LP Separator Sizing

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The document discusses an upstream vessel sizing program for performing preliminary sizing calculations and rating capacity calculations of separators, scrubbers, and other vessels. It can size and rate different vessel types and allows input of stream data and parameters to perform the calculations.

The purpose of the program is to perform preliminary sizing calculations and simplified rating capacity calculations of separators, scrubbers, and other vessels used upstream for the 2 phase separation of oil and gas according to DEP guidelines.

The program can size and rate the following vessel types: vertical/horizontal knock-out, vertical/horizontal wiremesh, vertical inline/2 stage vane, horizontal vane, SMS, SMSM, and Gas Unie.

Shell Global Solutions

Upstream Vessel Sizing Program Version: 2.5

Last Update: May-07

General information: LP Separator Read me

Select vessel:

Sizing: Stream
Rating: Rating

This tool requires macro's enabled to work

Shell Global Solutions

The custodian of this program is Mr. Anton Sluijterman (EPT-PNA).

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +44 1224 818760

For technical support, please contact the person referenced above.

The copyright in the software is vested in Shell Global Solutions International B.V., 2006.

The software shall not be amended modified or otherwise changed without the prior written approval of the copyright owner. No parts of the
software shall be disclosed to any party other than Shell International Exploration and Production or used by any such party unless the prior
written approval of the copyright owner has been received. The copyright owner gives no warranty and assumes no responsibility with
respect to the completeness, utility or accuracy of the content of the program and shall not be liable for any damage arising from or in
connection with any use made by recipient of information contained in this program.

Terms of Reference

The objective of the program is to perform preliminary sizing calculations for separators, scrubbers and other vessels used upstream for the 2
phase separation of oil and gas. These calculations shall be performed according to DEP "Gas/LiquidSeparators - Type
Selection and Design Rules" dated September 2002. The program shall also enable simplified rating capacity calculations of existing vessels.

It is advised that EP Users should contact Global Solutions for additional support where the vessel sizing calculations are most important
(I.E.prior to new vessel procurement or where capacity evaluation of existing separators is critical).

In this case the contact person is Mr. Joost de Witt (GSRD).

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +31 20 20630 3436


This program addresses the following vessel types described in the DEP:

1. Vertical Knock-out.
2. Horizontal Knock-out.
3. Vertical Wiremesh.
4. Horizontal Wiremesh.
5. Vertical Inline Vane.
6. Vertical 2 Stage Vane.
7. Horizontal Vane.
8. SMS.
9. SMSM.
10. Gas Unie.

The different vessel types are selected by using the drop down menu on the main sheet.

Two worksheets have been constructed for each type of separator: one for Sizing and one for Rating. The Sizing sheets are presented on a
blue background and are accessed by pressing the "Sizing" button on the main sheet. The main objective of the sizing sheets is to calculate
the vessel diameter and length/height based on given stream data. A common set of stream data for the sizing sheets can be input to the
program using the "Stream Data Button" on the main sheet. This means that the stream data is simultaneously updated for all vessel types
and allows the user to compare results for different types without the need to repeat the punching of the stream data. However, note that
some input data (non-stream data) is specific to the vessel type and must be input to the individual sizing sheets.

The Rating sheets are presented on a green background and are linked to the "Rating" button on the main sheet. The main objective of the
rating sheets is to calculate the vessel capacity given that the diameter and length/height are given with fixed fluid properties. This will apply
for an existing vessel. The rating sheets for the different vessel types are independent and are not linked to the stream data set used by the
sizing sheets. The rating sheets calculate the maximum gas flowrate and maximum liquid flowrate that can be handled by a vessel for the
liquid level settings specified by the User. The liquid level settings can be adjusted to obtain different outcomes for the gas and liquid
handling capacity.

The calculations by this program are hidden and protected from editing. This is because it is an objective that the program shall be utilised
globally within Shell as the standard tool for preliminary sizing and rating of vessels in Upstream applications. Future revisions of the program
shall be subject to Quality Assurance Review by GSRD. It is planned that a new version of the program shall be issued in January of each
year including the updates that are approved by the program custodian. The input data is entered into unprotected cells (which are identified
by white background). Coloured cells are not for input data.

This program utililises Macros. It is important that the Macros are enabled when the program is opened from Excel. On some Sizing sheets
the User must press the button "Run Sizing Subroutines" to update the sizing output data. On the Rating sheets the User must press the
button "Run Gas Flowrate Subroutine" to update the rating output data where this button is present. All Sizing and Rating sheets contain at
the top another button "Back" which can be used by the User to automatically hide the active sheet and return back to the main sheet.

The Sizing and Rating sheets can be printed in the normal Excel manner. The User may wish to save the program on a new file name for
archiving the input and output data on Project work. This is permitted. However, it is recommended that the file is saved intact and "redundant
sheets" are not deleted. The Sizing and Rating sheets should not be copied within the file as the Macros are not currently configured for this
Shell Global Solutions
Deviations from DEP

The program does include some deviations from the DEP. These deviations are authorised by GSRD and are listed below for clarity:

1. The maximum liquid level LZA(HH) for a Horizontal Wiremesh Demister is allowed up to 80% of the diameter and that the height of the gas
cap shall be 0.3 m minimum (deviation from section 3.4.3).
2. The maximum liquid level LZA(HH) for a Horizontal Vane Type Demister is allowed up to 80% of the diameter and that the height of the
gas cap shall be 0.3 m minimum (deviation from section 3.6.3).

Additional Program Notes

1. Warning messages are automatically generated by the program and marked by bold red text when the input or output data is outside the
expected range (this will normally require corrective action by the User).
2. Advisory text is marked by green text.
3. The degassing calculation is based on the cut off of vapour bubbles larger than 200 microns in the liquid outlet stream.
4. The defoaming calculation is in principle for froth formation in flash vessels only. The correlation is found to be valid for crude distilling flash
vessels and for de-asphalted oil flashers. Therefore, the defoaming correlation is not normally applicable to production separators in
upstream oil and gas service. For systems which are known to be slightly foaming, e.g. amine systems in the presence of slight amounts of
hydrocarbons, then the 250 mm extra hold-up height between LZA(HH) and LA(H) should be taken.
5. For the sizing of horizontal separators the User should input the desired L/D ratio of the vessel. However, this input may be overidden
when the degassing are defoaming options are activated to establish a solution.
6. For SMS and SMSM separators please be informed that the final demister ID should be determined by GSRD if this data is critical.
7. Nozzle sizes are not automatically calculated by the program but are instead compared to the DEP nozzle sizing criteria and a warning
generated if they are undersized. This means that the User should manually update the nozzle sizes to ensure they are not too small.

