HNO3 Production
HNO3 Production
HNO3 Production
López Rosaira. [1], Begambre Juan. [1], Osorio Taher. [1], Mercado Oswaldo. [1], Diaz Adrian. [1],
Baldiris Idelfonso. [2]
3rd Semester Students of Chemical Engineering Program, [2] Inorganic Chemistry Professor
Delivered: 17/06/2019
Analyze the Acid Nitric Production on a Laboratory and Industrial Scale
Learn about obtentions methods of Nitric Acid.
Understand the involved chemistry in Nitric Acid Production processes.
Learn about the uses of Nitric Acid
This text mainly covers the subject of nitric acid production, which, as a chemical engineers, it is
our responsibility to know, know and understand since it is a very important compound in the
chemical industry and with a very extensive global demand, which must be supplied on a large
Before starting to talk about nitric acid production, it is very important to know what nitric acid is
because we are interested in what it is used for and to know some history to contextualize the
subject described below.
It is known as Hydrogen Nitrate, Nitrile Hydroxide, Nital, Aqua fortis, Azoic Acid, WFNA for
White Fuming Nitric Acid, RFNA for Red Fuming Nitric Acid, "Spirit of Nitre".
Formula: HNO3 CAS: 7697-37-2 UN Number: 2031 Main Hazard Class UN: 8
Nitric Acid is a strong acid, corrosive and suffocating vapors; its common form in nature
corresponds to salts of type (X(NO3)n) and not to its acid form due to the high reactivity it
exhibits in front of many substances. It is a colorless or yellowish liquid, but it may turn reddish
if it contains enough dissolved Nitrogen Dioxide. It has a very strong irritating odor in high
concentrations. It is completely soluble in water forming an azeotropic at 69.2% of acid content
and the rest of H20.
When the concentration of nitric acid in the solution is above to 86%, the fuming "surname" is
attached to the acid. A distinction is made between red and white fuming nitric acid, depending
on the amount of nitrogen dioxide in the solution. It is called red fuming nitric acid when it
contains a minimum of 10% in NO2, and white fuming acid when it contains 0.5% NO2 and no
more than 2% of water content. The physical properties of the solution vary according to its
Nitric acid is a colorless liquid under environmental conditions (in the absence of water) that
decomposes slowly by the action of light, adopting a yellow coloring due to the NO2 produced in
the reaction:
4HNO3 → 4HNO2 + 2H2O + O2
Anhydrous nitric acid has a density of 1.522 kg/m3, a molecular weight of 63.0 g/mole and its
structural formula is as follows:
Nitric Acid decomposes by heating forming water, oxygen and Nitrogen Dioxide; this behavior
makes difficult the determination of many of its properties at temperatures above 50 ºC. It also
decomposes in the presence of alcohols.
Nitric acid is one of the strongest acids from the ionic point of view but what really characterizes
it chemically is its oxidizing capacity, which is manifested on almost all metals except in the case
of gold and platinum, this is somewhat curious because in the presence of hydrochloric acid if it
is able to dissolve them.
The main emissions generated by the manufacture of nitric acid consist of nitrogen oxides, traces
of ammonia and nitric acid, with NO2 being the most toxic compound generated in production.
Nitric acid is of interest to us because it serves as a nitrating agent in the manufacture of
explosives, as well as in the manufacture of fertilizers. Ammonium nitro sulfate is a simple
nitrogen fertilizer obtained chemically in the reaction of nitric and sulphuric acid with ammonia.
It is also used in certain cases in the passivation process. It is widely used in the electronics
industry, in the elaboration of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and in artistic engraving as "etching";
it is also used as an agent to test gold and platinum. It is currently one of the most widely used
acids both at industrial and laboratory level; its annual production in recent years amounts to 60
million tons. The most common industrial process for the production of nitric acid is based on the
catalytic oxidation of ammonia, a process first patented by the German chemist Wilhelm Ostwald
in 1902.
In practice, these three process steps can be carried out in different ways, resulting in several
different production processes. Modern nitric acid plants are designed according to mono-
pressure and dual-pressure processes. The peculiarities of one system and another will be
discussed and analyzed in a later article.
Catalytic oxidation of ammonia
The first stage of the synthesis route consists of the oxidation of ammonia whose efficiency is a
key factor.
The procedure consists of reacting in the catalytic reactor a mixture of ammonia and oxygen-
enriched air to selectively obtain nitric oxide, following the following reaction:
4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) → 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
Before the reaction takes place in the catalytic reactor, a number of steps are necessary.
The ammonia, once vaporized and filtered, joins the air stream, which has also been previously
filtered and compressed (taking advantage of the power generated in the gas and steam turbine).
When the ammonia/air mixture contains 10.2% ammonia (ratio suitable for maximizing NO
formation) it comes into contact with the catalyst, resulting in a very fast (with a space velocity of
60,000-600,000h-1) and exothermic (-226 kJ/mol) reaction.
