Academy Report: Periodontal Maintenance

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Academy Report
Position Paper
Periodontal Maintenance*
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the role of periodontal maintenance procedures in the
treatment of periodontal diseases. Reliance on this position paper in patient management will not guarantee
a successful outcome, as periodontal diseases typically involve complex causes and symptoms. Ultimately,
decisions regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disease, as well as subsequent preventive
therapy, must be made by the treating practitioner based on specific circumstances presented by the patient.
J Periodontol 2003;74:1395-1401.

eriodontal maintenance (PM) is the preferred that recurrent periodontitis can be prevented or lim-
term for those procedures formerly referred to ited by optimal personal oral hygiene5-7 or through
as supportive periodontal therapy or periodon- periodic PM.8 Other studies have shown that patients
tal recall, and includes maintenance of dental who maintain regular PM intervals9-25 experience less
implants.1 PM is initiated following periodontal ther- attachment loss and lose fewer teeth than patients
apy and is performed by a dentist, although compo- who receive less PM1,3,26 or none at all.27-30 Since
nents of PM may be performed by a dental hygienist patients rarely are completely effective in removing
under the supervision of a dentist. Typically, PM plaque,31,32 adherence to a PM program reduces the
includes an update of the medical and dental histo- risk of future attachment loss. Similarly, PM allows
ries, extraoral and intraoral soft tissue examination, for monitoring of dental implants, as well as evalua-
dental examination, periodontal evaluation, implant tion of mechanical and biological aspects of implant
evaluation, radiographic review, removal of bacterial support and restoration. Since it is not possible to
plaque and calculus from supragingival and subgin- predict when or if untreated gingivitis will progress
gival regions, selective root planing or implant to periodontitis, PM provides for periodic monitoring
debridement if indicated, polishing of teeth, and a as well as professional plaque removal in patients
review of the patient’s plaque removal efficacy.2 These who have been treated for periodontal disease.3,9,33
procedures are performed at selected intervals to Patients with a history of periodontitis require periodic
assist the patient in maintaining oral health. Although PM, as personal supragingival oral hygiene alone has
PM usually is instituted following periodontal and not been shown to control attachment loss.34-36 Occa-
implant therapy and continues at varying intervals sionally, despite the best efforts of clinicians and
for the life of the dentition or its implant replace- patients, some individuals may suffer progressive
ments, PM may temporarily be discontinued and sur- attachment or implant loss despite maintaining a reg-
gical or non-surgical therapy reinstituted if recurrent ular PM schedule.37-39 Additional diagnostic infor-
disease or pathosis is detected. mation such as microbial analysis, as well as therapy
that includes local or systemic antimicrobial agents,
may be required for those patients.40-42
Tooth loss in some periodontal patients has been
shown to be inversely proportional to the frequency
of PM.3 Ten years following completion of periodon-
tal therapy, patients who had received at least peri- 1. To prevent or minimize recurrence of disease pro-
odic PM had significantly decreased probing depths gression in patients who were previously treated
and reduced tooth loss, compared to patients who for periodontitis, peri-implantitis, or some types
had not received PM.4 Indeed, numerous studies have of gingivitis (drug influenced, gingival diseases
demonstrated the efficacy of PM, and have shown modified by systemic factors, hereditary gingival
fibromatosis, etc.).
2. To prevent or reduce the incidence of tooth or
* This paper was developed under the direction of the Research, Science
and Therapy Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees of the
implant loss by monitoring the dentition and pros-
American Academy of Periodontology in May 2003. thetic replacements of the natural teeth.