8. The program sizing and rating calculations incorporate a design factor as described in the DEP ( ref. Appendix IV).
9. The program calculates the minimum diameter and minimum height for the Sizing of vertical vessels. The User should in addition select
the actual diameter and actual height (tan/tan) manually and input this data into the allocated cells of the sizing sheet (vertical type only).

10. Normally vertical vessels are not well suited to high liquid loading or for handling slugs. This is evident when the Vessel height to diameter
ratio is excessive. In such cases it is normally better practice to select a horizontal vessel type.
11. The labeling of the sheet tabs is not protected. It is important not to edit the tab names as these are utilised by Macros in the program.

12. The demister MUC is an additional margin (for gas) over and above the design margin specified in the main input. When no over design
is specified the recommended demister MUC value is 85%. When overdesign is used in the main input, the demister MUC value should then
be set to 100%.
13. All volumetric flowrates are at actual flowing conditions.
14. Caution: In rating mode be careful not to enter a slug volume larger than the available liquid hold-up in the vessel. If this is done in error,
then the program will calculate a negative liquid flowrate.

Revision Status
Shell Global Solutions
Shell Global Solutions
Shell Global Solutions
Input Data 2 Phase Separator Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number Rev
Stream Data For Sizing

Design margin 1.00 X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Oil (or Light phase) mass rate 8 kg/s 8 kg/s

Oil density (or light phase) 830 kg/m3
Oil (or light phase) Viscosity 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2

Water (or Heavy phase) mass rate 0 kg/s 0 kg/s

Water (or heavy phase) density 0 kg/m3
Water (or heavy phase) Viscosity 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Light volume rate 0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s

Heavy volume rate 0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d
0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s

Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3

Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s

Surface tension oil 0.021 N/m

Surface tension water 0.069 N/m
Shell Global Solutions

Appendix IV

actual volumetric flowrate

for gas handling critera formulas

Vessel Vessel Vessel
Type Vertical Knock Horizontal Vertical
Out Knock Out Wiremesh

Sizing S_Ver_KO S_Hor_KO S_Ver_WM

Rating R_Ver_KO R_Hor_KO R_Ver_WM
Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 3.00
Calculated Diameter 2.19
Maximum gas flowrate 1.7360 0.2739
Low Level Alarm Sizing 0.34
High Level Alarm Sizing 0.45
Low Level Alarm Rating 2.00
High Level Alarm Rating 0.38

Reference data Inlet Yes/No

Schoepentoeter Yes
Half-open pipe No

Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel
Horizontal Vertical Vane- Vertical Vane Horizontal Vane SMS Separator SMSM
Wiremesh Type Demister: Type Demister: Type Demister Separator
Inline Type 2 stage
separation with


4.00 3.00

1.34 1.25
0.2780 0.2846 0.2301 0.2782 0.3055 0.3055
0.32 0.30
0.39 0.30
0.32 0.33
0.39 0.42
Gas Unie

S_Gas Unie
R_Gas Unie
Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Knock Out Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10 DEP
Equipment number 0 Rev 0 Ref.
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X 3.1.1

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter
1 3.1.4

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v < 8000

Appendix II
Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 74516 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500 Appendix II
Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 40253 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s Appendix II
Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical KO Type
Lambda, max 0.07 m/s 3.1.2

Dmin 2.00 m
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 =
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) 2508 mm 3.1.2
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 2066 mm
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 742 mm 3.1.2
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0 m

Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Additional volume added between LA(H) - LA(L)

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.44 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
LA(H)-LA(L) 1.32 m residence time 180 s Appendix V
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.44 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 2.00 m
Selected Diameter 1.31 m Too small
Vessel Height
Height h (liquid hold-up) 2.51 m
X1 - below feed inlet device 0.15 m 3.1.3
X2 - space for feed inlet 0.22 m 3.1.3
X3 - space inlet device TTL 0.786 m 3.1.3
Calculated Height 3.66 m
Selected Height 3.00 m Too Low
L/D for current design 2.29 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 43220 Pa 3.1.5
outlet nozzle 8856 Pa 3.1.5
Pressure drop 52075 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Knock Out Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 149698 m3/d 149698 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

1.73 m3/s 1.73 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 4.12 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.11 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.11 kg/s 2.11 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 219 m3/d 219 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0274 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0929 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device 1
Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.22 m rho*v2< 8000
Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 10955 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.23 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 7239 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.32 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical KO Type
Lambda, max 0.07 m/s

Actual vessel diameter 1.30 m

Maximum gas flowrate 1.7326 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.11 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 874 mm

Max liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 759 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 415 mm
Max liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm Min 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0 m
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 2.11 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.11 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 0.34 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.11 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Height h (liquid hold-up) 0.87 m
X1 - below feed inlet device 0.15 m
X2 - space for feed inlet 0.22 m
X3 - space inlet device TTL 0.78 m
Minimum required height 2.02 m
Selected Height 3.00 m OK
L/D for current design 2.31 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 6354 Pa
outlet nozzle 1593 Pa
Pressure drop 7947 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Horizontal Knock Out Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date May-07
Equipment number 0 Rev 2.5
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.50 m
Momentum 1908

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.50 m
Outlet momentum 1030

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.25 m
Liquid velocity 0.20 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Horizontal KO Type
Lambda,max 0.07 m/s

Minimum area for gas cap 3.13 m2

Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria Yes 1 H/D
Dmin 0.06 m LZA(HH) #VALUE! mm #VALUE!
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 454 mm 20.78%
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 340 mm 15.56%
LZA(LL) 300 mm 13.72%
Vessel Bottom 0 m 0.00%

Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)

Slug volume 0.00 m3 Additional volume added between LA(H) - LA(L)

Required control times LZA(LL) -Bottom 0.30 m based on:

Span is Too Low Min 0.10 m LA(L)-LZA(LL) 0.04 m residence time 45 s
Span is Too Low Min 0.35 m LA(H)-LA(L) 0.11 m residence time 140 s
#VALUE! LZA(HH)-LA(H) #VALUE! m residence time 45 s
Vessel Dimensions
Desired T/T-length / diameter ratio 3.00 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 3.00

Calculated Diameter 2.19 m

Calculated Length 6.56 m
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 1106 Pa
outlet nozzle 227 Pa
Pressure drop 1333 Pa
Vessel Sketch
hell Global Solutions



Appendix II

Appendix II

Appendix II




Appendix V

Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V

Shell Global Solutions
Horizontal Knock Out Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 149993 m3/d 149993 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

1.74 m3/s 1.74 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 4.13 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T #VALUE! kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate #VALUE! kg/s
Liquid mass rate #VALUE! kg/s #VALUE! kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T #VALUE! m3/d #VALUE! m3/d

#VALUE! m3/s #VALUE! m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density #VALUE! kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j #VALUE! [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0931 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Half-open pipe

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) #VALUE! m rho*v2< 2100

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum #VALUE! #VALUE!

