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Head, Department of Foundry Technology, PSG Polytechnic College,
Coimbatore – 641 004, Phone No: 0422 4344465, [email protected]


In the manufacturing sector, metal casting industry is one of the basic, principal and most important industries. In

the present global scenario of recession and high competitiveness among the foundry industry, cost effectiveness

has a crucial role to play in determining the edge of one over the other and the industry as a whole. Cost-

effectiveness does not mean a strategy that saves money and just because a strategy saves money doesn't

mean that it is cost-effective. The casting process is hindered by the occurrence of various defects. High casting

reject levels, both internal and customer returns have a considerable adverse effect on productivity, delivery

performance, customer satisfaction and employee moral. In addition excessive rejection reduces yield, wastes

valuable raw materials and involves management time in problem solving.

All foundry processes generate a certain level of rejection that is closely related to the type of casting, the

processes used and the equipments available. However, in most foundries a substantial proportion of rejection

result from lack of shop-floor supervision and technical control, and the use of poorly maintained and inadequate

equipment. The rejected casting can only be re-melted and the value addition made during various processes

such as melting, moulding, fettling and heat treatment, etc is lost irrecoverably. Keeping rejection to a bare

minimum is essential to improve the yield and increase the effective capacity of the foundry unit.

Most of the foundries have no precise knowledge of the main causes of rejection because they fail to maintain a

satisfactory quality control system. There is a need for an organized system of collecting information on the

process parameters relating to the potential casting defects. Also, there is a need for developing a database of

solutions for eliminating undesirable casting artifacts. Internal and external failure costs contribute to over 70% of

the total quality costs in foundries. Quality costs in a foundry can vary between 3% and 15% of the total sales

volume. Any attempt to reduce these costs is an immense benefit to the foundry industry.
The approach taken by this paper is expected to motivate the foundries to use a standard classification system to

describe undesirable casting artifacts for more effective failure analysis. It will also encourage foundries to

develop systems to measure process parameters relating to the defects that occur in the foundries and pool the

resources of domain experts. Any reduction in the scrap and rework also positively influences the environmental

impact of our industry. In this paper, it deals the various aspects of a systematic approach to understanding and

development of quality cost system in cast iron foundries.

KEYWORDS: Cast Iron foundries, Cost of quality, Rejection analysis, casting defects control, Development of

Quality cost system, Fault tree analysis.


Today's highly competitive and cyclical manufacturing environment finds customers consistently demanding

higher and higher quality while suppliers strive to reduce operating cost to remain profitable. Often, foundries

respond to customers' quality demands by implementing total quality management or continuous improvement

teams to identify ways to increase customer satisfaction. However, the foundries have found that the cost for

increased customer satisfaction is not always justified in terms of increased market share or profitability. In these

cases, the economic feasibility of making the necessary capital investment required implementing new ideas

and/or equipment to improve quality is not readily apparent. In this context, quality improvements are often difficult

for practicing engineers to justify and accept, when the benefits are not apparent from a strategic and economic

perspective. For a cost of quality system to be effective in today's manufacturing environment, it must overcome

these difficulties, and result in an increased market share, profitability, and/or lead to cost reductions. In this

context, the importance of employee involvement is underscored. For the cost of quality system to be effective, it

is important to understand the operational, strategic and customer-related dimensions of quality.

The objective of this paper is to present an integrative systematic approach to addressing the cost of quality

based on nonconformance relative to a set of internal manufacturing standards in Cast iron foundries. By design,

this approach provides a detailed corrective action path which stresses employee participation. The advocated

approach is customer influence based. The value of this practical approach has been proven by an application in
a foundry industry environment. In the process the organizational requirements toward implementing this

approach are outlined.


Management in today's business environment understands that quality is a powerful competitive weapon.

However, many organizations have not realized bottom line or market share benefits owing to their quality efforts.

Shepherd (1) notes management's failure to recognize undiscovered opportunities, and suggests a cost of quality

model that combines the economics of quality with activity-based management. Although Shepherd suggests that

his model helps restructure an enterprise for continuous improvement, the full feedback and corrective actions

that are vital to implementation are not apparent.

The linkage between quality problems and profitability in terms of market share represents a paradigm shift from

the traditional view of quality cost. Schonberger and Knod (2) challenge the traditional quality cost where

industries ``play the odds'' by comparing the liability of poor quality against the cost of preventing it.

Schneiderman (3) notes that infinite investment is not a prerequisite for continuous quality improvement.

