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Quantitative Methods and Tools

A. Collecting and Summarizing Data
B. Quantitative Concepts
C. Probability Distributions
D. Statistical Decision-Making
E. Relationships Between Variables
F. Statistical Process Control (SPC)
G. Process and Performance Capability
H. Design and Analysis of Experiments
Qualitative vs Quantitative


Qualitative Data Quantitative Data

Description Numbers
Continuous vs Discrete
❖ Continuous Data
❖ Measurements: Length, height, time
❖ More information with less samples
❖ More sensitive
❖ Provide more information
❖ More expensive to collect
❖ Discrete Data
❖ Count: Number of students, Number of
Measurement Scales


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Measurement Scales


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Color: Blue, Green, Red
Measurement Scales


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Good, Bad, Worst
Measurement Scales


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Temperature: Celsius
Measurement Scales


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Height, mass, volume
Measurement Scales

Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Ordered N Y Y Y
Difference N N Y Y
Absolute Zero N N N Y
Example Red, Blue Good, Bad, Temperature Length,
Worst : Degree C Weight
Central Tendency Mode Mode, Mode, Mode,
Measurement Median Median, Median,
Mean Mean
Qualitative vs Quantitative


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Qualitative Data Quantitative Data

Data Collection Methods
❖ Data Collection Plan
❖ Tally or Check sheets
❖ Data coding
❖ Data cleaning
❖ Automatic gaging
Data Collection Plan
❖ Why you need to collect data?
❖ Goal and Objective
❖ Operational Definition
❖ How much? How? Where? When? Etc.
❖ Type of data – NOIR
❖ Manual or Automatic
❖ Past data vs Future
❖ Is data reliable?
Data Collection Plan
Measurement Operational How is it Type of Data Sample size Who? Data Comments
Definition measured? Recording
Time to Time from Using a stop Continuous Every 10th Operator Assembly
assemble picking up watch piece Record
the first Ratio F-0156
piece to
placing the
item in tray
Check Sheet

Defects during water bottle manufacturing

Defect Scratch Loose Cap Label Volume Leakage Frequency


300 ml. || || |||| | | 11

500 ml. ||| |||| || | | 12
1000 ml. |||| |||| | | | 13
Sum 5 18 8 2 3 36
Data Coding
❖ Adding, Subtracting
❖ Example: -95, -97, -98, -90
❖ Add 100 to each: 5, 3, 2, 10
❖ Coded mean: 5
❖ Un-coded mean: 5-100 = -95
❖ Standard deviation remains same and is not
affected by addition and subtraction.
❖ s = 3.559
Data Coding
❖ Multiplying or dividing
❖ Example: 1.05, 1.03, 1.02, 1.10
❖ Multiply 100 to each: 105, 103, 102, 110
❖ Coded mean: 105
❖ Un-coded mean: 105 / 100 = 1.05
❖ Standard deviation need to divided by you
multiplied for coding.
❖ For coded data s = 3.559
❖ For original data s = 3.559/100 = 0.03559
Data Coding
❖ By truncation of repetitive terms
❖ Example: 0.555, 0.553, 0.552, 0.550
❖ Truncate 0.55 from all: 5,3,2,0
❖ This means we multiplied it by 1000 and
subtracted 550
❖ Coded mean: 2.5
❖ Un-coded mean: (2.5+550)/ 1000 =.5525
❖ Standard deviation need to divided by you
multiplied for coding.
❖ For coded data s = 2.0816
❖ For original data s = 2.0816/1000 =
Data Cleaning – Missing Data
❖ In statistics, imputation is the process of
replacing missing data with substituted
❖ Missing data can introduce bias.
❖ Missing randomly
❖ Reason for missing

❖ Delete the row

❖ Replace with the average value
Data Accuracy and Integrity
❖ Factors of Data Quality include:
❖ Integrity (reliability – current and relevant)
❖ Accuracy (correctness)
❖ Some factors which affect data accuracy:
❖ Bias
❖ Lack of knowledge
❖ Boredom – too much of data being
❖ Rounding off
❖ Intentional falsification
Data Accuracy and Integrity
❖ Actions to maintain data accuracy and
❖ Avoid manual entry
❖ Checking and auditing
Benford’s Law
❖ The law states that in many naturally
occurring collections of numbers, the
leading significant digit is likely to be
❖ For example, in sets that obey the law,
the number 1 appears as the most
significant digit about 30% of the time,
while 9 appears as the most significant By Gknor - Own work, Public Domain,
digit less than 5% of the time. p?curid=4509760
Descriptive Statistics


Mean Range



❖ Also known as Average Central

❖ Affected by extreme values Mean Mode Median Percentile

❖ Example: 10, 11, 14, 9, 6

❖ Mean = (10+11+14+9+6)/5 = 50/5 = 10
❖ Most occurring item Central

❖ Example: 10, 11, 14, 9, 6, 10 Mean Mode Median Percentile

❖ Mode = 10 Quartile
❖ Middle value when put in ascending or Central

descending order.
❖ Example: 10, 11, 14, 9, 6
Mean Mode Median Percentile

❖ In ascending order - 6,9,10,11,14 Quartile

❖ Median = 10

❖ Example: 10, 11, 14, 9, 6, 11

❖ In order - 6,9,10,11, 11,14
❖ Median = 10.5
❖ Median divides the data in two equal Central

parts when arranged in ascending or

Mean Mode Median Percentile
descending order
❖ Percentile divides data in 100 parts Quartile

❖ Quartile divides data in 4 parts

❖ Example: 6,9,10,11, 11,14
❖ Q1=9, Q2=10.5, Q3=11
Percentile/Quartile Steps
❖ Arrange in ascending or descending Central

❖ Calculate location(i) = P.(n)/100 Mean Mode Median Percentile

❖ P=percentile, n=numbers in data set Quartile

❖ If i is whole number – Percentile is

average of (i)th and (i+1)th location
❖ If i is “not” a whole number – Percentile
is located at (i+1)th whole-num.
❖ Example: 6,9,10,11, 11,14
❖ Q1=9, Q2=10.5, Q3=11
Descriptive Statistics


Interquartile Standard
Range Deviation
❖ Difference between lowest and the Variability

highest value.
Interquartile Standard
❖ Example: 6,9,10,11, 11,14 Range Deviation

❖ Range = 14-6 = 8
Interquartile Range
❖ Range of middle 50% data Variability

❖ IQR = Q3-Q1 Interquartile Standard

Range Deviation
❖ Example: 6,9,10,11, 11,14
❖ Q1=9, Q2=10.5, Q3=11
❖ IQR = 11-9 = 2
❖ Box-and-Whisker Plot
Standard Deviation
❖ Variance = average of squared deviation Variability

about the arithmetic mean.

Interquartile Standard
❖ Square root of variance is standard Range Deviation

Standard Deviation
x x-x̅ (x-x̅ )2
100 0 0 ∑(x-x̅ )2
S2 =
101 1 1 n-1
99 -1 1
102 2 4 S 2 = 10/5 = 2
98 -2 4
S = √ 2 = 1.414
100 0 0
x̅ =100 ∑(x-x̅ )=0 ∑(x-x̅ )2=10
Graphical methods for depicting relationships

❖ Stem-and-leaf Plot
❖ Box-and-whisker Plots
❖ Scatter Plot
Stem-and-Leaf Plot
❖ 11, 22, 55, 13, 45, 14, 19, 10, 33, 52, 13

Stem Leaf
1 013349
2 2
3 3
4 5
5 25
Stem-and-Leaf Plot

21.0 21.0 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2
17.8 16.4 17.3 15.2 10.4 10.4 14.7 32.4 30.4 33.9
21.5 15.5 15.2 13.3 19.2 27.3 26.0 30.4 15.8 19.7
15.0 21.4
Stem-and-Leaf Plot
21.0 21.0 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2
17.8 16.4 17.3 15.2 10.4 10.4 14.7 32.4 30.4 33.9
21.5 15.5 15.2 13.3 19.2 27.3 26.0 30.4 15.8 19.7
15.0 21.4
Box and Whisker Plots
❖ Also known as Box Plot
❖ Shows the median
❖ Shows Q1, Q3 and IQR

50 Median
30 Mean

20 Outliers

10 Avg No. of
orders per
0 mo
Scatter Diagram
❖ One of seven basic quality tools
❖ To see relationship between two
❖ Relationship should make practical
❖ Temperature(X) vs Ice cream sale (Y)
❖ Some times relationship between two
variables is because of a third variable.
(ice cream sale vs heat stroke cases)
❖ Correlation/Regression is covered in the
Analyze Phase
❖ Graphical representation of the
distribution of numerical data
❖ Values are assigned “bins” and
frequency for each bin is plotted.
Graphical method for depicting distributions

❖ Probability plots
❖ Normal and non-normal
Graphical method for depicting distributions

❖ Histogram and Normal Probability

❖ Is this data normal? Histogram of Length
50 Mean 99.72
StDev 9.997
N 150





72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128
Graphical method for depicting distributions

❖ Probability plots (QQ Plot) are used to

check this.
❖ The p value is less than 0.05 hence
conclude that data is not normal.

Histogram of Length
50 Mean 99.72
StDev 9.997
N 150





72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128
Graphical method for depicting distributions

❖ Using different data to check Normality

❖ The p value > 0.05 and hence data is
normal with 95% confidence level.
Histogram of New Length
35 Mean 99.53
StDev 9.774
N 150





70 80 90 100 110 120 130
New Length
Q-Q Plot

❖ Quantile-Quantile Plot
❖ Earlier we talked about Quartile (Q1, Q2,
Q3). There are Q0 and Q4 as well. This
divides data in four parts.
❖ Percentile divides the data in 100 parts.
For example Q2 is 50th Percentile.
❖ Quantile can divide data in any number
of parts. Quartile and Percentile are
examples of Quantile.
Q-Q Plot

❖ Quantile-Quantile Plot

Theoretical Quantile
Data Quantile

Data Quantile

Theoretical Quantile
Errors of Statistical Tests
True State of Nature

H0 Ha
Is true Is true
Support H0 /
Reject Ha Correct Type II
Conclusion Error
Conclusion Support Ha / Correct
Reject H0 Type I Error Conclusion
Errors of Statistical Tests
Type I error (alpha) Type II error (beta)
Name Producer’s risk/ Consumer’s risk
Significance level
1 minus error is Confidence level Power of the test
Example of Fire False fire alarm leading Missed fire leading to
Alarm to inconvenience disaster
Effects on Unnecessary cost Defects may be produced
process increase due to frequent
Control method Usually fixed at a pre- Usually controlled to < 10%
determined level, 1%, by appropriate sample size
5% or 10%
Simple definition Innocent declared as Guilty declared as innocent
Significance Level
Level of Confidence / Confidence Interval:
C = 0.90, 0.95, 0.99 (90%, 95%, 99%)

Level of Significance:
α = 1 – C (0.10, 0.05, 0.01)
❖ Power = 1 – β (or 1 - type II error)
❖ Type II Error: Failing to reject null
hypothesis when null hypothesis is false.
❖ Power: Likelihood of rejecting null
hypothesis when null hypothesis is false.

