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Direct Input

 Direct input concept
 Direct input monitor

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC420 9-1

Direct Input : Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit you will be able to:

 Transfer FI documents into R/3 using the direct

input procedure

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC420 9-2

Course Overview Diagram

Call Transaction

Direct Input
Batch Input

TA Recorder
7 12 IDoc BAPI

11 12
Principles of Standard 4
Data Tansfer

DX Workbench 11
3 5
LSM Workbench
8 10 11

6 13

2 Datenübernahme 14

1 Course Overview

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC420 9-3

Direct Input Concept

program SAP format


DI data transfer

 SAP AG 1999

 An alternative to the batch input method is the direct input (DI) method. DI is more efficient than the
other methods making it especially useful for transferring large datasets. Unlike batch input, no
sessions are created - the data is updated directly. No screens are involved in this procedure. The data
is entered directly into database tables by calling function modules that carry out the necessary

 If case errors occur during the data transfer, direct input has a restart mechanism. To enable restart,
direct input programs must be processed as background jobs run under the direct input monitor
(program RBMVSHOW or transaction BMV0).

 If you are working with test data, you can start direct input in foreground. Make sure that neither
error logs are created nor that the possibility of a restart exists in error situations.

 SAP strongly recommends that you use transaction BMV0 for the actual data transfer.

© SAP AG BC420 9-4

Direct Input Monitor

SAP format

DI data transfer

Direct input monitor

 SAP AG 1999

 Although you can test direct input in the foreground, it is strongly recommended that you schedule
production data transfers using direct input in the background using the direct input monitor:

This ensures that in case of errors you can restart the data transfer program. This restart capability
guarantees that no duplicate entries will be added to the database if the program is restarted at the
point it terminated. A processing log is available to help you identify, correct and repost any errors.
 Using direct input in the background also has the advantage of better performance. .
 The following direct input programs are included in the direct input monitor:
FI documents (RFBIBL00)
Material master ( RMDATIND)
Environment data (SAPLC131..132...133)
Sales documents (RVINVB10)

© SAP AG BC420 9-5

Tasks in the Direct Input Monitor

Variant Create variants

Step1 Define job

Start new job

Run job Status

Display log

All Ok ? Cancel ?
 SAP AG 1999

 Direct input run:

 First create a variant for the transfer program.
 Define a job with this variant.
 Schedule the time of the job (start: immediately, date, time, by job, by event, etc).
 Analyze the job log after the job run.
 If the job is terminated, it can be reset.
 Note: The restart mechanism will not work if the file contains formal errors (i.e. if the records
are not in the SAP Record Layout). Use the “check file” function to ensure that no formal
errors exist before processing the file using direct input..

© SAP AG BC420 9-6

Example: FI Documents

Direct- Fin acctg documents
Create variant
Industry matl master Define job
Environment Start new job
Sales documents Display log
Display error session

Note: see documentation on program


 SAP AG 1999

 You have to create a variant for each direct input program. The standard rules for creating variants
 In the menu path Job administration -> Define new job you define control data for a job. A job is
uniquely identified for each client by its name. You have to specify the report name (e.g.
RMDATIND) and a variant name. If you want, you can also specify a server for the background job.
This can be overwritten later. You can also specify a user name under which the direct job runs. This
user requires the authorizations for all the applications.
 With the function Start new job start the job you defined earlier (F4 on first input field). You can
change the default background server or user name. On the following screens enter the print
parameters and start time.

© SAP AG BC420 9-7

Job Analysis

Job administration Applications

Direct input :administration

Job details Job log

 Technical information  System messages are listed

 Program name chronologically
 Variant name  Long text can be displayed
 Server
 .....
 Administration information
 Number of errors
 Number of restarts
 .....
 SAP AG 1999

 You can display details of the selected job in the detail display.
 By “updating" and selecting the job, the current status of the job is always displayed. If the job is
terminated, say, due to a database error, the job is assigned status Batch: job terminated. In this case
you can analyze the error (function Display log) and remove the error. Then choose Job
administration -> Reset job. The job is restarted and the data transfer is continued from the point at
which it had terminated.
 To assure data integrity, each program has a restart mechanism. Using some function modules the
program writes synchronization information to table TBIST. If there is a termination, then it is
guaranteed that the data transfer can be reset to the correct place. This means, for example, that no
document is posted twice or not posted at all.
 System table TBIST contains entries:
 Number of data records with errors
 Last number processed when program terminated

