Da'wah. There Were So Many Opponents Who Did Not

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“O mankind! Verily there has come to you a convincing proof from your Lord
(Muhammad peace be upon him): for We have sent unto you a light (the Quran). Then
those who believe in Allah, and hold fast to Him,--soon will He admit them to mercy and
grace from Himself, and guide them to Himself by a straight way”. 1 (An-Nisa’: 174-175)

As refer to the above verses, Allah the almighty mentioned that He had sent Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) to the people to convey the truth. People might be lost from the true
divine revelation without the messenger of Allah. He was the second primary source of
revelation after the Holy Quran. The main responsibility of the Prophet was to preach
the teaching of Islam to all mankind. According to Muhammad Al-Ghazali (2008),
among the issues that presented by the Prophet (pbuh) were to convey people to
believe in the oneness of Allah and worship Him, to clean their heart from evil desires,
to preserve good life of his ummah, and to remind them about the retaliation in
hereafter.2 The Prophet (pbuh) was a very good preacher. He had used several ways to
convey the divine revelation to the people. He had facing a lot of hardships and
challenges during the process of da’wah. There were so many opponents who did not
willing to accept Islam. Therefore, he used different ways to preach them according to
the situation. This term paper will discuss the position of the last Prophet (pbuh) as a
preacher. It will be focusing on the explanation of strategies used by the Prophet to
spread Islam. We would like to explain six strategies used by him which are glad tidings,
warning, good communication, rational argument, not by force, and be a good example.
We include several evidences from the Quran hadith.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang),
al-Ghazali, Muhammad, Sejarah Perjalanan Hidup Muhammad, (2008, Mitra Pustaka, Yogyagarta), p.107.

“O Prophet! Truly We have sent you as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad tidings,

and Warner - And as one who invites to Allah’s (Grace) by His leave, and as a Lamp
spreading Light” ( Al-Ahzab : 45-46 ).3

As refer to the above verse, Allah has mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
would be the helper for all mankind. He was a bearer of glad tidings for those who
believe in the oneness of Allah and accept Islam as their way of life. He was described
as a lamp and light that would guide the people to be good in this world by following
Islam in order to live happily in hereafter. This was one of the strategies practiced by the
Prophet (pbuh) in spreading Islam to his ummah.

Psychologically, everybody would love to hear good things from others. That was
one of the ways that the Prophet Muhammad applied to enlighten his ummah to believe
in Allah and follow His commandments faithfully. Promoting good news increases
believers' as well as non-believers’ interest and morale to accept Islam.4 Giving glad
tidings could encourage them to be more gritty and persistent in their efforts to follow
the right path.5 Among the issues that were promoted by the Prophet (pbuh) were the
merciful of Allah and the joyful ending for those who follow His revelation rightfully.

One of the glad tidings that the Prophet had told his ummah was regarding to the
forgiveness of Allah. As Allah says in the Quran:

Say: "O my servants, you who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the
Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most
Merciful." (Az-Zumar: 53)6

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang),
Yahya, Harun, http://harunyahya.com/en/Makaleler/5389/The_Prophet_(saas)_was_a_bearer_of_glad_tidings,
(2008), retrieved on 9 Ooctober 2012.
Ibid, retrieved on 9 October 2012.
Ali,Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang),
In addition, the Prophet (pbuh) also mentioned the glory of paradise that will be
rewarded for those who accept Islam and submit themselves whole-heartedly to Allah,
as Allah says in the Quran:

Say, "Shall I give you glad tidings of things far better than those? For the righteous are
Gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their
eternal home; with companions pure (and holy); and the good pleasure of Allah.
For in Allah’s sight are (all) His servants.”7 (Surah Al ‘Imran: 15)

In addition, there is another hadith narrated by Al-Tirmidhi which explain about

the good reward that will be given by Allah for those who follow his commands, the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said : “He who gave up disputing while he is right, a palace
of high rank in paradise will be built for him. He who gave up disputing while he is a
fabricator, a palace in the center of Paradise will be built for him.”8

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has called on his followers to get close to Allah
not by forcing them but through a gentle way which was motivating them with the glad
tidings that Allah has promised for them. Someone who hopes to be rewarded with
Paradise will of course have a very different attitude and state of mind than someone
who regards those hard works as monotonous, or carries them out of habit or a sense
of obligation. They will feel more encouraged to be good, obey Allah and increase their
belief towards His revelation.