❖ Or: Power is the ability of a test to

correctly reject the null hypothesis.
Alpha vs Beta
❖ Researcher can not commit both Type I
and II error. Only one can be committed.
❖ As the value of α increases (say 0.01 to
0.05) β goes down and the Power of test
❖ To reduce both Type I and II errors
increase sample size.
Hypothesis Testing
1. State the Alternate Hypothesis.
2. State the Null Hypothesis.
3. Select a probability of error level (alpha
level). Generally 0.05
4. Select and compute the test statistic
(e.g t or z score)
5. Critical test statistic
6. Interpret the results.
Hypothesis Testing
❖ Lower Tail Tests
❖ H0: μ ≥ 150cc
❖ Ha: μ < 150cc

❖ Upper Tail Tests

❖ H0: μ ≤ 150cc
❖ Ha: μ > 150cc
Hypothesis Testing
❖ Two Tail Tests
❖ H0: μ = 150cc
❖ Ha: μ ≠ 150cc
Calculate Test Statistic
❖ Single sample
❖ z = (x - μ)/ σ

❖ Mean of Multiple samples

❖ z = (x̄ - μ) / (σ / √n)
Z Critical
❖ α = 0.05 Single Tails
❖ Z Critical = 1.645
Z Critical
❖ α = 0.01 Two Tails means 0.005 on both
tails. Z Critical = 2.575
❖ α = 0.05 Two Tails means 0.025 on both
tails. Z Critical = 1.96
❖ α = 0.10 Two Tails means 0.05 on both
tails. Z Critical = 1.645

•90% – Z Score = 1.645

•95% – Z Score = 1.96
•99% – Z Score = 2.576
p Value
❖ p value is the lowest value of alpha for
which the null hypothesis can be
rejected. (Probability that the null
hypothesis is correct)
❖ If p = 0.01 you can reject the null
hypothesis at α = 0.05
❖ p is low the null must go / p is high the
null fly.
Sample Size
❖ n = ( zα/2 . σ / ME)2
❖ n is sample size
❖ zα/2 is standard score
❖ α = 0.01 Z Critical = 2.575
❖ α = 0.05 Z Critical = 1.96
❖ α = 0.10 Z Critical = 1.645
❖ σ is standard deviation
❖ ME is the Margin of Error (shift to be
Sample Size
❖ In perfume bottle filling m/c with mean
of 150cc and s.d. of 2cc, what is the
minimum sample size which at 95%
confidence will confirm a mean shift
greater than 0.5cc?
❖ n = ( zα/2 . σ / ME)2
❖ zα/2 = 1.96, σ = 2cc, ME=0.5cc
❖ n = 61.46
Sample Size - Proportion
❖ n = ( zα/2)2. p̂ . (1-p̂) / (Δp) 2
❖ n is sample size
❖ zα/2 is standard score
❖ α = 0.01 Z Critical = 2.575
❖ α = 0.05 Z Critical = 1.96
❖ α = 0.10 Z Critical = 1.645
❖ p̂ is proportion rate
❖ Δp is the desired proportion interval
Sample Size - Proportion
n = ( zα/2)2. p̂ . (1-p̂) / (Δp) 2
Drawing Statistical Conclusions
❖ Numeric vs Analytical Studies
❖ In the example of acceptance sampling
❖ Numeric – To accept of reject the lot
❖ Analytical – To accept or reject the supplier
Numeric and Analytical Study
❖ An numeric study is an analysis collected
on data from a study on a limited group
or frame. A decision will be made to
accept or reject (to buy or not buy) or to
act on the group or frame studied.
❖ Example: Acceptance sampling to accept
or reject the lot based on samples
drawn from the lot.
Numeric and Analytical Study
❖ An analytic study is an analysis aimed at
answering questions about future
material not yet made.
❖ The analytic study is not interested in
making a decision on the shipment but
on the supplier. In the analytic study, a
decision will be made on the cause
system generating the material.
❖ Example: Acceptance sampling of a lot
to accept or reject the supplier.
Robustness of Conclusions
❖ Numeric statistical tests are by
themselves inadequate to answer
analytic questions.
❖ Conducting experiment on a set of data
and extrapolating results on another set
leads to wrong decisions.
❖ We need to be aware of the limitations
of the test.
❖ Classic Model

Number of outcomes in which the event occurs

Total Number of possible outcomes of an experiment
❖ Relative Frequency of Occurrence

Number of times an event occurred

Total number of opportunities for an event to occur
❖ Experiment/Trial: Some thing done with
an expectation of result.

❖ Event or Outcome: Result of experiment

❖ Sample Space: A sample space of an

experiment is the set of all possible
results of that random experiment.
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
❖ Union: Probability that events A or B
occur: P(A ∪ B)

❖ Intersection: Probability that events A

and B occur: P(A ∩ B)
❖ Mutually Exclusive Events: When two
events cannot occur at the same time

❖ Independent Events: The occurrence of

Event A does not change the probability
of Event B

❖ Complementary Events: The probability

that Event A will NOT occur is denoted
by P(A').
❖ Rule of Addition
The probability that Event A or Event B occurs
Probability that Event A occurs
Probability that Event B occurs
Probability that both Events A and B occur

P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)

❖ Rule of Multiplication:
The probability that Events A and B both occur
Probability that Event A occurs
Probability that Event B occurs, given that A has

P(A ∩ B) = P(A) P(B|A)

❖ Independent Events
❖ Dependent Events
❖ Factorial of a non-negative integer n,
denoted by n!, is the product of all
positive integers less than or equal to n
Permutation/ Combination
❖ Permutation: A set of objects in which
position (or order) is important.
❖ e.g. Lock combination: 3376

❖ Combination: A set of objects in which

position (or order) is NOT important.
❖ e.g. Selecting 2 students out of 5
Normal Probability Distribution
❖ Symmetrically distributed

❖ Long Tails / Bell Shaped

❖ Mean/ Mode and Median are same

Normal Probability Distribution
❖ Two factors define the shape of the

❖ Mean

❖ Standard Deviation
Normal Probability Distribution
❖ About 68% of the area under the curve
falls within 1 standard deviation of the

❖ About 95% of the area under the curve

falls within 2 standard deviations of the

❖ About 99.7% of the area under the

curve falls within 3 standard deviations
of the mean.
Normal Probability Distribution
❖ The total area under the normal curve =
❖ The probability of any particular value is
❖ The probability that X is greater than or
less than a value = area under the
normal curve in that direction
Normal Probability Distribution
❖ The value of the random variable Y is:

Y = { 1/[ σ * sqrt(2π) ] } * e -(x - μ)2/2σ2

❖ where X is a normal random variable,

❖ μ = mean,
❖ σ = standard deviation,
❖ π is approximately 3.14159,
❖ e is approximately 2.71828.
Normal Probability Distribution
❖ Z Value / Standard Score

❖ How many standard deviations an

element is from the mean.
❖ z = (X - μ) / σ

❖ z is the z-score,
❖ X is the value of the element,
❖ μ is the population mean,
❖ σ is the standard deviation.
Z Table
Continuous Probability Distributions
❖ Normal probability distribution

❖ Student's t distribution
❖ Chi-square distribution
❖ F distribution
Continuous vs Discrete Variable
❖ If a variable can take on any value
between two specified values, it is called
a continuous variable; otherwise, it is
called a discrete variable.
Discrete Probability Distributions
❖ Binomial Probability Distribution

❖ Bernoulli Distribution
❖ Hypergeometric Probability Distribution

❖ Poisson Probability Distribution

Binomial Probability Distribution
❖ A binomial experiment has the
following properties:
❖ The experiment consists of n repeated
❖ Each trial can result in just two possible
outcomes. We call one of these outcomes a
success and the other, a failure.
❖ The probability of success, denoted by p, is
the same on every trial.
❖ The trials are independent; that is, the
outcome on one trial does not affect the
outcome on other trials.
Binomial Probability Distribution
❖ A binomial experiment has the
following properties:
❖ The experiment consists of n repeated
❖ Each trial can result in just two possible
outcomes. We call one of these outcomes a
success and the other, a failure.
❖ The probability of success, denoted by p, is
the same on every trial.
❖ The trials are independent; that is, the
outcome on one trial does not affect the
outcome on other trials.
Binomial Probability Distribution
❖ x: The number of successes that result from the P x = n𝐶x ⋅ px ⋅ 1 − p n−x
binomial experiment.
❖ n: The number of trials in the binomial
❖ p: The probability of success on an individual
❖ q: The probability of failure on an individual
trial. (This is equal to 1 - p.)
❖ n!: The factorial of n (also known as n factorial).
❖ P(x) : Binomial probability - the probability that
an n-trial binomial experiment results in exactly
x successes, when the probability of success on
an individual trial is p.
❖ nCx: The number of combinations of n things,
taken x at a time.
Binomial Probability Distribution
❖ The binomial probability refers to the
probability that a binomial experiment
results in exactly x successes.
❖ Suppose a binomial experiment consists
of n trials and results in x successes. If
the probability of success on an
individual trial is p, then the binomial
probability is:
❖ 𝐏 𝐱 = 𝐧𝐂𝐱 ⋅ 𝐩𝐱 ⋅ 𝟏 − 𝐩 𝐧−𝐱
or 𝐧!
𝐏 𝐱 = , 𝐩𝐱 ⋅ 𝟏 − 𝐩 𝐧−𝐱
𝐱! 𝐧 − 𝐱 !
Binomial Probability Distribution
❖ The mean of the distribution (μx) is n: The number of trials in the
binomial experiment.
p: The probability of success on an
❖ The variance (σ2x) is individual trial.


❖ The standard deviation (σx) is

𝐧⋅𝐩⋅ 𝟏−𝐩
Five Conditions - Binomial
❖ 1. There is a fixed number, n , of P x = n𝐶x ⋅ px ⋅ 1 − p n−x

identical trials.
❖ 2. For each trial, there are only two
possible outcomes (success/failure).
❖ 3. The probability of success, p, remains
the same for each trial.
❖ 4. The trials are independent of each
❖ 5. x = the number of successes observed
for the n trials.
Bernoulli Distribution
❖ Distribution of successes on a single
❖ What is the probability of getting head in
tossing of a coin once?
Hypergeometric Distribution
❖ There is a fixed number, n , of identical
❖ For each trial, there are only two possible
outcomes (success/failure).
❖ The probability of success, p, remains the
same for each trial.
❖ The trials are independent of each other.
❖ Finite and known population without
❖ Number of successes in population are
❖ x = the number of successes observed for
the n trials.
Hypergeometric Distribution
❖ N: size of population P(x) = ACx . N-ACn-x / NCn
❖ A: number of successes in population
❖ x: The number of successes that result from the
❖ n: The number of trials without replacement.
❖ p: The probability of success on an individual
❖ q: The probability of failure on an individual
trial. (This is equal to 1 - p.)
❖ P(x) : The probability that an n-trial experiment
results in exactly x successes
❖ nCx: The number of combinations of n things,
taken x at a time.
Hypergeometric Distribution
❖ Out of 10 people (6M, 4F), 3 people are P(x) = ACx . N-ACn-x / NCn
selected without replacement. What is
the probability that two of them are
❖ P(2) = 4C2 . 10-4C3-2 / 10C3
❖ = 4C2 . 6C1 / 10C3 = 6x6/120 = 0.3

❖ In Excel use: HYPGEOM.DIST function

❖ When sample size is less than 5%
population then can use Binomial.
Poisson Distribution
❖ A Poisson experiment has the following
❖ The experiment results in outcomes that can
be classified as successes or failures.
❖ The average number of successes (μ) that
occurs in a specified region is known.
❖ Outcomes are random. Occurrence of one
outcome does not influence the chance of
another outcome of interest.
❖ The outcomes of interest are rare relative to
the possible outcomes.
Poisson Distribution
❖ e: A constant equal to approximately μ
2.71828. (Actually, e is the base of the P x, μ = ⅇ−μ ⋅
natural logarithm system)
❖ μ: The mean number of successes that
occur in a specified region.
❖ x: The actual number of successes that
occur in a specified region.
❖ P(x; μ): The Poisson probability that
exactly x successes occur in a Poisson
experiment, when the mean number of
successes is μ.
Poisson Distribution
❖ The Poisson distribution has the
following properties:
❖ The mean of the distribution is equal to
❖ The variance is also equal to μ .
Poisson Distribution
❖ On a booking counter on the average 3.6 μ x
people come every 10 minute on P x, μ = ⅇ−μ ⋅
weekends. What is the probability of x!
getting 7 people in 10 minutes?
❖ μ = 3.6, x=7
❖ P(x; μ) = (e-μ) (μx) / x! = (e-3.6) (3.67) / 7!
❖ =0.02732 x 7836.41 / 5040 = 0.0424
Point vs Interval Estimates
❖ Point estimate:
❖ Summarize the sample by a single number
that is an estimate of the population

