Spending Behavior of The Teaching Personnel in An Asian University PDF
Spending Behavior of The Teaching Personnel in An Asian University PDF
Spending Behavior of The Teaching Personnel in An Asian University PDF
1, February 2016
Abstract - Money, through the years, has been a commodity for everyone. As it is termed in
international trade parlance, it is considered to be “sine qua non” or without which, nothing could be
done. This study aimed to determine the current status of the spending practices of the teaching personnel
in Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas; specifically, their profile, spending behavior and
their encountered problems related to the forgoing matter. This study is descriptive in nature. It was
participated by 161 teaching personnel of LPU-Batangas computed and selected through the G* power
series with an effective size of 40 percent and power size of 95 percent. It made use of an adopted and
modified questionnaire as its primary data gathering instrument which has three parts. The needed data
were encoded, tallied and interpreted using different statistical tools such as frequency distribution,
ranking, weighted mean and F-Test; and were further analyzed and interpreted through PASW version 19
using 0.05 alpha levels. From the results, it was concluded that the respondents had an often type of
spending on the Basic Necessity. Moreover, overspending is the problem that was most encountered by
the respondents. Various recommendations were posted by the researchers including a proposed plan of
action that could help improve the spending behavior of the faculty members of LPU Batangas.
INTRODUCTION habit means little on its own, and how we spend our
The concept of spending plays an important role money especially when you have a job and making
in economic analysis since it facilitates the stability of money for the future, have enormous impact on our
economic growth. Keynes [1] says that the health and have obligation to your family.
relationship between expected income and Lyceum of the Philippines University- Batangas,
consumption is one that has been explored by many being the leading educational institution in the region
economists. The individual can keep consumption and [2], [3] has always been the home of competitive
saving at their current levels, increase consumption instructors towards providing excellence to its
and decrease saving in the present, or slowly increase students. Also, the faculty members of the school
consumption and decrease saving. Often people make its way to establish its component in the
choose one of the latter options, spending money out economic activities specifically, in the element of
of their future income before they have received this expenditure.
income. Due to inflation and alarming increase the cost of
Furthermore, it may be considered as the amount living nowadays, most of LPU-Batangas’ faculty
of money that is spent on something. Some people members allocate their income or earnings in the basic
tend to grab whichever card or money on their wallet needs of themselves and of their respective families. It
and spend it. We practically make choices each day is their utmost priority to make sure that their basic
that may feel like well-considered decision making necessities are supplied first before anything else.
but they’re not. They are habits or practices, each
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
Once these necessities are gained, then that is the time clothes and accessories. Some youths would borrow
that other/miscellaneous expenses come in the picture. from friends or take up part-time work, in order to
The researchers, being a consumer as well, earn enough money to spend [6].
believed that conducting this study is significant and Goods that are part of our everyday lives are
vital especially for the researchers to discover and be considered as basic needs. Those goods are essentials
ready their respective careers. They also believed that to man's living, thus no man can live without basic
there different factors to the contrast behavior of necessities. As stated, food, shelter and clothing are
saving and spending. The study aims to examine the the main three goods that a man need to survive. But
spending practices, and as well as the problems as economy grows and man's lifestyle change,
encountered in the said area. Also, the findings of the education and healthcare now become part of those
study could provide relevant information and insight basic needs.
for the other faculty members, and other employees Villegas [7] said that there are two general types
belonging to a different passage. of wants. The first type is the basic wants which stay
with someone from birth to death. These wants are
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY unending and make-up the barest necessities which we
This study aimed to determine the current status need to survive. Let's consider food, shelter, and
of the spending practices of the teaching personnel in clothing.
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas. A man has a need for food as long as he lives.
Specifically, to identify the demographic profile of the Considering the skyrocketing prices of goods in the
respondents in terms of: sex; age; civil status; number market, she may be able to prepare three meals which
of years employed in the university; number of merely consist of rice, dried fish and instant noodles.
dependents; educational attainment; and monthly This may not appear to be a very presumptuous dish,
income; to assess the spending behavior in terms of but it serves to stave off hunger somehow. This
their basic necessity, leisure activities and satisfaction [8], [9], however, does not stop there.
miscellaneous behavior, to test the significant Another three meals must be prepared the following
difference on the responses when grouped according day. The process goes on from day to day, year in and
to profile variables; to identify the problems year out. The same thing is true for every family, be it
encountered by the respondents and to propose plan of rich or poor.
action to improve the spending behavior of the faculty Clothing is another one of four basic and
members of LPU Batangas. unending wants. Moral norms and climate do not
allow us to run around naked. Thus, we continually
LITERATURE REVIEW acquire new clothes every time the old ones wear out
Spending is an activity made by every consumer. or go out of fashion. We likewise have to be
It is part of the economic cycle, thus making it as part concerned about our appearance. We need haircut
of our every day routine. People may acquire basic regularly, depending on how long we want our hair to
goods, even in leisure activities, and miscellaneous grow.
expenses requires the use of money, which makes us People also need a roof over their heads in
spend, that is when it became a habit. addition to the food they eat and the clothes to wear.
