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Robert E. Stake
Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation
University of Illinois

President Johnson, President Conant, Mrs. Hull (Sara's teacher) and Mr. Tykociner (the
man next door) are quite alike in the faith they have in education. But they have quite different
ideas of what education is. The value they put on education does not reveal their way of
evaluating education.

Educators differ among themselves as to both the essence and worth of an educational
program. The wide range of evaluation purposes and methods allows, each to keep his own
perspective. Few see their own programs "in the round", partly because of a parochial approach
to evaluation. To understand better his own teaching and to contribute more to the science of
teaching, each educator should examine the full countenance of evaluation.

Educational evaluation has its formal and informal sides. Informal evaluation is recognized
by its dependence on casual observation, implicit goals, intuitive norms, and subjective
judgment. Perhaps because these are also characteristic of day-td-day, personal styles of living,
informal evaluation results in perspectives which are seldom questioned. Careful study reveals
informal evaluation of education to be of variable quality - sometimes penetrating and insightful,
sometimes superficial and distorted.

Formal evaluation of education is recognized by its dependence on checklists, structured

visitation by peers, controlled comparisons, and standardized testing of students. Some of these
techniques have long histories of successful use. Unfortunately, when planning an evaluation,
few educators consider even these four. The more common notion is to evaluate informally: to
ask the opinion of the instructor, to ponder the logic of the program, or to consider the reputation
of the advocates. Seldom do we find a search for relevant research reports or for behavioral data
pertinent to the ultimate curricular decisions.

Dissatisfaction with the formal approach is not without cause. Few highly relevant,
readable, research studies can be found. The professional journals are not disposed to publish
evaluation studies. Behavioral data are costly, and often do not provide the answers. Too many
accreditation -type visitation teams lack special training or even experience in evaluation. Many
checklists are ambiguous; some focus too much attention on the physical attributes of a school.
Psychometric tests have been developed primarily to differentiate among students at the same
point in training rather than to assess the effect of instruction on acquisition of skill and
understanding. Today's educator may rely little on formal evaluation because its answers have
seldom been answers to questions he is asking.

The educator's disdain of formal evaluation is due also to his sensitivity to criticism - and
his is a critical clientele.. It is not uncommon for him to draw before him such curtains as
"national norm comparisons, " "innovation phase, " and "'academic freedom" to avoid exposure
through evaluation. The ' politics" of evaluation is an interesting issue in itself, but it is not the
issue 'here. The issue here is the potential contribution to education of formal evaluation. Today,
educators fail to perceive what formal evaluation could do for them. They should be imploring
measurement specialists to develop a methodology that reflects the fullness, the complexity, and
the importance of their programs. They are not.

What one finds when he examines formal evaluation activities in education today is too
little effort to spell out antecedent conditions and classroom transactions (a few of which
visitation teams do record) and too little effort to couple them with the various outcomes (a few
of which are portrayed by conventional test scores). Little attempt has been made to measure the
match between what an educator intends to do and what he does do. The traditional concern of
educational-measurement specialists for reliability of individual-student scores and predictive
validity (thoroughly and competently stated in the American Council on Education's 1950
edition of Educational Measurement) is a questionable resource. For evaluation of curricula,
attention to individual differences among students should give way to attention to the
contingencies among background conditions, classroom activities, and scholastic outcomes.

This paper is not about what should be measured or how to measure. It is background for
developing an evaluation plan. What and how are decided later. My orientation here is around
educational programs rather than educational products. I presume that the value of a product
depends on its program of use. The evaluation of a program includes the evaluation of its

The countenance of educational evaluation appears to be changing. On the pages that

follow, I will indicate what the countenance can, and perhaps, should be. My attempt here is to
introduce a conceptualization of evaluation oriented to the complex and dynamic nature of
education, one which gives proper attention to the diverse purposes and judgments of the

Much recent concern about curriculum evaluation is attributable to contemporary

large-scale curriculum -innovation activities, but the statements in this paper pertain to
traditional and new curricula alike. They pertain, for example, to Title I and Title III projects
funded under the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1966. Statements here are relevant to any
curriculum, whether oriented to subject-matter content or to student process, and without regard
to whether curriculum is general-purpose, remedial, accelerated, compensatory, or special in any
other way.

