Biological Heat Potential and Temperature Effect o

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Journal of Environmental Biology May 2009, 30(4) 615-619 (2009)

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Biological heat potential and temperature effect of an autothermal

thermophilic aerobic treatment (ATAT) system
Jui Min Hung1, Chang Yu Chen2, Fu Shih Huang1 and Chih Jen Lu1
Department of Environmental Engineering, National Chung Shing University, No. 250, Kuo-Kuang Road,
Taichung City 402, Taiwan, Republic of China
Department of Environmental Engineering, Hung Kuang University, No. 34, Chung-Chie Road, Sha-Lu Town,

Taichung County 433, Taiwan, Republic of China

(Received: August 13, 2007; Revised received: March 28, 2008; Accepted: April 10, 2008)

Abstract: This study focused on the evaluation of the specific biological heat potential (hb) of a food-processing artificial wastewater in the
autothermal thermophilic aerobic treatment (ATAT) system. A novel experimental method was developed to evaluate the hb value by using the
heat balance model under the steady state. This system was daily fed with oily and artificial wastewater at 21460 mg l-1 COD. The sludge
retention time (SRT) was controlled at 15 days. The results showed that the average values of hb were 3.25 to 3.63 kcal g-1-COD-removed
for the artificial wastewater. The values of true growth yield (Y0) were 0.08 to 0.19 mg-MLSS mg-1-COD for the food-processing wastewater
at different temperatures. The COD removal efficiency was 77 to 91%, and it was decreased as temperature increased. But, the oil and grease

(O and G) removal efficiency was 50 to 69%, and increased as temperature increased. These results might indicate that oil and grease become
more soluble and accessible to microorganisms at high temperatures. The study indicated the temperature effect constant (∅) of van’t Hoff-
Arrhenius law was 0.958, which explained and showed typical characteristics in the low sludge yield of an ATAT process.

Key words: ATAT system; Temperature effect; Biological heat potential, Growth yield, Oily wastewater
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Introduction MLSS mg-1 COD). Furthermore, the results have also been established
Thermophilic aerobic treatment process has conspicuous by Juteau et al. (2004) by using a self-heating aerobic thermophilic
advantages as compared with the activated sludge process (ASP) sequencing batch reactor (AT-SBR) to treat swine waste. LaPara and
the high degradation rate and low microbial growth yield due to Alleman (1999) conducted an in-depth review of autothermal
Surucu et al. (1975, 1976) used a 273 liter reactor to evaluate thermophilic aerobic treatment (ATAT) for wastewater. They concluded
kinetic parameters of the thermophiles at 58oC. The system heat that the ATAT process had similar advantages as for the ATAD
balance and performance was successfully simulated by a model. (autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion) process. The system is
The aerobic treatment of sewage sludge contaminated with difficult capable of high-strength wastewater treatment, such as pulp and paper,

biodegradable organic substances such as 4-NP under thermophilic livestock, and food-processing wastewaters.
conditions has been proven successful (Fawzi et al., 2000). In
Although the ATAT system has many advantages, but the
thermophilic aerobic treatment of organic wastewaters high and stable
applications in full-scale wastewaters treatment were relatively few,
COD removals have been investigated in laboratory and pilot-scale
because of the lack of fundamental understanding for the engineering
(Jahren et al., 2002; Suvilampi and Rintala, 2002; Vogelaar et al.,
design, especially the biological heat potential of wastewater. Also,
2002). Nevertheless, the major problems encountered are
many system parameters were important and want to be studied for
disappointing sludge settling characteristics in thermophilic aerobic
process design and the evacuation of system performance, such as
biological treatment system (Carter and Barry, 1975).
the prediction of spontaneous reaction, kinetic constants, cell yield,

ATAT system was operated at high organic loadings, the reactor oxygen transfer factors and temperature effect. In this study, the
was capable of maintaining high temperature with spontaneous reaction biological heat potential and temperature effect of an ATAT system
without external heat addition (LaPara and Alleman, 1999). Recently, were studied with a batch reactor.
Chiang et al. (2001) demonstrated that the biological heat contributed
50 to 55% as the total heat in a biological reactor. In Taiwan, the ATAT Materials and Methods
process in canned food wastewater has the hb value as 4.72 kcal g-1 Source of microorganisms: Microbe samples were obtained from
COD-removed that calculates by heat flux balance model. Hung et a full-scale ATAT system for food processing wastewater treatment in
al. (2008) reported the specific biological heat potential (hb) for full- Taiwan. The system was used to treat the oil and grease wastewater
scale practical and artificial wastewaters were 3.7 kcal g-1 COD discharged from a chicken chunk producing company. The values
(Yo = 0.1 mg MLSS mg-1 COD) and 3.1 kca l g-1 COD (Yo = 0.13 mg of pH and temperature were in the range of 6.1~6.5 and 45~55oC,

