Rope Towed Trolley or Machinery Trolley PDF

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Arun K. Bhimani, Structural Engineer

Liftech Consultants Inc.

Julius Kerenyi, Director Crane and Facilities Engineering

American President Lines
1010 Duke Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 684-5700

Presented at the Facilities Engineering Seminar

American Association of Port Authorities
November 15-17, 1995 at San Pedro, California

Liftech Consultants Inc.

3666 Grand Avenue
Oakland, California 94610
Phone: (510) 832-5606
Fax: (510) 832-2436

Arun K. Bhimani, Structural Engineer

Liftech Consultants Inc.

Julius Kerenyi, Director Crane and Facilities Engineering

American President Lines


Recent decisions by APL and Port of Singapore Authority to order a large number of post-
panamax cranes with machinery-on-trolley have generated much interest in the shipping industry.
These world leaders have favored the traditional rope-towed trolley cranes, until now.

This paper will discuss the evolution of container cranes with respect to trolley systems, how the
two systems differ, and the reasons for APL’s decision to select the machinery trolley for their
dockside container handling cranes.


The first dockside container handling crane, built by Paceco for Matson Navigation in 1959,
utilized a rope-towed trolley. The main hoist equipment was in a machinery house on the gantry
frame. This crane, that would reduce ship turnaround time from three weeks to eighteen hours,
was conceptualized by Matson engineers for operation on the existing wharf. The wharf was
supported by timber piles with limited load carrying capacity. This was common in 1959. A light
weight rope-towed trolley with the machinery on the frame kept wheel loads within the wharf
capacity. The concepts developed for the Matson crane were generic and met the limited capacity
requirements of many other existing wharves. The minimization of wharf loads was the primary
factor favoring the rope-towed trolley cranes for other existing facilities.

The Paceco crane designs became the model for the next generation of container handling cranes
for most ports in the world, except for a few European ports. Container cranes continued to
increase in size, but the original Matson/Paceco design philosophy remained virtually unchanged.
When post-panamax ships required greater outreach and longer trolley travel, auxiliary catenary
trolleys were added to support the ropes. The larger cranes, about twice the size of the original
Matson crane, required better load control, so hydraulic sway damping systems were added. These
rope-towed trolley cranes have provided excellent service over the years and, with proper
maintenance, have exhibited high reliability. The resulting maze of ropes, sheaves and trolleys,
however, have become complex.

Some European crane manufacturers adopted the machinery trolley design concept for
most of their cranes. The machinery trolley is self-driven and contains the main hoist
machinery. Kocks introduced the first European machinery trolley container crane in

© Liftech Consultants Inc. 1995. All Rights Reserved Page 1

1968 and have since used the same basic philosophy for most of their cranes worldwide.
Recently, Noell, also from Germany, has introduced their machinery trolley cranes.

A hybrid of the two systems, commonly known as a fleet-through machinery trolley, has been
adopted by some manufacturers and crane operators. For the fleet-through machinery trolley the
main hoist machinery is placed on the gantry frame, but the trolley is self driven.

Most of the Asian manufacturers followed the Paceco concepts and became experts in building the
rope-towed and, to some extent, the fleet-through machinery, trolley designs. Recent orders for
machinery trolley cranes by APL and the Port of Singapore Authority, however, should generate
more interest in machinery trolley cranes.

New cranes require more outreach, more speed, and better load control. Typical post-panamax
crane characteristics follow:

Rated Load 50 LT.

Rail Span 100 feet
Outreach 150 feet from face of wharf, 16 wide
Backreach 50 feet
Lift above rail 110 feet
Antisway system Electronic


See Table 1 on page 3 for a summary of the components of the mechanical systems discussed

Trolley and Reeving Systems

The rope-towed trolley has a shallow, light frame, carries the main hoist sheaves and rides on idler
wheels. Machinery located in the machinery house on the frame tows the trolley.

The machinery trolley has a heavy, underhung frame with the main hoist equipment and
trim/list/skew/snag device on the lower platform. All four wheels are driven for the machinery
trolley with separate brake/motor/reducer.

Reeving systems for the two trolleys and respective components are shown in Table 1 below and
Sketches 1 and 2 on page 4.

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Rope-towed Trolley Machinery Trolley Advantage
(RTT) (MT)

Reeving Assemblies Main Hoist Main Hoist MT

Trolley Drive
Catenary Trolley

Trolley Positioning Movement due to Movement due to MT

trolley travel rope skidding

Festoon Spreader power Power for main RTT

only hoist , trolley drive,
and spreader
2 2
Trolley 2 ft/s 2 ft/s ---

Rope Lubricant Exposed to Enclosed, spillage MT

environment. Oil contained
spillage on ground.
Including trim, list, skew, and snag device


© Liftech Consultants Inc. 1995. All Rights Reserved Page 3

Machinery House
The frame mounted machinery house for the rope-towed trolley consists of the main hoist
machinery, trolley travel equipment, boom hoist machinery and the climate controlled electrical
room. For the machinery trolley, the main hoist is moved to the trolley, and the trolley travel
machinery is eliminated. See Sketch 3 on page 5.



