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Chemical Physics Letters 583 (2013) 160–164

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Polarization dependent two-photon absorption spectroscopy on a

naturally occurring biomarker (curcumin) in solution: A
theoretical–experimental study
Jose A. Tiburcio-Moreno a,b, J.J. Alvarado-Gil a, Carlos Diaz b, Lorenzo Echevarria b,c,⇑,
Florencio E. Hernández b,d,⇑
Departamento de Física Aplicada, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN-Unidad Mérida, Antigua Carretera a Progreso km. 6, 97310 Mérida, YUC, Mexico
Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 162366, Orlando, FL 32816-2366, USA
Departamento de Química, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas 1020A, Venezuela
The College of Optics and Photonics, CREOL, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 162366, Orlando, FL 32816-2366, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We report on the theoretical–experimental analysis of the two-photon absorption (TPA) and two-photon
Received 20 June 2013 circular-linear dichroism (TPCLD) spectra of (1E,6E)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadi-
In final form 30 July 2013 ene-3,5-dione (curcumin) in Tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution. The measurement of the full TPA spectrum
Available online 6 August 2013
of this molecule reveals a maximum TPA cross-section at 740 nm, i.e. more than 10 times larger than the
maximum reported in the literature at 800 nm for the application of curcumin in bioimaging. The TPCLD
spectrum exposes the symmetry of the main excited-states involved in the two-photon excitation pro-
cess. TD-DFT calculations support the experimental results. These outcomes are expected to expand
the application of natural-occurring dyes in bioimaging.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction photoexcitation of curcumin [10]. With a characteristic fluorescence

emission spectrum between 480 and 660 nm, noteworthy fluorescent
Turmeric is a precious substance present in the daily diet of mil- quantum yield and extraordinary biocompatibility, curcumin is an
lions of people in the world, predominantly in Middle Eastern and excellent candidate for bioimaging that could surpass the expectation
Asian countries. This natural product has been extensively used as of specifically engineered fluorescent dyes and nanoparticles with
a flavor enhancer in the Indian cuisine and for therapeutic pur- intrinsic toxicity [11]. In addition, its extended p–electron delocaliza-
poses in Asian and European medicine thanks to its anti-oxidant, tion and donor–p–acceptor_acceptor–p–donor motif make of this
anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-malarial activity [1]. molecule a suitable marker for multiphoton bioimaging.
Curcumin, a naturally occurring yellow-orange pigment found in It is known that the electronic excitation via TPA using two pho-
the rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa), is one of the main tons of longer wavelengths than those required for linear absorption
components found in curry [2]. In addition to the already men- yields a reduction of losses due to scattering and one-photon
tioned biological significance, [1] its anti-tumor properties [3] absorption (OPA) [12]. The TPA quadratic dependence with the inci-
and anti-amyloid activity, [4] curcumin presents a moderate-high dent irradiance confers this excitation process more spatial resolu-
singlet oxygen quantum yield in nonpolar solvents [5] and a tion and penetration depth, as well as a better background
relatively high fluorescence quantum yield (uF > 0.30) in polar sol- discrimination [13]. In addition, TPA reduces photobleaching of the
vents [6]. The former has already resulted in the employment of fluorophores and photodamage to living specimens [13]. These spe-
curcumin as a photodynamic therapy agent in skin cancer cific features have found enormous technological applications in the
treatment [7,8]. However, the application of the latter for marking fields of biology [13,14] and medicine, [15] among others [16–18]. In
biological samples is still, to the best of our knowledge, scarce this direction, Farkas et al. lately used curcumin for multimodal
in the literature [9]. Furthermore, intramolecular proton transfer wide-field two-photon excitation imaging of eyecup specimen from
in the excited-state is a major photophysical process in the AD transgenic mouse model [19]. More recently, Kumar and co-
workers [2] reported on the study of the two-photon fluorescence
of this naturally fluorescent dye in two different solvents (THF and
⇑ Corresponding authors. Address: Department of Chemistry, University of
DMOS). These authors have shown the direct outstanding applica-
Central Florida, P.O. Box 162366, Orlando, FL 32816-2366, USA. Fax: +1
tion of curcumin in two-photon confocal microscopic studies of
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Echevarria), fl[email protected] HL-60 derived neutrophil cells and acknowledged the use of this
(F.E. Hernández). fluorophore in bioimaging due to its extraordinary biocompatibility