Journal of Environmental Biology  May, 2009 

616 Hung et al.
Table - 1: The operation conditions of tested ATAT system
35oC 45oC 55oC 65oC aerator

Influent temperature (oC) 35 45 55 65

Operation time (day) 30 30 30 30 80 W,110V
Eeactor volume (l) 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
SRT (day) 15 15 15 15 peristaltic pump
Initial MLVSS (mg l-1) 2762 2762 2762 2762 temperature
Si,COD* (mg l-1) 21460 21460 21460 21460
Si,oil** (mg l-1) 1000 1000 1000 1000 outlet
F/M (mg-COD mg-1 MLVSS) 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 ATAT

*Si,COD: influent COD, **Si,oil: influent O and G vessel

foam rubber
respectively. The COD removal was as high as 95% at the volumetric
stirring stirring
COD loading of 4.1 kg m-3d-1. (Chiang et al., 2001).
Fig. 1: Experimental set-up of the stirred-tank reactor continuously fed with
Performance analysis: The analysis including of COD, BOD5, oil
substrates (Hung et. al., 2008)
and grease (O and G), suspanded solids, and volatile suspended 100
solids (VSS) were conducted following Standard Methods (APHA,
COD removal efficiency (%)
1998). The open-reflux dichromate method was used for COD
analyses. The enriched culture dilution method was used for BOD
analyses. The hexane extraction method was used for oil and grease
analyses. Solids analyses were performed at 103-105oC for SS
and 550oC for VSS. Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) was determined by
DO meter in BOD bottles for the mixed liquid suspended solids from
the thermophilic reactor. Samples were taken for analyses twice per
day during the experimental period. The measure of lipase activities
was in accordance with Wang and Chen (1998).
Co 80





-1 100
Incubation: The artificial wastewater contained 8.0 g l glucose,
O and G removal efficiency (%)

8.0 g l-1 glutamate and 1 g l-1 olive oil. Besides, according the
O&G removal efficiency (%)

measured COD, N and P were added at the ratio of 100: 5: 1 to 70
supply the required nutrients and trace elements. The temperature 60
was controlled at 35, 45, 55 and 65oC for the incubating process. 50
The sludge retention time (SRT) was controlled at 15 days. 40

The incubation system consisted of seven major components 20

(Fig.1): an ATAT reaction vessel (1.8 liter), stirrer (500 rpm), aerator 10
(3 liter-air min-1), heat supply system (19.2 cal s-1), peristaltic pump, 0
signal record, and a processing computer system. The reaction 0 7 14 21 28
vessel was built with a 2.0 liter glass vessel (diameter is 20 cm) and 3500
was insulated with a 2.0 cm polyurethane foam layer. The ATAT 3000
reaction vessel was equipped with thermocouple (80W, 100 V) and 2500
MLSS (mg l-1)


Heat balance model and specific biological heat potential: 1500

Three series of experiment were conducted. In the first series, the 1000
pure water test was used to estimate the reactor heat loss, stirring 500
heat contribution, and aeration heat loss. In the second series, the
seeded culture was initially acclimated at sludge retention time (SRT)
0 7 14 21 28
of 15 days and the liquid temperature was controlled at 55oC with time (day)
Time (day)
extra heat compensation for 30 days. In the third series, after acclimating
35oC 45oC
45oC 55oC
55oC 65oC
to reach the steady state (SRT = HRT = 15 days), the reactor was
operated at SRT of 15 days without extra heat compensation. The Fig. 2: Temporal variation of COD, O and G removal efficiencies and MLSS
temperatures of reactor and effluent were recorded. The characteristics in ATAT reactors

Journal of Environmental Biology  May, 2009 

Biological heat potential and temperature effect of an ATAT system 617
Table - 2: Heat balance analysis for heat flux under different temperature conditions
35oC 45oC 55oC 65oC
Mean St-dev Avge St-dev Mean St-dev Mean St-dev