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The festoon system for the rope-towed trolley carries the power and control cables for the spreader.
The festoon system for the machinery trolley carries, in addition to the power and control cables
for the spreader, the power cables for the main hoist machinery, the trolley motors, and the
trim/list/skew/snag device. Since the trolley speeds are high, and the additional cables add weight,
the festoon system design requires careful consideration. Some manufacturers have recently
introduced powered intermediate festoon trolleys to reduce the shock loads on the festoon system.

Spreader Power Cable

The baloney cable for a rope-towed trolley is generally stored in a basket on the head block. The
power cable for the machinery trolley is stored on a cable reel located on the trolley.

Trolley and hoist speeds and accelerations are about the same for both types of trolleys. Since
there is no trolley tow rope with the associated rope stretch, and hoist ropes are much shorter, the
machinery trolley may provide better load control. The long main hoist ropes in the rope-towed
trolley absorb part of the energy in case of snag. For the machinery trolley, the snag protection
device needs to absorb more energy.

While wheel skidding is not an issue with the rope-towed trolley, there is a perception
that wheels on the machinery trolley skid. However, detailed calculations and
observations do not support this. Detailed traction calculations show that powering
into a 40 mph wind with an acceleration of 2 ft/sec with a 50 LT container requires an
average coefficient of friction of 7%. Even considering the uneven load distribution
between the front and rear trolley wheels during trolley acceleration, a friction
coefficient of 10% is required to keep the lightly loaded wheels from slipping if they are

© Liftech Consultants Inc. 1995. All Rights Reserved Page 5

providing the same traction as the heavily loaded wheels. In icy conditions, the trolley
may experience skidding for the first pass.

Trolley Rail Joint at the Boom Hinge

The location of the boom hinge relative to the trolley rail joint and the rail support at the joint
requires careful consideration to provide a smooth trolley ride and a maintenance free joint. Since
the trolley wheel load is heavier, this is much more important for a machinery trolley.

The machinery for the rope-towed trolley crane, located in the machinery house, at the boom tip,
and at the landside end of the trolley girder, is easily accessible. The trolley idler wheels require
little maintenance and are also easily accessible.

The overall width of the machinery trolley is limited. The trolley drive and main hoist machinery
must be confined to relatively tight quarters, and the equipment is not as easily accessible as with
the rope-towed trolley. However, the maintenance of the boom tip equalizer platform, the landside
turning sheaves, the catenary trolleys, the rope tensioners, the deflector sheaves, and the slap
blocks is eliminated. And, since there are no tow ropes and the main hoist ropes are much shorter,
rope maintenance is reduced.


The properly designed heavy machinery trolley should give the operator a more comfortable ride,
since there is much less difference in the weight of the loaded and unloaded trolley. Hoist response
will be more rapid with shorter hoist ropes and the trolley direct drive. Proper design requires a
smooth rail joint and good sound insulation.

If the trolley does not travel smoothly by the boom hinge, the operator is likely to reduce trolley
speed when approaching the joint.


Generally, for recent rope-towed trolley cranes, the trolley rails are on twin trapezoidal girders.
Generally, for machinery trolley cranes, the trolley rails are on rectangular or trapezoidal
monogirders. In a relatively few cases, some manufacturers have built rope-towed trolley cranes
with monogirder booms.

A properly designed monogirder boom crane weighs less than a properly designed twin girder
boom crane for both rope trolley cranes and machinery trolley cranes. The eccentric lifted load
applies additional load on one side of the twin girder booms and forestays, resulting in bigger
sections. For monogirder booms, the eccentric lifted load causes torsion in the boom. Since the
torsion does not increase the axial stresses of the monogirder boom or the forestays, the sections do
not need to be increased. Eccentric loads are not considered for fatigue, so this is not a factor if
fatigue stresses govern the design.

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The most significant advantage of a rope-towed trolley over a machinery trolley is the rope
trolley’s lower weight. This result in a lower moving load and a lower fatigue load. See Table 2


Trolley weight 45,000 lbs 140,000 lbs

(electronic anti-sway)

Moving load 230,000 lbs 335,000 lbs

Trolley + spreader + HB + 50 LT
container + impact

Moving load for fatigue damage 150,000 lbs 250,000 lbs

Fatigue damage 1.0 4.63

Total crane weight 1050 MT 1200 MT

100 ft gage, post-panamax

Wheel loads 33 k/ft 38 k/ft


The higher moving load for the machinery trolley will increase the strength requirements for
those members controlled by the moving load: the boom, trolley girders, forestays, and trolley
girder support beams. The fatigue strength requirements will have the greatest effect. The
fatigue damage will increase by a factor of 3 to 5, resulting in a weight increase of about 75 to
100 tons. But the machinery house on the frame is lighter, so the net increase in overall crane
weight is only about 50 to 75 tons.

