The Periodontal Index: A. L. Russell Examining

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The Periodontal Index

BY A . L . R U S S E L L *

I N S O F A R as the word "clinical" connotes

therapy or treatment, a discussion of the
Periodontal Index (PI) is out of place in
a conference on clinical methods. PI is an
epidemiological tool. The unit of study in
epidemiology is the population, and not the
individual. This leads to methods and pro-
cedures which would be inappropriate in
diagnosis for the individual dental patient,
but which are useful and valid in the field.

The rationale of some of these methods

can be illustrated with data originally pub-
lished by Sandler and Stahl. These data
1 0

are shown here as Figure 1. This material

was gathered in an effort to decide whether
A. L. Russell examining.
an estimate of gingival recession, tabulated
as the percent per person of teeth with gin-
gival recession exposing cementum, might
be a useful adjunct in periodontal diagno- score has been used extensively in the
sis. T o this end the investigators compared series of overseas nutrition surveys carried
individual gingival recession scores with in- out by the Interdepartmental Committee on
dividual scores for bone loss, computed Nutrition for National Defense and was 6

from a full-mouth x-ray survey. They con- employed with the group of examinees seen
cluded, quite correctly, that an estimate of here yesterday.
recession was unreliable in diagnosis of the
individual patient; this in view of large Another analogy might make the point
numbers of individuals with high recession more clearly. No single determination of
scores accompanied by minimal bone loss, blood cholesterol is adequate to determine
and the large numbers of individuals with
low recession scores and substantial bone
loss. But it will be seen at once that the
average degree of bone loss for a given de-
gree of recession is quite constant, as shown
by the regression lines in Figure 1. The
average degree of bone loss for the entire
group could have been computed from the
average recession score with a high degree
of precision. In appraising the status of the
whole group, in short, the recession score
would have been quite as valid and mean-
ingful as the data from the more complex
and costly x-ray examination. The recession
*School of Public Health and School of Dentistry, Fig. 1. Relation between gingival recession and alve-
University of Michigan. olar bone loss (Sandler and Stahl).

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the status of an individual patient. None- TABLE 1

theless, the average value of blood choles- Scoring and Criteria for the Periodontal Index
terol for each of you, taken once this
Score Criteria
morning, would be completely valid as an
indication of the status of this group as a 0 Negative. There is neither overt inflam-
whole. N o better group estimate would be mation in the investing tissues nor loss of
function due to destruction of supporting
gained by the analysis of two, four, six, or
ten additional blood samples per person. 1 Mild gingivitis. There is an overt area of
inflammation in the free gingivae which
F i e l d epidemiology is, i n fact, not so does not circumscribe the tooth.
2 Gingivitis. Inflammation completely cir-
much the study of disease as disease, as it cumscribes the tooth, but there is no ap-
is the study of the group characteristics of parent break in the epithelial attachment.
the people i n w h o m disease occurs. W h e n 6 Gingivitis with pocket formation. The
it is concerned with conditions as universal epithelial attachment has been broken
and there is a pocket (not merely a deep-
as periodontal disease, the usual procedure
ened gingival crevice due to swelling in
is to establish the relative prevalence of the the free gingivae). There is no interfer-
condition by relatively simple means and to ence with normal masticatory function,
expend the principal effort i n study of the the tooth is firm in its socket, and has not
concurrent factors—in the way of life or drifted.
8 Advanced destruction with loss of mas-
environment—which are responsible for ticatory function. The tooth may be
the patterns of disease i n the group as a loose; may have drifted; may sound dull
whole. on percussion with a metallic instrument;
may be depressible in its socket.
The Periodontal Index was developed,
over a trial period of ten years, to function
destructive disease usually scored i n the
in this situation.
range of .5 to 1.9; those with frankly-
established destructive disease, from 1.5 to
P I criteria are shown i n Table l . They

5.0; and those with disease i n terminal

are based upon the signs of periodontitis
stages from about 4.0 to 8.0, the maximum
and the sequence i n which they usually ap-
pear—inflammation, pocket formation, and
loss of function. E a c h tooth is scored; the
scores are totalled; and this total is divided TABLE 2
by the number of teeth present. This score Mouth Condition and Periodontal Scores
for the individual patient represents the
average condition of the teeth i n his mouth, Score in the
Most People with Range of
as appraised i n this manner.
Clinically normal supportive
tissues zero to .2
These numbers would be meaningless, of Simple gingivitis .3 to .9
course, unless they had some systematic Beginning destructive periodontal
relationship to clinical condition or progno- disease .7 to 1.9
sis on treatment. Table 2 illustrates the re- Established destructive periodontal
disease 1.6 to 5.0
lationship between clinical diagnoses made
Terminal disease 3.8 to 8.0
for purposes of treatment planning i n the
C l i n i c a l Center Dental Clinic, National
Institutes of Health, and P I scores for the Practicability. The index has proved to
same patients. A minimal gingivitis might be wide enough i n scale to discriminate
be found i n individuals considered negative adequately between groups i n A s i a and
on the P I scale; these usually scored from A f r i c a with high levels of prevalence and
zero to .1 or .2. Those with significant severity of disease, and simple enough to
gingivitis ranging upward toward incipient be practicable under a wide variety of field