0009-2614/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.A. Tiburcio-Moreno et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 583 (2013) 160–164 161

and effective penetration into the cells. Although, curcumin has al- [23], employing the Becke’s three-parameter exchange, Lee, Yang
ready been tested as a multiphoton fluorophore, its maximum TPA and Parr correlation (B3LYP) hybrid functional [24–26] and the
cross-section (dTPA ðkÞ) between 780 and 900 nm, the investigated 6-31++G⁄⁄ basis set [27]. The TPA response (for the degenerate
spectral region, [2,19] is only few Goeppert–Mayer, i.e. <6 GM case) for the first 18 electronic excited states was computed with
(1 GM = 1  1050 cm4 s photons1) [20]. Consequently, the TPA ac- DALTON2011, [28] employing Time-Dependent DFT (TD-DFT) [29]
tion cross-section defined as dTPA ðkÞ ¼ dTPA ðkÞ  uF , which is the at the same level of theory as for the geometry optimization. All
parameter that serves to evaluate specific chromophores for two- theoretical calculations were performed in THF within the polariz-
photon fluorescence microscopy, is still relatively low due to the able continuum model (PCM) [30].
very modest dTPA ðkÞ. In order to unveil the full potential of this nat- The TPA spectra were obtained through, [31–33]
ural dye as a two-photon biomarker, a systematic characterization of
the two-photon absorption (TPA) of curcumin in solution is in great 4p3 aa50 X 2
0f ðxÞ ¼ ðhxf Þ dTPA
0f ðx0f Þgð2x; x0f ; CÞ; ð1Þ
need. In light of these recent finding we have engaged in the study of c f
the TPA of this important molecule.
In this article, we report on the theoretical–experimental anal- 2 2
0f ðxÞ  1:25273  10  ðhxÞ gð2x; x0f ; CÞ  dTPA
0f ðx0f Þ: ð2Þ
ysis of the TPA and two-photon circular-linear dichroism (TPCLD)
spectra of (1E,6E)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-hept-
adiene-3,5-dione (curcumin) in Tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution In Eq. (1), c is the speed of light in vacuum, a0 is the Bohr’s ra-
(curcumin/THF). Using a tunable 90 fs amplified OPA-femtosec- dius, a is the fine structure constant, E ¼  hx is the photon energy
ond system working at 50 Hz repetition rate and over a broad spec- (half of the transition energy for the degenerate case) and dTPA
0f ðx0f Þ
tral range (600–900 nm), we measured the full TPA spectra of this is the orientational averaged two-photon probability for the
dye with linear and circular polarization employing the double L- degenerate case. A Lorentzian line-shape gð2x; x0f ; CÞ was used
scan technique [21]. Our results reveal a maximum TPA cross-sec- to broaden electronic transitions (Eq. (3)),
tion of at 740 nm and unveil the position and symmetry of the
main excited states involved in this process. Time-dependent den- 1 Cgf =2
gð2x; x0f ; CÞ ¼ ; ð3Þ
sity functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations, carried out using re- p ðxgf  2xÞ2 þ ðCgf =2Þ2
sponse theory at the B3LYP level with the 6-31++G⁄⁄ basis set,
solidly certify the experimental results. The outcomes of this Letter where C (in s1) is the full width at half-maximum (FHWM) line-
are expected to motivate further studies on this molecule and open width for all transitions. A value of C ¼ 0.15 eV was applied to better
a new road for the application of this bio-friendly natural dye in reproduce the experimental spectra. Partially solving Eq. (1) yields
the biomedical and pharmaceutical field. Eq. (2), which contemplates the necessary conversion factors to obtain
the TPA spectra in Göppert-Mayer units (GM), i.e. 1050 cm4  s 
1 1
2. Experimental methods mol  photon , when all the parameters are introduced in atomic
Curcumin (98%) and THF (spectroscopic grade) were purchased The polarization dependent  dTPA
0f ðx0f Þ (in atomic units) is ob-