As Allah has mentioned in surah An-Nisaa’,verse 104: “And slacken not in

following up the enemy: if you are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar
hardships; but you have Hope from Allah, while they have none. And Allah is full of
knowledge and wisdom.” Another verse that was revealed to Prophet (pbuh) to give
tidings for his ummah written in surah Al-Baqarah, verse 286: “On no soul does Allah
place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it
suffers every ill that earns. (Pray:) “Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into
error; Our Lord!Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us;

Ibid, p.65.
http://islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com, retrieved on 9 October 2012.
Our Lord!Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear? Blot out our
sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our protector; help us
against those who stand against Faith.”9


Allah has commanded people to perform good deeds and prohibit any
wrongdoings to avoid any destruction on this earth. As mentioned in the previous point,
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had mentioned Allah has promised good reward for those
who submit to Him without any doubt. There will be paradise waiting for them to live
therein forever after the day of resurrection. How about for those who commit sins by
performing wrongdoings and not following the order of Allah?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had warned people to not disobey Allah. He used
the threat of punishment to convey da’wah. He warned anybody who disobey Allah and
reject the truth that they will not gain a pleasant end. The Prophet reminded people by
telling them that there will be a day which everybody will be resurrected from the death
to be judged by Allah. During the Day of Judgment Allah will question every single deed
committed by His servants during their lifetime in this world. On that day, nobody can
hide the truth from the Lord.

Allah had revealed a verse to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to warn those who do
not want to accept the truth; Say to those who do not believe: “Do whatever you can: we
shall do our part;-And wait you! We too shall wait.”- To Allah belong the unseen
(secrets) of the heavens and the earth, and to Him goes back every affair (for decision):
then worship Him, and put your trust in Him: and your Lord is not unmindful of aught
that you do.”10 (Hud : 121-123).

There is a hadith narrated by Bukhari mention that one day, the Prophet (pbuh)
had gathered the people of Quraisy while he was standing on the hill of Safa. He then
asked them “Do you believe if I tell you that a horse will come to attack you?" They said:

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang), p.61.
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang),
"Of course, we've never seen you lie." He said: "I am a man sent as a warner to you.
In front of me there was a heavy punishment if you resist." Abu Lahab said, “Damn
you! Is this the reason why you gather us here?”.11 Abu Lahab was the one who totally
opposed the divine revelation. It was mentioned that he and his wife had insulted the
Prophet terribly. Following by that Allah had revealed a surah to inveigh both of them as
He says in the Quran: “Perish the hands of the Father of the flame!-Perish he!-No
profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!-Burnt soon will he be in a fire
of blazing Flame!-His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood as fuel!-A twisted rope
of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!”12 (Al-Lahab: 1-5). As for that is the finisher for
those who oppose Allah and His messenger.


Communication skill used to preach others is very important. Amazing skill

possessed by the Prophet (pbuh) had lead to the success in spreading Islam to the
people. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was very gentle in his speech. He was polite in
communicating with others including his enemies. He was always calm, patient, and
gentle in his words as well as behaviors. When talking to others, he would always be
concerned about three things which are bewaring of telling any bad words, avoid from
trying to find others fault which could then cause quarrel with each other, and thwart
from backbiting.13 He would only talks about beneficial issues rather than worthless
things. Furthermore, he would prefer to keep silent if there was nothing valuable to talk
about. In addition, He prohibited people from saying something confusing rather it has
to be clear in what they want to say. As narrated by Bukhari,’Aisyah r.a said
that,”Rasulullah S.A.W spoke clearly till if someone wishes to calculate his words then
he can do it.”14

http://kumpulanceritakelakar.wordpress.com/kisah-kisah-nabi/kisah-nabi-muhammad-saw/, retrieved on 9
October 2012.
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang),
Iqbal, Afzal, Diplomasi Rasulullah S.A.W, (1992, Pustaka Salam Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur), p.109.
Antonio, Dr. Muhammad Shafii, Muhammad Saw: The Super Leader Super Manager, (2009, ProLM Center &
Tazkia Publishing, Jakarta), p.145.
According to him, the good words are alms which could lead to the unity of
people and good consequence as Allah says in surah Ibrahim verse 24-25: “See not
how Allah sets of parable?—A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly
fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens—It brings forth its fruit at all times by
the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for me, in order that they may receive

When dealing with people, the Prophet (pbuh) would only talks about the truth
and justice. He never screamed at people or rose up his voice when talking to other
people. He had advised people to be moderate in everything they do including in

Besides that, there is a hadith narrated by Bukhari mentioned that “From Umar
Ibn Abi Salamah r.a, when I was a child, I sat on the lap or close to the Prophet
Muhammad. My hand creeping over meals, then he said, 'O my son, start with bismillah
and eat with your right hand and take the closest to you.” It shows that the Prophet had
a very good manner and was very gentle when he wanted to advice others. Thus, his
way of communicating with others had been one of the strategies practiced by him in


Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. used a very rational argument whenever he argued

with people which did not want to accept Islam. Even though Arabs did not want to
accept Islam, but Prophet continued to preach them about the message of Allah in a
good manner and rational argument. He called the people and adviced them to
abandon worshipping idol and convert to Islam. Prophet also warned them about the
punishment that they will received from Allah if they continue to astray from Allah.
Moreover, he also warned to them about the punishment that Allah had inflicted toward
people of ‘Ad and Thamud whose had stubbornly disobeyed the teaching of Islam.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang),
Iqbal, Afzal , Diplomasi Rasulullah S.A.W, (1992, Pustaka Salam Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur), p.105.
In addition, during the time of Prophet Muhammad, there were many people of
Quraisy did not want to accept the message brought by him. As time to continuously
counted, there were many people in Mecca accepted Islam and the message of Allah.
As the numbers of believers were increased, Prophet Muhammad preaching alarmed
the Quraisy. Their power and prestige were at risk. Prophet also threatened to destroy
their idol which they were worship, because they were the custodian of the idols. They
were the ministers of the worship and their life was depending on their ancestor and old

Quraisy would do anything to stopped Prophet Muhammad spread the da’wah of

Islam. One fine day, in order to make Prophet discontinued preaching people, 'Utba Ibn
Rabi'a was delegated to see and speak with Prophet. The reason behind this was
because Prophet Muhammad had tried to destroy their god, and charged their ancestor
impiety. That is why Quraisy sent ‘Utba to offered a suggestion to Prophet Muhammad
in order to obstruct him from spreading Islam. In his suggestion, he presented that
Quraisy would make Prophet to became a rich man, be their leader and they would
follow anything that Prophet commands and also the Prophet will be their king.

After Prophet Muhammad listen to that, prophet replied and recited to him surah
al-fussilat. This ayah was sent down to Prophet in order to give the response to ‘Utba
about his absurd suggestions. Quraisy wanted to attack and argue with the intellect and
intention of the Prophet but he was just ignored it. Quraisy was very stubborn and they
would say that they would never accept Islam no matter how hard Prophet tried to
convince them. Besides, they had covered their hearts and ears in order did not want to
listen to the da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad. 17

In addition, Prophet Muhammad would not argue with people without solid
evidence from Allah. That is why whenever people want to deny about the revelation of
Allah, Prophet will provide them the truth and recite the Quranic ayah. With that, people
did not have excuses to reject it except their stubbornness. As a prophet, it is his job to
preach people to the right path and Allah had provided them with intelligent and intellect

http://www.searchtruth.com/tafsir/Quran/41/index.html retrieved on 9 October 2012.
so that they will show the true way of life. Consequently, a rasul to a great extent
communicates the fate of the addressees to the people and his preaching took the form
of a final warning.

“Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the people of the elephant? Did
He not foil their scheme? And sent down against them swarms of birds? [Such that]
you pelted them with stones of baked clay, and He rendered them as straw eaten
away.” (105: 1-4). This verse warned the Quraisy to remain aware of the wrath of
the Almighty who, not very long ago, had destroyed the enemies of the Baytullah in
front of their very eyes. If the Quraisy become His enemies, they too will have to
face the same fate.18
“On account of the association the Quraysh – the association [in the peaceful
atmosphere of the Baytullah] they have with the winter and summer travels, they
should worship the Lord of this House who [in these barren mountains] fed them in
hunger and rendered them secure from fear.” (106:1-4). This verse urges the
Quraisy that it is the Lord of the Baytullah who has blessed them with the favours of
peace and sustenance since they are its custodians. This generosity of spirit entails
that they should now adopt a submissive attitude towards Him.19


Prophet Muhammad did not used force in preaching people even though many
people especially Quraisy did not want to accept his da’wah. Many people say
unpleasant and untruth news about Prophet and his revelation. But Prophet was a very
merciful. When Prophet has to faced with Quraisy and bad people, Allah revealed one
verse to compose him:

“Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant.” (al-A’raf:

http://www.renaissance.com.pk/AugIslShar2y6.html retrieved on 9 October 2012.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf , The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang), p.
In example when Prophet Muhammad wants to people of Mecca to stop worship
idol and return to the truth and worship Allah, they cannot accept it. It was because they
had been living so many years by worshiping idol from one generation to the next
generation. The people of Mecca said to Prophet Muhammad that “If god did not want
them to worship idols then why He does not forcefully prevent them from doing so?”
Because of this statement, Allah has revealed one verse from surah an-nahl.

