11th Accountancy Study Material em 1

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I. Choose the correct answer:
1. The amount which the proprietor has invested in the business is_________.
a). Capital b). Cash c). Bank
2. Book-keeping is an art of recording ___________ in the book of accounts.
a). Summary b). Business transaction c). Accounting
3. ___________ is a written document in support of a transaction.
a). Receipt b). Voucher c). Cheque
4. Accounting begins where _______ ends.
a). Book keeping b). Summary c). Business transaction
5. Liabilities refer to the ___________ obligations of a business.
a). Capital b). Accounting c). Financial
6. Owner of the business is called __________.
a). Proprietor b). Book keeper c). Cashier
7. An account is a _________ of relevant business transactions at one place relating to a person, assets,
expense or revenue named in the heading.
a). Accounting b). Cash c). Summary
8. Receipt is an acknowledgement for __________.
a). Cash Paid b). Cash Received c). Cash Withdraw

9. Income is the difference between revenue and ________.
a). Gains b). Loss c). Expenses
10. The debts owing to others by the business is known as
a) Liabilities b) expenses c) debtors
11. Assets minus liabilities is
a) Drawings b) capital c) credit
12. A written document in support of a transaction is called
a) Receipt b) credit note c) voucher
13. Business transactions may be classified into
a) Three b) two c) one
14. Purchases return means goods returned to the supplier due to
a) Good quality b) defective quality c) super quality
15. Amount spent in order to produce and sell the goods and services is called
a) Expense b) income c) revenue
1. Stock in trade are to be recorded at cost or market price whichever is less is based on _______principle.
a). Prudence b). Consistency c). Materiality
2. The assets are recorded in books of accounts in the cost of acquisition is based on ________ concept.
a). Full Disclosure b). Matching c). Historical
3. The benefits to be derived from the accounting information should exceed its cost is based on ____ principle.
a). Prudence b). Materiality c). Cost benefit


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4. Transactions between owner and business are recorded separately due to___________ assumption.
a). Going concern b). Money measurement c). Business entity
5. Business concern must prepare financial statements at least once in a year is based on ____ assumption.
a). Money measurement b). Accounting Period c). Going concern
6. ________principle requires that the same accounting methods should be followed from one accounting
period to the next.
a). Consistency b). Prudence c). Materiality
7. As per the business entity assumption, the business is different from the
a) owners b) banker c) government
8. Going concern assumption tell us the life of the business is
a) very short b) very long c) none
9. Cost incurred should be matched with the revenues of the particular period is based on
a) matching concept b) historical cost concept c) full disclosure concept
10. As per dual aspect concept, every business transaction has
a) three aspects b) one aspect c) two aspects
1. The author of the famous book “Arthasastra” is __________.
a). Kaudilya b). J.R.Batliboi c). R.N.Carter
2. Every business transaction reveals __________ aspects.
a). Three b). One c). Two
3. The incoming aspect of a transaction is called _________ and the outgoing aspect of a transaction is
called _________.

a). Debit , credit b). Credit, credit
4. Traditional approach of accounting is also called as _________ approach
a). Indian b). American
c). Debit, Debit

c). British
5. The American approach is otherwise known as _________ approach.
a). Cash book b). Jounal c). Accounting equation
6. Impersonal accounts are classified into _________ types.
a). Four b). Six c). Two
7. Plant and machinery is an example of _________ account.
a). Personal b). Real c). Nominal
8. Capital account is an example of _________ account.
a). Impersonal b). Personal c). Nominal
9. Commission received will be classified under _________ account.
a). Nominal b). Real c). Personal
10. The receiving aspect in a transaction is called as
a) debit aspect b) credit aspect c) neither of the two
11. The giving aspect in a transaction is called as
a) debit aspect b) credit aspect c) neither of the two
12. Murali account is an example for
a) personal A/c b) real A/c c) nominal A/c
13. Capital account is classified under
a) personal A/c b) real A/c c) nominal A/c


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14. Goodwill is an example of
a) tangible real A/c b) intangible real A/c c) nominal A/c
15. Commission received is an example of
a) real A/c b) personal A/c c) nominal A/c
16. Outstanding rent A/c is an example for
a) nominal account b) personal account c) representative personal account
17. Nominal Account is classified under
a) personal A/c b) impersonal A/c c) neither of the two
18. Drawings account is classified under
a) real A/c. b) personal A/c. c) nominal A/c.
I. Choose the best answer :
1. The source document gives information about the nature of the _________.
a). Transaction b). Voucher c). Receipt
2. The accounting equation is a statement of _________ between the debits and credits.
a). Difference b). Equality c). None
3. In double entry book-keeping, every transaction affects at least two _________.
a). Transaction b). Aspects c). Accounts
4. Assets are always equal to liabilities plus _________.
a). Asset b). Capital c). Liabilities
5. A transaction which increases the capital is called _________.

