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Delivery Assessment Schedule

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership & Management

Wee Resources Delivery Assessment Homew Self-Study

Unit Code
k ork
 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Develop on Group
and Use Emotional Assessment Learner
Intelligence Unit introduction Resource
Task 1-
 Reference Book - Book – 01 -
Leadership and Written Identify the
Identifying own emotional strengths and weaknesses Questions
Management: Theory & Impact of
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Own
(2019) Identifying personal stressors and emotional states that relates Discussion – Emotions on
 Whiteboard and Marker to the workplace Assessment other in the
 Computer with MS office Workplace –
Task 2 –
 Access to workplace Activity 1 –
Group Discussion Project –
documentation such as page 28,
Policies and Procedures Part A – True or False
1 forms Developing an awareness of emotional triggers and steps to Emotional Quiz – page
 Internet access control emotional responses Intelligence 31
 Completed self- Assessment
 Emotional intelligence Watching Video Clip
Discussion –
development planning
Task 2 –
 BSBLDR511 PPT slides – 1-
Project –
37 Lecture Part B –
 Video clip – Emotional
Intelligence Testing
Model workplace behaviour, using self-reflection & feedback Intelligence
from others to develop own emotional intelligence Planning

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision

2 Resource Book – Develop on Group
and Use Emotional Importance of responding to the emotional states of co- Assessment Resource
Intelligence workers in the workplace Task 1 – Book – 02 –
 Reference Book - Written Recognise
Leadership and Questions and
Management: Theory & Group Discussion Appreciate
Practice, Cole, K, 7e the
(2019) Identifying various cultural expressions of emotions in a diverse Discussion Emotional
 Whiteboard and Marker working environment on Strengths
 Computer with MS office Assessment and
 Access to workplace Task 3 - Weaknesses
documentation such as Lecture of Others –
Case study –
Policies and Procedures Activity 2 –
forms Review the page 43,
 Internet access Importance of practicing flexibility and adaptability while case study True or False
 Completed self- dealing with others in the workplace, Importance of and answer Quiz – page
assessment considering others’ emotions while making decisions. the 45
 Emotional intelligence questions
development planning Watching Video Clip on
template recognizing
 BSBLDR511 PPT slides – and
38-122 responding
 Video clip – Cultural to
Dimension: Display of Trigger Brainstorming emotional
Emotion states in
 Flash cards for trigger By showing flashcards, get the ideas and key points for effective others
brainstorming leader
 Online Emotional
Intelligence Quiz Lecture

How to be an effective leader by considering others’

feelings/emotions. How to develop an emotional intelligence to
become an effective leader.

Online Quiz
Emotional intelligence quiz -

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Precision

Resource Book – Develop Discussion Group
and Use Emotional Learner
Encouraging a positive emotional climate in the workplace. on
Intelligence Resource
 Reference Book - Assessment Book – 03 –
Leadership and Task 1 – Promote the
How to utilize the strengths of the team members for achieving
Management: Theory & Written Developmen
positive outcomes in the workplace.
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Questions t of
(2019) Emotional
 Whiteboard and Marker Watching Video Clip Intelligence
 Computer with MS office in Others –
 Access to workplace Task 4 - Role Activity 3 – play –
documentation such as page 63,
Policies and Procedures Participate True or False
3 in the role
forms Quiz – page
 Internet access play as per 65
 Completed self- the case
assessment study
 Emotional intelligence instructions
development planning
 BSBLDR511 PPT slides –
 Video Clip – Emotional
Climate - Meaning &

4 Assessments 1, 2 and 3 submission Learner
Book – 04 –
to Maximise
Outcomes –
True or False
Quiz – page
 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Manage on Group
Operational Plan Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - Unit introduction Resource
Task 1 –
Leadership and Book – 01 –
Management: Theory & Written Develop
Importance of researching, analysing and developing resource Questions
Practice, Cole, K, 7e requirement. Operational
(2019) Plan –
 Whiteboard and Marker Discussion Activity 1 –
 Computer with MS office Need of consulting the key personnel while developing the on page 21
 Access to workplace operational plan Assessment
documentation such as
Policies and Procedures Task 2 –
forms Group discussion Develop
5 BSBMGT517  Internet access operational
 Operational plan Importance of key performance indicator and why we need this plan project
template to be included in operational plan Part A –
 King Edward VII College Case study
Strategic Plan
 King Edward VII College Watching Video Clip Part B –
policy and procedure Roleplay –
documents Meeting
 King Edward VII College with the
Equipment list CEO
 King Edward VII College Lecture Part C –
Profit and Loss Statement
Roleplay –
 BSBMGT517 PPT slides –
1-42 Developing and implementing contingency plans for the Meeting
operational plan
 Video Clip – KPIs What with the
are they and Why your How a variety of information sources and specialist advices Team
organisation needs them
supports the resource requirement