Schneiderman suggests that the quality cost function should be viewed on the basis of incremental economics.

Economic justification of a cost of quality plan is advocated by Rust (4) who proposes a cost-benefit analysis

approach to quality improvement and also advocates a system that strives to eliminate deficiencies by seeking

alternative solutions to quality problems. Rust points out that poor quality costs must be traced to their source or

root cause, before these costs can be eliminated. Rust suggests a four-step strategy that attacks the cost of

nonconformance causes and attempts to drive them to zero. However, specific guidelines as to how to achieve a

zero cost of nonconformance goal are not presented. Although Rust stresses investing in prevention measures

and continuous improvement efforts, the step for corrective action are not discussed and concludes that the

baseline for nonconformance cost is found in the manufacturing process.

Corradi (5) suggests that contemporary quality efforts lack a systematic approach to assigning cost data into

meaningful categories and also that most management teams tend to concentrate on fixing problems rather than

preventing them. Consequently, Corradi introduces a six-step plan for developing a cost of quality system. The

framework he advocates stresses management involvement in the development and implementation of the cost of
quality system. He contends that quality programmes are ``management tools'' which will contribute to its

managerial success. However, this philosophy downplays the value of employee participation which the authors

have found to be vital to the effectiveness of any quality Programme.

According to Senge (6), many initial attempts to establish quality systems in organization ultimately fail, despite

making some initial progress. In most cases, this is attributed to employees' unwillingness to support this system.

Corradi concludes that every rupees saved from the cost of quality can be added to the bottom line as increased

profit. However, front line employees will never accept the importance of these costs until the benefits become

real to them. The fundamental theme of current cost of quality efforts reflects the need for a total system

approach. However, the detailed implementation path for corrective action and employee utilization has not been

identified. The approach presented in this study capitalizes on the studies discussed above, while attempting to

overcome their shortcomings. In addition, the approach is systematic, comprehensive and field tested.


The design of quality cost system in a foundry initially to study the setting and objectives of the requirement. And

then identify the solution of the requirements to incorporate the existing system and finally to development the

quality cost system in the foundries. Initially to identifying opportunities toward simultaneous quality improvement

and cost reductions which may in turn result in increased customer satisfaction and profitability.

3.1 Objectives of the system

Given the potential implications of manufacturing cost associated with product quality and customer service and

satisfaction, the author to examine its quality efforts with emphasis on quality related costs. The objective was to

identify the sources and contributing factors which can add to the cost of quality and determine the estimated cost

of nonconformance to a foundry industry stated quality goals. The following objectives for the system:

(i) Design a quality system that included concern for the customer

(ii) Utilize the existing quality standards to gauge process performance and product quality

(iii) Develop a rejection diagnosis sheet to quantify nonconformance cost related to internal quality


(iv) Quality cost analysis

(v) Involve employees and utilize continuous improvement tools.

3.2 Development of Quality Cost System

The cost of quality system includes of cost of prevention, cost of appraisal, cost of internal failure and cost of

external failure (7). In a metal casting environment, Total Quality Management teams gather quality related

problem data, isolate problem areas, and establish the need for corrective actions. As a manufacturer, any

organization is a quality conscious firm. It is committed to the continuous quality improvements of raw material,

products, processes and services. The management team has established quality goals for each of these

manufacturing related activities. The standards for these goals are based on research, experience and customer

needs. The authors' proposed approach allowed management to quantify the impact of changes in these key

quality indicators.

A record must be made of the number of castings inspected as well as the total produced. All castings with

rejection levels of above budget should be highlighted. When the high incidence of rejection is due to a particular

case, this will be clearly shown by the frequency of entries on the record sheet, giving a direct indication of where

action is required.

Table 1 present’s production and rejection details of a set of selected castings produced in a foundry. This type of

rejection diagnosis sheet [8] is highly useful. It is used to assess the scrap performance of each casting. The

information recorded typically includes the foundry rejection scrap, cause and action taken, total number or weight

of castings produced and dispatched to customer. The system should ensure that the main causes of rejection

levels as exceeding the budget sheet. Mutual confidence between a foundry and its customer depends upon

close liaison, good communications at all levels and the maintenance of adequate records.

Table 1 Rejection diagnosis sheet

Sl. Part Wt. of Price Per Total Total Rejection Value of

No No. Casting Casting @ Production rejection (%) Rejection
(Kg) Rs.60/Kg (Nos.) (Nos.) (Rs.)