Keynes [1] considered consumer spending to be While people do not change houses as often as they do
the most important determinant of short-term demand their clothes, there is a need to continually maintain
in an economy. Pillai et al. [4] stated that attitude of and repair our dwellings and their premises. Over and
young adults toward spending plays a vital role in above this need, there is a continuing desire to own
sustainability perspectives of their finance and is a better and more beautiful homes. Together with the
significant variable in financial prudence. Besides, basic wants comes the need for complementary and
adults with high financial literacy enable them to related item.
decreases their chances of bankruptcy, receiving People can go on and on with a long list of
government assistance and making poor consumer various wants and desires necessary for daily
decision [5]. existence. But the little they have discussed so far
A survey on the spending habits of young people should give an idea of the abundance and continuity of
found that they spend it mostly on entertainment, the basic human wants. If the basic wants alone are
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
abundant and unending, it can easily see that the term surprising sum if you add it all up at the end of the
"unlimited human wants and desires" is no year. Vacations and holiday trips should always be
understatement. Indeed, the problem of scarcity is thought through carefully and planned out with a good
very complex. budget that can still cover you and your family (if you
Handel [10] defined leisure as any time not have one) if you spend a little over what was planned.
occupied by paid or unpaid work, including personal Smart people would save up months before the big
chores and obligations. Leisure travel is one of the trip and would even map out the places they would
most commonly listed interests of people, and it even go to in order to find cheaper routes and cheaper
comes in all forms. restaurants and hotels to stay in.
Further complicating matters in the fact that the Fishman [12] emphasizes that tax preparation fees
uncomfortable tradeoff between time and money is includes costs for hiring a tax pro or buying tax
not going away anytime soon. If the leisure economy preparation software or tax publications. It also
means fewer people are working and earning income, includes any fee you pay for electronic filing of your
it also means that there less money to spend. That return. If you have a tax pro prepare both your
means all facet of consumer spending will shift in the personal and business taxes, ask for a separate bill for
leisure economy. All in all it means a tricky time your business return. Reason: This amount will be
ahead whether you are consumer, a business or fully deductible as a business expense whether or not
investor. Wealthy boomers will still be around in you itemize your deductions.
decent numbers and they are not going to let consumer It means that in order to reduce the weight of
spending collapse even in retirement. And there will miscellaneous expenses, one should pay, a good
be keeping the economy afloat. A world with more business man would always keep in mind to itemize
people choosing leisure is one where the economic and separate what can be deductible as a personal tax
growth is somewhat lower than it would be if from what is not. By learning to itemize one might be
everyone chose work. The smaller the number of surprised as to how small the amount of personal fees
people working, creating value and getting paid, the they should have paid than the amount if they had
lower will be consumer spending overall and the paid the tax bills as a whole.
lower the rate of ever all expansion. Many people will
have time rather than money and they will structure M ETHODS
their spending in a way that take the best advantage at Research Design
the fact. That might mean spending time learning a The study utilized descriptive method. Descriptive
new craft and their spending some money on supplies method attempts to describe and explain conditions of
for it or Itmay mean spending time alone or volunteer the present by using many subjects and questionnaires
activities that do not cost anything but provide much to fully describe a phenomenon. It is a study designed
in a way of satisfaction. That's why the assumption to depict the participants in an accurate way. More
that all leisure activities will grow with the leisure simply put, descriptive research is all about describing
economy. The Miscellaneous category of the budget is people who take part in the study [13].