The worshippers of false gods say: “if Allah had so willed, we should not have
worshipped aught but Him-neither we nor our fathers nor should we have prescribed
prohibitions other than His.” So did those who went before them. But what is the mission
of messenger but to preach the clear message?” (an-nahl: 35)21

In that verse it is clearly state that the mission of the prophet is to guide people to
the right way and ask them to accept Allah. But it is not by forcefully because there is no
force in Islam and they have to accept Allah with their willingness. Quran also clearly
state that religion Allah cannot be forced to anyone.

Prophet Muhammad’s first revelation was revealed in Mecca and he had many
difficulties to convince them to accept Islam. Although there were some of them tortured
him but Prophet still tolerance with them. The reason behind the migration of the
Prophet was because he was forced to migrate to Medina. When Prophet reached
Medina, he found that many people hide that they embraced Islam. Besides, there were
also many large numbers of Jewish communities in the city. Prophet Muhammad knew
about it and it did not bother him at all. Moreover, Prophet did not force them to convert
to Islam and accept his da’wah. Prophet approached to them slowly and gently. Instead,
he made an agreement with Jewish and it is called them ahlul kitab which is mean the
people of the scripture. 22

Islam was spread in Medina through propagations only. After that, there were just
a small number of Jewish that still did not accept Islam. Prophet Muhammad met them

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf , The Meaning of The Holy Quran, (2005, Sekretariat Dakwah Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang), p.
, http://www.al-islam.org/religious-tolerance-Islam/1.htm, retrieved on 9 October 2012.
and invites them to deal with Muslims so that each group knew their right and obligation.
The Jews will be protected from insults, vexations and they also will have an equal right
same with other Muslims. They also shall practice their religion freely same as Muslims.
In addition, they also enjoyed the same security and freedom. Those who were guilty
will be punished no matter Muslims or Jews. This is clearly shown that Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W. did not force anyone to accepted Islam. Instead, Prophet promoted
peaceful with followers of other religion. 23

There are some verses in Quran mentioned about Prophet and his followers
invited the non believers to know more about Islam through wisdom, one of them are:

“You are the best community which has been produced for mankind. You command
decency and forbid dishonour and you believe in God (alone).” (al-‘imran: 110)24

In addition, the second source of Islam which is hadith also contain the statement
from Prophet Muhammad about non Muslims and what will happened to the Muslims if
they harmed those people in order to make them accept Islam.

The hadith is: “Whoever kills an innocent non-Muslim will not even smell the
fragrance of paradise”. (al-Bukhari).25 This hadith clearly state that Muslims are not
allowed to harm any non-Muslims even though different in terms of what they believe
and hold.


As a leader and a messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhamma possessed

commendable characteristics such as humble, gentle, loving, caring, etc. During his
time, many of his followers followed what the Prophet had said and also follow his good
behaviors. It is known as sunnah of the prophet whenever people tend to follow

http://www.al-islam.org/how-did-islam-spread/3.htm, retrieved on 9 October 2012.
Irving, Dr. Thomas B. The noble Quran, (1992, Amana Books, Vermont) p. 64.
http://www.suhaibwebb.com/relationships/non-muslims/does-islam-force-itself-on-others/ retrieved on 9
October 2012
everything that Prophet Muhammad do. He was a good leader in terms of to his people,
as a husband, father, son, and others.

To be a good leader, the person must show a good side of himself to the
followers. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. always showed his high-quality of characteristics
to his people especially in execution religious ritual and in completing the code of
conduct in social life. For example in performing a prayer, Prophet taught and showed
to his people the right way to perform it. Prophet Muhammad said, “Pray as you have
seen me praying”. (sahih al-Bukhari).26 This is to be evidence for everything that
Prophet do, it is come from Allah and something that Prophet did not do, it is consider
as wrong27. Prophet not only explained to people about prayer but also about something
about other issue such as pilgrimage. He said, “Learn your ritual of hajj from me, for I do
not know, perhaps I will not perform hajj again after this hajj of mine”. (sahih Muslim). 28

Pilgrimage was an ancient worship exemplified by Ibrahim’s a.s. family line. During the
transition period, distortion happened everywhere and it makes the ritual in perform hajj
different even though it was centre in Mecca. Prophet Muhammad came and gave an
example of how the true procedure in performing hajj and also to correct the wrong