The purposes and procedures of educational evaluation will vary from instance to instance.
What is quite appropriate for one school may be less appropriate for another. Standardized
achievement tests here but not there. A great concern for expense there but not over there. How
do evaluation purposes and procedures vary? What are the basic characteristics of evaluation
activities? They are identified in these pages as the evaluation acts, the data sources, the
congruence and contingencies, the standards, and the uses of evaluation. The first distinction to
be made will be between description and judgment in evaluation.
Description and Judgment

The countenance of evaluation beheld by the educator is not the same one beheld by the
specialist in evaluation. The specialist sees himself as a "describer", one who describes aptitudes
and environments and accomplishments. The teacher and school administrator, on the other
hand, expect an evaluator to grade something or someone as to merit. Moreover, they expect that
he will judge things against external standards, on criteria perhaps little related to the local
school's resources and goals.

Neither sees evaluation broadly enough. Both description and judgment are essential - in
fact, they are the two basic acts of evaluation. Any individual evaluator may attempt to refrain
from judging or from collecting the judgments of others. Any individual evaluator may seek
only to bring to light the worth of the program. But their evaluations are incomplete. To be fully
understood, the educational program must be fully described and fully judged.

The specialist in evaluation seems to be increasing his emphasis on fullness of description.

For many years he evaluated primarily by measuring student progress toward academic
objectives. These objectives usually were identified with the traditional disciplines, e.g.
mathematics, English, and social studies. Achievement tests - standardized or "teacher-made" -
were found to be useful in describing the degree to which some curricular objectives are attained
by individual students in a particular course. To the early evaluators, and to many others, the
countenance of evaluation has been nothing more than the administration and normative
interpretation of achievement tests.

In recent years a few evaluators have attempted, in addition, to assess progress of

individuals toward certain "inter -disciplinary" and "extracurricular" objectives. In their
objectives, emphasis has been given to the integration of behavior within an individual; or to the
perception of interrelationships among scholastic disciplines; or the development of habits,
skills, and attitudes which permit the individual to be a craftsman or scholar, in or out of school.
For the descriptive evaluation of such outcomes, the Eight-Year Study (Smith and Tyler, 1942)
has served as one model. The proposed National Assessment Program may be another - this
statement appeared in one interim report:

. . . all committees worked within the following broad definition of 'national assessment:’ 1. In order to
reflect fairly the aims of education in the U.S., the assessment should consider both traditional and modern
curricula, and take into account all the aspirations schools have for developing attitudes and motivations as
well as knowledge and skills ... " [Italics added]. (Educational Testing Service, 1965).

In his 1964 paper, "Course Improvement through Evaluation, " Lee Cronbach urged
another step: a most generous inclusion of behavioral - science variables in order to examine the
possible causes and effects of quality teaching He proposed that the main objective for
evaluation is to uncover durable relationships -those appropriate for guiding future educational
programs. To the traditional description of pupil achievement, we add the description of
instruction and the description of relationships between them. Like the instructional researcher,
the evaluator - as so defined - seeks generalizations about, educational practices. Many
curriculum project evaluators are adopting this definition of evaluation.
Description is one thing, judgment is another. Most evaluation specialists have chosen not
to judge. But in his recent Methodology of Evaluation Michael Scriven has charged evaluators
with responsibility for passing upon the merit of an educational practice. (Note that he has urged
the evaluator to do what the educator has expected the evaluator to be doing.) Scriven's position
is that there is no evaluation until judgment has been passed, and by his reckoning the evaluator
is best qualified to judge.

By being well experienced and by becoming well-informed in the case at hand in matters of
research and educational practice the evaluator does become at least partially qualified to judge.
But is it wise for him to accept this responsibility? Even now when few evaluators expect to
judge, educators are reluctant to initiate a formal evaluation. If evaluators were more frequently
identified with the passing of judgment, with the discrimination among poorer and better
programs, and with the awarding of support and censure, their access to data would probably
diminish. Evaluators collaborate with other social scientists and behavioral research workers.
Those who do not want to judge deplore the acceptance of such responsibility by their associates.
They believe that in the eyes of many practitioners, social science and behavioral researchwill
become more suspect that it already is.

