven to be an efficient instrument to pro-
mote RES in China. They are paid to RES genera-
- infrequently.
The approach used for setting on-grid prices
of hydro and nuclear power plants gives
only few incentives for cost savings. Rather
tion installations depending on the type of renew-
it gives incentives to exaggerate costs to

able energy and location of the installations. Feed-in
achieve a higher on-grid price.
tariffs for RES generation are considerably higher
Although a system of tiered prices has been
than on-grid prices for hydro power and coal-fired
introduced for residential consumers, the
power plants. In 2012, the ranges for feed-in tariffs

low overall level of retail electricity prices
of different RES generation types in 2012 were [31]:
does not provide sufficient incentives for

Solar: 1.00 RMB/kWh

consumers to use power more efficiently.
Biomass: 0.56–0.77 RMB/kWh
Delays in the disbursement of RES funds
Wind: 0.51–0.61 RMB/kWh
leads to a lack of operating capital along the
renewable energy value chain and provides
The Renewable Energy Law obliges grid operators
a disincentive for grid operators to connect
to feed in renewably generated electricity. The re-
RES plants to the grid.
sulting costs are socialized through a renewable
energy surcharge levied on all electricity users in
China [31].8 Since the initial publication of the 2006
Renewable Energy Law, the renewable energy sur-
charge has been adjusted three times, with the last 3.4.4 Development of infrastructure
increase from 0.008 to 0.015 RMB/kWh taking place and network regulation
in September 2013. To ensure that the grid compa-
nies do not misuse the surcharge, it is turned over This section explains how grid planning is done
to the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in a first step. The in China and how investments in the (smart) grid
grid companies then apply to MOF and NEA for infrastructure are incentivized. The pertinent regu-
the disbursement of these funds with supporting latory practices directly impact the stable and af-
documentation [40]. This procedure causes a delay fordable operation of the current grid infrastructure
in the reimbursement of grid operators’ expenses and the investments in the prospective smart grid
for purchasing power generated from renewables, infrastructure.
which in turn results in a lack of operating capital
with serious effects on the whole supply chain. Grid Network expansion planning  The government’s
operators delay payments to wind power develop- key target is cost-efficient extension and develop-
ers, who in turn are unable to pay renewable energy ment of the power grid in order to cope with the
equipment manufacturers (e. g. wind turbines), re- steadily increasing electricity consumption and
sulting in delayed payment of component suppliers. minimize supply interruptions.
This situation is expected to be alleviated with the Targets on the development of grid infrastruc-
recent doubling of the renewable energy surcharge. ture and grid operators’ performance are specified
From the grid operator’s perspective, delays in reim- by the government in a top-down process. However,
bursement may be seen as a reason to delay the grid little information is publicly available on official grid
connection of renewable energy generators. expansion plans [41]. As a result, the document
Framework and Roadmap for Strong and Smart Grid
8 Note that agricultural uses and power consumers in Tibet Standards, published by SGCC in 2010 [42], serves
are excepted from the surcharge [43]. as an unofficial (smart) grid development plan in
38 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

China [41]. With respect to grid expansion plan-
ning, there is little guidance from the government
and little coordination among existing power sys-
- The price-setting mechanism with respect to
wholesale and retail prices together with the
rather infrequent adjustments of retail prices
2 tem stakeholders.
reduces the ability of grid companies to
quickly recoup costs. This might reduce their
Network regulation  At present, there is no ex-
3 plicit price for transmission and distribution (net- willingness to incur costs related to other
government policies (for instance related to

work charge) based on actual costs. The source of
4 grid operators’ income is the difference between RES integration).
A lack of transparency of costs impedes the
the on-grid and the retail price for electricity. This
efficient and informed regulation of power
5 amount covers all costs of the grid operators: grid
sector companies.
operation and maintenance, grid upgrade and ex-
pansion, management, metering and billing, etc.
6 The remainder makes up the profits of the grid op-
erator. The government targets a rate-of-return for
7 the grid operators in the range of about 8 to 10 % 3.4.5 Coordination of generation
[43]. This practice, in combination with the rather and consumption
infrequent adjustments of the retail electricity tar-
8 iffs, has an impact on the ability of grid companies The following paragraphs describe general respon-
to quickly and predictably recoup costs. In turn, sibilities for coordinating electricity generation and
9 the grid companies may exhibit little motivation to consumption. Government measures implemented
invest and assume costs related to the implementa- in this context are also presented.
10 tion of government policies and regulations, e. g. for
investments related to renewable grid connection Long-term coordination of generation and con-
and integration, investments in end-use energy ef- sumption China’s rapid economic growth has
11 ficiency or distributed generation [1]. Moreover, resulted in a steadily increasing electricity con-
the cost structure of power sector companies lacks sumption. The Chinese government promotes the
12 transparency and power sector data and informa- expansion of generation and grid capacities. In
tion available to the public is very limited. Opaque addition, the role of energy efficiency as an instru-
costs affect the government’s ability to regulate and ment to decouple the rise of power consumption
13 inform the setting of electricity prices. from economic growth has been recognized. Nu-
There are no clear rules for accounting of costs, merous policies to promote energy efficiency have
14 revenues, and profits and no transparent adminis- been promulgated: for instance, national targets for
trative process for setting allowed revenues. Without energy intensity, differential pricing for energy-in-
15 this foundation the government is unable to audit tensive industries and energy efficiency obligations
companies’ accounting records or exact penalties for requiring Chinese grid companies to realize energy
noncompliance with reporting obligations, informa- conservation targets (e. g. through end-user energy
16 tion requests or other government requirements [1]. efficiency programs).

17 Regulatory challenges in the area

Short-term coordination of generation Histori-
cally, dispatch of power plants in China is orga-
of development of infrastructure

nized by means of a so-called equal shares dispatch
18 and network regulation
or generation quota system. China allocates oper-
Grid expansion planning is organized in a
ating hours equally among the coal-fired genera-
19 top-down process with low transparency
tors that constitute the bulk of China’s generating
and little involvement of players other than
capacity. This system is intended to give each gen-
government authorities and grid operators.
20 erator an equal chance to recover capital costs and
achieve a reasonable return-on-investment, but it
3.4  •  The regulation of China’s electric power system
39 3

largely ignores the fact that plants within the coal However, early attempts have been made to influ-
fleet vary significantly in terms of efficiency and ence the hourly pattern of China’s power consump-
environmental performance [44]. Annual operat- tion and to shift power consumption from peak
ing hours for generators are set administratively times to off-peak times: since the 1990 s, many prov-
by Provincial Economic and Trade Commissions inces have started to coordinate power consump-
(PETC) and approved nationally by NDRC. As a tion by means of interruptible loads and time-of-use
result, the overall performance of the power sys-
tem has suffered significantly in terms of cost,
environmental performance, and distorted invest-
ment decisions. The dependence of each coal-fired
Interruptible loads refer to a pricing mecha-
nism in which large industrial consumers are
paid for curtailing their loads in times of net-
generator on running a similar guaranteed number work congestions. This demand response (DR)
of hours has become a major barrier to reforming mechanism has been piloted and regionally
dispatch in China.
In 2007, China started to pilot a so-called energy
efficient dispatch system. This system sets a dispatch
order prioritizing generators on the basis of heat and
- applied in China [12].
Time-of-use pricing means that the electric-
ity price varies depending on the time-of-day
when electricity is provided. In times of net-
emissions rates favoring renewable and low carbon work congestions prices tend to be high to in-
generation sources, with coal-fired power plants dis- centivize electricity consumers to reduce their
patched according to their thermal efficiency. This consumption. With the 2005 Interim Provisions
order is based on the priority order table created by for the Administration of Power Selling Prices,
PETC and is updated quarterly based on changes in the Chinese government stressed the role of
generator parameters and the addition of new units time-of-use prices to reflect real costs at dif-
[45]. Hence, the power generation quotas of power ferent day times [2]. Time-of-use pricing has
generation facilities are no longer guaranteed [46]. been implemented mainly for industrial and
Since on-grid prices are calculated on the basis of a commercial users [48]. In some regions, time-
fixed estimate of annual operating hours, genera- of-use pricing is also applied to residential cus-
tors will face a revenue shortfall if average operat- tomers. The Chinese government has recently
ing hours fall below the projected level [44]. One announced that it will introduce time-of-use
of the main drawbacks of the policy was a lack of pricing for residential consumers on a national
compensation of power and grid companies for lost level by the end of 2015 [49]. Overall, it is still
revenues due to the changes in dispatch. The pilot questionable whether the existing incentives
has proved to be difficult to implement and has not are actually sufficient to induce customers to
spread to the whole country [47]. shift electricity consumption to off-peak times
Regardless of whether a generation quota or an [2].
energy-efficient dispatch system is used, the specific
day-to-day dispatching is in the hand of dispatch
Regulatory challenges in the area
centers under the authority of national, regional,
of coordination of generation

provincial, or local grid companies. The dispatch
and consumption
centers take into account factors like load forecasts,
The generation quota system ignores the
the availability of power plants, and constraints for
fact that power plants within the coal fleet
system reliability. On this basis, the dispatch cen-
vary significantly in terms of efficiency and
ters set day-ahead commitment plans for the power
environmental performance. As a result,
plants. Power generation companies are subse-
the overall performance of the system
quently obliged to supply power as required [44].
has suffered significantly in terms of cost,
environmental performance and distorted
Short-term coordination of consumption Like
investment decisions.
in all other regions of the world, China’s intraday
power generation follows intraday power demand.
40 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 - The dispatch model is closely linked to the

electricity pricing mechanism; no dispatch
reform can be introduced without a reform
The general idea behind the smart grid special plan
is that the development of smart grids should be
business-orientated and primarily rely on the inno-
2 of electricity pricing, and such a reform
vation capacity of domestic companies, which are
intended to achieve international technical domi-
would have to compensate coal power
nance by 2020. This will require a more profound
3 plants whose revenue is calculated on the

and more effective involvement in international re-
basis of the existing dispatch model.
search cooperation and standardization processes.
4 China has made remarkable progress with re-
The promotion of smart grid standards is an-
gard to the introduction of time-of-use pric-
other important channel for the government to in-
ing. Such pricing mechanisms are planned
5 to be applied to all categories of customers
fluence the evolution of Chinese smart grids. One
example for such activities is the work of the State
in 2015. However, it is unclear whether the
Council, which has issued a plan for modifying and
6 specific design of time-of-use prices actually
promoting the power equipment manufacturing in-
sets sufficient incentives for shifting electric-
dustry [50]. Another example is the China Electric
7 ity use among all groups of customers.
Power Research Institute directly emitting standards
on Low Voltage Power Line Carrier Communication
or Intelligent Control Network Data Terminal [50].
8 Policies focusing on the demand for smart grid
3.4.6 The role of information technologies are of rather low importance for the
9 and communication Chinese government in its efforts to promote smart
grids [50]. Note that this prevalence of supply-side
10 The government’s role in promoting smart grid- policies together with the rather low importance of
related ICT  The Chinese government promotes in- demand-side policies in China are a sign that, much
novations surrounding smart grids mainly by focus- like the situation in other countries, China’s smart
11 ing on the supply of smart grid technologies: on the grid industry is still in the initial phase of its devel-
one hand, the Chinese government counts on public opment [50].
12 enterprises as main drivers of smart grid innova-
tions. On the other hand, it allocates significant fi- The role of the ICT industry in promoting smart
nancial funds to promote R&D activities or to build grids  China’s ICT sector is representative of the
13 up demonstration sites [50]. Specifically, in 2012 the massive changes in China’s industry and economy.
MOST released a special plan for smart grids fo- Since the economic reforms in 1978, it has been
14 cusing on R&D and considering the 12th five-year growing rapidly with large inward and outward
period (from 2011 to 2015). The smart grid special foreign direct investment flows and export-led ac-
plan focuses on three main strategic goals:
It is forward-looking and sets the agenda for
the Chinese smart grid development after
2015. It promotes the development of so-called
tivities [51]. Today, most of China’s ICT companies
are private companies that are not owned by the
state. Many of them have been founded by foreign
investors or companies. The Chinese strategy of
cutting-edge smart grid technologies which building national champions has already yielded
- might be deployed after 2015.
It aims at ensuring that existing modern tech-
nologies such as those listed in appendix B are
introduced very fast into the Chinese energy
the creation of several ambitious companies which
became global players [51]: Huawei Technologies,
Lenovo, and ZTE are good examples of such com-
panies. Huawei and ZTE are major players in the

- system.
It highlights that China must keep up with
world-class smart grid research developments
and should carry out cutting-edge smart grid
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM),
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Optical and
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM)
equipment markets. Huawei Technologies in par-
technology research. ticular has emerged as a leading provider of tele-
3.4  •  The regulation of China’s electric power system
41 3

communications networks that increasingly chal- smart grid technologies plays an important role
lenges established competitors like Siemens, Cisco, to increase supply security and operational effi-
and Alcatel [51]. ciency. Smart grid technologies are also seen as
Irrespective of the increasing importance of a means to reduce RES integration costs, which is
China’s ICT sector, most ICT companies have few of critical importance given the Chinese govern-

stakes in the strategic development of China’s smart ment’s aggressive RES expansion targets.
grid vision. Even though these companies act as Due to the absence of a common smart grid view
component and technology suppliers, they are less in China and the contrary strategies on smart grid
engaged in the strategic development process, which development among China’s grid operators, there
is mainly pushed forward by the government, the is still no unanimously accepted technological and
grid companies, and the power generation compa- organizational concept of smart grids in China. As
nies.9 a result, the uncertainty of potential smart grid
investors regarding the future technological de-

velopment is high.
Regulatory challenges in the area of the

Some regulatory aspects of China’s electric power
role of information and communication
system represent barriers for the effective and ef-
There is a need for cutting-edge smart grid
ficient development of smart grids in China:
technology research to keep up with inter-
– The absence of government guidelines for the
national level smart grid research develop-

long-term development of the electric power
sector, overlapping responsibilities and conflicts
China’s ICT industry consists of many ambi-
of interests between different government au-
tious and competitive companies, some of
thorities, and the lack of independence and law
them global players. However, ICT industry is
enforcement of the regulatory authority point
currently underrepresented in the strategic
to insufficient government leadership with re-
development of smart grids in China. There-
gard to smart grid development.
fore, the large innovation potential of the ICT
– The market structure is dominated by China’s
sector risks not being fully integrated in the
grid operators, who are responsible for transmis-
Chinese smart grid development.
sion, distribution, and retail. Innovative and new
market actors, and specifically the ICT industry,
are hardly involved in the smart grid develop-

Key findings ment process.
In the past 15 years, a series of reforms have greatly – On-grid prices, retail prices, and the operating
improved the efficiency, reliability, and environ- hours of power plants are fixed by government
mental performance of the Chinese power sector. authorities. Grid operators’ income depends on
However, significant challenges remain: rapidly the difference between retail and on-grid prices
rising electricity demand, concerns about power – network charges are not explicitly calculated.
system reliability and energy security, low average Such a market design sets only few incentives
utilization rates of the grid infrastructure, environ- for operational efficiency and does not incentiv-

mental degradation and climate change. ize investments in an efficient way.
A core motivation for smart grids in China is their – Grid expansion planning is organized in a top-
suspected positive impact on supply security and down process with low transparency and little
operational efficiency, especially on the distribu- involvement of players other than government
tion grid level. Peak shaving enabled by means of authorities and grid operators.

9 They seem to show even less engagement in China’s smart

grid development than international players such as Cisco
or IBM.

Open Access  This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License,
which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)
and source are credited.
42 Chapter 3  •  China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

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45 4

Germany’s way
from conventional power
grids towards smart grids
4.1 Historical perspective – 46
4.2 Today’s power system and its most
pressing challenges – 49
4.2.1 Power generation – 49
4.2.2 Power consumption – 50
4.2.3 Power logistics – 50

4.3 Smart grid development in Germany  –  52

4.3.1 Motivation for smart grids in Germany   –  52
4.3.2 Germany’s technological view of the smart grid  –  53

4.4 The regulation of Germany’s electric power system  –  57

4.4.1 Policy setting and fundamental institutions  –  57
4.4.2 Market structure – 61
4.4.3 Market design and RES integration  –  66
4.4.4 Development of infrastructure and network regulation  –  70
4.4.5 Coordination of generation and consumption  –  71
4.4.6 The role of information and communication  –  72

References – 75

G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_4, © The Author(s) 2015
46 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

Chapter at a glance suitable to guarantee a reliable power grid and to

1 – This chapter gives an overview of Germany’s elec- operate the grid in a cost-efficient manner taking
tric power system, its physical infrastructure, the advantage of economies of scale.
2 regulatory environment, and the vision for smart As a result of regional monopoly rights, EnWG
grid development. The main topics presented were created an electricity system with a high degree of
selected with the intention of providing examples vertical integration and a low degree of competition.
3 of lessons learned and of sharing the German ex- Electricity generation and transmission assets were
perience in the area of the main technological and owned and operated by integrated utilities, while
4 regulatory challenges presented in the previous electricity distribution and retail was in the hand of
chapter. integrated municipal utilities. The municipal utili-
5 – The chapter contains a detailed description of the ties were owned either by local governments or by
historical development and current design of Ger- the integrated utilities responsible for generation
man electricity markets with a special emphasis and transmission, which then combined all stages
6 on market liberalization policies. It also focuses on of the electricity supply chain into a single company.
the effects of aggressively expanding RES genera- To protect consumers against the market power of
7 tion capacities in the context of such markets. The the newly installed monopolies, EnWG obliged
evidence presented here might be insightful for the companies to provide electricity to every end
consumer; the Act also regulated construction and
8 Chinese policy-makers given their will to promote
the establishment of electricity markets and to in- expansion of power plants in order to ensure system
crease RES generation capacities. stability.
Sustainability as a more recent policy goal One
4.1 Historical perspective
10 important shift in Germany’s electricity market
regulation regime had its origin in the 1970 s, when
Reliability and affordability as the first policy environmental protection gained momentum as a
11 goals In the first decades of the electrification new policy goal [1]. Due to high levels of local and
process, Germany’s electricity system developed regional air pollution caused by the combustion of
12 rather independently from governmental regula- fossil fuels for electricity generation, the German
tion. Power generation units and electric power government issued the Federal Pollution Control
grids were built up in a decentralized manner and Act (BIMSchG) in 1974. This law and its ordinances
13 operated by a variety of local and regional compa- obliged power plants to install filter technology in
nies. After World War I, 220-kV transmission grids order to reduce, for instance, sulfur dioxide (SO2) or
14 were constructed to interconnect local and regional nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. In the 1990 s, the
power grids. The trend towards a nationally inte- German government further strengthened the role
grated electric power grid contributed to increasing
competition between companies from different re-
gions which in turn resulted in a pronounced mar-
ket consolidation.
of environmental protection:
The 1991 Act on the Feed-In of Electricity from
Renewable Sources into the Public Grid and
its more prominent successor, the Renewable
The time of little government interference ended Energy Act (EEG) of 2000, had the objective to
17 in 1935, when the German government issued the incentivize investments in renewable energies
Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The main objective by guaranteeing investors financially attractive
of this law was to pave the way for the effective and
efficient development of a nationally integrated and
reliable electricity grid. This goal was supposed to
be achieved by incentivizing investments in genera-
- feed-in tariffs.
Another example of Germany’s regime shift to
environmental protection is the Electricity Tax
Act (StromStG) of 1999 which, amongst other
tion units and in the grid infrastructure by formally objectives, had the aim of inducing consumers
20 assigning monopoly rights to predominant compa- to consume less electricity by raising electricity
nies. Monopolistic structures were deemed more prices.
4.1 • Historical perspective
47 4

Public acceptance – towards a fourth energy pol- petition has been established in the generation and
icy goal  The increasing importance of sustainabil- retail sectors.
ity is generally supported by the German popula- The market liberalization process on the Euro-
tion. However, citizens are more frequently opposed pean level began in 1996 with the First Electricity Di-
to new energy infrastructures near residential areas rective [5], which was issued by the European Union
if these infrastructures are related to visible, audible,
or olfactory effects. In the light of Germany’s rather
high population density, the build-up of distributed
and renewable energy sources has of late entailed
(EU) and motivated by two main objectives [6]:
To open the electric power sector for third
parties and to prevent discriminatory behavior
towards generation companies by grid opera-
rising public opposition. An increasing number
of citizens disapprove of investments in new wind
farms, biomass power plants or transmission lines
[2]. During the last few years, a certain number of
- tors.
To allow end consumers to choose their
retailer in an effort to increase the affordability
of electricity through more competition. Thus,
energy projects – for instance new transmission the protected supply areas (regional monopo-
lines or demonstration sites for carbon capture and lies) of the incumbent retail companies were
storage – have failed to be realized owing to public abandoned in favor of retail competition.
opposition against them [3], [4]. As a consequence,
public acceptance has recently gained prominence Based on this directive, the German government in
in the discussion as a fourth general energy policy 1998 revised EnWG and started to liberalize Ger-
goal in Germany, since it is only with a high level many’s electricity sector. After a short period of
of public acceptance that the government and the promising results with market entries of indepen-
companies are able to realize their investment plans dent retail companies and decreasing retail prices,
[2]. Experiences in Germany reveal that three ele- retail prices increased again. In addition, the market
ments are important to ensure the support of the concentration did not decline significantly. Ques-

population for investments in energy infrastructure:
There has to be transparency on costs, benefits,
and risks of new investments and technolo-
gies while the underlying motivations of the
tions emerged regarding whether competition in
generation and retail could be achieved as long as
grid operators still had ownership in generation. Ac-
cordingly, the Second Electricity Directive issued by
stakeholders involved in a project have to be the European Union in 2003 contained a package

- communicated to the public.

The public has to be included in the entire
planning process of new projects. Private
citizens and other public stakeholders must be
of requirements to achieve legal unbundling. Legal
unbundling can be described as an unbundling of
accounts, operations, and information. It requires
that transmission and distribution grid operators
able to communicate their position and may are independent from each other, as well as from
also be allowed to invest financial funds of generation and retail. In practice, legal unbundling

- their own in the project.

Given that some conflicts cannot be solved
unanimously, specific institutions or proce-
dures for mediation and reconcialiation of
requires a functional unbundling by guaranteeing
independence in terms of legal form, organization/
management and decision-making.
Based on the 2007 inquiry into the energy sec-
interest are necessary to reduce number of tor, the European Commission (EC) stated that, in
court-cases [2]. spite of legal unbundling, the level of competition
in the European energy market was still too low
A short summary of market liberalization tenden- [7]. Major challenges were identified with respect
cies since 1996  For a long time, Germany’s electric to market concentration and vertical foreclosure.1
power system was characterized by a high degree of
vertical integration and a low degree of competi- 1 Vertical foreclosure refers to a situation in which a company
tion. Today, the different stages in the supply chain buys a supplier that supplies both the company and its com-
are in a state of far-reaching unbundling, and com- petitors in order to discriminate against the competitors.
48 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 700

2 600



4 300

5 200

1993 1998 2003 2008 2013
Coal Nuclear Gas Others Renewable Energy

.. Fig. 4.1  Electricity generation in Germany from 1993 to 2013 in TWh, data from [11]

This document criticized the fact that with legal
unbundling, a utility might still be able to discrimi- - Full ownership unbundling prohibits owner-
ship of network and generation or retail assets

nate against competitors or even restrict access of
new market actors to the infrastructure. In addition,
the Commission Paper stated that a grid operator
involved in competitive sectors might be able to
- by one and the same firm.
A model based on an Independent System
Operator requires that an entity independent
from the transmission grid owner takes over
12 cross-subsidize its activities in the market with the grid operation. With an independent system
revenues generated from the monopoly part of its operator, network ownership can remain
business [8]. Furthermore, the European Commis- within an integrated company which also owns

13 sion was concerned about insufficient incentives generation assets.
for network investments, especially across borders. A model based on an Independent Transmis-
14 Generally speaking, markets for electricity were or- sion Operator (ITO) allows companies to retain
ganized on a national basis and there was only a both network ownership and management,
15 weak relation between the various national markets, but it puts strong limitations on cross involve-
as shown by grid congestions at most borders. The ment of employees in order to ensure network
Commission argued that incumbents might post- independence (please refer to [10] for further
16 pone investments into interconnector capacities in explanations on this model). In effect, the ITO
order to protect their own market against cheaper model is similar to legal unbundling, though
17 electricity imports. This behavior is known as stra- in a stronger form.
tegic investment withholding by locally integrated
utilities [9]. In Germany, the ITO model was applied. It had to be
18 In 2009, the EU’s Third Electricity Directive in- ensured that the transmission system was owned and
troduced a compromise with three different options operated by the ITO, which is legally independent
19 for unbundling on the transmission level. Basically, from the commercial businesses of electricity genera-
the aim of this rule was to separate the transmission tion and retail. Currently three out of the four trans-
20 grid from the other stages of the supply chain. The mission system operators (TSO) in Germany apply full
three options were: ownership unbundling; the fourth is a genuine ITO.
4.2  •  Today’s power system and its most pressing challenges
49 4











1993 1998 2003 2008 2013

Hydro Wind Biomass Solar Household Waste

.. Fig. 4.2  Composition of the RES generation mix from 1993 to 2013, data from [11]

Distribution grids are currently subject to legal un- third most important generation sources, accounting
bundling requiring administrative separation similar for approximately 15 % and 11 % of overall electricity
to the ITO model though in a less restrictive form. generation respectively. Roughly 24 % of total elec-
The objective is to ensure that no commercially sen- tricity generation comes from RES, with wind ac-
sitive information is exchanged between the power counting for 8.4 %, biomass for 6.7 %, solar for 4.7 %,
grid and other parts of the supply chain within one hydro for 3.2 %, and household waste for 0.8 % [11].
integrated company. Note that administrative unbun- During the last 20 years, overall electricity gener-
dling is only applied for distribution system operators ation increased only slightly (see . Fig. 4.1). However,
(DSO) with more than 100,000 customers. DSO with the composition of the electricity mix has changed
fewer customers do not have to unbundle and can significantly owing to two specific governmental
remain an integrated part of a utility. This exception policies: the promotion of RES initiated in the 1990 s
is known as the de-minimis rule. and the nuclear phase-out promulgated in 2002. As
a consequence, there has been a steady decline in
the proportion of electricity generated by means of
4.2 Today’s power system and nuclear power from 29.2 % in 1993 to 15.4 % in 2013,
its most pressing challenges and coal, from 55.7 % in 1993 to 45.2 % in 2013, while
the share of RES in the electricity mix has increased
4.2.1 Power generation from 4.0 % in 1993 to 23.9 % in 2013 [11].
The rise in the share of RES generation went
In 2013, Germany’s gross electricity generation along with a considerable shift of the importance
amounted to roughly 634 TWh. Coal is currently of different RES generation sources. While hydro
Germany’s predominant primary energy source, ac- power was by far the most important RES generation
counting for more than 45 % of total electricity gen- source in 1993, it plays no more than a minor part
eration.2 Nuclear power and gas are the second and in 2013. Wind, biomass, and solar power, virtually
non-existent in 1993, are the most important RES
2 In the German context, coal refers to both hard coal and generation sources in 2013 (see . Fig. 4.2). Elec-
lignite. These two fuels are used in roughly equal amounts.
50 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

sectors play no more than minor roles with shares

1 .. Table 4.1  Electricity consumption in Germany in
2013, data from [14] of roughly 2 % [14].
In comparison to China, the shares of residen-
2 Consumer Electricity
Consumption in
in % of
tial and commercial loads are significantly higher
TWh in 2013
in Germany. This results in a load curve with more
pronounced peaks and valleys. The ancillary ser-
3 Mining and Industry 241 45.6 vices necessary to cope with this pronounced load
Residential Sector 139 26.3 curve are mainly offered by gas-fired power plants
4 Wholesale, Retail,  76 14.4
in Germany. Neither total electricity consump-
Trade tion nor the relative importance of different types
5 Public Sector  51  9.7
of consumers has changed significantly in recent
Transport  12  2.3 The increasing share of electricity generated
6 Agriculture   9  1.7 from intermittent sources like wind and PV led
to the question of how power consumption can
7 adapt to fluctuating generation. The potential for
tricity generation from PV has seen large growth load shifting, which is relatively easily accessible at
in recent years (from 4.4 TWh in 2008 to 30 TWh reasonable costs, lies in Germany’s industrial sec-
8 in 2013). tor with its large electricity consumers. . Table 4.2
A large part of Germany’s RES installations are presents the maximum power which can be discon-
9 distributed generation sources such as small rooftop nected (neg.) or connected (pos.) for a short period
PV installations, single wind turbines, or biomass of time in the residential, commercial, or industrial
10 plants. A look at PV installations, for example, re- sectors according to different studies. The numbers
veals that more than 60 % of all installations feed have to been seen in relation to the German overall
in electricity in a decentralized manner at the level peak load of 80 GW.
11 of low voltage grids [12]. The focus on distributed
energy sources is reflected in a diverse ownership
12 structure. More than 40 % of all RES installations 4.2.3 Power logistics
in Germany are owned by private investors, with
project developers and financial institutions follow- Disparity between generation and consump-
13 ing with 14 % and 13 % respectively [13]. Note that tion  Power generation and consumption are not
only roughly 12 % of RES installations are owned by equally distributed in Germany. The load centers
14 power generation companies [13]. are situated in western and southern Germany,
both regions with strong industrial bases. Since
15 4.2.2 Power consumption
the amount of electricity generated in nuclear and
coal-fired power plants in these regions is generally
not sufficient, they often have to import electricity
16 Germany’s electric power consumption amounted from other parts of Germany or from neighboring
to about 528 TWh in 2013 [14]. The difference be- countries. In contrast, Germany’s north and east,
17 tween gross electricity generation and consumption with their significant wind capacities, quite regu-
results from power plants’ own consumption, from larly generate more electricity than they consume.
electricity exports to other countries, and from line Thus, both regions frequently transfer electricity to
18 losses. Industry is the main consumer of electric- southern and western Germany.
ity and is responsible for approximately 46 % of na-
19 tional electricity consumption (see . Table 4.1). The Grid infrastructure  Germany’s electric power grids

residential sector follows with 26 % while the com-
mercial and public sectors consume about 14 % and
10 % respectively. The transport and agricultural -
can be classified into four different categories:
Extra high voltage grids (220-kV to 380-kV)
form the German transmission grids. In ad-
4.2  •  Today’s power system and its most pressing challenges
51 4

.. Table 4.2  Demand side management potential according to German studies and sector

Study Residential Commercial Industrial

Stadler [15] −68 GW (pos.)/28 GW (neg.)

Klobasa [16] 20 GW – 2.8 GW

Dena II [17] 7–32 GW 2.4 GW (pos.) 3.9 GW (pos.)

14.3 GW (neg.) 6.5 GW (neg.)

TU Dortmund University 5.0 GW (pos.) 3.0 GW (pos.) 0.9 GW (pos.)

[18] 6.3 GW (neg.) 18.1 GW (neg.) 11.2 GW (neg.)

dition to the transmission of electricity, they An increasing amount of network congestion at

are responsible for the electricity feed-in of times of peak generation is caused by small distrib-
large generators such as nuclear and coal-fired uted rooftop PV installations on the low voltage
power plants, or offshore wind farms. The level and rising feed-in from large wind farms at
transmission grid is mainly characterized by the high voltage level [21]. Due to the rapid build-
suspended above-surface cables with visible up of RES generation capacities, grid capacities are
electricity pylons. There are currently approxi- not always sufficient to absorb RES-E. As a result,
mately 35,000 km of transmission grids with grid curtailment rates of solar and wind power have
1,100 electricity transformers in Germany [19], increased significantly within the last few years. In

- [20].
High voltage grids (35-kV to 110-kV) are the
highest voltage level of distribution grids. They
act as a redistribution system at the regional
Schleswig-Holstein, a windy region in the north of
Germany, 3.5 % of the total wind generation had to
be curtailed in 2012 [22].
The curtailment of RES-E at times of peak gen-
level. Furthermore, high voltage grids provide eration can reduce the need for network invest-
electricity to large industrial consumers and ments. A recent study suggests that curtailing 30 %
are also employed to feed in electricity from of PV peak production and 20 % of wind peak pro-
smaller power plants, wind farms, and large duction could reduce infrastructure investments by
PV parks. There are approximately 95,000 km 10 % between now and 2030 while a total of only 2 %
of high voltage grids and 7,500 electricity of the annual electricity production from RES would

- transformers at this level [19] [20].