Tank temperature (oC) 32.5 0.4 43.3 0.3 52.3 0.3 59.2 0.3
MLSS (mg l-1) 3074.9 173.2 3053.3 199.3 2816.5 142.6 2677.5 222.0
MLVSS (mg l-1) 2911.7 144.0 2895.9 185.9 2666.2 119.0 2533.1 192.6
Effluent dissolve COD(mg l-1) 1972.7 291.5 2510.1 199.8 3654.9 158.5 4861.2 320.3
Effluent oil (mg l-1) 502.1 18.0 446.9 34.1 423.6 36.5 308.6 42.7
COD removal efficiency (ECOD, %) * 90.8 1.4 88.3 0.9 83.0 0.7 77.3 1.5
Oil removal efficiency (Eoil, %) 49.8 1.8 55.3 3.4 57.6 3.6 69.1 4.3

Substrates stream heat loss (Js, cal min-1) 0.21 0.04 0.14 0.02 0.22 0.02 0.49 0.03
Latent aeration heat loss (Ja, cal min-1) 873.0 - 873.0 - 873.0 - 873.0 -
Tank heat loss (Jt, cal min-1) 283.5 - 283.5 - 283.5 - 283.5 -
Thermocouple heat flux (Jh, cal min-1) 1152.0 - 1152.0 - 1152.0 - 1152.0 -
Biological reaction heat (Jb, cal min-1) 4.29 0.04 4.36 0.02 4.28 0.02 4.01 0.03
True growth yield (Y0)** 0.27 0.01 0.22 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.24 0.02
Specific biological heat potential (hb)*** 3.63 0.08 3.55 0.15 3.25 0.09 3.84 0.06
* ECOD: [inf COD – eff COD]/ (inf COD) × 100% ; ** Y0 : base on mg-MLSS(as COD) per mg-COD removed ; ***Calculation hb =Jb / [Q(Si,COD ×ECOD (1-Y0], cal min-1

hb (kcal g-1 - COD removed) or Jb (cal min-1)

100 4.60 Jb hb Y0 0.300
4.40 0.250

Yo (mg MLSS mg-1 COD)

3200 4.20
MLSS (mg l-1)

80 4.00
Efficiency (%)


70 3.80 0.150
60 0.100
50 0.050
2400 3.20
3.00 0.000
40 2200
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
35 45 55 65
Temperature (oC) Jb hb Y0
Fig. 3: The variations of COD, O and G removal efficiencies, MLSS at
different temperature Fig. 5: The variation of Y0 , Jb and hb at different temperatures


was based on the simplification of the model (Hung et al., 2008). The
major difference between the Chiang’s and the simplified models
was gas latent heat rate. The measured value of gas heat flux by
Lipase activity (U)

aeration was included gas latent heat rate. Therefore, the estimation
of thermocouple heat flux (Jh ) becomes more critical. The Jh must be
40.0 lower than the heat requirement [(Jw – Jw1) + (Ja– Ja1) + (Jt)].
30.0 Therefore, the governing equation can be expressed as follows:
Accumulation heat flux (Jacc) = [Influent WW heat flux (Jw) –

Effluent WW heat flux (Jw1)] + [Inlet gas sensible heat flux (Ja) – Exit
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
gas heat flux (Ja1)] + [Reaction heat flux (Jb) – Reactor tank heat loss
Temperature ( oC)
Temperature ( C)
flux (Jt)]. In other words,
Fig. 4: The variation of lipase activity variation at different temperatures Jacc = [(Jw – Jw1) + (Ja– Ja1) + (Jb) – (Jt) ] (1 )
and operating of the reactors conditions were listed in Table 1. The temperature effect: Temperature is an important parameter
The evaluation of hb for the laboratory scale ATAT system in the ATAT system, because temperature could affect the oxygen
was processed by a mathematical model. Chiang et al. (2001) used solubility in wastewater and affect the biodegradable rate. Basically,
the heat flux (J ) concept for the evaluation of hb and defined J (cal the temperature effect on the reaction rate constants can be estimated
min-1) as the ATAT system control parameter. The experimental design by the Van’t Hoff-Arrhenius equation (Tchobanoglous et al., 2003).

Journal of Environmental Biology  May, 2009 

618 Hung et al.
-1 log (Y0) = -0.0188 (T-20) - 0.2967 temperature increased. The reactor were operated above the melting
-0.9 log(Y0)R=2 =-0.0188(T-20)
0.8823 - 0.2967 temperature of oil and grease, these substances become more
-0.8 2
R = 0.8823 accessible to microorganisms and their lipolytic enzymes. Therefore,
-0.7 an increase in operating temperature also increased O and G removal
log (Y0)

-0.6 efficiencies. The result demonstrated that ATAT system could be

employed to treat the high-strength oily wastewater.
-0.3 Evaluation of the specific biological heat potential: In the
-0.2 study, we employed the heat balance model to evaluate the reaction
-0.1 spontaneity. The heat balance model was in accordance with Hung
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0
et al. (2008). The true growth yield (Y0) could be defined as following