 Precision Group Learner Brainstorming Discussion Precision

Resource Book – Manage on Group
Operational Plan Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - In what ways we can ensure that the employees are recruited Resource
and inducted as per the organisation HR policies and Task 1 –
Leadership and Book – 01 –
Management: Theory & procedures. Written Develop
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Questions Operational
(2019) Lecture Plan –
 Whiteboard and Marker Discussion Activity 1
 Computer with MS office Assessment (contd.) –
 Access to workplace Developing and implementing strategies in accordance with the page 21,
Task 3 –
documentation such as organisation’s policies and procedures. True or False
Policies and Procedures Manage Quiz – page
forms acquisition 23
 Internet access How to recognise and incorporate requirements for intellectual of resources
 Operational plan property rights and responsibilities in recruitment & acquisition Part A –
6 template of resources. Organise
 King Edward VII College human
Strategic Plan
Reading News Article & Class Discussion resources
 King Edward VII College
policy and procedure requirement
documents s
 King Edward VII College strategies-can-drive-growth-253548 Part B –
Equipment list Organise
 King Edward VII College equipment
Profit and Loss Statement requirement
 BSBMGT517 PPT slides –
 News Article – How
effective acquisition
strategies can drive
 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Manage on Group
Operational Plan Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - Steps to develop, monitor and review performance systems & Resource
processes to assess the progress of an organisation Task 1 –
Leadership and Book – 02 –
Management: Theory & Plan and
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Questions Manage
Analysing & interpreting budget & actual financial data to
(2019) review profit and productivity performance Resource
 Whiteboard and Marker Discussion Acquisition –
 Computer with MS office on Activity 2 –
 Access to workplace Group Activity page 45,
documentation such as True or False
Policies and Procedures Task 2 – Quiz – page
forms Class will be divided into two groups. By using King Edward VII Develop 47
 Internet access College Profit and Loss Statement, Group 1 need to list out the operational
 Operational plan areas of under-performance & Group 2 need to list out the plan project
template recommendations for solutions. Part A –
 King Edward VII College Case study
Strategic Plan
7 Lecture Group 1 need to list out the areas of under-
 King Edward VII College
policy and procedure performance Discussion
documents Assessment
 King Edward VII College How mentoring and coaching are supporting the individuals Task 3 –
Equipment list and teams to use the resources in an effective manner. Manage
 King Edward VII College acquisition
Profit and Loss Statement of resources
 BSBMGT517 PPT slides – How to get the approval from designated persons for the
74-118 recommendations & how to implement that in the existing Part B –
system. Organise

Task 4 –
Part A –
Monitor and
Part B –
Meet with
the CEO

Assessment 1, 2,3 & 4 submission Group
Book – 03 –
Monitor and
8 Review
– Activity 3 –
page 79,
True or False
Quiz - 81
 Precision Group Learner Lecture Assessment Precision
Resource Book – Lead and Task 1 – Group
9 BSBLDR502 Manage Effective Discussion Learner
Workplace Relationships Unit introduction on Written Resource
Questions Book – 01 –
 Reference Book - Brainstorming ideas on workplace relationships. Manage
Leadership and Discussion Ideas and
Management: Theory & on Information
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Strategies and processes to communicate information in the – Activity 1 –
workplace Assessment
(2019) page 19,
 Whiteboard and Marker Task 2 – True or False
 Computer with MS office Policies and Quiz – page
 Access to workplace procedures 21
documentation such as developmen
Policies and Procedures t project
 Internet access
 Checklist for employers
when managing
 BSBLDR502 PPT slides – 1-