Medium voltage grids (10-kV to 30-kV) repre-
sent the subordinate level of distribution grids.
They distribute electricity to the connected low
be curtailed [23].
Through the transmission grid, Germany’s elec-
tric power system is well interconnected with those
of neighboring countries (please refer to . Fig. A.1
voltage levels, provide electricity to connected in the appendix for a snapshot of Germany’s trans-
bulk consumers, and feed in electricity from mission grids). All German TSO are members of the
small PV parks or single wind turbines. The European Network of Transmission System Operators
medium voltage level is characterized by un- for Electricity (ENTSO-E), which was established in
derground cables; it is roughly 507,000 km in 2011 in order to
length and contains 560,000 local substations

- [19] [20].
Low voltage grids (230-V to 400-V) are typi-
cally also characterized by underground cables
and distribute electricity from local substations
» promote the completion and functioning of the
internal market in electricity and cross-border
trade and to ensure the optimal management,
coordinated operation and sound technical
to households and collect electricity from roof- evolution of the European electricity transmission
top PV modules. It has an approximate length network [24].
of 1,150,000 km [19].
52 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 .. Table 4.3  Frequently used measures to maintain supply security in the presence of RES, data from [27]

Supply Security Issue

2 Measure Grid Overload Critical Voltage Power Quality
3 Direct connection of RES to a substation X X

Upgrade of grid circuit conductors X X X

4 Upgrade of upstream transformer capacity X X X

5 Reduction of the grid circuit length X X

Set point adjustment of transformer automatic X

voltage control
6 Using reactive power capabilities of RES X

7 Construction of a new substation X

Supply security in Germany  In comparison with 4.3 Smart grid development

8 other European countries, Germany’s electric power in Germany
system is characterized by a very high level of secu-
9 rity of supply with, on average, only about 15 min- 4.3.1 Motivation for smart grids
utes of annual interruptions on the household level in Germany
10 [25] [26].
The increasing feed-in of RES generation im- The rising importance of intermittent RES gen-
poses challenges for the stability and reliability of eration is the main smart grid driver in Germany.
11 Germany’s distribution grids. Three technical chal- Today, the general opinion of most energy market
lenges for network stability caused by RES integra- experts in Germany is that building a smart grid, es-
12 tion into distribution grids in Germany are pre- pecially a smart distribution grid, is a cost-efficient
sented in . Table 4.3, together with the measures way of ensuring security of supply in the presence
most frequently used to overcome them. of large-scale integration of intermittent RES [29],
13 [30].
Investment needs in the grid infrastructure Se-
14 curing a high level of supply security in spite of the The challenge of fluctuating RES in extra high
increasing share of electricity generated by variable voltage grids Germany’s transmission grids
15 RES requires significant investments in transmission (380-kV/220-kV grid) have already achieved a
and distribution grids. On the transmission grid high degree of smartness and are equipped with
level, it is estimated that roughly 3,600 km of 380-KV sophisticated real-time monitoring and control
16 AC overhead lines will have to be installed between technologies. The increasing amount of wind power
now and 2023 [23]. This represents a total invest- from large wind farms creates a need for more grid
17 ment of EUR 21 billion [28]. On the distribution grid control. Sophisticated generation forecasts, for ex-
level, the pressure is even higher: between 135,000 ample, are needed to adequately react to the pools
and 193,000 km will have to be added to the existing of fluctuating generators and maintain the 50 Hz
18 network by 2030. In addition, between 21,000 and grid frequency within its narrow tolerance range of
25,000 km of the existing distribution grid will have ± 0.2 Hz.
19 to be modernized in the same period of time. Ac-
cording to a recent study, these numbers add up to The challenge of fluctuating RES in high voltage
20 a total investment need of roughly EUR 42.5 billion grids  The 110-kV high voltage grid also requires
on the distribution grid level [18]. high availability and near-real-time monitoring and
4.3  •  Smart grid development in Germany
53 4

control. The main challenge within high voltage of control interfaces is viewed as one of the key is-
grids is to maintain voltage levels and loads within sues for assets being installed in low voltage grids
a technically viable band. In the event of overloads, [31].
for example arising from a high volume of RES-E,
electricity has to be transferred to the higher voltage
level. Bidirectional flows of electrical power are an 4.3.2 Germany’s technological view
additional challenge at the level of 110-kV high volt- of the smart grid
age grids. If overloads cannot be transferred to the
higher voltage level, generation has to be curtailed The development of smart grids in Germany In
or additional loads have to be activiated. Germany, smart grid technologies have been de-
scribed, combined, tested, and implemented in a
The challenge of fluctuating RES in medium volt- bottom-up process by research institutions, com-
age grids  Supply quality, specifically with regard to panies from the electric power sector, component
voltage maintenance, constitutes a major technical suppliers, and ICT companies.
challenge in medium voltage grids due to the fluc- The primary driver for smart grid development
tuating and distributed generation from RES. The was the integration of RES into the operational
degree of utilization of ICT in medium voltage grids environments of grid operators. Their integration
is limited. Continuous load measurement, for ex- mainly relies on large monolithic supervisory con-
ample, is used only for customers with consumption trol and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Small
levels exceeding 100 MWh/a. As prescribed by the amounts of renewables were controlled in parallel
Electricity Network Access Ordinance (StromNZV), to the overall grid operations, often in so-called
these customers’ average power consumption must distributed energy management systems (DEMS). In
be measured in periods of 15 minutes and this infor- terms of communications, the systems used existing
mation delivered to the distribution grid operator communication infrastructure and heterogeneous
which then uses the measurement data to compute proprietary data models and protocols. The need
a specific load profile. The measurement equipment to integrate RES in daily grid operations led to a
is operated by the DSO or by the metering system change in the paradigms on how to design and con-
operator. Like at the 110-kV level, wind and PV trol RES. Aspects relating to the connection between
plants may result in inverted flows of electricity to different assets were the first to be focused upon
the higher voltage level in order to avoid an overload – general packet radio service (GPRS), GSM, uni-
of grid assets, especially in rural areas with a more versal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS),
limited infrastructure. and currently long term evolution (LTE) or IP-based
open networks such as the internet have been used.
The challenge of fluctuating RES in low voltage After this initial focus on connectivity, more empha-
grids Today, ICT-based grid operation is very sis was put on the semantics and syntactical aspects
rarely installed at the level of low voltage grids, of communication.
where rooftop PV represents a major challenge in
terms of voltage maintenance and can cause a more The government’s view on smart grids  As in
rapid aging of grid assets. Grid operators currently China, different stakeholders in Germany have de-
handle these challenges by expanding the grid in- veloped different views on smart grids. The primary
frastructure with new cables or local substations. goal of the German government, especially via the
In the future, electric mobility may further increase Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
the necessity for active control of low voltage grids. (BMWi) and BNetzA, is to guide the debate and
It should be noted that the control of assets in low support convergence of the various stakeholders’
voltage grids is especially difficult due to the large smart grid visions. BNetzA, in late 2011, published
number and high heterogeneity of the connected a position paper called Smart Grid and Smart Mar-
assets (e. g. households, rooftop PV modules, local ket [32] (see [33] for an English summary of this
substations, electric vehicles). Thus, standardization document).
54 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

The main objective of this document was to energy volumes (as measured in kWh, MWh,

1 introduce a clear-cut criterion on how smart grids GWh, etc.) refer to the market.
and so-called smart markets can be differenti- The second key concept, Clarification of the
2 ated and to discuss the regulatory consequences. discussion about the energy future through the
BNetzA points out that electricity volumes and terms of smart grid and smart market, follows-
related services have traditionally been traded on up on the first key concept. It clarifies that
3 electricity markets independently from the avail- the term smart grid can be related to network
able grid capacity.3 In a power system based on issues while the term smart market can be
smart grids, however, information on current grid
status can be taken into account in market trans-
actions. Markets allowing the trade of electricity
volumes and related services based on available
- related to energy volume issues.
The third key concept has the somewhat
cumbersome title The energy future requires
more responsibility on the market and more
grid capacities are referred to as smart markets. negotiated solutions. The grid should play a pre-
6 Depending on the available grid capacity, smart dominantly service role and should be separated
markets can either operate without restriction – from competitive activities as far as possible.
7 in case of sufficient grid capacity, or – in case of It discusses the importance of new market
grid congestion – the grid operator has the right to actors in smart markets and underlines that
intervene in the market to ensure grid stability and competitive functions, especially those in
8 e. g. shut down power plants or cut off consumers smart markets, should not be attributed to
[33]. One example for smart markets are regional grid operators. Grid operators are considered
9 energy market places.4 Within a specific region, responsible only for the (smart) grid itself.
industrial, commercial, and domestic customers Smart grids are seen as a platform for smart
10 are given the option of trading electricity volumes markets. Grid operators are consequently
and/or ancillary services in a market place. By viewed as playing a supporting role for smart

trading ancillary services, power consumption
schedules, and power generation (feed-in) sched-
ules, market participants are exposed to price sig-
nals serving as an economic incentive to balance
- markets.
The fourth key concept, entitled Smart meters
are part of, but not an absolute prerequisite for,
the energy future, states that grids can be made
electricity supply and demand and thus stabilize smart without a widespread rollout of smart
the grid. meters. The main argument is that it is suf-
13 The position paper Smart Grid and Smart Mar- ficient to measure data on grid conditions in

ket discusses relevant topics along six key concepts:
The first key concept, named Grid capacity and
local substations or to install only some smart
meters at potentially critical junctures in the

energy volumes as distinguishing criteria for
grid and market, explains how grids and mar-
kets can be separated by identifying the main
topics involved. All aspects relating to grid
- grid.
The fifth key concept, named The smart grid
is a part of an evolutionary, not a revolution-
ary, process, emphasizes that smart grids are
16 capacity (as measured in kW, MW, GW, etc.) not built from scratch but evolve in a gradual
refer to the grid whereas all topics relating to process. In the light of the heterogeneity of the
17 various grid operators in Germany, BNetzA
3 However, system operators have the possibility of correct- consequently stresses that a kind of uniform
smart grid concept applicable to every grid
18 ing market outcomes in the case of insufficient grid ca-
pacities. Nonetheless, grid capacity itself is not taken into operator does not exist and should not be

account in the decisions of the market participants.
promoted by means of regulation.
19 4 Regional energy markets have been tested in several dem-
onstration projects in Germany, e. g. in the eTelligence proj-
The sixth key concept is named If targets for
ect. A detailed overview of the results from eTelligence can the use of renewable energy are to be met it is
20 be found in [62]. essential that these producers, too, respond to
4.3  •  Smart grid development in Germany
55 4

market signals and grid exigencies. It under- power system components (distributed power
lines the importance of integrating RES more generators, power storage units, consumers,
effectively in wholesale markets, potentially by marketplaces, meters, control applications,
redesigning the feed-in priority for RES. etc.) which are characterized by a high level of
communication and information exchange. In
Smart grids according to a recent study by the contrast to the closed system layer, much of the
German Academy of Science and Engineer- value within this layer is created by interac-
ing  In 2012, under the guidance of the German tions between the different participants on
Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), smart markets. As the exchange of sensitive
representatives of the electric power sector, equip- power system information, e. g. real-time data
ment manufacturers sector, ICT sector, and from on power generation and consumption, is of
academia and research institutions developed a particular importance in this context, strict
smart grid model for Germany: the Future Energy ICT and data security protocols have to be
Grid (FEG) model [30]. The model complements applied to ensure individual privacy rights are
the BNetzA view on smart grids by developing a respected and overall power system security is
conceptual and technological foundation for the
separation of smart grids and smart markets. In
particular, FEG can serve as a best practice ex-
ample of how to develop and formulate a com-
- guaranteed.
The ICT infrastructure layer enables com-
munication within and between the two
other layers. It contains the communication
prehensive smart grid vision. FEG is a systematic networks and associated components that
and comprehensive top-down approach that can provide ICT interface functionalities. In order
be used to evaluate the current smartness of grids to ensure that different components of each
and to define a smart grid vision. It systematically layer can communicate with each other, in-
addresses specific problems and challenges in teroperability is a key factor. Interoperability
Germany’s electric power system and introduces is achieved with the help of standardization of
a model of system layers (see . Fig. 4.3) and tech- system interfaces and communication proto-
nology areas (see . Fig. 4.4). The system layers cols.
represent different functions and requirements
regarding the application of ICT in the power In the study Future Energy Grid, a smart grid vi-
system. They were chosen in reference to a model sion based on the three system layers described
adapted by the European Electricity Grid Initiative above and nineteen technology areas is outlined
(see [34]). (see . Fig. 4.4, for a detailed description refer to ap-
In total, FEG comprises the following three sys- pendix D).

tem layers (see . Fig. 4.3):
The innermost layer, referred to as the closed
system layer, contains the critical infrastructure
and power system equipment that serves as
the backbone of the system and requires a high
level of security and safety. Therefore, exter-
nal access to the resources within this layer is
restricted and may be limited to the grid op-
erator or to an equivalent actor. Central (bulk)
power generation, transmission and distribu-
tion grids, and the corresponding ICT-based

- control systems are components of this layer.

The outermost layer is referred to as the net-
worked system layer. It contains heterogeneous
56 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

3 Smart Home

Distributed power


8 grids
Networked system layer

ICT infrastructure layer

Closed system layer



Bulk generation


Industrial power


.. Fig. 4.3  Abstract smart grid system model regarding the application of ICT within three distinct layers, translated from [30]

4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
57 4

Bulk Transmission Distribution Distributed Industrial Domestic Service Energy

Generation Generation Customers Customers Providers Markets

Asset Management for grid components Asset Management for distributed energy resources

Grid control systems Business Services

WAMS Industrial Demand Side Management / Demand Response

Grid automation Plant communications and control modules

FACTS Virtual power plant systems

Forecasting systems

Regional energy marketplaces

Trading control systems

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Smart Appliances

ICT connectivity

Integration technologies

Management of data


Domains in the energy sector Technology areas in the closed system layer Technology areas in the networked system layer

Technology areas in the ICT infrastructure layer Cross-cutting technology areas

.. Fig. 4.4  Technology areas regarding ICT aspects of smart grid implementation in Germany, translated from [30]

4.4 The regulation of Germany’s . Fig. 4.5): e. g. energy consumption for room heating
electric power system purposes should be reduced by 20 % between 2008
and 2020 and 80 % by 2050. For the power sector, the
4.4.1 Policy setting and fundamental government’s objective is to generate 35 % of electric-
institutions ity with RES in 2020 and to increase the share to 80 %
by 2050 [35] as shown in . Fig. 4.5. At the same time,
Policy setting The Federal Government’s Energy in the aftermath of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima,
concept for an environmentally friendly, reliable and the German government decided to completely phase
affordable energy supply of September 2010 and The out nuclear power generation by 2022 [35].
road to the energy of the future – safe, affordable and Many specific objectives with regard to the
environmentally friendly (Key Elements of an energy development of Germany’s power system are sub-
policy concept) of June 2011 [35] contain guidelines ordinated to the general goal of achieving more
and objectives relating to Germany’s future energy sustainability and the specific goal of increasing
system. In particular, the trend towards more envi- the importance of RES: for instance, the German
ronmental protection is explicitly expressed by gov- government wants to expand transmission grids in
ernment plans to reduce CO2 emissions to 60 % of the north-south direction, thus allowing a more ef-
the 1990-level by 2020. It is planned to further reduce fective transport of wind power from the north to
emissions to 20 % of the level of 1990 until 2050 [35]. the load centers in the south of the country. Other
These cuts in CO2 emissions are to be achieved government goals such as improving energy effi-
by reduced energy use for transport and heating (see ciency and promoting energy storage technologies
58 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

12 .. Fig. 4.5  Long-term targets for Germany’s energy sector (© Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e. V. [36])

13 and electric vehicles are also related to the broad

government plan of increasing the sustainability of
Germany’s power system.
- The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Energy (BMWi) has the main responsibility for
formulating and implementing energy policy,
14 including renewable energy, and is responsible
General governance structure The governance for issues related to security of supply and
structure of Germany’s energy system comprises
several ministries and independent institutions.
The ministries are responsible for enacting laws
and ordinances that then have to be applied by in-
- competition policy.
The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Na-
ture Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
(BMUB) is responsible for those energy policy
dependent institutions. This means that the ministry issues which are directly related to environ-
17 concerned can neither interfere in day-to-day busi- mental protection, e. g. CO2 reduction, and
ness nor expand or restrict the competences of the energy efficiency in the building sector.
institutions. Nonetheless, these institutions and the
18 ministries cooperate closely. The market design of the electricity sector is a re-
sponsibility shared by BMWi and BMUB. Other
19 relevant ministries in the context of energy and

Ministries responsible for Germany’s energy pol-
icy  There are currently two ministries at the core of electricity sector policy and smart grids are:
20 the governance structure of the German electricity The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
system: Infrastructure (BMVI) takes responsibility for
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
59 4

Responsibility of BNetzA

Markets and Trade Monopoly Networks

• Generation • Transmission
• Retail
• Power Exchanges • Distribution

Responsibility of Federal
Cartel Office

.. Fig. 4.6  Responsibilities of BNetzA and of the Federal Cartel Office

transportation and mobility issues as well as The Federal Cartel Office is responsible for
for the expansion of digital communication general competition matters (see . Fig. 4.6).
infrastructure, which is especially important as If competition problems are related to natural

- a backbone for smart grids.

The Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs
and Consumer Protection (BMAS) focuses on
social issues related to energy.
monopoly networks, the Federal Cartel Office
can authorize BNetzA to handle the issue.
The existence and competences of the Federal
Cartel Office are laid down in the Act Against

Institutions responsible for Germany’s energy

policy  The following three government authorities
are of particular relevance with regard to the regula-
- Restraints of Competition (GWB).
The Monopoly Commission advises on com-
petition and monopoly issues. Its advice is
non-binding and it does not have decision-

tion of Germany’s electric power system:
The Federal Network Agency for Electricity,
Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway
(BNetzA) is responsible for regulation of
making powers. Nonetheless, the Monopoly
Commission plays a vital role in checking and
evaluating the regulator’s work. The tasks of
the Monopoly Commission are also laid down
the networks which are natural monopolies, in GWB.
including the electricity grid (see . Fig. 4.6).
The existence and competences of BNetzA A brief history of BNetzA  The liberalization of Eu-
are laid down in laws such as EnWG and the ropean electricity markets began with the EU’s First
Grid Expansion Acceleration Act for Transmis- Electricity Directive of 1996. A so-called negotiated
sion Networks (NABEG).5 While BNetzA is in Third Party Access (nTPA) was allowed as an option
charge of national and interstate regulation it alongside regulated Third Party Access (rTPA). nTPA
cooperates closely with regulatory counterparts meant that access to the electricity networks, includ-
on the level of the federal states. State regula- ing network charges, had to be negotiated between
tors are responsible for DSO with less than network owners (grid operators) and network users
100,000 customers and BNetzA for all TSO and (power companies). The directive did not explicitly
for DSO with more than 100,000 customers or prescribe a regulator and ultimately this approach
with operations in more than one state. failed to secure non-discriminatory network access
and to deliver fair and reasonable network charges (cf.
e. g. [37], [38] for an analysis and further literature).
5 The NABEG describes the precise steps and more impor- The EU’s Second Electricity Directive of 2003
tantly the timing of these steps to be fulfilled after a con-
contained significant changes: rTPA became the
nection request. With this, it avoids unjustified delays with
network connection. The role of BNetzA within this process
only option making non-discriminatory network
is specified, for example, in paragraphs 5, 7, 8, and 9 of this access conditions a requirement by law. The Direc-
law. tive also demanded the establishment of an electric-
60 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 Ruling chambers (Beschlusskammern),

competent for regulatory decisions
2 and enforcement
President Management
2 Vice presidents
3 BK 1
4 BK 2 BK 6
Dept. Z Dept. IS Dept. 1 Dept. 2
Central services Telecommunication Telecommunication

BK 3 BK 7
6 Dept. 3 Dept. 4 Dept. 5
Dept. 6
International Energy
Telecommunication Telecommunication

7 regulation
relations / Posts
BK 4 BK 8

Dept. N
8 BK 5 BK 9
Dept. 7
Railway regulation
= Focus on energy-related topics
.. Fig. 4.7  BNetzA organization chart, adapted from [40]
ity sector regulator and the creation of a regulatory compliance with them. Lastly, the Third Electricity
12 framework for fair and reasonable network charges. Directive led to the creation of an Agency for the
In Germany, EnWG was amended to satisfy these Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). In a nut-
demands, resulting in the establishment of BNetzA shell, ACER is responsible for cross-border issues
13 as a federal regulator for monopolistic networks and provides a platform for cooperation between
and the development of incentive regulation (see various European regulators.
14 ▶ Sect. 4.4.4 for more information on incentive
regulation). The regulatory competences of BNetzA Main tasks and competences of BNetzA  The mis-
15 were based on the competences of its predecessor, sion of BNetzA is to regulate the monopolistic part
which was the Regulatory Agency for Telecommuni- of the supply chain – the grid or network infrastruc-

cations and Post Services. Competences relating to
electricity and gas were added, and the agency was
renamed to BNetzA. Later on, the task of regulating -
ture by:
guaranteeing an affordable, consumer-friendly,
efficient and environmentally friendly supply
the railway infrastructure was added as well.
The EU’s Third Electricity Directive of 2009 did
not change the arrangements on rTPA or regulation.
Instead, it strengthened the arrangements relating
- of electricity and gas,
ensuring an effective and undistorted competi-
tion in the supply of electricity and gas as well
as securing a reliable operation of electricity

to unbundling rules. For the TSO, this led to the
ITO approach while for DSO the unbundling rules
- and gas grids,
transposing and implement EU law in the field

stayed as they were in the Second Electricity Direc-
tive (see ▶ Sect. 4.1). BNetzA is also responsible for
implementing the unbundling rules and monitoring - of grid-bound energy supply and
facilitating efficient approval processes to adapt
the German high-voltage transmission grid to
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
61 4

the needs of a rising share of renewable energy

[39]. - approving network expansion plans and
helping to accelerate licensing procedures for

In this context, the two main tasks of the BNetzA are:
to secure non-discriminatory access to the - network expansion, as arranged by NABEG,
exchanging information with other European
regulators, formally or informally, and cross-

- network and
to regulate network charges.

This is reflected by the organizational structure of

-- border issues (e. g. the interconnectors),
providing support for technical standards, and
providing data on power plants and electricity
networks to the public.
BNetzA (see . Fig. 4.7). BNetzA consists of several
departments. Two of them (Department 6 and De- Competences of BNetzA  It is of critical importance
partment N) focus on energy and network regu- for the regulator to be powerful enough to impose
lation. The decision process within BNetzA takes sanctions on the grid operators. In Germany, this is
place within so-called ruling chambers. BNetzA has regulated in § 29 to § 33 EnWG, which define the
nine ruling chambers with decision-making pow- competences of BNetzA and the possible range of

ers, with five of these relating to electricity and gas:
network development and approval of indi-
vidual network charges (ruling chamber 4 in -
penalties it can impose:
§ 29 EnWG lists all discriminating behaviors
of grid operators which can be penalized by

- . Fig. 4.7),
access to electricity networks (ruling cham-
- BNetzA.
According to § 30 EnWG, BNetzA can force

- ber 6 in . Fig. 4.7),
access to gas networks (ruling chamber 7 in

grid operators to stop any discriminating
behavior against other market participants.

- . Fig. 4.7),
regulation of electricity networks (ruling
According to § 31 EnWG, information on
discriminatory behavior of a grid operator can

- chamber 8 in . Fig. 4.7), and

regulation of gas networks (ruling chamber 9
in . Fig. 4.7).
be provided to BNetzA by any legal or natural
§ 32 and § 33 EnWG specify how fines and
compensation payments are to be settled in
Note the focus on and restriction to networks as the case of misconduct by a grid operator.
core monopoly part of the supply chain. BNetzA is
not responsible for the markets, where these are not
related to the networks. Strictly speaking, BNetzA is 4.4.2 Market structure
not responsible for general competitive conditions,
for example merger policy, which is one of the tasks Vertical and horizontal market structure  As de-
of the Federal Cartel Office. In practice, however, scribed in ▶ Sect. 4.1, the stages in the supply chain
the Federal Cartel Office and BNetzA cooperate of Germany’s electric power sector are in a state of
closely. Moreover, BNetzA monitors market devel- far-reaching unbundling: transmission grids, for ex-
opment in a so-called Monitoring Report, which is ample, are owned and operated by fully unbundled
published on an annual basis. companies that are independent from other parts
of the supply chain. Distribution grid operators are
Additional tasks of BNetzA  In addition to securing legally unbundled from generation and retail com-
non-discriminatory access to the network and regu- panies so as to ensure that, within the same utility,

lating network charges, further BNetzA tasks are:
ensuring consumer protection in retail issues
(e. g. rules for switching the power retail com-
no commercially sensitive information is exchanged
between the power grid and other parts of the sup-
ply chain.

-- pany),
implementing and monitoring unbundling rules,
evaluating the network development plan (NDP),
Competition in power generation has been in-
creasing significantly in Germany since the EU’s First
Electricity Directive. Before 1996, generation was mo-
62 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

2 + 200%

4 48,295



6 (2006)

.. Fig. 4.8  Number of companies active in the German energy sector, data from [43]
nopolized by four major companies (RWE, E.ON, sion level, four TSO own the infrastructure while
9 Vattenfall Europe, and EnBW). Meanwhile, these roughly 900 DSO own parts of the distribution grid.
four companies together represent a market share of Since electricity networks are a natural monopoly
10 no more than roughly 44 % of total installed electric- with network charges regulated by BNetzA, there is
ity generation capacities [41]. The decreasing market no competition for markets and customers between
share of the former monopolists is also a result of the the different grid operators.
11 nuclear phase-out and the increasing share of distrib-
uted generation from RES. The growing importance of The emergence of new market actors  The un-
12 RES in particular has served as a key driver for com- bundling process, the legally enforced trend to-
petition in the generation sector. While investments wards more competition, as well as the migration
into conventional power plants are a capital-intensive towards smart grids and RES have contributed to
13 business, investments into RES have become profit- the emergence of new market actors in Germany.
able for small investors due to the guaranteed feed-in Their growing importance can be considered as the
14 tariffs for renewables. As a result, there are currently most profound change in Germany’s electricity mar-
some 300 smaller generation companies with capaci- ket structure during the last few years. A consider-
15 ties starting at 1 MW up to hundreds of MW. able number of new players have entered the sup-
The situation is similar in the retail sector. The ply chain of the electric power system: . Figure 4.8
market share of the four former monopolists has shows that the number of companies active in the
16 been continuously decreasing from 50 % in 2008 German energy sector (including electricity, gas,
to 45 % in 2011 [19]. Most German retail compa- heat, etc.) increased from 15,666 in 2006 to 48,292
17 nies have a regional focus with a high market share in 2011 [42]. This represents an increase of more
within their established service areas. Consumer than 200 % within five years. Especially companies
switching rates to other retailers are still quite low with less than nine employees, often innovative
18 due to the end consumers’ tendency to remain with start-ups and energy service providers, have con-
the incumbent regional suppliers. In 2012, for ex- tributed to this increase. Their number increased
19 ample, only about 7.8 % of all households in Ger- from 14,545 in 2006 to 46,967 in 2013 [43].
many changed their electricity supplier [19]. . Figure 4.9 presents an exemplary overview of
20 The ownership structure on the transmission established and new market actors in smart grids,
and distribution level is as follows: on the transmis- as they are present or emerging in Germany, classi-
Global Marketplace Bulk Power Plant
Distributed Power Plant Operators
Operators Operators

Specialized Marketplace
Power Trade & VPP Operators Power Generation
Operators Retail

New Energy
Power Traders Cooperatives


Power Logistics
Retailers Transmission System Storage
Operators Operators
Energy Information
Distribution System Grid Operations ICT Service Providers
Telecommunication Operators Service Providers
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system

Service Providers
Metering System
Infrastructure Operators Energy System

Smart Appliance Metering Service

Contractors Providers …

.. Fig. 4.9  Examples of established and new market actors in smart grids in Germany
Service Providers

Energy Management
Service Providers Power Consumption

Energy Efficiency E-Vehicle

Consultants Infrastructure Operators

BOLD TYPE = Established Market Actors ITALIC TYPE = New Market Actors / Third Parties
64 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

fied into the different smart grid supply chain areas have the highly specialized personnel required
1 Power Generation, Power Logistics, Power Trade and for smart grid operation (i. e. with deep knowl-
Retail, Power Consumption, and Information and edge of ICT capabilities and with the required
2 Communication. In the following, some examples level of grid automation knowledge). A single
of new market actors depicted in . Fig. 4.9 are de- grid operation service provider may operate
scribed together with a brief explanation on their the smart grids of several small DSO.
3 role in the smart grid development process:

5 -
zz Power Generation:
RES operators:
Traditionally, power plants in Germany were
zz Power Trade & Retail:
VPP operators:
A virtual power plant is a network of decentral-
ized, small to medium-scale power generating
exclusively owned and operated by large utili- units such as biomass plants, combined heat and
ties. Due to the financial support codified in power (CHP) units, wind farms and solar parks.
6 EEG (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.3), a number of more than The interconnected units are partly operated
1,500,000 RES plants, especially onshore wind, through central control of the virtual power
7 PV and biomass plants, has been installed so plant but nevertheless remain independent in
far. The largest part of these plants is operated their operation and ownership. Virtual power
by households as well as small and medium- plants (VPP) deliver electricity products, such as
8 sized companies: in 2013 for example, 6 % of all balancing power, that can be traded on electric-
German households had their own RES genera- ity market places. Product requirements, e. g. the
9 tion units, especially small rooftop PV installa- minimum volume of the delivered power, are
tions [44]. Companies in the manufacturing in- restrictive and usually cannot be met by single
10 dustry have also long since started to build their small scale power plants, like e. g. a single wind
own RES generation units. By 2005, roughly 5 % farm. VPP therefore bundle (aggregate) several
of all German manufacturing companies owned small scale power plants and often even add
11 RES. This number has more than tripled since, other generation capacities and/or flexible loads,

- reaching roughly 18 % in 2012 [45].
New energy cooperatives:
In the tradition of cooperatives founded in
Germany in the beginning of the 20th century to
to fulfil the product requirements of the energy
market places. Thus, the power generation of the
units in the virtual power plant is bundled – or
aggregated – and sold by a single trader on the
develop the first power supply systems, new en- energy exchange or other energy market places
ergy cooperatives have emerged in recent years. (e. g. market for balancing power). As a result,
14 These associations allow individual citizens or VPP can gradually take over the role of tradi-
civil society to pool their financial resources tional power plants – selling their output in the
15 and jointly invest in power system components wholesale markets. Today, in Germany, about

otherwise exceeding the financial resources of 20 medium sized companies operate VPP.
their individual members. In Germany, 650 en- Specialized marketplace operators:
16 ergy cooperatives with roughly 130,000 mem- These market actors operate market places e. g.
bers invested more than one billion euros in for ancillary services or for electricity from
17 power plants based on RES until 2012 [46]. well-defined sources. The concept of special-
ized market places has been piloted in several
zz Power Logistics:
Grid operations service providers:
research projects of the German E-Energy
program (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.6 for more informa-

This type of company specializes in offering
services to operate smart grids for small-sized
or municipally owned German DSO. The busi-
ness model of grid operation service providers
- tion on the E-Energy program).
Power traders:
A person or entity that buys and sells energy
goods and services in an organized electricity
works out, since the small DSO often do not market (electricity or power exchange) or over-
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
65 4

the-counter (OTC). Power traders offer dedi-

cated electricity wholesale services to other
market actors, e. g. industry companies or
- Energy efficiency consultants:
These typically small-sized companies analyze
the energy consumption of private households,
power retailers companies or larger end-users enterprises, industry and municipalities in
(like energy-intensive industry). Due to the order to identify potentials for energy sav-
complex nature of electricity markets, trading ings and energy efficiency improvements and
requires specialist knowledge and expertise, consult the clients in efficient power usage. In
comparable to financial service providers. In a typical business model the advisory is paid
Germany, power trading services are offered by for with a share of the savings generated from

- some 50 companies [19].

Independent retailers:
Liberalization of the energy market in Europe
energy efficiency improvements. In Germany, a
number of nearly 12,500 companies carried out
more than 400,000 consulting projects in 2011
led to the establishment of mostly medium-sized
power retail companies that are independent
from the established utilities. These companies
offer their customers heterogeneous energy-
- [47].
E-Vehicle infrastructure operators:
Electric vehicles need charging stations. These
are built and/or operated by a growing number
based retail products, e. g. regional tariffs, time-
of-use pricing or electricity with a low CO2-
footprint. These products are widely accepted
both by the population and by enterprises.
- of infrastructure operators.
E-Vehicle service providers:
These new market actors are typically big-sized
or mid-sized companies. E-Vehicle service
providers operate pools of electric vehicles and

zz Power Consumption:
Smart appliance contractors:
rent them to companies and private consumers.

Households as well as enterprises operate a

growing multitude of power-consuming appli-
ances like heating equipment, cooling devices
or home electricity storage (so-called smart
zz Information & Communication:
Metering system operators:
These companies install and operate electricity
metering equipment. Metering system opera-
appliances). For these clients, smart appliance tors are an example for a new market role that
contractors offer individual services such as fi- has been created by the German government.
nancing, installation, operation, maintenance, Their role is described by EnWG (§ 21) and
support and appliance replacement. Other
contractors act as full-service providers and
offer volume-based heating, cooling or load - the Metering Access Ordinance (MessZV).
Metering service providers:
Metering service providers offer the service of

- management services.
The term prosumer is merged from the terms
reading out meter systems and delivering the
gathered data to power retailers as a basis for
billing. Their role is also described by EnWG
producer and consumer. Besides consuming
power, these new market actors deliver surplus
power to the grid, e. g. through small-scale
rooftop PV or combined heat and power (CHP)
- (§ 21) and the Metering Access Ordinance.
Energy information service providers:
All market actors in smart grids require
energy-related information to carry out their

- plants.
Energy management service providers:
Energy management service providers deliver
energy monitoring and controlling services
tasks and businesses, e. g. current or histori-
cal grid status data, metering data or weather
data. Energy information service providers
collect raw data from multiple sources, analyze
to industry and large commercial companies. and refine the data and then offer specialized
With their service portfolio they contribute to information services to their customers. One
continuous improvement of energy procure- example of an energy information service
ment and use in smart grids. is wind and PV power generation forecasts,
66 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

Wholesale Markets
Power Exchange Over-the-Counter (OTC)

Spot Market Futures Market Spot Market Futures Market
5 short term long term short term long term
(intraday, day-ahead) (1 week up to several (intraday, day-ahead) (1 week up to several
6 years) years)
physical fulfilment physical fulfilment
mainly financial both physical and
standardized standardized
fulfilment financial fulfilment
7 standardized futures & non-standardized
options futures & options

9 .. Fig. 4.10  Electricity wholesale markets in Germany

which are typically derived from a multitude of eration companies, about 50 power trading compa-
- different weather data sources.
Energy system integrators:
Energy system integrators are established or new
companies which develop ICT-based system
nies, and approximately 1,110 power retail companies
[19]. A high level of liquidity indicates that electric-
ity wholesale markets are functioning well [19]. The
German wholesale market is currently separated into

solutions in all segments of the smart grid
supply chain for their customers, e. g. solutions
for advanced distribution system management
and grid maintenance solutions for DSO, smart
two major energy-only markets (see . Fig. 4.10):
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) with
two products: spot (short-term) and future
(long-term) markets for electricity. In contrast
metering solutions for metering service provid- to China, there is only one uniform wholesale
ers or virtual power plant management solutions price for electricity in Germany irrespective
14 for VPP operators. The ICT sector in Europe has of the power source, production technology,
increasingly been participating in the develop- or age of the power plant under consideration.
15 ment of smart grids and is involved in approxi- The market price – for all generators – at any
mately 60 % of all related research projects [48]. given time is determined by the marginal costs
The ICT-related smart grid concepts developed of the last power plant required to satisfy total
16 by energy system integrators contribute to the electricity demand. This nationally integrated
general understanding of smart grids among market leads to a situation in which, at any
17 established and new market actors, public point in time, only those power plants with the
decision-makers, and the general public. lowest marginal costs of production are able to
4.4.3 Market design
and RES integration
- sell their electricity on the market.
The over-the-counter (OTC) market gives sup-
pliers and buyers of electricity the opportunity
to bilaterally trade electricity and to negotiate
contracts and prices irrespective of standard-
20 General market design  German electricity whole- ized contracts or prices at the power exchange.
sale markets bring together roughly 300 power gen- Like the EEX, OTC contracts offer the pos-
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
67 4

sibility for spot and future trades. Products on which is higher than the wholesale market
both markets can be the same, e. g. short-term
contracts with direct physical fulfillment can
be either traded via the exchange or negotiated
directly with another party on the OTC spot
- price for electricity.
Take-up obligation: grid operators must buy
the electricity from RES at all times and pay
the feed-in tariff independently from current

- market prices.
RES priority: RES has priority over non-RES in
Most of Germany’s electricity is traded bilaterally
between generation and retail companies. In 2012
for example, 7,000 TWh of electricity were traded
in OTC transactions, whereas only approximately
- case of network congestion.
RES curtailment in last resort: in case of
network congestion, conventional power sup-
ply needs to be curtailed as much as possible
1,200 TWh were traded at the EEX [19].6 The attrac- before RES can be curtailed as well.
tiveness of OTC trading results from the fact that
OTC products can be designed more flexibly ac- Feed-in tariffs at a glance  The feed-in tariffs are
cording to the specific needs of the parties involved. usually paid for electricity stemming from hydro
Nonetheless, EEX prices are very important because power, landfill gas, gas from purification plants,
they serve as a reference value for OTC trading. mine gas, biomass, biogas, geothermal power, on-
While generation and retail companies use the shore wind, offshore wind, small-sized rooftop PV
power exchange to trade electricity especially for installations, and large-scale PV parks. With regard
short-term contracts (physical fulfillment), most of to the specific design of the feed-in tariffs, three as-
the trade at the power exchange is focused on the
exchange of futures. Here electricity traders focus
pects must be considered:
First, feed-in tariffs differ depending on the
on financial exchanges. Traders expect to gain ben-
efits through the arbitrage between different future
periods. Retail companies have to pay the generators
for the electricity produced and the grid operator
- power source under consideration.
Second, feed-in tariffs for installations using
the same power source often depend on the
installed capacity with higher feed-in tariffs
for the transport of the electricity. The generation
company needs to inform TSO in advance about the
exact electricity volume that its facility will produce
within a certain period of time and to which cus-
- applying to smaller installations.
Third, feed-in tariffs are paid for a period of
20 years and the feed-in tariff paid for each
installation at the moment of its commission-
tomer (e. g. power retail companies) the electricity ing is guaranteed over the whole period.7
needs to be transported.
Feed-in tariffs for new installations have been
Promotion and integration of RES  To subsidize the steadily adjusted downwards since the implemen-
development of RES, a fixed feed-in tariff which is tation of the EEG in 2000, reflecting technical prog-
significantly above market prices is paid to RES own- ress and the declining costs of RES. However, feed-in
ers. The EEG, which regulates the promotion of RES, tariffs for installations that went into service before
was enacted in 2000 on the basis of the former Act on the adjustments remain at their originally guaran-
the Feed-In of Electricity from RES into the Public Grid, teed level. To facilitate planning for RES investors,
itself enacted in December 1990. The EEG regulates future reductions of the feed-in tariffs are already

a feed-in system that comprises four key elements:
Fixed feed-in tariff: for each kWh produced
and fed into the grid, a fixed price is paid
known today and recorded in specific reduction
schemes that are part of governmental supplements

7 Wind power represents an exception to this general frame-

6 Note that the quantity of electricity virtually traded either work: tariffs for wind farms are not constant over the whole
via OTC or EEX is considerably higher than the physical period but are slightly elevated during the first years of
quantity of electricity generation and consumption. This is the operation. Also, feed-in tariffs for wind farms do not
due to hedging or arbitrage activities of market participants. decrease with the size of the wind farm.
68 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

to the EEG. Depending on the capacity and some

1 other characteristics of the installations, the follow- Costs
w/o RES
ing ranges of feed-in tariffs for the power sources
with the highest relevance were paid in 2012 [49]:
Hydro: 0.034 €/kWh–0.127 €/kWh

with RES
Onshore wind: 0.0893 €/kWh–0.0991 €/kWh
3 Offshore wind: 0.15 €/kWh–0.19 €/kWh