❖ Interval estimate:
❖ A range of values within which, we believe,
the true parameter lies with high
Point Estimates
❖ Point estimate:
❖ Summarize the sample by a single number
that is an estimate of the population
❖ The sample mean x̄ is a point estimate of
the population mean μ. The sample
proportion p is a point estimate of the
population proportion P.
Point vs Interval Estimates
❖ Interval estimate:
❖ A range of values within which, we believe,
the true parameter lies with high
❖ For example, a < x̄ < b is an interval
estimate of the population mean μ. It
indicates that the population mean is
greater than a but less than b.
Confidence Interval
❖ Factors affecting the width of
confidence interval
❖ sample size
❖ standard deviation
❖ confidence level
Confidence Interval
❖ When population standard deviation is
known/ Sample size is >=30
CI = xത ± zαΤ2 ⋅
❖ Zα/2 = z table value for confidence level,
❖ σ = standard deviation
❖ n = sample size.
Confidence Interval
❖ The average income of 100 random residents of city was
found to be $42,000 per annum with standard deviation of
5,000. Find the 95% confidence interval of the town income.
CI = xത ± zαΤ2 ⋅
❖ Zα/2 = z table value for confidence level,
❖ σ = standard deviation
❖ n = sample size.
Confidence Interval
❖ The average income of 100 random residents of city was
found to be $42,000 per annum with standard deviation of
5,000. Find the 95% confidence interval of the town income.
CI = xത ± zαΤ2 ⋅
❖ Zα/2 = z table value for confidence level = 1.96
❖ σ = standard deviation = 5,000
❖ n = sample size = 100

•90% – Z Score = 1.645

•95% – Z Score = 1.96
•99% – Z Score = 2.576
Confidence Interval
❖ The average income of 100 random residents of
city was found to be $42,000 per annum with
standard deviation of 5,000. Find the 95%
confidence interval of
σ the town income.
CI = xത ± zαΤ2 ⋅
𝐶𝐼 = 42,000 ± 1.96 ⋅
𝐶𝐼 = 42,000 ± 980

𝐶𝐼 = 41,020 to 42,980
Confidence Interval
❖ When population standard deviation is
unknown and Sample size is < 30
CI = xത ± t αΤ2 ⋅
❖ tα/2 = t distribution value for the confidence
level and (n-1) degrees of freedom
❖ s = sample standard deviation
❖ n = sample size.
Confidence Interval
❖ The average income of 25 random residents of
city was found to be $42,000 per annum with
standard deviation of 5,000. Find the 95%
confidence interval of the town income.
❖ CI = x̄ +/- (tα/2 )* s/√(n).
❖ tα/2 = t distribution value for the confidence
level and (n-1) degrees of freedom
❖ s = sample standard deviation
❖ n = sample size.

•90% – Z Score = 1.645

•95% – Z Score = 1.96
•99% – Z Score = 2.576
Introducing t distribution
❖ Also known as Student’s t distribution
❖ Used when the sample size is small
and/or when the population variance is
❖ Calculated value
𝑥ҧ − 𝜇
𝑠Τ 𝑛

❖ The form of the t distribution is

determined by its degrees of freedom
Confidence Interval
Confidence Interval
❖ The average income of 25 random residents of
city was found to be $42,000 per annum with
standard deviation of 5,000. Find the 95%
confidence interval of the town income.
CI = xത ± t αΤ2 ⋅
❖ tα/2 = t distribution value for the confidence
level and (n-1) degrees of freedom = 2.064
❖ s = sample standard deviation = 5000
❖ n = sample size. = 25
𝐶𝐼 = 42,000 ± 2.064 ⋅
𝐶𝐼 = 42,000 ± 2,064 = 39,936 − 44,064
Confidence Interval - Proportion
𝑝Ƹ 1 − 𝑝Ƹ σ
𝐶𝐼 = 𝑝Ƹ ± 𝑧𝛼Τ2 CI = xത ± zαΤ2 ⋅
𝑛 n

❖ Conditions to satisfy for this:

❖ np ≥ 5 and
❖ n(1 − p) ≥ 5
❖ Proportions follow Binomial
❖ The np and n(1-p) condition is used to
approximate it to Normal Distribution.
Confidence Interval - Proportion
❖ Out of 100 pieces sample inspected 10
were found to be defective. What is the
95% confidence interval for proportions?
𝑝Ƹ 1 − 𝑝Ƹ
𝐶𝐼 = 𝑝Ƹ ± 𝑧𝛼Τ2

❖ p = 0.10, np = 100x0.10=10, n(1-p)=90

❖ Conditions np ≥ 5 and n(1 − p) ≥ 5 satisfied
0.10 1−0.10
CI = 0.10 ± 1.96
𝐶𝐼 = 0.10 ± 0.03 = 0.07 − 0.13
Confidence Interval - Variation
❖ Confidence interval for variance:
𝑛 − 1 𝑠2 2 ≤
𝑛 − 1 𝑠 2
≤ 𝜎
𝑥𝛼2Τ2 2
𝑥1− 𝛼 Τ2

❖ Let’s understand Chi-square distribution

Chi-Square Distribution
❖ Select a random sample of size n from a
normal population, having a standard
deviation equal to σ.
❖ The standard deviation in sample is
equal to s.
❖ chi-square for this can be calculated by:
𝑛 − 1 𝑠 2
𝑥2 =
Chi-Square Distribution
𝑛−1 𝑠 2 52
❖ 𝑥2 = 𝑛−1 𝑠2
𝜎2 2 ≤𝜎 ≤ 2
𝑥𝛼Τ2 𝑥1−𝛼Τ2
Chi-Square Distribution
𝑛 − 1 𝑠 2
𝑥2 = 𝑛 − 1 𝑠2 2 ≤
𝑛 − 1 𝑠 2
𝜎2 ≤ 𝜎
𝑥𝛼2Τ2 2
❖ Df = 24, Χ2 0.05 = 36.42, Χ2 0.95 = 13.848 𝛼 Τ2
Chi-Square Distribution
𝑛 − 1 𝑠 2
𝑥2 =
❖ Df = 24, Χ2 0.05 = 36.42, Χ2 0.95 = 13.848 𝑛 − 1 𝑠2 2 ≤
𝑛 − 1 𝑠 2
≤ 𝜎
❖ For 25 sample of perfume bottles, 𝑥𝛼2Τ2 2
𝑥1− 𝛼 Τ2
variance was found to be 4. Find the CI
of the population with 90% confidence.
❖ (25-1).(4)/36.42 and (25-1).(4)/13.848
❖ Between 2.636 and 6.93
Tests for Mean, Variance & Proportion
One sample z test

One Sample One sample t test

One sample p test

Two sample z test

Two sample t test

Paired t test

Two sample p test

Two sample standard

More than 2
One Sample z Test
❖ Calculated value
❖ z = [x̄ - μ ] / [σ / sqrt( n ) ]
❖ Example: Perfume bottle producing
150cc with sd of 2 cc, 100 bottles are
randomly picked and the average
volume was found to be 152cc. Has
mean volume changed? (95%
❖ zcalculated = (152-150)/[2 / sqrt( 100 ) ] =
2/0.2 = 10
❖ zcritical = ?
One Sample z Test
zcritical = 1.96
One Sample z Test
❖ Calculated value
❖ z = [x̄ - μ ] / [σ / sqrt( n ) ]
❖ Example: Perfume bottle producing
150cc with sd of 2 cc, 100 bottles are
randomly picked and the average
volume was found to be 152cc. Has
mean volume changed? (95%
❖ zcalculated = (152-150)/[2 / sqrt( 100 ) ] =
2/0.2 = 10
❖ zcritical = 1.96 > Reject Ho
One Sample t Test
❖ Calculated value
❖ t = [x̄ - μ ] / [s / sqrt( n ) ]
❖ Example: Perfume bottle producing
150cc, 4 bottles are randomly picked
and the average volume was found to be
151cc and sd of sample was 2 cc. Has
mean volume changed? (95%
❖ tcal = (151-150)/[2 / sqrt( 4 ) ] = 1/1 = 1
❖ tcritical = ?
One Sample t Test
tcritical = 3.182
One Sample t Test
❖ Calculated value
❖ t = [x̄ - μ ] / [s / sqrt( n ) ]
❖ Example: Perfume bottle producing
150cc, 4 bottles are randomly picked
and the average volume was found to be
151cc and sd of sample was 2 cc. Has
mean volume changed? (95%
❖ tcal = (151-150)/[2 / sqrt( 4 ) ] = 1/1 = 1
❖ tcritical = 3.182 > Fail to reject Ho
One Sample p Test
❖ H0: p = p0
❖ Calculated value

❖ Example: Smoking rate in a town in past

was 21%, 100 samples were picked and
found 14 smokers. Has smoking habit
One Sample p Test
❖ Example: Smoking rate in a town in past
was 21%, 100 samples were picked and
found 14 smokers. Has smoking habit
changed at 95% confidence? (two tail)
❖ p0 = 0.21, p=0.14
❖ np0 = 0.21x100 = 21 and n(1-p0)= 0.79x100 = 79
❖ >5 means sample size is sufficient.
❖ z = (0.14-0.21)/sqt (0.21x0.79/100)
❖ z = -0.07/0.0407 = -1.719
❖ z critical = 1.96
One Sample p Test
❖ Example: Smoking rate in a town in past
was 21%, 100 samples were picked and
found 14 smokers. Has smoking habit
reduced at 95% confidence? (one tail)
❖ H0 : p < p 0
❖ p0 = 0.21, p=0.14
❖ z = (0.14-0.21)/sqt (0.21x0.79/100)
❖ z = -0.07/0.0407 = -1.719
❖ z critical = 1.645
Tests for Mean, Variance & Proportion
One sample z test

One Sample One sample t test

One sample p test

Two sample z test

Two sample t test

Paired t test

Two sample p test

Two sample standard

More than 2
Two Sample z Test
❖ Null hypothesis: H 0: μ 1 = μ 2
❖ or H 0: μ 1 – μ 2= 0
❖ Alternative hypothesis: H a : μ 1 ≠ μ 2
Two Sample z Test
❖ Example: From two machines 100
samples each were drawn.
❖ Machine 1: Mean = 151.2 / sd = 2.1
❖ Machine 2: Mean = 151.9 / sd = 2.2
❖ Is there difference in these two machines.
Check at 95% confidence level.
Two Sample z Test
❖ Example: From two machines 100
samples each were drawn.
❖ Machine 1: Mean = 151.2 / sd = 2.1
❖ Machine 2: Mean = 151.9 / sd = 2.2
❖ Is there difference in these two machines.
Check at 95% confidence level.
❖ Zcal = -0.7 / 0.304 = -2.30
❖ Zcritical = 1.96
❖ Reject Null.
❖ There is a difference.
Two Sample z Test
❖ Example: From two machines 100
samples each were drawn.
❖ Machine 1: Mean = 151.9 / sd = 2.1
❖ Machine 2: Mean = 151.2 / sd = 2.2
❖ Is there difference of more than 0.2 cc in
these two machines. Check at 95%
confidence level.