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.23 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 7268 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) #VALUE! m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity #VALUE! m/s #VALUE!
Gas Handling Calculation
Horizontal KO Type

Main Vessel
Lambda, max 0.07 m/s
Area available 1.33 m2
Area required 1.33 m2
Area difference 0.00 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Actual vessel diameter 1.47 m

Actual length 5.87 m

Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 3.99 Typical: 2.5 < L/D < 6

Maximum gas flowrate 1.7360 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) #VALUE! kg/s
Gas Cap Height OK H/D
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 395 mm 26.87%
Maximum liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 377 mm 25.63%
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 2000 mm 136.05%
Maximum liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm 20.41%
Vessel Bottom 0 m 0.00%
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate #VALUE! kg/s #VALUE!

Required control times

LZA(LL) -Bottom 0.30 m based on: Min 0,3 m
LA(L) -LZA(LL) 1.70 m residence time 60 s
Span is Too Low Min 0,35 m LA(H)-LA(L) -1.62 m residence time 180 s
Span is Too Low Min 0,10 m LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.02 m residence time 60 s Not Including Foam
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle #VALUE! Pa
outlet nozzle 1599 Pa
Pressure drop #VALUE! Pa
Vessel Sketch
ell Global Solutions

Max 80%

Not Including Foam

Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Wiremesh Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device 1
Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000
Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 74516 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 40253 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical Wiremesh
f_visc 1.00 (-)

Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95 (-)

f_wm 0.00 (-) Should be smaller than 0.1, otherwise incorrect choice
f_phi 1.00 (-)
Lambda, max 0.105 m/s
Demister MUC 85% Refer to Note 12 on the Read Me Page.
Dmin - demister 1.77 m Demister ID can be different from ID vessel.
Demister diameter 1.10 m User may wish to install larger demister size
Lambda, demister 0.231 m/s
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria Yes 1 =
Dmin 0.72 m LZA(HH) 3165 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria Yes 1.00 LA(H) 2592 mm
Dmin 1.35 m LA(L) 873 mm
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0 m

Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Additional volume added between LA(H) - LA(L)

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.57 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 1.72 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.57 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 1.77 m
Selected Diameter 1.15 m Too small
Actual Lambda in vessel 0.211 m/s For Maximum Flowrate (Including Overdesign)
Turn down 15 % For Design Flowrate (Excluding Overdesign)
Vessel Height
Height h (liquid hold-up) 3.17 m
X1 - below feed inlet device 0.15 m
X2 - space for feed inlet 0.22 m
X3 - space inlet device to mistmat 0.30 m
Mistmat 0.10 m Normally 0.1 m
X4 - space mist mat - TL 0.17 m
Calculated Height 4.11 m
Selected Height 3.00 m Too Small
L/D for current design 2.61 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 43220 Pa
outlet nozzle 8856 Pa
mist mat 880 Pa
Pressure drop 52955 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions


Appendix II

Appendix II

Appendix II

aller than 0.1, otherwise incorrect choice




Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V


Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Wiremesh Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 23665 m3/d 23665 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.27 m3/s 0.27 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.65 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.09 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.09 kg/s 2.09 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 218 m3/d 218 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 10 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.1719 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0147 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 768

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 181

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.32 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical Wiremesh

Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95 (-)

phi at wm 0.0086 (-) Should be smaller than 0.1, otherwise reduce liquid load
f_phi 0.92 (-)
f_visc 1.00 (-)
lambda,max 0.097 m/s

Demister MUC 100% Refer to Note 12 on the Read Me Page.

Demister diameter 1.06 m Demister ID van be different from vessel ID.
Demister area available 0.88 m2
Demister area required 0.15 m2
Demister area difference 0.73 m2 Gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Main Vessel
Lambda, vessel 0.014 m/s For Maximum Flowrate (Including Overdesign)
Turn down 36 % For Design Flowrate (Excluding Overdesign)

Actual vessel diameter 1.15 m

Maximum gas flowrate 0.2739 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.09 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 1028 mm

Maximum liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 882 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 446 mm
Maximum liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm Min 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 2.09 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.15 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 0.44 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.15 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Height h (liquid hold-up) 1.03 m
X1 - below feed inlet device 0.15 m
X2 - space for feed inlet 0.22 m
X3 - space inlet device to mistmat 0.30 m
Mistmat 0.10 m Normally 0.1 m
X4 - space mistmat - TL 0.17 m
Total Height 1.97 m
Selected Height 3.00 m OK
L/D for current design 2.61 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 446 Pa
outlet nozzle 40 Pa
mist mat 5 Pa
Pressure drop 490 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Horizontal Wiremesh Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date May-07
Equipment number 0 Rev 2.5
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 74516 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 40253 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Horizontal Wiremesh
f_visc 1.00 (-)

Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95

f_wm 0.00 Should be smaller than 0.1, otherwise incorrect choice
f_phi 0.98 (-)
Lambda,max 0.088 m/s
Demister MUC 100 % Refer to Note 12 on the Read Me Page.
Lamda, actual 0.088 m/s
Demister area required 2.49 m2
Max. demister area available #VALUE! m2

Thickness wiremesh 0.13 m 10% of diameter

Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 H/D
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) #VALUE! mm #VALUE!
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 387 mm 28.89%
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 321 mm 23.97%
LZA(LL) 300 mm 22.39%
Vessel Bottom 0m 0.00%

Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Additional volume added between LA(H) - LA(L)

Required control times LZA(LL) -Bottom 0.30 m based on:

Span is Too Low Min 0.10 m LA(L)-LZA(LL) 0.02 m residence time 60 s
Span is Too Low Min 0.35 m LA(H)-LA(L) 0.07 m residence time 180 s
#VALUE! LZA(HH)-LA(H) #VALUE! m residence time 60 s
Vessel Dimensions
Desired T/T-length / diameter ratio 4.00 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 4.00 0

Calculated Diameter 1.34 m

Calculated Length 5.36 m
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 43220 Pa
outlet nozzle 8856 Pa
mist mat 172 Pa
Pressure drop 52247 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Global Solutions



Appendix II

Appendix II

Appendix II

.1, otherwise incorrect choice






Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V
Shell Global Solutions
Horizontal Wiremesh Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 24015 m3/d 24015 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.28 m3/s 0.28 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.66 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.09 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.09 kg/s 2.09 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 1.00 cP 0.0010 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 218 m3/d 218 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 10 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.1694 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0149 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device 1
Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m rho*v2< 8000
Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 783

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 186

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.32 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Horizontal Wiremesh

Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95 (-)

phi at wm 0.0085 (-) should be smaller than 0.1, otherwise reduce liquid load
f_phi 0.92 (-)
f_visc 1.00 (-)
lambda,max 0.083 m/s

Demister MUC 100% Refer to Note 12 on the Read Me Page.

Demister area available 1.04 m2
Demister area required 0.18 m2
Demister area difference 0.86 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.
Thickness wiremesh 0.13 m 10% of diameter

Main Vessel
Vessel gas area 1.04 m2
Lambda, vessel 0.014 m/s

Actual diameter 1.34 m

Actual length 5.36 m

Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 4.00 Typical: 2.5 < L/D < 6

Maximum gas flowrate 0.2780 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.09 kg/s
Gas Cap Height OK H/D
Apply Degassing Criteria Yes 1 LZA(HH) 410 mm 30.60% Max 80%
Maximum liquid flowrate 109.64 kg/s LA(H) 389 mm 29.01%
Apply Defoaming Criteria Yes 1 LA(L) 323 mm 24.10%
Maximum liquid flowrate 33.73 kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm 22.39%
Vessel Bottom 0 m 0.00%
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 2.09 kg/s

Required control times

LZA(LL) -Bottom 0.30 m based on: Min 0,3 m
Span is Too Low Min 0,10 m LA(L) -LZA(LL) 0.02 m residence time 60 s
Span is Too Low Min 0,35 m LA(H)-LA(L) 0.07 m residence time 180 s
Span is Too Low Min 0,10 m LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.02 m residence time 60 s Not Including Foam
Pressure drop
dP across:
inlet nozzle 454 Pa
outlet nozzle 41 Pa
mist mat 153 Pa
Pressure drop 648 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Vane-Type Inline Demister Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Open Nozzle Inline separator requires open nozzle as inlet device

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.40 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m Inlet nozzle too small (CSA < 15% Av)
Momentum 7945 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.40 m Too small, outlet nozzle should not be smaller than inlet nozzle
Outlet momentum 2516

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical Vane Type
Phi, demister 0.0453 Too High Should be smaller than 0.01,
otherwise incorrect choice
Phase Density Viscosity Ar Lambda Av
Light 830 0.0007 51191 0.128 1.71
Heavy 0 0.0000 0 0.000 0.00

Volume fraction light phase 1.00

Av 1.71 m2
Corresponding lambda 0.128 m/s
Corresponding density 830 kg/m3 required for dp vanepack calculations

hv, height vane pack 1.50 m recommended 0,3 <hv < 1.5 m
wv, width vane pack 1.14 m
hv*wv 1.71 m2
wvb, width vane box 1.24 m
hvb, height vane box 1.80 m
tvb, depth vane box 0.30 m OK recommended 0.3<tvb<0.45 m

min diameter inlet nozzle 0.56 m

diameter inlet nozzle 0.35 m
cross section inlet nozzle 0.10 m2 Inlet nozzle too small (CSA < 15% Av)
diameter outlet nozzle 0.40 m Too small, outlet nozzle should not be smaller than inlet nozzle

D_min, vane box requirements 1.48 m

Dmin accessibility 0.60 m
diameter drain pipes 0.05 m recommended at least one drain pipe per metre vane pack width
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) 3942 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 3214 mm
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 1028 mm
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m

Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Additional volume added between LA(H) - LA(L)

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.73 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 2.19 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.73 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 1.48 m
Selected Diameter 1.02 m Too small
Vessel Height
Height h 3.94 m
X1 - distance LZA(HH) to vane box 0.50 m
hvb, height vane box 1.80 m
X2 - distance vane box to TTL 0.10 m
Calculated Height 6.34 m
Selected Height 3.00 m Too Small
L/D for current design 2.94 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
Single pocket/double pocket, (1/0) 1 single pocket
Perforated plate upstream of plate pack , (1/0) 1 perforated plate this plate is recommended
NFA Perforated plate upstream of plate pack 0.2 recommended NFA=0.2 with 12 mm holes

dP across:
inlet nozzle 3973 Pa
outlet nozzle 553 Pa
vane pack 203 Pa
perf. plate 217 Pa
Pressure drop 4946 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions


Appendix II

Appendix II
ot be smaller than inlet nozzle

Appendix II


ot be smaller than inlet nozzle
e per metre vane pack width

Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V

Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Vane-Type Inline Demister Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 24593 m3/d 24593 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.28 m3/s 0.28 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.68 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.05 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.05 kg/s 2.05 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 213 m3/d 213 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 10 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.1621 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0153 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Open Nozzle Inline separator requires open nozzle as inlet device

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.13 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m OK
Momentum 85

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.40 m OK
Outlet momentum 12

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.31 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical Vane Type
Phi, demister 0.1621 (-) Too High should be smaller than 0.01, otherwise reduce liquid load

Phase Density Viscosity Ar Lambda Q* Max Av

Light 830 0.0007 51191 0.054 0.0153 0.28
Heavy 0 0.0000 0 0.000 0.0153 #DIV/0!