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3. To increase the probability of locating and treat- prevalence or degree of disease progression,
ing other conditions or diseases found within the may help determine the need, frequency, and
oral cavity in a timely manner. number of radiographs.
3. Radiographic abnormalities should be noted.
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS D. Assessment of disease status or changes by
The following items may be included in a PM visit, reviewing the clinical and radiographic examina-
subject to previous examination, history, and the judg- tion findings, compared to baseline
ment of the clinician: E. Assessment of personal oral hygiene
A. Review and update of medical and dental history F. Treatment
B. Clinical examination (to be compared with previ- 1. Removal of subgingival and supragingival
ous baseline measurements) plaque and calculus
1. Extraoral examination and recording of results 2. Behavioral modification:
2. Intraoral examination and recording of results: a. Oral hygiene reinstruction
a. Oral soft tissue evaluation b. Adherence to suggested PM intervals
b. Oral cancer evaluation c. Counseling on control of risk factors (e.g.,
3. Dental examination and recording of results: smoking, nutrition, stress)
a. Tooth mobility, fremitus, and occlusal factors 3. Selective scaling or root planing, if indicated
b. Coronal and root caries assessment 4. Occlusal adjustment, if indicated
c. Restorative and prosthetic factors, such as 5. Use of systemic antibiotics, local antimicrobial
defective restorations agents, or irrigation procedures, as necessary
d. Other tooth-related problems, such as open 6. Root desensitization, if indicated
contacts or malpositioned teeth 7. Surgical therapy (or discontinuation of peri-
4. Periodontal examination and recording of odontal maintenance and treatment of recur-
results: rent disease), if indicated
a. Probing depths G. Communication
b. Bleeding on probing 1. Informing the patient of current status and need
c. General levels of plaque and calculus for additional treatment if indicated
d. Evaluation of furcations 2. Consultation with other health care practition-
e. Exudate ers who may be providing additional therapy
f. Other signs of disease progression or participating in the PM program, or whose
g. Microbial testing if indicated services may be indicated
h. Gingival recession H. Planning
i. Attachment levels if indicated 1. For most patients with a history of periodon-
5. Examination of dental implants and peri-implant titis, visits at 3-month intervals may be required
tissues and recording of results: initially.
a. Probing depths 2. Based on evaluation of clinical findings and
b. Bleeding on probing assessment of disease status, PM frequency
c. Examination of prosthesis/abutment compo- may remain the same, be modified, or the
nents patient may return to mechanical, chemical,
d. Evaluation of implant stability surgical, and/or non-surgical treatment.
e. Occlusal examination
f. Other signs and symptoms of disease activ- FREQUENCY AND TIME ALLOTTED FOR
ity (e.g., pain, suppuration) PERIODONTAL MAINTENANCE
C. Radiographic examination Many patients presenting with recurrent gingivitis
1. Radiographs should be current, based on the without additional attachment loss after definitive peri-
diagnostic needs of the patient, and should per- odontal therapy may be adequately maintained with
mit appropriate evaluation and interpretation PM performed semiannually.43 However, for most
of the status of the oral structures, including patients with a history of periodontitis, numerous
teeth, periodontium, and dental implants. Radi- clinical studies suggest that PM should be per-
ographs of diagnostic quality are necessary for formed at intervals of less than 6 months. Intervals
these purposes. of 2 weeks,16,44 2 to 3 months,9 3 months,3,4,10,45-50
2. The judgment of the clinician, as well as the 3 to 4 months,7,14 3 to 6 months,11,51,52 4 to

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6 months,37 and up to 18 months53 have been eval- ations that may enhance both plaque accumulation
uated. In general, data suggest that most patients and recolonization with pathogenic bacteria.78-81
with a previous history of periodontitis should obtain Although a number of investigators have examined
PM at least four times per year, since that interval the effects of various scalers, curets, and abrasives
will result in a decreased likelihood of progressive on implant surfaces, there are no clinical data to sup-
disease, compared to patients receiving PM on a less port the hypothesized relationship between implant
frequent basis.9,12,18,19,51 Nevertheless, the PM sched- maintenance technique and implant failure.
ule should be individualized, with the PM interval tai- Studies evaluating the effects of different mainte-
lored to the needs of each patient. nance procedures on implant surfaces have revealed
Although pocket debridement suppresses compo- that titanium and hydroxyapatite-coated surfaces are
nents of the subgingival microflora associated with frequently scarred and pitted when metal curets or
periodontitis,54,55 periodontal pathogens may return ultrasonic instruments are used.81 However, topical
to baseline levels within days or months.56-68 The antimicrobials, manual or motorized toothbrushes, or
return of pathogens to pretreatment levels generally rubber cup polishing with a fine abrasive paste all
occurs in approximately 9 to 11 weeks, but can vary produce minimal surface alterations.79 Other reports
dramatically among patients.69 have suggested that the use of interdental brushes
The time required for PM appointments should be and plastic scalers maintain the integrity of titanium
dictated by such factors as the number of teeth or implant surfaces, whereas ultrasonic scalers may lead
implants, patient cooperation, oral hygiene efficacy to severe roughness.80 In a comparative study of tita-
and compliance, systemic health, previous frequency nium implants instrumented with titanium, stainless-
of PM, instrumentation access, history of disease or steel, or plastic curets, the plastic instruments pro-
complications, and the distribution and depth of the duced no significant changes in titanium implant sur-
sulci.9 Although PM traditionally has been delivered faces following scaling, while metal instruments
over a 45- to 60-minute period, the time required for caused significant surface alterations.81 Furthermore,
effective PM should be individualized. titanium-tipped curets produced rougher surfaces than
Adherence to suggested PM intervals can affect those treated with stainless-steel instruments.81
the success of treatment. However, studies have sug- Another study compared surfaces of titanium implants
gested that the degree of compliance with PM has subjected to standardized scaling forces using gold-
been poor. One report indicated that 28% of patients tipped scalers, a resin scaler, a graphite-reinforced
did not comply with their first PM visit.70 Another scaler, an air-powder abrasive system, and a rubber
showed that, over a 10-year period, compliance was cup with tin oxide slurry. No significant surface alter-
45.8%, and that 59% of patients 30 years of age or ations were produced by the air abrasive system, but
younger were non-compliant.71 Consequently, peri- all other hygiene methods either created significant
odic reinforcement of the benefits of PM appears to surface alterations, left residual particles on the abut-
be indicated, since it has been shown that patients ment surfaces, or both.82
treated for periodontitis who comply with suggested Plastic scaling instruments are commercially avail-
PM intervals will experience less attachment and tooth able. Their relatively large size can limit access to
loss than patients who do not demonstrate compli- defects around implants. Therefore, other plastic
ance.3,17,30,69-74 Moreover, mechanical, chemical, instruments incorporating harder plastic have been
surgical, and/or non-surgical therapy may need to designed specifically to provide better subgingival
be reinitiated in some PM patients at specific sites access and sufficient strength to remove subgingival
that manifest disease progression. This may be indi- calculus. However, no studies have reported the effi-
cated particularly at sites associated with previous cacy of these instruments. Gold-tipped and graphite-
attachment loss.75-77 reinforced instruments are also available. Since gold
is softer than titanium, these instruments may be less
IMPLANT MAINTENANCE likely to scratch the implant surface.
Patients with implants should be evaluated at regu- The effect of altered implant surfaces on cellular
lar intervals to monitor their peri-implant status, the growth and tissue attachment remains unclear. Evi-
condition of implant-supported prostheses, and dence suggests that air-powder abrasives do not alter
plaque control. It has been hypothesized that routine titanium surfaces, but that they do effectively remove
instrumentation of dental implants may scratch and microorganisms and allow normal fibroblast growth
pit the exposed implant surfaces, resulting in alter- in vitro.83 Implant surfaces instrumented with stain-