❖ H 0: μ 1 – μ 2= 0.2
Two Sample z Test
❖ Example: From two machines 100
samples each were drawn.
❖ Machine 1: Mean = 151.9 / sd = 2.1
❖ Machine 2: Mean = 151.2 / sd = 2.2
❖ Is there difference of more than 0.2 cc in
these two machines. Check at 95%
confidence level.
❖ Zcal = 0.5/0.304 = 2.30
❖ Zcritical = 1.64
❖ Reject Null Hypothesis.
Two Sample t Test
❖ If two set of data are independent or
❖ If the values in one sample reveal no
information about those of the other
sample, then the samples are independent.
❖ Example: Blood pressure of male/female

❖ If the values in one sample affect the values

in the other sample, then the samples are
❖ Example: Blood pressure before and after a
specific medicine
Two Sample t Test
❖ If two set of data are independent or
❖ If the values in one sample reveal no
information about those of the other
sample, then the samples are independent.
❖ Example: Blood pressure of male/female
Two sample t test

❖ If the values in one sample affect the values

in the other sample, then the samples are
❖ Example: Blood pressure before and after a
specific medicine Paired t test
Two Sample t Test
❖ Is variance for two samples equal?

❖ If yes: Pooled variance calculate Sp for

finding out t
Two Sample t Test
❖ Example: Samples from two machines A
and B have the following volumes in
bottles. If the mean different? Calculate
with 95% confidence.
Two Sample t Test
Two Sample t Test
tcritical = 2.306
Two Sample t Test
❖ Assumptions: Normality, independent
random samples, population variances
are equal
Two Sample t Test
❖ What if variance of two samples is not
equal? 150 144
152 162
154 177
152 150
151 140
2 Sample t-Test

Test Information
H0: Mean Difference = 0
Ha: Mean Difference Not Equal To 0
Assume Unequal Variance

Results: A C
Count 5 5
Mean 151.80 154.60
Standard Deviation 1.483 15.027

Mean Difference -2.800

Std Error Difference 6.753
DF 4.078
t -0.414644
P-Value (2-sided) 0.6997
Two Sample t Test
❖ Degrees of freedom are calculated by:

Results: A C
Count 5 5
Mean 151.80 154.60
Standard Deviation 1.483 15.027
Two Sample t Test

tcritical = 2.776
Two Sample t Test
❖ Minitab 17 output:

Two-Sample T-Test and CI: A, C

Two-sample T for A vs C

N Mean StDev SE Mean

A 5 151.80 1.48 0.66
C 5 154.6 15.0 6.7

Difference = μ (A) - μ (C)

Estimate for difference: -2.80
95% CI for difference: (-21.55, 15.95)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs ≠): T-Value = -0.41 P-Value = 0.700
DF = 4
Paired t Test
❖ Where you have two samples in which
observations in one sample can be
paired with observations in the other
❖ Or
❖ If the values in one sample affect the
values in the other sample, (the samples
are dependent.)
❖ Example: Blood pressure before and after a
specific medicine
Paired t Test
❖ Find the difference between two set of
readings as d1, d2 …. dn.
❖ Find the mean and standard deviation of
these differences.
Paired t Test
❖ Example: Before and after medicine BP
was measured. Is there a difference at
95% confidence level?

Patient Before After

1 120 122
2 122 120
3 143 141
4 100 109
5 109 109
Paired t Test
❖ Example: Before and after medicine BP
was measured. Is there a difference at
95% confidence level?
Patient Before After difference
1 120 122 2
2 122 120 -2
3 143 141 -2
4 100 109 9
5 109 109 0

❖ d-bar = 1.4 , s = 4.56 , n=5

❖ tcal. = 1.4/2.04 = 0.69
Paired t Test
❖ Example: Before and after medicine BP
was measured. Is there a difference at
95% confidence level?
Patient Before After difference
1 120 122 2
2 122 120 -2
3 143 141 -2
4 100 109 9
5 109 109 0
❖ tcal. = 1.4/2.04 = 0.69
❖ t0.025, 4 = 2.766
❖ Fail to reject null hypothesis
Tests for Mean, Variance & Proportion
One sample z test

One Sample One sample t test

One sample p test

Two sample z test

Two sample t test

Paired t test

Two sample p test

Two sample standard

More than 2
Two Sample p Test
❖ Null hypothesis: H 0: p1 = p2
❖ or H 0: p 1 – p 2= 0
❖ Alternative hypothesis: H a : p 1 ≠ p 2

❖ Normal approximation – Pooled

❖ Normal approximation – Un-pooled

Two Sample p Test
Two Sample p Test
❖ Normal approximation – Pooled
❖ p1 = 30/200 =0.15 , p2= 10/100 = 0.10
❖ Pooled p = (30+10)/(200+100) = 0.1333
❖ Expected value = 13.33% (is >=5)
❖ Z = 0.0500 /
❖ Z = 0.0500/0.4156 = 1.20
Tests for Variance
❖ F-test
❖ for testing equality of two variances from
different populations
❖ for testing equality of several means with
technique of ANOVA.
❖ Chi-square test
❖ For testing the population variance against
a specified value
❖ testing goodness of fit of some probability

❖ testing for independence of two attributes

Two Sample Variance – F Test
❖ F-test
❖ for testing equality of two variances from
different populations

❖ H0: σ21 = σ22

❖ F calculated

❖ Keep higher value at the top for right tail

❖ Remember: Variance is square of standard
Two Sample Variance – F Test
❖ F critical
❖ Use table with appropriate degrees of
❖ For two tail test use the table for α/2
Two Sample Variance – F Test
❖ Example: We took 8 samples from
machine A and the standard deviation
was 1.1. For machine B we took 5
samples and the variance was 11. Is
there a difference in variance at 90%
confidence level?
❖ n1 = 8, s1 = 1.1, s21 = 1.21, df = 7 (denominator)
❖ n2 = 5, s22 = 11, df = 4 (numerator)
❖ F calculated = 11/1.21 = 9.09 (higher value at top)
Two Sample Variance – F Test

F critical = 4.1203
Two Sample Variance – F Test
❖ Example: We took 8 samples from
machine A and the standard deviation
was 1.1. For machine B we took 5
samples and the variance was 11. Is
there a difference in variance at 90%
F critical = 4.1203
confidence level?
❖ n1 = 8, s1 = 1.1, s21 = 1.21, df = 7 (denominator)
❖ n2 = 5, s22 = 11, df = 4 (numerator)
❖ F calculated = 11/1.21 = 9.09 (higher value at top)
❖ Reject H0
Tests for Variance
❖ F-test
❖ for testing equality of two variances from
different populations
❖ for testing equality of several means with
technique of ANOVA.
❖ Chi-square test
❖ For testing the population variance against
a specified value
❖ testing goodness of fit of some probability

❖ testing for independence of two attributes

One Sample Chi Square
❖ For testing the population variance against
a specified value σ
One Sample Chi Square
❖ Example: A sample of 25 bottles was
selected. The variance of these 25 bottles
as 5 cc. Has it increased from established 4
cc? 95% confidence level.
❖ Ho: s2 <= σ2 / Ha: s2 > σ2

❖ X2 = 24x5 / 4 = 30

❖ What is critical value of Chi Square for 24

degrees of freedom?
One Sample Chi Square
❖ Example: A sample of 25 bottles was
selected. The variance of these 25 bottles
as 5 cc. Has it increased from established 4
cc? 95% confidence level.
❖ Ho: s2 <= σ2 / Ha: s2 > σ2

❖ X2 = 24x5 / 4 = 30

❖ What is critical value of Chi Square for 24

degrees of freedom?
One Sample Chi Square
One Sample Chi Square
❖ Example: A sample of 25 bottles was
selected. The variance of these 25 bottles
as 5 cc. Has it increased from established 4
cc? 95% confidence level.
❖ Ho: s2 <= σ2 / Ha: s2 > σ2
❖ X2 = 24x5 / 4 = 30

❖ Critical value of Chi Square for 24 degrees

of freedom = 36.42

❖ Fail to reject H0
One Sample Chi Square
❖ SigmaXL Output
❖ F-test
❖ for testing equality of two variances from
different populations
❖ for testing equality of several means with
technique of ANOVA.
❖ Chi-square test
❖ For testing the population variance against
a specified value
❖ testing goodness of fit of some probability

❖ testing for independence of two attributes

❖ F-test
❖ for testing equality of two variances from
different populations

❖ H0: σ21 = σ22

❖ F calculated

❖ Keep higher value at the top for right tail

❖ Remember: Variance is square of standard
❖ Why ANOVA?
❖ We used t test to compare the means of
two populations.
❖ What if we need to compare more than two
populations? With ANOVA e can find out if
one or more populations have different
mean or comes from a different population.
❖ We could have conducted multiple t Test.
❖ How many t Test we need to conduct if
have to compare 4 samples? … 6
❖ Why ANOVA?
❖ How many t Test we need to conduct if
have to compare 4 samples? … 6

4 x

3 x 3 vs 4

2 x 2 vs 3 2 vs 4

1 x 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4

1 2 3 4
❖ Why ANOVA?
❖ How many t Test we need to conduct if
have to compare 4 samples? … 6
❖ Each test is done with alpha = 0.05 or 95%
❖ 6 tests will result in confidence level of
0.95x0.95x0.95x0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.735
❖ Comparing three machines:
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156
151 149 157
150 152 155
x̄1 = 151 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
❖ Comparing three machines: 150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156
151 149 157
156 150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
❖ Comparing three machines: 150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156
151 149 157
156 150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
❖ Comparing three machines:

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6

150 153 156 130 163 166
151 152 154 155 152 154
152 148 155 160 143 155
152 151 156 158 141 151
151 149 157 152 149 152
150 152 155 145 157 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50 x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50
❖ Comparing three machines:
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6
150 153 156 130 163 166
151 152 154 155 152 154
152 148 155 160 143 155
152 151 156 158 141 151
151 149 157 152 149 152
150 152 155 145 157 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50 x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50
156 160
154 Median
Median 155
25th 25th
152 150
75th 75th
150 Mean Mean
140 Outliers
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
146 130
125 Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6
❖ ANOVA is Analysis of Variance
❖ Variance

❖ Numerator of this formula is Sum of

❖ Total of Sum of Squares (SST) =
SS between/or treatment +SS within/or error
❖ SST = SS between(or treatment) +SS within(or error)

❖ Ratio:
SS between (or treatment) / SS within(or error)

F = MS between (or treatment) / MS within(or error)

❖ SST = SS between(or treatment) +SS within(or error)

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156
151 149 157
150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156

❖ SST = SS between(or treatment) +SS within(or error) 151 149 157

150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

Machine 1 x1 - x̄1 Sqr(x1 - x̄1) Machine 2 x2 - x̄2 Sqr(x2 - x̄2) Machine 3 x3 - x̄3 Sqr(x3 - x̄3)
150.00 -1.00 1.00 153.00 2.17 4.69 156.00 0.50 0.25
151.00 0.00 0.00 152.00 1.17 1.36 154.00 -1.50 2.25
152.00 1.00 1.00 148.00 -2.83 8.03 155.00 -0.50 0.25
152.00 1.00 1.00 151.00 0.17 0.03 156.00 0.50 0.25
151.00 0.00 0.00 149.00 -1.83 3.36 157.00 1.50 2.25
150.00 -1.00 1.00 152.00 1.17 1.36 155.00 -0.50 0.25
151.00 150.83 155.50 152.44
4.00 18.83 5.50