Many evaluators feel that they are not capable of perceiving, as they think a judge should,
the unidimensional value of alternative programs. They anticipate a dilemma such as
Curriculum I resulting in three skills and ten understandings and Curriculum II resulting in four
skills and eight understandings. They are reluctant to judge that gaining one skill is worth losing
two understandings. And, whether through timidity, disinterest, or as a rational choice, the
evaluator usually supports "local option, " a community's privilege to set its own standards and
to be its own judge of the worth of its educational system. He expects that what is good for one
community will not necessarily be good for another community, and he does not trust himself to
discern what is best for a briefly-known community.

Scriven reminds them that there are precious few who can judge complex programs, and
fewer still who will. Different decisions must be made - or Harvard Physics? - and they should
not be made on trivial criteria, e.g. mere precedent mention in the popular press, salesman
personality, administrative convenience, or pedagogical myth. Who should judge? The answer
comes easily to Scriven partly because he expects little interaction between treatment and
learner, i.e., what works best for one learner will work best for others, at least within broad
categories. He also expects that where the local good is at odds with the common good, the local
good can be shown to be detrimental to the common good, to the end that the doctrine of local
option is invalidated. According to Scriven the evaluator must judge.

Whether or not evaluation specialists will accept Scriven's challenge remains to be seen. In
any case, it is likely that judgments will become an increasing part of the evaluation report.
Evaluators will seek out and record the opinions of persons of special qualification. These
opinions, though subjective, can be very useful and can be gathered objectively, independent of
the solicitor' opinions. A responsibility for processing judgments is much more acceptable t the
evaluation specialist than one for rendering judgments himself.
Taylor and Maguire (1965) have pointed to five groups having important opinions on
education: spokesmen for society at large, subject-matter experts, teachers, parents, and the
students themselves. Members of these and other groups are judges who should be heard.
Superficial polls, letters to the editor, and other incidental judgments are insufficient. An
evaluation of a school program should portray the merit and fault perceived by well-identified
groups, systematically gathered and processed. Thus, judgment data and description data are
both essential to the evaluation of educational programs.

Data Matrices

In order to evaluate, an educator will gather together certain data. The data are likely to be
from several quite different sources, gathered in several quite different ways. Whether the
immediate purpose is description or judgment, three bodies of information should be tapped. In
the evaluation report it can be helpful to distinguish between antecedent, transaction and
outcome data.

An antecedent is any condition existing prior to teaching and learning which may relate to
outcomes. The status of a student prior to his lesson, e.g. his aptitude, previous experience,
interest, and willingness, is a complex antecedent. The programmed -instruction specialist calls
some antecedents "entry behaviors. " The state accrediting agency emphasizes the investment of
community resources. All of these are examples of the antecedents which an evaluator will

Transactions are the countless encounters of students with teacher, student with student,
author with reader, parent with counselor - the succession of engagements which comprise the
process of education. Examples are the presentation of a film, a class discussion, the working of
a homework problem, an explanation on the margin of a term paper, and the administration of a
test. Smith and Meux studied such transactions in detail and have provided an 18 – category
classification system. One very visible emphasis on a particular class of transactions was the
National Defense Education Act support of audiovisual media.

Transactions are dynamic whereas antecedents and outcomes are relatively static. The
boundaries between them are not clear, e. g. during a transaction we can identify certain
outcomes which are feedback antecedents for subsequent learning. These boundaries do not need
to be distinct. The categories serve to remind us to be exhaustive in our data collection.

Traditionally, most attention in formal evaluation has been given to outcomes - outcomes
such as the abilities, achievements, attitudes, and aspirations of students resulting from an
educational experience. Outcomes, as a body of information, would include measurements of the
impact of instruction on teachers, administrators, counselors, and others. Here too would be data
on wear and tear of equipment, effects of the learning environment, cost incurred. Outcomes to
be considered in evaluation include not only those that are evident, or even existent, as learning
sessions end, but include applications, transfer, and relearning effects which may not be available
for measurement until long after. The description of the outcomes of driver training, for example,
could well include reports of accident -avoidance over a lifetime. In short, outcomes are the
consequences of educating - immediate and long-range, cognitive and conative, personal and

Antecedents, transactions, and outcomes, the elements of evaluation statements, are shown
in Figure I to have a place in both description and judgment. To fill in these matrices the
evaluator will collect judgments (e. g. of community prejudice, of problem solving styles, and of
teacher personality) as well as descriptions. In Figure 1 it is also indicated that judgmental
statements are classified either as general standards of quality or as judgments specific to the
given program. Descriptive data are classified as intents and observations. The evaluator can
organize his data-gathering to conform to the format shown in Figure 1.

