Safety Observation in Daily Use PDF

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The document discusses Skanska Finland's safety observation program which aims to prevent construction accidents by promoting safety awareness, corrective action, communication and learning through the use of safety observation cards.

The document discusses issues like job hazards, use of safe working platforms and tools, and personal protective equipment on construction sites.

Skanska Finland promotes safety observation by providing training on the use of safety observation cards, collecting worker observations and providing feedback, encouraging company-wide learning from incidents, and rewarding workers with donations to charity for their observations.


1. Case metadata
 Country/ies of origin:

 Year of publication by agency:


 Sector:
NACE F : Construction

 Keywords:
24401C :Case studies
24361C: Good practice
19881E: Safety instructions
57721C: Construction sites
47441D: Construction accidents
19081D: Hazard identification
48121D: Nearmisses
20641D: Worker participation

2. Organisations involved
Skanska Finland

3. Description of the case

3.1. Introduction
The accident rate in the construction sector is higher than in any other sector in Finland. Skanska
Finland is operating as a main contractor in construction sites, being therefore responsible for safety
at shared workplace and for its own Skanska workers. Planning for safe working conditions is
embedded in all planning phases. The last planning phase is called method statement or task
planning. It covers such safety issues as job hazards, use of safe working platforms, tools and
personal protective equipment.
One of the problems at construction sites is that working conditions and hazards change every day.
Experience has shown that it is difficult to identify all job hazards in task planning. Some hazards
arise only after the work has started; perhaps because of deficiencies in planning, changing weather
conditions, hazards caused by other groups of workers, etc. There was a continuous need for worker
vigilance and activeness in hazard identification and response in construction sites. Large projects
usually faced the problem of delivering information on job hazards to site management. Lack of
necessary information flow prevented corrective action and learning. The use of safety observation
cards had helped overcome this problem.

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
3.2. Aims
The aim of Skanska Finland was to prevent construction accidents at worksites, by means of
promoting workers safety awareness, corrective action, communications and learning whenever
hazards or near-miss incidents were identified, so that safety could be communicated in a positive
way to all parties at the construction site.

3.3. What was done, and how ?

Skanska Finland, as the main contractor, provided information on site safety rules, including the use
of safety observation cards to every new worker entering the construction site. The use of safety
observation card was instructed either personally, or by means of a powerpoint presentation or a
DVD-video. Each worker received a 10-page-block of safety observation cards which fitted in a
pocket. The block also included a short user manual which encouraged workers to identify a
hazardous condition or a near miss incident, write down their observations and pass their cards to
Skanska supervisor or post box. Every worker was free to decide whether he wished to add his name
on the observation card or not.
The safety observation card was meant to be as easy as possible to use. There was a fixed list of the
most common hazards on building and civil construction sites. The identified hazard could be
selected with just a tick, and the user could also add other hazards if necessary.
After identifying the hazard, the worker was advised to tick a suggestion for improvement.
Suggestions could be selected out of a fixed list or added at the end of the list if necessary (see figure
Figure 1. An English version of the safety Observation Card

Source: Skanska Finland

On the flipside of the card there was a free-text field for any notes the worker would like to make. The
following information was advised to be filled in:
1. What?
2. Where?
3. How and why?

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
4. Who/to whom?
5. Consequences?
6. Suggested action?
The card was then forwarded to Skanska supervisor who would go through the observation and give
immediate feedback to the worker either personally, or during the site weekly meeting where all
workers participated. Finally, the supervisor recorded the observation in an intranet-based safety
information system, determined the risk factor of the observation and reported actions that were
taken. Usually, small or medium risks were managed in construction site itself, whereas severe risks
or near miss incidents were handled in terms of both construction site and corporate level.
The safety information system generated an automatic e-mail notification to site construction
manager and Skanska safety personnel. The e-mail could be easily forwarded to sub-contractors or
other parties involved. Every construction site had its own web-based scorecard which helped
monitoring the number of observations that had taken place, as well as their content. Furthermore,
the database offered opportunities to analyse company-wide safety problems, provided that the
number of observations reported was significant.
As an example, it is worth mentioning that there were dozens of safety observations concerning
stepladders and other working platforms at height below 2 metres in 2005. Analysis of safety
observations, made it obvious that there was a need to create a new company standard regarding
working platforms. Finally, a new standard was set up, reducing the number of accidents due to
poorely designed working platforms.
Moreover, a considerable number of safety observations in the safety information system allowed the
analysis of data in several different ways. It was possible for example to identify the hazards
distributed to different building types such as hospitals, warehouses, apartments, terrace houses,
bridge works, etc. or otherwise, to a certain period of time (e.g. winter) (figure 2).