❖ SS within = 4.00+18.83+5.50 = 28.33

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156

❖ SST = SS between(or treatment) +SS within(or error) 151 149 157

150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

Machine 1 x1 - x̄1 Sqr(x1 - x̄1) Machine 2 x2 - x̄2 Sqr(x2 - x̄2) Machine 3 x3 - x̄3 Sqr(x3 - x̄3)
150.00 -1.00 1.00 153.00 2.17 4.69 156.00 0.50 0.25
151.00 0.00 0.00 152.00 1.17 1.36 154.00 -1.50 2.25
152.00 1.00 1.00 148.00 -2.83 8.03 155.00 -0.50 0.25
152.00 1.00 1.00 151.00 0.17 0.03 156.00 0.50 0.25
151.00 0.00 0.00 149.00 -1.83 3.36 157.00 1.50 2.25
150.00 -1.00 1.00 152.00 1.17 1.36 155.00 -0.50 0.25
151.00 150.83 155.50 152.44
4.00 18.83 5.50

❖ SS within = 4.00+18.83+5.50 = 28.33

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156

❖ SST = SS between(or treatment) +SS within(or error) 151 149 157

150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

Machine 1 x1 - x̄1 Sqr(x1 - x̄1) Machine 2 x2 - x̄2 Sqr(x2 - x̄2) Machine 3 x3 - x̄3 Sqr(x3 - x̄3)
150.00 -1.00 1.00 153.00 2.17 4.69 156.00 0.50 0.25
151.00 0.00 0.00 152.00 1.17 1.36 154.00 -1.50 2.25
152.00 1.00 1.00 148.00 -2.83 8.03 155.00 -0.50 0.25
152.00 1.00 1.00 151.00 0.17 0.03 156.00 0.50 0.25
151.00 0.00 0.00 149.00 -1.83 3.36 157.00 1.50 2.25
150.00 -1.00 1.00 152.00 1.17 1.36 155.00 -0.50 0.25
151.00 150.83 155.50 152.44
4.00 18.83 5.50

1.44 2.07 1.61 2.58 -3.06 9.36

❖ SS between = (2.07+2.58+9.36)x6 = 84.06

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156

❖ SST = SS between(or treatment) +SS within(or error) 151 149 157

150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

❖ SST = 84.06 +28.33 = 112.39

❖ Degrees of freedom
❖ Total df = df treatment + df error
❖ (N-1) = (C-1) + (N-C)
❖ df treatment = 3-1=2, df error = 18-3=15
❖ df total = 17
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156

❖ Mean Sum of Square = SS / df 151 149 157

150 152 155

❖ MSbetween = SS between(or treatment) /df treatment x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50

❖ MSbetween = 84.06 / 2 = 42.03

❖ MSwithin = SS within(or error) /df within

❖ MSwithin = 28.33 /15 = 1.89

❖ F = Msbetween / Mswithin = 42.03/1.89 = 22.24

❖ F = MSbetween / MSwithin = 42.03/1.89 =

❖ Compare this with F critical

❖ F (2, 15, 0.95) = 3.68

❖ Reject Null Hypothesis

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155

F = 22.24 152 151 156

151 149 157
One-Way ANOVA & Means Matrix:
150 152 155
H0: Mean 1 = Mean 2 = ... = Mean k x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50
Ha: At least one pair Mean i ≠ Mean

Summary Information Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Count 6 6 6
Mean 151 150.83 155.50
Standard Deviation 0.894427 1.941 1.048808848
UC (2-sided, 95%, pooled) 152.20 152.03 156.70
LC (2-sided, 95%, pooled) 149.80 149.64 154.30

Source SS DF MS F P-Value
Between 84.111 2 42.056 22.265 0.0000
Within 28.333 15 1.889
Total 112.44 17
❖ Practice Exercise: Fill in the values for ?A
to ?E in this ANOVA Table:
Source SS DF MS F
Between 84.111 ?C ?D ?E
Within ?A 15 1.889
Total ?B 17

❖ STOP the video and try to find out the

values. Once done, go ahead and start
the video
❖ ?A = 15x1.889 = 28.333
❖ ?B = 84.111+28.33 = 112.44
❖ ?C = 17-15 = 2
❖ ?D = 84.111/2 = 43.056
❖ ?E = 42.045/1.889 = 22.265
Source SS DF MS F
Between 84.111 ?C= 2 ?D = 42.056 ?E= 22.265
Within ?A= 28.333 15 1.889
Total ?B= 112.44 17
Goodness of Fit Test (Chi Square)
❖ To test if the sample is coming from a
population with specific distribution.
❖ Other goodness-of-fit tests are
❖ Anderson-Darling
❖ Kolmogorov-Smirnov
❖ Chi Square Goodness of Fit can be used
for any time of data: Continuous or
Goodness of Fit Test (Chi Square)
❖ H0: The data follow a specified
❖ Ha: The data do not follow the specified
❖ Calculated Statistic:

❖ Critical Statistic: Chi square for k-1

degrees of freedom for specific alpha.
Goodness of Fit Test (Chi Square)
❖ A coin is flipped 100 times. Number of
heads are noted. Is this coin biased?
Expected Observed
50 51
50 52
50 56
50 82
50 65
Goodness of Fit Test (Chi Square)
❖ A coin is flipped 100 times. Number of
heads are noted. Is this coin biased?
Expected Observed O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
50 51 1 1 0.02
50 52 2 4 0.08
50 56 6 36 0.72
50 82 32 1024 20.48
50 65 15 225 4.5

X2 = 25.8
Goodness of Fit Test (Chi Square)
❖ A coin is flipped 100 times. Number of
heads are noted. Is this coin biased?
X2cal= 25.8

X2(4,0.95)= 9.49
Goodness of Fit Test (Chi Square)
❖ A coin is flipped 100 times. Number of
heads are noted. Is this coin biased?

❖ X2cal= 25.8
❖ X2(4,0.95)= 9.49

❖ Reject Null Hypothesis

❖ Coin is biased
Contingency Tables
❖ To find relationship between two
discrete variables.
Smoker Non
Male 60 40 100
Female 35 40 75
95 80 175

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3

Shift 1 22 26 23 71
Shift 2 28 62 26 116
Shift 3 72 22 66 160
122 112 115 347
Contingency Tables
❖ Null hypothesis is that there is no
relationship between the row and
column variables.
❖ Alternate hypothesis is that there is a
relationship. Alternate hypothesis does
not tell what type of relationship exists.
Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Shift 1 22 26 23 71
Shift 2 28 62 26 116
Shift 3 72 22 66 160
122 112 115 347
Contingency Tables
❖ Calculate Chi square statistic.

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3

Shift 1 22 26 23 71
Shift 2 28 62 26 116
Shift 3 72 22 66 160
122 112 115 347
Contingency Tables
❖ Calculate Chi square statistic.
Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Shift 1 22 26 23 71
Shift 2 28 62 26 116
Shift 3 72 22 66 160
122 112 115 347

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Shift 1 122x71/347 112x71/347 115x71/347 71
Shift 2 122x116/347 112x116/347 115x116/347 116
Shift 3 122x160/347 112x160/347 115x160/347 160
122 112 115 347
Contingency Tables
❖ Calculate Chi square statistic.
Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Shift 1 122x71/347 112x71/347 115x71/347 71
Shift 2 122x116/347 112x116/347 115x116/347 116
Shift 3 122x160/347 112x160/347 115x160/347 160
122 112 115 347

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Shift 1 24.96 22.91 23.53 71
Shift 2 40.78 37.44 38.44 116
Shift 3 56.25 51.64 53.02 160
122 112 115 347
Contingency Tables

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Shift 1 22 26 23 71 Shift 1 24.96 22.91 23.53 71
Shift 2 28 62 26 116 Shift 2 40.78 37.44 38.44 116
Shift 3 72 22 66 160 Shift 3 56.25 51.64 53.02 160
122 112 115 347 122 112 115 347

Operat Operat
(O-E) /E Operator 1
or 2 or 3
Shift 1 (22-24.96)2/24.96 = 0.35 0.42 0.01 71
Shift 2 (28-40.78)2/40.78 = 4.00 16.11 4.03 116
Shift 3 (72-56.25)2/56.25 = 4.41 17.01 3.18 160
122 112 115 347 X2 = 49.52
Contingency Tables
❖ Calculate Chi square statistic = 49.52
❖ Degrees of freedom = (r-1)(c-1) = 4
❖ Chi square critical = 9.49
❖ Reject null hypothesis
❖ There is a relationship between the shift
and the operator.
Contingency Tables
❖ Practice Exercise:
❖ Calculate the Expected value for Non
Smoker Male?
❖ What will be the degrees of freedom in
this example?
Smoker Non
Male 60 40 100
Female 35 40 75
95 80 175
Contingency Tables
❖ Practice Exercise:
❖ Calculate the Expected value for Non
Smoker Male? = 80x100/175 = 45.71
❖ What will be the degrees of freedom in
this example? (2-1)(2-1)=1
Smoker Non
Male 60 40 100
Female 35 40 75
95 80 175
❖ Y = f(X),
❖ where Y is Dependent variable or the result
❖ X is Independent variable, input or the
controllable variable

❖ For example in the study of marks

obtained by students in a subject (Y) vs
hours of study (X)
❖ Demonstration:
❖ Calculate Pearson’s Correlation coefficient
using MS Excel

Column 1 Column 2
Column 1 1
Column 2 0.879350768 1
Correlation Coefficient
❖ Correlation
❖ Measures the strength of linear
relationship between Y and X
❖ Pearson Correlation Coefficient, r (r
varies between -1 and +1)
❖ Perfect positive relationship: r = 1
❖ No relationship: r = 0
❖ Perfect negative relationship: r = -1
Correlation Coefficient
Correlation vs Causation
❖ Correlation does not imply causation
❖ a correlation between two variables does
not imply that one causes the other
Correlation – Confidence Interval
❖ Population correlation (ρ) – usually
❖ Sample correlation (r)
Correlation – Confidence Interval
❖ Since r is not normally distributed, there
are three steps to find out confidence
❖ Convert r to z’ (Fisher’s Transformation)
❖ Calculate confidence interval in terms of z’
❖ Convert confidence interval back to r

❖ z’ = .5[ln(1+r) – ln(1-r)]
❖ Variance = 1/N-3
Correlation – Confidence Interval
❖ N=10, r=0.88 find confidence interval
❖ Step 1.
❖ Convert r to z’
❖ z’ = .5[ln(1+r) – ln(1-r)]
❖ z’ = .5[ln(1+0.88) – ln(1-0.88)]
❖ z’= . 5[0.63 – (-2.12)] = 1.375
Correlation – Confidence Interval
❖ N=10, r=0.88 find confidence interval
❖ Step 2. Confidence interval for z’
❖ Variance = 1/N-3 = 1/7 = 0.1428
❖ Standard error = Sqrt (0.1428) = 0.378
❖ 95% confidence Z = 1.96
❖ CI = 1.375 +/- (1.96)(0.378)
❖ Lower Limit = 0.635
❖ Upper Limit = 2.11
Correlation – Confidence Interval
❖ N=10, r=0.88 find confidence interval
❖ Step 3. Convert back to r
❖ z’ Lower Limit = 0.635
❖ z’ Upper Limit = 2.11

z’ = .5[ln(1+r) – ln(1-r)]

❖ r Lower Limit = 0.56

❖ r Upper Limit = 0.97
Coefficient of Determination
❖ Coefficient of Determination, r2
❖ Proportion of the variance in the
dependent variable that is predictable
from the independent variable
❖ (varies from 0.0 to 1.0 or zero to 100%)
❖ None of the variation in Y is explained by X,
r2 = 0.0
❖ All of the variation in Y is explained by X,
r2= 1.0