Area available 0.42 m2

Area required 0.28 m2
Area difference -0.14 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.
Corresponding lambda 0.054 m/s
Corresponding density 830 kg/m3 required for dp vanepack calculations

hv, height vane pack 0.00 m 0.65 m recommended 0,3 <hv < 1.5 m
wv, width vane pack 0.00 m 0.65 m calculated by program if input is 0
wvb, width vane box 0.75 m
hvb, height vane box 0.95 m
tvb, depth vane box 0.30 m OK recommended 0.3<tvb<0.45 m

min diameter inlet nozzle 0.23 m

diameter inlet nozzle 0.35 m
cross section inlet nozzle 0.10 m2 OK
diameter outlet nozzle 0.40 m OK

diameter drain pipes 0.05 m recommended at least one drain pipe per metre vane pack width

Actual vessel diameter 1.01 m

Maximum gas flowrate 0.2846 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.05 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 1225 mm

Max liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 1040 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 485 mm
Max liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowra 2.05 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.19 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 0.56 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.19 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Height h (liquid hold-up) 1.23 m
X1 - distance LZA(HH) to vane box 0.50 m
hvb, height vane box 0.95 m
X2 - distance vane box TTL 0.10 m
Total Height 2.78 m
Selected Height 3.00 m OK
L/D for current design 2.97 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
Single pocket/double pocket, (1/0) 1 single pocket
Perforated plate upstream of plate pack , (1/0) 1 perforated plate this plate is recommended
NFA Perforated plate upstream of plate pack 0.2 recommended NFA=0.2 with 12 mm holes

dP across:
inlet nozzle 42 Pa
outlet nozzle 3 Pa
vane pack 36 Pa
perf. plate 39 Pa
Pressure drop 120 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions

, otherwise reduce liquid load

uired to area available.

recommended 0,3 <hv < 1.5 m

calculated by program if input is 0

recommended 0.3<tvb<0.45 m
Min 300 mm
Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Vane-Type Demister: 2 stage separation with horizontal vanepack Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10 DEP
Equipment number 0 Rev 0 Ref.
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X 3.5.6

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000 Appendix II

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 74516 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500 Appendix II
Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.30 m Gas Outlet Nozzle Too Small (CSA < 15% Vane Area)
Outlet momentum 7951 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s Appendix II
Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Inlet Device Efficiency
Efficiency Schoepentoeter 0.95 (-)

phi at vane pack face 0.002 (-) Should be smaller than 0.01,
otherwise incorrect choice
Main Vessel

Lambda max 0.174 m/s with slugging, Lambda is limited to below 0,1 m/s
Dmin 1.27 m

Vane Pack
Phase Density Viscosity Ar Lambda Av
Light 830 0.0007 51191 0.258 0.85 3.5.3
Heavy 0 0.0000 0 0.000 0.00 3.5.3

Volume fraction light phase 1.00

Av, immiscible 0.85 m2
Corresponding lambda 0.258 m/s
Corresponding density 830 kg/m3

tvb, depth vane box 0.35 m OK recommended 0.3<tvb<0.45 m

recommended Wv 0.45 m
Wv 0.45 m Wv should be chosen such that Hv is between 0.3 and 1.5
Hv 1.88 m

wvb, width vane box 0.55 m

hvb, height vane box 2.18 m
diameter drain pipes 0.05 m

D_min, accessibility 0.60 m

D_min, even flow vane pack 1.06 m

Min. diameter gas outlet nozzle 0.40 m

Current selected 0.30 m Gas Outlet Nozzle Too Small (CSA < 15% Vane Area)
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) 5544 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 4495 mm
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 1349 mm
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0 m

Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)

Slug volume 0.00 m3

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 1.05 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
LA(H)-LA(L) 3.15 m residence time 180 s Appendix V
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 1.05 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 1.27 m
Selected Diameter 0.85 m Too small
Vessel Height
Height h 5.54 m
X1 - distance LZA(HH) to schoepentoeter 0.15 m
X2 - height schoepentoeter 0.22 m
X3 - distance Schoepentoeter to vane box 0.43 m
hvb, height vane box 2.18 m
X4 - distance vane box to TTL 0.10 m
Calculated Height 8.62 m
Selected Height 3.70 m Too Small
L/D for current design 4.35 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
Single pocket/double pocket, (1/0) 1 single pocket
Perforated plate upstream of plate pack , (1/0) 1 perforated plate this plate is recommended
NFA Perforated plate upstream of plate pack 0.2 recommended NFA=0.2 with 12 mm holes

dP across:
inlet nozzle 43220 Pa
outlet nozzle 1749 Pa
vane pack 829 Pa
perf. plate 884 Pa
Pressure drop 46682 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Vertical Vane-Type Demister: 2 stage separation with horizontal vanepack Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 19883 m3/d 19883 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.23 m3/s 0.23 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.55 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.05 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.05 kg/s 2.05 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 213 m3/d 213 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 11 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.2000 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0123 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m rho*v2< 8000 `

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 611

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 3750

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.30 m OK
Outlet momentum 25

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.31 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation

Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95 (-)

Phi, at vanes 0.0100 (-) should be smaller than 0.01, otherwise reduce liquid load

Vane Pack
Phase Density Viscosity Ar Lambda Q* Max Av
Light 830 0.0007 51191 0.218 0.0123 0.06
Heavy 0 0.0000 0 0.000 0.0123 #DIV/0!

Area available 0.38 m2

Area required 0.06 m2
Area difference 0.85 0.32 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.
Corresponding lambda 0.218 m/s
Corresponding density 830 kg/m3 required for dp vanepack calculations

hv, height vane pack 0.84 m recommended 0,3 <hv < 1.5 m
wv, width vane pack 0.45 m 0.45 m calculated by program if input is 0
wvb, width vane box 2.07 m
hvb, height vane box 1.14 m
tvb, depth vane box 0.35 m OK recommended 0.3<tvb<0.45 m

actual diameter outlet nozzle 0.30 m OK

min diameter outlet nozzle 0.26 m
diameter drain pipes 0.05 m recommended at least one drain pipe per metre vane pack width

min vessel diameter 0.80 m OK check for flow distribution to vane pack

Main Vessel

Lambda, max 0.12 m/s with slugging, Lambda is limited to below 0,1 m/s
Lambda, actual 0.00 m/s
Area available 4.15 m2
Area required 0.10 m2
Area difference 0.98 4.06 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Actual vessel diameter 2.30 m

Maximum gas flowrate 0.2301 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.05 kg/s

Maximum liquid flowrate for Schoepentoeter (Phi < 0.01) 2.05 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 1632 mm

Max liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 442 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 336 mm
Max liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm Min 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 15.31 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.04 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 0.11 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 1.19 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Height h (liquid hold-up) 1.63 m
X1 - distance LZA(HH) to schoepentoeter 0.15 m
X2 - height schoepentoeter 0.22 m
X3 - distance Schoep vane box 1.15 m
hvb, height vane box 1.14 m
X4 - distance vane box TTL 0.10 m
Total Height 4.39 m
Selected Height 3.70 m Too Small
L/D for current design 1.61 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
Single pocket/double pocket, (1/0) 1 single pocket
Perforated plate upstream of plate pack , (1/0) 1 perforated plate this plate is recommended
NFA Perforated plate upstream of plate pack 0.2 recommended NFA=0.2 with 12 mm holes

dP across:
inlet nozzle 354 Pa
outlet nozzle 6 Pa
vane pack 592 Pa
perf. plate 632 Pa
Pressure drop 1584 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Horizontal Vane Type Demister Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date May-07
Equipment number 0 Rev 2.5
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device.