Fig. 2. Examination site in Osegere, Nigeria. Fig. 3. Examination site in Sarrin, Lebanon.

conditions. Figures 2 and 3 are illustra- The figure also illustrates one of the dis-
tions of some of the situations i n which advantages common to indices of this sort
examinations have been conducted. Figure —the fact that such scores are abstractions
2 shows the examination i n progress i n and relatively meaningless, unless one is
Osegere, i n western Nigeria, and Figure 3 familiar with conditions they are intended
the examination room and instruments i n to assess. This is just as true, for example,
Sarrin, i n the Beka'a Valley i n Lebanon. of the Dow-Jones index or the index of
A s was the common experience, electric freight car loadings as it is of P I or D M F .
power was unavailable i n either of these
locations, though Sarrin had walking water Some concept of the range of scores
—water that walked into the village on the shown i n Figure 4 may be had through
heads of women from a source about three
miles away.

The relative prevalences of periodontal

diseases elicited i n this series of interna-
tional surveys are illustrated i n Figure 4.

This table shows P I scores for a series of

civilian populations aged 40-49 years, all
surveyed by examiners of a single research
organization.* The differences, i n conse-
quence, are true differences and not mere
artifacts due to examiner disagreement.
This decade of age, from 40 through 49
years, is particularly useful for study be-
cause these individuals are old enough that
signs of periodontal disease are clearly
evident, but not so old as to be mainly

The differences i n P I scores i n this array

are on the order of thirty-fold.

*The Epidemiology and Biometry Branch, National Fig. 4. P I scores for groups of civilians aged 40-49
Institute of Dental Research, National Institutes of years, examined by members of a single research or-
Health. ganization.
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Fig. 5. Typical periodontal condition of hill tribes-

men aged 40-49 years, South Vietnam. Fig. 6. Typical periodontal condition of South Viet-
namese aged 40-49 years.

study of the following illustrations. F i g -

ure 5 shows the periodontal condition of a
40-year-old woman examined i n the hill
country of V i e t N a m ; she was fairly typical
of her cohorts at that age. The next illustra-
tion ( F i g . 6) is representative of 40-year-
old Vietnamese living i n the delta areas. It
w i l l be noted that a mandibular incisor has
already been lost to periodontal disease.
The actual patient here was a boy of 17
years. T h e next illustration ( F i g . 7) rep-
resents the average condition of white
Fig. 7. Condition illustrating average P I score of
individuals aged 40-49 years i n Baltimore, Baltimore residents aged 40-49 years.
or i n Eskimos the same age living i n rela-
tively remote areas of Alaska. This aver-
age, however, misrepresents the true state
of things i n Baltimore because most of the
individuals studied there were better than
the group average. Only about one person
in nine i n Baltimore scored as high as the
median or average person i n the four Viet-
namese mountain villages. 9

The next illustration i n this series ( F i g .

8 ) shows a fairly typical mouth i n Osegere, Fig. 8. Typical periodontal condition of Yoruba
adults, Western Nigeria.
Nigeria, the examination site shown i n a
previous illustration ( F i g . 2 ) . Extremes

of disease like this are readily accommo-

dated i n the P I scale, and their mere ex-
istence is the reason why P I examiners are
instructed to look quickly at a mouth such
as that shown i n Figure 9 and say, i n
effect, "This mouth is essentially negative
on our scale of periodontal disease."

The group examined here yesterday is

difficult to orient to these world-wide find-
ings. Score distributions were pathological. Fig. 9, Mouth essentially negative on the P I scale.

There was obvious selection into two groups Table 4 shows some findings from one
—good and bad. Y o u n g men i n the sample of these surveys and illustrates another
scored far and away better than young method for the analysis of the relation be-
men the nation over; far and away better, tween P I findings and a concomitant vari-
in fact, than young women i n the sample, able. In this instance, P I data have been
which is unusual and surprising. In the used to divide a population group into a
older age groups there was rather more trichotomy of those with essentially normal
disease than we would expect to find i n a tissues, those with gingivitis only, and those
sample from the general United States pop- with advanced destructive periodontal dis-
ulation. ease as evidenced by pocketing or loss of
mobility. In these E s k i m o men, there was
Population findings. But P I is used not no difference i n average levels of serum
so much i n the study of disease as disease vitamin A between men i n whatever group
as it is used to establish a basis for study at whatever age. M u c h the same result was
of the characteristics of the people i n w h o m had when the analysis was made of average
disease occurs. levels of serum ascorbic acid, as shown i n
Table 5. These findings were typical of the
One of the first findings i n field studies series; there was no consistent or significant
of periodontal disease was the fact that i n pattern of association between these and
the United States, disease tends to be the other nutrients, an observation which sets
more widespread and severe i n persons of up a rather formidable inference that vita-
the less favorable socioeconomic status. min A or C nutrition is not a major factor i n
This general tendency is illustrated i n Table adult periodontal disease.
3, an array of P I scores for persons exam-
ined i n Birmingham i n 1957. There is a