❖ r = 0.88, r2 = 0.77
Regression Analysis
❖ Quantifies the relationship between Y
and X (Y = a + bX)
Regression Analysis
❖ Quantifies the relationship between Y
and X (Y = a + bX)
Hours Studied (X) Test Score % (Y) XY X2 Y2
20 40 800 400 1600
24 55 1320 576 3025
46 69 3174 2116 4761
62 83 5146 3844 6889
22 27 594 484 729
37 44 1628 1369 1936
45 61 2745 2025 3721
27 33 891 729 1089
65 71 4615 4225 5041
23 37 851 529 1369
SUM 371 520 21764 16297 30160
Regression Analysis
❖ Quantifies the relationship between Y
and X (Y = 15.79 + 0.97.X)
Test Score
Studied XY X2 Y2
% (Y)
20 40 800 400 1600
24 55 1320 576 3025
46 69 3174 2116 4761
62 83 5146 3844 6889
22 27 594 484 729
37 44 1628 1369 1936
45 61 2745 2025 3721
27 33 891 729 1089
65 71 4615 4225 5041
23 37 851 529 1369
SUM 371 520 21764 16297 30160
Regression Analysis
❖ For a student studying 50 hrs what is the
expected test score %?
Residual Analysis
❖ Y = 15.79 + 0.97.X
Residual Analysis – No pattern




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70



Time Series

• The terms Time Series

and Run Charts are used
• Time series data means
that data is in a series
of particular time periods
or intervals.
Time Series

• Trend
• Seasonality
Time Series

• Trend
• Seasonality
Time Series

• Trend
• Seasonality
Time Series Prediction Techniques
❖ Moving Average Method
❖ Exponential Smoothening
❖ Vector Auto Regression
❖ ARIMA (Autoregressive
moving average model)
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
❖ SPC helps to monitor and control a
❖ Monitoring and controlling the process
ensures that it operates at its full
❖ At its full potential, the process can
make as much conforming product as
possible with a minimum waste
❖ Products conforming to specification are
acceptable products
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
❖ Two phases of SPC
❖ Understanding the process variation
❖ Monitoring and Controlling

❖ Finding the trend

❖ Too early
❖ Too late

❖ Key factor is the cause of variation:

Common Cause or Special Cause
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
❖ Common Cause or Special Cause
❖ Help us in understanding when and when
not to take action.
Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Many Causes Few Causes

Each Having minimum Impact Each Having Significant Impact

Un-economical to eliminate Economically viable to eliminate

Also Called: Also Called:

Random, Chance, Signal, Systematic,
Non-assignable Assignable
Selection of Variables
❖ What are you interested in?
❖ Is this an important characteristic leading
value to client?
❖ Is client specifically asking to control a
particular variable?
❖ Is this the most difficult to maintain?
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
❖ Univariate Control Charts
❖ Individual chart for key characteristics

❖ Multivariate Control charts

❖ Monitoring multiple parameters on a single
control chart
❖ T² Hotelling method is used to generate
multivariate charts.
❖ Details of multivariate are not part of this
Rational Subgrouping
❖ Subgroups
❖ In control chart we select some number of
units (say 5 units) each time, summarize the
variable and plot it on the control chart.
❖ For example in X-bar, R chart, we calculate
the mean and range of these subgroup
❖ Subgroup is the snapshot of the process
at that time.
❖ Measurements within a subgroup must
be taken close together in time but still
be independent of each other.
Rational Subgrouping
❖ Two types of variation:
❖ Within subgroup: the variation within
subgroups is because of common cause
❖ Between subgroup: the variation
between subgroups is caused by special
Rational Subgrouping
❖ Control Limits (UCL, LCL) are calculated
based on variation “within” subgroups.
❖ Subgroup should be from single stable
source. Too much variation in subgroup
will lead to too wide control limits.
❖ Subgroups should be time based and
not randomly selected from a already
produced items. This is a time snapshot
of the process.
Rational Subgrouping
❖ Subgroup size:
❖ Subgroup size of 5 is more common
❖ Small subgroup size > meaningful
process shifts may go undetected.
❖ Too large subgroup size > insignificant
process shifts gives false alarm
Control Chart Selection
Variables / Measurements
❖ I-MR or X-MR chart (Individual, Moving Range)
❖ X bar - R chart (Average – Range)
❖ X bar - s chart (Average – Standard deviation)
Attributes / Counts
❖ np Chart (Number of defectives)
❖ p Chart (Proportion defectives)
❖ c Chart (Number of defects)
❖ u Chart (Number of defects per unit)
Data Type

Attribute - Counts Variable - Measurements

# Pieces # Occurrences
# Defectives # Defects

Constant Variable Constant Variable n>9 n =2 to 9 n=1

np chart p chart c chart u chart Xbar - s Xbar - R I-MR/X-MR

n is subgroup size
Variable Measurements

Variable - Measurements

n>9 n =2 to 9 n=1

Xbar - s Xbar - R I-MR/X-MR

I-MR or X-MR Chart
Individual Control Limits Moving Range Control Limits
Control Chart Selection
Variables / Measurements
❖ I-MR or X-MR chart (Individual, Moving Range)
❖ X bar - R chart (Average – Range)
❖ X bar - s chart (Average – Standard deviation)
Attributes / Counts
❖ np Chart (Number of defectives)
❖ p Chart (Proportion defectives)
❖ c Chart (Number of defects)
❖ u Chart (Number of defects per unit)
Xbar – R Chart
Xbar Control Limits Range Control Limits
Xbar – s Chart
Xbar Control Limits Range Control Limits
Control Chart Selection
Variables / Measurements
❖ I-MR or X-MR chart (Individual, Moving Range)
❖ X bar - R chart (Average – Range)
❖ X bar - s chart (Average – Standard deviation)
Attributes / Counts
❖ np Chart (Number of defectives)
❖ p Chart (Proportion defectives)
❖ c Chart (Number of defects)
❖ u Chart (Number of defects per unit)
Data Type

Attribute - Counts Variable - Measurements

# Pieces # Occurrences
# Defectives # Defects

Constant Variable Constant Variable n>9 n =2 to 9 n=1

np chart p chart c chart u chart Xbar - s Xbar - R I-MR/X-MR

n is subgroup size
np and p Chart
Variable Attribute
Total Defectives and Percent Defective
❖ Binomial Distribution
❖ Subgroup size is normally big compared to
variable charts

# Pieces
# Defectives

Constant Variable

np chart p chart
np Chart
Equal Subgroup size Control Limits
❖ Control limits are straight lines

12 10.931

NP - Defectives

6 4.680

p Chart
Unequal Subgroup size Control Limits
❖ Control limits change with the number of items
in the subgroup (subgroup size)
❖ Larger Subgroup – narrow control limits
❖ Smaller Subgroup – wider control limits

P - Unplanned Return


Attribute Measurements

Attribute - Counts

# Pieces # Occurrences
# Defectives # Defects

Constant Variable Constant Variable

np chart p chart c chart u chart

c and u Chart
Total Defects / Defects per Unit
❖ Poisson Distribution
❖ Subgroup size is normally big compared to
variable charts

# Occurrences
# Defects

Constant Variable

c chart u chart
c Chart
Equal Subgroup size Control Limits

Average Defects

C - Defects


u Chart
Defects per Unit Control Limits

Unequal Subgroup size

❖ Control limits change with the number of items
in the subgroup (subgroup size)
❖ Larger Subgroup – narrow control limits
❖ Smaller Subgroup – wider control limits 0.206

U - Defects


Control Chart Analysis
What is the problem with this process?
X-Bar: Shot 1 - Shot 3

102.00 100.91
95.00 94.36

Control Chart Rules
❖ Nelson Rules
Rule Pattern Probable Cause
1 1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL New person, wrong setup
2 7 points in a row on same side of CL Setup change, process change
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing Trend, Tool wear
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down Over control, tempering
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side) New person, wrong setup
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side) Small shift similar to Rule 1, 5
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side) Process change
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side) Process change
Rule Pattern

Rule 1 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)

X-Bar: Shot 1 - Shot 3

101.00 C 100.91

99.00 6 2

95.00 A 3

Rule Pattern

Rule 2 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
X-Bar: Shot 1 - Shot 3

102.00 100.91
99.00 6 2
96.00 3
Rule Pattern

Rule 3 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
X-Bar: Shot 1 - Shot 3

102.00 100.91
99.00 6 2
96.00 3
Rule Pattern

Rule 4 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
108.00 107.32

106.00 4
4 5
X-Bar: Shot 4 - Shot 6

102.00 100.65
95.00 93.98
Rule Pattern

Rule 5 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
X-Bar: Shot 1 - Shot 3

102.00 100.91
99.00 6 2
96.00 3
Rule Pattern

Rule 6 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
X-Bar: Shot 1 - Shot 3

102.00 100.91
99.00 6 2
96.00 3
Rule Pattern

Rule 7 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1106.80
Stdev from CL (either side)
5 5
X-Bar: Shot 7 - Shot 9

102.00 7
95.00 94.11
Rule Pattern

Rule 8 1
1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
X-Bar: Shot 11 - Shot 13

105.00 8
97.00 95.98
Rule Pattern

Rule 1,2,7,8
1 1 point more than 3 Stdev from CL
2 7 points in a row on same side of CL
3 7 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing
❖ Probability of Rule 1 4 14 points in a row alternating up and down
5 2 out of 3 points more than 2 Stdev from CL (same side)
❖ (1-0.9973) = 0.0027
6 4 out of 5 points more than 1 Stdev from CL (same side)
❖ Probability of Rule 2 7 14 points in a row within 1 Stdev from CL (either side)
❖ (0.5)7 = 0.0078 8 8 points in a row more than 1 Stdev from CL (either side)

❖ Probability of Rule 7
❖ (0.68)14 = 0.0045
❖ Probability of Rule 8
❖ (1-0.68)8 = 0.0001
Pre-Control Charts
❖ Use specification limits instead of
statistically-derived control limits to
determine process capability over time.
❖ Used during the initial setup process.
❖ Easier to setup, implement and interpret
Pre-Control Charts
• Pre-Control Limits (LPCL and UPCL) are
50% of the tolerance.
• To establish process control, 5 items
should fall in the Pre-Control Limits.
• After that 2 successive units are
periodically samples.
• Continue if both fall in green or
one in green and one in Yellow.
• Stop and adjust process if both fall
in Yellow, or one fall in the red
Short-run SPC
❖ A typical Control Chart needs 20-25
samples with 4 to 5 items as the
subgroup size.
❖ You need roughly 100 measurements to
define control limits.
❖ What if there are a very few pieces
❖ Use Short-run Chart
Short-run SPC
❖ Short-run SPC focuses on the process
rather than the product.
❖ Example: Different diameter items
❖ E.g Eight items with 300, 400 and 500 mm
❖ Options:
❖ 100% inspection – Expensive
❖ First-off inspection – What about process
❖ Last-off inspection – Too little too late
❖ Separate control chart – limited data
Short-run SPC
302.634 Run A 504.188 Run B 400.548 Run C
300.558 Run A 506.879 Run B 403.193 Run C
301.604 Run A 506.189 Run B 392.790 Run C
298.130 Run A 517.210 Run B 399.538 Run C
298.824 Run A 479.511 Run B 392.192 Run C
301.384 Run A 495.170 Run B 403.812 Run C
302.373 Run A 506.851 Run B 393.457 Run C
298.685 Run A 489.671 Run B 401.051 Run C
Short-run – Difference Chart
Stamp Data
Run A
2.6338 Assumption: Each run has similar variance
300.558 Run A 300 0.5579
301.604 Run A 300 1.6043
298.130 Run A 300 -1.8704
298.824 Run A 300 -1.1757 I-MR Chart of C4
301.384 Run A 300 1.3837 20 UCL=21.16
302.373 Run A 300 2.3729
298.685 Run A 300 -1.3154 10