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.51 m
Momentum 1762

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.58 m
Outlet momentum 569

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Slugging expected No 2.00
Lambda,max 0.150 m/s Schoepentoeter criterium
required gas cap area 1.46 m2

Inlet Device Efficiency

Phi, feed 0.0453
Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95
Phi at vane pack face 0.0023 Should be smaller than 0.01,
otherwise incorrect choice
Vane Pack
Phase Density Viscosity Ar Lambda Av
light 830 0.0007 51191 0.258 0.85
heavy 0 0.0000 0 0.000 0.00

Volume fraction light phase 1.00

Av, immiscible 0.85 m2
corresponding lambda 0.258 m/s
corresponding density 830 kg/m3 Required for dp vanepack calculations

Gas cap area required for vane pack 1.06 m2 Actual vane pack area is approx. 80% gas cap area with MUC 100%
Vane Pack MUC 100 % See Note 12 on the Read Me Page
hv, height vane pack }
wv, width vane pack }
wvb, width vane box Vane Pack Details Are Not Used For Sizing Calculation
hvb, height vane box }
tvb, depth vane box }
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria 2 H/D
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) #VALUE! mm #VALUE!
Apply Defoaming Criteria 2.00 LA(H) 304 mm 24.29%
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 301 mm 24.04%
LZA(LL) 300 mm 23.96%
Vessel Bottom 0m 0.00%

Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Slugging allowance 0.00 m3 Additional volume added between LA(H) - LA(L)

Required control times LZA(LL) -Bottom 0.30 m based on:

Span is Too Low Min 0.10 m LA(L)-LZA(LL) 0.00 m residence time 60 s
Span is Too Low Min 0.35 m LA(H)-LA(L) 0.00 m residence time 180 s
#VALUE! LZA(HH)-LA(H) #VALUE! m residence time 60 s
Vessel Dimensions
Desired T/T-length / diameter ratio 3.00 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 3.00 0

Calculated Diameter 1.25 m

Calculated Length 3.76 m
Pressure drop
Single pocket/double pocket, (1/0) 1 single pocket
Perforated plate upstream of plate pack , (1/0) 1 perforated plate this plate is recommended
NFA Perforated plate upstream of plate pack 0.2 recommended NFA=0.2 with 12 mm holes

dP, perf. Plate 884 Pa

dP, vane pack 829 Pa
pressure drop vane p. 1713 Pa
pressure drop inlet 1022 Pa
pressure drop gas outlet 125 Pa
Pressure drop 2860 Pa
Vessel Sketch
hell Global Solutions


Appendix II

Appendix II

Appendix II



s cap area with MUC 100%


Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V

Shell Global Solutions
Horizontal Vane Type Demister Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 24039 m3/d 24039 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.28 m3/s 0.28 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.66 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.09 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.09 kg/s 2.09 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 218 m3/d 218 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 10 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.1693 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0149 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device.

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 784

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 187

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.32 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Horizontal Wiremesh

Schoepentoeter efficiency 0.95 (-)

phi, at vanes 0.0085 (-) should be smaller than 0.01, otherwise reduce liquid load

Vane Pack
Phase Density Viscosity Ar Lambda Q* Max Av
Light 830 0.0007 51191 0.225 0.0149 0.07
Heavy 0 0.0000 0 0.000 0.0149 #DIV/0!

Vane Pack MUC 100 % See Note 12 on the Read Me Page

Area available 0.49 m2 Actual vane pack area is approx. 80% gas cap area with MUC 100%
Area required 0.07 m2
Area difference 0.43 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.
Corresponding lambda 0.225 m/s
Corresponding density 830 kg/m3 required for dp vanepack calculations

hv, height vane pack }

wv, width vane pack }
wvb, width vane box Vane Pack Details Are Not Used For Sizing Calculation
hvb, height vane box }
tvb, depth vane box }

Main Vessel
Slugging expected No 2
Lambda, max 0.127 m/s Max Lambda is reduced to 0,1 m/s if slugging is expected
Lambda, actual 0.024 m/s
Area available 0.62 m2
Area required 0.12 m2
Area difference 0.50 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Actual diameter 1.12 m

Actual length 4.48 m

Actual T/T-length / diameter ratio 4.00 Typical: 2.5 < L/D < 6

Maximum gas flowrate 0.2782 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.09 kg/s
Gas Cap Height OK H/D
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 447 mm 39.91%
Maximum liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 419 mm 37.39%
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2 LA(L) 331 mm 29.54%
Maximum liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm 26.79%
Vessel Bottom 0m #DIV/0!
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 2.09 kg/s

Required control times

LZA(LL) -Bottom 0.30 m based on: Min 0,3 m
Span is Too Low Min 0,10 m LA(L) -LZA(LL) 0.03 m residence time 60 s
Span is Too Low Min 0,35 m LA(H)-LA(L) 0.09 m residence time 180 s
Span is Too Low Min 0,10 m LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.03 m residence time 60 s Not Including Foam
Pressure drop
Single pocket/double pocket, (1/0) 1 single pocket
n perforated plate, (-) 1 perforated plate
NFA 0.2

dP, perf. Plate 672 Pa

dP, vane pack 630 Pa
pressure drop vane p. 1303 Pa
pressure drop inlet 455 Pa
pressure drop gas outlet 41 Pa
Pressure drop 1799 Pa
Vessel Sketch
hell Global Solutions

1, otherwise reduce liquid load

area with MUC 100%

Max 80%

Not Including Foam

Shell Global Solutions
SMS Separator Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10 DEP
Equipment number 0 Rev 0 Ref.
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X 3.7.1

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device.