from Sigma–Aldrich and used without further purification. The lin- tained from [31].
ear absorption spectrum of curcumin in THF was taken using a sin- X       
dTPA ðx0f Þ ¼ 1 F  S0f 0f
þ ðG þ HÞ  S0f 0f
gle-beam spectrophotometer (Agilent 8453 Diode Array UV–Vis), 0f aa Sbb ab Sab ; ð4Þ
30 a;b
from 190 nm to 1100 nm, in a 1.0 cm quartz cuvette at a concen-
tration of 3  105 M. Contributions from the solvent and the x
here, S0f
ab is the transition matrix element which is a function of 2 ;

quartz cuvette were subtracted from the spectrum. The fluores-

F, G and H are scalars used to define the polarization of the excita-
cence anisotropy was obtained with the PTI Quanta-Master spec-
tion source, all having a value of 2 for the linearly polarized light
trofluorimeter upon excitation at 350 nm with linearly polarized
(LPL) case and 2, 3, 3, respectively, for the circularly polarized light
light. The emission intensity was measured through a polarizer ori-
(CPL) case.
ented parallel (I//) and perpendicular (I\) to the direction of the
polarized excitation [22].
The TPA and polarization dependence TPA measurements were
performed in a homogeneous 2.3  102 M solution of curcumin/
THF, employing the double L-scan technique [21]. Two-photon
excitation was induced with a computer-controlled femtosecond
optical parametric amplifier (OPerA Solo) pumped by an amplified
laser system from COHERENT. The whole systems is capable of
generating 90 fs (FWHM) pulses over a wavelength range that
spans from 290 nm to 2.6 lm, with pulse energies of up to 4 mJ
and a variable repetition rate ranging from 1 Hz to 1 kHz. Experi-
ments were performed between 600 and 840 nm, with typical in-
put energies ranging from 7 to 45 lJ/pulse at a 50 Hz repetition
rate to avoid any contribution from accumulative effects. The pulse
width was determined using a single-shot autocorrelator from
Coherent Inc. and a frequency-resolved optical gaiting (FROG) from
Swamp Optics LLC. The excitation polarization state was adjusted
using broadband zero-order quarter-wave plates.

3. Computational and theoretical methods

Figure 1. Experimental absorption spectrum (blue dotted line) of curcumin in THF.
Experimental emission (red dashed line) and excitation anisotropy (black solid line)
The molecular structure of curcumin (see inset of Figure 1) was spectra for curcumin in ethylene glycol. (For interpretation of the references to
optimized using Density Functional Theory (DFT) in GAUSSIAN 09 color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
162 J.A. Tiburcio-Moreno et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 583 (2013) 160–164

In order to recover the TPCLD spectrum of curcumin/THF we

used the definition of this property [34,35].
" #," #
Dd ðkÞ ¼ 1 þ1 ; ð5Þ

where (dTPA TPA

CPL ðkÞ) and linearly (dLPL ðkÞ) are the TPA cross-sections ob-
tained using LPL and CPL, respectively. It is well known that TPCLD
is a property governed by the transition electric dipole moment
which provides information about the symmetry of excited states
of conjugated molecules [36,37].