1 A001 1.50 90 248 20 8.06 1800

2 A002 6.50 390 206 13 6.31 5070
3 A003 5.85 351 160 4 2.50 1404
4 A004 4.50 270 104 34 32.69 9180

The variances from goals are determined, as well as their subsequent costs, if any. The nonconformance cost is

calculated and posted in terms of manufacturing cost per day and then analyzed.

This approach was also helpful in identifying a strategic direction linking quality improvements to profits through

cost savings and increased production efficiency. By design, this approach provides a mechanism for determining

a return on quality-related investments. As a result, this approach provides a means for quantifying the cost of

quality failures. In addition, cost reduction(s) realized from improvements are translated into savings opportunities.

It is important to diagnose and record the causes of all castings rejected by customers. The supplying foundry

should be aware of the high costs involved when castings have to be rejected. A casting method card for

recording the main production specification and inspection details is a vital document. When a method card is

being maintained, there is no need to relay on the memories of supervisors and operators for important data. It is

important to use the method card for recording the dates and nature of changes in technique or of specific

materials used in manufacture.

All defective castings, wherever they are arise, should be collected and segregated into

marked scrap bins or enclosures. Additional scrap return from the customer or in-house machine shop must also

be segregated for inspection and subsequently incorporated in the overall scrap records. All heavy or large scrap

castings should be clearly marked.


To arrive at the rejection cost, let us consider component A001 (Refer Table 1).

Total number of castings produced 248

Number of castings rejected 20

Rejection 8.06%

Price per casting (Rs 60/kg) Rs 90

Value of rejected casting Rs 1800

Value of raw material recovered from rejected castings (Rs 20/kg) Rs 600

Net rejection cost (Rs 1800 - Rs 600) Rs 1200

In the similar way the other components are evaluated and the rejection cost for each component is given in

Table 2.

Table 2 Cost of Quality Analysis in Foundry

Value of Good Recovered material Net Rejection

Value of
Part No. Casting @ Rs.60/Kg cost @ Rs.20/Kg Cost
Rejection (Rs.)
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
A001 1800 20520 600 1200
A002 5070 75270 1690 3380
A003 1404 54756 468 936
A004 9180 18900 3060 6120
Total 17454 169446 5818 11636

The analysis of rejections in Foundry, it is observed that net rejection cost is 6.43 % of the total cost incurred in

the manufacture of the component. This it imperative the adequate attention is to be paid in reducing rejections of

the castings and to improve the quality of foundry processes. By using various analysis tools like Why – Why

Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Failure Mode Effect Analysis, cause effect analysis, statistical quality control

analysis, statistical process control analysis to control the rejection.


Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a graphic depiction or model of the rationally conceivable sequences of events within

a complex system that could lead ultimately to the observed failure or potential failure. In this case the potential

failure is the defect that caused the casting to be got rejected. Since we have found out the most predominant

defect of all, it gives a confined area to be focused on. With the help of Fault Tree Analysis, it would be able to

derive out the root cause of the defect. To have a clear understanding of the FTA one has to know the symbols

used in FTA. The symbols used in fault tree analysis are presented in Table.3 and a sample fault tree developed

for the blowhole defect is presented in Fig.1.

Table 3 Symbols used in FTA

Blow holes

Preheating problem
Improper Excessive
Improper mould pattern
sand spray

Improper Improper Improper

preheatin preheating preheating Hard cores
Lack of mould Hard mould
of graw material of furnace laddles

Clay composition Insufficient new High carbonaceous Hot sand High moisture
sand material

high composition low composition

Fig. 1 Fault Tree Diagram for Blow holes


The successful implementation of this approach in one of a foundry units led management to investigate its

application to other facilities. This decision was motivated by the potential cost savings and enhanced customer

service owing to the approach described here. This case study clearly illustrates how the implementation of the

cost of quality system. In this context, the proposed system met foundry’s management team's request to identify

and list the sources and conditions which can add to the cost of quality. Also, a methodology to determine the

costs of nonconformance to the stated quality standards, guidelines, procedures and specifications was

successfully applied.

Results of this investigation revealed that casting manufacturing plant is successful at producing quality products.

It consistently met most of its quality goals. However, it is important to note the sensitivity in terms of variances

from the standards and the associated nonconformance costs for a sample of items listed in Table I. Although

senior management suspected that opportunities existed for cost reduction, they were surprised at the magnitude

of the annualized impact of the associated nonconformance costs. Based on the results of this investigation, the

foundry decided to conduct cost of nonconformance analysis at all manufacturing facilities.