 Precision Group Learner Group Discussion Discussion Precision

Resource Book – Lead and on Group
Manage Effective Assessment Learner
Workplace Relationships How to develop and implement consultation process to resolve Resource
issues related to their work role. Task 1 -
 Reference Book - Book – 02 –
Leadership and Written Establish
Management: Theory & Questions Systems to
10 Lecture
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Develop
(2019) Discussion Trust and
 Whiteboard and Marker Importance of Feedback on the outcomes of the consultation on Confidence –
 Computer with MS office processes Activity 2 –
 Access to workplace page 37,
documentation such as Task 2 – True or False
Watching Video Clip Policies and
Policies and Procedures procedures Quiz – page
forms developmen 39
 Internet access t project
 Checklist for employers
when managing
 BSBLDR502 PPT slides –
 Video Clip –

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision

Resource Book – Lead and on Group
Manage Effective Assessment Learner
Workplace Relationships Processes developed to ensure the issues are resolved and Resource
referred to relevant personnel. Task 1 –
 Reference Book - Book – 03 –
Leadership and Written Manage the
Management: Theory & Questions Developmen
Group Discussion
Practice, Cole, K, 7e t and
(2019) Discussion Maintenance
 Whiteboard and Marker How to develop and implement an action plan to address any on of Networks
11  Computer with MS office identified difficulties. Assessment and
 Access to workplace Task 3 – Relationship
documentation such as Discussion s – Activity 3
Policies and Procedures on – page 45,
forms Networking True or False
 Internet access Project Quiz – page
 Checklist for employers 47
when managing
Task 4 –
Role Play –
guides/best-practice- Workplace
guides/managing- Difficulties
 BSBLDR502 PPT slides–

Book – 04 –
12 Assessments 1, 2 and 3 submission to Achieve
Outcomes –
Activity 4 –
page 61,
True or False
Quiz – page
 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Lead and on Group
Manage Team Learner
Unit introduction Assessment
Effectiveness Resource
 Reference Book - Task 1 - Book – 01 –
Leadership and Written Establish
Developing a range of strategies in establishing productive and
Management: Theory & Questions Team
BSBWOR502 positive work relationships
13 Practice, Cole, K, 7e Performance
(2019) Assessment Plan –
 Whiteboard and Marker Individual Activity Task 2 - Activity 1 –
 Computer with MS office Project – page 31,
 Access to workplace Assume the True or False
To write a mission statement to an organisation given as an
documentation such as role of Quiz – page
Policies and Procedures example. 33
 Internet access Class Discussion and
 NNEC Operational Plan Communicat
 NNEC Team Performance ions
Plan Template Class discussion on the written mission statements why and Manager in
 BSBWOR502 PPT slides – how it impacts the growth of the organisation. the given
1-34 scenario and
 Video Clip – How to Lecture complete
Organise a Productive Part A, B & C
Meeting Part A –
About & importance of Vision Mission Statements, objective Organise a
and goals of an organisation & steps to write these effectively. team
How to build up good working relationships in an organisation. Part B –
Watching Video Clip e planning
Part C – Documentin
g the
e plan

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision

Resource Book – Lead and on Group
Manage Team Learner
Strategies – Definition and why it is important to achieve a Assessment
Effectiveness Resource
 Reference Book - purpose Task 1 - Book – 02 –
Leadership and Written Develop and
Management: Theory & Questions Facilitate
Trigger Brainstorming
14 Practice, Cole, K, 7e Team
(2019) Assessment Cohesion –
 Whiteboard and Marker By showing some dialogues between the people in the Task 2 - Activity 2 –
 Computer with MS office workplace, students need to identify and answer whether it is a Project – page 55,
 Access to workplace good communication or bad communication. They need to give Assume the True or False
documentation such as explanation for their answer. role of Quiz – page
Policies and Procedures Marketing 57
forms and
 Internet access Lecture Communicat
 NNEC Operational Plan ions
 NNEC Team Performance Manager in
Plan Template Importance of feedback and advice within a team the given
 BSBMGT517 PPT slides- scenario and
35-58 Watching Video Clip complete
 Flash Cards with Part A, B, C,
communication dialogues D, E & F
in the workplace for Part A –
Trigger Brainstorming. Organise a
 Video Clip – Constructive Lecture team
Feedback for Managers: meeting
Giving Feedback Part B –
Effectively Importance of Team Building, how to build up a good Team
 News Article – The teamwork performanc
importance of an e planning
employee reward and
Reading News Article & Class Discussion Part C –
recognition programme
g the performanc
employee-reward-and-recognition-programme.html e plan
Part D –
Part E –
Policies and
Part F –
rewards and