Individual Value
504.188 Run B 500 4.1884 0
506.879 Run B 500 6.8792
506.189 Run B 500 6.1887
517.210 Run B 500 17.2103 -20 LCL=-21.45
479.511 Run B 500 -20.4891 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
495.170 Run B 500 -4.8304 Observation

506.851 Run B 500 6.8514

489.671 Run B 500 -10.3293 1

400.548 Run C 400 0.5483 30

Moving Range
403.193 Run C 400 3.1932 UCL=26.17

392.790 Run C 400 -7.2102
399.538 Run C 400 -0.4623 10 __
392.192 Run C 400 -7.8076
403.812 Run C 400 3.8119 0 LCL=0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
393.457 Run C 400 -6.5428
401.051 Run C 400 1.0513
Z-MR Chart
Stamp Data Run Nominal Difference
302.634 Run A 300 2.6338
300.558 Run A 300 0.5579
301.604 Run A 300 1.6043
298.130 Run A 300 -1.8704
298.824 Run A 300 -1.1757
301.384 Run A 300 1.3837
302.373 Run A 300 2.3729
298.685 Run A 300 -1.3154
504.188 Run B 500 4.1884
506.879 Run B 500 6.8792
506.189 Run B 500 6.1887
517.210 Run B 500 17.2103
479.511 Run B 500 -20.4891
495.170 Run B 500 -4.8304
506.851 Run B 500 6.8514
489.671 Run B 500 -10.3293
400.548 Run C 400 0.5483
403.193 Run C 400 3.1932
392.790 Run C 400 -7.2102
399.538 Run C 400 -0.4623
392.192 Run C 400 -7.8076
403.812 Run C 400 3.8119
393.457 Run C 400 -6.5428
401.051 Run C 400 1.0513
Process Capability Studies
❖ Select the process
❖ Data Collection Plan
❖ Measurement System Analysis
❖ Gather data
❖ Confirm normality of data
❖ Confirm that the process is in control
❖ Estimate the process capability
❖ Continually improve process
Process Performance Matrices
❖ Percent Defectives
❖ Rolled Through Yield
Process Performance Matrices
❖ Percent Defectives
❖ Rolled Through Yield
Percent Defectives
❖ Percent of parts having one or more
❖ 2 percent – 2 pieces per 100 pieces
Parts per Million (PPM)
❖ Defective parts per million.
❖ 2 percent – 2 pieces per 100 pieces
❖ 0.02 x 1,000,000 = 20,000 PPM
Defect vs Defective
❖A nonconforming unit is a defective

❖Defect is nonconformance on one of

many possible quality characteristics of
a unit that causes customer
Defect Opportunity
❖Circumstances in which CTQ can fail to
❖Number of defect opportunities relate to
complexity of unit.
❖Complex units – Greater opportunities of
defect than simple units
❖ A units has 5 parts, and in each part there are 3
opportunities of defects – Total defect
opportunities are 5 x 3 = 15
Defects Per Opportunity (DPO)
❖Number of defects divided by number of
defect opportunities
❖ In previous case (15 defect opportunities), if 10
units have 2 defects.

❖ DPO = 2 / (15 x 10) = 0.0133333

Defect Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
❖DPO multiplies by one million
❖ In previous case (15 defect opportunities), if 10
units have 2 defects.

❖ DPO = 2 / (15 x 10) = 0.0133333

❖ DPMO = 0.013333333 x 1,000,000 = 13,333

❖13,333 DPMO is 3.7 Sigma

❖Six Sigma performance is 3.4 DPMO
Defects Per Unit
❖ Number of Defects / Number of Units

❖ In 3,000 welds defects observed were:

❖ 10 Cracks
❖ 15 Porosity
❖ 5 Undercut

❖ DPU = (10+15+5)/3,000 = 30/3,000

= 1/100 = 0.01
Rolled Through Yield
❖ Units entering a process = P
❖ Defective Units = D
❖ Yield = (P-D)/P
❖ Y1 = 0.99, Y2 =0.95, Y3=0.98
❖ RTY = Y1 . Y2 . Y3 = 0.99x0.95x0.98
Process Capability Indices
❖ Ratio of the spread between the process
specifications to the spread of the
process values, (6 process standard
deviations) .
Process Capability Indices
❖ LSL – Lower Specification Limit
❖ USL - Upper Specification Limit

❖ LCL – Lower Control Limit

❖ UCL - Upper Control Limit
Process Capability Indices
❖ Cp = (USL – LSL)/(6*σ within)
Process Capability Indices
❖ Cp = (USL – LSL)/(6*σ within)

❖ CpL = (Process Mean – LSL)/(3* σ within)

❖ CpU = (USL – Process Mean)/(3* σ within)

❖ Cpk = Min (CpU, CpL )

Capability Ratio Cr
❖ Capability ratio (Cr).
❖ This index is computed as 1/Cp (the inverse
of Cp).

❖ Cr = 6σ / (USL-LSL)

❖ Cr x 100 shows the percent of the

specifications that are being used by the
variation in the process.
Process Capability Indices
❖ Why to do Process Capability study?

❖ Understand the behaviors of new/repaired/

adjusted equipment
❖ Review of tolerances
❖ Allocation of equipment
Process Capability Indices
❖ Conditions to be met:
❖ Sample to represent the population
❖ Normal distribution of data
❖ The process must be in statistical control
❖ Sample size must be sufficient
Process Capability Indices
❖ Process Capability vs Rejections

USL−LSL 6σ 8σ 10σ 12σ

Cp 1.00 1.33 1.66 2.00
Rejects 0.27 % 64 ppm 0.6 ppm 2 ppb
Process Performance Indices
❖ Conditions to be met:
❖ Sample to represent the population
❖ Normal distribution of data
❖ The process must be in statistical control
❖ Sample size must be sufficient
Process Performance Indices
❖ Pp = (USL – LSL)/(6* σ overall)

❖ PpL = (Process Mean – LSL)/(3* σ overall)

❖ PpU = (USL – Process Mean)/(3* σ overall)

❖ Ppk = Min (PpU, PpL )

Difference Between Cpk and Ppk
❖ Cpk is calculated using “within” standard
deviation, while Ppk is using “overall”
standard deviation.
❖ Cpk is for short term and Ppk is for long
Taguchi Capability Index - Cpm
❖ Process Capability
Design of Experiments
❖ We conduct experiments in our daily
❖ Car:
❖ Does AC affect the car mileage?
❖ Does number of passengers affect the car
❖ What about tire pressure, speed …..
❖ Course selling:
❖ Does intro video affects the sale?
❖ What about course length, quizzes, closed
captions …..
Design of Experiments
❖ Y = f (X)
❖ Output (Y) is the function of inputs
Output Input
Dependent Variable Independent Variable
Response (or Outcome) Factor
Design of Experiments
❖ Response: The output(s) of a process.
Sometimes called dependent

❖ Factor: A factor of an experiment is a

controlled independent variable; a
variable whose levels are set by the
experimenter. These can be numeric
or categorical.
Design of Experiments
❖ In coffee making process

❖ Response: taste of coffee

❖ Factor: milk and sugar.

(Lets ignore other factors to keep it simple)
Design of Experiments
❖ In coffee making process – 150cc

❖ Milk : 40 cc vs 80 cc

❖ Sugar : 10 gms vs 20 gms

Design of Experiments
❖ In coffee making process – 150cc

❖ Milk : 40 cc (-) vs 80 cc (+)

❖ Sugar : 10 gms (-) vs 20 gms (+)

Design of Experiments
# Sugar Milk Rating Sequence
1 - - 3 2
2 - + 6 4
3 + - 6 1
4 + + 9 3

6 9

3 - Sugar + 6
Design of Experiments
6 9
# Sugar Milk Rating Sequence

1 - - 3 2
2 - + 6 4
3 + - 6 1 -
4 + + 9 3 3 - Sugar + 6
Interaction Chart 10 Interaction Chart 9
10 9
6 6 6 6
6 6

4 3 4 3
Milk -
2 2 Sugar -
Milk +
Sugar +
0 0
Sugar - Sugar + Milk - Milk +
Design of Experiments
# Sugar Milk Rating Sequence
1 - - 3 2
2 - + 6 4
3 + - 6 1
4 + + 9 3

Contour Plot 6 9

3 - Sugar + 6
Design of Experiments
6 9
❖ Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 +
❖ Y = B0 + BsXs + BmXm

❖ Y = 6 + 1.5 Xs + 1.5 Xm
3 - Sugar + 6
Design of Experiments
Y = 6 + 1.5 Xs + 1.5 Xm

# Sugar Milk Rating

1 - - 3
2 - + 6
3 + - 6
4 + + 9
Planning and Conducting a DoE
1. Define the objective
❖ To screen
❖ To optimize
❖ Robustness
2. Choice of factors and levels
3. Choose the response variable
4. Design the experiment
5. Conduct the experiment
6. Analyze results
7. Draw conclusion and make
Objective - Screening Experiments
❖ When you have a large number of
factors to study e.g. > 5
❖ Purpose is to select important factors
from the large list.
❖ Used when the system is new and you
don’t want to waste too much of
resources on non important factors.
Objective - Optimization
❖ When we know what are the key factors
affecting the performance
❖ When we are looking for the optimum
setting for these selected factors.
Objective - Robustness
❖ To determine conditions under which
the output (response) is least affected
by variations in inputs.
Selecting Factors
❖ Knowledge of the process is important.
❖ Factors of interest are selected.
❖ Other factors are called nuisance.
❖ Address nuisance by
❖ Randomization,
❖ Blocking
❖ Analysis of covariance.
Choosing the Response Variable
❖ Response variable should provide
important information about the
❖ It should be measurable.
❖ Measurement error should be
Design the Experiment
❖ Full Factorial or Partial Factorial Design
❖ Various design options
❖ One Factor Designs
❖ Completely Randomized
❖ Randomized Block
❖ Latin Square and Graeco-Latin Square
❖ Fractional Factorial
❖ Plackett-Burman designs (for screening
neglecting higher order interactions )
Conduct the Experiment
❖ Follow the plan
❖ Mistakes in setting up the correct level
or recording the results might be costly.
Consider doing some pilot test before
doing the full experiment.
Analyze Results
❖ Various software are available to do
❖ Minitab
❖ SigmaXL
❖ Microsoft Excel
❖ R
Make Conclusion / Recommendations
❖ Draw conclusion from analysis and
present using simple charts.
❖ Results could lead to the next
Design of Experiments
Standard Sugar Milk Rating Run Order
1 - - 3.7 2
2 - + 7.2 4
3 + - 7.9 1
4 + + 8.8 3

7.2 8.8

3.7 - Sugar + 7.9
Design of Experiments
7.2 8.8
Standard Sugar Milk Rating Run Order

1 - - 3.7 2
2 - + 7.2 4
3 + - 7.9 1
4 + + 8.8 3 3.7 - Sugar + 7.9
Interaction Chart 10 Interaction Chart 8.8
10 8.8 7.9
7.2 8
7.9 6
3.7 3.7
4 4
Milk -
2 2 Sugar -
Milk +
Sugar +
0 0
Sugar - Sugar + Milk - Milk +
Design of Experiments
Standard Sugar Milk Rating Run Order
1 - - 3.7 2
2 - + 7.2 4
3 + - 7.9 1
4 + + 8.8 3
7.2 8.8
Contour Plot +