4. Results and discussion

Figure 1 display the normalized absorption and emission spec-

tra of curcumin/THF at 3  105 M. The linear characterization of
this molecule in solution was performed to corroborate, through
its direct comparison with data reported in the literature, the opti-
cal properties of this compound. The obtained spectra match with
those previously reported by Kumar and co-workers [2]. It can also
be noticed, in the linear absorption spectrum, a resolved vibra-
tional structure with a total of two characteristic absorption peaks
(one centered at 422 nm and another at 438 nm), attributed to an
effective internal vibrational mode in that region.
In order to identify the most suitable region for TPA we mea-
sured the fluorescence anisotropy spectrum of curcumin in ethyl-
ene glycol at 3  105 M. This curve reveals three different
spectral regions 390–520 nm, 330–390 nm and 250–330 nm corre-
sponding to transitions S0 ? S1, S0 ? S2 and S0 ? Sn, respectively.
Although, curcumin is not a centrosymmetric molecule, parity
Figure 2. Experimental TPA spectra of curcumin in THF (scattered squares) for LPL
restriction, imposed by selection rules, are still very important (a) and CPL (b), with their corresponding theoretical TPA electronic transitions
for this molecule [20]. Therefore, one should expect a strong TPA (scattered spheres) and Lorentzian convolution [line width 0.15 eV FWHM] (dotted
in the central region (330–390 nm which correspond to a two-pho- lines). Solid black lines over the TPA data points are shown to guide the reader
ton excitation range between 660–780 nm) where the two states through the TPA experimental spectra. Theoretical spectra are presented with an
80 nm blue shift.
involve in the transition present equal-parity. Recent research
work on the study of the fluorescence anisotropy of curcumin done
by Gryczynski et al. [38] support our results.
In Figure 2 we show the experimental and theoretical TPA spec- outcome is due to imprecisions in the determination of the line
tra of a 2.3  102 M of this naturally occurring yellow-orange pig- widths and transition energies [40]. Second, it can be observed that
ment in a homogeneous THF solution. Measurements were the TPA cross-section using LPL is larger than CPL through almost
performed with LPL and CPL. First, it can be noticed an excellent the whole spectrum. This fact strongly indicates that TPA transi-
spectral match between theory and experiment. Among the calcu- tions are taking place between states of the same symmetry [36].
lated transitions, that to electronic state S2 (722 nm) presents the This point is corroborated below through TPCLD. Third, the notice-
highest TPA cross section within the measured region. In addition, able split on the most important TPA band, i.e. transition to the sec-
it can be observed a small peak at 842 nm corresponding to a ond excited state, is attributed to a vibrational coupling. This effect
highly probable OPA transition to S1 (see inset Figure 3 – has already been associated with large Herzberg-Teller contribu-
420 nm). The amplitude and spectral position of these two bands tions in similar conjugated molecules [37,41]. Next, one should
are in agreement with prediction based on differences in selection highlight the fact that the TPA spectra exhibit two distinct peaks
rules for OPA and TPA. The analysis of the fluorescence anisotropy (Figure 2a) with TPA cross sections of 80 GM and 90 GM at
spectrum (Figure 1) and that of TPCLD, which is presented later, 700 nm and 740 nm, respectively. This represents more than 10
corroborate this outcome. Additionally, the preferential one- and folds improvement in dTPA ðkÞ with respect to values reported by
two-photon transitions between S0 ? S1 and S0 ? S2, respectively, Kumar et al. at 800 nm, i.e. 6 GM [2]. In fact, Kumar and co-workers
are validated by noticing in Figure 3 (molecular orbitals corre- showed, for the first time, the important application of this natu-
sponding to the two main transitions) the stronger intramolecular rally occurring yellow-orange pigment for two-photon bioimaging
charge transfer for the latter, which is typically associated with a working, coincidentally, in one of the minimum of the TPA spec-
larger transition dipole moment [39]. It is important to highlight trum of this molecule (see Figure 2) [2]. Therefore, our results ex-
that a spectral blue shift of approximately 80 nm (see Table 1) pose the full potential of this biocompatible two-photon
was applied to the theoretical spectra (LPL and CPL) to reach the absorption marker for bioimaging, and unveil the optimum excita-
spectral overlap. This procedure can be justified by recognizing tion wavelength for the most efficient two-photon excitation in the
that theoretical calculations, using PCM to include solvent effects, NIR. Because the fluorescence quantum yield of curcumin does not
are performed under the Lorentz–Lorenz approximation which vary within the two-photon excitation wavelength range under
does not consider specific solute–solvent interactions [40], thus a study, the corresponding dTPA ðkÞ should also increase more than
theoretical spectral shift is not surprising. Though, transitions to one order of magnitude when exciting curcumin/THF via TPA at
these two excited states are in agreement with those revealed by 740 nm. TPA measurements were not performed below 600 nm
the experiment, a strong overestimation of the TPA cross section, to avoid stepping into the resonance enhanced TPA region were
correspondent to the lowest energy band can be remarked. This OPA start becoming important [36]. Nevertheless, according to
J.A. Tiburcio-Moreno et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 583 (2013) 160–164 163

Figure 3. Molecular orbitals of curcumin calculated using Gaussian 0920 at the B3LYP/6–31++G⁄⁄ level of theory in THF. The arrows represent one- and two-photon
transitions between S0 ? S1 (99%_HOMO ? LUMO) and S0 ? S2 (97%_HOMO-1 ? LUMO), respectively, at their corresponding maximum absorption. Inset – Normalized OPA
and TPA spectra.