 Precision Group Learner Group Discussion Discussion Precision

15 Resource Book – Lead and on Group
Manage Team How a team leader and the team member act as a frontline Assessment Resource
Effectiveness source of information for the management. Task 1 - Book – 03 –
 Reference Book - Written Facilitate
Leadership and Questions Teamwork –
Management: Theory & Lecture Activity 3 –
Practice, Cole, K, 7e page 69,
(2019) Importance of stakeholder management Assessment True or False
 Whiteboard and Marker Task 2 - Quiz – page
 Computer with MS office Project – 71
 Access to workplace Watching Video Clip Assume the
documentation such as role of
Policies and Procedures Marketing and
 Internet access Communicat
 NNEC Operational Plan ions
 NNEC Team Performance Manager in
Plan Template the given
 BSBMGT517 PPT slides- scenario and
59-66 complete
 Video Clip – What is Part A, B, C,
Stakeholder engagement D
and Why it is important Part A –
Organise a
Part B –
e planning
Part C –
g the
e plan
Part D –

Book – 04 –
Liaise with
16 Assessment 1 & 2 Submission
– Activity 4 –
page 81,
True or False
Quiz – page
 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Manage on Group
People Performance Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - Unit introduction Task 4 – Resource
Leadership and Written Book – 01 –
Management: Theory & Consult relevant group or staff when allocating work Questions Allocate
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Work –
(2019) Assessment Activity 1 –
 Whiteboard and Marker Importance of considering an operational plan while allocating page 19,
Task 1 -
 Computer with MS office work Developmen True or False
 Access to workplace t Project – Quiz – page
17 BSBMGT502 documentation such as 21
Brainstorm To develop
Policies and Procedures a simple
forms performanc
 Internet access How allocating work is related to cost effective to the e
 Printer organisation managemen
 Boutique Build’s Strategic t and review
Plan process
 Performance Web-Reading & Class Discussion
management plan
template Assessment
Task 2 -
Work plan
 Boutique Build’s Code of and
Conduct compensation/sample-performance-standards/sample- coaching
 Performance performance-4 project – To
management policy and develop two
procedure performanc
 Access to fair work Lecture e
website managemen
 Performance Importance of agreeing performance standards before work is t plans for
improvement plan staff and
template confirmed. then meet
 BSBMGT502 PPT slides-1- with one of
21 Risk analysis performance contributes to identify the them to
 Web page for Web- organisation’s risk discuss and
Reading – Sample agree on the
performance standards – plan and to
General performance provide
standards training.
Part A –
Work Plans
Part B –
Meet with
the learning
 Precision Group Learner Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Manage Lecture on Group
People Performance Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - Task 4 – Resource
Leadership and Aligning performance management and review process within Written Book – 02 –
18 Management: Theory & Questions Assess
the organisational objectives and policies
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Performance
(2019) Assessment – Activity 2 –
 Whiteboard and Marker Group Discussion page 29,
Task 2 -
 Computer with MS office Work plan True or False
 Access to workplace Importance of only trained people need to be involved in the and Quiz – page
documentation such as performance management process and its impact on the coaching 31
Policies and Procedures organisational growth. project – To
forms develop two
 Internet access performanc
 Printer Lecture e
 Boutique Build’s Strategic managemen
Plan Management processes should be implemented in line with the t plans for
 Performance staff and
management plan planning already undertaken then meet
template with one of
 Boutique Build’s Code of Watching Video Clip them to
Conduct discuss and
 Performance agree on the
management policy and plan and to
procedure provide
 Access to fair work Lecture training.
website Part B –
 Performance Meet with
improvement plan Significance of giving feedback in a regular basis the learning
template and
 BSBMGT502 PPT slides- How to identify poor performance and appropriate action developmen
22-46 t
 Video Clip – What is coordinator
Performance Monitor & Why Job coaching and Mentoring are essential.
its Meaning
 Reading Article – Dealing
Reading Article & Class Discussion Task 3 -
with poor performance
e managemen
t project –
To assess
and manage
the Learning
e through
e review
process, in-
formal and
feedback to
Part A –
e reviews
Part B –
Part C –