a). Revenue
6. The journal is a book of _________.
a). Book keeping
b). Expenses

b). Original Entry

c). Losses

c). Accounting
7. Recording of transaction in the journal is called _________.
a). Journalising b). Ledger c). Final account
8. The _________ column of journal represents the place of posting of an entry in the ledger account.
a). J.F b). L.F c). V.N
9. _________ account is debited for the amount not recovered from the customer.
a). Sundry Debtors b). Bad Debts c). Sundry Creditors
10. The assets of a business on 31st December, 2002 were worth Rs.50,000 and its capital was Rs.35,000.
Its liabilities on that date were Rs. _________.
a). 85000 b). 15000 c). 35000
11. The origin of a transaction is derived from the
a) Source document b) Journal c) Accounting equation
12. Which of the following is correct?
a) Capital = Assets + Liabilities b) Capital = Assets – Liabilities c) Assets = Liabilities – Capital
13. Amount owned by the proprietor is called
a) Assets b) Liabilities c) Capital
14. The Accounting Equation is connected with
a) Assets only b) Liabilities only c) Assets, Liabilities and capital


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15. Goods sold to Srinivasan should be debited to
a) Cash A/c b) Srinivasan A/c. c) Sales A/c.
16. Purchased goods from Venkat for cash should be credited to
a) Venkat A/c b) Cash A/c c) Purchases A/c
17. Withdrawals of cash from bank by the proprietor for office use should be credited to
a) Drawings A/c b) Bank A/c c) Cash A/c
18. Purchased goods from Murthy on credit should be credited to
a) Murthy A/c b) Cash A/c c) Purchases A/c
19. An entry is passed in the beginning of each current year is called
a) Original entry b) Final entry c) Opening entry
20. The liabilities of a business are Rs.30,000; the capital of the proprietor is Rs.70,000. The total assets
a) Rs.70,000 b) Rs.1,00,000 c) Rs.40,000
a) Choose the correct answer:
1. Ledger is the _________ book of account.
a). Journal b). Principal c). Book keeping
2. The process of transferring entries from Journal to the Ledger is called ________.
a). Posting b). Transaction c). Accounting
3. c/d means _________ and b/d means _________.
a). carried down; brought down b). Debit, Credit c). Journal, Ledger

4. c/f means _________ and b/f means _________.
a). debit side; credit side, b). Carried forward; brought forward
5. Debiting an account signifies recording the transactions on the _________ side.
c). None

a). Debit side b). Credit Side c). Both Debit and Credit
6. The left hand side of an account is known as _________and the right hand side as _________.
a). Credit side, Debit Side b). debit side; credit side c). None
7. Credit Balance means _________ is heavier than _________.
a). Credit total; Debit total b). Debit total; Credit total c). None
8. Real accounts cannot have _________ balance.
a). Debit side b). Credit Side c). Both Debit and Credit 9. Account
having debit balance is closed by writing _________.
a). By Balance b/d b). By Balance c/d c). Ledger
10. L.F. column in the journal is filled at the time of _________ .
a). Transferring b). Accounting c). Posting
11. Ledger is a book of :
a. original entry b. final entry c. all cash transactions.
12. Personal and real accounts are:
a. closed b. balanced c. closed and transferred
13. The column of ledger which links the entry with journal is
a. L.F column b. J.F column c. Particulars column


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14. Posting on the credit side of an account is written as
a. To b. By c. Being
15. Nominal account having credit balance represents
a. income / gain b. expenses / losses c. assets
16. Nominal account having debit balance represents
a. income / gain b. expenses / losses c. liability
17. Real accounts always show
a. debit balances b. credit balances c. nil balance.
18. Account having credit balance is closed by writing
a. To Balance b/d b. By Balance c/d c. To Balance c/d
19. When the total of debits and credits are equal, it represents
a. debit balance b. credit balance c. nil balance
20. The balances of personal and real accounts are shown in the
a. profit and loss account b. balance sheet c. both.
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Sub division of the journals into various books for recording transactions of similar nature are called
a). Purchase Book b). Sales book c). Subsidiary book
2. The total of the ________ book is posted to the debit of purchases account.
a). Sales b). Cash book c). Purchase
3. The person who prepares a bill is called the ________.