Table 1
Results summary for the TPA theoretical calculation. n is the excited state number;

0f ;LP ðx0f ÞðGMÞ and d0f ;CP ðx0f ÞðGMÞ are the TPA cross-sections for LPL and CPL,
respectively and DdTPCLD is the TPCLD.

0f ;LP ðx0f Þ 0f ;CP ðx0f Þ
(nm) (GM) (GM)
S1 921.816 9.66  1001 1.15  1002 0.087
S2 802.487 4.58  1003 3.02  1003 0.205
S3 692.649 1.73  1003 2.59  1003 0.200
S4 683.109 2.07  1001 2.88  1001 0.167
S5 654.270 8.66  1002 5.60  1002 0.212
S6 618.375 1.12  1003 7.59  1002 0.190
S7 610.760 1.83  1002 1.35  1002 0.156
S8 586.214 2.72  1001 1.85  1001 0.190
S9 536.728 1.79  1002 1.24  1002 0.183
S10 532.121 8.56  1001 6.16  1001 0.163
S11 509.176 6.48  1002 4.40  1002 0.190
S12 507.093 2.12  1002 1.52  1002 0.163
S13 506.058 7.37  1001 1.11  1000 0.200
S14 499.936 2.86  1001 4.30  1001 0.200
S15 492.001 6.18  1002 4.13  1002 0.198
S16 490.056 1.73  1000 2.59  1000 0.200
S17 489.090 9.52  1001 9.78  1001 0.015
Figure 4. Log–Log plot of the normalized transmittance change vs. input irradiance
S18 485.261 3.41  1002 5.11  1002 0.200
at 600 (black squares), 740 (blue spheres) and 840 nm (red triangles). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

the theoretical spectra, dTPA ðk < 600 nmÞ of curcumin, in the visible
spectral region, remains below the maximum value obtained at nitude between the two spectra is attributed to the same factors
740 nm. In order to corroborate TPA within the studied spectral described above on the TPA spectra analysis. Second, according
range we measured the normalized transmittance change vs. input to theoretical results reported by Nascimento [36] on the polariza-
at 600, 740 and 840 nm (see Figure 4). A slope equal to one, in the tion dependence of TPA rates for randomly oriented molecules and
log–log plot, evidences the typical quadratic law with respect to those by De Boni and co-workers on TPA polarization dependence
the input irradiance for TPA processes [42]. of perylene [37], a negative TPCLD value (DdTPCLD < 0) throughout
Finally, we analyze the experimental and theoretical TPCLD the whole spectral region indicates that the main TPA transitions
spectra of curcumin/THF (Figure 5). This novel spectroscopic tech- take place between states of the same symmetry. This can be cor-
nique can be utilized to determine the symmetry of the excited roborated by carefully inspecting values of DdTPCLD in Table 1.
states and the relative orientation between transition electric di- Although, excitations to excited states S1, S3 and S4 present
pole moments [37]. First thing to notice in Figure 5 is the spectral 0 < DdTPCLD 6 0:2, and to S13, S14, S16, S17 and S18 DdTPCLD ¼ 0:2,
agreement between theory and experiment. The difference in mag- which correspond to transitions between states of different
164 J.A. Tiburcio-Moreno et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 583 (2013) 160–164

CHE-0840431. Tiburcio-Moreno would like to thanks CONACYT

Mexico for their financial support through the Ph.D. scholarship
program. F.E. Hernandez would like to thank Dr. Sergio Tafur
(STOKES ARCC) and Dr. Haining Wang (Chemistry Department),
for their assistance in implementing of Dalton 2011 at UCF.


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This work was partially supported by the National Science

Foundation through Grants Number CHE-0832622 and

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