Biomass: 0.06 €/kWh–0.143 €/kWh
4 PV: 0.1794 €/kWh–0.2443 €/kWh

5 Financial burden caused by feed-in tariffs Elec-

RES supply Quantity
tricity generated by means of RES (RES-E) is traded
on wholesale markets irrespectively of the feed-in
6 tariffs. RES-E enters Germany’s wholesale markets
.. Fig. 4.11  Effects of RES supply on the wholesale electricity

in the following way:
7 Generators of RES-E receive the feed-in tariff
from their respective distribution grid opera- to roughly EUR 20 billion in 2014 [50]. Owing to
tor, who in turn gets an equivalent compensa- the increasing share of RES in Germany’s elec-

8 tion from the transmission grid operator. tricity mix, the renewable energy surcharge rose
The transmission grid operator sells RES-E from 0.0008 €/kWh in 2000 to 0.0528 €/kWh in
9 on a wholesale market, frequently receiving a 2013 [51]. Germany has made the experience that
price considerably lower than the governmen- setting up a system with feed-in tariffs financed by
- tally fixed feed-in tariff.
To avoid financial burdens for transmission
grid operators as a result of this practice,
the difference between the fixed feed-in
means of a surcharge that does not vary in differ-
ent regions redirects purchasing power from re-
gions with high loads towards regions with high
RES capacities. Berlin, with its more than 3 mil-
tariffs and the market prices for electricity lion inhabitants (roughly 4.1 % of Germany’s total
12 is refunded in full to the transmission grid population), received only 0.1 % of all RES con-

13 - operator.
The financial capital for this compensation
stems from the electricity consumers, who have
to pay a surcharge for the promotion of RES on
nected payments, whereas Schleswig-Holstein, a
federal state in Northern Germany with less than
3 million inhabitants (about 3.5 % of the popula-
tion), received 7.0 % of all RES connected pay-
14 their electricity bill (renewable energy sur- ments [51]. However, Berlin’s population did not
charge). The amount of the surcharge depends pay less than the population in Schleswig-Holstein
15 on the type of consumer (with high discounts to finance the RES funds. This means that purchas-
for industrial consumers) but does not depend ing power was implicitly redirected from Berlin
on the consumer’s geographic location. to Schleswig-Holstein owing to the RES financing
16 mechanism.
The financial burden caused by this compensation
17 has increased significantly in the course of the past The effects of RES on wholesale electricity
years. In 2000, approximately one billion euros was prices  The price on the wholesale electricity mar-
necessary to cover the difference costs of RES feed- ket is determined by the marginal costs of the last
18 in tariffs.8 This figure increased to approximately power plant required to satisfy total electricity de-
EUR 16 billion in 2012 and is projected to amount mand setting the price which is applied to all gen-
19 erators at that point in time. The power plants are
8 Difference costs refer to the total amount of feed-in tariffs
ranked according to their marginal costs of electric-
20 paid to investors minus the revenues from RES-E on whole- ity generation (merit order), with the plants with
sale markets. the lowest marginal costs necessary to meet demand
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
69 4

dispatched first and the ones with the highest mar- contracts without any interactions on market-
ginal costs brought online last. places. They are less complex than wholesale mar-
TSO are mandated by law to prioritize the kets. In both Germany and China, households and
feed-in of RES before other conventional genera- industrial consumers pay different retail prices. In
tion technologies. Once installed and connected contrast to China, German households have to
to the grid, wind and PV installations can produce pay significantly more than industrial consumers.
electricity with almost zero marginal costs, while In 2012, the price amounted to roughly 0.13 €/
costs of electricity generation from fossil fuel-fired kWh for industrial consumers, whereas the price
power plants depends on the price of the combus- for household consumers amounted to approxi-
tibles used (fuel costs). Thus, electricity generated mately 0.26 €/kWh [53]. These privileges for in-
from RES enters the wholesale markets at the be- dustrial consumers were introduced to increase
ginning of the merit order (at zero marginal costs) the competitiveness of Germany’s industry on
and is dispatched first. As a consequence, average world markets.
wholesale prices decrease as the generation tech- The retail price for electricity can be subdivided
nologies with higher marginal costs are displaced
by an increasing volume of RES-E. Thus, large-scale
integration of RES-E suppresses wholesale electric-
ity prices. This is known as the so-called merit order
into three main categories:
Taxes (electricity tax and value-added-tax)
and fees (mainly concessional duties and the
renewable energy surcharge) currently make
effect (see . Fig. 4.11). With large amounts of RES-
E traded on the wholesale markets (on windy and
sunny days), wholesale prices are rather low. When
high feed-in of RES-E corresponds to low demand
- up approximately 50 % of the electricity price.
Costs of power generation and retail amount
to approximately 30 % of the price. Be-
tween 1998 and 2000, these costs decreased
on the consumption side (typically on Sundays), from 0.1291 €/kWh to 0.0858 €/kWh as a
prices for electricity can even reach negative val- result of the market liberalization of 1998,
ues. On these days, Germany sometimes exports which created more market competition in all
electricity to foreign countries and has to remu- areas of the power sector supply chain. In the
nerate these countries for absorbing the German following years, the size of this price compo-
electricity. There were negative spot market prices nent increased slowly but steadily until 2009
for almost 80 hours in 2013. Such negative prices and has remained rather stable since then
occurred in ten of twelve months [52]. In conclu-
sion, it can be said that the increasing share of RES
leads to decreasing but much more volatile prices
on the wholesale markets.
- [53].
Governmentally regulated network charges
compensating grid operators for electric-
ity transmission and distribution. Network
As wholesale market prices decrease, gas-fired charges make up roughly 20 % of the retail
power plants, which have high marginal costs, are price paid by household consumers [3]
dispatched less and less frequently making an eco-
nomically viable operation difficult and deterring . Figure 4.12 illustrates the development of electric-
investors. However, with their flexibility and fast ity prices for private households and its composition
ramp times gas-fired power plants are considered a in Germany since 2006. The electricity retail price
necessary part of a power system with a high share has increased due to rising costs of power genera-
of variable RES. Due to these developments, discus- tion and retail as well as rising taxes and surcharges
sions on a revision of the EEG and alternative sup- (fees), which increased from 0.0714 €/kWh in 2006
port schemes and incentive mechanisms for invest- to 0.1163 €/kWh by 2012 [53]. The increase of the
ments in conventional power plants are currently renewable energy surcharge from 0.008 €/kWh in
taking place in Germany. 2006 to 0.0528 €/kWh in 2013 contributed to this
development. In the same timeframe, the network
Electricity retail markets and prices Electricity charges decreased slightly.
retail markets are based on bilateral standardized
70 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

1 ct/kWh

2 25,45

25 22,75 23,42
3 20,08
6,11 6,21
18,93 5,79
20 5,68
4 4,66
5,18 5,42
15 2,91
2,48 2,58
5 5,92
5,80 5,81 5,75 6,04
10 6,34
6 5
7,19 8,36 8,10 8,41 8,39
4,49 5,90
7 0
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

8 Generation and retail (incl. margin) Network charges Fees Taxes

9 .. Fig. 4.12  Development of the electricity price for private households in Germany, adapted from [3]

10 4.4.4 Development of infrastructure of facilitating the integration of RES, improv-

and network regulation ing the interconnection with neighboring
11 countries, easing the connection of new power

Coordination of network expansion  In Ger-
many, many different stakeholders are involved in
grid expansion planning. Even if planning activity
is mainly in the hands of TSO and BNetzA, other
- plants, and reducing network congestions.
NABEG further specifies procedures relat-
ing to the network expansion plan. Its main
motivation is to accelerate the planning and
established power sector companies, third parties approval procedures of network expansion.
and the public can also influence network expan-
14 sion planning. From a legal point of view, the expan- Cost pass-through regulation until 2009  The costs
sion of the electric power grid is mainly regulated of investments in the grid infrastructure are shared
15 by EnWG, by the Energy Network Development Act by all electricity consumers via network charges.

16 -
(EnLAG), and by NABEG:
§ 12 EnWG states that transmission grid
operators are responsible for elaborating and
issuing a coordinated network expansion plan
Until 2009, investment into the grid infrastructure
was regulated using a so-called cost pass-through
regulation which was also applied in many European
countries and the United States. Cost pass-through
17 each year. This plan is supposed to describe regulation adjusts permissible revenues according to
which upgrades of the transmission grids will the grid operator’s accounting and capital costs. The
be necessary during the following ten years. primary advantage of this system is that it lowers in-
18 The process of network expansion planning vestment risks as practically all costs can be passed
is monitored by BNetzA. It allows for public on to the end-user (via network charges), thus en-
19 participation and is open to comments from couraging investment in the infrastructure. However,

20 - various stakeholders.
EnLAG defines specific investment projects
in single transmission lines with the intention
this regulation does not set incentives for efficient
grid operation especially important in power systems
with a limited need for grid expansion and upgrade.
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
71 4

Incentive-based regulation after 2009 Today, tions), grid operators must contact BNetzA without
network charges in Germany are regulated using any delays (§ 13, section 6, EnWG). With regard to
incentive-based regulation in the form of a so-called less urgent and more local situations, grid opera-
revenue cap. This solution relates to a model pro- tors are obliged to issue a yearly report listing all
posed by the former UK Treasury economist Ste- supply interruptions within their respective grid
phen Littlechild in 1983. He criticized the lack of area (§ 52 EnWG). This report must be submitted
efficiency incentives of cost pass-through regulation to BNetzA every year by the end of April via an
and proposed the price-based regulation, which is internet-based process (see [55]).
known as RPI-X [54]. Apart from Germany, similar The description of each supply interruption
systems exist across Europe (e. g. the UK) and in must include the time, duration, scope, and cause
some areas of the United States as well. of the interruption. Grid operators are also obliged
For Germany, the details of revenue cap regu- to describe the preventive measures taken to avoid
lation are defined in the Incentive Regulation Or- such interruptions in the future. A document en-
dinance (ARegV). With price-based regulation, titled Guidelines of BNetzA concerning reporting du-
the future revenue cap is defined ex-ante for the ties for supply interruptions in electric power grids
coming regulation period (five years in Germany). according to § 52 EnWG (see [56]) specifies the in-
Within the regulation period, the formula used to formation to be transmitted to the regulator.
calculate the precise level of the revenue cap re-
mains unchanged. Permissible revenues therefore
follow a predetermined path during the regula- 4.4.5 Coordination of generation
tion period. The revenue cap is mainly based on and consumption
previous-year revenues minus the so-called RPI-X
Factor. This factor consists of the retail price index Long-term coordination vs. short-term balancing
(RPI) and an anticipated increase in productiv- of generation and consumption Neither elec-
ity (the so-called X-Factor). The X-Factor is an tricity generation nor electricity consumption has
important element of incentive-based regulation. changed dramatically in Germany during the last
It is determined individually for each grid opera- two decades. Thus, policies focusing on facilitating
tor. If a grid operator reaches a higher increase in the long-term coordination of electricity generation
productivity than anticipated by the regulator, ad- capacities with the development of electricity con-
ditional cost savings need not be passed through sumption are not a primary concern in Germany.
to the consumer and thus remain as additional However, due to the increasing intermittency of
profit for the company. This mechanism there- Germany’s electricity generation caused by RES
fore represents an incentive to improve efficiency. integration, policies aiming at balancing electricity
The disadvantage of incentive-based regulation is generation and consumption in the short-term have
that cost-saving pressure may be at the expense of become more and more important.
network investment. In Germany, with its large
network investment requirements, a reform of the The role of TSO in balancing generation and con-
regulatory system to facilitate efficient investment sumption in the short-term  Before the beginning
is therefore currently being discussed. of the unbundling process, decisions such as the dis-
patching of power plants were coordinated within
Regulation of supply security  Network regulation the firms themselves. Today, these decisions are
relates not only to network charges but also to moni- coordinated in the wholesale and retail markets de-
toring supply security. EnWG contains several para- scribed in ▶ Sect. 4.4.3. In some cases, however, the
graphs on this aspect. § 13 and § 14 EnWG assign balancing of generation and consumption and re-
responsibility for stable grid operation to transmis- spective dispatching of power plants as determined
sion grid operators and distribution grid operators by the market cannot be realized due to physical
respectively. In urgent situations with a national rel- restrictions with regard to power grid infrastructure
evance (for example situations of network conges- capacities. In these cases, the TSO are responsible
72 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

for balancing generation and consumption in or- depends on a successful rollout of smart meters.
1 der to secure system stability. Specifically, German Currently, only few households in Germany are
TSO are allowed to take the following measures and equipped with smart meters. According to a recent
make the following adjustments:
So-called balancing markets are independent
from EEX and OTC trading and allow genera-
tion and consumption to be adjusted in the very
survey among German energy market experts, the
widespread rollout of smart meters is not expected
to be completed before 2029 [57].
As a consequence, the German tariff system cur-
short term: according to § 12 EnWG, TSO can rently has less time-of-use pricing elements than
4 tender the required balancing power through the Chinese tariff system. The following elements
a common internet platform.9 Three different provide examples for time-of-use pricing elements
reserves are tendered: primary, secondary, and
tertiary reserve. Primary reserve needs to be
available within 30 seconds and is tendered on a
monthly basis. Secondary reserve must be avail-
included in the German tariff system:
For more than 20 years, electricity prices for
industrial consumers have been separated into
a peak load price and a base load price. This
able within 5 minutes and is also tendered on offers users an incentive to keep peak demand
7 a monthly basis. Tertiary reserve has to replace as low as possible. Technically, energy manage-
the secondary reserve after 15 minutes. Tertiary ment systems within factories supervise and
- reserve is tendered on a daily basis.
An Ordinance on Disconnectable Loads
(AbLaV) was issued in 2013. It allows TSO to
tender, on a monthly basis, loads of up to 3 GW
control the processes within certain ranges
to effectively reduce peak demand. In recent
times, more differentiated time-of-use pricing
has been introduced to take advantage of the
that can be disconnected within 15 minutes if flexibility within the industrial production
10 there is an urgent need to adjust consumption
downwards. Like in the balancing markets, the
- process for load shifting.
Since 2011, EnWG has obliged each power

- loads are tendered on an internet platform.
If generation and consumption cannot be bal-
anced in balancing markets or by disconnecting
loads according to AbLaV, TSO are entitled to
retail company to offer at least one electric-
ity tariff for residential consumers with price
levels differentiating at least between times
of peak and base load. However, only few
overrule market outcomes by forcing power gen- German households have chosen such a tariff
erators to adjust their generation. In that case, because the potential financial savings it offers
13 the affected generation companies have to be are rather low [58].
compensated for financial losses and BNetzA has
14 to be informed immediately on such measures.
4.4.6 The role of information
and communication
15 The role of electricity tariffs in balancing genera-
tion and consumption in the short term Tradi-
tionally, the main function of electricity prices was The role of government in promoting smart grid-
16 the coordination of electricity generation and con- related ICT  In addition to guiding the German
sumption in the long-run by incentivizing invest- debate on smart grid developments and including
17 ments in generation capacities, grid capacities, and third parties in the smart grid development process,
end-use-devices. Currently, there is a trend towards the German government promotes the development
tariff structures on retail markets being designed of smart grid technologies by means of innovation
18 to take over the balancing of generation and con- policies. The smart grid innovation policies of the
sumption even in the short term. The widespread German government currently focus on the pro-
19 introduction of such time-of-use pricing critically motion of R&D and are embedded into the govern-

20 9 Please refer to ▶ for more

information on this internet platform. -
ment’s broader energy research policy.
The first objective of Germany’s energy re-
search policy is to contribute to achieving the
4.4  •  The regulation of Germany’s electric power system
73 4

targets set by the government in relation to the The results of one of the E-Energy projects called E-
energy sector and climate policy by supporting DeMa show that in today’s market conditions there
the early-stage development of new technolo- are not enough incentives for residential consum-

- gies, concepts and business models.

The second target is to enhance the position
of German companies in the field of modern
ers to apply DSM or demand response (DR) [60].
However, it is expected that the projected expan-
sion of RES generation capacities will increase the

- energy technologies.
The third objective is to secure and enhance
technological options. This objective seeks
to help improve the flexibility of Germany’s
demand and the corresponding business opportu-
nity for DSM. Therefore, numerous German retail-
ers have projects promoting consumers’ commit-
ment to shift electricity consumption to off-peak
energy supply and is consequently directly times and to use electricity more efficiently (e. g.
related to smart grid technologies. by visualizing end users’ electricity consumption).
One important result in this context is that new
In general, smart grid research projects are co- market concepts are necessary to efficiently explore
funded by the German government with a govern- the load shifting potential of customers. An elec-
ment grant amounting to 50 % of the total project tronic marketplace developed in the framework
costs being paid to industrial project members. of the E-Energy projects could, for example, serve
Public research institutes and universities often get as a communication and interaction platform for
100 % government funding. Mainly large consortia residential consumers.
of industrial companies (utilities, manufacturers,
telcos, innovative small and medium-sized enter-
Selected findings and lessons learned

prises, and energy service companies) and R&D
from E-Energy
institutions such as universities or independent in-
Household customers with detailed informa-
stitutes compete among each other for government
tion on their load behavior are able to reduce

funds. Their research proposals are evaluated by
electricity consumption by roughly 5 %.
independent evaluators or government bodies and
Saving potentials are higher for commercial
the best concepts are recommended for funding.
and industrial enterprises. These consumers
were able to save up to 20 % with detailed

Some results from early R&D projects Germany’s
information on their electricity consumption.
main funding program for smart grid and smart
Electricity consumption needs to be made
market policies so far was the so-called E-Energy
transparent with feedback instruments indi-

funding scheme set up by BMWi and supported by
cating current and historical consumption.
BMUB. Extended demonstration projects were car-
An illustration of historical consumption
ried out in six German regions to validate the in-
provided with the monthly electricity bill can
tegration and balancing of renewables and the in-
sometimes constitute sufficient feedback
clusion of third parties and smart markets such as
for household consumers. In general, more
regional energy marketplaces. The development of
sophisticated feedback instruments are

new ICT solutions for smart grids and smart markets
necessary, especially for companies.
was an additional key target. The overall volume of
Transparent electricity consumption pat-
this program was roughly EUR 140 million [59].
terns are not sufficient to save on electric
The main motivations behind the E-Energy

power. Consumers must also be empowered
funding scheme were
to assess the relevant information and de-
to establish a lead market in developing smart

cide on possible options. Advisory measures,
grid technologies,
efficiency indicators, and analytic tools are
to integrate smart grid developments into the

necessary in this context.
European context, and
Source: B.A.U.M. Consult G.m.b.H. [59]
to guarantee the security of supply in the
future power system.
74 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

In the wake of the E-Energy funding scheme, the ogy, telecommunications, and new media industry.
1 call for project proposals for the Future Proof Power In addition to the promotion of the business devel-
Grids research program took place in early 2013. opment, these associations focus on the aspect of
2 The aim of the program is to improve cooperation data privacy. Therefore, important legislation and
between industry and academia throughout the regulatory topics covered by both associations are
value chain and facilitate international research co- smart metering (private consumption data), smart
3 operation. Another goal is to improve the environ- home gateways (also private data and service inter-
mental, economic, and resource efficiency of elec- ruptions), and certain aspects of controllable local
4 tricity networks as well as the security of electricity systems and communication requirements of the
supply research under this program is supported German Forum Network Technology/Network Op-
5 with a total of EUR 150 million provided by three eration in the VDE (FNN).
different ministries [61]. More than 400 companies
and 300 academic and research institutions formed
6 research consortia and submitted 171 project pro- Information security in Germany’s smart
grid environment
posals. The large majority of project proposals deals
7 with issues related to distribution grids, with pro- Besides system operation, information security
in Germany strongly focuses on the aspect of
posed research on transmission grids also attracting
user acceptance, e. g. in the domain of smart
a significant amount of proposals and wind power
8 integration trailing behind [61]. The focus of most metering. In that context, data privacy is a very
important issue. The standards discussed in
proposals is on the management of grid operations,
9 followed by technical challenges of transmission the context of information security in Ger-
many include the IEC Technical Committee (TC)
and distribution grids as well as network planning.
57 family, ISA 99 and the North American Electric
10 Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Critical Infrastruc-
The role of the ICT industry in promoting smart
ture Protection Committee (CIPC). Furthermore,
grids  The ICT industry has developed a promi-
11 nent view on Germany’s smart grid issues. Repre- studies for the BMWi have been carried out to
provide an overview of previous attacks in the
sentatives of the ICT industry contributed to the
12 creation of the comprehensive German smart grid energy domain, existing solutions and security
standards, and also insights on security metrics
vision elaborated in FEG. Germany’s ICT industry
and patterns [63].
is focusing less on basic aspects of communications
13 but more on general services to end consumers, Standardization in the information security sec-
tor seeks to unify the implementation of ICT se-
e. g. value-added services at residential level, apps
14 for energy efficiency, and big data aspects relating curity measures. The ultimate aim is to improve
the common security level in the power system.
to power grid data exchange, data processing, and
An overview of common security standards in
15 archiving. While smart grid funding and lobbying
Germany is given by BITKOM and DIN, although
is strongly influenced by the ICT industry, aspects
it does not cover the energy domain directly
related to distribution grids are still dominated by
16 companies from the energy sector. [64]. An evaluation of security standards and
guidelines for the energy domain was con-
The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and
17 the Federal Association for Information Technology, ducted in the European project European
Network for the Security of Control and Real
Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM),
Time Systems (ESCoRTS). This topic is also ad-
which focus on the ICT point of view, can be re-
18 garded as important players to address the view of dressed by the Smart Grid Information Security
(SGIS) working group, which is partly respon-
the ICT industry in the smart grid debate: the for-
19 mer is a large general industrial association commu- sible for carrying out the European Mandate
M/490 as well as the corresponding DKE Group
nicating the interests of German industry to those
STD 1911.11 in Germany (see [65]).
20 in positions of political responsibility. The latter is a
large association dedicated to information technol-
75 4

The requirements stated in the white paper on

Requirements for Secure Control and Telecommu-
- The government plays a strong role in Germany’s
energy sector regulation: it published credible
long-term goals for the development of the power
nication Systems [66] by the German Association
sector until 2050. There is also strong coordination
of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) aim to
between the different governmental institutions
support the acquisition, development, and
involved in energy policy. Finally, the regulatory
revision of control and telecommunications
authority is independent from the government
systems in the energy sector to minimize the
and can be seen as a powerful player in Germa-
consequences of threats.
ny’s power system. The government is very active
in the smart grid development process as well:
BNetzA has issued a widely acknowledged govern-

Key findings ment position on smart grids and smart markets
Germany has a stable and nationwide integrated while BMWi aims at including new market actors

electric power system. The power sector is in an ad- in the smart grid development process.
vanced state of unbundling, featuring widely used The unbundling process, the legally enforced
markets for power exchange. Retail prices are rather trend towards more competition, as well as the
high in Germany due to taxes and levies imposed to migration towards smart grids and RES have con-

finance the modernization of the power system. tributed to the emergence of new market actors
An important goal of the German government is in Germany. Their growing importance can be
to increase the sustainability of the electric power considered as the most profound change in Ger-
system. RES generation capacities have therefore many’s market structure during the last few years:
been strongly built up in recent years and are likely new market actors introduced innovative products
to further increase in importance during the next and services and contributed to the moderniza-
decades. The increasing feed-in of intermittent RES tion of Germany’s energy power sector. The ICT
generation puts more and more stress on grid op- industry for example, has developed a prominent
eration in Germany. In this context, Germany has view on Germany’s smart grid topics and places
gathered significant experience on topics relating a special emphasis on services being provided to

to grid integration and curtailment of RES. end consumers.
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38 G. Brunekreeft and S. Twelemann, “Regulation, Competi- 50 Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft
tion and Investment in the German Electricity Market: (BDEW), “Erneuerbare Energien und das EEG: Zahlen, Fak-
RegTP or REGTP,” Energy Journal, vol. 26, pp. 99–126, 2005. ten, Grafiken (2014),” BDEW, Berlin, 2014.
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kation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA), “Aufgaben der (BDEW), “Energie-Info Erneuerbare Energien und das EEG:
Bundesnetzagentur,” BNetzA, [Online]. Available: http:// Zahlen, Fakten, Grafiken (2013),” BDEW, Berlin, 2013. 52 J. Mayer, “Electricity Spot-Prices and Production Data in
DieBundesnetzagentur/UeberdieAgentur/Aufgaben/ Germany 2013,” Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, 2014.
aufgaben-node.html. [Accessed 04 July 2014]. 53 Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e. V.
40 D. Muether, “Praxis der (Strom-)Netzregulierung – Leitlinien (BDEW), “BDEW-Strompreisanalyse Mai  2013 – Haus-
und neue Anforderungen an die Netzregulierung im Zuge halte und Industrie,” May 27, 2013. [Online]. Available:
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78 Chapter 4  •  Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

55 Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunika- 65 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST
1 tion, Post und Eisenbahnen, “Allgemeinverfügung nach Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability
§ 52 S. 5 EnWG,” February 2006. [Online]. Available: http:// Standards, US Department of Commerce, 2010. 66 Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft
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gungssicherheit/Stromnetze/AllgmnVerfg220206Gestal- munication Systems, Berlin: BDEW, 2008.
3 [Accessed February 26, 2014].
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tion, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA), “Anlage – Berichts­
4 pflichten bei Versorgungsstörungen,” February 2006.
[Online]. Available: http://www.bundesnetzagentur.

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9 hin-wenig-attraktiv-89980.aspx. [Accessed February 14,
59 B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, “Smart Energy Made in Germany
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12 of Future Smart Grid Applications in the E-DeMa Project,”
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“Förderinitiative Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze,” 2013. [On-
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62 M. Agsten, D. Bauknecht, A. Becker, W. Brinker, R. Conrads,
V. Diebels, T. Erge, S. Feuerhahn, C. Heinemann, J. Herms-
15 meier, R. Hollinger, T. Klose, M. Koch, C. Mayer, G. Pistoor, C.
Rosinger, H. Rüttinger, T. Schmedes and M. Stadler, “eTelli-
gence final report,” 2011. [Online]. Available: http://www.
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17 63 C. Rosinger and M. Uslar, “Smart Grid Security: IEC 62351
and Other Relevant Standards,” in Standardization in Smart
Grids. Introduction to IT-Related Methodologies, Architectures
18 and Standards, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2013.
64 Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunika-
tion und neue Medien e. V. (BITKOM)/Deutsches Institut
19 der Normung (DIN), “Kompass der IT-Sicherheitsstandards
– Leitfaden und Nachschlagewerk,” BITKOM/DIN, Berlin,
79 5

Recommended approaches
for smart grid development
in China
5.1 Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector
and establish an independent and powerful regulator  –  81
5.1.1 Background – 81
5.1.2 International practice – 83
5.1.3 Recommended approach for China  –  84

5.2 Create level playing fields for access to power

system infrastructure and information  –  85
5.2.1 Background – 85
5.2.2 International practice – 87
5.2.3 Recommended approach for China  –  90

5.3 Introduce network regulation for efficient investment

incentivesfor electricity grid expansion and upgrade  –  90
5.3.1 Background – 91
5.3.2 International practice – 92
5.3.3 Recommended approach for China  –  93

5.4 Coordinate network expansion planning for

electricity grid expansion and upgrade  –  94
5.4.1 Background – 94
5.4.2 International practice – 95
5.4.3 Recommended approach for China  –  97

5.5 Improve grid integration of RES  –  98

5.5.1 Background – 99
5.5.2 International practice – 100
5.5.3 Recommended approach for China  –  103

G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_5, © The Author(s) 2015
5.6 Optimize the balancing of electricity
generation and consumption  –  104
5.6.1 Background – 104
5.6.2 International practice – 106
5.6.3 Recommended approach for China  –  107

5.7 Facilitate the development of a unified

view of smart grids  –  109
5.7.1 Background – 109
5.7.2 International practice – 110
5.7.3 Recommended approach for China  –  113

References – 114
5.1  •  Define a long-term strategy and establish an independent and powerful regulator
81 5
5.1 Define a long-term strategy are driven mainly by intermittent supply from RES.
for the electricity sector Without RES, the conventional grid infrastructure
and establish an independent would be sufficient to maintain high reliability levels
and powerful regulator in Germany’s electric power system.
The evolution towards smart grids necessitates
strong vision and leadership on the part of the

government, because smart grids are not a market-

Chinese context
driven concept:
China has formulated explicit targets for
A clearly defined long-term strategy for the
the short-term future of its electric power
electric power sector reduces uncertainty for
system in its 12th Five-Year Plan for Energy
smart grid investors and manufacturers. A
Development. However, there are no official
lower level of uncertainty on future develop-
goals for the period after 2015. Also, there
ments reduces the risks with respect to the
is as yet no comprehensive vision of China’s
investment’s future cash flows. As such, smart
smart grid, especially with regard to distribu-

grid investors and manufacturers are more
tion grids and the period after 2020.
willing to invest in smart grid technologies. A
The governance structure of China’s energy
long-term strategy includes government tar-
system regulation comprises a broad variety
gets with regard to the development of electric-
of ministries and institutions. The multiplicity
ity generation capacities of different technolo-
of these stakeholders as well as the frequent
gies (the so-called generation mix) and targets

reorganizations that have been taking
for energy efficiency.
place lead to difficulties in coordination and
Clearly defined roles and responsibilities of
increased overlap of competences between
government bodies are a fundamental require-
the various government institutions involved

ment for the development of smart grids.
in the power system regulation.
Especially, a clear delineation between the
China’s earlier regulatory authority, the State
competences of the ministries and the regula-
Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC), was
tor, and possibly other supervisory bodies is
merged with the National Energy Administra-
associated with a high degree of credibility and

tion (NEA) in 2013. The National Development
assertiveness of government policy.
and Reform Commission (NDRC) and NEA are
An independent and powerful regulator func-
currently the responsible regulatory institu-
tions as a coordinating institution between
tions for the electricity sector. Both share
all market participants (incumbents and new
regulatory responsibilities and are subject to
market entrants). The coordination specifi-
political and industrial influence.
cally focuses on the development of equal
and non-discriminatory conditions of market
entry where all market parties are treated
equally and market power of single market
5.1.1 Background actors is limited. The regulator should be
sufficiently powerful to impose the measures
Smart grids require strong government leader- necessary to manage the development of the
ship  Smart grids are not an objective in its own electricity sector and the development of
right, but a new approach to meet the challenges smart grids.
that will arise with future electricity systems, for
instance with an increasing share of renewable Characteristics of an independent regulator There
energies. Specifically, smart grids aim at achieving
economic efficiency by combining the strengths of
are two aspects to a regulator’s independence:
independence from the regulated industry
conventional grids with the new capabilities of ICT.
In Germany, ICT requirements in electricity grids
- and
independence from politics.
82 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

It is important for the regulator to be independent ing, four main arguments for independence of the

1 from the industry that is being regulated. If inde- regulator are listed:
pendence is not guaranteed, the danger of so-called Following the classical pattern of the separa-
2 regulatory capture (i. e. the regulator rather favors tion of powers, the legislator, the body that
commercial and industrial interests instead of pub- sets the rules, needs to be separated from the
lic interests) is high [1]. On the other hand, a regu- regulator, who applies the rules, as a system of

3 lator needs to cooperate closely with the industry. checks and balances.
Therefore, a relation of mutual trust is important. In The state may be the owner of the regulated
4 some cases, the regulatory office is actually financed industry, which causes an obvious conflict of

by the regulated industry. Note that this is not nec-
essarily a contradiction to the requirement of in-
dependence. Following the rules set by the govern-
ment, the firms are actually obliged to finance the
- interest.
Ministries are often very close to political
decision-makers and base their decisions on
criteria that are different from those of regula-
6 work of the regulator on the basis of a pre-defined tors. Politicians have to mediate and choose
payment plan which is not based on a firm’s satisfac- between various diverging preferences in their
7 tion with the regulator’s work. The risk of regulatory society. Regulators of a monopoly industry, in
capture is therefore small. contrast, try to improve overall efficiency by
9 -
The independence of the regulator from the
regulated industry can be ensured in several ways:
The processes, decisions, and procedures of the
regulator have to be transparent so that they
- applying legal and economic tools.
Regulation requires a long-term perspective.
Grid operators for example, are incentivized to
continuously invest in the grid infrastructure

10 - can be controlled.
The regulator should make use of public
consultations in which not only the regulated
industry but also other stakeholders or the
only with a high predictability and stability
of legal and regulatory decisions. Whereas
politicians tend to be subject to so-called
short-termism (i. e. they often ignore long-term
11 general public can express their views. Again, issues), an independent regulator is less vul-
this avoids opaque agreements between the nerable to short-termism as he is not elected
- regulator and regulated industries.
The regulator should be monitored at regular
intervals and should have to justify its work,
by the public.

How can independence of the regulator from poli-

- -
13 for example, in an annual report. tics be achieved?
Personal financial interests between the In the governance structure, the regulator can
14 regulator and the regulated industry must be be an independent chamber of the ministry

avoided. Two rules are specifically important
in this context: first, senior regulator manage-
ment should not be allowed to have financial - instead of an integrated department.
The appointment and especially the dismissal
of the chief regulator(s) should be a transpar-

stakes in the regulated industry. Second, a
moratorium period during which senior regu-
lator management cannot accept a job in the - ent and well-defined process.
The regulatory office should have a budget that
is largely independent from daily government
regulated industry is very useful.

Why the regulator should be independent from

politics or from the ministry is a less straightfor-
- business.
The duties and powers of the regulator should
be laid down in a law. Specifically, the delinea-
tion of competence between the regulator and
ward question. Ultimately, the regulator is a govern- the ministry should be clearly described. In
19 ment institution that is governed by the ministry. many countries, a general energy law contains
The relevant concern is the precise legal delineation a description of the duties and powers of the
20 of authority: who decides on what? In the follow- regulator.
5.1  •  Define a long-term strategy and establish an independent and powerful regulator
83 5

- There should be a system of checks and bal-

ances. Specifically, it has to be clear who is
responsible for regulating and controlling the
5.1.2 International practice

Long-term strategies for the electric power sec-

regulator. For example, this may be a judicial tor  Medium-term to long-term plans with concrete
court system, or another regulatory author- goals regarding electricity consumption, energy ef-
ity with an equal level of substance (e. g. a ficiency, and/or renewables have been published in
competition commission). A system of checks many industrialized and emerging countries. These
and balances allows greater regulator indepen- plans often cover a period of at least 25 years (see
dence. [3], [4], and [5] for examples from UK, India, and
Brazil). In its Federal Energy Concept, Germany has
It is important to note that the precise details of defined binding political goals for renewables until
independence from politics or ministries depend 2050. The government has specified the future share
strongly on the wider political and governmental of RES-E in gross electricity production with four
structure in a country. goals for different time periods: by 2020 renewables
are to have a share of at least 35 % in gross electricity
Characteristics of a powerful regulator  The need consumption, a 50 % share by 2030, 65 % by 2040

for a powerful regulator is more obvious:
The competences of the regulator need to be
laid down in a law so that decisions can be
enforced and challenged in court. In Europe,
and 80 % by 2050 [6]. Similar targets have been de-
fined with respect to gross electricity consumption
that is planned to decrease by 50 % until 2050.
Different studies commissioned by the German
it has been extensively debated whether the government analyze how to achieve the various gov-
liberalized parts of the energy sector could be ernment targets. At the same time, the scenarios for
regulated under a general competition law or energy and power sector development put forward
whether sector-specific legislation is necessary in these studies serve as a foundation for policy for-
to ensure the development of competition. mulation and a point of reference for further studies
The test of practical experience, for example on more particular topics such as smart grid devel-
in Germany, has shown convincingly that opment. A study entitled Long-term scenarios and
sector-specific regulation, executed by a sector- strategies for the expansion of renewable energies in

- specific regulator, is necessary (e. g. [2]).