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000 Appendix II

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.45 m
Momentum 2908

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500 Appendix II
Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.45 m
Outlet momentum 1571

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s Appendix II
Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.04 m
Liquid velocity 8.75 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Efficiency Schoepentoeter 0.95 [-]

Swirl Tubes
Max Lambda, swirltube 0.670 m/s 3.7.8
Area required, swirltubes 0.327 m2
Area per swirltube 0.0095 m2
Minimum number of swirltubes 37 [-]
Minimum diameter 1.15 m

Main Vessel
Lambda, max 0.250 m/s 3.7.8
Area required, vessel 0.876 m2
Minimum diameter 1.06 m
Lamda, actual 0.211 m/s
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) 2079 mm 3.7.8
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 1782 mm
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 596 mm 3.7.8
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0 m

Foaming tendency No 2.00

Slug volume 0.60 m3

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.30 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
LA(H)-LA(L) 1.19 m residence time 180 s Appendix V
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.30 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 1.15 m
Selected Diameter 1.60 m OK
Vessel Height
Horizontal collection headers used? Yes 1

Height h 2.08 m
X1 - below schoepentoeter 0.50 m 3.7.9
X2 - space for schoepentoeter 0.47 m 3.7.9
X3 - schoepentoeter - mistmat 0.45 m 3.7.9
X4 - mistmat 0.10 m 3.7.9
X5 - mistmat - swirldeck 0.50 m 3.7.9
Swirldeck 0.36 m 3.7.9
X6 - above swirldeck 0.24 m 3.7.9
Calculated Height 4.70 m
Selected Height 3.50 m Too Small
L/D for current design 2.19 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
dp wiremesh 736 Pa 3.7.11
dp sd 6514 Pa 3.7.11
dp inlet nozzle 1454 Pa 3.7.11
dp gas outlet nozzle 346 Pa 3.7.11
Pressure drop 9050 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
SMS Separator Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 26397 m3/d 26397 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.31 m3/s 0.31 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.73 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.09 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.09 kg/s 2.09 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 218 m3/d 218 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 9 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.1540 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0164 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device.

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.12 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 880

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 225

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.32 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Efficiency Schoepentoeter 0.95 (-)

Swirl Tubes
Max Lambda, swirltube 0.67 m/s
Actual number of swirltubes 0 If N=0, N is calculated by the spreadsheet.
Calculated number of swirltubes 16 Guidance number
Area per swirltube 0.0095 m2
Area available 0.15 m2
Area required 0.02 m2
Area difference 0.13 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Main Vessel
Lambda, max 0.25 m/s
Lambda, actual 0.03 m/s
Area available 0.58 m2
Area required 0.07 m2
Area difference 0.52 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Actual vessel diameter 0.86 m

Maximum gas flowrate 0.3055 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.09 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 1601 mm

Max liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 1341 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 560 mm
Max liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm Min 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m
Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 2.09 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.26 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 0.78 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.26 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Horizontal collection headers used? Yes 1
Height h 1.60 m
X1 - below schoepentoeter 0.50 m
X2 - space for schoepentoeter 0.22 m
X3 - schoepentoeter - mistmat 0.30 m
X4 - mistmat 0.10 m
X5 - mistmat - swirldeck 0.50 m
Swirldeck 0.51 m
X6 - above swirldeck 0.13 m
Minimum height (TT) 3.86 m
Actual height (TT) 3.90 m OK
L/D for current design 4.53
Pressure drop
dp wiremesh 13 Pa
dp sd 6514 Pa
dp inlet nozzle 510 Pa
dp gas outlet nozzle 50 Pa
Pressure drop 7087 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
SMSM Separator Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device.

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 74516 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 40253 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Efficiency Schoepentoeter 0.95 [-]

Swirl Tubes
Max Lambda, swirltube 0.670 m/s
Area required, swirltubes 0.327 m2
Area per swirltube 0.0095 m2
Minimum number of swirltubes 37 [-]
Minimum diameter 1.15 m

Main Vessel
Lambda, max 0.250 m/s
Area required, vessel 0.876 m2
Minimum diameter 1.06 m
Lamda, actual 0.211 m/s
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) 5423 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 4398 mm
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 1325 mm
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m

Foaming tendency No 2.00

Slug volume 0.00 m3

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 1.02 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 3.07 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 1.02 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 1.15 m
Selected Diameter 0.86 m Too small
Vessel Height
Horizontal collection headers used? Yes 1

Height h 5.42 m
X1 - below schoepentoeter 0.50 m
X2 - space for schoepentoeter 0.22 m
X3 - schoepentoeter - mistmat 0.30 m
X4 - mistmat 0.10 m
X5 - mistmat - swirldeck 0.50 m
Swirldeck 0.51 m
X6 - above swirldeck 0.43 m
Calculated Height 7.98 m
Selected Height 4.20 m Too Small
L/D for current design 4.88 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Pressure drop
dp wiremesh 736 Pa
dp sd 6514 Pa
dp inlet nozzle 43220 Pa
dp gas outlet nozzle 8856 Pa
Pressure drop 59326 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions


Appendix II

Appendix II

Appendix II





Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V

Shell Global Solutions
SMSM Separator Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 26397 m3/d 26397 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

0.31 m3/s 0.31 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 0.73 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 2.09 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 2.09 kg/s 2.09 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 218 m3/d 218 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 9 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.1540 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0164 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Schoepentoeter Only schoepentoeter is allowed as inlet device.

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.12 m rho*v2< 8000

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Momentum 880

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.09 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 225

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.32 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Efficiency Schoepentoeter 0.95 (-)

Swirl Tubes
Max Lambda, swirltube 0.67 m/s
Actual number of swirltubes 0 If N=0, N is calculated by the spreadsheet.
Calculated number of swirltubes 16 Guidance number
Area per swirltube 0.0095 m2
Area available 0.15 m2
Area required 0.02 m2
Area difference 0.13 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Main Vessel
Lambda, max 0.25 m/s
Lambda, actual 0.03 m/s
Area available 0.58 m2
Area required 0.07 m2
Area difference 0.52 m2 gas flowrate is calculated to match area required to area available.

