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Omar Hernandez Maldonado

I, Omar Hernandez Maldonado, a resident of the State of Texas, make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will
and Testament, revoking all wills and codicils at any time heretofore made by me.

FIRST: I direct that the expenses of my last illness and funeral, the expenses of the administration of my estate, and
all estate, inheritance and similar taxes payable with respect to property included in my estate, whether or not
passing under this will, and any interest or penalties thereon, shall be paid out of my residuary estate, without
apportionment and with no right of reimbursement from any recipient of any such property.

SECOND: I am married to Christina Ramirez. I have the following children: Alondra M Hernandez Rodriguez born
on April 24, 2006 and Krystal M Hernandez Rodriguez born on November 19, 2002.

THIRD: I make the following specific gifts of property:

I give my All the money from the accident and dog bite to Christina Ramirez.

Any specific gift made in this will to two or more beneficiaries shall be shared equally among them, unless unequal
shares are specifically indicated. All shared gifts must be sold, and the net proceeds distributed as the will directs,
unless all beneficiaries for that gift agree in writing, after my death, that the gift need not be sold.

Unless specific gifts are otherwise mentioned, I give all tangible personal property owned by me at the time of my
death, including without limitation personal effects, clothing, jewelry, furniture, furnishings, household goods,
automobiles and other vehicles, together with all insurance policies relating thereto, to my Wife, if she survives me,
or if she does not survive me, to those of my children who survive me, in substantially equal shares, to be divided
among them as they shall agree, or if they cannot agree, or if any of them shall be under the age of twenty one (21)
years, as my Executor shall determine. If any of said children shall be under the age of twenty one (21) years at my
death, my Executor may sell any property bequeathed to said child under this Article THIRD, as my Executor may
deem appropriate, or my Executor may hold such property or any proceeds thereof, without bond, surety or other
security, until said child attains said age or such earlier time as my Executor may deem proper to deliver any such
property or proceeds to said child, or to said child's guardian or any person with whom said child resides for the use
of said child. All costs incurred by my Executor in connection with obtaining possession, appraising, safeguarding,
delivering or selling such property shall be paid as expenses of administering my estate.

FOURTH: I give all the rest, residue and remainder of my property and estate, both real and personal, of whatever
kind and wherever located, that I own or to which I shall be in any manner entitled at the time of my death
(collectively referred to as my "residuary estate"), as follows:

(a) If my Wife survives me, to my Wife outright.

(b) If my Wife does not survive me, then to those of my children who survive me and to the issue who survive me of
those of my children who shall not survive me, per stirpes. If, however, any such child then shall be under the age of
twenty one (21) years (each such child being hereinafter referred to as a "Beneficiary"), the share of such
Beneficiary shall not be paid or distributed to such Beneficiary but instead shall be given to my Executor and held
by my Executor, IN TRUST, pursuant to the following provisions:

(i) My Executor shall hold, manage, invest and reinvest each share set aside for each Beneficiary in a separate trust
for the benefit of such Beneficiary and shall pay so much or all of the net income from each such trust to or for the
benefit of the Beneficiary thereof, for the health, education, maintenance and support of the Beneficiary, to such
extent and at such time or times and in such manner as may be determined in the absolute discretion of my
Executor. Any net income not so paid shall be accumulated and added to principal at least annually and thereafter
shall be held, administered and disposed of as a part thereof.

(ii) In addition, my Executor may pay to or for the benefit of each Beneficiary, for the health, education,
maintenance and support of each Beneficiary, from the principal of each Beneficiary's trust, such amounts,
including the whole thereof, as determined in the absolute discretion of my Executor.

(iii) When any Beneficiary shall attain the age of twenty one (21) years, the trust for such Beneficiary shall terminate
and any remaining principal and income shall be paid and distributed to such Beneficiary, discharged of trust. If
such Beneficiary dies before said age, such principal and income shall be paid and distributed to any then living
issue of such Beneficiary, per stirpes, or if such Beneficiary has no issue to my then living issue, per stirpes. If any

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such issue is a beneficiary of a trust under this will, the same may be held in accordance with such trust. If there are
no then living issue, the same shall be paid and distributed to the beneficiaries of my residuary estate then in being
as provided in this will, or if there are none, to those who would take from me as if I were then to die without a will,
unmarried and the absolute owner of the same, and a resident of the State of Texas.

