Baffle Range

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Conventional Classification Ranges used for firing practices with small arms are
provided with a danger area extended up to 1830m behind the stop butt. The danger area
provides a safe zone for the misdirected bullets resulting from possible errors made during
practice firing. The area required for a classification range with full danger area is around 500
acres which is quite huge. These ranges were not very safe and several accidents have been
reported because the free flight bullet can travel up to 3 to 4 km. Moreover, there is an overall
shortage of classification ranges primarily due to non-availability of adequate and suitably
situated land for constructing safe and efficient ranges.

TBRL, Chandigarh has indigenously developed the concept of a range with

reduced danger area requirement, termed as Baffle Range, as an alternative, effective and safe
facility for small arms practice firing without compromising training objectives. Baffle Range
used improvised concepts of a system of ground barriers, side walls, baffle walls and stop butt
to arrest the misdirected bullets. The land required for a Baffle range can be reduced to 15 – 20
acres by providing suitably designed ballistic protective structures (i.e. baffle walls, side walls,
ground barriers, stop butt etc.) at specified locations, properly conditioned impact surfaces,
regular upkeep of impact area and strict enforcement of safety rules/precautions in the range.
Such a great saving of land creates a possibility of having practice firing ranges at cantonments
with short availability of land due to increasing population and very high estate cost.

Advantages of Baffle Range

 Land requirement reduced to 20 acres

 Promote safe and efficient firing practice
 Designed to prevent injury to personnel and to prevent damage outside the range from
misdirected firing and ricochets, if firing is executed within permissible firing errors
 Includes provision for ease of maintenance

Salient Features of Baffle Range

 Existing Baffle Range Sizes : 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m
 Provided with sacrificial bullet resistant FICS (Fibers Impregnated in Concrete Slurry)
panels (Steel fiber 7 to 8%) developed based on extensive trials
 Design caters for eight firers in lying, kneeling and standing position
 The design provides a safety of 140 in the horizontal plane and 120 in vertical plane
 Weapons authorized on the Baffle Range include 9mm Carbine & Pistol; 5.56 mm
INSAS Rifle & LMG; 7.62 mm SLR; AK-47 etc.
 Site area for Baffle Range is 140 m wide and (L+95)m long where L is maximum firing
distance to be accommodated
 Enclosed type stop butt for maximum safety

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