clear association between P I scores and

something which is indicated by educa- TABLE 4
tional attainment. This is association, not
Serum Vitamin A (in meg./100 ml)
causation; I am sure that nobody ever cured Alaska Scouts, 1958
a case of periodontitis by going back to
graduate school. But findings such as this Ages Ages
to Ages 35,
point toward a factor i n disease which Periodontal Condition 24 25-34 over
seemed to call for further investigation.
That factor might have been nutrition; this Normal gingival tissues 36.8 35.4 33.1
Gingivitis only, without
consideration led us to participation i n the pocket formation 38.6 35.2 34.3
international nutrition surveys which have With advanced destruc-
been described elsewhere. 5
tive periodontal
disease 38.7 38.3 37.9

Serum Vitamin C (in mg./100 ml)
Education and Periodontal Disease Alaska Scouts, 1958
(Birmingham, 1957)
Ages Ages
Average to Ages 35,
Periodontal Periodontal Condition 24 25-34 over
Scores for
Persons with White Negro Normal gingival tissues .50 .56 .48
Gingivitis only, without
8 years of school or less 1.42 2.18 pocket formation .52 .54 .46
9 to 11 years of school .93 1.09 With advanced destruc-
12 years of school .52 .80 tive periodontal
13 years of school or more .29 .41 disease .55 .50 .58
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TABLE 6 about 31 percent to age. W h e n these fac-

Relation of Age, Sex and Oral Hygiene to PI tors were considered simultaneously, the
Scores, 752 South Vietnamese Aged effect of sex upon P I scores was reduced
15 Years or Older essentially to zero.
Analysis of Variance
Source of of Sum of Mean A b o u t the same result was had when the
Variation Freedom Squares Square analysis was repeated for a subsample of
individuals who had received biochemical
regression 3 1987.3188 662.4396 as well as physical examinations. This anal-
Random ysis is shown i n Table 7. A b o u t the same
variation 748 1000.6812 1.3378 percentage of variance i n P I scores is ex-
751 2988.0000 plained, and the principal concomitant fac-
F = 495.2 P : less than .001 tors were age, oral debris, and calculus.
Coefficient of multiple correlation: .82 W h e n considered simultaneously with these
factors, there was little remaining effect
attributable to hemoglobin, hematocrit,
T w o concomitant factors, however, were serum ascorbic acid, serum vitamin A ,
consistently and strongly associated with serum carotene, urinary thiamine, urinary
disease. These were the age of the group riboflavin, urinary N'Methylnicotinamide,
and its state of oral hygiene. G r o u p hygiene the classical physical signs of malnutrition,
status was usually estimated by means of or place and condition of residence.
the O H I - S index of Greene and V e r m i l -
l i o n , an index to be discussed later this

morning by D r . Greene. A finding typical Advantages and disadvantages. One prin-

for the series as a whole is shown i n Table cipal disadvantage of indices of this type
6, based on examinations of 752 Viet- has already been mentioned—the fact that
namese 15 years of age or older. The small
an index figure is an abstraction, without
value for the error term i n the table sug- meaning to the person not familiar with its
gests that the two participating examiners bases and computation. The second dis-
were highly comparable, and that factors advantage is common to most field meth-
completely independent of age, sex, and ods used i n the study of oral disease: the
oral hygiene could have had little effect flat necessity that examiners be calibrated
upon P I scores. The multiple correlation directly to each other if quantitative com-
accounts for about two-thirds of the vari- parison is to be attempted between their
ance. O f the variance explained, about 68 findings.
percent was attributable to hygiene and
A s for advantages, I think we have
TABLE 7 shown that P I data can be precise, and that
Relation of Age, Nutrition, and Oral Hygiene the method has proved useful i n the hands
to Periodontal Scores, South Vietnam of a large number of people. Perhaps the
Analysis of Variance greatest value of P I is the great volume of
Degrees information generated through its use.
Source of of Sum of Mean Population P I data have been reported
Variation Freedom Squares Square from such widespread areas as Alaska,
Multiple Ethiopia, Peru, Ecuador, Vietnam, Chile,
regression 14 718.3050 51.3075 Colombia, Thailand, Lebanon, the West
Random Indies, Uruguay, Burma, Jordan, Bolivia,
variation 75 331.6950 4.4226
Malaya, Northeast Brazil, Nigeria, the Su-
89 1050.0000 dan, Iran, Ceylon, India, Iceland, Taiwan,
F = 11.6012 P : < .001 Australia, N o r w a y , N e w Zealand, Israel,
Coefficient of multiple correlation: + .83
Egypt, and the United States. One set of

data from the U n i t e d States is unique i n In short, then, P I is here; it has been
that it presents P I scores and associated used widely; it works; and through its use
data for an area probability sample of the we have gained a considerable insight into
entire nation. 3
These findings are, and the population characteristics of periodon-
probably w i l l be for many years to come, tal disease.
the principal baseline for periodontal dis-
ease i n N o r t h A m e r i c a .


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