Business Resilience and Risk Management Policy

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(Board Approved)
Public Version

Business Resilience and Risk Management

Document Number – GOV-POL-37
1.0 Policy Statement
Stanwell is committed to delivering a business resilience platform across all levels of the business
and its implementation and maintenance is fundamental to Stanwell achieving its strategic
Business resilience for Stanwell incorporates and integrates risk management, business
continuity, security and insurance.

2.0 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to develop and strengthen Stanwell’s business resilience and risk
management practices by providing the structural framework in order to continue to meet
Stanwell’s objectives when faced by risks (including both opportunities and threats) and
Note: This document is not to be published to the external internet A
public version is to be created upon approval excluding Appendix 1 – Risk Appetite
Statement. This is the responsibility of the Policy owners.

3.0 Scope
This policy incorporates the integration of a number of interrelated activities including business
continuity, risk management, security and insurance. In delivery of this policy, additional business
functions, such as Compliance and Regulatory Management and Information and Business
Systems are incorporated into the business resilience and risk management corporation-wide
The diagram below reflects Stanwell’s optimal business resilience model.

WRITTEN BY: .................................. ENDORSED/CHECKED BY: .............................. APPROVED BY: .................................... DATE:
NAME: K Buckley NAME: M O’Rourke NAME: Board .19.03.2018
Doc No: GOV-POL-37 Revision No: 3 Revision Date: 19-03-2018 Page: 1 of 6
Approved via Board Memorandum Number: BD-18-03-6.1
Endorsed via Committee Number : ARMC-18-03-2.2
In the development of Stanwell’s Business Resilience and Risk Management approach, Stanwell
will be well-positioned to create opportunities for benefit and to also respond to the negative
consequences of an event. This will deliver improved outcomes based on informed decision
making and resilience, including business continuity, security, and risk transference via insurance
and corporation-wide risk management practices.
This policy applies to Stanwell’s directors and employees and to all contractors working for or at
Stanwell (our people) in relation to all categories of risk and Stanwell’s business activities.

4.0 Content
This policy delivers a strategic methodology to Stanwell’s business resilience which incorporates
an organisation-wide approach to managing the risks and vulnerabilities which may impact on
Stanwell’s ability to achieve its strategic objectives.
Stanwell recognises that business resilience is dynamic and emerges from the complex interaction
between a wide range of business processes. To achieve business resilience, Stanwell has
established a business resilience framework that integrates the functions of business continuity,
security, insurance and risk management.. This alignment supports the knowledge, expertise and
skills of its people to develop, implement and maintain a robust and appropriate business
resilience and risk management program for the corporation.
The diagram below details the relationship between risk management, business continuity
(including crisis, incident, disaster recovery and emergency response), security and insurance.

Doc No: GOV-POL-37 Rev: 3 Rev Date: 19-03-2018 Page 2 of 6

4.1. Business Continuity
Business continuity planning provides assurance that Stanwell has a sound degree of resilience
should it be required to respond to and recover from a crisis while continuing to maintain
business critical operations. Stanwell conducts annual reviews of its business interruption risks
and implements appropriate planning to mitigate those risks.
The business continuity management program includes the Business Continuity Procedure
(GOV-PROC-47), Crisis Management, Incident/Emergency Management, and critical function
continuity response capability, which is underpinned by plans, processes, systems and tools. . .
Business continuity plans are tested by periodic business continuity exercises.

Information Technology (IT) Disaster Recovery

Stanwell’s Information Technology Disaster Recovery Plan (IT-DRP) is a comprehensive
statement of consistent actions that are to be taken before, during and after an adverse event.
The primary objective of the IT-DRP is to minimise the effects on Stanwell including downtime
and data loss, in the event that all or part of its Information Technologies are impacted by an
adverse event.

4.2. Security
Stanwell maintains a security management framework which seeks to moderate Stanwell’s
security exposures and vulnerabilities and to establish the appropriate response through:
 a comprehensive understanding of Stanwell’s assets and their security vulnerabilities;
 detailed intelligence, threat analysis and the identification of security risks;
 robust security management standards and plans tailored to the specific security priorities,
location and risk environment;
 building the resilience of the organisation to respond to and recover from a security event;
 undertaking regular security audits; and
 a sustainable security culture across all of Stanwell’s operating sites and corporate offices.

The key focus of the framework is to apply security best practice to mitigate against security
threats, identify and eliminate vulnerabilities and to demonstrate Stanwell’s intent to comply with
relevant regulatory and compliance requirements.
The framework also establishes an on-going and continuous process of improvement, enabling
the security management program to develop and mature in alignment with Stanwell’s strategic

4.3. Risk Management

This policy defines risk management as a part of Stanwell’s governance framework, articulates
the responsibilities for the management of risk and ensures Stanwell uses its risk management
capabilities to maximise value from assets, projects and other business opportunities.
Stanwell promotes a risk-aware corporation-wide culture in all decision making.
Through the skilled application of high quality, integrated risk analysis, our people will utilise risk
effectively in order to enhance opportunities, reduce threats and to sustain our competitive
Stanwell recognises that risk is an integral and unavoidable component of our business and is
characterised as both an opportunity and a threat to the achievement of objectives. Stanwell has
adopted a combined “top-down” “bottom-up” approach to risk management, which focuses on
both setting the strategic direction and implementation of a robust control framework across the
entire business. Stanwell is committed to:
 managing all risks in a proactive and effective manner;
 behaving as a responsible corporate citizen, protecting employees, customers, contractors
and their property, as well as the community and the broader environment from
unnecessary injury, loss or damage;