The regulator needs to have an adequate
budget. The stakes in industry are so high
that it always pays off for the industry to hire
Germany, taking account of developments in Europe
and across the world investigated potential scenar-
ios with respect to the development of renewable
energies in Germany [7]. The results of this study
consultants, lawyers, and lobbyists to argue are used to define strategies for the development
their case; the regulator needs to address these of smart grids in Germany (e. g. how to finance the
claims. Moreover, good regulation is difficult large investment requirements for smart grids).
and requires highly qualified staff; the regula-
tor will have to compete with the industry for

The role of an independent and powerful regula-
qualified employees. tor  The OECD points at the importance of a clear
Electric power companies and other stake- definition of roles and responsibilities with respect
holders should have the right to appeal the to regulation. Within the OECD’s recommendations
regulator’s decisions before a court or other on regulation, the necessity of a common govern-
tribunals empowered to conduct judicial ment policy defining clear goals for the regulation
reviews. Such a system of checks and balances process is specified. According to OECD, strategies
makes the regulator more powerful because shall be set for the implementation of these goals to
knowing that another institution may check give regulation a clearly defined framework [8]. Fur-
and correct the regulator allows him to take thermore, OECD emphasized the importance of an
more risk. independent and powerful regulator for the efficient
84 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

development of the electricity sector. The govern- The European Commission (EC) describes the char-
1 ment has the task to clearly define the duties and the acteristics of a powerful regulator in articles 37 et
power of the regulator [8]. OECD also points out that seq. of Directive 2009/72/EC (see appendix E). It
2 independence of the regulator is essential since its states, for instance, that a powerful regulator should
decisions can have serious economic effects on the
regulated parties. This is especially the case for smart
fulfill the following tasks and requirements:
issue decisions that are binding for electric

3 grids, where the introduction of competition is di- power companies,
rectly related to economic effects for the incumbents. impose effective, proportionate, and dissuasive
- penalties on electric power companies,
ensure high standards of universal and public

The US American way: FERC
5 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
protect vulnerable customers,
(FERC) is the regulatory authority in the
contribute to the effectiveness of consumer

6 United States. It is an independent regulator
protection measures, and
responsible for the regulation of the interstate
promote effective competition and the proper
7 transmission of electricity, natural gas, and
oil. In addition, FERC reviews proposals to
functioning of the electricity market.

build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and

Germany has established BNetzA, a regulator in-
8 interstate natural gas pipelines, and it licenses
dependent from the industry and the government.
hydro power projects. Further responsibilities of
The powers and duties of BNetzA are recorded in
9 FERC outlined in the Energy Policy Act of 2005

EnWG. Neither the ministry nor the industry can
include, amongst others:
overrule the decisions taken by BNetzA. The regu-
review of mergers and acquisitions as well as
10 corporate transactions by electricity compa-
lator’s decisions can only be challenged before the

court. The German regulator makes use of its power
to supervise the network charges of the grid opera-
11 approval of siting and abandonment of
tors, to prevent or remove obstacles in access to en-
interstate natural gas pipelines and storage

ergy supply networks for suppliers and consumers,
12 facilities,
licensing and inspection of hydro power
to standardize processes for switching the power

retail company, and to improve the conditions for
connecting new generators to the grid. Driven by
13 protection of the reliability of the high volt-
the growing share of renewables and the resulting
age interstate transmission system through

need to expand the grid infrastructure in Germany,
14 mandatory reliability standards,
the regulator also has the task of supervising the net-
monitoring and investigation of energy
work expansion process (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.1 for more
- markets, and
administration of accounting and financial
reporting regulations and conduction of
regulated companies [58].
detailed information on the German regulator).

5.1.3 Recommended approach

The independence and power of FERC are for China
17 specified in 42 USC section 7172 g – Jurisdiction
of the Commission [59]:
China has not yet formulated explicit targets for the
“The decision of the Commission involving any
long-term future of its electric power system. This
18 function within its jurisdiction, other than action
situation risks creating uncertainty among smart
by it on a matter referred to it pursuant to sec-
grid investors and manufacturers which might con-
19 tion 7174 of this title, shall be final agency action
sequently postpone smart grid investments. Their
within the meaning of section 704 of title 5 and
uncertainty could be reduced by means of a clearly
shall not be subject to further review by the Secre-
20 tary or any officer or employee of the Department.”
defined and committed long-term strategy for the
electric power sector. Such a strategy should include
5.2  •  Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and information
85 5

government targets with regard to future generation 5.2 Create level playing fields
capacities, shares of different generation technologies for access to power system
(generation mix), and targets for energy efficiency. infrastructure and information
In Germany, the long-term energy strategy contains
binding government goals for a period of roughly

40  years, whereas long-term energy strategies in
Chinese context
countries with higher economic growth rates and ac-
Chinese grid operators are still integrated
cordingly more dynamic energy sectors (e. g. India
as they own and operate the electric power
and Brazil) cover periods of approximately 25 years.
grids, are responsible for power retail, and
The governance structure of China’s energy sys-
invest in RES generation capacities. Also,
tem comprises a broad variety of ministries and in-
power system data management (i. e. data
stitutions. The multiplicity of these stakeholders as
collection and provision on grid status as
well as the frequent reorganizations that have been
well as generation and consumption quanti-
taking place lead to a rather low degree of coordi-
ties) is their task. Both major grid operators
nation and to a rather high degree of overlaps of
are currently developing systems for data
competence between the various government actors
management in smart grids. However, these
involved in the power system regulation. Based on
systems focus on information collection by
OECD recommendations and on the German ex-
the grid operator for their own operation
periences, clearly defined roles and responsibilities
management, but not on information provi-

concerning the regulation of the electricity sector
sion to other market actors.
and the development of smart grids would acceler-
New market actors are rarely participating
ate and ease the smart grid development in China.
in the development process of smart grids
The existence of an independent and powerful regu-
in China. Therefore, the innovation potential
lator is by far the most important regulatory issue
which could come from these new stake-
in this context. China’s earlier regulatory authority,
holders, for instance from the ICT sector,

SERC, was recently merged with NEA. NDRC and
currently remains untapped.
NEA are currently the most relevant regulatory
The Chinese government plans to establish
institutions for the electricity sector. As they share
a modern energy market system to increase
regulatory competences and are subject to political
competition and affordability. In particular,
and industrial influence, regulation in China is less
the reform of state-owned enterprises and
powerful and independent than in countries such
the introduction of more market-related ele-
as Germany and the United States. Thus, specific
ments are envisaged.
attention should be paid to the development of an
independent and powerful regulator in China.

The recommended approach at a glance
A long-term strategy for the electric power
system serves as a basis for more specific
smart grid development strategies and
5.2.1 Background

Benefits of integrating new market actors  Smart

grids are a relatively new concept aiming at mak-
objectives and is important for investors to

ing grid operation more reliable and efficient and
gain investment security.
accelerating the emergence of new energy-related
It is beneficial to centralize responsibilities for
products and services. Due to the novelty of the
the regulation of the electricity sector in the
smart grid approach, many technological advances
hands of a single independent and powerful
and ideas are necessary for smart grids to be devel-
institution (regulator) that supervises the ef-
oped in an effective and efficient way. Experiences
ficient development of the electric power sys-
from other sectors and countries suggest that new
tem in general and smart grids in particular.
market actors, i. e. new competitors in the electric
86 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

power sector or companies from other sectors such rule-making process and can trust on non-
1 as the ICT industry, are key drivers of innovations: discriminatory access.
on the one hand, they offer innovative products
2 and services that were not supplied by established Concepts for a non-discriminatory access to
market actors before. In a smart grid context, non- power system information  Two concepts should
incumbents create new business models and offer ensure a non-discriminatory access to power system

3 new products and services by making use of avail- information and data in smart grids:
able power system information and infrastructure in Technology neutrality is a regulatory concept
4 an innovative way (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.2 for examples of for the telecommunications sector that was in-
new market actors in the German electricity sector). troduced by the European Commission in Di-
5 On the other hand, new market actors contribute to rective 2002/21/EG. In this context, technology
an increased level of competition which is usually neutrality means that the regulator does not
considered to drive innovation, enable greater cost impose or discriminate in favor of a particular
6 efficiency in production, lower retail price levels, type of technology. This concept has been ap-
and provide a higher variety of products and ser- plied to several technological issues in Europe,
7 vices (see ▶ Sect. 2.3). for example with respect to the development
of broadband internet, where the regulator left
A fair access to essential facilities is a prerequisite it open to the market to decide between the
8 for new market actor integration  New market ac- deployment of different technologies such as
tors can only enter the markets if equal and non- digital subscriber line (DSL), power-line com-
9 discriminatory access to essential facilities (i. e. a munications (PLC), cable modem, or satellite.
level playing field) is guaranteed [9] [10]. In smart Technology neutrality is also important for
10 grids, level playing fields should be secured in two smart grids, e. g. with respect to the question

11 -
First, equal access to the physical grid infra-
structure is important. Since connecting new
power generation and consumption units to
regarding which infrastructure should be used
for the power system information exchange.
This issue is currently being discussed under
the headline of advanced metering infrastruc-
12 the power grid is laborious and often associ- ture (AMI).1 The development of AMI is in its
ated with high costs, grid operators might have early introduction phase. Therefore, what spe-
a tendency to discriminate in favor of affiliated cific technology should be used for building up
13 companies or against generators and consum- the necessary infrastructure has not yet been
ers in remote regions. Regulation must prevent settled. Different technologies could be ap-

14 such a discriminatory behavior. plied, e. g. PLC, wireless, or fiber technologies.
Second, access to power system information In this context, regulation needs to ensure that
15 and data is required. Power system informa- the most efficient technology will be applied,
tion and data are getting increasingly impor- independently of which company supplies the

tant and are a prerequisite for new market
actors to offer new and innovative products
and services [11]. This does not mean that
each established or new market actor has ac-
- technology.
Provider neutrality is another general regula-
tory concept that is also currently applied in
the telecommunications sector in Europe.
cess to all power system information, or that It basically states that the regulator should
information is even open to the public; instead ensure that regulation does not discriminate
18 it means that each eligible market actor has
equal and fair access to the information rel- 1 AMI is defined as “systems [that] are comprised of state-of-
19 evant for his business model. This is the task of the-art electronic/digital hardware and software, which com-
bine interval data measurement with continuously available
power system data management, which should remote communications. These systems enable measurement
20 be organized in a way that both established of detailed, time-based information and frequent collection
and new market actors can participate in the and transmittal of such information to various parties.” [60].
5.2  •  Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and information
87 5

against particular service providers. Applied grids. The German regulator has addressed this issue
to smart grids, this means that the regulator as well and specified that, currently, a medium-scale
should ensure that established and new market broadband connection should fulfill the necessary
actors are treated equally and allowed to offer requirements to build up the AMI for smart grids.
services on an equal footing in smart grids. On However, the German regulator stresses that with the
the one hand, services could be provided by es- use of real-time data the quality requirements con-
tablished players (e. g. DSO), on the other hand cerning availability and latency cannot be fulfilled by
new market actors could provide complemen- all existing ICT solutions on the market [13].
tary services or even substitute services of
established players for the costumer. Provider
Basic requirements for ICT infrastructures
neutrality should consequently ensure that
in smart grids
competitive advantages (e. g. best technolo-
According to Eurelectric, the most important
gies or low costs/prices) and not the provider’s
requirements for ICT in the context of smart

market power affects consumer’s choice.
grids are to:
“Ensure that telecoms infrastructure and links
Defining roles and responsibilities of all market
are absolutely reliable, robust, meet opera-
actors eases new market actor integration Lib-
tional requirements in terms of speed, capacity
eralized energy markets for energy resources, elec-
and latency and will be available at all times,
tricity, capacity, or ancillary services necessitate
particularly at times of critical incidents (e. g.
the exchange of large amounts of information and
be resilient to power outages for several hours

data between different market actors. A mounting
because they are needed to rebuild the grid.
number of market actors leads to a more inten-
Provide well manageable and robust access
sive inter-company exchange of operational and
control and user privileges mechanisms to the

business-related information and data. Against
smart grid components and systems.
this background, it is of critical importance that all
Guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and
market actors get assigned their respective roles and
authentication of all smart grid-related com-

responsibilities [12]: on the one hand, they have to
munication events.
know the stakes and information requirements of
Guarantee a robust physical protection for the
their business partners and other actors in the elec-
smart grid components as well as for the whole

tric power sector to better understand their business
communication network.
opportunities and their own contribution towards
Ensure that mission-critical telecommunica-
smart grid development. On the other hand, spe-
tions services are still alive during and up to the

cific rules and data standards for inter-company
end of a wide area 72 hours blackout.
exchange of business-related information help to re-
Implement strong monitoring systems to keep
duce the transaction costs among all market actors.
track of all the smart grid activity, implementing
Security Information and Event Management
5.2.2 International practice (SIEM) systems for security related incidents
analysis and maintain well trained security
response teams to have a strong and quick

Ensuring technology neutrality  For the develop-
response in the case of any security violation.
ment of smart grids, the concept of technology neu-
Warrant a true real time transfer of informa-
trality is particularly important with respect to the
tion: for a part the smart grid can be seen as an
development of the ICT infrastructure. In principle,
extension of the current SCADA systems; fully
different communication technologies could be
available at any time and the guaranteeing the
applied (PLC, 3G, etc.) and different data storages
perfect transfer of commands and feedback
types could be used. Eurelectric, the association of
confirmation of the system operations.
the electricity industry in Europe, has defined basic
requirements for the ICT infrastructures in smart
88 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

1 - Have an end-to-end security approach to guar-

antee a transversal security layer on the smart
mechanisms between the parties involved, e. g.
the network owners/system operators and the
CDH. It should be noted that the regulator
2 Source: Wording from Eurelectric [61]
needs to ensure that the provider of the CDH
does not discriminate against other parties or
Ensuring provider neutrality  Provider neutral-
ity is a key requirement for third-party access in
- abuse its market power.
Data access point manager (DAM): The DAM
concept focuses on a competitive market
for power system information management
general and is currently being discussed within and proposes to establish independent and
5 the evaluation of different governance models for unregulated service providers that consumers
power system information management in smart can choose from. Each DAM offers to build up
grids. In this context, the European Commission the necessary information infrastructure for
6 (EC) has been trying to define which actor should the consumer. Importantly, the DAM does not
be responsible for the data handling in smart grids. store the data centrally. Storage remains decen-
7 The models under discussion are based on unbun- tralized with the users, giving consumers full
dled companies or new market actors. The discus- control of their own data. The DAM only acts
sion on the different governance models is ongoing as an interface which allows each consumer to
8 and no decision has been taken yet. Three potential decide which commercial party gets access to
models are currently being discussed (for more de- its main data. Such a decentralized approach
10 -
tails see [11]):
DSO as market facilitator: This model al-
locates responsibility for power system data
management, including collection of data and
requires a high degree of standardization to
ensure flawless system integration. The DSO
would have to control the quality of services
provided by the DAM and each regulator
construction of the necessary information in- would need to define the basic principles of
11 frastructure to the DSO. The concentration of the DAM to integrate them into the national
responsibilities within one institution has the electricity system.
12 advantage of centralized internal coordination
and management of the ICT infrastructure. Defining roles and responsibilities of all market
The main disadvantage of a DSO-centered actors  At the European level, the Smart Grids Task
13 solution addresses discrimination concerns. In Force (SGTF) of the European Commission broadly
principle, unbundling prescriptions require the defined roles and responsibilities of various market
14 neutrality of DSO in Europe. Yet, it is doubt- actors in smart grids [12]: in a first step, all relevant
ful whether full neutrality can be guaranteed smart grid actors (including companies from all
15 because of asymmetric information to the supply chain stages of the electric power sector, end-
disadvantage of the regulator. This concept users as well as influencing actors such as regulators,
requires significant regulatory oversight. How- legislation authorities and standardization bodies)
16 ever, it is not new to the regulator, as the DSO have been defined (see appendix E for an overview

- are already regulated.
Independent central data hub (CDH): The
CDH would be responsible for power sys-
tem data management in smart grids and for
of all smart grid actors defined). In a second step,
current as well as future responsibilities related to
the smart grid development have been described
for all actors. The work of SGTF should be under-
central data storage under the supervision of stood as a practical toolset and guideline for further
the regulator. A key advantage of this approach developments and business models for use by grid
19 is the neutrality of the market facilitator and operators and grid users [12].
the non-discriminatory access to information
20 for third parties. The key challenge for this
concept is the need to establish coordination
5.2  •  Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and information
89 5

Future responsibilities of grid operators At the same time, the DSOs will have to strengthen
in smart grids their role in providing the required data relating
“[…] it appears that it is the DSOs who will have to the distributed generation, local storage and
to face the biggest challenges so that Smart Grids electric vehicles within the distribution grid.

will become a reality. The reasons include;
Growing distributed generation, active man-
agement of demand, local storage and electric
vehicles (EV) will impact the DSO infrastruc-
Both TSO and DSO should be able to execute their
active role in Smart Grid management by ensuring
more sophisticated legal provisions for system
security management under increased uncer-
ture. Thus the DSO will have to be an active tainty. Following the analysis about funding […],
participant in all such projects along with the these mechanisms should include the ability to
actors implementing these projects as these interfere with the planned market activities in case
projects will fundamentally change today’s of disturbed or emergency operational conditions,
relatively static distribution system to a much without “automatic” socialization of the related

- more dynamic distribution system.

As more fluctuating distributed generation will
feed into the distribution system, gathering
and handling the data about the state of the
costs to other grid users.
Finally, the role of grid communications will sig-
nificantly increase as much more data will have to
be gathered and exchanged frequently, which will
distribution system will be one key issue for the be in turn used for different purposes by the grid

- DSO.
Attention will need to be paid to ensure that all
privacy and system security recommendations
(in line with the provisions defined by EG2) will
operators and other service providers. As stated
above, the standardization of communication
protocols as well as clear rules for the handling
and the security of this data will have to be devel-
be adhered to. Ownership of the data, length oped and enforced. The security of the grid and
of time data is stored etc. will all need to be supply systems as well as the privacy of customer

- addressed in an appropriate way.

The data collected will enable the DSOs to fulfil
their duty in relation to the overall grid stability
and operational security, given that more and
data must remain the top priority.”
Source: Wording from Smart Grids Task Force [11]

more distributed generation will be connected

At the German level, roles and responsibilities of
to the distribution grid.
companies in the electric power sector are further
In order to resolve the above challenges, the
specified in EnWG, with an emphasis on specific
DSOs will have to continue upgrading their grid
conditions in Germany. This definition of roles and
infrastructure, control centres and educating their
responsibilities in Germany’s most prominent en-
employees accordingly.
ergy law contributed to a high understanding on
The TSOs will have to provide more support &
business opportunities and legal obligations among
communication of data to the DSOs, but will also
affected companies in Germany.
require more specific information from the DSOs,
With respect to the inter-company exchange of
especially with more distributed generation com-
business-related information, BNetzA issued the
ing from the distribution grids. In order to achieve
so-called Business Processes for Delivery of Electric-
this, both TSOs and DSOs need to ensure that the
ity to Customers (GPKE) based on the United Na-
standards they implement for communication
tions Electronic Data Interchange for Administration,
and data exchange are compatible. It also follows
Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) in 2006
that the TSOs will have to gradually redesign
(see [14] for more information). GPKE standardize
power system control as well as market informa-
inter-company communication and data exchange
tion management relating to forecasting the
in the case of typical business processes such as bill-
overall system load in conjunction with the DSOs.
ing of customers or customers changing their power
retail company. In reducing transaction costs of typ-
90 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

ical business processes, GPKE ease the emergence The regulator should develop a governance system
1 of new market actors. that will ensure provider and technology neutrality
and a level playing field for all stakeholders. Non-
2 discriminatory access to information in smart grids
5.2.3 Recommended approach is of particular importance for third parties to be able
for China to develop their business plans. Neutral informa-
3 tion management is therefore a key issue. There are
The main electricity sector reform of 2002 mandated various models currently being discussed in Europe.
4 the separation (or unbundling) of the state-owned However, there is not yet one preferred solution fit-
vertically integrated utility responsible for all supply ting all possible contexts. Therefore, recommending a
5 chain stages across China into five big power genera- best practice approach to China in this context is not
tion companies, two major grid operators handling yet advisable. A better approach would be to evaluate
transmission, distribution and retail as well as four what governance model best suits China to ensure
6 power service corporations. China’s power genera- non-discriminatory access to information for third
tion sector can be described as liberalized, as it po- parties in the near future.
7 tentially allows competition between the major five

generation companies and the thousands of smaller
The recommended approach at a glance
local and regional generation companies. Chinese
8 grid operators are not completely unbundled as they Defining roles and responsibilities of estab-
lished and non-established market actors in
own and operate the electric power grids, are respon-
9 sible for retail, and also invest into RES generation the smart grid development facilitates the
emergence of new market actors and helps
capacities. Recently a potential separation of grid
to make the exchange of business-related
operators into transmission and distribution com-
information and data more efficient.
panies or into smaller, regional businesses has been
It should be evaluated which framework
subject of debate [15]. With respect to smart grid
11 developments, non-incumbents (e. g. from the ICT for smart grid data management is able to
ensure provider and technology neutrality
sector) are not yet actively participating in the devel-
12 opment process. Therefore, the innovation potential in China. On this basis, a suitable framework
needs to be established.
which could come from these new stakeholders, for
instance the ICT sector, currently remains untapped.
13 Experiences from Europe show that defining
roles and responsibilities of established and new
14 market actors (including specific rules and data 5.3 Introduce network regulation
standards for inter-company exchange of business- for efficient investment
incentivesfor electricity grid
15 related information) leads to a better understanding
expansion and upgrade
of business opportunities and helps to reduce the
transaction costs among all market actors. As such,
16 the definition of roles and responsibilities contrib-

uted to the emergence of new market actors in the
17 European electricity sector. Chinese context
China’s main challenge in the electricity sec-
Currently, the management of power system
tor is how to handle the massive electricity
data (e. g. grid status information or metering data
18 on electricity generation and consumption) is in the grid expansion necessary to facilitate the
country’s rapid economic growth and to
hands of China’s grid operators. The concepts of tech-
19 nology and provider neutrality are not applied. As integrate the increasing number of RES. A
network regulation system that focuses on
soon as new market actors are to be integrated in the
facilitating investments is lacking.
20 electric power system, power system data manage-
ment will become more relevant on a broader scale.
5.3  •  Introduce network regulation for efficient investment incentives
91 5

- At present, there is no explicit price for

power transmission and distribution (net-
other aspects should be subject to the market and
competition law [13].
Disaggregated regulation has the following ad-

work charge) based on actual costs. The
source of grid operators’ income is the dif-
Regulation inevitably provides misdirected in-
ference between the on-grid and the retail
centives: only competitive markets are able to
price for electricity, which are both fixed by
provide incentives to hold prices down to mar-
the government.
ginal costs and to minimize long-run costs.
Regulated markets can only do one or the
other but not both [18]. In this light, a regula-
tory focus on the natural monopoly part of the
5.3.1 Background supply chain avoids misdirected incentives at

Network regulation for smart grids  Smart grids

require substantial investment and innovation, es-
pecially from the grid operators. In setting network
- the competitive parts of the supply chain.
Leaving a stage of the supply chain unregu-
lated eases the market entry of new market
actors [19] because requirements for licenses,
charges (i. e. prices for power transmission and dis- permits and monitoring obligations in regu-
tribution), regulating institutions have an important lated markets raise the investment needed to
influence on the investment behavior of grid opera-
tors. Which regulatory scheme (i. e. which specific
method used for calculating network charges) is
best suited to set incentives for efficient investment
- enter a market.
A focus on regulation of the natural monopoly
may improve the quality of regulation because
the regulator’s most skilled employees can
is far from settled: in general, regulation should fa- more easily focus their efforts on the natural
cilitate necessary investment and avoid unnecessary monopoly part of the supply chain. It will then
investment at the same time. be easier for them to get a grip on the regu-
In a smart grid context, incentivizing efficient lated firms’ cost-developments and investment
investment into the infrastructure is becoming even
more important because benefits of innovation and
investment in smart grid technologies may not al-
ways accrue to the investor (more information on
- requirements.
Different stages of the electric power system
may require different types of regulation. In
case the regulator decides to regulate the retail
this issue is presented below). In these cases, addi- stage of the electricity value chain, it is im-
tional incentive schemes are required to encourage portant to set incentives for quality of service
grid operators to invest specifically in smart grid and cost efficiency of power retail companies
technologies. and to allow differentiated tariffs for different
consumer groups. Regulation for networks, in
The benefits of regulating only the monopolistic turn, needs to set incentives for efficient invest-
bottlenecks  Even if it is far from settled which reg- ment, as network expansion has become so
ulatory scheme is best suited to set incentives for urgent.
efficient investment, it is generally accepted that net-
work regulation should focus on the monopolistic Network regulation and investment incen-
bottlenecks (transmission and distribution grids), tives  Disaggregated regulation entails the necessity
leaving the commercial businesses (generation, to apply a specific network regulation scheme. The
trade and retail) to competitive forces and moni- challenge of network regulation is setting efficient
toring by competition law [16], [17]. This approach investment incentives (i. e. allowing necessary in-
is referred to as disaggregated regulation. Also with vestment while avoiding unnecessary investment)
respect to the smart grid development, it has been because the regulator is confronted with the follow-
emphasized that regulation should only focus on ing dilemma: the regulated companies know their
network charges and network planning while all own cost structures and market opportunities bet-
92 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

ter than the regulator. As a consequence, regulation The necessity of additional incentive schemes in
1 cannot provide full-powered incentives to incentiv- a smart grid context  An additional challenge is
ize necessary investment and to avoid unnecessary starting to emerge given the decentralization of de-
2 investment at the same time [18]. Regulators must cisions in the smart grid value chain. This challenge
always accept a trade-off between both goals.2 The can be illustrated through the following example:
regulator’s challenge is to achieve acceptable levels suppose a new market actor, e. g. the operator of
3 of both goals at the same time. In accordance with a wind farm, wants to invest in storage capacities
the trade-off described above, two polar cases are close to a wind farm as the facility can store elec-
5 -
commonly distinguished in regulation theory:
Rate-of-return (also known as cost-pass-
through) regulation fixes the rate of return
and requires revenues to adjust according to
tricity from the wind farm at times of congestion
in the grid. Imagine that this investment would be
economically more efficient than expanding the
distribution grid. From the perspective of the grid
underlying costs. If costs go down, revenues operator, only the costs associated with the invest-
6 should go down and if costs go up, revenues ment in the grid infrastructure are usually taken
may go up as well. Therefore, the incentives to into account for calculating the network charges.
7 reduce costs are low. In fact, firms make profits Thus, the grid operator has no incentive to support
by inflating the capital base as this is the basis the investment in the economically more efficient
for the rate of return. With cost-pass-through storage facility. The regulatory framework needs to
8 regulation, firms may actually have strong take account of the spill-over effects and allow cost-
incentives to overinvest (i. e. they do not avoid and revenue-sharing models to incentivize invest-
10 - unnecessary investment).
Price-cap regulation, also called revenue-cap
regulation or RPI-X regulation, tries to avoid
these very incentives [20]. Price-cap regulation
ment in smart grid solutions, like the storage facility
in the example above.

fixes the price or revenue path ex-ante for the 5.3.2 International practice
11 next regulatory period, irrespective of the actual
cost development during the regulatory period. Regulation of monopolistic bottlenecks and net-
12 If the firm succeeds in reducing its costs more work regulation schemes  In Europe and many
than anticipated by the regulator, the firm can other countries with liberalized electricity markets,
keep the additional profits; this is an incen- regulation focuses on the natural monopoly part of
13 tive to minimize costs. Therefore, this type of the supply chain, i. e. power transmission and dis-
regulation is often called incentive regulation.3 tribution grids. The other elements of the supply
14 A counterargument for price-cap regulation is chain, i. e. generation and retail, are liberalized and
a situation in which costs do not go down, but governed by general competition law only. As such,
15 tend upwards. This typically happens if net- European power sector regulators focus primarily
works need to be expanded. Under the typical on the regulation of network charges for transmis-
RPI-X regulation, firms then have an incentive sion and distribution grids. In fact, most of them are
16 to avoid necessary investments [21]. not even authorized to intervene in the competitive
parts of the electricity sector.
17 2 Note that the inevitability of this trade-off has been es-
With respect to specific network regulation
tablished repeatedly and with great rigor [18]. However,
schemes, the cost-pass-through regulation was tra-
ditionally applied in many European countries and
18 the extent of the regulator’s dilemma can be reduced if
the regulator has a fair amount of information on the cost the United States. Since this regulation scheme does
structures and market opportunities of the regulated com- not set incentives for an efficient grid operation,
19 3
The term incentive regulation is unfortunately somewhat
which is especially important in power systems with
misleading. Regulation always sets incentives: the ques-
a limited need for grid expansion and upgrade, most
20 tion is merely what incentives and whether they are good European countries and some parts of the United
or bad. States abandoned cost-pass-through regulation in
5.3  •  Introduce network regulation for efficient investment incentives
93 5

favor of different variants of price cap regulation.4 twelve years after the investment [24]. In Italy’s
Germany for example, applies an RPI-X regulation case, it can be observed that overall invest-
scheme since 2009 (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.4 for more de- ments, not only those with the rate-of-return
tails). Currently, only Belgium and most parts of the adder, increased since the introduction of the
United States [22], [23] still apply cost-pass-through adder. Similar effects were observed in the
regulation. Owing to the large network investment
requirements associated with the transition towards
more RES and smart grids, a reform of the RPI-X
system to facilitate efficient investment is currently
- United States [24].
Explicit profit-sharing mechanisms, or sliding
scales, are currently applied in the UK [25].
They can contribute to strengthening the
being discussed in Germany and other parts of Eu- incentives for investment in smart grid tech-
rope. In the light of these developments, it can be nologies. The idea behind the profit-sharing
seen that no single regulatory scheme is preferable mechanism is that the grid operator is allowed
in every situation. In the end, regulatory schemes to keep a share of a cost reduction achieved
have to take into account the current needs of each through the application of a smart application
country under consideration. (e. g. a storage facility) as a substitute for grid
investments. If the costs for the smart applica-
Regulatory approaches setting incentives for ef- tion are lower than the investment in the grid
ficient investments Network regulation should infrastructure, but both measures result in a
set incentives for network operators to develop a more stable grid, then the grid operator has
secure and stable network at the lowest cost. Also, an incentive to invest in the smart application.
network regulation should set incentives to invest Note that the sliding scales have to be granted
in smart grid solutions, especially in solutions that by the regulator and that calculating their size
defer costly investments in grid expansion. Three
possible incentive instruments have been applied
in countries such as Italy, the United States, and the
United Kingdom. These instruments are described
- is a complex task.
The innovation bonus is an additional instru-
ment motivating the grid operator to invest in
smart grid technologies. The innovation bonus
below. However, note that this list is not compre- is determined by the regulator and grants

Explicit investment incentives could be ap-
plied. Such incentives could be so-called rate-
of-return adders. The idea behind rate-of-re-
funds for R&D activities of the grid opera-
tors. The additional costs for the R&D activity
are thereby at least partially refunded to the
operator and do not reduce the operator’s
turn adders is that network operators can earn revenues. The innovation bonus is currently
additional return on equity (ROE) for specific applied in the UK as well and has proved to
projects selected by the regulator. The rate-of- be an efficient instrument [25]. Similar to
return adder (usually between 2 % and 3 %) rate-of-return adders, innovation bonuses can
increases the incentive for the network opera- be designed and granted rather easily by the
tor to build this specific line or to invest in the regulator.
respective project. This concept has proven to
be successful in Italy. Here, roughly 71 % of all
investments made by the Italian TSO Terna 5.3.3 Recommended approach
in 2009 were priority projects with a rate-of- for China
return adder. In Italy, this adder is provided for
China does currently not apply disaggregated regu-
4 Even if the general idea behind the price cap regulation lation, but electricity wholesale and retail prices are
scheme is identical in the different countries, specific for-
subject to regulation. A basic step in the regulatory
mula and parameters (e. g. the length of the regulation
period or the allowed return of grid operators) differ from
environment would be to focus on the monopolistic
country to country. A more specific and detailed overview networks alone. This would avoid misdirected in-
of network regulation in Europe can be found in [22]. centives at the generation and retail sectors, ease the
94 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

emergence of new market actors, and improve the 5.4 Coordinate network expansion
1 quality of regulation. In applying a specific regula- planning for electricity grid
tion scheme, the regulator should focus on setting expansion and upgrade
2 efficient investment incentives. As there is no regu-
lation scheme suitable to all countries in all contexts,

the specific design of a regulation scheme for China
3 has to be elaborated with great rigor. The consider-
Chinese context
From 2010 to 2015, generation and grid ca-
able investment needs in China’s electric power grid
4 and the recent experiences with RPI-X regulation in pacities are planned to increase by roughly
50 % in order to cope with the steadily grow-
Germany should be taken into account.
ing demand. Their further expansion beyond

5 China faces the primary challenge of having to
that point in time is inevitable.
increase security of supply. In addition, the potential
RES generation capacities are expected to
that comes with smart grids can only be realized
6 increase out of proportion – their share in

if there is an incentive for grid operators to invest
the electricity mix will increase significantly.
into smart solutions (e. g. storage facilities or DSM).
7 Thus, network regulation in China should specifi- Electricity grid expansion planning is cur-
rently organized in a top-down process with
cally focus on incentives for security of supply and
low transparency and little involvement of
smart solutions. The application of rate-of-return
8 adders for high priority projects for security of sup- actors other than government authorities
and grid operators.
ply and for investment in smart solutions should be
9 evaluated.

11 -
The recommended approach at a glance
Regulating only the natural monopoly part
of the electric power sector (transmission
and distribution grids) improves the op-
5.4.1 Background

Towards a more decentralized system  So far, elec-

tric power grids have been designed to transport the
12 portunities for market entry of new market
actors, reduces misdirected incentives, and
electricity generated in central power stations (e. g.

coal-fired power plants) to industrial or residential
may increase quality of regulation.
load centers. The subordinated distribution grids
13 Network regulation should focus on setting
have only been used to redistribute the electricity
efficient investment incentives balancing
towards end-consumers. Single distribution grids
14 between network expansion and smart
have been operated quite independently from those
grid applications in an economically ef-
in other areas. In this setting, a coordination of the
ficient way. Specifically, the application of
15 rate-of-return adders for projects with a
necessary grid expansion measures has been impor-
tant mainly at the level of transmission grids.
high priority for security of supply might be
The current developments towards more inter-
16 interesting for China. Furthermore, profit-
mittent RES and actively involved end-consumers
sharing mechanisms or innovation bonuses
result in a more decentralized system with bidirec-
17 could be applied to increase the diffusion of
innovative technologies in China’s electricity
tional flows of electricity and information. Massive
investments in the power grid infrastructure have
to be undertaken to cope with these developments,
18 especially at the distribution grid level: in Germany
for example, the investment needs in the distribu-
19 tion grid infrastructure are considerably higher
than in the transmission grid infrastructure [21],
20 [26] because roughly 97 % of RES in Germany are
connected to the distribution grids [27]. A coordi-
5.4  •  Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
95 5

nation of the necessary grid expansion measures 5.4.2 International practice

is especially important at the level of distribution
grids to facilitate an efficient allocation of invest- Network expansion planning in Europe  The EU
ments and reduce economic inefficiencies as much requires each member state to develop a 10-year
as possible. NDP currently focusing on transmission grid ex-
pansion but not distribution grid expansion [30].
Fragmentation of interests Up to now, invest- Given the high investment and coordination needs
ments in generation capacities were made mainly on the distribution grid level, the non-coordination
by operators of large-scale centralized power plants, of distribution grid expansion unnecessarily inflates
a situation that allows grid operators to collect in- costs of network expansion. In Germany, a group of
formation on where and when a new power plant geographically adjacent DSO consequently started
is planned for construction rather easily. Network initiatives to coordinate distribution grid expansion
expansion planning was a task with a moderate planning [31].
complexity organized by grid operators, operators The network development plans are based on
of large-scale centralized power plants, and coordi- several scenarios (three scenarios in the case of Ger-
nating government institutions. many) concerning the future development of RES
Currently, the number and the heterogeneity of and the corresponding electricity system in each
stakeholders with interests in network expansion member state. The national planning processes

planning increases:
Investments into distributed RES are made by
a larger number of more heterogeneous com-
are accompanied by 10-year network development
plans of the ENTSO-E. Starting in 2010, these plans
are to be issued every two years. The main results of
panies or even by private investors in many
countries [28]. Therefore, advanced planning
on how much new grid capacity need to be
built in what area becomes more difficult for
the version published in 2012 are:
One third of investments planned in the first
network development plan of 2010 are expe-
riencing implementation delays owing to long

- the network operators.