The advantage of a constant focus within the organization on adding value as opposed to cutting costs is the

direct linkage of an orientation of projects to increasing customer satisfaction and shareholder value. Keeping

rejections to a bare minimum is essential to improve the yield and increase the effective capacity of the

manufacturing unit. This paper shows only a direction but the path has to be found and treaded by the individual

foundry as per their requirement. They should analyze the rejection data with any analyzing tool like Statistical

Quality Control, Failure Mode Effect Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, etc. The foundry may set a yield target after a

careful study of the present yield levels and industrial average’s. This target should take into account the current

product mix of the foundry as each casting and metal has varying yield.

At the beginning of a rejection reduction process, to defect identification and terminology used should be

standardized. A standard set of photographs of defects in castings, or reference made to various publications on

this subject, may be very useful for this purpose. It is also important that the rejection analysis team involved in

the exercise should be experienced, comprising the foundry manager, inspectors, metallurgist and methods

engineer. Frequently, certain defects, particularly inclusions, cannot be accurately diagnosed visually and a

metallurgical examination may be necessary to provide positive identification. Unless accurate diagnosis has

been made, incorrect remedial action may be taken, which could prove costly.
Regular meetings devoted to the discussion quality and rejection can help to generate and maintain Rejection

control awareness in the foundries. Adequate records, of the type described above and essential for the efficient

running of such meetings. The frequencies of rejection analysis meetings, the number of people required to

attend, depend on the size of the foundry and the type of castings being produced. However, in general short but

frequent meetings tend to be the most effective.


The application of the cost of quality approach in the foundry industry environment provides a systematic,

structured approach to the quality problem and identification of correction that focuses on unfavorable variances

in operational performances. The approach presented and applied in this study, capitalizes on the system

orientation of business organization, continuous quality improvement techniques, proactive managerial actions, to

achieve product efficiency, customer satisfaction, and strategic effectiveness.

As noted by Shepherd, there are many undiscovered opportunities to convert quality and process improvements

into bottom-line benefits. However, the details of the assessment of missed quality objectives and means for

quantifying and implementing corrective actions were previously missing. The research presented here provides a

significant step toward overcoming these difficulties by providing a systematic practical approach to addressing

the cost of quality.

For an organization to realize the operational, strategic and customer-related benefits of the approach proposed

here, it must meet the following requirements and undertake the required changes.

(a) Organizational structure-related requirements and changes:

 Change organizational structure and culture in order to promote an open system organizational

structure without functional barriers

 Promote the interaction between the organization and its environment

 Promote a customer orientation based on the delivery of quality to customers throughout the organization

 Modify reward systems to reward quality and customer orientation rather than quantity
 Establish strategic alliances with suppliers and vendors to promote input quality.

(b) Technical requirements and changes:

 application of innovative techniques such as process analysis, process reengineering, benchmarking,

TQM, continuous quality improvement, root cause analysis, supply chain analysis and time-based


 Applications of statistical quality procedures and sampling procedures

 Understanding the relationship between quality and cost

 Understanding the different definitions and dimensions of quality.

(c) Informational requirements and changes:

 Establish a quality and cost-related information system and databases that connect the entire

organization by utilizing information technology, so it can operate as a total system

 Link the organization to customers and supplies, so that can operate as an open system.

(i) Shepherd, N., Economics of quality and activity based management: the bridge to continuous improvement,

The Management Accounting Magazine, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 29-32, 1995.

(ii) Schonberger, R.J. and Knod, E.M. Jr, Operations Management, Fourth edition, IL and Boston, 1991.

(iii) Schneiderman, A.M., Optimum quality costs and zero defects: are they contradictory concepts?, Quality

Progress, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 29, 1986.

(iv) Rust, K.G., Measuring the cost of quality, Management Accounting, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 33 - 37, 1995.

(v) Corradi, P.R., Is a cost of quality system for you?, National Productivity Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 257-270,


(vi) Senge, P.M., The Fifth Discipline, Fist edition, Doubleday, New York, 1990.

(vii) Andrew J.Czuchry, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Gregory S.Little, A Systematic Approach to Understanding Cost of

Quality: A Field Study, Industrial & Data Systems, Vol.99, No.8, pp.362-366, 1999.

(viii) M.Arasu and Dr.R.Gandhinathan, Rejection Cost Control Techniques in Iron Foundries, Indian Foundry

Journal, Vol.51, No.6, pp. 36 - 40, July 2005.

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