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Figure 2. Analysis of safety observations in hospital construction sites of Skanska
Finland, 2005-2007

Risk taking,
equipment 26%
Machines, tools,
Other, specify
Walkways, traffic
lanes, ladders

Corrective action
Work methods,
no title

Commercial building, Building, all Distribution of observations when taking a

hospitals regions look at hazards and corrective action.

Source: Skanska Finland

Corporate level observations were discussed in safety managers’ meetings every two weeks. Any
individual observation that contributed most towards the identification of a severe hazard was
published in Skanska’s safety bulletin that was printed out 1-2 times per month (figure 3). This was
meant to promote company-wide experience concerning near-miss incidents.

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Figure 3. Skanska Safety Bulletin 2/2008 for safety information distribution, including
safety observations

Near miss

Safety observation: Safety observation: Safety observation:

Fall from a hollow core Fall from a safety Danger from an
slab railing urethane foam

Source: Skanska Finland

The safety observation card was not only available to workers at site. Visitors were also encouraged
to use it, as well as Skanska’s top management in terms of safety tours.

3.4. What was achieved ?

Safety observations promoted accident prevention in various ways:
 They helped workers and supervisors to identify hazards and adopt preventive or corrective
measures immediately.
 They promoted personal and site-level communication and learning.
 They provided information for company-wide health and safety management.
 High number of safety observations in the safety information system enabled to analyse the
data in several different ways. It was possible for example to explore the hazards distributed to
different building types such as hospitals, warehouses, apartments, terrace houses, bridge
works, etc or otherwise, to certain periods of time (e.g. winter).
 Since 2004, when the company started collecting safety observations, the accident rate
decreased noticeably from 58 to 23.9 in 2007, while in the meantime the number of recorded
observations increased from 70 to 5994, indicating an indirect correlation between the number
of safety observations and accident rate (figure 4).

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Figure 4. Correlation of the number of safety observations and lost-time accident rate in Skanska
Finland (2004-2007)

Accident rate
in Skanska
Finland Annual number
of safety
[accidents at observations
work, >1 day
absence from

Source: Skanska Finland

 Although no official calculations regarding the implementation costs of the safety observation
procedure were available, Skanska management estimated that approximately EUR 3,9 million
were saved in accident costs.

3.5. Success factors

There are many factors that contributed to the successful implementation of the safety observation
 The safety observation card was user friendly and easy to use, incorporating fixed lists of most
common hazards at building and civil construction sites and suggestions for improvement.
Each identified hazard or proposal could be chosen just by ticking off (figure 5).

Figure 5. Safety observation in practice

Source: Skanska Finland

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
 The fact that every new worker entering a construction site was instructed in the use of the
safety observation card either personally, or with a powerpoint presentation or a DVD – video,
had helped to familiarise personnel with the idea of safety observation.
 The collection of observations by each Skanska supervisor, provided feedback to the workers
either personally or by means of a weekly held site meeting in which all workers participated.
This had created an opportunity for learning and preventing occurrence of similar hazards.
 Corporate level observations were discussed during safety managers meetings every two
weeks and regular safety committee meetings. Any observation that helped to identify an
important hazard, was published in Skanska’s safety bulletin that was printed out 1-2 times per
month. The intention was to promote company-wide learning from near-miss incidents.
 Skanska Finland had encouraged observation by donating one Euro per observation to charity.
The money collected, was donated to the Finnish Association of People with Physical
Disabilities (figure 6). Moreover, there were also several regional initiatives, lotteries, etc.

Figure 6: Each safety observation at a site results in a euro for charity

Source: Skanska Finland

 The observation was also promoted through the competition between workers and supervisors,
as regards the number of observations made.
 Skanska AB was organising a worldwide Safety Week annualy, together with a campaign for
promoting safety observation. These campaigns usually included posters and lottery winnings.
 And last but not least, the president of Skanska business unit, had sent a letter to every worker
individually, in order to challenge personnel to observe safety at work.

3.6. Further information

Contact person:
Antti Leino
Safety Manager
Skanska Finland
Skanska Oy
P.O.BOX 114 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 20 719 211
Fax :+358 20 719 2248

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
E-mail: [email protected]

3.7. Transferability
The implementation of the daily safety observation procedure itself is rather simple. The observation
card can easily be modified to match the most common hazards at any workplace. However, the cost
may increase considerably in case a company intends to establish a safety information system. This
would be the case if the organisation is large or if it consists of several worksites separated
After the card was developed in Skanska Finland in 2005 several companies had adopted the
method. These included major construction companies in Finland such as Lemminkäinen, Hartela
and NCC. It was also in use on the nuclear reactor construction site in Olkiluoto, three shipyards of
STX-Finland and the worksites of Assembly of Member City Representatives of Metropolitan Area

4. References, resources:
Information provided by Skanska Finland in the framework of the Good Practice Award Competition

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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