Apple Spray Guide

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Apple Spray Guide

Table 7. Apple Spray Guide

Time to Spray Pest(s) Pesticide Remarks
Delayed dormant scales,
(when leaf tips aphids, superior oil If these pests were not a problem last year, omit this spray. %RQLGH$OO6HDVRQV+RUWLFXOWXUDO6SUD\2LO
start to protrude Cease application before half-inch green or fruit will russet. When using oil, do not apply copper or captan within two weeks
from buds) fire blight copper
of the oil application. %RQLGH&RSSHU)XQJLFLGH
Half-inch green apple scab captan
(1/2 inch of green both insects and Insects are not usually a problem before petal fall. MPFS is designed to control insect and disease problems. Use when both are
tissue has grown) disease present. Pesticides should only be used when needed. %RQLGH)UXLW7UHH 3ODQW*XDUG
Tight to open captan or Myclobutanil (Immunox®) is best for early season scab control and supplies rust control. Captan alone is not effective against
apple scab myclobutanil 2 rust.
cluster (when fruit
both insects and MPFS is designed to control insect and disease problems. Use when both are present. Pesticides should only be used
buds are visible) MPFS1
disease when needed. %RQLGH)UXLW7UHH 3ODQW*XDUG
Pink (when blooms captan or Myclobutanil (Immunox®) is preferred material if cedar rust or powdery mildew have
apple scab myclobutanil2 been a problem.
are showing pink
both insects and MPFS is designed to control insect and disease problems. Use when both are present. Pesticides should only be used
but not yet open) MPFS1
disease when needed. %RQLGH)UXLW7UHH 3ODQW*XDUG
captan or
apple scab Do not use MPFS during bloom.
Bloom (when 50% of myclobutanil2
blossoms are open) If fire blight has been a problem, use streptomycin according to label directions (see Purdue Extension purblication
fire blight streptomycin )HUWLORPH)LUH%OLJKW6SUD\
BP-30-W, Fruit Diseases: Fire Blight on Fruit Trees in the Home Orchard).
Pesticide application at this time is very important for plum curculio control. To prevent fruit drop, do not use carbaryl
plum curculio acetamiprid (Sevin®) within 30 days after full bloom. Picking up and disposing of fallen fruit will reduce problems with plum curculio,
other insects, and many plant diseases. 2UWKR)ORZHU)UXLW 9HJHWDEOH6SUD\
apple scab, captan or
Petal fall (when sooty blotch, thiophanate- Myclobutanil (Immunox®) does not protect against fly speck or sooty blotch, but is very good against rust. Thiophanate-
75% of petals fly speck, methyl or methyl is sold under several trade names, including Thiomyl Systemic Fungicide 3336®.
have fallen) rust myclobutanil2
If fire blight has been a problem, use streptomycin according to label directions (see Purdue Extension purblication
fire blight streptomycin
BP-30-W, Fruit Diseases: Fire Blight on Fruit Trees in the Home Orchard).
both insects and MPFS is designed to control insect and disease problems. Use when both are present. Pesticides should only be used
disease when needed. %RQLGH)UXLW7UHH 3ODQW*XDUG
captan plus Important spray for codling moth control during first cover. To prevent fruit drop,
plum curculio, spinosad3 or
codling moth
acetamiprid do not use carbaryl (Sevin®) within 30 days after full bloom. &DSW-DFN
First cover apple scab, thiophanate
(7-10 days after sooty blotch, –methyl plus Will provide the best management for sooty blotch/fly speck. Myclobutanil (Immunox®) does not protect against fly speck or
fly speck captan or sooty blotch.
petal fall) myclobutanil2
both insects and MPFS is designed to control insect and disease problems. Use when both are present. Pesticides should only be used
disease when needed. %RQLGH)UXLW7UHH 3ODQW*XDUG
plum curculio, Apple maggot flies begin to emerge about mid-June. Use red sticky balls to tell when
same as first
codling moth,
apple maggot cover spray maggot flies are present. &DSW-DFNVGHDG%XJ%UHZ2UWKR))9&DSWDQ
Second cover
apple scab,
(7-10 days after same as first
sooty blotch,
first cover) cover spray
fly speck
both insects and same as first
disease cover spray
codling moth, carbaryl Read container labels for number of days between final spray and harvest.
apple maggot, (Sevin®) or
Additional cover Japanese beetle spinosad3 carbaryl (Sevin®) provides Japanese beetle control. &DSW-DFNV'HDG%XJ%UHZ2UWKR))93\UHWKULQ
sprays (apply at apple scab, captan or
two week intervals fruit rots, thiophanate Read container labels for number of days between final spray and harvest.
until harvest sooty blotch, –methyl
restriction date) fly speck
both insects and MPFS is designed to control insect and disease problems. Use when both are present. Pesticides should only be used
disease when needed. %RQLGH)UXLW7UHH 3ODQW*XDUG
apple scab, Rake and dispose of infected leaves or mulch fallen leaves with a lawnmower.
sooty blotch,
End of season none Apply a solution of 5% urea to fallen leaves to hasten decomposition, which reduces
fly speck,
rots overwintering fungi. Pick up and dispose of fallen fruit.
MPFS = multipurpose fruit spray.
Do not apply myclobutanil (Immunox®) more than 10 times per season.
Observe limits on the amount of spinosad and acetamiprid that can be applied per season.

Managing Pests in Home Fruit Plantings 27

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