(T-20) oC
Fig. 6: The logarithm value of true growth yieldand temperature regression analysis Y0 = Xt,COD /( Si,COD ×ECOD) (4)
KT = K20 ∅ (2) In the model, the net gas sensible heat rate and tank heat
In other words, loss rate were measured by background test in reactor without the
Log (KT) = log(K20)+(T-20) log(∅) (3) supply of substrate and by the aeration heat loss, respectively.
The K20 was known as the reaction rate constant at 20oC, According to the equation 1, we could employ the test reactor

the KT was the reaction rate constant at ToC. In this study, the reaction heat loss, stirring heat contribution (Jt), and aeration heat loss (Ja–
rate constant is true growth yield (Y0). The ∅ value was a temperature Ja1) to calculate the Jb value under steady state. Then, the Jb and
coefficient constant value of Van’t Hoff-Arrhenius equation. equation 4 could be used to monitor the daily effluent temperature,
effluent COD concentrations, and MLVSS concentrations every day.
Results and Discussion These results could be then used to calculate the hb value. Table 2
System performance and operation parameters: Fig. 2 showed shown Jb values which were greater than zero. It means the reaction
daily effluent COD, O and G and mixed liquid of vaporized suspended was spontaneity in the ATAT system. Fig. 5 shows that Y0, Jb, and hb
solid (MLVSS) in the ATAT efficiencies during experimental period. decreased gradually at 55oC. But, the hb and Y0 values decreased
The average influent COD concentration of the artificial waste-water as the temperature increased. However, these values increased
was 21460 mg l-1. The system was fed with artificial wastewater after again as the temperature reached 65oC due to substantially decaying
acclimation. The system was operated at 35, 45, 55 and 65oC with in biomass as temperature reached 65oC. The decaying biomass
external heat. Table 2 gives daily average of the treatment (MLSS) was then transformed to form the aqueous COD present in
performance during experimental period. The COD removal
the effluent that resulted in an overestimation of Y0 and hb values.
efficiencies of the artificial wastewater were in the range of 77 to Furthermore, the true growth yield and specific biological heat
91%. Because the substrates of the artificial wastewater were readily potential decreased as temperature increased. These results showed
biodegradable, COD removal was relatively significant. However, the reduction energy from the substrates run into energy pathway
an increase in the operating temperature decreased COD removal instead of the cell synthesis pathway at high temperatures with the

efficiencies. The lower yield of microorganisms (lower MLSS) at the bioenergetics viewpoint (McCarty, 1971).
higher temperature might result in the decrease of COD removal.
This phenomenon might result in an underestimate of ECOD and Estimation of temperature effect (∅) on the true growth yield
overestimate of Y0. (Y0): According to Table 2 results, we could model the relationship
between Y0 and temperature with equation 3. The Y0 is a reaction
Table 2 shows the Y0 and hb values in this study. The average rate constant in equation 3. Fig. 6 shows the result of regression
Y0 was 0.27, 0.22, 0.11 and 0.24 mg-MLSS (as COD) mg-1-COD analysis. The regression equation is:
removed at 35, 45, 55, and 65oC, respectively. Assume the equivalent
value was 1.42 g COD of per g MLSS, the Y0 values could be Log (KT) = -0.0188(T-20) - 0.2967 (R2 = 0.8823) (5)

expressed as 0.19, 0.15, 0.08 and 0.17 mg-MLSS mg-1 COD

removed, which were only about 1/3 of that in the traditional activated On here, the correlation coefficient is 0.8823, which mean
sludge process (Tchobanoglous et al., 2003). fine correlate. The value of log (K20) is -0.2967, it means the K20
is 0.505 and the value of log(∅) is -0.0188. These result
Figure 3 showed mean COD and O and G removal suggested that the ∅ value is 0.958. The obtained ∅ value is
efficiencies at different temperatures during this study. The COD and less than 1.0 and lower than that suggested by Tchobanoglous
O and G removal efficiencies could reach 91±1.4% and 69±4.3%, et al. (2003). The reported ∅ value was about 1.02 to 1.1, and
respectively. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 also shows that the COD removal the typical value was 1.04 for the active sludge system. The
efficiency and MLSS decreased as temperatures increased. But, the result explained and showed the typical characteristics of ATAT
O and G removal efficiency and lipase activity increased as process, such as the low sludge yield. But, the obtained K20 was

Journal of Environmental Biology  May, 2009 

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Journal of Environmental Biology  May, 2009 

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