everything not included in regular categories housing,
automobile, clothing, food, or insurance. Participants
Based from Chavaia [11], travel either planned or Table 1. Distribution of Respondents
unplanned, occurs all the time — whether it's to attend Population Sample
a friend's destination wedding, tackle your bucket list, CRIM 9 5
CBA 25 15
network for business, or a vacation. Though it's CCS 14 8
inevitable, it's one of the most mismanaged expenses CAMP 27 16
in a typical budget. It's easy to forget the factor in DENT 18 11
additional costs like visas, tips, ground transportation, NURSING 7 4
food and beverage, duty free buys, in-flight amenities, CEAS 82 50
resort fees, and long-distance calling. CITHM 25 15
It is true whether you're single or married; LIMA 24 15
transportation expenses are no laughing matter. Even COE 10 6
a simple trip to your workplace could amount to a HS 27 16
Total 268 161
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
The participants of the study were 161 teaching – 3.49 = Often; 1.50 – 2.49 = Seldom; 1.00 – 1.49 =
personnel from different colleges. This was computed Never
using the G* power series with an effective size of 40
percent and power size of 95 percent, are categorized RES ULTS AND DIS CUS SION
as follows:
Table 2. Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’
Instrument Profile
The study used an adopted and modified Profile Variables f %
questionnaire from "Expected Income and Sex
Consumption Habits of Undergraduate Students" by Male 75 46.60
Edge, [14] and ―A Practical Solution to Your Money Female 86 53.40
Problems‖ by Becker [15] as its major data gathering Age
instrument. The questionnaire has 3 parts: the first part 21 – 30 years old 43 26.70
is the profile of the business while the second part is 31 – 40 years old 58 36.00
about the spending habits which were broken down 41 – 50 years old 42 26.10
51 years old and above 18 11.20
into parts namely: Basic Necessity, Leisure Activities
Civil Status
and Miscellaneous while the third part is about the
Single 61 37.90
Problems Encountered of the respondents, Married 98 60.90
respectively. A Likert scale of 1 to 4 is used where 1 Widow / Widower 2 1.20
is the lowest and 4 is the highest. Number of Years Employed
less than 10 years 83 51.60
Procedure 10 – 20 years 61 37.90
After the proposal and approval of the research More than 20 years 17 10.60
topic entitled ―Financial Management Practices of the Number of Dependents
Teaching Personnel of LPU-Batangas," the 1–2 105 65.20
researchers proceeded in the gathering of sufficient 3–4 32 19.90
data and information from related researches, books, 5–6 1 0.60
None 23 14.30
articles from the library and other educational
institutions. The internet was also used by the Educational Attainment
researchers in the data gathered. Formulation of College Degree 56 34.80
questionnaire is the next activity done by the Masters Degree 72 44.70
researchers. Before the distribution of questionnaire, Doctoral Degree 32 19.90
With Masteral Units 1 0.60
the latter was submitted to the research mentor for
Monthly Income
validation and approval.
P10 000- P20 000 48 29.80
Subsequently, the distribution of survey P20 001- P30 000 51 31.70
questionnaires was initiated by the researchers and P 30 001- P40 000 43 26.70
followed by the retrieval of answered questionnaire. P40 001 and above 19 11.80
Upon possession of the questionnaire, the researchers
tallied the data for further interpretation. In terms of gender, majority of the respondents
were female with a 53.40 percent outsourcing the
Data Analysis 46.60 percentage that the male emerged on. The
The needed data were encoded, tallied and female teaching personnel of the institution are greater
interpreted using different statistical tools such as compared to the male because of their appraising
frequency distribution, ranking, weighted mean and F- number that are practiced and proficient regarding
Test. The above mentioned tools were used based on with their subject loads.
the objectives of the study. All data were treated using An article from the New York Times [6] stated
statistical software, PASW version 19 using 0.05 that a change in the gender imbalance could sway the
alpha levels. Given scale was used to interpret the way teaching is regarded. Jobs dominated by women
result of the data gathered: 3.50 – 4.00 = Always; 2.50 pay less on average than those with higher proportions
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
of men, and studies have shown that these careers tend research. This implies that the qualification of being a
to enjoy less prestige as well. professor in the institution is that one must earn his or
The table also presents that the highest age her Master’s Degree.
bracket from the respondents are those belonging to However, in terms of the Monthly Income of the
the age of 31 to 40 obtaining a 36 percent in contrast respondents, 31.70 percent were those who are on the
of the 11.20 percent settled by the oldest bracket of bracket of P20 001 to P30 000. This merely implies
the respondents, 51 and above. the direct effect on the salary given to the faculty
The bracket of 31 to 40 emerged as the largest members depends on their qualification. Buceta et al.,
contributors for the reason that the typical age of a [17] also said that the faculty’s salary varies since they
person who is on the profession of teaching is on such. also have faculty load and depends on their
Buceta et al. [17] noted that the persons who were 30 educational qualification.