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Precision

Resource Book – Manage Discussion Group
People Performance Seeking advice of others with regards to performance on Learner
 Reference Book - management strive for excellence Assessment Resource
Leadership and Task 3 - Book – 03 –
Management: Theory & Performanc Provide
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Performance improvement plan and how it contributes when Feedback –
19 the individuals not meeting the organisation’s expectations. e
(2019) managemen Activity 3 –
 Whiteboard and Marker t project – page 41,
 Computer with MS office Brainstorm To assess True or False
 Access to workplace and manage Quiz – page
documentation such as the Learning 43
Policies and Procedures and
forms Developmen
 Internet access Students need to list out the disciplinary processes that the t
 Printer organisation can act on an individual’s poor performance still Coordinator’
 Boutique Build’s Strategic after getting their feedback. s
Plan performanc
 Performance Watching Video Clip e through
management plan the
template performanc
 Boutique Build’s Code of e review
Conduct performance/diagnosing-and-addressing-performance-gaps- process, in-
 Performance 1ilPw formal and
management policy and formal
procedure feedback to
 Access to fair work termination.
website Part A –
 Performance Mid-year
improvement plan performanc
template e reviews
 BSBMGT502 PPT slides- Part B –
47-72 Informal
 Video Clip – Diagnosing & feedback
addressing performance
Part C –

Task 4 –
20 Resource
Assessment 1,2,3 & 4 submission Book – 04 –
Follow Up –
True or False
Quiz – page
 Precision Group Lecture Discussion Precision
Learner Resource on Group
Book –Support Assessment Learner
the Recruitment, Unit introduction Resource
Task 1 -
Selection and Written Book – 01 –
Induction of Staff Assessing what competencies, skills and capabilities required by Questions Plan for
 Reference Book - the organisation and determining the skills through the Recruitment
Leadership and positions available in the organisation. – Activity 1 –
Management: Discussion page 15,
Theory & on Activity 2 –
Practice, Cole, K, Group Discussion Assessment pages 29 –
7e (2019) Task 2 - 31, True or
 Whiteboard and Recruitment False Quiz –
Marker Consulting with supervisors, team leaders, and frontline staff to page 33
understand their experiences. – To plan for
 Computer with
MS office
 Access to that
Reading News Article & Individual opinion
21 BSBHRM405 workplace involves
documentation preparing
such as Policies job
and Procedures description.html description,
forms writing
 HR Manual advertiseme
Students will read the above article and provide their individual
 Internet access
opinion nt and
 Recruitment and
selection policy obtaining
and procedure approval.
 Job description Part A &
 Referee check Part B
report Placing job advertisements in media
 Preferred
candidate report
 Appointment
notice template
 Letter of offer
 Induction
 Reading News
Article – How to
write better job
 Precision Group Lecture Discussion Precision
Learner Resource on Group
Book –Support Assessment Learner
the Recruitment, Importance of selecting appropriate channels and technology Resource
when advertising vacancies and to identify potential talents Task 1 -
Selection and Written Book – 02 –
Induction of Staff Questions Plan for
 Reference Book - How the organisational policies & procedures must be followed Selection –
Leadership and when placing the advertisements. Activity 3 –
Management: Assessment page 53,
Theory & Task 2 - True or False
Practice, Cole, K, Group Discussion Recruitment Quiz – page
7e (2019) – To plan for 57
 Whiteboard and recruitment
11/120&RendNum=0 that
22  Computer with
MS office involves
 Access to preparing
workplace job
documentation description,
such as Policies Students are asked to develop the interview questions and writing
and Procedures discuss in the class. advertiseme
forms nt and
 HR Manual
Lecture obtaining
 Internet access
 Recruitment and approval.
selection policy How to ensure that interview questions comply with the Part B
and procedure legislative requirements.
 Job description Discussion
 Referee check on
report Lecture
 Preferred Assessment
candidate report Process of Streamlining the applications, short-listing for the Task 3 -
 Appointment Selection –
notice template To plan for
 Letter of offer selection of
 Induction Group Discussion suitable
checklist candidates
 BSBHRM405 PPT Part A, Part
slides-23-55 How to evaluate the applications by sorting it out for the
B & Part C
 Sample – advertised position.
Recruitment &
Selection Policy Discussion
Trigger Brainstorming on
Students need to write down in the whiteboard, the methods Task 4 -
of short-listing the applicants. Interview
and select
Lecture preferred
candidates –
To plan to
Conducting the interviews – How to schedule & how to
evaluate the applicant in between the interviews.
Part A, Part
B, Part C &
Part D