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 achieving its corporate objectives by seeking opportunities to improve the business and
optimise risk management; and
 finding the right balance between the cost of control and the risks it is willing to accept as
the legitimate grounds for earning reward.
Stanwell’s Risk Appetite Statement (Appendix 1) articulates the significant risks to which
Stanwell is exposed and details the extent to which those risks will be accepted. The Board
monitors Stanwell’s adherence to the Risk Appetite Statement and the broader risk management
Stanwell’s approach to risk management (adopting the principles of ISO:31000) is to:
 be commercially focussed and create value;
 have risk as an integrated part of health and safety, environmental, asset, operational and
project management and strategic planning processes;
 ensure that risk management is tailored to the requirements of Stanwell and dynamically
reviewed using the mechanisms defined within the Board Risk Oversight Model;
 take human and cultural factors into account;
 be transparent and inclusive via the corporate-wide risk management tool; and
 facilitate continual improvement of the organisation and its control frameworks.
To support this approach, risk analysis is applied to all facets of the business by management at
appropriate levels, following the principles as set out in the corporation-wide Risk Management
Framework (GOV-PROC-37) and utilising the Risk Evaluation Matrix (GOV-STD-11) to assess

4.4. Insurance
Stanwell chooses to utilise insurance as a risk transference mechanism (where appropriate) and
to reduce the ultimate financial impact to the business should a serious event occur within the
Stanwell maintains a portfolio of insurance policies which aim to cover the types of business
activities Stanwell undertakes on a day to day basis.
Stanwell regularly reviews its insurance coverage, insurers and deductibles as part of an annual
renewal process.

5.0 Responsibilities
Position Responsibility

The Board Stanwell’s Board has ultimate responsibility for risk

management and for determining the appropriate level of risk
that the Board is willing to accept in the pursuit of Stanwell’s
strategic objectives.
The Board is responsible for approving this policy and the
Risk Evaluation Matrix (GOV-STD-11) and is responsible for
overseeing, reviewing and ensuring the effectiveness and
integrity of Stanwell’s enterprise risk management system.
The Board is responsible for the strategic direction, approval,
governance and monitoring of business resilience within
Stanwell in consultation with the Audit and Risk Management
Committee, Chief Executive Officer and Executive
Leadership Team.

Audit and Risk Management The Stanwell Board has established the Audit and Risk
Committee (ARMC) Management Committee to assist the Board to oversee the
process for identifying and managing significant business
risks, business continuity, disaster recovery processes and
insurance strategy.
The responsibilities and delegated authority of the ARMC are
detailed in the Board-approved ARMC Charter.

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Position Responsibility

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ultimate accountability for ensuring that Stanwell has
identified and managed its significant business risks and has
effective business resilience programs in place.

Executive General Managers Each Executive General Manager is accountable for

identifying and managing the significant risks of their division
and for having appropriate crisis management and business
continuity planning in place.

Company Secretary Accountable and responsible for the establishment,

implementation and review of Stanwell’s enterprise risk
management, business resilience and security management

Financial Controller Accountable and responsible for Stanwell’s insurance


General Manager Information, Accountable and responsible for Stanwell’s Information

and Technology Technology Disaster Recovery Plan.

Managers and Supervisors Managers and Supervisors are responsible for evaluating
their risk environment, to put in place effective controls and
for monitoring the effectiveness of these controls.

Our people Our people are responsible for familiarising themselves with
this Policy and the supporting strategies, procedures,
processes and plans that affect their workplace activities,
incorporating risk practices into their business activities and
reporting and escalating all events, risk concerns, issues and

6.0 Review, Consultation and Communication

This document is required to be reviewed at a minimum, every 2 years.
Executive Leadership Team

Communication/Requirements after Update:

This policy will be communicated to key internal stakeholders via GenNet. This policy is made
publicly available on Stanwell’s internet site in accordance with the Corporate
Governance Guidelines for Government Owned Corporations.
This policy will be published on the intranet and available in TRIM.
All new employees will be advised of this policy as part of the induction process. Employees with
responsibilities within the Crisis Management, Incident Management or Emergency Response
Teams will undertake required training as outlined within the respective plans or subordinate

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7.0 Definitions

Not applicable

8.0 References

 Environmental Protection Act 1994 & Regulation 2008

 Health & Safety Act 2011 & Regulation 2011
 GOV-PROC-47 Business Continuity Management Procedure
 GOV-PROC-48 Security Management Framework
 GOV-STD-11 Risk Evaluation Matrix
 GOV-PROC-37 Risk Management Framework

9.0 Revision History

Rev. Rev. Date Revision Description Author Endorse/Check Approved By
0 27.02.2015 This policy is a consolidation of the Risk Policy, K. Biggs M O’Rourke Board
Business Continuity Policy and the Security
1 16.02.2016 Annual review of Policy and inclusion of Risk K Biggs M. O’Rourke Board
Appetite Statement
20.04.2016 Discussions with Rebecca Gurney stated the D.Wilkie
urgent need to ensure that the full version of this
Policy (incl Appendix 1) is not published to It was determined that a second
copy would be made upon approval and
Appendix 1 remote for publishing on the internet.
2 23.01.17 Annual review of policy and updated to reflect R. Gurney K. Biggs Board
changes in role titles and additional information M. O’Rourke
on security approach.
3 19.03.2018 Annual review of policy. Amended to reflect K Buckley M O’Rourke Board
changes in responsibilities and the establishment
of the Security Management Framework.

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