years old and above are more experienced that they
are able to take their teaching at college for lengthy Table 3. Spending Habits with Regards to Basic
time. Necessity
In relation to the result of the previous variable, Indicators WM VI Rank
there is more Married respondents acquired a 60.90 1. Food 3.84 Always 1
percentage versus the two respondents or 1.20 percent 2. Clothing 2.79 Often 3
of the total respondents were widowed. It can be 3. Education 3.25 Often 2
observed that most of the teaching personnel who 4. Housing 2.72 Often 4
were in the largest contributor of the research were Composite Mean 3.15 Often
married. Such age bracket also is the ideal time to be
married. Biddle [18] said that there are more married Table 3 shows the spending habits of the
teachers than single ones because they typically settle respondents on basic necessity. It was found out that
in the profession. in general, they often spent their money on the above
On the other hand, the highest in the number of items as revealed by the composite mean of 3.15.
years employed are those who served the institution Among the basic necessity mentioned, they always
less than 10 years obtaining a 51.60 percent opposing spent their money on food since it obtained the highest
the least contributors who were those had their length mean score of 3.84 and rank first.
of service for more than 20 years with a 10.60 percent. From our everyday living, we are always in need
This interprets that the faculty members are very of food which constitutes as the very basic and most
much dedicated for they teaching that they can afford important factor that an individual should allocate his
to reach such length of service. money. There is almost five or more than five times
Buceta et al. [17] further said that the length of that we need to suffice the need of ours to food which
service can be visually compared on the respondent’s most probably is the main reason why the respondents
age because there are more teachers who would settle had such answer.
on the academe than to practice their career in the Alan [19] cited Maslow’s discussion of the
other prospects. Hierarchy of Needs stating that people are motivated
In addition to such, those who had 1 to 2 to achieve certain needs. The highest/ the most
dependents were the highest turn out to the important factor in the basic necessity is food. Others
respondents who opposes the 0.60 percent of turn out were verbally assessed as often only were education
from those who had 5 to 6 dependents. Clearly, we and clothing topped on the list; however, housing got
may draw that the teachers managed to have a good the lowest mean value of 2.72. This implies that the
family planning and diverse number of dependents in professors don’t spend much money on such factor
ratio to their age. because they have their own homes or may incur rent
Biddle [18] further discusses that the teachers had as an often type of spending.
a distinctive insight on how would they handle their Table 4 discusses those spending habits which
family or number of respondents. It was also traced were allocated on the Leisure activities. It was found
that they would manage to depend it on their income. out that in general, they seldom spent their money on
Moreover, those who had their Master’s Degree, the above factors as revealed by the composite mean
44.70 percent were the highest contributors of this of 2.29.
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
Table 4. Spending Habits with Regards to Leisure interpretation as seldom being the first, followed by
Activities misallocation of money with a weighted mean value
Indicators WM VI Rank of 2.27 and interpreted as seldom as well; and lastly a
1. Travel 2.48 Seldom 1 weighted mean of 1.99 and seldom consideration, at
2. Movies 2.19 Seldom 3 third rank is inflation.
3. Picnic/Outing 2.20 Seldom 2
Composite Mean 2.29 Seldom Table 6. Problems Encountered on Spending Practices
Indicators WM VI Rank
Roberts [20] stated that there has also been an 1. Misallocation of money 2.27 Seldom 2
increase in the proportion of the household income 2. Overspending 2.41 Seldom 1
that is disposable and can be spent on leisure activities 3. Usually use credit cards to
1.71 Seldom 7
as well as other consumer purchases. He also said that pay my expenses
there are some activities in school that exposes 4. Inflation 1.99 Seldom 3
teachers in travel like field trips, seminars, symposium 5. In deep debt 1.46 Never 8
and the likes. 6. Discontent with the amount
1.78 Seldom 6
of money I was spending
Travel turned out to be the greatest factor on
7. Do not make enough
which the respondents would allocate their income. money
1.96 Seldom 4
This may imply that the professors would greatly 8. Trapped in my job and
appreciate traveling that any other leisure activities. 1.78 Seldom 5
feared retirement
9. Marriage is falling apart
1.21 Never 10
Table 5. Spending Habits with Regards to due to financial stress
Miscellaneous 10. Too much dependents 1.29 Never 9
Indicators WM VI Rank Composite Mean 1.78 Seldom
1. Transportation 3.42 Often 1
2. Utilities 3.23 Often 2 Any other problems encountered such as not
3. Gadgets 2.33 Seldom 4 being able to make enough money, trapped in job and
4. Taxes 3.13 Often 3 feared retirement, discontented with the amount of
5. Loan 2.13 Seldom 6 money spent and the use of credit cards as mode of
6. Jewelry 1.71 Seldom 7 payment are all interpreted as seldom, while being in
7. Charity 2.32 Seldom 5
deep debt and having too much dependents are
8. Alcohol 1.36 Never 8
interpreted as never together with the least indicator
9. Gambling / Vices 1.20 Never 9
Composite Mean 2.30 Seldom
which is marriage is falling apart due to financial
stress with a weighted mean of 1.21.