The trend towards smart grids is associated
with an increasing amount of new market
actors with diverse interests. As the business
- approval processes.
52,300 km of extra high voltage transmis-
sion lines clustered in 100 projects have to be
modernized or constructed, mainly due to
models of new market actors often depend
on available grid capacities, their interests are
also relevant for long-term electricity network - bottlenecks related to RES integration.
20 megatons CO2 can be saved in the period
up to 2022 due to further market integration in
planning alongside the stakes of established
market actors making the process of stake-
holder consultation more complex. If the
interests of stakeholders such as grid operators
- Europe.
Extending the grid by about 1.3 % enables the
addition of 3 % more generation capacities
on different voltage levels, power plant opera-
tors, industrial consumers, representatives of Network expansion planning in Germany  In Ger-
small end-users, environmental groups, local many, the rules for developing the national NDP are
governments and central government minis- defined in § 12 EnWG and the NABEG. . Figure 5.1
tries are not coordinated effectively, network illustrates the different steps towards the network
expansion risks being economically inefficient

Against this background, it becomes of vital impor-

development plan in Germany. These are [33]:
The starting point in the network development
process is the scenario framework. It is drafted
by the four German TSO and includes fore-
tance to develop a long-term centrally coordinated casts relating to the development of electricity
NDP that includes plans and interests of all relevant generation, the shares of different generation
market actors and network users at an early stage. technologies, and power consumption for the
96 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

1 Draft Scenario Framework by TSO

2 Consultation

Scenario Framework reflects Approval of the TSO “Scenario

3 the development of the energy
policy framework (e.g. production
Framework” by BNetzA
capacities, consumption, etc.). It
Approved “Scenario Framework”
4 is the starting point to define the
need for network development.
Establishment of the Draft German
5 Network Development Plan
involving all TSO by June 3, 2012

6 Federal Requirements Plan

reflects the need to develop the
Consultation of German Network
Development Plan and of the
network in a concrete way
Environment Report by BNetzA
Draft Federal Requirements Plan
by BNetzA
Federal Requirements Plan (Bundesbedarfsplan)

.. Fig. 5.1  Process for the network development plan in Germany, adapted from [34]

next ten years. To achieve a realistic forecast, once again assessed by BNetzA. Furthermore,
three different scenarios based on different as- BNetzA conducts the environmental impact

11 sumptions regarding the increase in generation assessment.
capacities, RES expansion, and CO2 abatement Based on the final version of the network de-
12 are considered. The scenarios are submitted to velopment plan and the environmental impact
BNetzA, which approves them after a public report published at the same time, BNetzA has
consultation process. During this process, dis- the responsibility to draft the so-called Federal
13 tribution grid operators and other interested Requirements Plan, which is finally brought in
parties have the opportunity to comment on the parliamentary legislative procedure.

14 the different scenarios.
The four TSO subsequently employ the ap- While this process currently focuses on transmis-
15 proved scenarios for calculating network sion grids only, it might serve as a best-practice ex-
expansion requirements. Selecting the neces- ample of how to organize the grid expansion plan-
sary expansion measures and assigning a ning on the distribution grid level as well.
16 timeframe (two to ten years depending on
the respective project) for their realization The role of stakeholder platforms  One of the main
17 leads to a first draft of the respective network goals of BMWi with respect to grid development is
development plan. BNetzA again assesses this to involve new market actors in the strategic smart
first draft within a public consultation process. grid planning process. One prominent example of
18 During this process, the drafted network the ministry’s activities is the Future-oriented En-
development plan is published on a public ergy Grids Platform, which was founded in 2010. In
19 website and can be commented from various February 2011, the platform was transformed into
stakeholders and citizens. The network devel- a permanent dialogue forum [35]. The platform in-
20 opment plan is then revised by the TSO and volves all relevant parties of the electricity sector:
5.4  •  Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
97 5

Chair: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
adopts recommendations on action regarding questions of
grid expansion and modernization
working Smart grids
Regulation group
group and meters

Coordination / Organization / External Relations

.. Fig. 5.2  Structure of the Future Oriented Energy Grids Platform, adapted from [35]

grid operators, ICT-companies, environmental and well as an offshore master plan. In the meantime, both
consumer associations, research institutions, and propositions have been included in NABEG [36].
representatives of several ministries and govern-
mental institutions. One of the platform’s main tasks
is to discuss the draft documents of the network de- 5.4.3 Recommended approach
velopment plan. The platform is therefore an impor- for China
tant instrument for the regulator to get feedback on
NDP. Besides this task, the grid platform serves as a China faces a high need to expand the existing elec-
discussion platform for planning and approval pro- tricity network within the next few years. On both
cedures, the regulatory framework for investments levels of the grid, transmission and distribution,
into networks, grid connection of offshore wind this need is driven by growing consumer demand
farms, funding and testing of new technologies, for electricity and the integration of RES. Support-
development of smart meters, system stability, and ing and guiding the formulation of a consistent
applications of storage systems for network stability. and comprehensive concept regarding the set-up
. Figure 5.2 shows the organizational structure of of China’s future electric power grid is a key task
the platform. The plenary which adopts recommen- for Chinese energy sector regulation. Government
dations on actions is hosted by BMWi. The platform guidance is particularly important in the context of
is subdivided in four different working groups, one the build-up of RES generation capacities and smart
of them directly responsible for smart grid issues. grids both resulting in an increasing number of
The different working groups provide consulting stakeholders involved in the electric power system.
services for BMWi or other government institutions, Today, there are no formalized institutions that
make publicly available the results of their meetings, acknowledge stakeholder interests in grid expansion
draft documents and recommendations, and support planning in China. Therefore, stakeholder involve-
other publicly funded initiatives for smart grid devel- ment currently focuses mainly on the grid opera-
opment. The working group responsible for network tors, the government, and the China Electric Power
development planning for example, proposed a joint Planning Institute. Other stakeholders are not inte-
grid connection process for offshore wind farms as grated into the process in a formal way.
98 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

Three aspects are especially important with re-
1 spect to the coordination of network expansion in The recommended approach at a glance

A stakeholder platform on the topic of the
future electricity network involving all rel-
2 First, the institution that has the responsibil-
evant market actors of the electricity sector
ity to supervise the network planning process
(e. g. similar to the Future Oriented Energy
should be specified. Experience in Germany
3 illustrates that a government institution such Grids Platform in Germany) could help to
evaluate which stakeholders are relevant for
as the regulator should take this responsibil-
4 ity. This has the primary advantage that results network expansion planning, support the
network planning process, enhance mutual
from the planning process can be transferred
understanding among different stakehold-
5 directly into the government policy-making

ers and provide recommendations to the

Second, an evaluation should be made of
6 which stakeholders are relevant for network Make mandatory a network development
plan (NDP) for transmission and distribution
expansion planning. Specifically, formal co-
7 ordination between grid operators and power grids, including a procedure for consulting
the NDP with third parties and the public.
generation companies seems to be of great
The NDP should reflect fundamental govern-
importance to align grid and generation capac-
8 ity expansion processes. A platform such as ment policy, future energy policy goals,
smart grid goals as well as reliability and
the Future Oriented Energy Grids Platform in
9 Germany has been proven effective in integrat- security issues. The regulator should super-
vise and confirm the final NDP, which is then
ing new stakeholders in the strategic network
signed into law by the legislature.
10 development process. The evaluation of which
stakeholders are relevant for network expan-
sion planning could also happen within such a

11 stakeholder platform.
Third, it is beneficial to specify procedures 5.5 Improve grid integration of RES
12 for the development of network plans. In this
context, China could take advantage of Ger-

man experience with the network development
13 planning process. Making mandatory a NDP Chinese context
Despite the fact that China has aggressively
for both transmission and distribution grids,
14 including smart grids, helps to make net- expanded solar and wind generation capaci-
ties since 2006, their shares in the electric-
work expansion as efficient as possible. Clear
ity generation mix remain small. However,
15 scenarios about the development of RES, the
shares of both generation sources are
general electricity mix, and electricity demand
planned to increase significantly according
in China are needed as a basis for the defini-
16 tion of a network development plan in China. to government plans. Today, new market ac-
tors are only partly involved in the build-up

Such scenarios could then serve as a common
17 basis for the network development process of RES generation capacities.
Within the existing regulatory framework a
in China. Stakeholder involvement should be
lack of sufficient incentives for grid integra-
a key element of this procedure because the
18 number of stakeholders is likely to increase tion of RES persists even though significant
improvements have been made in recent
in the near future due to the importance of
19 non-incumbent market actors for smart grids. years. A considerable number of wind farms
is only connected to the electric power grid
These new stakeholders should be integrated
with delay.
20 into the strategic network development process
in a formal way.
5.5  •  Improve grid integration of RES
99 5

- Often, wind farms can also not be con-

nected due to the lack of a Low Voltage Ride
Through Function. At the same time substan-
This subject groups all aspects associated with the
time the investor of a renewable energy generation
unit has to wait before connecting to the grid and
feeding of electricity in the grid is allowed. Long
tial quantities of wind power still have to be
lead times increase the financial risk for investors,
curtailed in order to increase grid stability.
creating less favorable credit conditions for them,
and thus reducing the incentives for investments
in RES.
The effectiveness of grid connection is also af-
5.5.1 Background fected by how grid connection costs are distributed
among the parties involved in the process. In this
context, shallow or deep cost approaches can be ap-

New market actors require a physical connection
to the power grid  In many countries, non-incum- plied:
bent stakeholders have been investing in RES gen- In a deep cost approach, the RES investors
eration capacities and contributing to the increase requesting connection not only cover the
of RES in the electricity mix: project developers, costs of grid connection but also further costs
industrial and commercial companies, prosumers, related to grid reinforcement and extension
and even venture capital and private equity com- beyond the connection point (i. e. deeper into
panies [28]. These non-incumbent stakeholders
need clearly defined conditions for the physical
connection of RES installations to the power grid.
Their RES plants need to be technically connected
- the network).
In a shallow cost approach, the RES inves-
tor only pays for grid connection costs to the
connection point, but not for reinforcement
to the grid in such a manner that electricity gener- and extension costs. Generally, the deep cost
ated from RES can be fed in. Without an equal and approach creates higher costs and risks for the
fair access, they abstain from investing in RES. As a RES investor. It is therefore more often viewed
result, a huge potential of capital resources for RES as an obstacle to RES deployment [37].
investment remains untapped.
Grid operation  In countries with a low share of
The three elements of physical grid integration of intermittent RES-E in the energy mix, grid op-
RES  Grid integration of RES, i. e. the issue of how eration is usually not adversely affected by RES
effective, rapid, and fair the access of RES generation installations. However, European countries like
capacities to the electric power grid is organized, Germany or Denmark have made the experience

consists of three different aspects:
Grid expansion, necessary due to the connec-
tion of RES, is a prerequisite for the large-scale
integration of RES (compare ▶ Sects. 5.3
that, with a share of approximately 10 % to 20 % of
intermittent RES-E, grid operation becomes more
and more difficult because regional feed-in often
exceeds regional loads and the grids do not have

- and 5.4).
Grid connection of RES means technically
interconnecting RES to the grid in such a man-
ner that electricity generated from RES can be
sufficient capacities to absorb and transport the
complete surplus of RES-E. One straight-forward
remedy for these situations is to expand grid capaci-
ties. However, curtailing specific RES generators in

- fed in.
Specific grid operation issues with large
amounts of RES implies assuring that the gen-
erated electricity has access to the grid so that
times of peak production might be economically
more interesting: a study suggests that curtailing
only 2 % of the annual electricity production from
RES (in times of peak production) could reduce
it can be transported to end consumers [37]. infrastructure investments by 10 % between now
and 2030 [26].
Grid connection  Important issues in many coun- Grid curtailment is currently a critical issue in a
tries are so-called long lead times (e. g. delays). number of European countries, especially due to the
100 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

lack of specific curtailment rules and compensation Also, the directive proposes priority access to the
1 issues [37]. Clear and well-defined grid codes for the grid for electricity from RES and favors a cost-
interconnection of RES on all grid and voltage levels sharing of grid expansion measures between grid
2 are a decisive factor to ease grid operation with RES operators and RES operators to pure deep cost and
[38]. These rules define the interaction of RES and pure shallow costs approaches [39].
the electric power grid in terms of grid operation. Published eight years later, Directive 2009/28/
3 This also includes the handling of congestions and EC3 further regulates grid connection and opera-
disturbances. tion issues. In paragraphs 2–4 of article 16, the EU
4 makes a clear case for priority access for electric-
The ICT-integration of RES  RES integration issues ity from RES. The Directive recommends that such
5 go beyond the physical connection of RES to the electricity be fed in with priority, that grid curtail-
power grid. The basic idea of smart grids is to make ment measures for RES be minimized and justified
all generators and consumers of electricity monitor- by the regulator, and that grid expansion costs re-
6 able and in part remotely controllable by means of lated to renewable energies be transparent and born
ICT. Only if RES plants are remotely controllable, in full or in part by the grid operators.
7 RES generation can be coordinated with grid capac- Since 2009, ENTSO-E has been working on a
ities at any time. In this light, the equipment of RES network code for grid connection requirements
with communication interfaces is an essential part which aims at
8 of smart grids. Also with respect to an economically
efficient grid curtailment of RES, the capability of » setting out clear and objective requirements for
9 grid operators to monitor and control installations generators for grid connection in order to contrib-
remotely is necessary. ute to non-discrimination, effective competition
10 Especially distributed RES (e. g. small rooftop and the efficient functioning of the internal elec-
PV installations or single wind turbines) are cur- tricity market and to ensure system security [41].
rently only rarely equipped with technology al-
11 lowing the grid operator to remotely monitor or The network code
control the installations. Given that owners of RES,
12 especially those of small-scale RES, have usually few » defines a common set of requirements for power
incentives in investing in communication interfaces, generation facilities, including synchronous gener-
the widespread deployment and usage of such inter-
13 faces depends on appropriate regulatory guidance.
ation units, power park modules and offshore gen-
eration facilities, to be connected to the network
and sets up a common framework for grid connec-
14 tion agreements between grid operators and the
5.5.2 International practice power generation facility operators [41].
The European perspective  In its Directive 2001/77/ In defining these requirements, the network code
EC2 [39], the EU laid down a common regulatory clearly reduces conflicts between RES investors and
16 basis for the promotion of electricity generated from grid operators and contributes to a better commu-
RES and a framework for the integration of RES into nication between them and to shorter lead times in
17 the grid [40]. Paragraphs 1–3 of article 7 contain RES connection as a result of more standardized
general references to grid connection and operation procedures.
issues demanding that EU member states
18 Grid connection of RES in Germany  Part 2, chap-
» take the necessary measures to ensure that ters 1–3 of the EEG contain regulations that are of
19 critical importance with respect to the effectiveness

transmission system operators and DSOs in their
territory guarantee the transmission and distribu- of grid connection in Germany:
20 tion of electricity produced from renewable energy Chapter 1 section 5 emphasizes that grid
sources. operators must immediately and as a priority
5.5  •  Improve grid integration of RES
101 5

connect all RES to the grid even if this con-

shortest linear distance from the location of
nection necessitates optimizing, boosting, or

the installation if no other grid system has a
expanding the grid.
technically and economically more favorable

Paragraph 1 contains a definition of the so-
grid connection point. […]
called grid connection point. It is the point
Installation operators shall be entitled to
in the electricity grid which is at the nearest
choose another grid connection point in this
linear distance from the location of the RES
grid system or in another grid system which is

installation. The generation capacity of the RES
suitable with regard to the voltage.
unit to be connected determines the voltage

In derogation of subsections (1) and (2) above,
level of the nearest grid connection point.
the grid system operator shall be entitled to as-
The responsibility of building a connection
sign the installation a different grid connection
between the RES installation and the grid con-
point. This shall not apply where the purchase
nection point is assigned to the grid operator.
of electricity from the installation concerned
However, the costs for building this direct
would not be guaranteed in accordance with

connection are passed on to the RES investor
section 8(1).
as specified in chapter 3, section 13, and para-
The obligation to connect the installation to
graph 1 of the EEG. Note that due to the rather
the grid system shall also apply where the pur-
close meshed electricity grids in Germany, the
chase of the electricity is only made possible
distances between the installations and the
by optimizing, boosting or expanding the grid
grid connection points are often rather short.
system in accordance with section 9.
Thus, connection costs to be paid by the RES

Source: Wording from the BMUB [62]
investors are rather low in Germany.
As specified in chapter 3, section 14, however,
the share of the costs within the entire electric
power grid that is related to optimizing, boost- The combination of a shallow cost approach and
ing, and expanding the grid system is allocated an obligation to connect RES with priority is one
to the grid operator (shallow cost approach). important factor with regard to grid connection in
This cost-sharing mechanism prevents the Germany. Another important element of the EEG
investors in RES projects from installing (with regard to grid connection) is the definition of
capacities at great distances from the existing what happens if the grid operator fails to connect
power grid, as they are the ones who have to RES. Part 2, chapter 1, section 10 of the EEG is based
cover the costs for the direct line to the nearest on the notion that grid connection rules can be ef-

- connection point.
Chapter 2, section 9 specifies further that the
grid operator can only be forced to optimize
or expand the electricity grid if this is not
fective only if non-compliance of the grid operator
leads to financial losses.

EEG – Paragraphs 1–2 of Part 2, Chapter 1,

economically unreasonable.
Section 10
In the event that the grid system operator vio-
EEG – Paragraphs 1–4 of Part 2, Chapter 1, lates his obligations under section 9(1), those

Section 5
Grid system operators shall immediately and
as a priority connect installations generat-
ing electricity from renewable energy sources
interested in feeding in electricity may demand
compensation for the damage incurred. The
liability to pay compensation shall not apply if
the grid system operator was not responsible
and from mine gas to that point in their grid
system (grid connection point) which is suit-
able in terms of the voltage and which is at the
- for the violation of the obligation.
Where there are facts to substantiate the
assumption that the grid system operator did
102 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

be unconditionally enhanced with a commu-

1 not fulfill his obligation under section 9(1),
nication interface allowing the grid operator to
installation operators may require the grid
remotely monitor the electricity feed-in in real
system operator to submit information con-
2 cerning whether and to what extent the grid
time and to remotely control installations. To
prevent a misuse of grid curtailment, grid op-
system operator did not meet his obligation to
erators are obliged to immediately report such
3 optimize, boost and expand his grid system.
measures to the BNetzA. This grid curtailment
This information may be withheld if it is not
of RES is not to the detriment of RES investors
4 necessary in order to establish whether the
because they receive equivalent compensations
entitlement in accordance with subsection (1)
to the extent that they incur no financial losses
above exists.
5 Source: Wording from the BMUB [62]
as a result of the grid curtailment (see appen-
dix E for extracts from EEG, chapter 2, part 2,
sections 11 and 12.).
Grid operation in the presence of RES at the Ger-
EEG – Paragraphs 1–2 of Part 2, Chapter 1,
man level  In spite of the increasing share of elec-
Section 6
tricity from wind and PV power, Germany’s electric
Installation operators and operators of CHP
power grids are still among the most secure and
8 reliable grids worldwide. Germany has made the installations shall provide installations with an
installed capacity exceeding100 kilowatts with
experience that effective grid curtailment rules are
9 necessary to sustain reliability and security of sup- technical facilities with which the grid system
operator can, at any time:
ply in times of rising feed-in from RES. To allow for
1. reduce output by remote means in the event
10 an effective grid operation in spite of the presence
of grid overload; and
of RES, the EEG distinguishes between normal and

2. call up the current electricity feed-in at any

critical grid conditions:5
11 In normal grid conditions, electricity produced given point in time.
Operators of installations generating electricity
in RES installations has to be fed in at any
12 time – irrespective of electricity consumption. from solar radiation:
1. with an installed capacity between 30 kilo-
This is regulated in part 2, chapter 1, section 8
watts and 100 kilowatts shall fulfil the
of the EEG, which states that “[transmission]
13 grid system operators shall immediately and obligation pursuant to subsection (1) no. 1
as a priority purchase, transmit and distribute
14 the entire available quantity of electricity from 2. with a maximum installed capacity of

30 kilowatts shall:
renewable energy sources”.
a) fulfil the obligation pursuant to subsec-
15 During critical grid conditions, however, grid
tion (1) no. 1 above; or
operators are allowed to curtail electricity
b) limit the maximum effective capacity fed
from RES by taking technical control over
16 installations connected to their grid system. in at the grid connection point with the
grid system to 70 percent of the installed
Part 2, chapter 2, section 6 of the EEG specifies
17 that all RES plants have to be equipped with capacity.
Source: Wording from the BMUB [62]
a communication interface allowing the grid
operator to take over technical control over
18 installations or to limit their effective capacity
to 70 % of the installed capacity instead. Those Ensuring compliance with the EEG regula-
19 RES with a capacity exceeding 100 kW have to tion  Well specified laws alone might not be suffi-
cient to ensure an effective grid integration of RES
20 5 Critical conditions occur when operational limits, accord- if there is no institution with a distinct judiciary
ing to common technical guidelines, are violated. function to monitor compliance with the rules
5.5  •  Improve grid integration of RES
103 5

and settle any dispute between grid operators and Transparency and a clear division of responsi-
power plant owners. In this light, BMUB commis- bilities between grid operators and RES investors
sioned and funded the so-called Clearingstelle EEG would encourage the deployment of RES and in-
in 2007. Since then the Clearingstelle EEG serves as centivize new market actors to invest in RES. The
a neutral and independent institution with the in- following recommendations are made based on best
tention to settle any dispute between grid operators
and power plant owners with regard to topics sur-
rounding EEG. The staff of the Clearingstelle EEG
consists of an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and
practices from Europe and especially Germany:
The grid operator is a monopolistic company
with special responsibility. He has to define
clear, transparent, and technically sound grid
engineers with expertise in the field of renewable codes for the integration of generation units
energies [42]. at all voltage levels. These codes have to be
The general idea is that ordinary courts settle
potential disputes rather through costly and time
consuming litigation while the Clearingstelle EEG
can offer alternative dispute resolution options
- defined properly and made binding.
For an efficient and fast connection, grid con-
nection points have to be defined properly
for all kinds of RES on all voltage levels of the

such as
grid. RES need to be assigned a grid connec-
tion point on request, so that the interconnec-

- joint dispute resolution, and

arbitration [42].

In addition, the Clearingstelle EEG reports the re- -

tion point can be installed without delay and
according to well-defined technical standards.
Grid operators have to bear liability for the
grid connection of RES. This is very impor-
sults of past legal disputes such that a high transpar- tant, because liability puts a high priority on
ency on the jurisdiction exists among grid operators the establishment of the grid connection and
and plant owners. In sum, the Clearingstelle EEG avoids delays on the grid operator’s side. In this
clearly contributes to a high compliance with the context, definition of financial incentives (e. g.
EEG regulation in Germany.6 in form of penalties) is an effective measure
to quicken the grid connection process and to
reduce the risk for RES investors.
5.5.3 Recommended approach
for China The same arguments which hold for the grid con-
nection are equally valid for grid operation issues.
The physical grid integration of RES in China cur- To ensure grid stability, it is necessary to curtail
rently lacks efficiency. This refers to both grid con- RES in times of critical grid conditions. To provide
nection and grid operation. Specifically, a consider- transparent procedures to the RES operators, de-
able part of wind power is currently being curtailed. tailed processes for curtailment of RES (including
There is also evidence that only a very small part documentation, transparency rules, timeframes,
of investments are being made by non-incumbent involved parties, etc.) have to be defined and the
players in China: investments from venture capital requirements for information exchange within
and private equity companies for example, are quite these measures have to be specified. To ensure an
low compared to many other countries [28]. For the economically efficient grid curtailment, the instal-
government’s ambitious RES expansion targets to lation of communication interfaces at RES instal-
be achieved and in order to incentivize new market lations should be promoted by appropriate regula-
actors to invest in RES, the physical grid integration tion (such as part 2, chapter 1, section 6 of EEG
of RES has to become more effective. in Germany). Moreover, it is important that grid
curtailment of RES only takes place if this is ur-
6 Further information on the work of the Clearingstelle EEG
gently needed to stabilize grid operation and that
can be found at ▶ the compensation to the RES investor is calculated
english. transparently.
104 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

The experiences from Germany further show

1 that the establishment of an independent institution
generation and consumption. Specifically,
with growing shares of intermittent RES it
offering mediation, joint dispute resolution, and ar-
will become indispensable that electricity
2 bitration services contributes to a high compliance
consumption will be, at least partly, able to
with the regulation.
follow electricity generation. This necessi-
3 tates the use of economic incentives as well

4 -
The recommended approach at a glance
Grid connection points and binding grid
codes specifying respective responsibilities
of grid operators and power generators have
as sophisticated technologies facilitating the
coordination of electricity generation and
consumption. All types of consumers, i. e.
industrial, commercial, and residential, have

- -
5 to be defined. to be involved in these activities.
Grid operators have to bear liability regard- Time-of-use pricing (i. e. electricity prices
- ing the grid connection of RES.
Binding procedures for curtailment of RES
have to be defined. To ensure an economi-
cally efficient grid curtailment, the instal-
depending on the time when electricity
is provided) aims at incentivizing electric-
ity consumers to shift their consumption
according to generation and grid capacities.
lation of communication interfaces at RES It has gradually been introduced in China
8 installations should be promoted by appro- to all categories of users except residential

9 - priate regulation.
An institution offering mediation, joint dis-
pute resolution, and arbitration services in
the context of grid connection issues should
consumers and irrigational users. The Chi-
nese government recently announced that
it would introduce time-of-use pricing also
for residential consumers by the end of 2015.
10 be assigned. While this is certainly a step in the right
direction, it is still questionable whether the
11 present tariff system offers sufficient price
incentives for a pronounced intraday shifting

12 5.6 Optimize the balancing of power demand.

of electricity generation
and consumption
5.6.1 Background
15 -
Chinese context
Due to the high share of industrial load, Chi-
na’s overall electricity load curve is currently
rather flat. In the future, China’s electricity
Peak shaving and residual peak load shaving The
balancing of generation and consumption of elec-
tricity is of crucial importance for the stable opera-
tion of electric power systems. In a power system
16 generation might become considerably
with 100 % generation from large central (bulk)
more fluctuating owing to the further build-
power plants, electricity generation follows the load.
17 up of RES generation capacities planned by
the government. In addition, shares of more
Sometimes, peak loads may cause shortages on the
generation side. Peak shaving, i. e. reducing the elec-
intermittent residential and commercial
trical power consumption during periods of maxi-
18 electricity consumption are expected to
mum electricity demand, is then an important fac-
increase. Both factors will lead to regionally

tor to stabilize system operation. In power systems
19 higher load variability in China.
with a high share of RES, however, the motivation
Higher load variability necessitates a
for peak shaving changes somewhat: in such power
more effective coordination of electricity
20 systems, the residual load, i. e. the difference between
load and renewable generation, is highly volatile due
5.6  •  Optimize the balancing of electricity generation and consumption
105 5

to the intermittent nature of renewable generation. electricity markets: the VPP operator controls or
In these cases, large central power plants, usually manages the operation of the generation units to
conventional fossil fuel-driven power plants, have follow a joint schedule or to offer balancing power
to cover the residual load – also known as residual to the system operators.
peak load shaving (or residual load balancing).
Balancing mechanisms and technologies like de- Microgrids  Microgrids are a specific solution to
mand side management (DSM), supply side manage- manage the intermittent character of RES on a re-
ment (SSM), microgrids, virtual power plants (VPP), gional level. They are grid areas in which generation
and energy storage can be employed to facilitate the from local RES or other distributed generation and
coordination of electricity generation and consump- consumption is balanced by local control mecha-
tion. All these mechanisms and technologies require nisms by means of information exchange between
an ICT infrastructure for measurement, control, and the devices through local ICT. As such, the higher-
billing of various loads and/or generation units at level distribution grid to which the microgrid is
local, regional, or distributed sites. connected is not necessarily and immediately ex-
posed to the intermittence of RES connected to the
Demand side management  DSM is an important microgrid. Island grids without any connections to
mechanism for peak shaving and residual peak distribution grids are an extreme form of this ap-
shaving for different types of loads. DSM means in- proach. Note that microgrids are geographically
centivizing electricity consumers to adapt their con- connected grid regions, while VPP are virtually
sumption to the availability of electricity generation. aggregated units which are distributed throughout
Principally, the loads can be influenced by means larger grid areas.
of two different mechanisms: on the one hand, end
customers can react manually to suitable incen- Energy storage  Requirements for power storage
tives such as price signals. On the other hand, auto- differ according to field of application. Some storage
mated load control is conceivable for devices where technologies are used to balance fluctuations within
deferred use and a modulated operation mode en- a very short timeframe (e. g. some milliseconds) and
tail no loss of comfort, economic consequences, or others are used for longer timeframes (e. g. days or
other restrictions in everyday household/business
life (dispensable loads). With respect to the poten-
tial of DSM on low voltage level, the necessary IT -
Hydrogen generated by means of electrolysis
can be used to store electric power for time-
infrastructure and the relation between DSM and
AMI have been discussed widely [43].

Supply side management  Supply side management

- frames lasting up to several months.
Pumped-storage and compressed air energy
storage power stations are suitable for an in-
traday balancing of generation and consump-
(SSM) works similarly to DSM but refers to local tion. On a global level, pumped-storage power
or distributed generation facilities. SSM means in- plants are the most important technology to
centivizing electricity producers to adapt their gen-
eration to the demand of electricity. The generation
units are typically small-scale residential units like - store electric power.
Electrochemical storage mediums like batteries
are employed to store electricity for time-
CHP plants or larger CHP units located at industrial

Virtual power plants  Virtual power plants (VPP)

- frames ranging from one hour to several days.
Centrifugal mass storage, super caps, and
superconductive inductors can be charged
and unloaded within an extremely short
aggregate power generation, storage, or consump- timeframe. They are used for grid stabilization
tion units into one balancing unit by means of ICT services and voltage maintenance [44].
metering and control technologies. These units may
be spread out over the grid and belong to separate Barriers to the development of balancing mecha-
owners. VPP are especially useful in the context of nisms and technologies  There are many different
106 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

barriers to the development of balancing mecha- Many countries have established funding schemes

1 nisms and technologies as described above. The to reduce existing technological barriers:
elimination of such barriers calls for suitable regu- The United States for example, claim to invest
2 latory measures. In principal, these barriers can be at least $3 billion into smart grid projects [47].

3 -
classified into three different categories [45]:
Technological barriers refer to the fact that the
maturity of some technologies that might be
important for the balancing of generation and
Specifically, they have funded two important
R&D programs for microgrid and DSM dem-
onstration projects run by the United States
Department of Defense (USDOD) and the
4 consumption is still rather low [46]. Electro- United States Department of Energy (USDOE).
chemical storage mediums such as batteries, The USDOD provided $38.5 million for three
5 for example, are in many cases still too expen- different military base microgrid demonstra-

6 - sive to be used in a widespread manner [44].

Economic barriers exist, because for many
stakeholders in the electricity sector the costs
of investing in balancing mechanisms and
tions, with a focus on reliability and energy
security [45]. The USDOE spent over $50 mil-
lion for nine projects having the concrete goal
of achieving a 15 % peak load reduction in the
technologies are still higher than the benefits.
For potential investors, especially for small-
sized third parties, the administrative overhead
and the necessary investments in ICT for
- local distribution feeder [45].
In recent years, the EU has also invested
significant amounts in smart grid-related R&D
and devoted several major research efforts ex-
controlling, balancing, and billing are relatively clusively to DSM, SSM, VPP, microgrids, and
9 high. Many of them consequently refrain from energy storage. One promising example is the
investing in balancing technologies. Specifi- Future Internet for Smart Energy (FINSENY)
10 cally, there are many open questions related to project which was conducted as part of the
billing, balancing, and accounting, in the case private public partnership Future Internet from
that several market actors coordinate power 2010 to 2013.7
11 generation and load for different business

- purposes.
Institutional barriers may arise if new tech-
nologies have to adapt to practices and codes
In the United States and in Europe, the experience
was made that two factors are especially important
with respect to the success of R&D funding (cf. e. g.
developed in a context in which these new
technologies were not yet known. For example,
microgrids require specific connection codes
that are different from small conventional
Clear targets on what should be achieved by
means of the research program have to be de-
fined in advance by the funding organization.
distribution grids. The costs of deploying such Only if such targets exist can the success of the
15 balancing mechanisms and technologies criti- research project be measured and controlled

cally depend on connection codes, legal re-
porting obligations, and application processes
[45]. - during and after the project.
The recipient of R&D subsidies often has to
co-finance the research program with its own
capital. Financial participation is an impor-
17 tant additional incentive to ensure that the
5.6.2 International practice recipient of the subsidies will efficiently and
effectively carry out the research project.
18 Reducing technological barriers  In order to pro-
mote the development of technologies and business Reducing economic barriers  All regulatory ap-
19 models to balance electricity generation and con- proaches aiming at decreasing investment costs in
sumption, government-supported R&D programs
20 are of fundamental importance (Germany’s R&D 7 See ▶ for more information
program E-Energy is presented in ▶ Sect. 4.4.6). on this project.
5.6  •  Optimize the balancing of electricity generation and consumption
107 5

balancing mechanisms or technologies or increasing Reducing institutional barriers Standards for

profits related to their usage can be seen as an effec- regulating the general grid connection of RES are

tive measure to promote their development:
A possible solution aiming at reducing invest-
ment costs is to directly subsidize the usage
of balancing mechanisms or technologies. To
common in most countries. Like Europe, the United
States, for example, have a standard for grid con-
nection: IEEE 1547 was established in 2003. These
standards often do not contain specific rules for
promote electricity storage, for example, the VPP or microgrids. However, some countries have
German government recently established a started to issue special regulation for VPP and/or
co-funding scheme for electric battery storages
newly installed in private houses in combina-
tion with PV. The purpose of this measure is
to promote local consumption of electricity
To ease the grid connection of microgrids,
the United States issued IEEE 1547.4: Guide
for Design, Operation, and Integration of
generated by PV, thereby limiting the PV feed- Distributed Resource Island Systems with

- in to the distribution grid.

