Daily Lesson Log in Mapeh 7 Health

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A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and its management of health concerns, the growth and
development of adolescents and how to manage its challenges.
B. Performance Standard The learner… appropriately manages concerns and challenges during adolescence to achieve holistic health.
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners… The learners…
Objectives  discusses the concept of holistic health  describes changes in different aspects of
(H7GD-Ia) growth that happen to boys and girls
 explains the dimensions of holistic health during adolescence; (H7GD-Id e-18)
(physical, mental/ intellectual, emotional,  explains that the pattern of change during
social, and moral- spiritual.) (H7GD-Ib13) adolescence is similar but the pace of
growth and development is unique for each

II. CONTENTS Changes in the Health Dimensions during

Holistic Health


1. Teacher’s Guide TG 1- 4 TG 4 -6 TG 7-10

2. Learner’s Material
LM 220- 225 LM 225 – 227 LM 228 – 233
3. Textbook pages N/A N/A
4. Additional Materials N/A
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. OTHER LEARNING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSi1cDPftbA
REFERENCES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnCyma4URiE
A. Reviewing Previous Call the students’ The teacher will post Activity 6: Connect Show a video
Lesson Or Presenting attention to the picture the following words: It! entitled “4 Main
New Lessons of adolescents doing  Physical Answers may vary. Signs You're
healthful activities on  Mental Have them share their Going Through
 Social answers in class. As a Puberty’’.
the first page of the
 Emotional student shares, tell the
 Moral- Spiritual others Link:
Ask:  Environmental to encircle on their https://www.youtu
1. What kind of Ask the students how paper the activity similar be.com/watch?v=Y
activities are the holistic health should be to what has been Si1cDPftbA
adolescents engaged attain. shared. After the Ask the following
in? sharing, call on students questions:
2. Are the activities (5 min) to say what have not  What is your
healthful or been encircled on their reaction to the
unhealthful? Why do paper. The others might video you
you say so? be interested in doing watched?
the same activities.  Are you
the same

(10 min)

B. Establishing A Purpose Let’s see how much you Show a video entitle Activity 1:
For The Lesson already know about our ‘’Psychology; Differences and
Module by answering the Adolescence”. This will Similarities
Pre-Test. (Note: The Pre- show how the a person Tell the students to
test will not be graded grow and morphing look at the pictures
and you will check only. from child to adult. It of teenagers.
This will help you know will alsoaffects his/her Ask:
the students’ prior personality. 1. How are the girls
knowledge and will help similar in the way
you to determine which Link : they grow?
concepts need to be https://www.youtube.co 2. How are they
emphasized as the m/watch?v=MnCyma4URi different from each
students study the E other?
Module.) Ask the following 3. How are the boys
(25 min) questions: similar in the way
they grow?
 What was the 4. How are the boys
message of the different from each
video? other?
 How did 5. How are the boys
adolescence and girls similar?
changes affect the 6. How are the
personal and boys and girls
societal outlook different in the way
towards a person? they grow?
7. Does everyone
(15 min) follow the same
growth pattern?
C. Presenting Examples /
Instances Of The New
D. Discussing New Teacher will lead The teacher will discuss
Concepts And Practicing discussion on the the Changes in the
New Skills # 1 dimensions of holistic Health Dimensions
health. during Adolescence.

(25 min) (15 min)

E. Discussing New Discussion about
Concepts And Practicing Human development
New Skills # 2 (10 min)
F. Developing Mastery Group Activity: Check Your Life
(Leads To Formative Ask the students to Skills
Assessment 3) group into five (5). Each Ask:
group will perform the 1. How many life
assigned task. skills do you
Materials needed: practice to
 5 sheets of promote your
Manila paper on health status?
which are What do you
written the 5 plan to do with
dimensions of the life skills you
health, one are not practicing
dimension on yet?
each sheet Why?
 5 different Answers to this
colors of activity vary.
marking pens Emphasize the
1. Post the 5 sheets of importance of
Manila paper on the developing life
wall. skills in promoting
2. Divide the class into 5 holistic
groups and assign each health.
group a station with a 2. Call attention
sheet of Manila paper to the picture of
and a marking pen. the pituitary
3. Write these questions gland.
on the board: Ask:
 What are the How does the
characteristics of the pituitary gland
dimension? affect your growth
 How can you become and development?
healthy in this
dimension? 4. Let the
members of the group
discuss the dimension
assigned to it and write
their answers to the
questions on the Manila
paper using their
marking pen.
5. After 5 minutes, tell
the groups to proceed
 Move clockwise to the
next dimension.
 Read what’s on the
paper and using their
colored marking pen,
check if they agree with
each item written on the
Manila paper. Add the
students' ideas.
6. Give the groups 3
minutes to stay in each
7. When all groups have
gone to all the 5
stations, let them go
back to their original
dimension and have the
group come up with
their own concept of the
dimension using the
entries on the paper.
Let them write their
answer on the board.
8. Have each group
leader share the
concept of its health

After the group

presentation, the
teacher will add more to
the concept of the
health dimension.

(15 mins)
G. Finding Practical Activity 3: Take Actions for Activity 3: We are
Applications Of The Your Health Growing and
Concepts And Skills In 1. Let the students do Developing
Daily Living “Take Actions for Your 1. Let the class
Health.” form five groups
2. Make sure that the of the same
activities written on each gender.
dimension are appropriate 2. Let the
and that the students can students work on
justify their answers, their chart.
(10 min) 3. Tell the girls to
consolidate their
work and the
boys to do the
4. Have the group
leaders present
the consolidated
output by groups.
(10 min)
H. Making Generalizations Let the students
And Abstractions About Activity 3: Take Actions do Sum-Up:
The Lesson for Your Health Call on some
1. Let the students do students to
“Take Actions for Your present their
Health.” work. Ask them if
2. Make sure that the they have the
activities written on same changes in
each dimension are each area of the
appropriate and Venn diagram.
(15 min) Tell them to
revise their work
if they
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz (See Attachment) Quiz (See
(10 min) Attachment)
(5 min)
J. Additional Activities For Sum Up (10 mins.)
Application And Activity 5: Do the Sum Up orally.
Remediation Interrelatedness of Enrichment Activity
Health Dimensions 1. Tell the students to
Let the students read read more about the
Interrelatedness of topic by reading books
Health Dimensions. Say: or visiting the website
1. Everybody stand. http://www.buzzel.co
2. When I say GO, show m/articles/5dimensions
the interrelatedness of o health.html.f
health dimensions with

 a part of your body--
GO. Call on a boy and a
girl to explain their
 Your whole body—
GO. Call on another boy
and girl to explain their
 With another
Call on another 2 to
explain their actions.
 As a group—GO. Call
on a group to explain its
K. Assignment Read “Something to Connect it to Art: Ask the students to read Make research on
Ponder On” on and do This can be an activity for Lesson 2 how to manage
Activity 1. an individual, a dyad or a the health
triad. concerns duing

A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. Of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who
Scored Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial
Lessons Work? No. Of
Learners Who Have
Caught Up With The
D. No. Of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which Of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With
Other Teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


MAPEH Teacher Principal 1

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