Table 5 tackles those spending habits which were The data shows that the problems encountered by
allotted on the miscellaneous factors. It was found out the respondents are usually those which are also
that in general, they seldom spent their money on the experienced by every consumer. The respondents
above factors as revealed by the composite mean of encounter the most problem in overspending.
2.30. Transportation turned out to be the greatest According to Curtis [21], overspending is often a
factor on which the respondents would allocate their learned behavior that can result from emotional issues,
income. This also implies that the faculty members are family upbringing, or even lifestyle inflation. It is not
greatly to incur such expense because they typically always easy to recognize your own negative patterns,
need to travel either to commute or drive themselves so take time to check your behavior and determine
in going to their work. whether you're overspending each month.
Table 6 shows the problems encountered. The With direct relationship, misallocation of money
overall assessment of the problems encountered with and inflation are two more common problems
financial management of teaching personnel of LPU- encountered by the respondents. According to Bill
B was interpreted with a composite mean of 1.78. [22], the most general argument that inflation leads to
All items were ranked and the top 3 problems a misallocation of resources from a social point of
encountered by the respondents are overspending with view is usually to be found in a more classical
a weighted mean of 2.41 and has a verbal
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
situation where prices are rising freely as a direct mean bigger expenditures than they were single
result of an over expansion in the money supply. individuals because of their dependents and their
Misallocation of resources from a social point of wants and needs. Family trips and holidays to the
view arises during creeping inflation primarily as a beach or the province may cost them a quarter or even
result of a relative decline in the real incomes of those half of their incomes if they're not too careful about
who provide important services to the community but their expenses. Education most likely would take up a
who are not under the rules of the game able to large amount of a family unit's savings especially
compete successfully in the income scramble. when one of their children enters college.
Miscellaneous items expenses by schools and
Table 7. Difference of Responses on Spending Habits universities would take up a disproportionate amount
(Basic Necessity) When Grouped According to Profile of their children's total tuition fee.
Variable Klinenberg [23] noted that singles, as a whole,
Profile Variables F- p- Interpretation spend a disproportionate amount of money on eating
value value out, entertainment and costs such as clothing and gym
Sex 0.293 0.770 Not Significant memberships—basically, the things you value most
Age 1.034 0.379 Not Significant when you’re single. But experts speak of a shift in
Civil Status 4.536 0.012 Significant mindset, where those who were once spenders flip a
Number of Years proverbial switch at the altar, suddenly socking away
1.951 0.146 Not Significant
Employed savings for major expenditures such as houses or
Number of
2.786 0.043 Significant children. Suddenly, you’re working toward something
Educational bigger than yourself, and taking on responsibility
1.112 0.346 Not Significant accordingly.
Monthly Income 1.657 0.178 Not Significant The important thing is to remember to do what’s
Legend: Significant at p – value < 0.05 right for your finances no matter what your
relationship outlook.