© SAP AG BC420 9-8

Error in FI Document



Logical errors exist

terminates or
BI program check
BI session terminates

1.) Process BI session

2.) Change job status
 SAP AG 1999

 Each direct input program carries out checks before the data is transferred. If an error occurs (e.g. in
RFBIBL00: data record has no posting key) this terminates the job without posting a single data
record. The job is assigned the status Background job terminated.
 If the file only has logical errors - errors occur when the data is checked in the system (e.g in
RFBIBL00: the currency amount is missing from the data record), this does not result in termination
of the job.
The job is completed and is assigned status Completed: job executed; but it does contain the logical
error. Records containing errors are placed in a batch input session.
 The session name of the first BGR00 record is used. Once the error has been corrected, you can
process the batch input session and complete the data transfer. The status of the job with the function
error processing should be set to: Set to done.

 For more information see the application help documentation for the FI documents under the DX-
WB documentation.
 Note: The program RFBIBL00 can process only 20 data records without the BMV0 for the direct
input/ call transaction technique. It should be executed within transaction BMV0 because of the
restart capability.

© SAP AG BC420 9-9

Error in Material Master or Sales Document



Logical errors exist

terminates or
BI program check
1.) Correct logical error terminates
2.) Repost error

 SAP AG 1999

 An error file has been created for material master records which you can display and process in
RMDATIND (or by choosing Applications -> Material master industry -> Display logical errors).
After you have processed this file (or, for example, you have corrected a Customizing setting), you
can start the error handling by choosing Error processing -> Repost errors. The data is not read
from the original file, it is read from the processed file and the system attempts to repost the data
after it has been checked.
 For sales documents: If errors occur when processing your job, you can find these errors in the SAP
System using a detailed job log, correct them and repost the documents.

© SAP AG BC420 9-10

Periodic Jobs

SAP Format

 Job must be scheduled using BMV0

 “Periodic allowed” must be selected
 Job must be completed successfully
before next job can start
 File must be replaced before the
Direct Input Monitor next run

 SAP AG 1999

 If you want to use the direct input method for a periodic job, you must adhere to the following:
 In the job definition, select “Periodic allowed” for the job.
 You must schedule the job using the direct input monitor.
 If you want to add additional steps to the background job, save the start data for the job by choosing
“Start data transfer using direct input method”. Choose a start time in the future. After saving, start
transaction SM37 and edit the job step list. The job name here is the job name from the job
 Make sure you check that the job has completed each time it runs. If the job terminates, the successor
job will not start. Use the History function to check which jobs in a job definition are periodic jobs.
If a job does not start because the predecessor job terminated, this is marked as “Invalid” in the
history list.
 If you want to restart a job that terminated, first check to make sure the specified input file is still
correct. The input file is usually switched each time the periodic job runs. If you restart a job that
terminated, and the input file has been switched, data integrity will probably be affected.

© SAP AG BC420 9-11

Direct Input: Unit Summary

You are now able to:

 Transfer FI documents into R/3 using the direct
input procedure
 Schedule jobs
 Work with the direct input monitor

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC420 9-12

Direct-Input Exercises

Unit: Direct Input

Topic: Transfer of FI Documents using Direct Input

 Use the direct input monitor for the data transfer.

Transfer financial accounting documents in the R/3 system using the

Direct Input Technique.

Job: Job-##

Optional: As only one user can use the direct input monitor at a time.
To transfer the documents, do not use the Call Transaction – use the Direct Input method
instead. You can use the same record layout structure. Hence you can use the project BC420-##
with the subproject BELE-## and the object CT-## again.

1 Start the Direct Input program in the LSMW. Make sure to select the transaction
BMV0 for the transfer using Direct Input.
1-1 Start the Direct Input Management.
1-2 You will find the path for the Direct Input steps under: Applications ->
Financial Accounting Documents.
1-2-1 Create the variant VAR## for the program RFBIBL00. Specify the
file name of the LSMW output file (converted data). Select the direct
input technique for the transfer.
1-2-2 Create the job Job-## for the program RFBIBL00 and this variant
1-2-3 Start the new job immediately and follow its progress. (Update the

© SAP AG BC420 9-13

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