Actual vessel diameter 0.86 m

Maximum gas flowrate 0.3055 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 2.09 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 1601 mm

Max liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 1341 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 560 mm
Max liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m
Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 2.09 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 0.26 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 0.78 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 0.26 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Horizontal collection headers used? Yes 1
Height h 1.60 m
X1 - below schoepentoeter 0.50 m
X2 - space for schoepentoeter 0.22 m
X3 - schoepentoeter - mistmat 0.30 m
X4 - mistmat 0.10 m
X5 - mistmat - swirldeck 0.50 m
Swirldeck 0.51 m
X6 - above swirldeck 0.43 m
Minimum height (TT) 4.16 m
Actual height (TT) 4.20 m OK
L/D for current design 4.88
Pressure drop
dp wiremesh 13 Pa
dp sd 6514 Pa
dp inlet nozzle 510 Pa
dp gas outlet nozzle 50 Pa
Pressure drop 7087 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions

equired to area available.

equired to area available.

Min 300 mm
Shell Global Solutions
Gas Unie Separator Vessel Sizing Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10 DEP
Equipment number 0 Rev 0 Ref.
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X 3.9.1

Gas rate Qg 353000 m3/d 353000 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

4.09 m3/s 4.09 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 9.72 kg/s 9.72 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 8.23 kg/s 8.23 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 857 m3/d 857 m3/d

0.01 m3/s 0.01 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0453 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.2191 m3/s for gas handling critera formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Half-open pipe in GU cyclone no Schoepentoeter applied

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.49 m rho*v2< 2100 Appendix II

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.25 m
Momentum 30522 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.35 m rho*v2< 4500 Appendix II
Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 40253 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.11 m Vliq < 1 m/s Appendix II
Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 1.26 m/s nozzle size too small
Gas Handling Calculation
Gas Unie Type
Lambda max 0.700 (0.9 below 100 bar , 0.7 above 100 bar) 3.9.3

Dmin 0.63 m
Liquid Handling Calculation
Apply Degassing Criteria No 2
Dmin 0.00 m LZA(HH) 21780 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(H) 17484 mm
Dmin 0.00 m LA(L) 4596 mm
LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0m

Foaming tendency 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Slugging allowance 0.00 m3

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 4.30 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
LA(H)-LA(L) 12.89 m residence time 180 s Appendix V
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 4.30 m residence time 60 s Appendix V
Vessel Diameter
Calculated Diameter 0.72 m (If D>1,5 m use more units in parallel)
Selected Diameter 0.42 m Too small
Vessel Height
Height h 21.78 m criterium for level control
minimum bottom TT - LZA (HH) 0.42 m criterium: 1.0*D 3.9.4
minimum LZA (HH) - Top TT 1.34 m criterium: 3.2*D 3.9.4
Calculated Height 23.12 m
Selected Height 7.11 m Too Small
L/D for current design 16.93 Acceptable L/D range is 2.5 - 6
Separation Performance
dcrit50 5 3.9.5
dcrit99 6 μm 3.9.5
Pressure drop
Max. pressure drop 50000 Pa
Min Diameter 0.72 m
Actual pressure drop 434652 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions
Gas Unie Separator Vessel Rating Sheet
Project Victor Separator Date July-10
Equipment number 0 Rev 0
Stream data
Design factor used: 1X 1.00 X

Gas rate Qg 148901 m3/d 148901 m3/d actual volumetric flowrate

1.72 m3/s 1.72 m3/s
Gas density rg 2.38 kg/m3
Gas mass rate 4.10 kg/s
Gas viscosity mg 0.013 cP 0.000013 Ns/m2

Light phase mass rate @ P T 1.99 kg/s

Heavy phase mass rate 0.00 kg/s
Liquid mass rate 1.99 kg/s 1.99 kg/s
Oil density rL @ P T 830 kg/m3
Water density 0 kg/m3
Oil Viscosity mL 0.74 cP 0.0007 Ns/m2
Water Viscosity mL 0.00 cP 0.0000 Ns/m2

Liquid rate @ P T 207 m3/d 207 m3/d

0.00 m3/s 0.00 m3/s
Average Liquid Density 830 kg/m3
Volume fraction light density liquid 1.00 [-]
Average feed density 4 kg/m3
Surface tension oil 0.02 N/m
Surface tension water 0.07 N/m

Inlet Flow parameter j 0.0260 [-]

Volumetric gas Load Factor light phase liquid density 0.0924 m3/s for gas handling criteria formulas
Nozzle Sizing
Inlet device Half-open pipe Schoepentoeter is not applicable for GU type

Min size inlet nozzle (ID) 0.30 m rho*v2< 2100

Selected inlet nozzle (ID) 0.25 m
Momentum 4365 nozzle size too small

Min size gas outlet nozzle (ID) 0.22 m rho*v2< 4500

Selected outlet nozzle (ID) 0.20 m
Outlet momentum 7162 nozzle size too small

Min. liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.06 m Vliq < 1 m/s

Selected liquid outlet nozzle (ID) 0.10 m
Liquid velocity 0.31 m/s
Gas Handling Calculation
Vertical GUC Type
Lambda, max 0.700 m/s (0.9 below 100 bar , 0.7 above 100 bar)

Actual vessel diameter 0.41 m

Maximum gas flowrate 1.7234 m3/s

Liquid Handling Calculation
Maximum liquid flowrate (for all criteria) 1.99 kg/s

Apply Degassing Criteria No 2 LZA(HH) 5757 mm

Max liquid flowrate kg/s LA(H) 4666 mm
Apply Defoaming Criteria No 2.00 LA(L) 1391 mm
Max liquid flowrate kg/s LZA(LL) 300 mm
Vessel BTL 0 m
Foaming tendency No 2.00 With foaming adds 0.25 m between LZA(HH) - LA(H)
Liquid Hold-up
Slug volume 0.00 m3 Max liquid flowrate 1.99 kg/s

Required control times LZA(LL) -BTL 0.30 m based on:

LZA(LL) -LA(L) 1.09 m residence time 60 s
LA(H)-LA(L) 3.27 m residence time 180 s
LZA(HH)-LA(H) 1.09 m residence time 60 s
Vessel Height
Height h 5.76 m
minimum bottom TT - LZA (HH) 0.41 m criterium: min 1.0*D
minimum LZA (HH) - Top TT 1.31 m criterium: min 3.2*D
Minimum height (TT) 7.07 m
Actual height (TT) 7.10 m OK
L/D for current design 17.32
Pressure drop
dcrit50 7
dcrit99 9 μm
Pressure drop
Pressure drop 85162 Pa
Vessel Sketch
Shell Global Solutions

Min 300 mm

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