As shown from Table 7, only civil status and
number of dependents shows significant difference Table 8. Difference of Responses on Spending Habits
since the obtained p-values of 0.012 and 0.043 were (Leisure Activities) When Grouped According to
less than 0.05 alpha level, thus the null hypothesis of Profile Variable
no significant difference on the spending habits with Profile Variables F- p- Interpretation
regards to basic necessity when grouped to civil status value value
and number of dependents rejected. This only implies Sex 2.033 0.044 Significant
that the spending habits of single is different with Age 2.608 0.054 Not Significant
those who are married as well as to those who have Civil Status 2.605 0.077 Not Significant
Number of Years
more dependents and few dependents because single 1.950 0.146 Not Significant
has greater spending habits than married couple for Number of
the reason that they can control it and they only live 1.272 0.286 Not Significant
for their own which is contrary to those married Educational
couple who budget their money in order to save more 1.825 0.145 Not Significant
or allocate more on expenses related either to their Monthly Income 3.078 0.029 Significant
bills or their children (dependents). Legend: Significant at p – value < 0.05
It is because they need to provide the needs of
their dependents such as food, shelter, education and Table 8 shows the difference of responses on
the like. Parents also budget their spending out of fear spending habits on leisure activities when grouped
that something unfortunate may happen to one person according to profile variable. Having a p-value of
in their unit - an accident for example, or an 0.029 for monthly income and 0.044 for sex or gender
unexpected trip to the hospital because of illness, so are interpreted as significant factor for teaching
they sock away a portion of their incomes into what personnel’s spending habits in accordance with leisure
you could call emergency funds. Some parents may activities. While age, civil status, number of years
also portion their incomes because holidays would employed, number of dependents, and educational
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
attainment, having a p value greater than 0.05 is Table 9 reflects that miscellaneous shows
interpreted as not significant. significant difference when grouped according to civil
Monthly income plays a significant role on how it status (0.001) and educational attainment (0.044).
affects the spending habits in leisure activity for it can Therefore, the null hypothesis of no significant
determine an individual's purchasing power. It can relationship on the responses of the teaching personnel
obviously affect of what he can afford, perspective on of the different colleges of LPU-B is partially rejected.
money, and the level of importance of a price on how This means that there are significant differences
he decides in every purchase [24]. existing between the variables mentioned and implies
Money is a good motivator. All employees work that the respondents' spending habits varies as to their
for money and employees need money. Good salary or civil status and educational attainment. The spending
compensation is a key factor in satisfying the habits on miscellaneous do not differ in sex, age,
employee. Thus, it concludes that income is a number of years employed, number of dependents,
significant factor in how employees spend. and to their monthly income. Foster [26] noted that an
Chua et al., [25] noted that a relationship between individual’s level of education and associated earnings
gender and income was also found. Men value their profoundly influence spending patterns.
possession for ―functional instrument reasons‖. It was The major reason for this change is that the
also found that men purchase items for personal highest level of education attained by any household
identity reasons. Women on the other hand, make member more accurately reflects income and spending
purchase for social identity reasons. patterns than does the education level of the reference
Furthermore, there are some not significant person only.
factors that relate with the spending habits of the
employees such as: age, civil status, number of years Proposed Activities that can Improve the spending
employed, number of dependents, and educational behavior of the Teaching Personnel in LPU-
attainment. Batangas
Age does not play a significant role when it comes In order to address over spending, faculty
to leisure activities. Leisure activities are limitless members may not use their debit/ credit cards as their
regardless of what age you are in because everybody payment for an easy reflection upon the spending. The
can do leisure, while civil status does not hinder an respondents may choose an alternative or a substitute
individual, whether single or married, can enjoy such of their usual spending habits.
activities. Length of employment does not also affect When it comes to misallocation of money, the
employees’ capacity to enjoy leisure activities; instructors may review their spending habits for the
making number of year employed a not significant last quarter to be aware of the necessary adjustments
factor of their spending habits. An employee having a they might do. The professors may keep their receipts
different set of wants compared to his or her as a guide for their past spending habits if they think
dependents may somehow needs time for themselves. and the faculty members may have an appropriate
budget planner that would lead more savings than
Table 9. Difference of Responses on Spending Habits their spending habits.
(Miscellaneous) When Grouped According to Profile When talk about Inflation, the government may
Variable reduce the money supply within an economy by
Profile Variables F - value p - value decreasing bond prices and increasing interest rates.
Sex 0.563 0.574 The teachers may invest on noncurrent assets wherein
Age 2.247 0.085 it would settle its value. The professors may not
Civil Status 6.811 0.001* borrow money from lending companies for it would
Number of Years Employed 0.808 0.448 incur more interest.
Number of Dependents 1.057 0.369
Educational Attainment 2.770 0.044* CONCLUS ION AND RECOMMENDATION
Monthly Income 1.323 0.269 Majority of the respondents were female, 31- 40
Legend: *Significant at p – value < 0.05 years old, Married, with a length of service of less
than 10 years, have 1-2 dependents, Master’s Degree
holder, and has a monthly income of Php 20 001 – 30
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016
Perculeza et al., Spending Behavior of the Teaching Personnel in an Asian University
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P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2016