a). Drawee b). Payee
4. Days of grace are ________ in number.
a). Three
5. Purchase of machinery is recorded in
b). Two
c). Drawer

c). One

a) sales book b) journal proper c) purchases book

6. Purchases book is kept to record
a) all purchases b) only cash purchases c) only credit purchases
7. Credit sales are recorded in
a) sales book b) cash book c) journal proper
8. Goods returned by customers are recorded in
a) sales book b) sales return book c) purchases return book
9. On 1st January 2003, Chandran draws a bill on Sundar for 3 months, its due date is ____________
a) 31st March 2003 b) 1st April 2003 c) 4th April 2003
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Discount allowed column appears in _______ side of the cash book.
a). Credit b). Debit c). None of these
2. In the triple column cash book, when a cheque is received the amount is entered in the _______ column.
a). Bank b). Cash c). Both Bank and Cash
3. Discount received column appears in _____ side of the cash book.
a). Profit and Loss Account b). Debit c). Credit


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4. A cheque received and paid into the bank on the same day is recorded in the ______ column of the three
column cash book.
a). Bank b). Cash c). Ledger
5. When a cheque received from a customer is dishonoured, his account is ________.
a). Credited b). Debited c). None of these
6. Cash Book is one of the _______ books.
a). Journal b). Ledger c). Subsidiary
7. The cash book records
a) all cash payments b) all cash receipts c) all cash receipts & payments
8. When goods are purchased for cash, the entry will be recorded in the
a) cash book b) purchases book c) journal
9. The balance of cash book indicates
a) net income b) cash in hand c) difference between debtors and creditors
10. In triple column cash book, cash withdrawn from bank for office use will appear in
a) debit side of the cash book only b) both sides of the cash book.
c) credit side of the cash book only.
11. If a cheque sent for collection is dishonoured, the debit is given to
a) suppliers A/c b) bank A/c c) customers A/c
12. If a cheque issued by us is dishonoured the credit is given to
a) supplier’s A/c b) customer’s A/c c) bank A/c

I. Choose the correct answer:
1. The book that records all small payments is called __________.
a). Petty cash book b). Single Column Cash Book c). Double Column Cash Book
2. The person who maintains petty cash book is known as __________.
a). Owner b). Accountant c). Petty Cashier
3. Analytical petty cash book is just like the __________.
a). Subsidiary Book b). Purchase book c). Cash Book
4. The periodic total of each column in the analytical petty cash book is posted to the concerned____accounts.
a). Personal b). Real c). Nominal
5. The petty cashier generally works on __________ system.
a). Imprest b). Barter c). None
6. Petty cash may be used to pay
a) Salaries to staff b) Purchase of furniture and fittings
c) Expenses relating to post and telegrams
7. The balance in the petty cash book is
a) an asset b) a liability c) an income
8. On Jan 1st 2002, Rs.1,000 given to petty cashier. He has spent Rs.860 during the month of January.
On Feb 1st to make the imprest he will receive cheque for Rs.______.
a) Rs. 1,000 b) Rs. 860 c) Rs. 1,860


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I. Choose the correct answer:
1. The bank statement is sent by __________ to the customer.
a). Bank b). Cash c). Both Cash and Bank
2. Overdraft means credit balance as per ________ book.
a). Cash b). Journal c). Ledger
3. When cash is withdrawn from the bank, the bank ________ the customer’s account.
a). Debits b). Credit c). None of these
4. ________ balance in pass book shows bank overdraft.
a). Cash b).Bank c). None of these
5. For the purposes of reconciliation only the ________ column of the cash book are to be considered.
a). Cash b). Bank c).
6. A bank reconciliation statement is prepared by the ________.
a). Owner b). Banker c). Customer
7. Bank Reconciliation statement is prepared by the
a) Bank b) creditor of a business c) customer of a bank
8. Debit balance in the Cash Book means
a) Overdraft as per Pass Book b) credit balance as per Pass Book
c) Overdraft as per Cash Book
9. When balance as per Cash Book is the starting point, to ascertain balance as per pass book interest
allowed by Bank is

a) Subtracted b) added c) not adjusted
10. When balance as per Cash Book is the starting point, to ascertain the balance as per pass book interest
Charged by Bank is:
a) added b) subtracted c) not adjusted
11. When the balance as per Cash Book is the starting point to ascertain balance as per pass book, direct
deposits by customers are:
a) added b) subtracted c) not adjusted
12. When the balance as per Cash Book is the starting point to ascertain balance as per pass book, direct
payment by bank are:
a) added b) subtracted c) not adjusted
13. A bank pass book is a copy of
a) the cash column of a customer’s cash book. b) the bank column of a customer’s cash book.
c) the customer’s account in the bank’s ledger.
14. The bank statement shows an overdrawn balance of Rs.2,000. A cheque for Rs.500 drawn in favour
of a creditor has not yet been presented for payment. When the creditor presents the cheque for
payment, the bank balance will be
a) Rs. 1,500 b) Rs. 2,500 (overdrawn) c) Rs.2,500
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Trial Balance should be tallied by following the rules of _______.
a). Double entry system b). Single Entry System c). Journal Entry