The evaluator can prepare a record of what educators intend, of what observers perceive, of
what patrons generally expect, and of what judges value the immediate program to be. The
record may treat antecedents, transactions, and outcomes separately within the four classes
identified as. Intents, Observation, Standards, and Judgments, as in Figure 1. The following is an
illustration of 12 data, one of which could be recorded in each of the 12 cells, starting with an
intended antecedent, and moving down each column until an outcome has been indicated.

Knowing that (1) Chapter XI has been assigned and that he intends (2) to lecture on the
topic Wednesday, a professor indicates (3) what the students should be able to do by
Friday, partly by writing a quiz on the topic. He observes that (4) some students were
absent on Wednesday, that (5) he did not quite complete the lecture because of a lengthy
discussion and that (6) on the quiz only about 2/3 of the class seemed to understand a
certain major concept. In general, he expects (7) some absences but that the work will be
made up by quiz-time; he expects (8) his lectures to be clear enough for perhaps 90
percent of a class to follow him without difficulty; and he knows that (9) his colleagues
expect only about one student in ten to understand thoroughly each major concept in such
lessons as these. By his own judgment (10) the reading assignment was not a sufficient
background for his lecture; the students commented that (11) the lecture was provocative;
and the graduate assistant who read the quiz papers said that (12) a discouragingly large
number of students seemed to confuse one major concept for another.

Evaluators and educators do not expect data to be recorded in such detail, even in the distant
future. My purpose here was to give twelve examples of data that could be handled by separate
cells in the matrices. Next I would like to consider the description data matrix in detail.

For many years instructional technologists, test specialists, and others have pleaded for
more explicit statement of educational goals. I consider "goals,” “objectives," and "intents" to be
synonymous. I use the category title Intents because many educators now equate "goals" and
"objectives" with "intended student outcomes. " In this paper Intents includes the planned-for
environmental conditions, the planned-for demonstrations, the planned-for coverage of certain
subject matter, etc., as well as the planned-for student behavior. To be included in this three-cell
column are effects which are desired, those which are hoped for, those which are anticipated, and
even those which are feared. This class of data includes goals and plans that others have,
especially the students. (It should be noted that it is not the educator's privilege to rule out the
study of a variable a variable by saying, "that is not one of our- objectives. " The evaluator
should include both the variable and the negotiation. ) The resulting collection of Intents is a
priority listing of all that may happen.

The fact that many educators now equate "goals" with "intended student outcomes" is to
the credit of the behaviorists, particularly the advocates of programmed instruction. They have
brought about a small reform in teaching by emphasizing those specific classroom acts and work
exercises which or contribute to the refinement of student responses. The A.A.A.S. Science
Project, for example, has been successful in developing its curriculum around behavioristic goals
(Gagne, 1966). Some curriculum-innovation projects, however, have found the emphasis on
behavioral outcomes an obstacle to creative teaching (Atkin, 1,963). The educational evaluator
should not list goals only in terms of anticipated student behavior. To evaluate an educational
program, we must examine what teaching, as well as what learning, is intended. (Many
antecedent conditions and teaching transactions can be worded behavioristically, if desired.)
How intentions are worded is not a criterion for inclusion. Intents can be the global goals of the
programmer (Mager, 1962). Taxonomic, mechanistic, humanistic, even scriptural - any mixture
of goal statements are acceptable as part of the evaluation picture.

Many a contemporary evaluator expects trouble when he sets out to record the educator's
objectives. Early in the work he urged the educator to declare his objectives so that
outcome-testing devices could be built. He finds the educator either reluctant or unable to
verbalize objectives. With diligence, if not with pleasure, the evaluator assists with what he
presumes to be the educator’s job: writing behavioral goals. His presumption is wrong. As
Scriven (1965) has said, the responsibility for describing curricular objectives is the
responsibility of the evaluator. He is the one who is experienced with the language of behaviors,
traits, and habits. Just as it is his responsibility to transform the behaviors of a teacher and the
responses of a student into data, it is his responsibility to transform the intentions and
expectations of an educator into "data. It is necessary for him to continue to "Is this an instance?
" It is not wrong for an evaluator to teach a willing educator about behavioral objectives -they
may facilitate the work. It is wrong for him to insist that every educator should use them.