 Precision Group Lecture Discussion Precision

Learner Resource on Group
Book –Support Assessment Learner
the Recruitment, Induction process and the key personnel involved in this Resource
process. Task 4 -
23 Selection and Book – 03 –
Induction of Staff Interview Support
 Reference Book - and select Selection
Group Discussion preferred
Leadership and Process –
Management: candidates – Activity Four
Theory & To plan to – page 71,
Practice, Cole, K, business/employing/taking-on-staff/inductions recruit True or False
7e (2019) suitable Quiz – page
 Whiteboard and candidates 73
Marker Lecture
 Computer with Part D
MS office Main components of an induction program
 Access to Discussion
workplace - Orientation
- Socialisation on
- Induction Training Assessment
such as Policies
and Procedures Task 5 -
forms Arrange
 HR Manual induction
 Internet access for new
 Recruitment and employees –
selection policy To complete
and procedure an induction
 Job description
checklist for
 Referee check
report the
 Preferred commence
candidate report ment of the
 Appointment new
notice template employees
 Letter of offer
 Induction
 Group Discussion
– Staff Inductions
– Business
Book – 04 –
24 Assessment 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 submission Induct
Candidate –
True or False
Quiz – page

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Discussion Precision
Resource Book – Mange on Group
risk Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - Unit introduction Resource
Task 1 -
Leadership and Book – 01 –
Project – To
Management: Theory & Undertaking risk management, documentation of the risk Establish
Practice, Cole, K, 7e review the Risk Context
management process, the issues of internal and external
(2019) risk context – Activity 1 –
 Whiteboard and Marker of the page 33,
 Computer with MS office organisation True or False
 Access to workplace Watching Video Clip and conduct Quiz – page
25 BSBRSK501 documentation such as research, 35
Policies and Procedures and then
develop a
 Internet access
 Risk management policy briefing
and procedure report for
Brainstorming the CEO and
 Risk management plan
template shareholder
 Publications about risk Students are asked to participate in a discussion of how to get s of an
management standards support from the stakeholders and the team for the risk organisation
- Risk Management management activities. .
Fact Sheet
 BSBRSK501 PPT slides-1- Lecture Discussion
42 on
 Video Clip – Risk Assessment
Management – Meaning Why it is essential to communicate with the relevant parties Task 2 - Role
& Explanation about the risk management process. play – To
 Flash cards for Trigger participate
Brainstorming Trigger Brainstorming in a meeting
 Video Clip – 7 ways to to consult
identify risks on risk
Each flash card will have the Risk Identifying Tools such as Task managemen
Analysis, Behaviour Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, SWOT t, and then
Analysis, Decision Trees etc. Students need to demonstrate develop a
their knowledge on these tools. risk
t plan.
Watching Video Clip

 Precision Group Learner Lecture Precision

Resource Book – Mange Group
risk Assessment Learner
 Reference Book - Ways to find out the cause of the risks & in what ways it can be Resource
reduced. Task 3 -
Leadership and Project – To Book – 02 –
Management: Theory & implement a Identify Risks
Practice, Cole, K, 7e Group Debate control – Activity 2 –
(2019) measure page 47,
 Whiteboard and Marker and True or False
26  Computer with MS office ‘Risk assessment is a function of the potential impact of the risk Quiz – page
 Access to workplace and it is likely your organisation is exposed to the risk’ – evaluations. 49
documentation such as Students will be divided into 2 groups and each group need to
Policies and Procedures debate for and against of this statement. Precision
forms Group
 Internet access Learner
 Risk management policy Watching Video Clip
and procedure Book – 03 –
 Risk management plan Risks –
template Activity 3 –
 Publications about risk page 61,
management standards Group Discussion True or False
- Risk Management Quiz – page
Fact Sheet Benefits of using risk assessment matrix in risk analysis. 63
 BSBRSK501 PPT slides-43-
 Video Clip – Risk
Management – Meaning
& Explanation
 Flash cards for Trigger
 Video Clip – 7 ways to
identify risks
 Video Clip – Using a risk
assessment matrix

Book – 04 –
27 Assessment 1, 2 & 3 submission Select and
– True or
False Quiz –
page 83

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