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2. If the total debits exceeds the total credits of trial balance, suspense account will show _______ balance.
a). Debit b). Credit c). Nil
3. Suspense account having debit balance will be shown on the _______ side of balance sheet.
a). Liability b). Asset c). Credit
4. If the total debit balances of the trial balance exceeds the total credit balances, the difference is
transferred to the _______ side of the suspense account.
a). Debit b). Credit c). Asset
5. Suspense account having credit balance will be shown on the _______ side of the balance sheet.
a). Asset b). Liability c). Capital
6. Short credit of an account decreases the _______ column of the trial balance.
a). Credit b). Asset c). Debit
7. When errors are located and rectified, ______ automatically gets closed.
a). Purchase b). Sales c). Subsidiary book
8. Journal entries passed to correct the errors are called _______.
a). Journal proper b). Rectifying Errors c). None of these
9. Excess debit of an account can be rectified by _______ the same account.
a). Credit (the excess amount in) b). Debit (the low amount in) c). Nil
10. Short debit of an account can be rectified by _______ of the same account.
a). Further Credit (the high amount) b). further debit (the short amount)] c). None of these
11. Trial balance is prepared to find out the
a) profit or loss b) financial position c) arithmetical accuracy of the accounts

12. Suspense account in the trial balance is entered in the
a) Trading A/c b) Profit and loss A/c
13. Suspense account having credit balance will be shown on the
c) Balance sheet

a) Credit side of the profit and loss A/c b) Liabilities side of the balance sheet
c) Assets side of the balance sheet
14. State which of the following errors will not be revealed by the Trial Balance.
a) Errors of complete omission. b) Error of carrying forward.
c) Wrong totalling of the purchases book.
15. Errors which affect one side of an account are called
a) Single sided errors b) Double sided errors c) None of the above.
16. Amount spent on servicing office Typewriter should be debited to:
a) Miscellaneous Expenses Account b) Typewriter Account. c) Repairs Account.
17. Wages paid to workers for the installation of a new Machinery should be debited to:
a) Wages Account b) Machinery Account c) Factory Expenses Account
18. Salary paid to Manager must be debited to
a) Manager’s Account b) Office Expenses Account c) Salary Account.
19. Goods taken by the proprietor for domestic use should be credited to
a) Proprietor’s Drawings Account. b) Sales Account. c) Purchases Account.
20. Cash received from Mani whose account was previously written off as a Bad Debt should be credited to:
a) Mani’s Account. b) Miscellaneous Income Account. c) Bad Debts Recovered Account.


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I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Amount spent on acquiring a copy right is an example for _________.
a). Capital Expenditure b). Capital Revenue c). Capital Income
2. Capital expenditure is _________ in nature.
a). Recurring b). Non-recurring c). None of these
3. Revenue transactions can be _________ or _________.
a). Revenue Expenses, Revenue Losses b). Revenue Income, Revenue Losses
c). Revenue expenditure, revenue receipt
4. Depreciation on fixed asset is a _________ expenditure.
a). Capital Expenditure b). Capital Revenue c). Revenue Expenditure
5. Expenses on research and development will be classified under _________.
a). Deferred revenue expenditure b). Deferred Revenue income c). None
6. Transaction which provide benefit to the business for more than one year is called as
a) capital transaction b) revenue transaction c) neither of the two.
7. Amount spent on remodelling an old car is example of
a) deferred revenue expenditure b) revenue expenditure c) capital expenditure
8. Shankar introduces Rs.50,000 as additional capital in the business. This amount will be considered as
a) capital receipt b) revenue receipt c) both
9. Revenue receipts are ___________ in the business.
a) non-recurring b) recurring c) neither of the above.

10. Venkatesh purchases goods worth Rs.80,000 for the purpose of selling. This amount will be treated as
a) capital expenditure b) revenue expenditure
11. Expenses on advertisement will be classified under
c) deferred revenue expenditure

a) capital expenditure b) revenue expenditure c) deferred revenue expenditure

12. An plant worth Rs.8,000 is sold for 8,500 the capital receipt amounts to
a) Rs. 8,000 b) Rs. 8,500 c) Rs. 500
13. Revenue expenditure is intended to benefit.
a) subsequent year b) previous year c) current year
14. An asset worth Rs.1,00,000 is sold for Rs.85,000 the capital loss amounts to
a) Rs. 85,000 b) Rs. 1,00,000 c) Rs. 15,000
15. The net loss which arises in a business is an example of
a) revenue loss b) capital loss c) neither of the two
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. __________ account enables the trader to find out gross profit or loss.
a). P&L a/c b). Trading c). Both Trading
2. By preparing profit and loss account __________ can be find out.
a). Net profit or Loss b). Gross Profit or Loss c). Operating profit or Lsos
3. Closing stock is __________ in the trading account.
a). Debited b). Credited c). Asset side