Obtaining authentic statements of intent is a new challenge for the evaluator. The
methodology remains to be developed. Let us now shift attention to the second column of the
data cells.

Most of the descriptive data cited early in the previous section are classified as
Observations. In Figure I when he described surroundings and events and the subsequent
consequences, the evaluator1 is telling of his observations. Sometimes the evaluator observes
these characteristics in a direct and personal way. Sometimes he uses instruments. His
instruments include inventory schedules, biographical data sheets, interview routines, checklists,
opinionnaires, and all kinds of psychometric tests. The experienced evaluator gives special
attention to the measurement of student outcomes, but he does not fail to observe the other
outcomes, nor the antecedent conditions and instructional transactions.

Here and elsewhere in this paper, for simplicity of presentation, the evaluator and the educator are referred to as
two different persons. The educator will often be his own evaluator or a member of the evaluation team.
Many educators fear that the outside evaluator will not be attentive to the characteristics
that the school staff has deemed most important. This sometimes does happen, but evaluators
often pay too much attention to what they have been urged to look at, and too little attention to
other facets. In the matter of selection of variables for evaluation, the evaluator must make a
subjective decision. Obviously, he must limit the elements to be studied. He cannot look at all of
them. The ones he rules out will be those that he assumes would not contribute to an
understanding of the educational activity. He should give primary attention to the variables
specifically indicated by the educator's objectives, but he must designate additional variables to
be observed. He must search for unwanted side effects and incidental gains. The selection of
measuring techniques is an obvious responsibility, but the choice of characteristics to be
observed is an equally important and unique contribution of the evaluator.

An evaluation is not complete without a statement of the rationale of the program. It needs
to be considered separately, as indicated in Figure 1. Every program has its rationale, though
often it is only implicit. The rationale indicates the philosophic background and basic purposes
of the program. Its importance to evaluation has been indicated by Berlak (1966). The rational
should provide one basis for evaluating Intents. The evaluator asks himself or other judges
whether the plan developed by the educator constitutes a logical step in the implementation of
the basic purposes. The rationale also is of value in choosing the reference groups, e.g.
merchants, mathematicians, and mathematics educators, which later are to pass judgment on
various aspects of the program.

A statement of rationale may be difficult to obtain. Many an effective instructor is less than
effective at presenting an educational rationale. If pressed, he may only succeed in saying
something the listener wanted said. It is important that the rationale be in his language, a
language he is the master of. Suggestions by the evaluator may be an obstacle, becoming
accepted because they are attractive rather than because they designate the grounds for what the
educator is trying to do.

The judgment matrix needs further explanation, but I am postponing that until after a
consideration of the bases for processing descriptive data.

Contingency and Congruence

For any one educational program there are two principal ways of processing descriptive
evaluation data: finding the contingencies among antecedents, transactions, and outcomes and
finding the congruence between Intents and Observations. The processing of judgments follows
a different model. The first two main columns of the data matrix in Figure 1 contain the
descriptive data. The format for processing these data is represented in Figure 2.

The data for a curriculum are congruent if what was intended actually happens. To be fully
congruent the intended antecedents, transactions, and out- - comes would have to come to pass.
(This seldom happens -and often should not.)
Within one row of the data matrix the evaluator should be able to compare the cells
containing Intents and Observations, to note the discrepancies, and to describe the amount of
congruence for that row. (Congruence of outcomes has been emphasized in the evaluation model
proposed by Taylor and Maguire, 1965).) Congruence does not indicate that outcomes are
reliable or valid, but that what was intended did occur.

Just as the Gestaltist found more to the whole than the sum of its parts, the evaluator
studying variables from any two of the three cells in a column of the data matrix finds more to
describe than the variables themselves. The relationships or contingencies among the variables
deserve additional attention. In the sense that evaluation is the search for relationships that
permit the improvement of education, the evaluator's task is one of identifying outcomes that are
contingent upon particular antecedent conditions and instructional transactions.