Generally, an excess amount of air is provided relative to the stoichiometric amount in order to
control the flammability of the reaction mixture and to provide an additional amount of oxygen
for subsequent oxidation reactions.
The adsorption of ammonia is followed by its dehydrogenation by means of the adsorbed oxygen.
At an additional stage, the adsorbed nitrogen atoms can give N2 or react with other oxygen atoms
on the surface to produce NO. Selectivity to the desired product does not depend on the dilution
of the adsorbed nitrogen atoms with surface oxygen atoms, in other words, on the O2/NH3 ratio
of the initial gas feed. Increased O2/NH3 ratios lead to higher NO yields.
The catalytic oxidation of ammonia can follow different steps depending on the temperature,
obtaining nitrogenous products with different degrees of oxidation in ascending order: N2, N2O
and NO. The competition between the molecules of NH3 and O2 for adsorption, mentioned
above, varies according to temperature. At low temperatures, the adsorption of nitrogen
predominates, while as the temperature increases the dissociative adsorption of oxygen molecules
increases, resulting in a greater formation of oxidized products.
Following this, in the presence of the catalyst at low temperatures (150-200°C), N2 is the only
nitrogen product. As the temperature rises, the formation of N2O begins, passing through a
maximum (at 400°C) with the increase in temperature. The formation of NO, the desired product
for the formulation of nitric acid, starts at 300°C and its performance increases with temperature.
In addition, the influence of temperature on performance is reflected in the amount of N2O
formed. N2O is formed in a secondary reaction stage between adsorbed NO molecules and
nitrogen atoms on the surface of the catalyst. Low temperatures slow down the desorption rate of
the NO molecules from the catalyst surface and cause more N2O emissions from the catalyst.
Under industrial process conditions, the selectivity towards N2O and N2 is sought to be minimal,
this being 1.5-2.5 and 4-4.5%, respectively.
Apart from the unwanted reactions already mentioned (towards obtaining N2 and N2O), it is also
necessary to highlight the reactions between the ammonia that has not reacted with the nitrogen
monoxide, which decreases the yield towards the desired product, NO. Similarly, the
decomposition of NO and ammonia favored processes at temperatures above 1000 °C and long
contact times should be minimized. As a general rule, high flows and linear velocities of 1m/s are
needed to minimize these unwanted reactions.
Not surprisingly, a small improvement in NO selectivity is really attractive, not only due to the
subsequent lower N2O emission but also to the increased production of nitric acid. An increase in
yield of 1% means an increase of approximately 500,000 euros per year.
Low pressures of 1 to 6.5 bar (in dual pressure plants) and 1 to 13 bar (in plants with a single
pressure level) are operated in order to favor the formation of NO in the reaction (4). With regard
to temperature, work is carried out at elevated temperatures, normally between 810-940°C. Under
these process conditions, a variable yield of between 93 and 98% in NO is obtained.
The most commonly used catalyst is composed of 90% platinum and 10% rhodium. The catalyst
consists of a mesh formed from the interlacing of 60-75 µm metal wires. From 3 to 50 catalyst
metal meshes can be fixed in the reactor (diameter up to 5.5 m), depending on the operating
pressure and design of the reactor.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the main problem involved in the use or production of Nitric
Acid are the gases released when it reacts with other substances under certain conditions, when it
undergoes excessive heating processes or when they are emitted in the production process. These
gases are constituted mainly by Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and Dioxide (NO2), which are very
toxic substances by respiratory and cutaneous routes. In European countries, it is stipulated that
the maximum permitted emissions of NOX must be 200 ppm (1996) and that the gases and
vapors generated can only be discharged into the atmosphere when they are free of red or yellow
colorations. All modern Nitric Acid production plants include Nitrogen oxide emission recovery
operations. The recovery is carried out with methods called improved absorption, chemical
purification, catalytic reduction, and adsorption. A detailed description of each of these methods
is given at Ullman´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.
The treatment of gases of continuous emission product of the decomposition or generation of
Nitric Acid is developed in towers of absorption with water where the main variables that are
taken into account for the design correspond to the pressure and temperature of operation and the
partial pressures of the oxides of Nitrogen and Oxygen in the gas stream.
1. Rayner-Canham, G. Quimica inorgánica descriptiva, Mexico, Pearson Education, 2000.
2. 2. Wulfsberg, G. Principios de química inorgánica descriptiva, Mill Valley, CA,
University Science Books, 1991.
3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) [online]. 1997,
reviewed April 2002 [citado junio 26 de 2003]. Available in
4. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ToxFAQ’s for Nitrogen Oxides
(Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, etc.) [online]. April de 2002 [Referenced june 26th
2003]. Available in
5. Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad (CCS). Software Dataquim. Hoja de Datos de
Seguridad, Ácido Nítrico. Last Updated: 2003. Bogotá, Colombia.