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4. Direct expenses appears in the debit side of the __________ account.
a). P & L a/c b). Trading c). Balance sheet
5. Indirect expenses appears in the__________ side of the profit and loss account.
a). Credit b). debit c). Liability
6. All incomes are__________ in the profit and loss account.
a). Debited b). Credited c). None of these
7. Bad debt is a__________ expense.
a). Operating b). Non-operating c). Selling
8. ‘Salaries and wages’ appear on the __________ account.
a). Trading a/c b). P&L A/c c). Balance sheet
9. Balance sheet shows the __________ of a business
a). Profit and Loss b). Financial position c). None of these
10. Trading account is prepared to find out
a) gross profit or loss b) net profit or loss c) financial position
11. Wages is an example of
a) capital expenses b) indirect expenses c) direct expenses
12. Opening stock is
a) debited in trading account b) credited in trading account c) credit in profit and loss account
13. Balance sheet is a
a) statement b) account c) ledger
14. Fixed assets have

a) short life
15. Cash in hand is an example of
a) current assets
b) long life

b) fixed assets
c) no life

c) current liability
16. Capital is a __________
a) income b) assets c) liability
17. Drawing must be deducted from
a) net profit b) capital c) gross profit
18. Current liabilities are recorded in the balance sheet on
a) not recorded b) liability side c) assets side
19. Net profit is added to
a) gross profit b) drawings c) capital


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1. Capital 2. Business transactions 3. Voucher 4.Bookkeeping
5. Financial 6. Proprietor 7. Summary 8. Cash received
9. Expense 10. Liability 11. Capital 12. Voucher
13. Two 14. Defective quality 15. Expenses

1. Prudence 2. Historical cost 3. Cost benefit 4. Business entity
5. Accounting period 6. Consistency 7. Owner 8. Very long
9. Matching concept 10. Two aspects

1. Kautilya 2. Two 3. Debit, Credit 4. British 5. Accounting Equation
6. Two 7. Real 8. Personal 9. Nominal 10. Debit Aspect
11. Credit Aspect 12. Personal 13. Personal 14. Intangible
15. Nominal 16. Nominal 17. Impersonal A/c 18. Personal

1. Transactions 2. Equality, 3. Accounts, 4. Capital,

5. Revenue orIncome,
10. Rs.15,000
14. Liabilities only
6. Original entry,
11. Jounal
15. Cash A/c
7. Journalising,

16. Cash A/c

8. L.F,
12). Capital = Assets – Liabilities
17. Drawings A/c
9. Bad debts,
13. Liabilities

18. Purchases A/c 19. Opening entry 20. 100000

1. Principal, 2. Posting, 3. Carried down; brought down,
4. Carried forward; brought forward, 5. Debit side, 6. Debit side; credit side,
7. Credit total; debit total, 8. Credit, 9. By Balance c/d,
10. Posting 11. Final entry 12. Balanced 13. J.F column 14. By
15. Income / gain 16. Expenses / losses 17. Debit balances 18. To Balance c/d
19. Nil balance 20. Balance sheet

1. Subsidiary books, 2. Purchases, 3. Drawer, 4. Three 5. Journal proper
6. Only credit purchase 7. All purchase 8. Purchase return book 9. 4th April 2003

1. Debit, 2. Cash, 3. Credit, 4. Bank, 5. Debited, 6. Subsidiary
7. All cash receipt & payments 8. Cash book 9. difference between debtors and creditors

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10. Both sides of the cash book. 11. Customers A/c 12. Supplier’s A/c

1. Petty cash book, 2. Petty cashier, 3. Cash book, 4. Nominal,
5. Imprest 6. Expenses relating to post and telegrams 7. An Asset 8. Rs. 860

1. Bank, 2. Cash, 3. Debits, 4. Debit, 5. Bank, 6. Customers
7. Customer of a bank 8. Credit balance as per Pass Book 9. Added 10. Subtracted
11. Added 12. Subtracted 13. The customer’s account in the bank’s ledger.
14. Rs. 2,500 (overdrawn)

1. Double entry system, 2. Credit, 3. Assets, 4. Credit, 5. Liabilities,
6. Credit, 7. Suspense account, 8. Rectifying entries,
9. credit (the excess amount in), 10. further debit (the short amount)
11. Arithmetical accuracy of the accounts 12. Balance sheet
13. Liabilities side of the balance sheet 14. Errors of complete omission.
15. Single sided errors 16. Repairs Account 17. Machinery Account
18. Salary Account 19. Purchases Account. 20. Bad Debts Recovered Account.