Lesson planning and curriculum revision through the years has been built upon faith in
certain contingencies. Day to day, the master teacher arranges his presentation and selects his
input materials to fit his instructional goals. For him the contingencies, in the main, are logical,
intuitive, and supported by a history of satisfactions and endorsements. Even the master teacher
and certainly less -experienced teachers need to bring their intuited contingencies under the
scrutiny of appropriate juries.

As a first step in evaluation it is important just to record them. A film of floodwaters may
be scheduled (intended transaction) to expose students to a background to conservation
legislation (intended outcome). Of those who know both subject matter and pedagogy, we ask,
"Is there a logical connection between this event and this purpose? " If so, a logical contingency
exists between these two Intents. The record should show it.

Whenever Intents are evaluated the contingency criterion is one of logic. To test the logic
of an educational contingency the evaluators rely on previous experience, perhaps on research
experience, with similar observables. No immediate observation of these variables, however, is
necessary to test the strength of the contingencies among Intents.

Evaluation of Observation contingencies depends on empirical evidence. To say, "this

arithmetic class progressed rapidly because the teacher was somewhat but not too sophisticated
in mathematics" demands empirical data, either from within the evaluation or from the research
literature (see Bassham, 1960). The usual evaluation of a single program will not alone provide
the data necessary for contingency statements. Here too, then, previous experience with similar
observables is a basic qualification of the evaluator (Ausubel, 19 ).

The contingencies and congruences identified by evaluators are subject to judgment by

experts and participants just as more unitary descriptive data are, The importance of
non-congruence will vary with different view-points. The school superintendent and the school
counselor may disagree as to the importance of a cancellation of the scheduled lessons on sex
hygiene in the health class. As an example of judging contingencies, the degree to which teacher
morale is contingent on the length of the school day may be deemed cause enough to abandon an
early morning class by one judge and not another. Perceptions of importance of congruence and
contingency deserve the evaluator's careful attention.
Standards and Judgments

There is general agreement that the goal of education is excellence - but how schools and
students should excel, and at what sacrifice, will always be debated. Whether goals are local or
national, the measurement of excellence requires explicit rather than implicit standards.

Today's educational programs are not subjected to "standard -oriented" evaluation. This is
not to say that schools lack in aspiration or accomplishment. It is to say that standards -
benchmarks of performance having widespread reference value - are not in common use. Schools
across the nation may use the same evaluation checklist 2 but the interpretations of the
checklisted data are couched in inexplicit, personal terms. Even in an informal way, no school
can evaluate the impact of its program without knowledge of what other schools are doing in
pursuit of similar objectives. Unfortunately, many educators are loathe to accumulate that
knowledge systematically (Hand, 1965, Tyler, 1965).

There is little knowledge anywhere today of the quality of a student's education. School
grades are based on the private criteria and standards of the individual teacher. Most
"standardized" test scores tell where an examinee performing "psychometrically useful" tasks
stands with regard to a reference group, rather than the level of competence at which he performs
essential scholastic tasks. Although most teachers are competent to teach their subject matter and
to spot learning difficulties, few have the ability to describe a student's command over his
intellectual environment. Neither school grades nor standardized test scores nor the candid
opinions of teachers are very informative as to the excellence of students.

Even when measurements are effectively interpreted, evaluation is complicated by a

multiplicity of standards. Standards vary from student to student, from instructor to instructor,
and from reference group to reference group. This is not wrong. In a healthy society, different
parties have different standards. Part of the responsibility of evaluation is to make known which
standards are held by whom.
It was implied much earlier that it is reasonable to expect change in an educator's Intents
over a period of time. This is to say that he will change both his criteria and his standards during
instruction. While a curriculum is being developed and disseminated, even the major classes of
criteria vary. In their analysis of nationwide assimilation of new educational programs, Clark and
Guba (1965) identified eight stages through which new programs go. For each stage they
identified special criteria (each with its own standards) on which the program should be

One contemporary checklist is Evaluative Criteria a document published by the National Study of Secondary
School Evaluation (1960). It is a commendably thorough list of antecedents and possible transactions, organized
mostly by subject-matter offerings. Surely it is valuable as a checklist, identifying neglected areas. Its great value
may be a catalyst, hastening the maturity of a developing curriculum. However, it can be of only limited value in
evaluating, for it guides neither the measurement nor the interpretation of measurement. By intent, it deals with
criteria (what variables to consider) and leaves the matter of standards (what ratings to consider as meritorious) to
the conjecture of the individual observer.
evaluated before it advances to another stage. Each of their criteria deserves elaboration, but here
it is merely noted that there are quite different criteria at each successive
curriculum-development stage.