Prophet Muhammad was a good father and husband; indeed he was a family
man. According to Quraishi (1983), with the increasing rate of broken homes and
disintegrated family structure, there has never before been a greater need for the
Islamic teachings and guidelines related to family and social life. These teachings and
guidelines were exemplified in the life and practices of Prophet Muhammad. He was
always protecting his family and did not leave them behind. Prophet said, “The best
among you is the best to his family and I am the best among you to my family”. 29
(Narrated by Tirmidzi and Ibu Majah).

http://www.supportimrankhan.org/Islam/story.aspx?&id=8 retrieved on 9 October 2012
Antonio, Dr. Muhammad Syafii , Muhammad the super leader super manager, (2009, Jakarta), p.144.
http://www.quranandhadith.com/2012/09/30/rites-of-hajj/ retrieved on 9 October 2012
Antonio, Dr. Muhammad Syafii, Muhammad the super leader super manager, (2009,ProLM Center & Tazkia
Publishing, Jakarta), p.113
It is not easy to become the best model to the family. Every people should follow
the way of Prophet Muhammad take care of his family. He was a good father and gives
a full attention towards his daughters although they were already grown up and married.
For example, when Prophet wants leave for Badr war, he ordered Usman bin Affan not
to followed him and take care of his wife, Ruqayyah which is his daughter. Soon,
Ruqayyah dead and when Prophet returned from war, the first thing he did was to visit
his daughter’s grave with Fatimah. In spare time, Prophet often visited the home of his
son-in-law and his friends. 30 Not only was a good father, Prophet also a very loving
grandfather to his grandsons, Hasan and Husain. Moreover, Prophet was a very good
husband to all his wives. There is one example of hadith to show his affection to his
wives, narrated by Anas bin Malik: “I saw the Prophet S.A.W. making for her Safiya a
kind of cushion with his cloak behind him (on his camel). He then sat behind his camel
and put his knee for Safiya to put her foot on, in order to ride on the camel”. (sahih al-

As a religious leader, his duty was not limited on spreading the da’wah only. He
was not the type of leader that kept distance with his people. Prophet was very close to
his people and he often visited his friends in their house; play with the children and
directly down to see the reality of his follower’s life. He always gave charity to the
orphans, at the same time stroked their head and wiped the teardrops of poor people.

Ibid. p, 114
Ibid, p, 115

The Prophet S.A.W had used various strategies in preaching Islam to people.
Among them are glad tidings, warning of bad consequences for ignorant, be a good
communicator, using rational arguments, preaching others not by force, and be a good
example for the ummah. The aim of Prophet Muhammad was not to bring a new religion
but it was just a continuation of the teaching by the previous messengers of Allah. As a
messenger of Allah he had facing various challenges including almost got killed by the
opponents. However, he never gives up fulfilling his duty as the messenger of Allah.
The methods used by Prophet S.A.W were effective. He possessed characteristics that
can attract people to be his follower. Consequently, Islam had successfully spread all
over the world even not all people accept this religion. Even after his death, the practice
of da’wah modeled by him is continued until now.

-Allah knows best-


http://islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com, retrieved on 9 October 2012 (accessed October 9, 2012).

http://kumpulanceritakelakar.wordpress.com/kisah-kisah-nabi/kisah-nabi-muhammad-saw/ (accessed
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http://www.searchtruth.com/tafsir/Quran/41/index.html retrieved on 9 October 2012. (accessed

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http://www.al-islam.org/how-did-islam-spread/3.htm (accessed October 9, 2012).

Does Islam force itself on others? , http://www.suhaibwebb.com/relationships/non-muslims/does-
islam-force-itself-on-others/ (accessed October 9, 2012).

http://www.supportimrankhan.org/Islam/story.aspx?&id=8 (accessed October 9, 2012).

http://www.quranandhadith.com/2012/09/30/rites-of-hajj/ (accessed October 9, 2012).

al-Ghazali, Muhammad. Sejarah Perjalanan Hidup Muhammad. Yogjakarta: MITRA PUSTAKA, 2003.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. The meaning of the holy Quran . Pulau Pinang: Sekretariat dakwah Pulau Pinang,

Antonio, Dr.Muhammad Syafii. Muhammad Saw the super leader super manager. Jakarta Selatan:
ProLM Centre & Tazkia Publishing, 2005.

Iqbal, Afzal. Diplomasi rasulullah S.A.W. Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka Salam , 1992.

Irving, Dr.Thomas B. The noble Quran. Vermont: Amana Books, 1992.

Quraishi, M. Tariq. Some aspects of prophet Muhammad's Life. Saudi arabia: American Trust
Publications, 1983.

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