Time-of-use pricing is an important option to
increase profits related to the usage of DSM,
SSM, and energy storage. The higher the price
Electric Power Systems. This standard presents
alternative approaches and good practices for
the design and operation of microgrids and
their integration with distribution grids. For
differences between peak and base load prices, instance, this includes the ability to separate
the higher the rate of return of DSM, SSM, and from and reconnect to the distribution grid

- energy storage.
The attractiveness of microgrids critically
while providing power to the islanded mi-
crogrid. The IEEE 1547.4 standard is currently
depends on the difference of electricity genera-
tion costs within the microgrid and general
retail prices for electricity. If a microgrid is
able to produce its own electricity, consumers
- gaining approval on the international level.
Another example of institutional barriers for
microgrids being reduced is Germany, where
microgrid operators have been relieved of
within the microgrid are independent from several legal requirements that have applied to
general electricity retail prices. However, it is distribution grid operators in Germany since
only if general retail prices for electricity are 2005. Special rules applying to so-called site
higher than electricity generation costs within networks have been introduced by EnWG for
the microgrid that investments in these tech- grids covering campuses and enterprises. Such
nologies might be potentially amortized after site networks can be designed as microgrids.
some years. In this light, increasing electricity For example, operators of site networks are not
retail tariffs can be seen as an important driver subject to the general connection obligation
for investments in microgrids. Depending on (§ 18 EnWG): they are permitted to publish
the regulatory environment, microgrid opera- less reports on grid conditions (§ 14b EnWG),
tors might also be able to export the electric- have less monitoring obligations (§ 35 EnWG),
ity to the distribution grid. In this case, the and less obligations to report service disrup-
question to be asked is whether the operators tions (§ 52 EnWG).
receive payments for the electricity they export
and what rate these payments depend on:
wholesale, retail, or potentially a feed-in tariff. 5.6.3 Recommended approach
Feed-in tariffs that are higher than the general for China
retail price for electricity and higher than elec-
tricity generation costs inside the microgrid The key driver for the usage of balancing mecha-
can be seen as an effective measure to promote nisms and technologies in China is peak shaving
the development of microgrids [48]. due to the high growth rate of power consumption.
The balancing mechanisms and technologies de-
scribed above, especially DSM and energy storage,
108 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

will contribute to a more effective peak shaving and
to an improved utilization rate of the grid infra-
structure. In the long term, residual peak shaving
- Additional R&D funds for SSM, VPP, microgrid,
and energy storage demonstration projects:
To help abolish technological barriers, the
2 – necessary due to the increasing expansion of RES Chinese government has decided to promote
generation capacities – will be an additional aspect the development of different balancing mecha-
in China. Balancing mechanisms and technologies nisms and technologies and it has already
3 like SSM, VPP, and microgrids will become more started to foster R&D in these areas. From an
important in this context. institutional point of view, the NEA has played
4 In 2011, more than 70 % of China’s electricity was the most active role in promoting balancing
consumed by the industrial sector [49]. In general, mechanisms [45]. Other institutions that are
5 the technical potential for peak shaving in this sec- interested in the promotion of such technolo-
tor is comparatively high and can be realized with gies are the NDRC, the Ministry of Housing
dedicated ICT solutions. Usually, the potential for and Urban Rural Development, and the MOF
6 peak shaving is smaller and more distributed in the [45]. However, the pertinent research has just
commercial sector and especially in the residential started in China and consequently needs to
7 sector. ICT requirements and costs of implementing be intensified in the future to catch up with
balancing mechanisms and technologies in these sec- international best practice technologies. Thus,
tors are therefore comparatively higher. In this light, additional R&D funds should be set up for
8 balancing between generation and consumption in SSM, VPP, microgrid, or energy storage dem-
China should be optimized with a focus on industrial onstration projects. In this context, it is specifi-
9 and commercial consumers in the short- to medium- cally important to set up concrete performance
term and on residential consumers in the long term. targets for funded demonstration projects and
10 With this general background in mind, several require a co-financing of the subsidies’ recipi-
specific policies may foster the development and
usage of specific balancing mechanisms and tech-
- ents.
Feed-in tariffs and interconnection standards

11 nologies: for microgrids: compared to European coun-
Time-of-use pricing to incentivize the usage of tries and many other countries, retail prices for
12 DSM and energy storage: Time-of-use pricing electricity are very low in China. As a conse-
has gradually been introduced to all catego- quence, prices for locally generated electricity
ries of users except residential consumers and (e. g. in microgrids) are often significantly
13 irrigational users. With regard to commercial higher than local retail prices for electricity.
and industrial consumers, China already has This has already led individual investors to
14 a very high time-of-use adoption rate, with abandon microgrids demonstration projects
roughly two thirds of large-scale customers [46]. However, increasing electricity retail
15 using time-based electricity tariffs [50]. Even prices to promote the development of mi-
if the difference between peak and off-peak crogrids would directly contrast one of China’s
prices has increased in recent times, it is still primary energy policy goals: affordable retail
16 questionable whether the current tariff system prices. Therefore, feed-in tariffs for local RES
offers sufficient incentives for a pronounced or microgrids could be an option to incentiv-
17 intraday shifting of power demand [51]. The ize investments in microgrids. Also, intercon-
Chinese government recently announced that nection standards for microgrids (such as
it would also introduce time-of-use pricing for IEEE 1547.4), currently not existing in China,
18 residential consumers by the end of 2015 [50]. should be issued and made legally binding.
In designing this new tariff system, sufficient
19 differences between peak and off-peak prices
have to be considered as a key success factor.
20 The same key success factor applies to time-of-
use pricing in non-residential sectors.
5.7  •  Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids
109 5

The recommended approach at a glance
Coordination between generation and con-
sumption should be optimized with a focus
on industrial and commercial consumers in
regional governments, all have their own
interests with regard to standardization and
are increasingly willing to contribute to the
standardization process [63].
the short- to medium-term and on residen-

- tial consumers in the long term.

Peak shaving is of crucial importance in the
short to medium term. To promote peak
shaving, it is specifically recommended to
5.7.1 Background

refine time-of-use pricing in China in order

Smart grids require a common understanding
to set sufficient incentives (by means of
of all stakeholders  Smart grids represent a con-
high differences between peak and off-peak
cept aiming at the integration of information and
prices) for investments in DSM and energy

communication among market actors from various
storage for all categories of consumers.
sectors as well as a multitude of power system com-
Residual peak shaving is relevant in the long
ponents. In a smart grid, data on the grid status is
term. Additional R&D funds for SSM, VPP,
exchanged as well as data related to services, prod-
and microgrids as well as interconnection
ucts, and reporting obligations. A key challenge of
standards and feed-in tariffs specifically
smart grids is to integrate its different components
for microgrids can be employed to reduce
and ensure that they can communicate with the help
technological, economic, and institutional
of ICT. The definition of common standards for in-
barriers to the development of SSM, VPP, and
terfaces and communication protocols is therefore
of utmost importance in order to ensure interoper-
ability and a smooth exchange of information be-
tween the different elements of a smart grid. The
costs of connecting smart grid technologies through
5.7 Facilitate the development ICT (integration costs) significantly affect the over-
of a unified view of smart grids all costs of deploying smart grid technologies and
are thus one key success factor for smart grids. A
prerequisite for reducing integration costs is a uni-

fied view on smart grid technologies, business pro-
Chinese context
cesses, and procedures. Furthermore, smart grid-
Due to the different strategies of China’s grid
related technologies, products, and services can only
operators with regard to smart grid develop-
be developed by the variety of stakeholders in a cost-
ment and the fact that the Chinese govern-
efficient manner if requirements for smart grid solu-
ment has not yet publicly defined its view
tions are accepted by all smart grid stakeholders.
on smart grids, there is still no unanimously
accepted vision on the technological and or-
Standardization as a means to create a common
ganizational design of smart grids in China.
understanding  Standardization can serve to cre-
As a result, there is much uncertainty among
ate a common understanding between participating
potential smart grid investors regarding the

stakeholders, thus increasing interoperability, and
future development.
reducing smart grid integration costs. According
The diversity of stakeholders interested
to the German Institute for Standardization (DIN),

in standardization in China has increased
standardization usually has at least five major goals:
in recent years: in addition to the central
securing the competiveness of domestic
government, research institutes, universi-
industries in the international context of a
ties, civilian and defense industries, and
broad ensemble of diverging technologies and
110 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

- providing a strategic instrument to foster eco- of different ministries. In general, governments have

1 nomic and social success, many options to influence standardization, and con-
supporting and relieving government regula- sequently they play an important role in this context.
-- tion,
fostering technological convergence, and
creating efficient processes and instruments
To give just a few examples, possible governmental

measures to promote standardization are:
hosting conferences and symposia on stan-

3 [52]. dardization issues,
strengthening the role and (financial) power of
These goals illustrate that the current scope of stan-
dardization goes well beyond the integration of two
or more individual systems. The following aspects
should be focused on in the context of smart grid-
-- SDO,
actively participating in the work of SDO, and
considering standardization issues in the edu-
cational system [53].

related standardization issues:
How can the development of standards sup-
port the common understanding of future 5.7.2 International practice
- smart grids?
How can the process of national and interna-
tional standardization be optimized for faster
European Mandate M/490 The EU specifically
acknowledges the importance of standardization

8 time to markets of necessary standards? in smart grids: the European Commission issued
How can the heterogeneous requirements the European Mandate M/490 with the intention
9 and viewpoints of different stakeholders with to promote the development of a unified and com-
regard to smart grid architecture be expressed? monly accepted view on smart grids to increase in-
10 teroperability and reduce integration costs. To ex-
The government’s role in promoting standardiza- ecute Mandate M/490, the Smart Grid Coordination
tion  In some cases, governments are quite actively Group (SG-CG) was founded by the major European
11 involved in standardization processes. By issuing standardization organizations European Committee
laws and regulations providing minimum standards for Standardization (CEN), European Committee
12 for certain goods, services, or technologies, govern- for Electrotechnical Organization (CENELEC), and
ments are even able to legally enforce standards. In European Telecommunications Standards Institute
many cases, however, standardization is mainly (ETSI). All of them are mirror-organizations of the
13 pushed forward by the private industry in coopera- main international standardization organizations In-
tion with accredited standards developing organiza- ternational Organization for Standardization (ISO),
14 tions (SDO).8 Note that, due to the involvement of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and
many different stakeholders in SDO, a high level of International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
15 coordination between the various stakeholders is
Scope and objective of Mandate M/490
Even if standardization is left to the private sec-
16 tor, many governments acknowledge its importance “The challenge of Smart Grids deployment will
require changes to existing standards, industry
in today’s quickly developing technological envi-
17 ronment. In 2009, for instance, the German govern- rules and processes.
This mandate is to address such a challenge in the
ment issued a Standardization Policy Concept of the
field of standardization. The expected long term
Federal Government [53]. This policy paper presents
18 duration of Smart Grid deployment suggests the

the goals and expectations of the government with
need for a framework that is:
regard to standardization as well as specific measures
19 Comprehensive and integrated enough to
embrace the whole variety of Smart Grid actors
8 Especially in those areas where potential harm to citizens and ensure communications between them
20 resulting from non-compliance with the standard is low,
standardization is mainly left to private industry [64].
5.7  •  Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids
111 5

.. Fig. 5.3  Organizational structure of M/490 SG-CG, taken from [55]

- In-depth enough to guarantee interoper-

ability of Smart Grids from basic connectivity
to complex distributed business applications,
- Sustainable standardization processes and
collaborative tools to enable stakeholder
interactions, to improve the two above and
including a unified set of definitions so that all adapt them to new requirements based on gap
Members States have a common understand- analysis, while ensuring the fit to high level
ing of the various components of the Smart system constraints such as interoperability,

- Grid.
Flexible and fast enough to take advantage of
the existing telecommunications infrastructure
and services as well as the emergence of new
security, and privacy, etc.”
Source: Wording from the European Commis-
sion [65]

technologies while enhancing competitiveness

- of the markets.
Flexible enough to accommodate some differ-
ences between EU Member States approaches
to Smart Grids deployment […].
Organizational aspects of Mandate M/490 The
SG-CG consists of four working groups that are
synchronized with those of mandates M/441 (smart
metering) and M/468 (electric mobility). The fol-
The expected framework will consist of the follow-

lowing four working groups are organized under a

ing deliverables:
joint steering committee (see . Fig. 5.3):
A technical reference architecture, which will
First Set of Standards (WG FSS): Responsible
represent the functional information data
for compiling a consistent set of smart grid
flows between the main domains and inte-
standards based on existing standards by ap-
grate many systems and subsystems architec-

plying the concepts and processes from the

other working groups.
A set of consistent standards, which will
Reference Architecture (WG RA): Responsible
support the information exchange (commu-
for the design of a technical reference archi-
nication protocols and data models) and the
tecture to be used in the other groups in order
integration of all users into the electric system
to consistently and comprehensively describe
smart grids. The technical reference architec-
ture can be thought of as a map showing the
112 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China


13 .. Fig. 5.4  SGAM – The Smart Grid Architecture Model, taken from [56]

boundaries as well as different areas of smart Smart Grid Information Security (WG SGIS):
14 grids. It can be used to increase the under- Responsible for identifying the guidelines to
standing of who does what with whom in achieve information security and privacy in
- which manner in smart grids.
Sustainable Processes (WG SP): Responsible
for the design of processes for the identifica-
tion and application of smart grid use cases.
the context of the application of current smart
grid standards.

Main results of European Mandate M/490  As it

In the smart grid context, use cases describe provides the structure referenced in the results of
17 specific smart grid applications and define the other SG-CG working groups, the so-called
the important actors, systems and technolo- Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM), a techni-
gies and their requirements and functions cal reference architecture developed within WG
18 contributing to the development of a common RA, can be described as the first deliverable of the
understanding of smart grids [54]. Use cases Mandate M/490. SGAM (see . Fig. 5.4) is a three-
19 are neutral with regard to specific projects, dimensional model of the European smart grid
products, and vendors and can also be applied environment. It distinguishes between physical do-
20 within a gap analysis revealing the need for mains (generation, transmission, distribution, dis-
future smart grid standardization. tributed energy resources, and customer premises),
5.7  •  Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids
113 5

management zones (process, field, station, opera- new market actors such as the ICT industry are ex-
tion, enterprise, and market) and interoperability pected to participate actively in order to unfold their
dimensions (component, communication, informa- innovative potential.
tion, function, business).
The different interoperability dimensions are
Examples for current standardization
based on the GridWise Architecture Council’s (GWAC)
activities in China and possible
Inter-operability Context-Setting Framework [57]: the
connections to the European Mandate
component layer represents the physical/technical
aspect of the system and is therefore used to model
The SGCC Framework and Roadmap for Strong &
physical equipment and infrastructure. The commu-
Smart Grid Standards [66] stresses the impor-
nication layer further specifies protocols and proce-
tance of standardization for the smart grid
dures of data exchanges between the components,
development. Analyzing this document reveals
while the information layer outlines the information
the intention to identify gaps and thereby sup-
models used in the context of the components and
port the planning and implementation process.
information exchange. Above these solution-oriented
The mechanisms and concepts proposed in the
dimensions, the function layer specifies the logical
context of the Mandate M/490 are appropriate
and thus technology-independent viewpoint in terms
to be taken into consideration for the stan-
of the functions and services realized by the imple-
dardization in China and the coordination and
mentation, while the business layer finally represents
harmonization of activities on the international
the objectives as well as regulatory and legal require-
ments connected to these functions.
The issues and aims discussed in the context
WG SP applied the SGAM to identify smart
of the standardization process in China may
grid use cases. The use case methodology is widely
benefit from coordination with similar activities
based on the Publicly Available Specification (PAS)
in the international context. Within the organi-
IEC 62559 and includes a template for the unified
zational structure of the M/490 SG-CG, possible
description of use cases as well as a process to iden-
liaisons with standardization activities in other
tify and manage use cases (subject to standardiza-
countries including China are mentioned as fu-
tion as IEC 62559). WG FSS compiled a smart grid
ture tasks within the scope of Mandate M/490.
standards list based on SGAM and the smart grid
Therefore a joint discussion on the issues of
use cases. The list structures the multitude of stan-
smart grid standardization may support the
dards within a common framework reducing the
design of the smart grid architecture based on a
complexity of the standardization landscape. Us-
unified planning process and a set of consistent
ers of the list may search for appropriate smart grid
standards based on their classification by domains,
As the goal of a consistent standardization
zones and layers (see appendix F for further infor-
framework is expressed in context of the SGCC
mation on the work of WG SP and WG SGIS as well
Framework and Roadmap for Strong & Smart
as the next steps of Mandate M/490).
Grid Standards, its structure regarding the
standardization system in China may represent
5.7.3 Recommended approach a suitable starting point to integrate the Euro-
for China pean and Chinese viewpoints in context of a
common framework. Furthermore, the national
smart grid standardization task force estab-
The diversity of stakeholders interested in standard-
lished by the Standardization Administration
ization issues in China has generally increased in re-
of China (SAC) and NEA about two years ago
cent years. The trend towards RES and more actively
may also be considered as an organizational
involved end consumers of electric power addition-
platform to address these issues.
ally tends to increase the number of stakeholders
engaged in smart grid standardization. In particular,
114 Chapter 5  •  Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

The further promotion of smart grid standardiza- Following these recommendations, the key quality
1 tion activities would accelerate the development requirements of interoperability, data management,
of an unanimously accepted vision on the techno- and cyber security can then be thoroughly analyzed
2 logical and organizational design of smart grids in and managed to create appropriate architecture
China. Specifically, the integration of new market models and identify supporting smart grid stan-
actors in the standardization process would in- dards. This way, Chinese standardization processes
3 crease the innovation potential in the smart grid could be synchronized more with international
development. Based on the activities of the Euro- standardization. For example, Chinese standards
4 pean Commission, the following policies are worth could be promoted to the international level. Cur-

5 -
The establishment of an organizational ar-
rangement for smart grid standardization: the
Chinese government, for example via MOST,
rently, the joint work in standardizing information
exchange for demand response and in connecting
demand side equipment and/or systems into the
smart grid (in IEC PC 118) is a good example for
6 could promote the foundation of an organiza- the benefits of such cooperation.
tional arrangement such as SG-CG to coordi-
nate standardization issues and integrate new
The recommended approach at a glance
market actors in the standardization process.
Promote the establishment of an organiza-
Within this organizational arrangement, clear
8 tional arrangement (e. g. similar to SG-CG) to

structures and processes to foster the under-
coordinate smart grid standardization.
standing of the smart grid concept and to
9 provide the means to model and implement Initiate the development of a reference
architecture framework taking into account
smart grid solutions should be defined and
technical and organizational aspects which
10 implemented. The requirements of smart grids
are unique to China (i. e. a Chinese Smart

should be analyzed and current and future

Grid Architecture Model).
stakeholders identified.
11 The commissioning of a reference architecture Ensure that effective and efficient standard-
ization processes exist and promote the
framework: the government could engage this
12 organizational arrangement to develop archi- development of smart grid use cases and
tectural concepts such as a technical reference
architecture (i. e. a Chinese Smart Grid Ar-
13 chitecture Model). The models applied in this
context should be able to describe interoper-
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119 6

Regulatory pathways
for smart grid development
in China
6.1 Government targets for China’s future
electric power system  –  120
6.2 Underlying scenarios – 122
6.3 Drawing the roadmaps  –  122
6.3.1 Reliability/Security of Supply scenario  –  123
6.3.2 Ecological Sustainability scenario  –  128
6.3.3 Affordability/Competition scenario – 132

6.4 Discussion of the three roadmaps  –  136

References – 138

G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_6, © The Author(s) 2015
120 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

Chapter at a glance Targets for the power generation sector  In order

1 – There are inherent conflicts between the funda- to cope with rapidly increasing power consumption
mental energy policy goals of reliability, afford- and to ensure power system reliability, China’s gov-
2 ability, and sustainability. Government priorities ernment plans to increase total electricity genera-
on the energy policy goals are often reflected in tion capacities during the next years from 970 GW
energy sector regulation. in 2010 to 1490 GW in 2015. It is projected that gen-
3 – Seven recommendations have been presented in eration capacities will increase further to 1935 GW
support of smart grid development in China. In in 2020 [6].
4 principle, each recommendation is intended as More specifically, China’s government aims at
support for the fundamental energy policy goals. vigorously developing distributed and renewable
5 Nevertheless, the implementation sequence of the energy sources. From 880 TWh in 2011, electricity
recommendations is not arbitrary with respect to generated solely from renewable sources is projected
the energy policy goals. to increase to more than 1,200 TWh in 2015. The
6 – In order to give policy makers an impression projected increases in generation capacities for solar
of how policy goal prioritization influences the power, wind power, and biomass power are impres-
7 timeline in which the recommendations should sive. If these expansion targets are to be achieved,
be implemented, the present chapter will outline RES must be integrated in the grid more effectively
than today. The Chinese government additionally
8 three possible regulatory pathways. Each of these
pathways prioritizes one specific goal of the en- aims at stopping the deterioration of air quality as
ergy policy triangle and develops a suitable imple- well as the increase of CO2 emissions. The target is
9 mentation roadmap. These roadmaps are intended therefore for the total amount of discharge of SO2
to serve as blueprints for policy makers, who have and NOx to remain constant between 2015 and
10 to decide about proper regulation based on the 2020. Also, the increase in CO2 emissions will be
individual Chinese prioritization of energy policy slowed in spite of the planned coal power genera-
goals. tion growth.
Government targets for the power
12 6.1 Government targets for China’s
future electric power system
generation sector at a glance
Roughly double generation capacities from

13 The following chapter will present the main targets 2010 to 2020
Vigorously develop RES

of China’s government for each stage of the electric
14 power system. These targets are the basis for a com- Stop the deterioration of air quality.
Reduce the growth of CO2 emissions
prehensive description of the scenarios underlying
15 the regulatory pathways. The targets are based on

the following documents:
12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development, Targets for the power logistics sector China’s

16 issued by China’s State Council in 2013 [1], government plans to significantly expand transmis-
Opinions on Accelerating the Development of sion and distribution grids. The capacity of China’s
17 Environmental Industry, issued by China’s State transmission grids is planned to double by 2020

18 - Council in 2013 [2],

Key Information at a glance – China’s 12th Five-
Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development,
(compared to 2010), creating a national backbone
grid, interconnecting different Chinese regions and
improving electricity transmission from the energy

- issued by NEA in 2012 [3],
China’s 2012 Energy Policy, issued by the Infor-
bases to the load centers. The plan also include
upgrading urban and rural distribution grids, pro-

20 - mation Office of the State Council in 2012 [4].

Understanding China’s 12th Five-Year Energy
Plan, issued by IEA in 2013 [5].
moting distribution intelligence, and improving the
capacity and reliability of the overall power supply.
This enhancement of distribution grids primarily
6.1  •  Government targets for China’s future electric power system
121 6

aims at reducing blackout times by roughly 40 % Targets for the power consumption sector One
from 2012 to 2020. The government also aims at of the government’s major targets is to increase the
improving asset utilization of the grid infrastructure efficiency of power use in order to reduce growth
by peak shaving and by reducing the line loss rate in total electricity consumption. Specifically, the
from 6.5 % in 2010 to 6.3 % in 2015. government intends to reduce energy consumption
With the goal of facilitating the integration of per unit of GDP by roughly 16 % from 2010 to 2015.
large-scale and intermittent RES, the Chinese gov- Given that some of China’s most remote regions are
ernment aims at promoting energy storage technol- still not connected to the electric power grid, China’s
ogies by funding R&D on energy storage, energy government also wants to provide universal access
conversion and related key technologies. to electric power even in most remote regions of
China by 2015.

Government targets for the power logistics

sector at a glance
Build up a backbone network and roughly
Government targets for the power

consumption sector at a glance

- double grid capacities from 2010 to 2020

Upgrade distribution grids and reduce black-
Increase efficiency of power use
Provide universal access to electric power

- out times significantly

Improve asset utilization of grid infrastruc-
even in most remote regions of China by

- ture
Promote energy storage
Cross-sector targets  With regard to power system
governance, the government aims at improving
Targets for the power trade and retail sector The the planning and implementation of power sector
Chinese government plans to establish a more mar- development: targets and responsibilities of differ-
ket-oriented energy system to increase competition ent governmental institutions will be clarified and
and affordability. Administrative reforms of SOE are coordinated; local governments and the pertinent
planned to take place: transmission and distribution departments of the State Council will be made re-
will be separated in a number of pilot projects and sponsible for binding indicators such as the share
independent power trading institutions will be es- of non-fossil fuels in energy consumption or the
tablished. Electricity markets and price-based coor- intensity of energy consumption.
dination mechanisms are planned to be introduced: Simultaneously the government is moving for-
the government strives to form a pricing mecha- ward to strengthen energy industry management by
nism where markets set on-grid and off-grid prices accelerating the introduction of an Energy Law and
and the government only sets the price for electric- by enacting amendments to the Coal Law and the
ity transmission and distribution (network charge), Electric Power Law. Also, technology and equipment
the economic dispatch for power generation will be in the energy sector will be further standardized and
increased, and time-of-use prices, seasonal tariffs capacities of statistics, monitoring, prediction, and
and interruptible load electricity tariffs are planned warning will be built up.
for more widespread introduction. The Chinese government envisages rationalizing
energy investment and the management system of
SOE. The government wants to explicitly adhere to
Government targets for the power trade

the dominance of its state-owned economy in key
and retail sector at a glance
energy sectors related to national security and econ-
Establish a modern energy market system

omy but, at the same time, it wants to improve the
Promote reforms in key energy sectors
management and assessment mechanisms of SOE.
Improve energy pricing mechanisms
Regardless of the adherence to the dominant
position of SOE in China’s power system, the gov-
122 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

ernment also has the objective of diversifying in-
vestments in the energy sector. Approval for energy
infrastructure investments is intended to become
- Ecological Sustainability: The second scenario
focuses on improving air quality as well as
on decreasing and potentially stopping the
2 less restrictive so that the participation of private growth of CO2 emissions in order to contribute
and foreign capital is encouraged. Single energy to climate protection. Amongst others, this is
markets, like the oil market, will be opened up to achieved by an accelerated installation of RES

3 competition. The government wants to strengthen capacities.
the innovation potential of China’s environmental Affordability/Competition: Competition is
4 industry in order to enable the industry to increase a key factor for innovation and affordability.
the supply of green products, expand market de- This scenario will consequently focus on the
5 mand, and enhance export prospects. creation of level playing fields and of incentives
Another goal is to accelerate the development of for market participation of new market actors
the environmental industry in order to promote the through appropriate market design.
6 development of technologies and equipment that
save energy, protect the environment, and encour- The government targets presented in ▶ Sect. 6.1 are
7 age reuse of resources. associated to the three scenarios (see . Fig. 6.1). In
some cases, a specific target contributes to more
than one energy policy goal. Yet, in these cases, in
8 Governmental cross-sector targets

an effort to increase clarity, only the most obvious
at a glance
association to one specific policy goal will be pre-
9 Improve planning and implementation
sented. Two targets are general smart grid develop-
Strengthen the management of the energy

ment targets as recorded in the 12th Five-Year Plan
10 Rationalize energy investment and the man-
for Energy Development. They are placed in the cen-

ter of the triangle, as smart grids are seen as a means
agement system of SOE
to contribute to all energy policy goals.
11 Diversify energy investment
Accelerate the development of the environ-

12 mental industry 6.3 Drawing the roadmaps

For migrating from today’s electric power system

13 towards smart grids based on one of the given
6.2 Underlying scenarios scenarios, it is favorable to implement the recom-
14 mendations in a specific timeline. For deriving the
In the following chapter, three smart grid develop- implementation sequences, the recommendations
15 ment scenarios will be presented, based on different were sorted by priority in a first step. In a second
energy policy goals. For each scenario, the recom- step, main aspects of the recommendations in
mendations made in ▶ Chap. 5 will be prioritized each scenario were collected and allocated to the
16 and their interdependencies analyzed. The results of timeframes short term (2015–2016), medium term
this analysis are scenario-based propositions for the (2017–2020) and long term (2021–2030). Interde-
17 implementation sequences of the recommendations. pendencies between main aspects were explored ad-
They will be presented in the form of a roadmap. Each ditionally. Afterwards the recommendations were
roadmap is intended to support China’s smart grid arranged chronologically.
18 development with a focus on one particular scenario. The following three sections show recom-

The smart grid scenarios presented in the chapter are:
Reliability/Security of Supply: In this scenario,
the goal is to maximize electricity availability
and to minimize outages and disruptions of
mended priorities, their main aspects, interdepen-
dencies, and the sequences worked out for the im-
plementation for each scenario. Recommendations
and dependencies are highlighted within the order
the electricity supply. of their respective importance for the scenario. In
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
123 6

Increase Provide Universal Access to
Generaon Electric Power in all Regions of
Grids and reduce
Capacies China by 2015
Blackout Times

Build up a
Reliability/ Promote
Network Security of Supply Energy Storage

Raonalize Energy Investment and
the Management of state-owned
Energy Enterprises
Improve Grid’s Strengthen Accelerate Vigorously
Energy Pricing
Asset Ulizaon Smart Grid Smart Grid develop RES
Planning Construcon

Diversify Increase
Energy Affordability/Compeon Ecological Sustainability Efficiency of
Investment Power Use

Improve Establish a Promote Stop the

Planning and modern Energy Reforms in Key Reduce the Growth of CO2 Emissions Deterioraon of
Implementaon Market System Energy Sectors Air Quality

Strengthen the Accelerate the

Management of the Development of the
Energy Industry Environmental Industry

.. Fig. 6.1  Scenarios and their associations with energy policy goals

addition, a visualization pertaining to the scenario an independent and powerful regulator, Coordinate
and summarizing the timeframes of the respec- network expansion planning for electricity grid expan-
tive measures of each recommendation is also pre- sion and upgrade, and to Improve grid integration of
sented. Furthermore, a possible sequence of starting RES have a high priority (. Fig. 6.2). Remember that
points for work on the recommendations has been these priorities do not necessarily correspond to the
worked out. The justifications for the prioritization proposed implementation sequence, because inter-
of the recommendations are discussed together with dependencies within the given scenario have to be
each chart. Moreover, the specific measures to be analyzed before recommendations are implemented.
executed for each recommendation, their respec-
tive interdependencies, and their timeframes are Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sec-
explained. tor and establish an independent and powerful
regulator  Effective government work is a precon-
dition for the efficient development of smart grids.
6.3.1 Reliability/Security of Supply Therefore, roles and responsibilities for government
scenario administration and regulation have to be set from
the start. As a consequence, it is important to imple-
Looking at the overall prioritization with respect ment in the short term all the measures proposed in
to the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario, it can the recommendation to Define a long-term strategy
be seen that the recommendations to Define a long- for the electricity sector and establish an independent
term strategy for the electricity sector and establish and powerful regulator:
124 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

Reliability / Security of Supply
3 Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector and establish an independent and
powerful regulator

4 Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade

5 Decreasing
Improve grid integraon of RES
order of
6 Opmize the balancing of electricity generaon and consumpon

7 Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids

Introduce network regulaon for efficient investment incenves for electricity grid
8 expansion and upgrade

9 Not important in the given

Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and informaon


.. Fig. 6.2  Priority of recommendations in the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario

11 A clearly defined long-term strategy for elec- be obliged to regularly report data on power
tricity system development has to be speci- disruptions and outage times to the regulator
12 fied by the government. The strategy should (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.4 for related regulation in Ger-
include long-term government targets with re- many). Pertinent laws (for example, a general
gard to the development of generation capaci- energy law) should empower the Chinese
13 ties of different generation technologies, and regulator to effectively monitor power disrup-
targets for energy efficiency. Such a strategy tions and outage times.
14 is a prerequisite for coordinated expansion of
the electric power system as well as smart grid Coordinate network expansion planning for
15 development. It might also serve as a point of electricity grid expansion and upgrade Net-

16 - reference for related government policies.

The centralization of all regulatory aspects
in one independent and powerful regula-
tory institution is of critical importance to
work expansion planning has a high priority in
this scenario because the electric power grid is the
backbone of the power system. Coordinated and
efficient network expansion is the basis of a power
17 increase the effectiveness of regulation. The infrastructure that can be adapted to consumer
main tasks of the regulator are coordination needs in a timely manner. This maximizes energy
of network expansion planning and network availability as the reliability of the future energy sys-
18 regulation. In the Reliability/Security of Sup- tem essentially depends on the grid and generation
ply scenario, the regulator should specifically capacities being matched to the consumption side.
19 monitor power disruptions and outage times Within this scenario, the main measures of the
on national and local levels to provide an recommendation to Coordinate network expansion
20 overview of the quality of electricity supply. planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
Much like in Germany, grid operators should are:
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
125 6

- In the short term, the main task to be ac-

complished for successful network expansion
planning is to improve coordination between
reduce load curtailments. However, for grid
stability and security of supply to be ensured,
RES generation has to be curtailed under
power system stakeholders and to define specific conditions. Therefore, procedures and
a common procedure for network expan- documentation for curtailment of RES and the
sion planning. Specifically, it is beneficial to requirements in terms of IT support must be
coordinate network expansion planning and specified in the medium term.
the construction of new generation capacities.
The Future-oriented Energy Grids Platform can Even if the recommendation to Improve grid inte-
serve as a role model to encourage the estab- gration of RES has high priority, measures to be im-

- lishment of a similar grid platform in China.

In the medium term, stakeholders involved in
the grid planning process have to elaborate a
network development plan that will be manda-
plemented within several other recommendations
serve as an input and should be implemented early:
along with the need for an independent and power-
ful regulator to supervise curtailment procedures
tory for TSO and DSO under supervision of and define network codes, the clear specification of
the regulator. targeted RES generation capacities and well-defined
network development procedures for network en-
The measures to be implemented within the rec- hancement are preconditions for more effective RES
ommendation to Define a long-term strategy for the integration. Also, a unified view of smart grids and
electricity sector and establish an independent and technical standards contribute to a more effective
powerful regulator should precede the measures integration of RES [7].
within the recommendation to Coordinate network
expansion planning for electricity grid expansion Optimize the balancing of electricity generation
and upgrade: a government strategy for the electric and consumption  When electricity consumption
power system including long-term targets for gen- increases so quickly that the growth of generation
eration capacities is a prerequisite for the network capacities can hardly follow, balancing and espe-
development process. An independent and power- cially peak shaving are measures that support se-
ful regulatory institution is supposed to supervise curity of supply. Grid operation with higher safety
the network development process. margins eases grid control. Therefore, reduced peak
loads resulting from peak shaving help to avoid sys-
Improve grid integration of RES  Increasing RES tem instabilities. Coordination of electricity genera-
capacities contribute to supply the quickly increas- tion and consumption is therefore of considerable
ing demand for electric power. Therefore, they sup- priority in the scenario of reliability and security of
port reliability and security of supply if the technical supply. This includes load management, time-of-use
integration of RES is clearly defined. However, RES pricing, and smart meter rollout.
that have not been properly integrated may even Within this scenario, the main measures of the
endanger security of supply and stability. recommendation to Optimize the balancing of elec-
Within this scenario, the main measures of the
recommendation to Improve grid integration of RES
tricity generation and consumption are:
In the short term, the main aspect is the fur-

In the short term, grid connection points must
ther refinement of peak shaving mechanisms
and technologies for system stabilization with

- be defined for all kinds of RES at all grid levels.

Defining a binding network code for grid con-
nection that specifies responsibilities of grid
operators as well as power generators is also a
focus on industrial and commercial consum-
ers. One interesting option in this context is to
tender the disconnectable loads on an internet
platform (see ▶ Sect. 4.4.5 for related regula-

- task in short term.

