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The Philippines' Department of Labor
and Employment is the executive
department of the Philippine
Government mandated to formulate
policies, implement programs and
services, and serve as the
policy-coordinating arm of the
Executive Branch in the field of labor
and employment.
Includes any person acting directly
or indirectly in the interest of an
employer in relation to an employee
and shall include the Government
and all its branches, subdivision and
instrumentalities, all government-
owned or controlled corporations and
institutions, as well as non-profit
private institutions, or organizations.
Includes any individual
employed by an employer.
1. Regular or Permanent Employment
Regular or Permanent Employment is when an employee
performs activities that are usually necessary or desirable in
the usual business or trade of the employer. They enjoy the
benefit of security of tenure provided by the Philippine
Constitution and cannot be terminated for causes other than
those provided by law and only after due process is given to
2. Term or Fixed Employment
Term or Fixed-Term Employment is when the employee renders service for
a definite period of time and the employment contract must be terminated
after such period expires. This type of employment is determined not by the
activities that the employee is expected to perform but by the
commencement and termination of the employment relationship.
3. Project Employment
Project Employment is defined when an employee is hired for a specific
project or undertaking and the employment duration is specified by the
scope of work and/or length of the project. A project employee may acquire
the status of a regular employee when they are continuously rehired after
the completion of the project or when the tasks they perform are vital,
necessary, and indispensable to the usual business or trade of the employer.
4. Seasonal Employment
Seasonal Employment is when the work to be performed is only for a certain
time or season of the year and the employment is only for that duration.
This type is common practice to Retail, Food and Beverage, Hospitality and
other related industries as augmentation to their workforce to cover for the
demand during peak seasons
5. Casual Employment
There is Casual Employment when an employee performs work that is not
usually necessary or primarily related to the employer’s business or trade.
The definite period of employment should be made known to the employee
at the time they started rendering service.

If the employee has rendered service for at least one (1) year in the same
company, whether the casual employment is continuous or not, they shall
be considered a regular employee with respect to the activity they are
employed and will continue rendering service while such activity exists.
In general, full-time employment is defined as
a standard 40-hour work week, while part-time
is usually any work week that is less than 40
hrs a week, maximum hours at 30 hrs per week.
(a) No child below fifteen (15)
years of age shall be employed,
except when he works directly
under the sole responsibility of his
parents or guardian, and his
employment does not in any way
interfere with his schooling.
(b) Any person between fifteen (15)
and eighteen (18) years of age may
be employed for such number of
hours and such periods of the day
as determined by the Secretary of
Labor in appropriate regulations.
(C) The foregoing provisions shall
In no case allow the employment of
a person below eighteen (18) years
of age in an undertaking which is
hazardous in nature as determined
by the Secretary of Labor.
Is a kind of contract used in
Labor Law to attribute rights
and responsibilities between
parties to a bargain. The
contract is between an
“employee” and an “employer”.
The normal hours of
work of any employee
shall not exceed eight
(8) hours a day.
It shall be the duty of
every employer to give
his employees not less
than sixty (60) minutes
time-off for their regular
Work may be performed
beyond eight (8) hours a day
provided that the employee
is paid for the overtime work
an additional compensation
equivalent to his regular
wage plus at least twenty-
five (25%) percent thereof.
Work performed beyond
eight hours on a holiday or
rest day shall be paid an
additional compensation
equivalent to the rate of the
first eight hours on a holiday
or rest day plus at least thirty
(30%) percent thereof.
Undertime work on any
particular day shall not be
offset by overtime work
on any other day.
Every employee who has
rendered at least one (1) year
of service shall be entitled to
a yearly service incentive
leave of five (5) days with pay.
Holiday pay refers to the
payment of regular daily wage
for any unworked Regular
Holiday at the rate of 100%.
If the employee is allowed
or required to work on a
Regular Holiday, he is entitled
To 200% of his daily wage
It shall be the duty of every
employer, whether operating for
profit or not, to provide each of
his employees a rest period of
not less than twenty-four (24)
consecutive hours after every
six (6) consecutive normal work
“Wages” applies to the
Compensation for manual labor,
skilled or unskilled, paid at
Stated times, and measured by
the day, week, month, or
“Salary” denotes a higher
degree of employment, or a
superior grade of services, and
implies a position or office.
The minimum wage rates for
Agricultural and non-agricultural
Employees and workers in each
and every region of the country
Shall be those prescribed by the
Regional Tripartite Wages and
Productivity Boards.
All employers are mandated to
pay their employees 13th month
pay, regardless of the nature of
Their employment, provided
they worked for at least one (1)
month during a calendar year.
Wages shall be paid at least
once every two (2) weeks or
twice a month at intervals not
exceeding sixteen (16) days.
No employer shall pay the
wages of an employee by
means of promissory notes,
vouchers, coupons, tokens,
chits or any object other than
legal tender; even when
expressly requested by the
No employer, in his own behalf
Of any person, shall make any d
eduction from the wages of his e
mployees, except:
(a) With consent
(b) For union dues
(c) Authorized by law
An act granting paternity leave
of seven (7) days with fullpay
to all married employees in the
private and public sectors for
the first four (4) deliveries of
the legitimate spouse with
whom he is cohabiting and for
other purposes.
A female employee shall be
entitled to up to two (2) months
of special leave with full pay
following surgery caused by
gynecological disorders.
Grants parental leave of seven
(7) work days with full pay
every year.
Is given to employees in instances covered by
Articles 283 and 284 of the Labor Code. An
employee’s entitlement to Separation Pay depends
on the reason or ground for the termination of
his/her services. An employee may be terminated
for just cause and other similar causes as
enumerated under Article 282 of the Labor Code.
1. One-Half (1/2) Month Pay per Year of Service
a. Retrenchment
b. Closure or cessation of operation
c. When the employee is suffering from a disease
not curable within a period of six (6) months.
1. One-Month (1) Month Pay per Year of Service
a. Installation by employer of labor-saving device
b. Redundancy
c. Impossible reinstatement of the employee
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