Widyatama Soal UAS Consumer Behavior MM 2019

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Program Magister Management

Jl. Cikutra No. 204A Bandung 40125, Telp. (022) 7275855



Mata Kuliah : Consumer Behavior

Semester/Jurusan/Program : Genap/Magister Management
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu 29 Juni 2019
Waktu : Dikumpulkan paling lambat hari senin 1 Juli
via ketua kelas
Dosen : Dr Nurul Hermina SE.MM
Sifat Ujian : Open Book/Take home

Soal Konseptual : Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini :

1. Dalam upaya memberikan value kepada customer, seorang marketer harus memahami
perilaku customernya lebih dalam, terdapat beberapa faktor/karakteristik yang
mempengaruhi consumer behavior, jelaskan faktor psychology apa saja yang
mempengaruhi kepetusan ppmbelian, dan berikan contohnya
2. Jelaskan secara komprehensif apa yang membedakan dalam consumer buying process
serta institutional buying process?
3. Menurut pendapat anda dengan melihat perubahan lingkungan bisnis saat ini antar lain
perkembangan teknologi: digitalisasi,e-commerce,life style, apakah consumer buying
behavior process secara tradisional (teori ) perlu dilakukan penyesuaian ?
4. Apakah penyebab timbulnya Consumerism? Menurut pendapat anda sebagai marketer
langkah apa yang harus dilakukan ?

Soal kasus ; Anda diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari kasus dibawah ini
Case 1 : Factors Affecting Consumer behavior

Martin Incorp was a company carrying on business in cosmetics and parfumes.It was not following the
marketing concept and was catering to a target market,which was using its products.In other words,it only
concentrated on what it would make,and did not bother about changes in preferences of its target market.
It was later joined by Mr Ash,a marketing graduate who advised the company regarding the changing
consumer preferences.amd the changes that were necessary to be incorporated in the product. He
emphasized upon the income factors, and social factors olnly.He modernized the product to agreat
extent,and invested about 30 lakhs on new packing.etc.Even after six months of these changes brought
by him,the company did not seem to have a propoetionate increase in sales.The assistant manager ang
the product manager were not very happy with the changes,and thought that although an effort has been
made in the right direction.some important factors concerning consumer behavior had been neglected.

1. Do you agree with the assistant and product manager, why?
2. What offer factors.if any,could had been considered?Elaborate in detail

Case 2 : Organisational Buying Behavior

Miss Michael was working as a purchase manager in a small – scale company,where raw materials and
other products were purchased solely at het discretion.The company was doing very well and credit was
given to Miss Michael for all the progress of the company.Later she got a job in a medium scale company
with a turn-over of about five crore.She appointed incharge of purchases,and as the procedures of the
purchase made by this company were different from tjoseprevious company,it took her quite sometime
to get familiar with the procedures of purchase, etc under her jurisdiction.On one occasion,she has
urgently place an orfder of raw material worth about two lakhs.which was essential for the supply of
timely order.Considering the situation an emergent one,she placed the order without informing or calling
a meeting.Although the order was supplied in time,during the audit it came in for severe criticism and
Miss Michael was given a show – cause notice as to why she had taken the decision alone.Miss Michael
was very perturbed about this situation and wanted to explain her position to the manager.


1. Where did Miss Michael go wrong?

2. How can you help her to reply to the show-cause notice issued to her ?

Source : Consumer behavior and advertising manafement book by Matin Khan


- Objective dari ujian open book adalah untuk mengembangkan kreativitas mahasiswa secara

- Plagiarism (copy paste) akan mempengaruhi nilai ujian

- Please be creative, be yourself

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