Many factors affect the cost of the crane. The lightest crane may not be the most economic.
Typically, the fabricators have a standard design that they have learned to build. For them, their
standard design is the least costly and the most reliable. For some fabricators, the monogirder
design is best. For others, the double girder design is the best.


The operating wheel loads for a machine-trolley crane are about 15% higher than for a rope-towed
trolley crane. See Table 2 above. These are unfactored service loads.


There are many experienced manufacturers of reliable rope-towed trolley cranes in Asia and
Europe. The experienced suppliers for properly executed, reliable, machinery

© Liftech Consultants Inc. 1995. All Rights Reserved Page 7

trolley cranes are limited to German manufacturers. Others will catch up rapidly because
of the new interest in the machinery trolley design.


Just about two years ago, APL concluded negotiations with the Port of Los Angeles for
construction of a new port facility at Berth 300. APL elected to design the dock with a maximum
crane rail allowable load criteria of 40 kips per foot of rail to accommodate future technological
advances which will require increased dock load-carrying capabilities.

With the help of Liftech Consultants Inc. and McKay International Engineers, APL developed a
new post-panamax crane specification. The specifications were written for the traditional rope-
towed trolley design. Proposals were solicited for the purchase of twelve shoreside gantry cranes.
Although the new specification allowed bidders to offer alternatives to the base specification, APL
stipulated a preference for proposals which would focus on the base specification.

Bids were received from many international crane manufacturers. A number of them submitted
alternatives to the base specification, but APL concluded that it was best not to deviate from their
initial request, and APL focused on bids based on the base specification.

But one manufacturer, Noell Inc. of Germany, offered a design of a machinery-on-trolley. At first,
APL did not consider changing from the traditional rope trolley. Perhaps this was because, even
though the commitment from the beginning was to have an open mind, the traditional design was
familiar and worked well. But taking a second look, after some creative encouragement by Mr.
Manfred Kohler of Noell, the design began to intrigue the evaluation team.

APL’s in-house evaluation team looked at it this way: If no container cranes had ever been built
and there were no dock wheel load constraints, would the team recommend a crane with a rope-
towed trolley system or as a machinery-on-trolley system? Interestingly enough, the group was
inclined toward the machinery-on-trolley design.

As a next step, APL invited a small group of crane experts to join the evaluation team in an
informal workshop to brainstorm the merits of the two designs. Joining our in-house team of Mr.
Rab Puri, Mr. David Olsen, Mr. Pat Nuroet, and Mr. Julius Kerenyi were our consultants, Mr.
Mike Jordan of Liftech Inc., Mr. Larry Wright of McKay International Engineers, and Mr. Norbert
Beising, of Beising Engineering. As a preamble to the discussion, the team was asked to keep in
mind the basic criteria: that no container crane had ever been built, no design constraints exist, and
the goal is to optimize efficiency, reliability and maintenance of the crane. The interesting result
of that session was how easily the group concluded that, with this criteria, the machinery-on-trolley
design was the logical choice.

Prior to making the final decision, the APL team visited sites where Noell had installed
similarly constructed cranes. The newest were at Algeceres, Spain. The input from Mr.

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Steve Hessenauer, Maintenance Supervisor and Mr. Ken Valdez, Crane Operator, both
from APL’s San Pedro Terminal, was invaluable.

Why was the machinery-on-trolley system chosen?

Depending on the design, approximately 5,400 ft. of wire rope is eliminated from the
main hoist, trolley drive, and catenary trolley.
Approximately 36 sheaves of various sizes are eliminated.
Hydraulic rope tensioning devices are eliminated.
The spare parts inventory is reduced.
The intensity of maintenance is reduced.
Up-time reliability is increased because of the reduced number of crane components.
Wire rope lubrication is reduced.


Both types of trolley systems - the rope-towed and the machinery-on-trolley - have beneficial site
specific applications. For each crane purchase, the owner will need to evaluate each design and
then choose the design which best suits the site and the all-round operational needs.


Larry Wright, McKay International Engineers, provided mechanical systems information.

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This document has been prepared in accordance with recognized engineering principles and is intended for use only by competent persons who,
by education, experience, and expert knowledge, are qualified to understand the limitations of the data. This document is not intended as a
representation or warranty by Liftech Consultants Inc. The information included in this document may not be altered or used for any project
without the express written consent of Liftech Consultants Inc.

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