1. Capital expenditure,
3. Revenue expenditure, Revenue receipt,
2. Non-recurring,
4. Revenue expenditure,
5. Deferred revenue expenditure. 6. Capital transaction 7. Capital expenditure
8. Capital receipt 9. Recurring 10. Revenue expenditure
11. Deferred revenue expenditure 12. Rs. 8,500 13. Current year
14. Rs. 15,000 15. Revenue loss

1. Trading, 2. Net profit or loss, 3. Credited, 4. Trading, 5. debit,
6. Credited, 7. Selling, 8. Profit and loss account, 9. financial position
10. Gross profit or loss 11. Direct expenses 12. debited in trading account
13. Statement 14. Long life 15. Current assets 16. liability
17. Capital 18. Liability side 19. capital

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1. What is Book Keeping?
 Book-keeping is that branch of knowledge which tells us how to keep a record of
business transactions.
 Those transactions related to business which can be expressed in terms of money
are recorded.
2. Define Book Keeping?
R.N. Carter says, “Book-keeping is the science and art of correctly recording in
the books of account all those business transactions that result in the transfer of
money or money’s worth”.
3. Define Accounting?
American Accounting Association defines accounting as “the process of
identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit
informed judgements and decision by users of the information”.

4. What are the branch of Accounting?
 Financial Accounting
 Cost Accounting
 Management Accounting
5. Write short note on
a). Debtors
A person who receives a benefit without giving money immediately, but liable to
pay in future or in due course of time is a debtor.
b). Creditors
A person who gives a benefit without receiving money immediately but to claim in
future, is a creditor.
c). Voucher
It is a written document in support of a transaction. It is a proof that a particular
transaction has taken place for the value stated in the voucher.
d). Invoice
Invoice is a business document which is prepared when one sell goods to another.
The statement is prepared by the seller of goods.
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e). Stock
Stock includes goods unsold on a particular date. Stock may be opening and
closing stock.
f). Capital
The amount with which a trader starts the business is known as Capital.
6. What are the basic assumptions of accounting?

 Accounting Entity Assumption

 Money Measurement Assumption
 Accounting Period Assumption
 Going Concern Assumption

7. Define Money Measurement Assumption?

 In accounting, only those business transactions and events which are of financial
nature are recorded.
 For example, when Sales Manager is not on good terms with Production Manager,
the business is bound to suffer. This fact will not be recorded, because it cannot be

measured in terms of money.
8. What is Double Entry System?

The basic principle of this system is, for every debit, there must be a
corresponding credit of equal amount and for every credit, and there must be a
corresponding debit of equal amount.
9. Define Double Entry System?

 “Every business transaction has a two-fold effect and that it affects two accounts
in opposite directions.
 And if a complete record were to be made of each such transaction, it would be
necessary to debit one account and credit another account.
 It is this recording of the two fold effect of every transaction that has given rise to
the term Double Entry System”.
- J.R.Batliboi

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10. How to classify the accounts?

 Transactions relating to individuals and firms – Personal Account
 Transactions relating to properties, goods or cash – Real Account
 Transactions relating to expenses or losses and incomes or gains – Nominal Account
11. What are the Golden Rules of Accounting?
 Personal Account Debit the Receiver
Credit the Giver
 Real Account Debit What Comes in
Credit What Goes out
 Nominal Account Debit All Expenses and Losses
Credit All Incomes and Gains
12. What is Source Document?
Source documents are the evidences of business transactions which
provide information about the nature of the transaction, the date, the amount
and the parties involved in it.

13. What is Journal?
Journal is a date-wise record of all the transactions with details of the accounts
debited and credited and the amount of each transaction.
14. What is Receipt?
When a trader receives cash from a customer, he issues a receipt containing the
date, the amount and the name of the customer.
15. What is Cash Memo?
When a trader sells goods for cash, he gives a cash memo and when he purchases
goods for cash, he receives a cash memo. Details regarding the items, quantity,
rate and the price are mentioned in the cash memo.
16. What is Accounting Equation?
 Accounting equation is based on dual aspect concept (Debit and Credit).
 It emphasizes on the fact that every transaction has a two sided effect.
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17. What is Narration?

After each entry, a brief explanation of the transaction together with necessary
details is given in the particulars column with in brackets called Narration.
18. What is Bad Debts?
When the goods are sold to a customer on credit and if the amount becomes
irrecoverable due to his insolvency or for some other reason, the amount not
recovered is called bad debts.
19. Define Ledger?
According to L.C. Cropper, ‘the book which contains a classified and permanent
record of all the transactions of a business is called the Ledger’.
20. What is Posting?
The process of transferring the entries recorded in the journal or subsidiary
books to the respective accounts opened in the ledger is called Posting.

21. What is Loose-leaf Ledger?
Whenever necessary additional pages may be inserted, completed accounts can
be removed and the accounts may be arranged and rearranged in the desired
order. Therefore, this type of ledger is known as Loose-leaf Ledger.
22. What are the kinds of Subsidiary Books?
 Day Books
 Purchase Book
 Sales Book
 Purchase Return Book
 Sales Return Book
 Bill Books
 Bills Receivable
 Bills Payable
 Cash Book
 Journal proper

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23. What is Endorsement?