RES generation capacities are needed in order
to maximize available electricity and thereby - tion in Germany).
As already planned by the Chinese govern-
ment, the time-of-use pricing system has to be
126 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

refined (sufficient price differences between arrangement to model smart grid reference
1 peak and off- peak prices for all categories of architectures and to coordinate smart grid

consumers) in the short term as well. A more
sophisticated time-of-use pricing would incen-
tivize investments in balancing mechanisms
and technologies – for instance DSM, SSM,
- standardization.
Defining effective and efficient standardization
processes (e. g. based on smart grid use cases)
as well as coordinating the work of SDO to
and energy storage. establish effective and efficient standardization
processes are two further important aspects
An additional interesting measure originally not
included in the recommendation to Optimize the
balancing of electricity generation and consumption
is locational pricing that can be used to signal net-
- that should take place in the same time frame.
In the medium term, a set of consistent smart
grid standards should be created using the
technical reference architecture.
work congestion. Locational pricing refers to power
6 prices which are calculated for a number of locations Introduce network regulation for efficient invest-
– called nodes – on the transmission grid. Each node ment incentives for electricity grid expansion and
7 represents a physical location where power is injected upgrade  In the scenario focusing on reliability and
by generators or withdrawn by loads [8]. Locational security of supply, network regulation is somewhat
pricing reduces network congestion and may also less important but not irrelevant. It contributes indi-
8 set incentives for network expansion in regions with rectly to this scenario, as it sets economic incentives
many network congestions [9]. It is an option for for the build-up and maintenance of the grid in-
9 the long term and might become necessary in future frastructure. Incentives for efficient network invest-
in order to efficiently integrate the projected RES ments and investments in R&D and innovation are
10 generation capacities. The regulator is supposed to important in the context of the measures within this
supervise such locational pricing by regulating net- recommendation. These incentives, by contributing
work charges with a clear scheme for the interaction to the introduction of smart grid technologies, will
11 between network operators and market players. directly ensure security of supply and reduce costs.
The discussion reveals that measures imple- Within this scenario, the main measures of the
12 mented within the recommendations to Define a recommendation to Introduce network regulation
long-term strategy for the electricity sector and estab- for efficient investment incentives for electricity grid
lish an independent and powerful regulator and to
Improve grid integration of RES serve as an input for
the recommendation to Optimize the balancing of
electricity generation and consumption.
expansion and upgrade are:
In the short term, the use of incentive instru-
ments like rate-of-return adder or innovation
bonus should be assessed for application in

15 Facilitate the development of a unified view of

smart grids A technical reference architecture
helps better understand smart grids and allows ho-
- China.
A decision about the use of disaggregated
regulation (i. e. regulating only the monopo-
listic bottlenecks) should be made in the short
16 listic analyses of security aspects relating to their to medium term. If applicable, disaggregated
implementation. Interoperability minimizes indi- regulation should be implemented in the me-
vidual integration efforts and reduces the probabil-
ity of interface failures. Such a reference architec-
ture will therefore increase reliability and security
of supply.
- dium term.
Also in the medium term, incentives should be
defined for investment in innovation and smart
applications. In this context, the network devel-
Within this scenario, the main measures of the opment plan should be aligned and critical net-
19 recommendation to Facilitate the development of a work connections for system stability which ne-

20 -
unified view of smart grids are:
In the short term, the main aspect is the
creation and adoption of an organizational
cessitate stronger investment incentives should
be identified. At this point in time, a rate-of-
return adder can be especially beneficial.
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
127 6

short term mid term long term

Define a long-term strategy for the electric power system, introduce independent and powerful
regulator, and empower the regulator to monitor power disruptions and outage times

1. Long-term
strategy / Regulator

2. Information Assess the

potential of rate of Decide on the introduction of
Management / disaggregated regulation and, if possible,
3rd Parties return adders or
apply disaggregated regulation Define incentives for investment
in innovative technologies and
smart applications
3. Network
Improve coordination Introduce
between power system mandatory network
stakeholders development plan
4. Network
Expansion Planning
Define binding network Specify procedure and
code and grid documentation for
connection points curtailment of RES
5. Grid Integration
of RES
Concentrate on peak shaving in industry and locational
commerce and refine time-of-use pricing system pricing
6. Balancing of
Generation and

7. Architecture /
Framework Create an organizational arrangement to model technical reference architectures and to coordinate
smart grid standardization and promote the creation of a set of consistent smart grid standards

2015 2016 2017 2020 2021 2030

.. Fig. 6.3  Starting points, timeslots of main activities, and dependencies between main aspects of recommendations in the
scenario focusing on reliability and security of supply

As an independent and powerful regulator is a pre- implementation sequence is proposed in the sce-
requisite for network regulation, the recommenda-
tion to Define a long-term strategy for the electricity
sector and establish an independent and powerful -
nario focusing on reliability/security of supply:
Define a long-term strategy for the electric-
ity sector and establish an independent and
regulator should be realized before network regula-
tion is focused upon.
- powerful regulator.
Coordinate network expansion planning for

- electricity grid expansion and upgrade.

Facilitate the development of a unified view of

Create level playing fields for access to power sys-
tem infrastructure and information  As new mar- smart grids.
ket actors are necessary more for innovation than for Improve grid integration of RES.
stability of the energy supply, the measures proposed Optimize coordination of electricity genera-
in the recommendation to Create level playing fields
for access to power system infrastructure and informa-
tion are not considered as important in this scenario
with a focus on reliability and security of supply.
- tion and consumption.
Introduce network regulation for efficient
investment incentives for electricity grid ex-
pansion and upgrade.

Sequence of implementation  In the light of the . Figure 6.3 depicts the points in time for under-
interdependencies described above, the following taking the main activities and shows dependencies
128 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

Ecological Sustainability
Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector and establish an independent and
3 powerful regulator

4 Improve grid integraon of RES

5 Decreasing
Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and informaon
order of
6 Opmize the balancing of electricity generaon and consumpon

Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids
9 Not important in the given
Introduce network regulaon for efficient investment incenves for electricity grid
expansion and upgrade

10 .. Fig. 6.4  Priority of recommendations in the Ecological Sustainability scenario

11 between the key aspects of recommendations for 6.3.2 Ecological Sustainability

the scenario focusing on reliability and security of scenario
12 supply. Each recommendation is represented by a
bar partitioned into timeframes from left to right. An introductory overview of the overall prioriti-
The starting point of each bar depicts the proposed zation with respect to this scenario is presented in
13 beginning of work on each recommendation. Rec- . Fig. 6.4. It can be seen that the recommendations
ommendations that are unimportant to the scenario Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector
14 are shown in gray. Proposed time points for the and establish an independent and powerful regula-
main measures are represented by the opaque blue tor, Improve grid integration of RES, and Create level
15 regions on each bar. At the end of each bar, color playing fields for access to power system infrastructure
gradients have been used to show that work on the and information have a high priority in the Ecologi-
recommendations continues even after the main as- cal Sustainability scenario. Again, remember that
16 pects have been taken care of. The main measures these priorities do not necessarily correspond to
are shown as boxes. The proposed starting time the proposed implementation sequence because the
17 of each measure is shown by a diagonal line con- interdependencies within the given scenario have to
necting the box to the bar. Dependencies between be analyzed before.
measures are shown by arrows while preconditions
18 are marked with a white line crossing a bar at the Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sec-
beginning of the arrow. The end of the arrow points tor and establish an independent and powerful
19 to the dependent measure. regulator  As in the previous scenario, the com-
mitment to a long-term strategy and the creation
20 of an independent and powerful regulator has the
highest priority in the scenario for ecological sus-
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
129 6

tainability because a government-defined long-term

strategy for the future electricity sector including
specific RES expansion targets is a prerequisite for
- Detailed procedures and documentation for
curtailment of RES must be specified, and the
requirements for IT support of these proce-
effective and efficient expansion of RES generation dures must be clear. The implementation of
capacities. this measure can be seen as a technical and
Within this scenario, the main measures of the economic framework to encourage invest-
recommendation to Define a long-term strategy for ments into RES.
the electricity sector and establish an independent and

powerful regulator are:
Effective regulation is required to ensure RES
integration. Thus, the centralization of regula-
tory aspects in one independent and powerful
Measures related to the recommendation to Define a
long-term strategy for the electricity sector and estab-
lish an independent and powerful regulator positively
impact the effectiveness of the recommendation to
regulatory institution should be addressed in Improve grid integration of RES: credible long-term
the short term. Responsibilities for grid inte- government targets for RES generation capacities
gration of RES and for power system informa- reduce risks related to investments in RES units.
tion management should be assigned in this Another prerequisite is a powerful and independent

- context.
Official government targets for RES expansion
are currently defined only until 2015. Within
the forthcoming Five-Year Plan, the planning
regulator to supervise curtailment procedures and
to define network codes.

Create level playing fields for access to power sys-

period will be extended to 2020. Defining a tem infrastructure and information  In principle,
long-term government strategy concerning new market actors in China can already invest in
energy mix (including RES share), and energy RES. However, they need to be integrated into elec-
efficiency indicators beyond 2020 is conse- tricity sector governance more effectively in order to
quently a task for the medium term. ensure efficient integration of RES. Non-incumbent
market actors will invest in RES generation capaci-
Improve grid integration of RES  Timely connec- ties only if the necessary information for competition
tion and low curtailment of RES will speed up the and market access is available to them. Methods for
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as the integration of the innovation potential of third
emissions of local and regional air pollutants. RES parties have to be institutionalized and non-discrim-
therefore need to be integrated into the grid with a inatory information sharing has to be guaranteed.
very high priority and all of the following tasks need Within this scenario, the main measures of the

to be implemented in the short term:
Proper definitions of grid connection points
recommendation to Create level playing fields for ac-
cess to power system infrastructure and information

are necessary for all kinds of RES on all grid
A binding network code specifying respon-
sibilities of both grid operators and power
In the short term, the main measure of this
recommendation is the definition of minimum
necessary requirements for power system
generators needs to be defined, as investors information management. Note that this task
in RES need clear time limits for grid con- is related to the recommendation to Define a
nection of RES in order to deliver generated long-term strategy for the electricity sector and
electricity to the market at the right time. Grid establish an independent and powerful regula-
operators should have to bear liability for grid tor in . Fig. 6.5 due to the pivotal role of the
connection of RES – resulting in a shallow cost
approach for interconnection, whereby grid
operators have both the responsibility and the
opportunity for efficient overall grid develop-
- government in this context.
In the medium term, the role of new market
actors in smart grids should be defined and
how these actors can be integrated should be
ment. clarified.
130 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

1 - An institution for power system information

management should be specified, and this
government. The first focus should be set on
industrial and commercial consumers and

institution should set up a platform. It should
then organize access to and exchange of infor-
mation between all eligible parties. - then on residential consumers.
Another interesting measure, originally not
included in the recommendation to Optimize
the balancing of electricity generation and
Before the role of new market actors in smart grids consumption, is locational pricing. It might be
can be defined, a long-term strategy for the electric interesting in the long term and contribute to
4 power sector should be developed. Therefore, the RES integration (see ▶ Sect. 6.3.1 for a brief
recommendation to Define a long-term strategy for description of locational pricing).
5 the electricity sector and establish an independent
and powerful regulator should precede the recom- Coordinate network expansion planning for elec-
mendation to Create level playing fields for access tricity grid expansion and upgrade  Network de-
6 to power system infrastructure and information. An velopment is necessary to connect new consumers
architecture and standardization framework en- and generators to the network, including genera-
7 courages the development of a unified smart grid tion units belonging to third parties. The network
model containing an overview of relevant use cases development plan allows planning of RES instal-
and business processes. Such a model, representing lation and thereby increases investments in RES.
8 a form of Chinese SGAM, significantly eases the As a consequence, network expansion planning is
organization of power system information manage- relevant in this scenario. The main measures of the
9 ment. The platform for information management recommendation to Coordinate network expansion
should therefore be implemented after the mea- planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
10 sures relating to the recommendation to Facilitate
the development of a unified view of smart grids have
been applied. -
should be taken in the short term:
Increased coordination between established
stakeholders and new market actors should be

11 promoted by the government.
Optimize the balancing of electricity generation A coordinated and mandatory network de-
12 and consumption  When consumption is not coor- velopment plan including the aspect of RES
dinated with generation, significant curtailments of integration should be established.
RES generation are necessary to ensure grid stabil-
13 ity. This reduces the attractiveness of investments Based on experiences in Germany, an independent
in RES generation capacities. The usage of VPP, and powerful regulator is the best-suited organiza-
14 microgrids, or energy storage units facilitates the tion for organizing and implementing these mea-
integration of distributed RES. sures. Therefore, the recommendation to Define a
15 Within the scenario, the main measures of the long-term strategy for the electricity sector and estab-
recommendation to Optimize the balancing of elec- lish an independent and powerful regulator should be

tricity generation and consumption are:
The first task in coordinating electricity gen-
eration and consumption is to promote VPP,
microgrids, and energy storage technology for
implemented before the recommendation to Coor-
dinate network expansion planning for electricity grid
expansion and upgrade.

local integration in the short term by increas-

Facilitate the development of a unified view of
ing R&D funding in this area. smart grids  As mentioned above, distributed en-
18 The time-of-use pricing system, which de- ergy resources are important and in this scenario
pends on a successful smart meter rollout, also their number is expected to rise. This implies an
19 has to be refined (sufficient price differences increase in system scale and complexity and calls
between peak and off peak prices for all cat- for a smart grid architecture and standardization
20 egories of consumers) in the short term. This framework (i. e. an organizational arrangement to
measure is already planned by the Chinese coordinate and promote smart grid standardization
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
131 6

short term mid term long term

Introduce independent and powerful Define long-term strategy for

regulator, and assign responsibilities for RES the electric power system
integration and information management
1. Long-term
strategy / Regulator
Define the role of new market actors and the responsibilities for information management

Introduce platform for information management

2. Information
Management /
3rd Parties
Provide well
defined network
3. Network development
procedures and
mandatory network
development plan

4. Network
Expansion Planning
Define network codes,
connection points, and
curtailment procedures
5. Grid Integration
of RES
Refine time-of-use pricing system and promote VPP, locational
microgrids, and energy storage by additional funding of R&D pricing
6. Balancing of
Generation and

7. Architecture /
Framework Adopt SGAM for China; then introduce
efficient standardization processes

2015 2016 2017 2020 2021 2030

.. Fig. 6.5  Starting points, timeslots of main activities, and dependencies between main aspects of recommendations in the
scenario focusing on ecological sustainability

and the development of a reference architecture). standardization should be created and the de-
A unified view of smart grids should exist to elicit velopment of a technical reference architecture
the resulting requirements and to compare different
architectural solutions. The smart grid architecture
and standardization framework should focus on in-
teroperability between actors and systems, which is
- framework should be assigned.
In the medium term, effective and efficient
standardization processes (e. g. based on a
collection of smart grid use cases) should be
a key aspect in the context of decentralized system established.
architectures. The high number of interfaces be-
tween systems implies the need for security analy- Introduce network regulation for efficient invest-
ses, which in turn requires solid models of systems ment incentives for electricity grid expansion and
architectures [7]. Clear structures and processes upgrade  For ecological sustainability, an electric
should be defined in order to coordinate the work power grid does not necessarily have to be devel-
of SDO. oped at lowest costs. As network regulation focuses
Within this scenario, the main measures of the on efficient network investments, it is not an impor-
recommendation to Facilitate the development of a tant regulation measure for this scenario.

unified view of smart grids are:
In the short term, an organizational arrange-
ment to coordinate and promote smart grid
Sequence of implementation  . Figure 6.5 shows
the timeframes of the main activities and interde-
132 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

3 Create level playing fields for access to power system infrastructure and informaon

4 Coordinate network expansion planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade

Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sector and establish an independent and
5 powerful regulator

Introduce network regulaon for efficient investment incenves for electricity grid
6 order of
expansion and upgrade

7 Facilitate the development of a unified view of smart grids

Improve grid integraon of RES

Opmize the balancing of electricity generaon and consumpon
10 .. Fig. 6.6  Priority of recommendations in the Affordability/Competition scenario

11 pendencies involved in this scenario. For a detailed 6.3.3 Affordability/Competition

description of the layout of the visualization, please scenario
12 check back to the previous section. In the light of
interdependencies described above, the following An introductory overview of the overall prioriti-
implementation sequence is proposed in the sce- zation with respect to this scenario is presented in

13 nario focusing on ecological sustainability: . Fig. 6.6. It can be seen that the recommendations
Define a long-term strategy for the electric- Create level playing fields for access to power system
14 ity sector and establish an independent and infrastructure and information, Coordinate network

15 -- powerful regulator.
Improve grid integration of RES.
Coordinate network expansion planning for
expansion planning, and Define a long-term strategy
for the electricity sector and establish an independent
and powerful regulator have a high priority in the

- electricity grid expansion and upgrade.
Create level playing fields for access to power
Affordability/Competition scenario.

- system infrastructure and information.
Optimize the balancing of electricity genera-
Create level playing fields for access to power system in-
frastructure and information  In the scenario focusing

18 - tion and consumption.

Facilitate the development of a unified view of
smart grids.
on competition and innovation, two very important
aspects are power system information management
and the inclusion of new market actors. As non-in-
cumbent market actors are main drivers for compe-
19 tition and innovation, non-discriminatory access to
relevant information is crucial for them to encour-
20 age investments in the electric power system. China’s
smart grid development is dominated by SGCC and
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
133 6

CSG, whereas the ICT industry hardly participates in

strategic smart grid developments. It would be highly
beneficial to change this situation with regard to the
- Common procedures for network expan-
sion planning should be defined. A network
development plan should be elaborated within
non-involvement of the ICT sector and to create a coordinated process and shared responsibili-
business opportunities for new market actors.
Within this scenario, the main measures of the
recommendation to Create level playing fields for ac-
cess to power system infrastructure and information
- ties and made mandatory afterwards.
Responsibilities for network planning should
be identified, thereby clarifying which new
market actors should participate in this pro-

In the short term, the definition of the role
of new market actors in smart grids and how
these actors can be integrated is one of the
cess. This task shall be accomplished by a gov-
ernment organization, but it can be supported
by grid operators.

- main aspects.
Defining minimum requirements for a data
platform to organize access to and exchange of
power system information between all eligible
Before the start of network expansion planning in-
cluding new market actors, the role of new market
actors in China’s electric power system must be de-
fined. Therefore, the recommendation to Create level
parties has to be accomplished in the short playing fields for access to power system infrastructure

- term.
Also, the establishment of such a data platform
is another task to be accomplished in this
and information should precede the recommenda-
tion to Coordinate network expansion planning for
electricity grid expansion and upgrade.

Define a long-term strategy for the electricity sec-

A common understanding of the structural aspects tor and establish an independent and powerful
of smart grids would encourage the identification regulator  As government agencies have to super-
and description of the roles of new market actors vise and guide grid operation, an effective defini-
as well as their need for information and interfaces tion of the government’s roles and responsibilities is
both on the business and technical level. An institu- important. This ensures favorable conditions for the
tionalized smart grid architecture and standardiza- development and rollout of innovations.
tion framework might therefore serve as an inter- Within this scenario, the main measures of the
company interaction mechanism to strengthen the recommendation to Define a long-term strategy for
role of third parties even beyond standardization. the electricity sector and establish an independent and

Coordinate network expansion planning for

electricity grid expansion and upgrade  The rec-
ommendation to Coordinate network expansion
powerful regulator are:
If the responsibilities for network planning
have not already been defined within the pre-
vious recommendation, the government has to
planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
proposes that a stakeholder platform for network
- define these responsibilities in the short term.
An independent and powerful regulator
development should be established. This platform
would mean more involvement of all market actors.
All measures associated to this recommendation - should be established in the medium term.
A long-term strategy for the future electric
power sector beyond 2020 must be defined in

should be implemented in the short term:
Coordination between established power
system stakeholders and new market actors
has to be strengthened. For this purpose, a
the same time frame.

Introduce network regulation for efficient invest-

ment incentives for electricity grid expansion and
stakeholder platform similar to the Future-ori- upgrade  In the scenario focusing on affordability
ented Energy Grids Platform in Germany could and competition, disaggregated regulation should
be established and managed by a government ensure that only monopolistic bottlenecks (trans-
institution. mission and distribution grids) are regulated. Con-
134 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

sequently, competition can evolve in all other stages tion of these structures and incentives is also a

1 of the supply chain and incentives are created for a short-term task.
cost-efficient build-up of the grid and for technical In addition, standardization processes need to
2 innovations. be coordinated with international standardiza-
Within this scenario, the main measures of the tion in the short term in order to establish ef-
recommendation to Introduce network regulation for fective and efficient standardization processes
3 efficient investment incentives for electricity grid ex- (e. g. based on a collection of smart grid use

pansion and upgrade within this scenario are:
Network charges offering efficient investment
incentives in smart grids have to be introduced
cases) in the medium term.

Improve grid integration of RES  Grid integration

- in the medium term.
After network charges have been fixed, disaggre-
gated regulation can be introduced. Due to the
high impact of disaggregated regulation on com-
of RES is important in this scenario. The stricter the
conditions for grid connection of RES are formu-
lated, the less smaller power generation companies
are dependent on the grid operators. Rules favorable
petition in the retail sector, this measure should for the integration of RES attract new investors, i. e.
7 also be implemented in the medium term. third parties that need both stable investment and
technical conditions. The following measures should
Before network regulation can be established, the therefore be implemented in the short term in order

8 responsibility for network regulation has to be de- to allow competition in the field of RES generation:
fined and an independent and powerful regulator Grid connection points need proper definition
is necessary.

Facilitate the development of a unified view of

smart grids  As mentioned above, a smart grid ar-
- for all kinds of RES on all grid levels.
A binding network code for grid connection
specifying the respective responsibilities of grid
operators and power generators needs to be
chitecture and standardization framework (i. e. an specified. In this context, grid operators should

11 organizational arrangement to coordinate smart bear liability for grid connection of RES.
grid standardization and the development of a refer- A detailed procedure and documentation for
12 ence architecture) can be institutionalized as an in- curtailment of RES including, for example,
ter-company interaction mechanism to strengthen document exchange and transparency rules
the role of new market actors. In addition, it ensures must be defined. Additionally, the require-
13 interoperability between solutions coming from dif- ments for IT support for these procedures
ferent vendors, prevents vendor lock-in and makes need to be specified.
14 Chinese smart grid technologies applicable in in-
ternational markets as well as vice versa [10], [11]. Well-defined network development procedures for
15 Furthermore, the framework supports the standard- network enhancement involving RES will positively
ization and engineering process and thereby the dif- impact the effectiveness of these measures. The rec-
fusion of knowledge. ommendation to Coordinate network expansion
16 Within this scenario the main measures of the planning for electricity grid expansion and upgrade
recommendation to Facilitate the development of a should therefore start before the recommendation
unified view of smart grids are:
In the short term, the smart grid architecture
and standardization framework has to be cre-
ated or adopted to enable modeling of smart
to Improve grid integration of RES.

Optimize the balancing of electricity generation

and consumption  The recommendation with the

- grid solution architectures.
Coordinating the work of organizations in-
volved in the development of standards needs
clear structures and incentives for new market
lowest priority in this scenario is the balancing of
electricity generation and consumption, which is
relevant for integrating prosumers in the electric
power system. Balancing of electricity generation
actors to participate in the process. The defini- and consumption includes load management, time-
6.3  •  Drawing the roadmaps
135 6

short term mid term long term

Define Introduce independent and
responsibilities for powerful regulator and define a long-term
network planning strategy for the electric power sector

1. Long-term
strategy / Regulator
Define the Specify responsible institution and
role of new introduce platform for information
2. Information market actors exchange between new market actors
Management /
3rd Parties
Introduce network charges
and disaggregated regulation
3. Network
Introduce network
platform and plan
4. Network
Expansion Planning
Define network codes,
connection points,
curtailment rules for RES
5. Grid Integration
of RES
Further incentivize peak shaving in industry
and commerce with time-of-use-pricing
6. Balancing of
Generation and
Keep synchronized

7. Architecture /
Framework Adopt SGAM for China, introduce efficient standardization
processes, and coordinate with international standardization

2015 2016 2017 2020 2021 2030

.. Fig. 6.7  Starting points, timeslots of main activities, and dependencies between main aspects of recommendations in the
scenario focusing on competition and innovation

of-use pricing, smart meter rollout, and the promo- ment with smart meter infrastructure and informa-
tion of VPP, microgrids, and energy storage by re- tion interchange between all parties as well as an
ducing barriers to their implementation. independent and powerful regulator for regulation
Within this scenario, the main measures of the rec- of network charges are also necessary.
ommendation to Optimize the balancing of electric-

ity generation and consumption are:
In the medium term, coordination between
electricity generation and consumption can
be optimized by peak shaving and a further
Sequence of Implementation  . Figure 6.7 shows
the timeframes of main activities and interde-
pendencies. In the light of the interdependencies
described above, the following implementation
refinement of time-of-use pricing. Such a sequence is proposed in the scenario focusing on
time-of-use based framework for pricing with
sufficient price differences will incentivize the
ecological sustainability:
Create level playing fields for access to power
usage of balancing mechanisms and technolo-
gies such as DSM, SSM, and energy storage.
- system infrastructure and information.
Coordinate network expansion planning for

Balancing of electricity generation and consump-

tion potentially depends on the grid integration of
RES. However, power system information manage-
- electricity grid expansion and upgrade.
Define a long-term strategy for the electric-
ity sector and establish an independent and
powerful regulator.
136 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

- Introduce network regulation for efficient mendations shall be implemented independently

1 investment incentives for electricity grid ex- of the underlying scenario:

2 - pansion and upgrade.

Facilitate the development of a unified view of
Define a long-term strategy for the electricity
sector and establish an independent and power-

3 -- smart grids.
Improve grid integration of RES.
Optimize coordination of electricity genera-
tion and consumption.
- ful regulator, and
Coordinate network expansion planning for
electricity grid expansion and upgrade.

4 Three of the remaining five recommendations are

relevant in each scenario, though with a lower pri-

6.4 Discussion of the three
5 roadmaps
The Improvement of the grid integration of RES
has a very high priority under the Ecological
6 In addition to the specific timeline of each scenario, Sustainability scenario and is also important
the three different roadmaps presented above give for the Reliability/Security of Supply scenario.
policy makers the following general hints:
The priority and relevance of each recom-
mendation can be assessed on the basis of the
underlying scenario. For example, it can be -
It is somewhat less important in the Affordabil-
ity/Competition scenario.
The Facilitation of the development of a unified
view of smart grids is especially important with
seen that the measures of the recommendation respect to the Reliability/Security of Supply
9 to Create level playing fields for access to power scenario. It is somewhat less important with
system infrastructure and information have the regard to the Affordability/Competition and
10 highest priority if the government focuses on
fostering competition and innovation but are
virtually irrelevant if the government focuses - Ecological Sustainability scenarios.
The Optimization of the balancing of electric-
ity generation and consumption is particularly

11 only on reliability issues. relevant for the Reliability/Security of Supply
Comparing the proposed implementation scenario. The recommendation has a lower rel-
12 sequences in all three scenarios shows which evance in the Ecological Sustainability scenario
recommendations have high priorities in all and is ranked last in the Affordability/Competi-
three scenarios. Such recommendations can tion scenario.
13 be considered as political imperatives and
should be implemented irrespective of the un- The two remaining recommendations are not rel-
14 derlying policy goals of the Chinese govern- evant in every scenario. Rather, they contribute to
ment. single energy policy goals. In particular, both of
15 these recommendations are essential for migrating
. Figure 6.8 summarizes the proposed implemen- towards smart grids focusing on affordability and

tation sequences for all three scenarios. Those rec-
ommendations to be implemented in the beginning
are presented in the left. For example, the Ecological
Sustainability scenario starts with Define a long-term
The Creation of level playing fields for access
to power system infrastructure and informa-
tion is the first recommendation that should
strategy for the electricity sector and establish an inde- be implemented if the government strives to
pendent and powerful regulator, followed by Improve develop smart grids focusing on affordability
18 grid integration of RES and then by the remaining and competition. It is also important if the
recommendations. government chooses to focus on ecological

19 Comparing the implementation sequences in sustainability.
all three scenarios reveals that there are two recom- The Introduction of network regulation for
20 mended approaches with the highest overall prior- electricity grid expansion and upgrade is at
ity. The measures subsumed within these recom- position four in the implementation sequence
Reliability / Security of Supply
Define a long-term
Coordinate network Introduce network
strategy for the Facilitate the Optimize the
expansion planning regulation for efficient
electricity sector and development of a Improve grid balancing of
for electricity grid investment incentives for
establish an unified view of smart integration of RES electricity generation
expansion and electricity grid expansion
independent and grids and consumption
upgrade and upgrade
powerful regulator
6.4  •  Discussion of the three roadmaps

Ecological Sustainability
Define a long-term
Coordinate network Create level playing
strategy for the Optimize the Facilitate the
expansion planning fields for access to
electricity sector and Improve grid balancing of development of a
for electricity grid power system
establish an integration of RES electricity generation unified view of smart
expansion and infrastructure and
independent and and consumption grids
upgrade information
powerful regulator

.. Fig. 6.8  Overview of proposed implementation sequences for all three scenarios

Affordability / Competition
Coordinate Define a long-term Introduce network
Create level playing Optimize the
network expansion strategy for the regulation for efficient Facilitate the
fields for access to Improve grid balancing of
planning for electricity sector and investment incentives development of a
power system integration of electricity
electricity grid establish an for electricity grid unified view of
infrastructure and RES generation and
expansion and independent and expansion and smart grids
information consumption
upgrade powerful regulator upgrade

138 Chapter 6  •  Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

of the Affordability/Competition scenario. It

1 is also relevant, though at a later stage, in the
Reliability/Security of Supply scenario.
1 State Council of the People’s Republic of China, “12th Five-
4 2
Year Plan for Energy Development,” Guofa, Beijing, 2013.
State Council of the People’s Republic of China, “Opinions
on Accelerating the Development of Environmental Indus-
5 3
try,” Beijing, 2013.
National Energy Administration (NEA), “Key Information at
a Glance – China 12th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy
6 Development,” China National Renewable Energy Center
(CNREC), Beijing, 2012.
4 State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic
7 of China (SCIO), “China’s Energy Policy 2012,” SCIO, Beijing,
5 International Energy Agency (IEA), “Understanding China’s
8 12th Five-Year Energy Plan,” IEA, Paris, 2013.
6 G. Tong, “Status Quo of the Smart Grid Development in
China and Its Driving Forces,” National Energy Administra-
9 tion (NEA), Oldenburg, 2013.
7 Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft

10 (BDEW), “BDEW-Roadmap: Realistische Ziele zur Umset-

zung von Smart Grids in Deutschland,” BDEW, Berlin, 2013.
8 D. Philliips, “Nodal Pricing Basics,” [Online]. Available:

NodalBasics_2004jan14.pdf. [Accessed February 21, 2014].
9 S. Stoft, Power System Economics, Piscataway: The Institute
12 10
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002.
B. Quélin, T. Abdessemed, J.-P. Bonardi and R. Durand,
“Standardization of Network Technologies: Market Pro-
13 cesses or the Result of Inter-Firm Co-Operation?,” Journal
of Economic Surveys, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 543–569, 2001.
11 G. Tassey, “Standardization in Technology-Based Markets,”
14 Research Policy, vol. 29, no. 4–5, pp. 587–602, 2000.

Open Access  This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License,
which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)
and source are credited.

Backmatter 139

Appendix A – Tables and Figures  –  140

Appendix B – Bottom-up view on China’s technological

smart grid vision  –  146

Appendix C – Integration levels of China’s power system

components in 2012 and 2020  –  150

Appendix D – Germany’s smart grid vision according

to the study Future Energy Grid – 154

Appendix E – Extracts from specific laws  –  157

Appendix F – Further results from the European

Mandate M/490 – 161

G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9, © The Author(s) 2015

Appendix A – Tables and Figures

.. Table A.1  Electricity consumption in China in 2011, data from [1]

Consumer Electricity Consumption in % of Total

in TWh in 2011

Industry 3,469 73.8

Residential Sector 562 12.0

Wholesale, Retail, Trade, and Hotels/Restaurants 150  3.1

Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, 101  2.2

and Water Conservancy

Transport, Storage, and Postal Service  85  1.8

Construction  57  1.2

Others 275  5.9

.. Table A.2  Circuit length of transmission lines with 35-kV and above and installed capacity of transformers by the end
of 2010

Voltage level Circuit length of transmission line/km Capacity of transformers/ 10,000-kVA

Total 35-kV and above 1,336,772 361,742

1000-kV AC 1,006 600

+/− 800-kV DC 3,334 593

750-kV AC 6,685 3,870

+/− 660-kV DC 1,095

500-kV AC 135,180 69,843

+/− 500-kV DC 8,081 4,031

330-kV 20,338 6,457

220-kV 277,988 118,247

66-/110-kV 458,477 125,224

35-kV 432,668 37,501

Appendix A – Tables and Figures

.. Table A.3  Reliability rate of power supply for users in cities at the level of 1000-KV during the 11th Five-Year Plan

Year Reliability ratio of power supply/% Average blackout time/hours/household

2010 99.923  6.722

2009 99.896  9.111

2008 98.863 12.071

2007 99.882 10.360

2006 99.849 13.191

.. Table A.4  Administrative regime of the power sector in China

Organization Description

Power sector regime reform working – Theoretically enjoying top decision-making rights regarding the power
group regime reform

National Development and Reform – Responsible for long-term planning and for the issuance of energy-
Commission (NDRC) related Five-Year Plans
– Approving important investment projects
– Regulating energy and electricity prices
– Proposing energy conservation and new energy development policies

National Energy Administration – Proposing the energy development strategy

(NEA) – Drafting energy development plans and industrial policies and organizing
their implementation
– Drafting all energy-related provision and rules
– Advancing energy regime reforms
– Coordinating key issues emerging in the process of energy development
and reforms
– Exercising regulations on power system construction, power safety,
power supply and service, as well tariff and information disclosure

Ministry of Finance (MOF) – Responsible for final decisions on some matters concerning the financial
code and financial costs standards

Provincial Economic and Trade – Acting as the regulator at local level and serving as coordinators; in
Commission (PETC) practice, they also perform the functions of local regulation institutions

State-owned Assets Supervision – Supervising the performance of SOE

and Administration Commission – Appointing and dismissing SOE executives
of the State Council (SASAC) – Formulating auditing requests and approving key decisions

Ministry of Environmental – Responsible for tasks related to overall environmental protection

Protection (MEP) – Cooperating with NEA in the performance of its duties

State Administration of Work Safety – Giving guidance to safety inspection and being responsible for industrial
(SAWS) safety regulation
142 Appendix A – Tables and Figures

.. Table A.5  Regional and provincial grid operators in China


Regional subsidiaries Provincial subsidiaries Province

North China Grid Ltd. Beijing Electric Power Corporation Beijing

Tianjin Electric Power Corporation Tianjin

Hebei Electric Power Corporation Hebei

Shanxi Electric Power Corporation Shanxi

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Electric Power Inner Mongolia

(Group) Co. Ltd.

Shangdong Electric Power Corporation Shangdong

Northeast China Grid Company Ltd. Liaoning Electric Power Corporation Liaoning

Jilin Electric Power Corporation Jilin

Heilongjiang Electric Power Corporation Heilongjiang

East China Grid Company Ltd. Shanghai Electric Power Corporation Shanghai

Jiangsu Electric Power Corporation Jiangsu

Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation Zhejiang

Anhui Electric Power Corporation Anhui

Fujian Electric Power Corporation Fujian

Central China Grid Company Ltd. Henan Electric Power Corporation Henan

Hubei Electric Power Corporation Hubei

Hunan Electric Power Corporation Hunan

Jiangxi Electric Power Corporation Jiangxi

Sichuan Electric Power Corporation Sichuan

Chongqing Electric Power Corporation Chongqing

Northwest China Grid Company Ltd. Shaanxi Electric Power Corporation Shaanxi

Gansu Electric Power Corporation Gansu

Qinghai Electric Power Corporation Qinghai

Ningxia Electric Power Corporation Ningxia

Xinjiang Electric Power Corporation Xinjiang


Provincial subsidiaries Province

– Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Guangdong

Guangxi Power Grid Corporation Guangxi

Yunnan Power Grid Corporation Yunnan

Guizhou Power Grid Corporation Guizhou

Hainan Power Grid Corporation Hainan

Appendix A – Tables and Figures

.. Table A.5 (continued) Regional and provincial grid operators in China

Grid operators non-affiliated to SGCC or CSG

– East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company Ltd. Inner Mongolia

Tibet Electric Power Company Ltd. Tibet

CLP Holdings Ltd. Hongkong

.. Table A.6  Share of current application of ICT and challenges structured by voltage levels, adapted from [2]

Voltage Level ICT in use Character Requirement Control Challenges


Extra-high-volt- Control Quasi-real- Data security f (Hz) Wind

age/High- systems time Availability Trade
voltage Further devel- (24/365)
380-kV/ opment Active data
220-kV management

High-voltage Control Quasi-real- Data security Voltage Wind, large PV

110-kV systems time Availability plants
Telecontrol (24/365) Bidirectional load
systems Active data flow
management Demand

Medium voltage Tele-control Not time- Data collection In part Wind, PV

10-kV/20-kV systems critical and processing voltage Rural areas The grids are
Consumption Over 800 system increasingly
metering operators being opera­
Bidirectional load ted at the
flow limit of their
Demand capacity
Reactive power

Low voltage – – – – Distributed feed-

0.4-kV in especially PV
Rural areas
Active customers
Virtual power
Consumption fol-
lows generation
Electric mobility
144 Appendix A – Tables and Figures

.. Fig. A.1  Germany’s power grids in 2012 (© VDE e. V. [3])

Appendix A – Tables and Figures


[1] China Electricity Council (CEC), “Planning and Statistics,”

CEC, 2013. [Online]. Available:
huayutongji/tongjxinxi/. [Accessed March 3, 2014].
[2] H.-J. Appelrath, H. Kagermann and C. Mayer, “Future Energy
Grid – Migrationspfade ins Internet der Energie (acatech
STUDIE),” Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
[3] 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Amprion GmbH, TenneT TSO
GmbH, TransnetBW GmbH, “Netzentwicklungsplan Strom
2013. Erster Entwurf der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber,” 2013.
[Online]. Available:
content/netzentwicklungsplan-2013-erster-entwurf. [Ac-
cessed December 2, 2013].