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less-steel and titanium-alloy curets have been asso- ical assessment, and evaluation of host factors includ-
ciated with significantly fewer attached fibroblasts ing gingival crevicular fluid components.91,92
than untreated control surfaces, with the greatest
reduction in cell attachment associated with surfaces SUMMARY
treated with stainless-steel instruments.84,85 Successful periodontal and implant therapy with reg-
The evidence suggests that plaque control is as ular PM can promote periodontal and peri-implant
critically important for the maintenance of dental health. Following surgical or non-surgical periodontal
implants as for natural teeth.86,87 Consequently, it therapy, an interval is established for periodic ongo-
appears that effective implant oral hygiene techniques ing care. PM is not synonymous with a prophylaxis.
may include interdental brushes, dental floss, dental Maintenance procedures are under the supervision
tape, and floss ribbons, as well as topical chemother- of the dentist and include an update of the medical
apeutic agents. Professional maintenance using plas- and dental histories, extraoral and intraoral soft tis-
tic instruments or judicious use of metal instruments, sue examination, dental examination, periodontal
air-powder abrasives, as well as polishing with a and implant evaluation, radiographic review, removal
rubber cup and fine abrasive, also may be indi- of bacterial plaque from supragingival and subgin-
cated.79,82,88 A more comprehensive review of treat- gival regions, scaling and root planing where indi-
ment considerations is found in the American cated, polishing of the teeth, and review of the
Academy of Periodontology position paper, Dental patient’s ability to perform plaque control.2 An inter-
Implants in Periodontal Therapy.89 val of 3 months between appointments for patients
with a history of periodontitis appears to be effec-
TREATMENT SITES FOR PERIODONTAL tive, but this can vary depending upon patient com-
MAINTENANCE pliance, as well as the clinical judgment of the
Effective PM involves cooperation and understanding dentist. When new or recurring periodontal disease
among all involved participants: the patient, the refer- appears, additional diagnostic and treatment pro-
ring (or restorative) dentist, and periodontist. Patients cedures must be considered. The successful long-
with recurrent gingivitis or slight chronic periodonti- term control of periodontal disease and implant
tis traditionally have been maintained by their general complications depends upon active periodontal
dentist. Patients with a history of chronic periodonti- maintenance care and appropriate additional ther-
tis with moderate attachment loss may receive PM on apy, if indicated.
an alternating basis with the general dentist and
the periodontist. Patients with a history of severe
periodontal attachment loss, or aggressive forms of The primary author for this paper is Dr. Robert E.
periodontitis, often obtain PM at the periodontist’s Cohen. Members of the Research, Science and Ther-
office, with the general dentist maintaining the non- apy Committee include: Drs. Terry D. Rees, Chair;
periodontal aspects of the dentition. This approach Christopher Cutler; Petros Damoulis; Joseph P. Fiorellini;
has been validated by post-treatment patient sur- William V. Giannobile; Henry Greenwell; Angelo
veys.90 In addition, patients with dental implants, Mariotti; Steven Offenbacher; Leslie M. Salkin; Brian K.
extensive periodontal prostheses, and those who Nicoll, Board Liaison; Robert J. Genco, Consultant.
are concurrently undergoing active orthodontic REFERENCES
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J Periodontol • September 2003 Position Paper 1401

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