(c) If my Wife does not survive me and there shall be no issue of mine then living, I give my residuary estate to those
who would take from me as if I were then to die without a will, unmarried and the absolute owner of my residuary
estate, and a resident of the State of Texas.

FIFTH: If any property of my estate vests in absolute ownership in a minor or incompetent, my Executor, at any time
and without court authorization, may: distribute the whole or any part of such property to the beneficiary; or use the
whole or any part for the health, education, maintenance and support of the beneficiary; or distribute the whole or
any part to a guardian, committee or other legal representative of the beneficiary, or to a custodian for the
beneficiary under any gifts to minors or transfers to minors act, or to the person or persons with whom the
beneficiary resides. Evidence of any such distribution or the receipt therefore executed by the person to whom the
distribution is made shall be a full discharge of my Executor from any liability with respect thereto, even though my
Executor may be such person. If such beneficiary is a minor, my Executor may defer the distribution of the whole or
any part of such property until the beneficiary attains the age of twenty one (21) years, and may hold the same as a
separate fund for the beneficiary with all of the powers described in Article SEVENTH hereof. If the beneficiary dies
before attaining said age, any balance shall be paid and distributed to the estate of the beneficiary.

SIXTH: I appoint Christina Ramirez to be my Executor. If Christina Ramirez does not survive me, or shall fail to
qualify for any reason as my personal representative, or having qualified shall die, resign or cease to act for any
reason as my executor, I appoint Olga Del Bosque as my executor. To the extent permitted by the laws of the State
of Texas, this will is intended as and shall be construed to be a nonintervention will and, after the probate of this
will, no further proceedings in court shall be necessary other than to comply with the statutes relating to the
handling of estates under nonintervention wills. No bond or surety or other security shall be required of any
Personal Representative serving hereunder. The decision to administer my estate independently or under court
supervision shall be made solely by my personal representative.

SEVENTH: I grant to my Executor all powers conferred upon executors wherever my Executor may act. I also grant
to my Executor power to retain, sell at public or private sale, exchange, grant options on, invest and reinvest, and
otherwise deal with any kind of property, real or personal, for cash or on credit; to borrow money and encumber or
pledge any property to secure loans; to divide and distribute property in cash or in kind; to exercise all powers of an
absolute owner of property; to compromise and release claims with or without consideration; and to employ
attorneys, accountants and other persons for services or advice. The term "Executor" wherever used herein shall
mean the executors, executor, executrix or administrator in office from time to time.

EIGHTH: I direct that for purposes of this will a beneficiary shall be deemed to predecease me unless such
beneficiary survives me by more than thirty days. The terms "child", "children" and "issue", as used in this will,
include children and issue hereafter born.

NINTH: If my Wife shall not survive me, I appoint Olga Del Bosque to be the Guardian of the person and property of
any children of mine who have not attained the age of majority. If Olga Del Bosque does not survive me, or shall fail
to qualify for any reason as the Guardian, or having qualified shall die, resign or cease to act for any reason as my
Guardian, I appoint Alyssa M Lozano as my Guardian. No Guardian shall be required to file or furnish any bond,
surety or other security in any jurisdiction.

TENTH: I make no specific choices with regard to my bodily remains. I make no specific choices with regard to my
funeral. I direct that any outstanding costs associated with my final arrangements shall be paid out of my estate by
my executor.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Omar Hernandez Maldonado, sign my name and publish and declare this instrument as
my last will and testament this ____ day of ____________, 20___. I also have affixed my initials on the bottom of each of
the preceding pages hereof.

Omar Hernandez Maldonado

We, the witnesses, at the Testator's request, sign our names to this instrument, being first duly sworn, and do
hereby declare to the undersigned authority that the Testator signs and executes this instrument as the Testator's
will and that the Testator signs it willingly, and that each of us, in the presence and hearing of the Testator, hereby

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signs this will as witness to the Testator's signing, and that to the best of our knowledge the Testator is eighteen
years of age or older, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
First Witness Signature Second Witness Signature

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
First Witness Printed Name Second Witness Printed Name

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Date Date

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
First Witness Address Second Witness Address

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
First Witness City, State, Zip Second Witness City, State, Zip

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Affidavit of Witnesses

STATE OF Texas, COUNTY OF _________________, ss.