Appendix B – Bottom-up view on China’s technological

smart grid vision

The following descriptions and lists present a full technologies. Xian XD Transformer Co., Ltd
picture of the modern grid technologies that are be- has mastered the core technology for manu-
ing deployed and tested in demonstration projects, facturing ± 500-kV DC power transmission
individual cities, or individual provinces. These de- devices with the capabilities of independent
scriptions and lists have been provided by the Chi- design and manufacturing. Now it has set up
nese expert team, and they represent the state-of- annual production of 18–50 ± 500-kV con-
the-art of China’s smart grid technologies. verter transformers and smoothing reactors.
Shenyang Transformer and Baobian Trans-

Transmission grids
Control systems: SGCC has successfully devel-
oped a smart grid dispatching support system.
In order to improve safe and stable operation,
former have all introduced Siemens technolo-
gies. They have developed ± 500-kV converter
transformers jointly with Siemens and mas-
tered the basic technology for designing and
CSG carried out a series of advanced projects
to improve the dispatching automation. An
automatic dispatching system covering all
dispatching areas has recently been com-
- manufacturing converter transformers.
Fixed series compensation: This technology is
seen as one of the most important technolo-
gies for improving transmission and distribu-
pleted; it is still based on a manual dispatcher tion grid capacities. Since 2000, China has
but supplemented by automatic decisions. witnessed rapid development and satisfactory
An integrated dispatching system is under results in the 500-kV fixed serial compensation
construction; it will include strong simulation technology. One of the important techni-
capability, off-line analysis, and decision- cal issues in the promotion of fixed series
making capacity. Furthermore, research and compensation technology is the stability of
pre-testing of intelligent system integration is sub-synchronous resonance induced by the

- in process.
Power lines: Several UHV transmission lines
constructed by SGCC and CSG have gone into
normal operation in recent years. This technol-
interaction between fixed series compensation
and large-scale turbo-generators. Recently,
domestic companies have achieved technical
breakthroughs in this area. For example, Inner
ogy is perceived as an important component of Mongolia Shangdu Power Plant has success-

- the Chinese smart grid vision.

Transformers: At the end of December 2008,
the 1,000-kV transformers manufactured by
Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electrical Co., Ltd
fully resolved the problem of sub-synchronous
resonance by using supplementary excita-
tion damping control and shaft torsion. Their
achievements have created a basis for further
and TBEA Shenyang Transformer Co., Ltd promotion of the technical application of fixed
all passed the pre-delivery test and on-site
delivery test. On January 6th 2009, they passed
the 168-h assessment. The UHV transformer
with single-unit capacity of 1,000 MVA and
- series compensation.
Wires: CSG launched a pilot application of
high-strength heat-resistant wires, carbon fiber
wires, compact lines, and a helicopter patrol-
single-column capacity of 334 MVA is the larg-
est in the world. Moreover, three of the largest
transformer manufacturers in China have
enjoyed enormous development in ± 500-kV
- ling line.
Substations: SGCC has developed intelligent
components of high-voltage (HV) switchgears,
intelligent transformer components, modular
converter transformer by absorbing foreign intelligent HV vacuum circuit breakers with
Appendix B – Bottom-up view on China’s technological smart grid vision

phase selection function, integrated monitor- The systems have information distribution and
ing systems based on a unified information partition management functions via an inte-
platform, a time synchronization system, grid grated bus, in accordance with IEC61970 and
security and grid status monitoring equip- IEC61968 public information model standards
ment, data and event logging equipment, and distribution grid management system
polymorphic remote viewing inspection and interface standard. They provide real-time
firefighting system, secondary equipment for information exchange and synchronization of
online automatic calibration and early warning data and models among distribution automa-
systems as well as other critical equipment and tion system and related automation systems.
systems. Turning to CSG, they launched the
promotion and application of digital substa-
tions. One 220-kV and seven 110-kV digital
substations have been built. Furthermore,
online equipment monitoring technology has
Power consumption
Smart home and consumption systems: SGCC
exploits smart technologies such as a chip
dedicated to information collection, smart
been applied. Equipment condition monitor- meters, smart appliances, smart sockets, smart
ing centers and technical supervision centers interactive terminals, smart energy storage
are under construction. These centers will systems, power grid management terminals
provide monitoring and early warning capa- and systems, smart energy-using service
bility, fault diagnosis, status evaluation, risk systems, electric vehicle charging equipment,
assessment, maintenance strategies as well as self-service electricity service terminals, infor-
asset management and maintenance decision mation collection systems, and smart interac-
support. In 2009, the company completed the tive terminal detection devices. CSG has built
formulation of the relevant technical specifica- a market automation system, standardized
tions and acceptance codes, and in 2010 it built market businesses, carried out research on the

- the provincial host station system.

Gas insulated substations: Gas insulated
power supply customer service standardiza-
tion system, and strengthened demand side
substations have entered the application stage.
Online ice monitoring and lightning detection
monitoring tools have been gradually applied. - management activities of large consumers.
Market management systems: Through the
construction of market and management
systems in accordance with uniform technical

Distribution grids
Distribution grids with ring structures: SGCC
has developed an intelligent environmentally
friendly ring main unit, and an automatic
specifications, Yunnan Power Grid Company
and Hainan Power Grid Corporation have
realized centralized provincial deployment
systems, while other branch and subsidiary
distribution system. CSG has continued to companies have deployed such systems at city
expand the distribution grid structure of urban level. In an effort to meet the actual needs of
and rural distribution grids. The current distri- the power market, measurement automation
bution grid is still weak and most of the loads systems have mainly encouraged off-peak
have single-supply access with T connections power consumption and introduced electricity

- without ring structures.

Troubleshooting and diagnosis: Currently, the
troubleshooting and diagnostic work needs
to be done manually. Distribution automa- -
metering and monitoring, remote meter read-
ing, and other functions.
Electric vehicle charging: Various Chinese
companies have started research on the key
tion pilot installations exist only in large and technology for electric vehicle charging. Elec-
medium-sized cities and mainly cover the te- tricity charging stations and poles for electric
lemetry data acquisition and monitoring, fault vehicles have been constructed as trial points
signal sending, problem solving and alarm, in Shenzhen, and exchange electricity Experi-
fault location and troubleshooting functions. ence Centers in Guangzhou.
148 Appendix B – Bottom-up view on China’s technological smart grid vision

Information and communication technology (ICT)
ICT systems: SGCC has developed an optical
phase conductor and the pertinent supporting
equipment, information security technology
ment systems have been developed, combin-
ing a variety of technical means including
firewalls, intrusion detection systems, anti-
virus systems, public key infrastructure, risk
inspection tools, and analysis platforms. It assessment, and other features.
has also developed smart grid key equipment
including intelligent switch combinations
and electrical and optical fiber composite
low-voltage cables, which have successfully
been put into operation. Smart grid dispatch-
Energy storage
Pumped-storage power: Energy storage is
of great significance for the development of
smart grids. It can be applied in the case of
ing technology support systems, intelligent peak shaving in electrical systems to solve the
primary equipment and facilities for electric power utilization problem or to improve power
vehicle charging have achieved a major tech- supply quality and grid reliability. Meanwhile,
nological breakthrough. CSG has developed a it can also be used to control the fluctuation
common information model, enterprise data of the electricity system in order to enhance
resource planning, SOA technical specifica- the safety of the grid and to foster optimal
tions as well as a series of technical standards. utilization of renewable energy and promote
It has also undertaken the construction of a further developments in this area. By 2011,
unified data center, an integrated distribution 11 pumped storage power stations had already
system, an enterprise cockpit, and a massive been constructed with total installed capac-
real-time data platform. In 2006–2010, the ity accounting for 1.8 % of overall installed
company launched the “CSG 123 Plan”, which power. With the construction of pumped stor-
promotes unified business standards for the age power stations during the 11th Five-Year
entire grid and unified information standards Period, the dispatchable hydro power includ-
by building an integration system that includes ing that of pumped storage power stations in
IT infrastructure, technology architecture, and the whole country except for Hubei and Lasha
IT services to realize digitized grid support, will be 3–7 % of China’s total installed capacity
informational business management as well once they have been put into normal opera-
as intelligent analysis and decision. As a result
of this plan, the company has made remark-
able achievements in terms of information
technology, and information levels have been
- tion.
New energy storage technologies: Significant
progress has been made in research into new
types of energy storage. In the past decades,
improved significantly: optical fiber com- organizations such as the Electrical Engi-
munications now basically cover substations neering Institute of the Chinese Academy of
and generation stations for 110-kV and above. Sciences, the Beijing Feilun Energy Storage
Emergency communication grids have been Flexible Research as well as some academic
built. Distribution grid communication gives institutions have all been engaged in studying
priority to optical fiber communication, public fly wheel energy storage. At present, important
grid wireless communication, and medium breakthroughs have been obtained in key tech-
voltage power line carrier communication. nical fields such as superconductive magnetic
From an information security aspect, a series levitation, high-speed motors, and power
of technical standards and specifications in- conversion. A research group at the Advanced
volving information security protection tech- Material Lab and Macromolecular Science
nology have been worked out. System-level Department of Fudan University has success-
protection measures are being implemented fully developed a new kind of type of energy
in order to achieve information resource element-oriented carbon nano fiber. Based on
partition and hierarchical security protection. this technology, a new type of solar fiber bat-
Information security technology and manage- tery with a diameter of only 60–100 microm-
Appendix B – Bottom-up view on China’s technological smart grid vision

eters can be manufactured, allowing PV con-

version and energy storage in the same piece
of fiber. In addition, China has also achieved
lasting breakthroughs in research into energy
storage using storage batteries. Since the
research into battery supported energy storage
with vanadium redox flow in 1995, China has
developed a 10-kW-battery energy storage
system and established battery energy storage
lab modules. In 2008, China Electric Power
Research Institute developed a 100-kW bat-
tery energy storage system applicable to wind
power plants. In January 2011, China achieved
an important breakthrough in the construc-
tion of large-capacity battery energy storage
technology through the synchronization of
a megawatt battery energy storage station of
Southern Grid, a development representing
material progress in the integrated application
technology of Chinese large-capacity battery
energy storage. The final construction scale of
Southern Grid’s 10-MW battery energy storage
station is 10 MW for four hours with initial
project construction of 5 MW for four hours.
Currently, a 1-MW four-hour battery energy
storage system has been successfully synchro-
nized and put into normal operation.

Appendix C – Integration levels of China’s power

system components in 2012 and 2020

The system integration of China’s power system

components in 2012 and 2020 was discussed
among the experts involved in the study genera-
- In the area of power logistics, China’s trans-
mission grids, the associated transformer
substations, and the pumped storage power
tion process in the course of workshops carried plants are currently already remotely control-
out in Beijing in June 2013. In addition, the preva- lable by the grid operator. On the distribution
lence of market elements in 2012 and the targeted grid level, however, the various components’
prevalence of market elements in 2020 were also system integration levels are significantly lower
discussed. In a first step, the experts agreed on the – most of the components are not equipped
power system components and market elements
that are relevant in China’s current electric power
system as well as on the corresponding compo-
nents and elements in 2020 (see . Fig. C.1 for a
- with monitoring and control technologies.
China’s end consumers of electricity are for the
most part physically connected to the power
grid. Early examples of remote monitoring
definition of the power system components and technologies are used only at industrial and
market elements). commercial levels and for large-scale urban
In a second step, the experts developed a com-
mon understanding of the extent to which each sin-
gle power system component is currently integrated
in China’s electric power grid. In other words, they
- buildings.
With respect to the prevalence of market ele-
ments, it can be stated that only few of these
elements are currently used in China’s power
examined whether the components are physically system: early demonstration projects for spot
connected to the grid, remotely monitorable, re- markets have been implemented by the grid op-
motely controllable, or autonomously controllable/ erators and time-of-use pricing for residential
self-healing (see . Table C.1 for a definition of in- consumers is being tested in the provinces. For
tegration levels). The targeted integration levels of the most part, China’s electricity is still being
the power systems components for 2020 were also traded at governmentally fixed prices. Elements
discussed. such as futures markets, balancing markets, or
After the Beijing workshops, an evaluation was capacity markets used in other countries have
made of the extent to which the market elements not yet been implemented in China.
are currently used and will be used in 2020, rang-
ing from demonstrational level to national level (see The following advances are planned until 2020 (see
. Table C.2 for a definition of these values). . Fig-
ure C.2 shows China’s current power grid integration
. Fig. C.3):
In the power generation area, various energy

as of 2012. The main findings are:
In the area of power generation, it can be seen
that monitoring and control technologies are
common in conventional power plants but are
sources are projected to have a place in the
Chinese power system of 2020. All of them
will be fully integrated in the power grid and
most of them will reach the highest integra-
rather seldom used with RES. More particu- tion level so that they can autonomously react
larly, currently installed rooftop PV instal- to grid and/or market conditions. A com-
lations and biomass power plants are only parison with the present situation reveals that
physically connected to the grid, without the especially RES are likely to make a big leap
possibility of remote monitoring or any control forward. While a considerable part of RES is
functionalities. currently not connected to the grid, grid ac-
Appendix C – Integration levels of China’s power system components in 2012 and 2020

Power Power Power Power

Generation Trade & Retail Logistics Consumption

Nuclear Ultra High Voltage Rural Residential

Time-dependent Extra High / High Household

Prices Voltage Devices

Hydro Medium Voltage Urban Residential
Price Regulation

Natural Gas Low Voltage Industry

Spot & Future Transformer Commerce &

Onshore Wind
Markets Substation Public

Local Power
Offshore Wind Capacity Markets E-Mobility

Regional Market Pumped Storage

Photovoltaic Transport

CO2 Markets Smart Meter Agriculture

Combined Virtual Power

Power Storage
Heat & Power Plant

Biomass/Biogas Smart Products Microgrid

.. Fig. C.1  Power system components and market elements in the Chinese power system model

.. Table C.1  Definition of system integration levels of power system components

System integration levels of power system components

0 – untapped This power system component is principally ready for operation. However, it is
not yet physically connected to the power grid. Therefore, it is not able to feed in,
transport, distribute, store, or consume electricity.

1 – physically connected This power system component is principally ready for operation and physically con-
nected to the power grid. It is therefore able to feed in, transport, distribute, store,
or consume electricity.

2 – remotely monitorable In addition to being physically connected to the grid, this power system compo-
nent is remotely monitorable by grid operators or other actors within the power
system. Authorized actors are able to supervise the current status of power flows,
power frequencies, outages, etc.

3 – remotely controllable In addition to being remotely monitorable, this power system component can be
controlled remotely. In other words, grid operators or other authorized actors of
the power system are able to remotely control specific functions of the component
allowing very quick reactions to critical grid conditions.

4 – autonomous/self-healing In addition to being remotely controllable, this power system component can
autonomously react to specific grid and market conditions via incorporated ICT
agent functionality.
152 Appendix C – Integration levels of China’s power system components in 2012 and 2020

.. Table C.2  Definition of the prevalence of market elements

Prevalence of market elements

A – Demonstrational level This market element is being tested in (small) demonstration projects.

B – City/district level This market element is being used in one or in some individual cities or districts.
However, it is not used extensively in one entire province.

C – Provincial level This market element is used in one or in more provinces. However, it is not used
nationwide in all Chinese provinces.

D – National level This market element is principally used nationwide. This means that with the even-
tual exemption of some special economic zones or single provinces, the organiza-
tional component is applied in all Chinese provinces.



2 2 1
Information 1-2
2-3 &
Communication 1

2 3 1-2
3 3 1

3 3 1-2

.. Fig. C.2  System integration levels in China in 2012

cess of RES will have become plug-and-play by with a large amount of control and monitoring

- 2020.
In the area of power logistics, all voltage levels
above 35-kV will have reached the highest
level of system integration by 2020. Power
devices so that they can react almost autono-
mously to unforeseen events. The distribution
grids (voltage levels below 35-kV) and their
associated local substations are projected to be
grids and transformer substations at these either remotely monitorable or remotely con-
voltage levels are projected to be enhanced trollable (depending on their location). This
Appendix C – Integration levels of China’s power system components in 2012 and 2020

3-4 D
C C C 2

4 2
Information 2-3
4 4 &
Communication 2

4 4 2-3
2-3 4
4 3
4 2-3 2-3

.. Fig. C.3  System integration levels in China 2020

implies a significant improvement compared tor. However, remote control activities are not

- to their current system integration.

With regard to power storage, hydro-pumped
storage plants will be autonomously control-
lable and, compared to the situation of today,
planned for smaller, rural households. But
even these customers will be remotely moni-
torable by means of smart meters. Advances
are also projected to be made with regard to
new power storage technologies will be devel- smart home technologies such as intelligent
oped and integrated in the grid. Smart meters household devices and electric mobility being

will be widely used and reach higher integra-
tion values than today.
In the power consumption area, industrial and
commercial users – China’s major power con-
- monitorable for grid operators.
In the power trade and retail area many new
types of markets are envisaged for 2020.
Whereas today governmental price regulation
sumers – will be either remotely monitorable leads to low penetration with market elements,
or remotely controllable in 2020. This means spot markets (including futures markets),
that grid operators and other players will be OTC, and balancing markets prominent in
well informed with regard to their power con- other countries will be used in China’s power
sumption and have the opportunity to directly system of 2020. Also, carbon markets, capacity
control some customers’ loads. City dwellers markets, and market-related elements such as
residing in large buildings are expected to virtual power plants (VPP), time-of-use tariffs,
be fully integrated into the power grid with and smart products are expected to be part of
remote control activities by the grid opera- China’s power grid in 2020.

Appendix D – Germany’s smart grid vision according

to the study Future Energy Grid

Using the three system layers presented in . Fig. 4.3 used in some selected areas of transmission
and eight different domains of the power sector rep- grids. The application within the distribution
resenting particular sub-fields of the power sector
supply chain, nineteen relevant smart grid technol-
ogy areas were identified [1], [2]. The set of these
technology areas, their individual maturity levels,
- grids is evaluated in single pilot projects.
Grid automation refers to ICT components
at the substation or field level processing data
from grid components, measuring transduc-
and development stages describe Germany’s smart ers, and giving control signals. Germany’s
grid vision. The respective maturity levels help to as- high voltage segment is currently already
sess the speed of development of different smart grid automated. In medium and low voltage grids,
technologies in Germany. The different technology automation solutions are subject to evaluation
areas are shown in . Fig. 4.4 and are described in
more detail in the remainder of this section.

Smart grid technologies of the closed system

- in a variety of field tests.
Flexible control and AC transmission systems
(FACTS) represent power electronic control
systems which are used to affect the power
layer  The closed system layer requires a high level flows or voltage levels in the electricity grids.
of security as well as the capability of real-time Currently, FACTS are occasionally used only
communication since it is supposed to ensure the in the transmission grids.
stability of the power system. Only few actors are
granted with controlling access of this system layer. Smart grid technologies of the ICT infrastructure
ICT components used within this system layer ad- layer  The ICT infrastructure layer accounts for the
dress the operation of the grid infrastructure and communication between the closed and the net-
large-scale power stations. These components are worked system layer. The technology area associ-

classified into the following technology areas:
Asset management systems (AMS) for grid
ated with this layer therefore deals with the interface
functionality required for the realization of smart
components are employed to plan the usage of
electrical equipment following technical and
commercial constraints. Their focus is on grid
infrastructure components and components of
ICT connectivity refers to the prerequisites
regarding the communication infrastructure
and the amount and scope of the information
large conventional power stations. Today, AMS exchange used in the power system. Thereby,
are mostly used for central assets managing the ICT connectivity accounts for the quality-
static data. Automation of this process is only of-service level regarding the discovery and

- done for core components.

Grid control systems are used for monitoring
and controlling electrical transmission and dis-
tribution grids, or bulk generation units. Grid
accessibility of services. The transmission grids
are currently equipped with ICT infrastruc-
tures using point-to-point connections and
proprietary interfaces. In contrast to that, the
control systems are mainly deployed in trans- distribution grid is normally not yet equipped
mission grids and distribution grids of 20-kV with ICT infrastructures.

- or 10-kV but rather seldom below.

Wide area monitoring systems (WAMS) sub-
sume technologies to measure, transfer, store,
and visualize time-synchronized values with
Smart grid technologies of the networked system
layer  The networked system layer is distinct regard-
ing the high amount of heterogeneous stakehold-
high temporal resolution. WAMS are currently ers and power system components it is supposed
Appendix D – Germany’s smart grid vision according to the study Future Energy Grid

to connect. It is expected that this system layer will

gain more and more importance in the future, es-
pecially with respect to the rising amount of renew-
- Virtual power plant (VPP) systems aggregate
power generation, storage and consumption
units. This way the provision of effective and
able generation. Therefore, this layer is expected to balancing power as well as system services is
become system-critical in the process of develop- optimized. Today, VPP are used to provide
ing robust smart grids and smart markets. The layer balancing power. The installations are hetero-

subsumes the following technology areas:
Asset management for distributed energy
resources refers to the processing of opera-
tional and commercial data regarding power
- geneous.
Plant communication and control modules
refer to embedded systems, similar to grid
automation components, providing access to
system assets. Distributed energy resources distributed generation, storage or consumption
are referred separately because currently no units for data reading and control signal pro-
end-to-end asset management systems exist cessing. Today, the communication interfaces
for medium and small generation units which of distributed energy resources are mostly
are expected to be of high importance for the proprietary. Their main function is disconnec-

- development of smart grids in Germany.

Regional energy marketplaces are established
to enable market participation for industrial,
commercial and domestic customers, thereby
- tion from the grid.
The advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)
provides remote access to energy consumption
data. In later development stages, this shall
taking requirements regarding grid operation, lead to advanced smart meter processes, e. g.
especially for the distribution grids, into ac- for calculation of grid conditions. Standardiza-
count. First demonstrators of regional energy tion, security, and mass data processing are
market places were evaluated in pilot projects, key capabilities in this area. Today, there are

- e. g. the E-Energy model regions.

Trade control systems support the analysis of
no large-scale installations in Germany due to
missing regulatory action. Functionalities and
relevant data and the subsequent planning and
execution of energy trading activities. Cur-
rent systems support trading on the spot and
day-ahead markets, as well as energy portfolio
- interfaces are proprietary.
Smart appliances refer to equipment in house-
holds, buildings or small enterprises possess-
ing communication and control capabilities.

- management.
Forecasting systems compute state estimations
of various measurement parameters. Examples
for this are forecasts regarding electricity
The provision of a standardized infrastructure
is currently one of the main challenges within
this area. While smart appliances may not be
essential regarding the technical smart grid in-
generation subject to weather conditions or the frastructure itself, they are expected to have a

- price elasticity of electricity demand.

Business services comprise technologies con-
cerning the efficient use of resources, low costs,
high availability and reliability in the context
high market potential in the future. Currently,
energy management systems (e. g. in the areas
of lighting and heating) operate independently
from the grid. Energy-related apps (e. g. for us-
of important business processes of the energy age on smart phones or tablet computers) are
sector. Main challenges in this area address developed and offered in the context of pilot
the extension of service offerings for custom-
ers, handling of big data, cloud computing and
the optimization of the supply chain across
enterprise boundaries. Currently, processes
- projects.
Industrial demand side management/demand
response subsumes the integration between
the requirements of the electrical infrastruc-
prescribed by laws and regulations are fully ture with those of industrial processes. This
supported. Additional services address basic includes the possibility to take influence on
customer management functions and the bill- industrial assets from outside the enterprises.
ing of electricity consumption. DSM is motivated by pricing of electrical
156 Appendix D – Germany’s smart grid vision according to the study Future Energy Grid

energy: the industrial enterprise tries to match

its operations to the development of market
prices. The enterprise may also agree to manu-
ally reduce their load on request of the grid
operator. Automatic load shedding possibilities
are partially realized in the context of indus-
trial operations.

Cross-cutting technologies Beyond the sixteen

functional technology areas introduced above,
there are three key issues regarding quality aspects
of the future smart grid vision in Germany. They
are regarded as cross-cutting issues which have to
be separately considered in context of each func-

tional area.
Integration technologies address the aspect of
interoperability being of critical importance

- for smart grids as ICT-based systems.

Management of data refers to procedures
regarding structuring, aggregation, analysis,
processing, and storage of high amounts of

- distributed and heterogeneous data.

Security, in terms of information security, pro-
vides procedures to protect the stakeholders of
the power systems as well as the infrastructure.
Key requirements refer to the aspects of avail-
ability, confidentiality, and integrity.


[1] International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 62357

Second Edition: TC 57 Architecture – Part 1: Reference Ar-
chitecture for TC 57-Draft, Geneva: IEC, 2009.
[2] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST
Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability
Standards, US Department of Commerce, 2010.

Appendix E – Extracts from specific laws

Directive 2009/72/EC, Article 37 where applicable, its interconnections with other

“Energy regulators should have the power to issue systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability
binding decisions in relation to electricity under- of the system to meet reasonable demands for
takings and to impose effective, proportionate the transmission of electricity”. Moreover, the
and dissuasive penalties on electricity undertak- TSO is responsible for connection of all grid users
ings which fail to comply with their obligations or at the transmission level and connection of the
to propose that a competent court impose such
penalties on them. Energy regulators should also
be granted the power to decide, irrespective of the
application of competition rules, on appropriate
-DSOs within the TSO control area.
Distribution System Operator (DSO): accord-
ing to the Article 2.6 of the Directive: “a natural
or legal person responsible for operating,
measures ensuring customer benefits through the ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary,
promotion of effective competition necessary for developing the distribution system in a given
the proper functioning of the internal market in area and, where applicable, its interconnec-
electricity. […] tions with other systems and for ensuring
Energy regulators should also be granted the the long-term ability of the system to meet
power to contribute to ensuring high standards reasonable demands for the distribution of
of universal and public service in compliance with electricity”. Moreover, the DSO is responsible for
market opening, to the protection of vulner- regional grid access and grid stability, integra-
able customers, and to the full effectiveness of tion of renewables at the distribution level and
consumer protection measures. Those provisions
should be without prejudice to both the Com-
mission’s powers concerning the application of
competition rules including the examination of
-regional load balancing.
Generator: Generating electricity, contributing
actively to voltage and reactive power control,
required to provide the relevant data (infor-
mergers with a Community dimension, and the mation on outages, forecast, actual produc-
rules on the internal market such as the free move- tion) to the energy marketplace (see also the
ment of capital. The independent body to which a
party affected by the decision of a national regula-
tor has a right to appeal could be a court or other
tribunal empowered to conduct a judicial review.”
-Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the Directive).
Electricity Installer/Contractor: Electrical con-
tractors design, install and maintain intelligent
systems for all kinds of industrial, commercial
Source: Wording from The European Parliament and domestic purposes. Alongside the power
and the Council of the European Union [1] and lighting applications, they equally install
ICT and telecommunications, public street light-
ing, high medium and low voltage lines, control
and energy management systems, access, fire
Roles and Responsibilities of smart grid and security control equipment, lightning pro-

actors according to SGTF
“Transmission System Operator (TSO): accord-
tection systems, advertising and identification
signs, emergency power generating systems
ing to the Article 2.4 of the Electricity Direc-
tive 2009/72/EC (Directive): “a natural or legal
person responsible for operating, ensuring the
maintenance of and, if necessary, developing
-and renewable energy systems.
Industrial customer: A large consumer of elec-
tricity in an industrial/manufacturing industry.
May be involved in contract based Demand/
the transmission system in a given area and, Response.
158 Appendix E – Extracts from specific laws

Transportation customer: A consumer of
electricity providing transport systems. May be
- Supplier [in the areas of energy market
places]: Has a contractual agreement with

-involved in contract based Demand/Response.

Buildings: A consumer of electricity which is
a private or business building, may also be
end customer relating to the supply of elec-
Aggregator: offers services to aggregate

-involved in contract-based Demand/Response.

Home customer: A residential consumer of
electricity (including also agriculture users)
may also be involved in contract-based De-
energy production from different sources
(generators) and acts towards the grid as
one entity, including local aggregation of
demand (Demand Response management)

Supplier [in the area of grid users]: A grid
and supply (generation management). In
cases where the aggregator is not a supplier,
user who has a grid connection and access
contract with the TSO or DSO. Moreover,
--it maintains a contract with the supplier.
Electric Power Grid Equipment vendors
suppliers are those actors which will provide
new services, real-time information, energy
efficiency services and dynamic energy pricing
concepts with Time-of-Use (ToU). The suppliers
Ancillary Services providers
Metering operator: the entity which offers
services to provide, install and maintain
metering equipment related to a supply.
also provide local aggregation of demand and In most EU Member States the DSO is also
supply, in order to increase the effectiveness metering operator. In case of a specific
and efficiency of the electricity supply at all contractual basis, the contract is mostly with
voltage levels (including low/medium voltage the network operator, or may be with the

Retailer: Entity selling electrical energy to
customer or the supplier. The meter may be
rented to, or exceptionally owned by, the
consumers – could also be a grid user who has
a grid connection and access contract with the
- customer.
Information & Communication Technology

-TSO or DSO.
Power Exchange: Provides a market place
for trading physical and financial (capacity/
energy and derivates) contracts for capacity
- (ICT) service providers
Grid communications network providers
Plan, build and maintain the communica-
tions systems that enable the data commu-
allocation by implicit auctions within the nication required to maintain grid stability,

-defined country, region or cross border.

Balance Responsible Party: Ensures that the
supply of electricity corresponds to the an-
ticipated consumption of electricity during
load balancing and fault protection systems
by a TSO or DSO. This function is mostly
executed by the TSO or the DSO, or may be
performed by an independent actor but
a given time period and financially regulates the overall responsibility and ownership of

-for any imbalance that arises.

Clearing & Settlement Agent: Assumes li-
ability for clearing and/or settlement of con-
tracts and provides contractual counterparty
information remains with TSO and DSO. Grid
communications network provider ensures
compliance with the agreed service levels
(Service Level Agreements including quality
within a Power Exchange and for over-the- of service, data security and privacy) and

-counter (OTC) contracts.

Trader: A person or entity that buys and sells
energy goods and services in an organized
electricity market (Power Exchange) or over-
compliance with any national and/or inter-
national regulations as necessary.
Home Appliances vendors
Building Energy Management Systems
the-counter. (BEMS) providers, delivering the systems
Appendix E – Extracts from specific laws

which facilitate management and control EEG – paragraphs 1–3 of part 2, chapter 2,

of building facilities, realizing energy saving section 11
and increasing comfortability of users of 1) Notwithstanding their obligation in accor-
buildings and making full use of the state-of- dance with section 9, grid system operators

- the-art Information Technology.

Electric Transportation/Vehicle Solutions
shall be entitled, by way of exception, to take
technical control over installations con-

- providers
Grid User/Customer/Consumer: Entity or
person being delivered electricity. How a
customer perceives the value received from
nected to their grid system with a capacity
of over 100 kilowatts for the generation of
electricity from renewable energy sources,
combined heat and power generation or mine
other actors in the electricity supply chain gas, if
has a substantial influence on the economic a) the grid capacity in the respective grid
viability of the grid in general and on the system area would otherwise be overloaded
overall acceptance of how the electricity on account of that electricity,

- supply chain performs.

Regulator: Independent body responsible
for the definition of framework (market
rules), for setting up of system charges
b) they have ensured that the largest possible
quantity of electricity from renewable en-
ergy sources and from combined heat and
power generation is being purchased, and
(tariffs), monitoring of the functioning c) they have called up the data on the current
and performance of energy markets and feed-in situation in the relevant region of the
undertaking any necessary measures to grid system.
ensure effective and efficient market, non- Taking technical control over installations in
discriminative treatment of all actors and accordance with the first sentence above shall
transparency and involvement of all affected only be permitted for a transitional period until

- stakeholders.
Standardization bodies: Responsible for
standardization of all relevant elements and
components within the electricity supply
measures referred to in section 9 are concluded.
2) The rights under section 13(1) and sec-
tion 14(1) of the Energy Industry Act of
7 July 2005 shall continue to apply vis-à-vis the
chain, which in turn leads to harmonization of operators of installations for the generation
relevant services, support towards removing of electricity from renewable energy sources,
barriers to trade, creating new market oppor- combined heat and power generation or from

- tunities and reducing manufacturing costs.

EU and national legislation authorities:
Entities are in charge of defining legislation
and metrics for areas such as environmen-
mine gas where the measures in accordance
with subsection (1)
3) Grid system operators shall, upon the request
of those installation operators whose instal-
tal policy, social policy, energy policy and lations were affected by measures referred to
economic policy. They are also responsible in subsection (1) above, provide verification,
for the authorization needed to develop the within four weeks, for the need for the mea-

- electricity grid infrastructure.

Financial Sector undertakings: Provide
capital to other actors or invest themselves
into the projects within the electricity supply
sure. The verification must enable a qualified
third party to fully understand the need for the
measures without any additional information;
particularly the data ascertained in accor-
chain (grid, generation, etc.).” dance with subsection (1) first sentence no. 3
Source: Wording from the EU Commission Task above shall serve that purpose.
Force for Smart Grids, Expert Group 3 [2] Source: Wording from the BMUB [3]
160 Appendix E – Extracts from specific laws

EEG – paragraphs 1–3 of part 2, chapter 2,

section 12
1) The grid system operator whose grid system
gives rise to the need for the assumption of
technical control under section 11(1) shall
compensate those installation operators
who, on account of the measures under sec-
tion 11(1), were not able to feed-in electricity to
the extent agreed upon. Where no agreement
has been reached, the lost tariffs and revenues
from the use of heat less the expenses saved
shall be paid.
2) The grid system operator may, when determin-
ing the charges for use of the grid system, add
any charges arising on account of subsection
(1) above if the measure was necessary and he
bears no responsibility for it. The grid system
operator shall, in particular, bear responsibil-
ity if he did not exhaust all the options for
optimizing, boosting and expanding the grid
3) Claims for compensation made by installation
operators against the grid system operator
shall remain unaffected.
Source: Wording from the BMUB [3]


[1] The European Parliament and the Council of the European

Union, “Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 13 July 2009 Concerning Common
Rules for the Internal Market in Electricity and Repealing
Directive 2003/54/EC,” Official Journal of the European
Union, Brussels, 2009.
[2] EU Commission Task Force for Smart Grids, Expert Group 3,
“Roles and Responsibilities of Actors involved in the Smart
Grids Deployment,” 04 04 2011. [Online]. Available: http://
pert_group3.pdf. [Accessed 13 05 2014].
[3] Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktor-
sicherheit (BMU), “Act on Granting Priority to Renewable
Energy Sources,” 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www.
mente__PDFs_/eeg_2013_bf.pdf. [Accessed February 20,

Appendix F – Further results from the European

Mandate M/490

. Figure F.1 outlines the application process of these cases, the assessment process (referenced as the SGIS
use cases with reference to the SGAM (WG RA), toolbox shown in . Fig. F.2) includes the assessment
the results of the WG SGIS and the set of standards of risk impact levels (1–5) for the assets in context of
compiled by the WG FSS. scenarios addressing the key requirements of confi-
The objective of WG SGIS was to support the dentiality, integrity, and availability. The combina-
analyses regarding information security for smart tion of these impact levels with their likelihood leads
grids (see [1]). The group identified pertinent stan- to the assignment of an overall security level. Appro-
dards and assigned them to the needs of the stake- priate standards are afterwards assigned as counter-
holders. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability measures appropriate to the individual security level.
were considered as the key requirements regard- The first iteration of Mandate M/490 was com-
ing information security in this context. The SGIS pleted in November 2012. A second iteration for
methodology supports the assignment of weights 2013 to 2014 is currently ongoing, its main focus
regarding these aspects. being the implementation and further refinement of
Structural elements of the approach were used in the methodologies of the first iteration and develop-
form of a security view assigned to the SGAM, the ment of a second set of standards as well as system
SGIS security levels as well as the smart grid data interoperability testing methods and a conformance
protection classes. Starting with the collection of use testing map.

.. Fig. F.1  Process to apply use cases as the basis for a standardization gap analysis under consideration of functional and
security-related requirements, taken from [2]
162 Appendix F – Further results from the European Mandate M/490

.. Fig. F.2  Overview on the smart grid security assessment proposed by WG SGIS, taken from [1]
Appendix F – Further results from the European Mandate M/490


[1] CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Coordination Group, “Smart

Grid Information Security,” European Committee for Stan-
dardization, Brussels, 2012.
[2] CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Coordination Group, “Sus-
tainable Processes,” European Committee for Standardiza-
tion, Brussels, 2012.

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