3.7 - Sugar + 7.9
Design of Experiments
7.2 8.8
❖ Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 +
❖ Y = B0 + BsXs + BmXm

❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 Xs + 1.1 Xm
❖ For low milk, low sugar
3.7 - Sugar + 7.9
❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 (-1) +1.1 (-1) = 4.35 (against 3.7)
❖ Hence something else is playing here … called
interaction or Xs . Xm

❖ Interaction Xs . Xm = (8.8-7.2)-(7.9-3.7)/2
Design of Experiments
7.2 8.8
❖ Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 +
❖ Y = B0 + BsXs + BmXm

❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 Xs + 1.1 Xm
❖ Interaction is half the difference in the
3.7 - Sugar + 7.9
effect of sugar when milk is high or low is
= (8.8-7.2)-(7.9-3.7)/2 = -1.3
❖ Report of half of this in the equation as
multiple of Xs . Xm or -1.3/2 = -0.65
❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 Xs + 1.1 Xm – 0.65 Xs . Xm
Design of Experiments
7.2 8.8
❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 Xs + 1.1 Xm – 0.65 Xs . Xm +
❖ For high (+) sugar high (+) milk

❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 (+1) + 1.1 (+1) – 0.65 (+1).(+1)
❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 + 1.1 – 0.65 = 8.8
3.7 - Sugar + 7.9

❖ For high (+) sugar low (-) milk

❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 (+1) + 1.1 (-1) – 0.65 (+1).(-1)
❖ Y = 6.9 + 1.45 - 1.1 + 0.65 = 7.9
Design of Experiments
❖ Factor: A factor of an experiment is a
controlled independent variable; a
variable whose levels are set by the
❖ Level: Settings of each factor in the
❖ Treatment: A treatment is a specific
combination of factor levels whose
effect is to be compared with other
❖ Response: The output(s) of a process.
Sometimes called dependent
Design of Experiments
❖ Effect : How changing the settings of a
factor changes the response. The effect
of a single factor is also called a main
❖ Interaction: Occurs when the effect of
one factor on a response depends on
the level of another factor(s).
❖ Randomization: to eliminate bias. The
use of randomization in experiments is
common practice.
❖ Replication :Performing the same
treatment combination more than
Design of Experiments
❖ 3 Factors 2 Levels
Standard Sugar Milk Bean Rating Run +
Order Order

1 - - -
2 - - + +
3 - + - -
4 - + + - Sugar +
5 + - -
6 + - +
7 + + -
8 + + +
Design of Experiments
❖ 2 Factors 2 Levels
❖ Y = B0 + BsXs + BmXm + Bsm Xs . Xm +

❖ 3 Factors 2 Levels +
❖ Y = B0 + BsXs + BmXm + BbXb -
+ Bsm Xs . Xm + Bsb Xs . Xb + Bmb Xm . Xb - Sugar +
+ Bsmb Xs . Xm. Xb
Design of Experiments
❖ 4 Factors 2 Levels
❖ Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 + B3X3 + B4X4
+ B12 X1 . X2 + B13 X1 . X3 + B14 X1 . X4
+ B23 X2 . X3 + B24 X2 . X4 + B34 X3 . X4

+ B123 X1 . X2. X3 + B124 X1 . X2. X4

+ B134 X1 . X3. X4 + B234 X2 . X3. X4

+ B1234 X1 . X2. X3. X4

Design of Experiments
❖ Number of experiments = Level Factors
❖ 3 Factors 2 Level experiment requires
23 = 8 experiments (full factorial)
❖ 5 Factors 2 Level experiment requires
25 = 32 experiments (full factorial)
Half Factorial
❖ 3 Factors 2 Level experiment requires
23 = 8 experiments (full factorial)
❖ 3 Factors 2 Level experiment requires

23-1 = 4 experiments (half factorial) +
Standard Sugar Milk Bean Run Order
1 - - -
2 - - +
- Sugar +
3 - + -

4 - + +

5 + - -

6 + - +

7 + + -

8 + + +
Half Factorial

Standard Sugar Milk Bean Run 3

Order Order + 7
1 - - -

2 - - +
3 - + -
4 - + + - -
5 + - -
1 - Sugar + 5
6 + - +
7 + + -
8 + + +
Half Factorial

Standard Sugar Milk Bean

1 - - -
2 - - +
3 - + -
4 - + +
5 + - -
6 + - +
7 + + -
8 + + +
Half Factorial


+ 7

1 - -
Sugar + 5
Half Factorial
Standard Sugar Milk Bean Run
Standard Sugar Milk Bean Run Order Orde
Order Order r

1 - - - 1 - - (-).(-) = +

2 - - + 2 - + (-).(+) = -

3 - + - 3 + - (+).(-) = -

4 - + + 4 + + (+).(+) = +

5 + - -
6 + - +
7 + + -
8 + + +

+C = A.B
-C = A.B
Half Factorial
Sugar Milk Bean A.B B.C C.A A.B.C
(A) (B) (C)
1 - - + + - - +
2 - + - - - + +
3 + - - - + - +
4 + + + + + + +

A = B.C
B = A.C
C = A.B
❖ When effects that cannot be estimated
separately from each other.
A = B.C
B = A.C
C = A.B

❖ In above A is the alias for BC, or BC is the

alias for A. There effects are mixed up.
❖ Confounding occurs in fractional
factorial design. (Price we pay for less
❖ Resolution III
❖ No main effects are aliased with any other
main effect,
❖ but main effects are aliased with 2-factor
❖ Resolution IV
❖ No main effects are aliased with any other
main effect or 2-factor interactions,
❖ but some 2-factor interactions are aliased with
other 2-factor interactions and main effects are
aliased with 3-factor interactions.
❖ Resolution V
❖ No main effects or 2-factor interactions are
aliased with any other main effect or 2-factor
❖ but 2-factor interactions are aliased with 3-
factor interactions and main effects are aliased
with 4-factor interactions.
❖ To avoid the effect of nuisance factors
❖ In terms of agricultural experiments,
blocks are pieces of land or blocks used
for different treatment.
❖ These are dummy factors
Nuisance Factors
❖ A nuisance factor is a factor that has
some effect on the response, but is of
no interest to the experimenter.
❖ For example:
❖ Operator
❖ Environmental conditions
❖ etc
Nuisance Factors
❖ How to deal with nuisance factors?
❖ Known and Controllable
❖ Blocking (location, shift, land piece)
❖ Unknown and Uncontrollable
❖ Randomization (bias, order of treatment)
❖ Known and Uncontrollable (but
❖ Analysis of Covariance ANCOVA
(combination of ANOVA and linear
❖ E.g. weight of patient, IQ
Balanced Design
Balanced Design Unbalanced Design
Sugar Milk Bean Sugar Milk Bean
- - - - - -
- - + - - +
- + - - + -
- + + - + +
+ - - + - -
+ - + + - +
+ + - + + -
+ + +
Balanced Design
❖ balanced design has an equal number of
observations for all possible level
❖ Some times loss of data leads to
unbalanced design, e.g.
❖ Delay in getting one result
❖ Loss of one experiment
One Factor Experiments
❖ ANOVA – This was a One Factor 3 Level
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
150 153 156
151 152 154
152 148 155
152 151 156
151 149 157
150 152 155
x̄1 = 151.00 x̄2 = 150.83 x̄3 = 155.50
154 Median
150 Mean

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
One Factor Experiments
❖ How to deal with nuisance factors?
❖ Known and Controllable
❖ Blocking (shift, operator)
❖ Unknown and Uncontrollable
❖ Randomization (vibration)

❖ Three types of experiments

❖ Completely Randomized
❖ Randomized Block
❖ Latin Square Designs
Completely Randomized
❖ When nuisance factors are Unknown
and Uncontrollable
❖ Example: 30 patient
❖ 15 provided treatment A (Experimental
❖ 15 provided placebo (Control Group)
❖ Nuisance factors – age, medical history
❖ Placebo is fake medicine, which has no
medical effect but may have
psychological effect. Patients do not
know which group (Experimental or
Control) they are in.
Completely Randomized

Treatment A
Group Compare
Patients Results
Randomized Block Design
❖ How to deal with nuisance factors?
❖ Known and Controllable
❖ Blocking (gender)
❖ Unknown and Uncontrollable
❖ Randomization (age, medical history)
❖ Example: 30 patient (16 male, 14
Randomized Block Design
16 males Experimental
Treatment A
Compare Results
Treatment A
16 males Females
Compare Results
14 females Control
14 females Group

Here we have one blocking factor. Male/Female

Latin square designs allow for two blocking factors.
Latin Square Design
❖ Latin square designs allow for two
blocking factors. It is used to
simultaneously eliminate two sources of
nuisance variability.
❖ Lets take an example of wheat crop
field. We are looking at the effect of 4
fertilizers on the yield.
Latin Square Design
❖ To study the effect of 4 types of
fertilizers, we can divide the field into 4 A B
parts and apply fertilizers.
Latin Square Design
❖ Latin square designs allow for two
blocking factors (rows, columns). It is
used to simultaneously eliminate two
sources of nuisance variability.
Graeco-Latin Square Designs
❖ Latin square designs allow for two
blocking factors. It is used to
simultaneously eliminate two sources of
nuisance variability.
❖ Graeco-Latin square designs allow for
three blocking factors.
Graeco-Latin Square Designs

Two Level Factorial Experiments
❖ 3 Factors Two Level Full Factorial
Requires 8 experiments +
Standard Sugar Milk Bean Rating Run

Order Order
1 - - - +
2 - - + -
3 - + - - Sugar +
4 - + +
5 + - -
6 + - +
7 + + -
8 + + +
Two Level Factorial
❖ 3 Factors Two Level Half Factorial
Requires 4 experiments
❖ Partial Factor experiments have
Sugar Milk Bean A.B B.C C.A A.B.C
(A) (B) (C)
1 - - + + - - +
2 - + - - - + +
3 + - - - + - +
4 + + + + + + +
A = B.C
B = A.C
C = A.B
❖ Resolution III
❖ No main effects are aliased with any other
A = B.C
main effect, B = A.C
❖ but main effects are aliased with 2-factor C = A.B
❖ Resolution IV
❖ No main effects are aliased with any other
main effect or 2-factor interactions,
❖ but some 2-factor interactions are aliased with
other 2-factor interactions and main effects are
aliased with 3-factor interactions.
❖ Resolution V
❖ No main effects or 2-factor interactions are
aliased with any other main effect or 2-factor
❖ but 2-factor interactions are aliased with 3-
factor interactions and main effects are aliased
with 4-factor interactions.
2 Designs

❖ k Factors at 2 levels require 2k

experiments (Full Factorial)
❖ 5 factors at 2 level require 25 = 32
❖ 10 factors at 2 level require 210 = 1024
❖ P is the fraction
❖ p = 1 for half factorial
❖ p = 2 for quarter factorial
❖ 10 factors at 2 level require 210-2 = 256
experiments (quarter factorial)
Plackett-Burman Designs
❖ 2k-p designs require 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
… number of experiments.
❖ Plackett-Burman Designs provides
number of experiments between these
❖ 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, ….., 64,
68, 72, ……..128
❖ Number of experiments are multiples of
Plackett-Burman Designs
❖ Very efficient for screening experiments.
❖ It can be used for up to N-1 factors using
N trials. For example if you have 7
factors you can run the experiment with
8 trials.
❖ Full factorial for 7 factors (2 level) will
require 27 = 128 experiments
❖ Number of experiments have to be
multiple of 4.
Plackett-Burman Designs
❖ Disadvantage
❖ Effect of one main factor might depend
upon other factor (or interaction of two or
more factors).
❖ For this reason Plackett-Burman designs are
used as starting point and further
experiments would be require.

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