Before me the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared:

the Testator,

Omar Hernandez Maldonado having an address at, 7902 Corum Trail Dr, San Antonio, Texas 78244,

and each of the undersigned witnesses,

__________________________ having an address at, ________________________,


__________________________ having an address at, ________________________,

respectively, being individually and severally duly sworn, did depose and say that:

The foregoing last will and testament was subscribed in our presence and sight by ________________________, the
Testator named therein. The undersigned witnessed the execution of said will of ________________________, on this

At the time the instrument was so subscribed, the Testator declared said instrument to be their last will and
testament. The undersigned thereupon signed their names as witnesses at the end of said will at the request of the
Testator, in the presence of the Testator and each other. At the time of so executing said will, in our respective
opinions, the Testator was at least eighteen years of age, and was of sound mind, memory and understanding, under
no constraint, duress, fraud or undue influence, and in no respect incompetent to make a valid will. In our
respective opinions, the Testator was able to read, write and converse in the English language, and was not
suffering from any defect of sight, hearing or speech, or from any other physical or mental impairment which would
affect their capacity to make a valid will. Each of us was acquainted with the Testator, and we make this affidavit at
their request. Said will was shown to us at the time this affidavit was made, and we examined it as to the signature
of the Testator and our signatures. Said will was executed as a single, original instrument, and not in counterparts.

Testator Signature

First Witness Signature

Second Witness Signature

Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by ____________________, the Testator, and subscribed and sworn
to before me by the said _________________, and _______________, as witnesses, this ____ day of ____________, 20___.

Notary Public

My commission expires on: _______________


Dated: _______________, 20___.


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Signing your Documents

Signing your Will:

To properly sign your Will, you the Testator, must first select two witnesses. Your witnesses watch you sign your
Will, and then sign their names in the spaces provided.

If you decided to have your Will notarized (which is the common and recommended practice), you and your
witnesses will need to go to the notary together to all sign the Will at the same time. You and the witnesses should
read the Affidavit, fill in your names, execute and swear to it before the notary public. Inspect the Will and confirm
that the date, signatures, and other blanks are properly inserted and legible.

You must do this correctly. Unless your Will is properly witnessed, it won't be valid.

The witnesses must be competent adults (over age 18) who are not beneficiaries under the Will. This is important
because if you leave property to a witness, that person may be disqualified as a witness or even disqualified from
inheriting that property. For these reasons, do not select your spouse or any of your children as witnesses. If
possible, the witnesses should be people who will be easy to locate upon your death. This usually means the
witnesses are people who don't move around a lot and are younger than you.

During the execution of the Will, you, all witnesses, the notary public, and the Will must at all times be present. No
one should leave the room, or be out of the sight or hearing of the others. The Will should never be out of the sight
of anyone. The proceedings should reflect the gravity of making a Will. When you're ready to sign your Will, call
your witnesses together in one place. They need not read your Will and you need not read it to them. However, they
must all be aware that you intend the document to be your Will. A simple statement to that effect will suffice, i.e.
"[T]his is my Will and I want you to witness it."

When signing, sign in ink in the same form of your name you used in your Will. For example, if you start your Will
with the name of John H. Smith, sign your Will the same way, not in another form, such as "JH Smith" or "John
Henry Smith." Once you've signed your Will, ask your witnesses to date and sign it in ink with their normal
signatures and fill in their names and addresses in the spaces indicated.

After signing the Will, decide where the original Will is to be kept and inform the executor and any alternates of the
location. Beware of storage in a bank safety deposit box as some states require that they be sealed upon death and
retrieval of the Will documents could be difficult. Generally, storage in a fireproof box or some other safe location
should be sufficient.

Remember: Should you desire to change your Will in the future, a formal Codicil or new Will will have to be
executed. You should not write on or otherwise attempt to revise the Will.

Congratulations on completing your documents and thank you from

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will be using it, we suggest you contact an attorney.

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