Informal evaluation tends to leave criteria unspecified. Formal evaluation is more specific.
But it seems the more careful the evaluation, the fewer the criteria; and the more carefully the
criteria are specified, the less the concern given to standards of acceptability. It is a great
misfortune that the best trained evaluators have been looking at education with a microscope
rather than with a panoramic view finder.

There is no clear picture of what any school or any curriculum project is accomplishing
today partly because the methodology of processing judgments is inadequate. What little formal
evaluation there is is attentive to too few criteria, overly tolerant of implicit standards, and
ignores the advantage of relative comparisons. More needs to be said about relative and absolute

Comparing and judging

There are two bases of judging the characteristics of a program, (1) with respect to absolute
standards as reflected by personal judgments and (2) with respect to relative standards as
reflected by characteristics of alternate programs. One can evaluate SMSG mathematics with
respect to opinions of what a mathematics curriculum should be or with regard to what other
mathematics curricula are. The evaluator's comparisons and judgments are symbolized in Figure
3. The upper left matrix represents the data matrix from Figure 2. At the upper right are sets of
standards by which a program can be judged in an absolute sense. There are multiple sets
because there may be numerous reference groups or points of view. The several matrices at the
lower left represent several alternate programs to which the one being evaluated can be

Each set of absolute standards, if formalized, would indicate acceptable and meritorious
levels for antecedents, transactions, and outcomes. So far we have been talking about setting
standards, not about judging. Before making a judgment the evaluator determines whether or not
each standard is met. Unavailable standards must be estimated. The judging act itself is deciding
which set of standards to heed. More precisely, judging is assigning a weight, an importance, to
each set of standards. Rational judgment in educational evaluation is a decision as to how much
to pay attention to the standards of each reference group (point of view) in deciding whether or
not to take some administrative action.3

Deciding which variables to study and deciding which standards to employ are two essentially subjective
commitments in evaluation. Other acts are capable of objective treatment; only these two are beyond the reach of
social science methodology.
Relative comparison is accomplished in similar fashion except that the standards are taken
from descriptions of other programs. It is hardly a judgmental matter to determine whether one
program betters another with regard to a single characteristic, but there are many characteristics
and the characteristics are not equally important. The evaluator selects which characteristics to
attend to and which reference programs to compare to.

From relative judgment of a program, as well as from absolute judgment we can obtain an
overall or composite rating of merit (perhaps with certain qualifying statements), a rating to be
used in making an educational decision. From this final act of judgment a recommendation can
be composed.

As to which kind of evaluation - absolute or relative - to encourage, Scriven and Cronbach

have disagreed. Cronbach (1963) suggests that generalizations to the local-school situation from
curriculum -comparing studies are sufficiently hazardous (even when the studies are massive,
well-designed, and properly controlled) to make them poor research investments. Moreover, the
difference in purpose of the programs being compared is likely to be sufficiently great to render
uninterpretable any outcome other than across -the -board superiority of one of them. Expecting
that rarely, Cronbach urges fewer comparisons, more intensive process studies, and more
curriculum "case studies" with extensive measurement and thorough description.

Scriven, on the other hand, indicates that what the educator wants to know is whether or
not one program is better than another, and that the best way to answer his question is by direct
comparison. He points to the difficulty of describing the outcomes of complex learning in
explicit terms and with respect to absolute standards, and to the ease of observing relative
outcomes from two programs. Whether or not Scriven's prescription is satisfying will probably
depend on the client. An educator faced with an adoption decision is more likely to be satisfied,
the curriculum innovator and instructional technologist less likely.