 Endorsement means writing of one’s signature on the face or back of a bill for
the purpose of transferring the bill to another person.
 The person who endorses is called the “Endorser”.
 The person to whom a bill is endorsed is called the “Endorsee”.
24. What is Journal Proper?
Journal proper is used for making the original record of such transactions for
which no special journal has been kept in the business.
25. What is Days of Grace?
In the calculation of the due date three extra days are added to the specified
period of the bill are known as ‘Days of Grace’.
26. Define Bill of Exchange?
According to the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, ‘Bill of Exchange is an
instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker,

directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the bearer
of the instrument’.
27. What are the various kinds of Cash Book?
 Single Column Cash Book
 Double Column Cash Book
 Discount and Cash Column
 Bank and Cash Column
 Triple Column Cash Book
 Petty Cash Book
28. What is Contra Entry?
Contra in Latin means opposite. When an entry affects both cash and bank
accounts it is called a contra entry.
29. What is Cash Book?
 A cash book is a special journal which is used to record all cash receipts and
cash payments.
 The cash book is a book of original entry or Prime entry.

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30. What is Petty Cash Book?

 The petty cash book is a book where small recurring payments like carriage,
cartage, postage and telegram, printing and stationery etc., are recorded in a
separate cash book called “Petty Cash Book
 The person who maintains the petty cash is called the “Petty Cashier”.
31. Explain the Imprest System?
 Imprest means ‘money advanced on loan’.
 Under this system the amount required to meet out various petty expenses is
estimated and given to the petty cashier at the beginning of the specified period.
32. What is Bank Pass Book?
 Bank Pass Book is merely a copy of the customer’s account in the books of a bank.
 It shows all the deposits, withdrawals and the balance available in the customer’s
33. Define Bank Reconciliation Statement?

‘Bank reconciliation statement is a list in which the various items that cause a
difference between bank balance as per cash book and pass book on any given
date are indicated’.
34. When can a bank reconciliation be prepared?
After tracing the various items of difference between bank balance as per cash
book and pass book a bank reconciliation statement is prepared.
35. Who prepare a bank statement?
The bank reconciliation statement is prepared by the customer of the bank.
36. Why is preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement is necessary?
 The errors that might have taken place in the cash book in connection with bank
transactions can be easily found.
 Regular preparation of bank reconciliation statement prevents frauds.
 It indirectly imposes moral check on the accounting staff.
 Uncredited cheque can be detected and steps can be taken for their collection.
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37. What is Bank Over Draft?

Bank overdraft is an amount drawn over and above the actual balance kept in
the bank account.
38. What is Trial Balance?
Trial balance is a statement which shows debit balances and credit balances of
all accounts in the ledger.
39. Define Trial Balance.
“Trial balance is a statement, prepared with the debit and credit balances
of ledger accounts to test the arithmetical accuracy of the books” – J.R. Batliboi.
40. What are the objectives of preparing trial balance?
 To check the arithmetical accuracy of the ledger accounts.
 To locate the errors.
 To facilitate the preparation of final accounts.
41. What are the types of Errors?

1. Error of Principle
2. Clerical Errors
 Errors of Omission
 Partial Omission
 Complete Omission
 Error of Commission
 Error of Recording
 Error of Posting
 Error of Casting
 Error of Carrying Forward
 Compensating Errors
42. Write a short note on
a). Errors of Principle
Transactions are recorded as per generally accepted accounting principles.
If any of these principles is violated or ignored, errors resulting from such violation
are known as errors of principle.

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b). Errors of Omission

This error arises when a transaction is completely or partially omitted to
be recorded in the books of accounts.
c). Errors of Posting
This error arises when information recorded in the books of original entry
are wrongly entered in the ledger.
d). Errors of Casting (Totalling)
This error arises when a mistake is committed while totalling the
subsidiary book.
e). Error of Compensating
The errors arising from excess debits or under debits of accounts being
neutralised by the excess credits or under credits to the same extent of some
other account is compensating error.
43. What are the errors disclosed by the trial balance?
 Errors of Omission
 Errors of Casting
 Errors of Carrying Forward

 Errors of posting in the wrong side of the correct account
 Error of posting to account with wrong amount
 Double posting in the same account
44. What are the errors not disclosed by the trial balance?
 Errors of Complete Omission
 Errors of Recording
 Errors of Principle
 Errors of posting to wrong account in the right side with the correct amount.
 Compensating Errors
45. Write a note on Deferred Revenue Expenditure?
A heavy revenue expenditure, the benefit of which may be extended over a
number of years, and not for the current year alone is called deferred revenue

