This Contract of Lease made and entered into this ___th day of __________ in 20___, MetroManila, Philippines by and between;
, Filipino, of legal age, with postal address at #57 Villaba St., Phase 6A,BF Homes, Paranaque City, hereinaer referred to as the
, of legal age, Filipino, single, with postal address at ____________________________________________________________________________________,herein referred to as the
, the LESSOR is the owner of the LEASED PREMISES, a semi-furnished/furnished condominiumresidenal property situated at UNIT #510A Aria Bldg., Amaia Condominium , Sucat Rd. Paranaque.
, the LESSEE desires to lease said premises and the LESSOR is willing to lease the same untothe LESSEE subject to the terms and condions hereaer set forth.
, for and in consideraon of the foregoing and mutual covenants herein contained, theLESSOR has let and lease unto the LESSEE the aforemenoned residenal house under the followingterms and condions:1)
The terms of lease shall be for a period of _______ (__) month/year commencingfrom ________________________ to ______________________ renewable for such period andsuch terms as may be mutually agreed upon by both pares.2)
The pares herein agree that the monthly rental of the leasedpremised shall be _______________________THOUSAND PESOS (___________________php).The LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR total amount of ____________________ THOUSAND PESOS(____________________ php) in the form of CASH/POST DATED CHEQUES (PDC) dated every 15th of months of year 2017-2018 upon signing of this Contract. 3)
: That the LESEE shall issue an advance payment to the LESSOR upon signing of thiscontract and prior to move-in an amount equivalent to the rent of (__) _____ month or a sum of PESOS: __________________________________________php. Wherein, the advance paymentshall be applied on the last months of the remaining period of this contract. 4)
: That the LESSEE shall issue a deposit payment to the LESSOR upon signing of thiscontract and prior to move-in an amount equivalent to ______ month rent, shall be considered
as security payment to cover the last month/s of rent upon terminaon of the contract and thecost of repair aside from the natural wear and tear and whatever amount of the LESSEE mightowe the LESSOR for unpaid electric, telephone and other bills which the LESSEE is obligated topay under this contract. This deposit is consumable and non-refundable.
Not-applicable onContract Renewal.
4.1. The deposit sum of Php _______________, If the LESSEE vacates the premisesbefore the expiraon of this contract, the total amount of the deposit is forfeited in favorof the LESSOR. The succeeding monthly rental payments are to be made directly to theLESSOR if his/her authorized representave without necessity of demand, on or beforeits due date.5)
: Upon contract signing, Advance and Deposit payments made from the previouslease contract on the same premise shall be automacally carried over unto the new leasecontract, unless lease amount changes will be made by LESSOR. LESSOR may change Terms andCondions of contract only upon renewal.6)
All consumpon of electricity, water and all repairs and new installaonin connecon with such services shall be for the account of, and shall be paid by the LESSEE.7)
The premises subject maer of this Contract shall be used for residenal purposeand for no other purposes without the wrien consent of the LESSOR. NO SUB-LEASING. NOPETS ALLOWED.8)
The LESSEE shall not make any major alteraons, structural changes orimprovements in the leased without the previous wrien consent of the LESSOR. However, anymajor alteraons or improvements made or introduced by the LESSEE in the said premises withthe consent of the LESSOR shall, upon terminaon of the Lease Contract, automacally accrue tothe benet of the said premises and become the property of the LESSOR without any obligaonon the laer’s part to pay or refund its value or cost to the LESSEE.9)
: All damages to the property, such as clogging of the water closets,lavatory sinks, drains and other plumbing works and such other defects and damages caused bythe fault, misuse, carelessness and/or negligence on account of the use thereof by the LESSEE,his family, agents, employees of servants, shall be repaired and made good by the LESSEE, butnot those caused of force majeure.10)
: The LESSEE shall not keep, deposit, and store in the premises anyobnoxious substance or any inammable material of substance that may constute a re hazard.11)
: For the purpose of it, for the convenience of all concerned, that the condionof the premises is maintained in good, tenantable condion, the LESSOR of his/her authorizedrepresentave is hereby given the right, aer due noce, to enter and inspect any part of theleased premises during reasonable hours and at the occasion therefore might require.
: The LESSEE agrees to give the LESSOR thirty (30) days wrien advancenoce of his intenon to vacate the premises before the expiraon of the term, provided,however that upon receipt of said noce, the LESSOR shall be free to show the prospecvetenants during those thirty days.13)
Upon the terminaon of this Contract of Lease for any reason whatsoever, theLESSEE shall immediately vacate the premises and return possessions thereof to the LESSORupon that laer’s request unless this lease is extended for another period at the request of theLESSEE.14)
: Should any of the pares herein be compelled to seek judicial relief against theother, the losing party shall pay an amount of 100% of the damage amount claimed by thecomplainant plus aorney's fees equivalent or no less than Php 50,000.00.15)
: That in case of non-payment of the rental herein spulated; or violaon of any condion of this contract, the lease shall be considered rescinded, and the LESSOR shall haveright to demand that the LESSEE vacate the premises.16) Any violaon on the part of the LESSEE of the terms provided for in this Contract shall besucient ground for the terminaon of this Contract of Lease. 17)
: That both pares have issued their true personal idencaondetails stated above to which postal addresses are acve and reachable for legal purposes. This Contract of Lease shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, andlegal representaves of the contracng pares herein named.
, the pares have hereunto signed these presents on the date and at theplace rst above wrien.
GIGI N. DELA CRUZ________________________
LESSOR LESSEESIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: _____________________ ____________________
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES)) S.SBEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in ________________________ Philippines this day of ____________, 20___, personally appeared:NAME:COM.TAX.CERT.NODATE AND PLACE OF ISSUEGIGI N. DELA CRUZ_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________All known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoinginstrument, and acknowledgment that the same is their free act and deed.
this ____ day of ___________, 20____ in ________________________NOTARY PUBLICDoc. No. _____________________________Page No. _____________________________ Book No. _____________________________Series of 20 ___________________________