One of the major distinctions in evaluation is that which Scriven identifies as formative
versus summative evaluation. His use of the terms relates primarily to the stage of development
of curricular material. If material is not yet ready for distribution to classroom teachers, then its
evaluation is formative; otherwise it is summative. It is probably more useful to distinguish
between evaluation oriented to developer -author -publisher criteria and standards and evaluation
oriented to consumer -administrator -teacher criteria and standards. The formative -summative
distinction could be so defined, and I will use the terms in that way. The faculty committee
facing an adoption choice asks, "which is best? Which will do the job best? " The course
developer, following Cronbach's advice (1963), asks, "How can we teach it better? " (Note that
neither are now concerned about the individual student differences). The evaluator looks at
different data and invokes different standards to answer these questions

The evaluator who assumes responsibility for summative evaluation - than formative
evaluation -accepts the responsibility of informing consumers as to the merit of the program. The
judgments of Figure 3 are his target. It is likely that he will attempt to describe the school
situations in which the procedures or materials may be used, He may see his task as one of
indicating the goodness-of -fit of an available curriculum to an existing school program. He must
learn whether or not the intended antecedents, transactions, and outcomes for the curriculum are
consistent with the resources, standards, and goals of the school. This may require as much
attention to the school as to the new curriculum.
The formative evaluator, on the other hand, is more interested in the contingencies
indicated in Figure 2. He will look for covariations within the evaluation study, and across
studies, as a basis for guiding the development of present or future programs.

For major evaluation activities it is obvious that an individual evaluator will not have the
many competencies required. A team of social scientists is needed for many assignments. It is
reasonable to suppose that such teams will include specialists in instructional technology,
specialists in psychometric testing and scaling, specialists in research design and analysis, and
specialists in dissemination of information. Curricular innovation is sure to have deep and
widespread effect on our society, and we may include the social anthropologist on some
evaluation teams. The economist and philosopher have something to offer. Experts will be
needed for the study of values, population surveys, and contentoriented data-reduction

The educator who has looked disconsolate when scheduled for evaluation will look aghast
at the prospect of a team of evaluators invading his school. How can these evaluators observe or
describe the natural state of education when their very presence influences that state? His
concern is justified. Measurement activity - just the presence of evaluators - does have a reactive
effect on education, sometimes beneficial and sometimes not - but in either case contributing to
the atypicality of the sessions. There are specialists, however, who anticipate that evaluation will
one day be so skilled that it properly will be considered 66 unobtrusive measurement" (Webb,

In conclusion I would remind the reader that one of the largest investments being made in
U.S. education today is in the development of new programs. School officials cannot yet buy or
borrow programs on a rational basis, and the needed evaluation is not under way. What is to be
gained from the enormous
effort of the innovators of the 1960's if in the 1970's there are no evaluation records? Both the
new innovator and the new teacher need to know. Folklore is not a sufficient repository. In our
data banks we should document the causes and effects, the congruence of intent and
accomplishment, and the panorama of judgments of those concerned. Such records should be
kept to promote educational action, not obstruct it. The countenance of evaluation should be one
of decision -making, not one of trouble-making.

Educators should be making their own evaluations more deliberate, more formal. Those
who will -whether in their classrooms or on national panels - hope to clarify their- responsibility
by answering each of the following questions: (1) Is this evaluation to be primarily descriptive,
primarily judgmental, or both descriptive and judgmental? (2) Is this evaluation to emphasize the
antecedent conditions, the transactions, or the outcomes alone, or a combination of these, or their
functional contingencies? (3) Is this evaluation to indicate the congruence between what is
intended and what occurs? (4) Is this evaluation to be undertaken within a single program or as a
comparison between two or more curricular programs? (5) Is this evaluation intended more to
further the development of curricula or to help choose among available curricula? With these
questions answered, the restrictive effects of incomplete guidelines and inappropriate
countenances are more easily avoided.

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Atkin, J. M. Some evaluation problems in a course content improvement project. Journal of

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Hastings, J. T. The why of the outcomes. Symposium paper on Measurement Problems in

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Mager, R. F. Preparing objectives for programmed instruction. San Francisco Fearson

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National Study of Secondary School Evaluation. Evaluative Criteria. Washington D. C., 1960.
Oliver, D. W. and Shaver, J. "Teaching students to analyze public controversy: a curriculum
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Sriven, M. The methodology of evaluation. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1965.


Smith, B. 0. and Meux, M. 0. A Study of the Logic of Teaching. Urbana: Bureau of Educational
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Smith, E. R. and Tyler, R. W. Appraising and recording student progress. New York: Harper &
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Taylor, P. A. and Maguire, T. 0. A theoretical evaluation model. University of Illinois,

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