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46. What are the objectives of book keeping?
 To maintain accounting records.
 To calculate the result of operations.
 To ascertain the financial position.
 To communicate the information to users.
47. What are the advantages of cash book?
 To avoid this all cash transactions are straight away recorded in the cash book
which is in the form of a ledger.
 It helps the proprietor to know the cash and bank balance at any point of time.
 The cash book is maintained by business concern, it can avoid frauds.
Discrepancies if any can be identified and rectified.
 It provides all information regarding total receipts and payments. So that,
effective policy of cash management can be formulated.
48. What are the difference between Journal and Ledger? (any 3)

Basics of
Journal Ledger

It is the book of primary entry It is the main book of account.

2 Stage It is the first stage of It is the second stage of
recording recording
3 Process The process of recording The process of recording
entries is called Journalizing. entries is called Posting.
4 Next stage Entries are transferred to It
theis use for preparation of trial
ledger. balance and final account.
5 Tax authorities Do not rely upon these books Rely on the ledger for
assessment purpose.
49. What are the uses of subsidiary books? (any 3)
 The division of journal, resulting in division of work, ensures more clerks
working independently in recording original entries in the subsidiary books.
 The division of labour also helps the reduction in work load, saving in time and

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 It also gives advantages of specialisation leading to efficiency.

 The accounting work can be divided in such a manner that the work of one
person is automatically checked by another person.
 The use of internal check, the possibility of occurrence of errors and frauds may
be avoided.
 It facilitates easy references to any particular item.
 Posting from the subsidiary books are made at convenient intervals depending
upon the nature of the business.
50. What are the differences between Trade Discount and Cash Discount?
S.No Basics of Trade Discount Cash Discount
1 Parties It is a reduction granted by a It is a reduction granted by a
manufacturer. whole- saler
2 Purpose To help the retailer to earn To encourage prompt payment
some profit. within a stipulated period
3 Disclosure It is shown by way of It is not shown in the invoice.

Time when
deduction in the invoice itself.
It is allowed on the purchase
of goods.
It is allowed when payment is
made within the specified

51. What are the difference between Cash Book and Pass Book?
S.No Basis of Distinction Cash Book Pass Book
1 Maintained by Cashier Banker
2 Deposits of Cash Entered on the debit side Entered on the credited side
3 Withdraw of cash Entered on the credit side Entered on the debited side
4 Signature It is not signed by the It is signed by the bank
cashier official


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52. What are the difference between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet?
S.No Basis of Distinction Trial balance Balance Sheet
1 Objective To know the arithmetical To know the financial
accuracy of accounts position of business
2 Format The column are debit and The asset and liabilities side
credit balance
3 Stage It is the middle stage It is the last stage
4 Stock It show opening stock only It shows closing stock only
53. State the reason for disagreement between the balances shown in the
cash book and pass book?
 Cheques paid into bank but not yet collected
 Cheques issued but not presented for payment
 Amount credited by the banker in the pass book without the immediate knowledge
of the customer
 Amount debited by the banker in the pass book without the immediate knowledge
of the customer.

54. In what aspects subsidiary books are more valuable then journals?
For a business having a large number of transactions it is practically impossible
to write all transactions in one journal.
 Periodical details of some important business transaction cannot be known.
 The journal becomes bulky and voluminous.
 Such a system does not facilitate the installation of an internal check system.
Since the journal can be handled by only one person.
55. When sales manager is not on goods terms with production manager.
Whether the business is bound to suffer. Is this transaction will be
recorded in the books? How?
No. This fact will not be recorded, because it cannot be measured in terms of

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56. Accountancy begins where book keeping ends – why?

 Book-keeping does not present a clear financial picture of the state of affairs of a
 When one has to make a judgement regarding the financial position of the firm,
the information contained in these books of accounts has to be analysed and
 It is with the purpose of giving such information that accounting came into being.
57. Give transaction with imaginary figures involving the following.
i). Increase in asset and capital.
ii). Increase and decrease in assets.
iii). Increase in an asset and a liability
iv). Decrease of an asset and owners capital.
v). Decrease and increase in asset
vi). Decrease in asset and decrease in Capital
vii). Increase in asset and increase in Capital
i). Mr. Ram started a business with Rs. 20,000.

ii). Computer purchased for Rs. 50,000
iii). Purchased goods for Rs. 30000 from Mr.Babu
iv). Withdraw cash for personal use Rs.5000.
v). Machinery purchased for Rs. 12000
vi). Salary paid Rs. 3000
vii). Interest Received Rs. 5000.
58. Mention the five categories of Accounts.
 Asset account
 Capital account
 Liabilities account
 Expenses or losses account
 Revenue or income accounts

NOTE: If any mistakes please rectify it.


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